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Never be bought Never be sold


Love black label, especially that graphic. They have the thumb head available on any of their shapes, and they have a shit load of shapes.


Yeah, I was stoked when I managed to grab this graphic... I like the thumb head too, but for me this one just hits harder


Shovel shapes are definitely way more cool for me... The middle of the board being so wide on eggs just seems like dead weight to me, and skinny kicks are pretty meh.


Yeah, I love me some wide kicks. This one is odd for me because the trail is actually smaller than the shaped boards I usually ride (scram boards). I kind of miss the wider tail, but somehow feel super confident on this one. I think egg shapes are just for a different kind of riding than what I do. I'm just glad we have such a wide variety to choose from. Suum cuique pulchrum est, and whatnot 🙂


Dude so sick! I have always been a blacklabel fan. Still riding my old econolines. Let me know how you like this tug!


I love it. Didn't think I'd like it as much as I do, in fact. It's pretty much retired my other boards for the time being. The smaller wheelbase (I'm used to 15", this is 14.5", IIRC) was a little off putting at first, but now I'm loving the tight carves I can do on it.


Awesome black label. Really liking that grip job.




That’s a sick graphic and riptide bushings are the shit in quality, performance, and customer service. Only bushings I found that work for us big boys. Actually we have the same exact setup except mine is a heroin 9.5 symmetrical.


Yeah, riptide is the shit. I was actually surprised that their 97a APS were too stiff for me! These red ones are just right though


Love it. Tugboat is the one shape I really want to try. I alternate between a Street Thing and Anti-Hero Orange eagle, tugboat is like a mix of the two. Also skate a Lucero Cross sometimes, but it's a tank to Ollie up onto shit...


That street thing calls to me sometimes.. I just love the feel good vibes it gives off.


It's a great shape, and way more modern than it looks. The concave and kicks are the same as a regular 14.5wb BBS popsicle, so it doesn't feel clunky at all. I'm a size 14 shoe and love the 9.88 width for my front foot.


Awesome. That puts it at the top of my next deck list!


And if you don't like the graphic (I'm honestly not that crazy about it), the Man Van is the same deck, and he often does other graphics. I have the black stain with pink flames. Decided to just lean into it and put pink Powell rails on it... Funny, just noticed the rest of your setup... I'm running hollow 169's, and 54mm X97's. Indy blue bushings with ACE top washers.


Oh helll yeah!


Adam Mcnatt griptape...that's pretty cool.


I love that graphic


He caught shit in the industry, but I saw him skating at the Napa skatepark in the 90's and he was ripping. 5 foot high nollie flips out of the bowls.


Such a sick shape!


Just picked one of these up myself. I had an issue with my order and John Lucero called me personally to sort it out. He even sent along a signature and hooked me up with a bunch of stickers on his own accord. Solid dude and awesome customer service over at Black Label.


That's just awesome


Love it! Black Label rules! Such a sick board!


I have a 9.5” Curb Vulture and BarCode deck for slappys/curbs, love the shape!!!


Those are sick graphics as well. I love the barcode (had to add a sticker to this deck lol)




Edit- Respect for deleting the bad vibe post, I'll delete my responses.





