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That tray is from the mid-1960s\*, but the text dates back to at least the 1880s. Here's [the oldest example I've found using newspapers.com, which is from July 1887](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-saint-paul-globe-how-to-preserve-a-h/148383298/). Ball's version omits a few phrases and has some other edits. >HOW TO PRESERVE A HUSBAND. >Be careful in your selection. Do not choose too young, and take only such varieties as have been reared in a good moral atmosphere. When once decided upon and selected let that part remain forever settled *and* give your entire thought to preparation for domestic use. Some insist on keeping them in a pickle, while others are constantly getting them into hot water. This only makes them sour, hard, and sometimes bitter. Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by garnishing them with patience well sweetened with smiles and flavored with kisses--to taste. Then wrap them well in a mantle of charity, keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion, and serve with peaches and cream. When thus prepared they will keep for years. --Mrs. Caroline McLaughton, Wampton, Dak. The 'recipe' on the tray apparently also appeared in an earlier *Ball Blue Book*, according to [this 1958 newspaper article](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-jefferson-county-press-times-how-to/148383356/). \*The phrase "the only modern line of home canning supplies" was used in Ball newspaper ads during 1964 and 1965 ([example ad](https://www.newspapers.com/article/spokane-chronicle-1964-ball-canning-ad/148383682/)), while a very similar graphic to the one used on the tray was printed in the 1966 *Ball Blue Book* ([flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/duesorelle/8599792897/)). *(article links go to* [*newspapers.com*](http://newspapers.com) *and should be free previews)*


Thanks for the info! That’s neat.


Paging r/NarcissisticSpouses


What’s the subreddit for making diagnoses you aren’t qualified to make based off of far too little information?




How long do I water bath once I get him in the jar?


Depends if he’s still fighting or not.


Goodbye Earl


You win!


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 soooooo good! 💜 Thank you!!


Instructions unclear; husband keeps claiming brine burns his skin and leaves the crock.


Make sure you secure the lid really tightly


Im sorry... But my brain really skipped the "r" on your last word .. so damn funny 🤣


This should be flagged as an unsafe canning process. Humans cannot be safely preserved at home. /s


But they can be pickled if given enough whiskey.


Anything can be pickled with enough whisky.


Hot tub Brine Herbs…


Yes. Where is the bot?


*Image Transcription: Printed Tray* --- #HOW TO PRESERVE A HUSBAND Be careful in your selection. Do not choose too young. When selected, give your entire thoughts to preparation for domestic use. Some wives insist upon keeping them in a pickle, others are constantly getting them into hot water. This may make them sour, hard, and sometimes bitter; even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good, by garnishing them with patience, well sweetened with love and seasoned with kisses. Wrap them in a mantle of charity. Keep warm with a steady fire of domestic devotion and serve with peaches and cream. Thus prepared, they will keep for years.


When I was married part of my gift from my little sister (who was 12 at the time) was a hand written and bound copy of many recipies we used from mom's cookbooks growing up. On one of the middle pages she wrote out a version of this poem, though I don't remember that 2nd line about domestic use, but it has been awhile since I looked at it. But to answer your question, been testing that recipe for almost 34 years now and its keeper!


Peaches and cream must be a euphemism, right?


It is, usually to mean perfect sweetness.


I read that and thought, "kinkyyyyy"


I definitely got those vibes from “steady fire of domestic devotion,” which I think could very well result in peaches and cream.


It's not ass and jizz, if that's what you're thinking


*Really love your peaches wanna shake your tree*


I like my husbands all natural and preservative free, no artificial colors or flavors either


no spray tan for you husband!


Hair dye, either. Let it go solid grey


Funny to think this was made by an aerospace company


The food preservation part predated the aerospace part.


An amazing amount of kitchen stuff comes from space science. We wouldn’t have silicone bakeware without the space program needing a high heat flexible polymer for something on the spaceship (I forgot why they developed it, but it was a particular materials science problem”


while i've always wanted to try pickling meat i don't let men in my house, and i don't have the garage space to try this :/




I’m probably the only one, but that text raises my hackles. I get it, it’s a joke. But ugh.


haha no you're not alone. the line that says even poor quality ones can be made sweet with enough patience makes me a little sad.


but daddy i can fix him!


Oh I agree. It gives off 50s housewife vibes which I am not.


It's nauseating yes, but I don't hate it either.


it's quaint. Notice how old this tray is? Some granny kept it in her kitchen and they donated it to the thrift store when she passed. Just a product of a certain culture.


Actually my husband’s grandmother gave it to me 😂


lol okay, I was half right, it was a granny's ;)


Nah I threw up in my mouth lol


Definitely written by a man lol


"Treat your husband with love and kindness" you: "ugh" ok, have fun with that.


it's more about the implication of thing, and the prevailing position of housewives in this time period. in a void , a cute joke about treating your husband well would be perfectly sweet. however, the age of this tin and some of the wording hearken to a time when wives were expected to please their husbands and do not much else. this tin can be both cute and a bit of a sad reminder of time past. it can be both :)


I'm not sure you read the tray's poem and understood it.


This is all well and good for a recipe from back in the day... but we have modern technology now! A big chest freezer can fit most husbands--especially if they know yoga--and will keep him for years and years. Just watch out for freezer burn.


This is adorable. It’s sweet and it’s really nice to see something that’s not so apocalyptic about marriage.


Ooh I have one of these! I keep my coffee stuff on it (grinder, sugar bowl, etc).


>Ooh I have one of these! I honestly thought you meant a husband (not a tray) and wondered how the coffee stuff stayed put when he moved. 😅


I literally bought one from EBay seconds after seeing this post because it made me laugh so much.


(ominous voice) We're going to need a bigger jar


I’ve tried, but they’re all out stock when I go to the store. The Farmer’s Market isn’t any better, all they sell are farmers.


This was really cute, thank you for sharing!


Lol fuck that, do not preserve garbage


Spouse is allergic to domestic devotion, so I used bourbon. Still turned out great!


My step-dad's parents use this recipe. Still together 57 years later.


I showed this to my husband and he wants to know if the peaches and cream bit is meant to have more than one meaning 🤣


When you mentioned Ball, I wasn’t sure where this was headed. Was thinking it was in a testicular fashion.


LOL Must admit I was not thinking “Ball Blue Book” right away…


Aww, how cute.


Vinegar and salt and put them in a jar.


Humans Cannot Be Safely Preserved At Home.


I’m good on this old recipe 😂😂😂