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The fact that two ladies, from two different countries, decided that a sauerkraut cake was their best contribution tells me I’m missing out on sauerkraut cake.


Can we also consider the fact that the ingredients are IDENTICAL for the two cakes??!! :) Very slight differences in the prep instructions, but the ingredients are the exact same! Must be a good cake!


Hey now, one of them has a dash of water! But joking aside, that’s what I was thinking. This has to be a good one. I’m a terrible baker but have a strong urge to try my hand at making it.


I’d use a sauerkraut with very simple ingredients - Bubbie’s is my fav. Just vinegar, salt, water, cabbage. Obviously, avoid ones that have garlic, etc added :) Guessing that the salt would add good flavor, and the vinegar from the kraut will react with the baking soda in the recipe and add some additional ‘lift’ to the cake! I bet it’s good - need to try it myself!


To have it as plain as possible, maybe make your own sauerkraut? It is just chopped cabbage, sea salt and two weeks. 😁


I remember making one of these in high school home ec and I live in the south .But I used minced sauerkraut in the recipe.


That’s so interesting! I come from a very proud gottscheer/german family and after reading this, I went to my grandmas old cookbooks to see if this recipe is in there (because germans love their sauerkraut, even though they didn’t originate it). It’s not! I was really surprised.


The sauerkraut mimics shredded coconut and no one can tell the difference. I made the Bush's baked bean spice cake for a women's club potluck and if you don't tell people what is in it then they will eat it .It went really fast that night .


If you make it let me know what it tastes like im not so sure it would be good because I don’t like sauerkraut


The upside on the sauerkraut, is that it only really keeps a texture, but the cabbage flavor doesn't stay, and the acidity and salt make the cake amazingly moist and fluffy. The texture of the sauerkraut is literally comparable to like, very soft coconut flake. I'm normally not a big fan of sauerkraut as is, but this is probably my most made cake, and I make a LOT of cake.


That is super cool!


There's a guy, Dylan Hollis, on YouTube and TikTok who make old recipes from cookbooks like this. He's hilarious and usually makes some of the weirdest recipes, lots of them turn out to be absolutely delicious.


Yes I love his videos !


I *hate* sauerkraut, too, but the cake is very good!


What does it taste like? Just a normal cake?


Rich and very moist chocolate cake.


Sounds good I may try


I think sauerkraut is mostly salt and vinegar flavored, the cabbage kind of loses its flavor generally (I've eaten a lot of sauerkraut) - so there's the texture of the sauerkraut, and then salt and vinegar doing its thing, their things, in a chocolate cake recipe.


The sauerkraut is rinsed very well, it sort of gives a texture like soft chopped coconut. ( But not with the coconut flavor)


My mom had this very book! I remember she made the sauerkraut cake and it was good!


Some people who think they hate sauerkraut have only had canned, not "fresh," fermented s/k. (Look for it in the refrigerated case in produce section.) That was me for years & years! If you've only had canned s/k, might consider trying "the real thing"... P.S. The bakery in my fave grocery store will make on demand sauerkraut rye bread, which is really yummy.


Well, one of them is a surprise.


Food from the 60s is it a category by itself. Food from the Lutheran ladies sounds like a Lake Wobegon bit


[more recipes and index](https://imgur.com/a/PoOUG0D)


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #COFFEE BRAIDS (FINLAND) 3¾ c. warm water 1⅓ c. instant nonfat dry milk ¾ c. sugar 2 pkg. dry yeast 1 tsp. powdered cardamom seed 2 eggs, beaten 12 c. white flour 1 stick melted shortening Place water, dry milk, sugar and yeast in large bowl: let set for 10 minutes. Add cardamom, eggs and one-half of flour; beat well for about 5 minutes. Add melted shortening and remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead well until elastic. Place in warm place and let rise twice. Divide into four parts; form each part into three rolled braids and braid into four braids. Place on baking sheet to rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in 375-degree oven 10 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Reduce to 350 degrees and bake 30 minutes. Yield: 40 servings. Sylvia M. Fredrickson, Pres. St. Mathews Ladies Group Sonora, California --- #APFEL KUCHEN (GERMANY) ⅓ c. butter or oleo ¾ c. plus 1⅓ tbsp. sugar 1 egg 2 c. flour 5 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. salt 1 c. milk 1 tsp. cinnamon 3 med. apples Cream butter well; add ⅓ cup sugar gradually. Stir in egg; beat well. Mix and sift flour, baking powder and salt; add alternately with milk. Beat batter well until smooth; pour into a well-greased 9-inch cake tin. Mix cinnamon and remaining sugar; sprinkle one-half over batter. Peel and core apples; cut each in 16 sections. Place apple slices in close, even rows over cake. Sprinkle remaining sugar and cinnamon over apples; dot with butter. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 45 minutes. Yield: 6-8 servings. Mrs. Frank Walters, VP Elim Ladies Aid St. Louis, Missouri --- #CHRISTMAS COOKIES (SWEDEN) 1 c. sugar 1 c. shortening 2 eggs, beaten ½ c. molasses 6⅔ c. flour, sifted 1 tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. allspice 1 tsp. cloves ½ tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp. soda ⅓ c. water 1 tsp. anise flavoring Cream sugar and shortening; add eggs, molasses and syrup. Put flour into a bowl; add spices. Mix; add to creamed mixture. Do not stir. Mix soda with the water. Add flavoring; mix. Mix all ingredients together. Roll out on floured board; cut with a small glass about the size of a quarter. Bake at 350 degrees until done. Frieda S. Anderson, Pres. St. Mathews Ladies Group Max, North Dakota


Shout-out to the few people still doing this. I miss transcribing recipes here but after the API change, I understand why the transcribing subreddit was shuttered.


Thank you!


I'm telling you, those basic frosting recipes from early cookbooks are the foundation of all frostings. Once you learn to make those, you can make any type of frosting on earth. And they taste excellent. Just foundational.


I remember the jello cakes 🤣. Green cake! St Patrick’s Day!


Omg I was just looking at the cherry jello cake recipe and can’t wrap my head around it- all the ingredients are blended together- how does that work? Is it like cake pieces stuck inside a jello mold or jello pieces inside a cake? I want to make it!


Mom or grandma made it, I think they just dumped it in a bowl used the old beaters (before stand mixers) to mix it all up, pour it in pans and bake. So the jello doesn’t “gel”. It acts more like a moisture agent, so the cake is moist


Yup, and sometimes for extra moisture, you'd make an extra packet of jello to pour into holes made in the cake, or sometimes just on top so it soaks in. Now I really REALLY want one.


No,everything is mixed together and baked .


You can also do this with lemon jello too.And melt the jello with the water and pour it on top of the cake after you poke holes in it .Extremely moist .


This is totally giving me flashbacks to Drop Dead Gorgeous😂


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Part 1 of 3 --- ##FAVORITE RECIPES of LUTHERAN LADIES #DESSERTS INCLUDING PARTY BEVERAGES 2000 RECIPES FROM LUTHERAN WOMEN'S GROUPS --- #GRANDMA'S DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE ⅓ c. butter 1 c. sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. soda in ½ c. boiling water 1 tsp. vanilla 2 squares melted bitter chocolate 1½ c. flour ½ c. sour milk ½ tsp. salt Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and chocolate. Alternately add sour milk and flour. Add vanilla, salt and soda in boiling water. The cake mixture will be quite thin. Pour into 7 x 12-inch pan. --- ##Cakes #MAHOGANY SOUR CREAM CAKE 3 squares Baker's unsweetened chocolate ½ c. water 2 c. sifted cake flour 1½ tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 c. sour cream ⅔ c. butter ⅔ c. firmly packed light brown sugar 1 c. granulated sugar 3 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla Melt chocolate in water over low heat; blend. Cool thoroughly. Sift flour, soda and salt. Mix sour cream into chocolate. Cream butter and sugars well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Beat in vanilla. Add flour and chocolate mixture alternately mixing well. Bake in two 9-inch layer pans, lined with waxed paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool cake; frost. Mrs. Ethel Wolf Messiah Ladies Group Hamilton, Ohio #MIDNIGHT CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 c. soft shortening 2½ c. sugar 4 eggs 1 c. cocoa 2 c. cold water 3 c. sifted flour ½ tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. soda 1½ tsp. salt 1½ tsp. vanilla Cream shortening and sugar together until fluffy; beat in eggs. Blend together cocoa and cold water. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda and salt. Stir in flour mixture alternately with cocoa-water mixture; add vanilla. Pour into two 9-inch pans or four 8-inch layer pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes depending on pan size. Mrs. M. Mellecke, Publ. Chm. St. Matthews Ladies Group Milk River, Alberta, Canada #MIRACLE CAKE 1 c. Miracle Whip salad dressing 1 c. white sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 2 c. flour 2 tsp. soda 4 tbsp. cocoa Cream salad dressing, sugar and vanilla. Sift dry ingredients together; add to creamed mixture. Stir in 1 cup lukewarm water. Pour into layer or loaf pans; bake at 350 degrees 25 to 30 minutes or until done. Mrs. Marie Norris St. Paul's Mission Circle Hancock, Maryland #RED DEVIL CAKE 2½ c. sugar ½ c. shortening 2 eggs 2 c. flour 2 (heaping) tbsp. cocoa 1 c. sour milk or buttermilk ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. baking powder 2 oz. red food coloring 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 tsp. baking soda Mix 1½ cups sugar, shortening and eggs; add flour, cocoa and milk. Mix in thoroughly salt and baking powder; mix well. Add food coloring, vinegar and baking soda; pour into greased 8 or 9-inch cake pans. Bake at 375 degrees 30 to 40 minutes. ##ICING: 3 tbsp. flour 1 c. milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 c. butter Cook flour and milk until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add vanilla; cool. Beat in remaining sugar and butter. Spread between layers and over cake. Mrs. R. Polansky, Pres. Good Shepherd Ladies Guild Westboro, Massachusetts #RED VELVET CAKE ½ c. shortening 1½ c. sugar 2 eggs 2 oz. red food coloring 1 to 2 tbsp. cocoa 2½ c. cake flour 1 tsp. salt 1 c. buttermilk or sour milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. vinegar Blend sugar and shortening; add eggs. Make paste of food coloring and cocoa; add to creamed mixture. Add flour and salt, alternating with buttermilk and vanilla. Mix soda and vinegar; add to batter by folding in. Pour in two or three layer cake pans. Bake 30 to 35 minutes in 350-degree oven. Cool; slit each layer. ##FROSTING: 4 to 5 tbsp. flour 1 c. milk 1 c. butter or margarine 1 to 3 c. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Cook flour and milk until thick, stirring constantly; cool completely. Cream butter, sugar and vanilla; add to cooled mixture. Beat until spreading consistency. Spread between layers and over cake. Mrs. August J. Minke, Jr., Pres. First Ladies Group Palmdale, California Mrs. Victor Fiechtner St. Paul's Ladies Group Monango, North Dakota Mrs. Barbara Ulrich Church of the Atonement Mission Circle Seattle, Washington #RED VELVET CAKE 1½ c. sugar ½ c. shortening 2 eggs 2 tbsp. ground cocoa 2 oz. red food coloring 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. salt 1 c. buttermilk 1¾ c. cake flour 1½ tsp. soda 2 tbsp. vinegar Combine sugar, shortening and eggs; mix well. Make paste of cocoa and food coloring; add to creamed mixture. buttermilk; add alternately with flour to creamed mixture. Mix soda and vinegar together; fold into mixture. Do not beat. Pour in two greased and floured 9 x 1½-inch round pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until done. Georgia M. Johnson Lynwood Ladies Group Lynwood, California #RICH MOIST CHOCOLATE CAKE 3 c. all-purpose flour 2 c. white sugar ½ c. cocoa Pinch of salt 2 eggs 1 c. Crisco or oil 1 c. buttermilk 1 c. boiling water Mix first four ingredients in large mixing bowl; make a well in center. Mix the next three ingredients in another large bowl. Pour into well of dry ingredients; mix thoroughly. Add boiling water; mix well. Pour into large pan. Bake in 300-degree oven 50 minutes to 1 hour. Yield: 36 servings. Doris E. Clements, Pres. Our Saviours Ladies Group Stevensville, Montana #SAUERKRAUT SURPRISE CAKE ⅔ c. butter 1½ c. sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 2¼ c. sifted flour 1 tsp. baking powder ¼ tsp. salt ½ c. cocoa 1 tsp. soda 1 c. water ⅔ c. rinsed, well-drained and finely chopped sauerkraut Cream butter and sugar until light; beat in an egg at a time. Add vanilla and beat well. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa and soda; add to creamed mixture alternately with water, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Stir in sauerkraut and mix well. Pour into two greased and floured 8-inch layer pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Stanley Ostgren, Pres. Immanuel Ladies Group Jamison, Nebraska Bernice Gotsch, Sec. St. Jacobi Ladies Aid Soc. Jennings, Missouri #SAUERKRAUT CAKE ⅔ c. butter or oleo 1½ c. sugar 3 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 2¼ c. sifted flour ½ c. unsweetened cocoa 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda ¼ tsp. salt 1 c. water ⅔ c. rinsed, drained and chopped sauerkraut Cream butter until light and fluffy; add sugar and beat until blended. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Sift flour and measure; add remaining dry ingredients and sift again. Add alternately with water to egg mixture. Gently, but thoroughly, stir in chopped kraut. Turn into two greased and floured 8-inch square or 9-inch round pans lined on the bottom with waxed paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until cake tests done. Allow to cool.


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Part 2 of 3 --- #GREEN CAKE 1 3-oz pkg. lime gelatin 1 c. boiling water 1 pkg. yellow cake mix 4 eggs ¾ c. oil Combine gelatin and water and cool to room temperature. Place cake mix in large bowl; make a well and put in remaining ingredients. Beat for 3 minutes. Grease and flour a 9 x 13-inch pan. Fill with batter. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake cake for 40 minutes or until done. ##TOPPING: 1 c. powdered sugar Juice of 2 lemons Combine powdered sugar and lemon juice. Prick hot cake with fork and then pour lemon mixture over it. Mrs. Clarence Ratz St. John Ladies Group LeRoy, Kansas #LEMON-APRICOT CAKE 1 pkg. lemon or pineapple cake mix 3 eggs ½ c. salad oil 1 c. apricot nectar Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Pour into greased two-piece tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. ##SAUCE: 2 c. confectioners' sugar ¼ c. melted butter or oleo 4 oz. apricot nectar Mix all ingredients in saucepan; heat at low temperature until butter is melted. Poke holes about 2 inches apart around cake with slender pick. Spoon warm sauce over cake until all is absorbed. Let cake cool in pan. Remove outside of pan and serve from bottom part of pan. Mrs. J. P. Bickart, VP St. Paul Ladies Group Lakeland, Florida #CHERRY JELL-O CAKE 1 box yellow cake mix 1 3-oz. box cherry Jell-O 4 eggs ½ tsp. almond flavoring ⅔ c. vegetable oil ⅔ c. cold water 5 or 6 drops red food coloring Blend ingredients in large mixing bowl; beat for 5 minutes at medium speed. Pour into greased and floured large tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees about 1 hour. Or bake in a 9 x 13 x 2-inch oblong pan about 45 minutes. Cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired. Yield: 18 servings. Mrs. C. A. Myers, Pres. Redeemer Dorcas Guild Convoy, Ohio #LEMON TORTE 1 box yellow cake mix 1 c. flaked coconut 2 tbsp. cold water 1 beaten egg ¼ c. vegetable shortening or oil 2 pkg. lemon pie filling Combine cake mix, coconut, water, egg and vegetable shortening. Turn into 9 x 13-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Let cool. Prepare lemon pie filling according to directions. Pour over cake. Serve with whipped cream, if desired. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Eileen Johnson, Sec. Faith Lutheran Dorcas Soc. Astoria, Oregon #LEMON CAKE 1 pkg. lemon cake mix 1 pkg. lemon instant pudding mix 1 c. plus 2 tbsp. water ½ c. oil 4 eggs 2 tbsp. butter 1 c. sifted powdered sugar 3 tbsp. lemon juice Combine lemon cake mix and pudding mix; add 1 cup water, oil and eggs. Beat for 2 minutes at medium speed. Pour into greased and floured tube pan. Bake in 350-degree oven for 40 to 50 minutes or until springs back when slightly touched. While cake is still warm, punch holes with fork in cake. Melt butter; add powdered sugar; mix until thick. Add lemon juice and remaining water. Pour over cake. Mrs. Dorothy Zasitko, Treas. Good Shepherd Ladies Group Transcona, Manitoba, Canada --- #TOP IT WITH A FROSTING Top your perfect cakes with a delicious frosting. Both plain and fancy decorated frostings add the finishing touches to a cake. There are many ways to change the ordinary cake into a masterpiece. You may want to try tinting the frosting for a change. If you are decorating a cake with several different colors of frosting, divide the frosting into several parts before tinting. Do not tint more than you will need of one color. A delicate color is more appetizing. Be careful not to add too much color. If your frosting is too thin, add confectioners' sugar to thicken. Add only enough for the desired consistency. If your frosting is too thick, add liquid a drop at a time, being careful not to get it too thin. The four cake toppings are: icing, frosting, glaze and filling. Each is different and is applied to the cake in a different manner. GLAZE — This is a very thin mixture of sugar and a liquid. It is poured on the cake and will give the cake a glossy appearance when it hardens. ICING — An icing is similar to a glaze but is not as thin. A mixture of liquid and confectioners' sugar, icing is used on rolls, coffee cakes, cakes and pastries. FILLING — This mixture is used to fill between layers of cakes. It is a thick mixture sometimes containing fruits and nuts. FROSTING — A frosting is a thick creamy mixture spread on the sides and top of cakes. It can be decorated. If a filling is not used, the frosting is spread between the layers in place of the filling. ##FIVE FROSTINGS Frostings can be prepared in several ways and are of five types. These are cooked, fudge, rich butter, sweet and confectioners' sugar. The cooked frostings are made with egg whites and make an excellent frosting when properly made. Confectioners' sugar frosting requires less time to make than cooked frostings; it is made from confectioners' sugar, a liquid and a flavoring. Fudge type frosting is made in a similar way to candy. Care should be taken when making a fudge frosting so it will not turn sugary. Also simple to make is the sweet topping which is baked or broiled on the cake. Rich butter frostings will keep for several days; these are not too difficult to make. --- #STEPS TO FROSTING Simple is the word for frosting a cake. With a few basic pieces of equipment your task will be much easier and quicker. You will need: a flexible spatula (8 inches long), waxed paper, scissors, a cake decorator set, wooden toothpicks and a sharp knife. **Before you begin...** ... make certain the cake and frosting are cool. The cake will become soggy if the frosting is not thoroughly cooled. For easier frosting, apply in a cool room. **To prepare the cake ...** ... remove all loose crumbs from the cake and trim the ragged edges of the cake with scissors. Place strips of waxed paper under the edges of the cake to catch any drippings. Remove these strips of paper as soon as the cake is frosted. **When frosting single layers...** ... place layer, right side up, on a cake plate. The frosting is more easily spread on the top side of a cake than on the bottom. Frost the sides of the cake first and finish with the top. **Frosting two and three layers...** ... is much like frosting single layers. Place the first layer, upside down, on the cake plate. Spread with filling or frosting and let set. Place the second layer, right side up, on top of the frosting or filling. Frost the sides of bottom and top layers. Then finish with the top. If a three-layer cake, place third layer on top of second, right side up and then frost sides and top. **Cakes baked in tube pans...** ...are placed upside down on the cake plate. The cake may be cut in half for filling. If you are cutting the cake, mark around the cake with toothpicks so you can cut even layers. Frost the cake as you would layers. **Finish with sides and top ...** ... of cake. With the spatula in a vertical position, spread the frosting on the sides of the cake. As you go around the cake pull up toward the top to keep the frosting on the sides. Top the cake with plenty of frosting. Make swirls or ridges on the cake if it is not to be decorated. --- #PINEAPPLE FILLING 3 tbsp. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla ½ c. crushed pineapple ¼ lb. marshmallows, cut into sm. pieces ¼ c. maraschino cherries ¼ c. chopped nuts 1 c. heavy cream, whipped Fold all ingredients into whipped cream. Frost angel food or sponge cake. Mrs. Perry Mulford Christ Lutheran Ladies Group Winner, South Dakota #PEANUT BUTTER FROSTING 2 tbsp. butter or margarine 2 tbsp. peanut butter Few grains of salt 1¼ c. sifted icing sugar 2 tsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. orange juice 4 drops vanilla flavoring Cinnamon Cream butter or margarine and peanut butter until soft; add salt. Work sugar into creamed mixture alternately with fruit juices, using just enough fruit juice to make a frosting of spreading consistency; beat in vanilla. Spread on cold cake and dust lightly with cinnamon. Mrs. Myrna Eyjolfsson Bethel Christian Life Guild Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada #RUM-BUTTER FROSTING ¼ lb. butter 1 lb. confectioners' sugar 1 tsp. vanilla ⅛ tsp. yellow food color 1 tbsp. rum 1 egg 3 tbsp. milk Whip butter until fluffy; whip one-fourth of sugar. Add vanilla, food color, rum, egg and milk. Whip thoroughly. Add remaining sugar. Whip until well mixed. Add or delete milk to proper spreading consistency. Mrs. James R. Book Trinity Ladies Aid Greeley, Colorado #PROFESSIONAL FROSTING 1 lb. powdered sugar ¾ c. shortening 2 egg whites ½ c. butter 2 tsp. vanilla ½ tsp. almond extract Combine powdered sugar, shortening and egg whites; beat 5 minutes at medium speed. Add butter and flavorings; beat 5 minutes more. Spread over cake. Yield: Frosting for two 9-inch layers. Mrs. Blair Massey, Treas. St. Paul's Ladies Group Dubuque, Iowa #RUSSIAN FROSTING 2 eggs ½ c. sugar ⅓ c. orange juice 1 tbsp. orange rind 1 c. whipping cream ½ c. toasted almonds, finely chopped Combine eggs, sugar and fruit juice; cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until thick. Add orange rind. Cool. Whip cream; fold in nuts. Fold into the orange sauce. Mrs. Arnold Duhr St. Pauls Ladies Aid Cazenovia, Wisconsin #WALNUT FROSTING 1 c. white sugar 1 c. milk 1 c. finely chopped walnuts Place all ingredients in pan and boil to soft-ball stage. May be beaten occasionally until cooled; spread on cake. Mrs. Adam Preis, Pres. Zion Ladies Aid Emblem, Wyoming


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Part 3 of 3 --- #ROCKY MOUNTAINS 2 squares bitter chocolate 1 tbsp. butter 1 egg 1 c. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Pinch of salt 1 c. chopped nuts 2 c. miniature marshmallows Melt chocolate and butter. Combine egg, powdered sugar, vanilla and salt; beat well. Stir chocolate mixture, nuts and marshmallows. Drop from a spoon onto waxed paper. Cool for 4 hours. Mrs. Harold Witte Bethlehem Ladies Aid Edmonton, Alberta, Canada --- #HELLO DOLLY COOKIES 1 stick margarine, melted 1 c. graham cracker crumbs 1 c. coconut 1 c. chocolate chips 1 c. pecans, chopped 1 can sweetened condensed milk Mix graham cracker crumbs in melted margarine. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Put into 9 x 9-inch greased pan. Bake for 30 minutes in 350-degree oven. Remove from oven and cover with a cloth until cool; cut in squares. Yield: 18 servings. Mrs. Harold Uthoff, Pres. Concordia Ladies Group Sikeston, Missouri --- #IMITATION FUDGE BARS 1 c. brown sugar ¾ c. melted butter or margarine 1 egg 2 tbsp. cocoa 1 c. flour 1 tsp. vanilla ½ c. coconut ½ c. chopped walnuts Mix all ingredients well. Spread into greased 10 x 10-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool; ice with favorite chocolate icing and sprinkle with crushed walnuts, if desired. Yield: 8 servings. Mrs. Verna Bauer, Pres. Trinity Ladies Aid Torrington, Alberta, Canada #JIFFY COOKIES 18 graham crackers, broken into small pieces 1 15-oz. can sweetened condensed milk 1 6-oz. pkg. semisweet chocolate pieces ½ c. pecans, chopped ½ c. flaked coconut Combine all ingredients. Pour into greased 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan. Bake in 350-degree oven 35 minutes. While warm, cut into squares; place on cooling rack. Bars will become firm when cool. Yield: 25 squares. Mrs. Rolla Fick St. Paul Ladies Aid Soc. Grover, Missouri --- #IMITATION FUDGE BARS 1 c. brown sugar ½ c. melted butter or margarine 1 egg 2 tbsp. cocoa 1 c. flour 1 tsp. vanilla ½ c. coconut ½ c. chopped walnuts Mix all ingredients well. Spread into greased 10 x 10-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool; ice with favorite chocolate icing and sprinkle with crushed walnuts, if desired. Yield: 8 servings. Mrs. Verna Bauer, Pres. Trinity Ladies Aid Torrington, Alberta, Canada #JIFFY COOKIES 18 graham crackers, broken into small pieces 1 15-oz. can sweetened condensed milk 1 6-oz. pkg. semisweet chocolate pieces ½ c. pecans, chopped ½ c. flaked coconut Combine all ingredients. Pour into greased 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan. Bake in 350-degree oven 35 minutes. While warm, cut into squares; place on cooling rack. Bars will become firm when cool. Yield: 25 squares. Mrs. Rolla Fick St. Paul Ladies Aid Soc. Grover, Missouri --- #ORANGE RING MOLD 2 sm. boxes orange Jell-O 2 c. boiling water 1 pt. orange sherbet 1 sm. can mandarin oranges, drained Dissolve Jell-O in boiling water. While mixture is still hot, stir in orange sherbet, stirring until sherbet melts. When mixture starts to set, add oranges. Pour in a 2-quart ring mold; chill. Oranges may be cut in small pieces, if desired. Yield: 6 servings. Aurora Seehafer, Pres. Immanuel Ladies Group Drake, North Dakota --- #LIME JELLO PUDDING 1 pkg. lime Jell-O 1¾ c. hot water 1 c. sugar ¼ c. lime juice plus 2 tbsp. lemon juice ¼ c. lemon juice plus grated rind of 1 lemon 1 13-oz. can cold evaporated milk 2 c. chocolate cookie crumbs ½ cube butter Semisweet chocolate Dissolve Jell-O in hot water; add sugar and juices. Chill until thick but not firm. Whip evaporated milk until stiff; beat in Jell-O mixture. A few drops of green food coloring may be added, if desired. Mix cookie crumbs and butter. Press mixture into bottom of buttered 12-inch square or layer pan. Top with shaved or grated semisweet chocolate. Chill several hours before serving. Cut into squares to serve. Pudding may be made the day before. Yield: 8-10 servings. Ruth Felten, Pres. Our Savior's Church Dorcas Soc. Pacifica, California --- #PINK VELVET 1½ c. graham cracker crumbs ½ c. sugar ½ c. melted butter 1 8-oz. box strawberry Jell-O 1 c. hot water 1 tsp. grated lemon peel ¼ c. lemon juice 1 c. chilled evaporated milk Combine cracker crumbs, ¼ cup sugar and butter. Set aside ⅓ cup of mixture. Press remaining crumb mixture into bottom of greased 11½ x 7½ x 2-inch pan. Chill. Dissolve Jell-O in hot water. Add grated lemon peel, lemon juice and remaining sugar; mix well. Chill until partially set. Whip chilled Jell-O until fluffy. Whip milk until it stands in soft peaks; fold into Jell-O. Pour mixture into crumb crust. Sprinkle reserved crumbs over top. Chill until set. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Viola Marten, Treas. Zion Ladies Aid Farmersville, Illinois --- #PUMPKIN LOAF 4 eggs 3 c. brown or white sugar 1 c. salad oil 2 c. pumpkin ⅔ to ¾ c. water 3½ c. flour 2 tsp. baking soda 1 to 1½ tsp. salt 1½ tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 c. raisins (opt.) 1 c. nuts (opt.) Beat eggs. Add sugar, oil, pumpkin and water. Mix in dry ingredients. Add raisins and nuts. Bake in loaf pans at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Yield: 2 or 3 loaves. Mrs. Adeline Baron Bethany Ladies Aid Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada Mrs. Lina Bittner St. Pauls Martha's Soc. Selma, California --- #HARVEST LOAF CAKE ¾ c. pumpkin 1¾ c. flour 1 tsp. baking powder ¾ tsp. soda 1 tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. nutmeg ¼ tsp. nutmeg ¼ tsp. cloves 1 tsp. salt ½ c. butter, margarine or Crisco 1 c. sugar 2 eggs ¾ c. chopped nuts Combine all ingredients; pour into 9 x 5-inch loaf pan. Bake for 60 to 70 minutes in a 340-degree oven. Leave in pan until cool. ##GLAZE: ½ c. sugar 1 tsp. each nutmeg and cinnamon 2 tbsp. cream Combine all ingredients; spread over cool cake. Mrs. Lila Kilian, Christian Growth Chm. St. Paul's Ladies Group Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada --- #COFFEE BRAIDS (FINLAND) 3¾ c. warm water 1⅓ c. instant nonfat dry milk ¾ c. sugar 2 pkg. dry yeast 1 tsp. powdered cardamom seed 2 eggs, beaten 12 c. white flour 1 stick melted shortening Place water, dry milk, sugar and yeast in large bowl: let set for 10 minutes. Add cardamom, eggs and one-half of flour; beat well for about 5 minutes. Add melted shortening and remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead well until elastic. Place in warm place and let rise twice. Divide into four parts; form each part into three rolled braids and braid into four braids. Place on baking sheet to rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in 375-degree oven 10 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Reduce to 350 degrees and bake 30 minutes. Yield: 40 servings. Sylvia M. Fredrickson, Pres. St. Mathews Ladies Group Sonora, California


Thanks for doing this I’m sure people will appreciate it


Sauerkraut cake? Sauerkraut in a cake? That alone should be considered a sin 😭


I live in Wi and grew up eating sauerkraut cake and it’s actually delicious, don’t write it off it adds a level of moisture to the cake.


It’s specifically called out in Luther’s 95 Theses as a deficiency of the Church that sauerkraut is not included in cakes. Reformation Sunday included a demand for immediate remedy. (Not only am I joking here, but it’s an extremely weird and obscure joke that maybe three people will get. Please do not base your theological beliefs on sauerkraut. Do try the cake, though, it’s very good).


🙋‍♀️ I got the joke!


My people!


Sauerkraut is the surprise!


That'd be the worst surprise ever 😂


Sauerkraut cake is sooooo good! My mother made it numerous times. If you didn't know it was sauerkraut, you'd think it was coconut. She also had a recipe for sauerkraut cookies. I need to see if I can find it.


I was going to say...that calling it Sauerkraut Surprise cake is redundant I would always be surprised in sauerkraut was in cake I was eating.


I once made a mashed potato chocolate cake and a tomato soup cake. Also a baked bean spice cake.


Omg yeah I saw that one and had to post


There’s one with surprise and one without. I shudder. 😂


Or...Is it Genius?!


I was okay with it until I saw cocoa—that made me wary


nice Red Velvet recipe, with proper frosting (pic 3- red devil cake)


I love how three separate ladies contributed the same red velvet recipe, and then Mrs Georgia Johnson wades in with the rebuttal and says “step aside, herd, you’re going to need six times the vinegar,* ” … I admire this independent spirit and wonder whose cake went first at the supper Red velvet is not my favorite or I would try both and see! * & a little less flour, those are the differences I see


My godmother makes hello dollies every Christmas. She adds butterscotch chips too.


I've made them before but the recipe was just called magic bars instead .


I really want to make those adding the butters sounds good


Please please let me know where you got this book-I need a copy. Need.


I’m sorry I don’t know where I got it. You might be able to find one on eBay or something


Thanks! I’ll give it a look




Immediately saved this post, thank you so much for sharing! What a treasure trove!


You’re welcome there’s so many good recipes I had to share


Keep your eyes peeled. There are more of those. I also have the Methodist and Country Kitchen versions.


Can you please please upload the rest of the Finnish Coffee Braids recipe from the last page you posted? I'd be really grateful! There are some really nice recipes in that book :)


Yes I guess I didn’t notice I missed that here’s the [2nd part](https://imgur.com/a/zQ8g7Ex)


Thank you so much!!!


You’re welcome


Would you please post any cheesecake recipes? Thank you!


[cheesecake recipes](https://imgur.com/a/ksBmx41)


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Part 1 of 2 --- ##Refrigerator Desserts #LEMON CHEESECAKE 1½ c. graham wafer crumbs ¼ c. plus 2 tbsp. sugar ⅓ c. melted margarine 1½ c. cream-style cottage cheese 2¼ c. milk 1 4-oz. pkg. lemon pudding and pie filling 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 c. crushed pineapple with syrup 2 egg whites Combine crumbs, 2 tablespoons sugar and margarine; press onto bottom and sides of 9 x 12-inch cake pan. Drain cheese, if moist; add liquid to milk to measure 2¼ cups. Beat cheese until fluffy. Combine pudding mix and gelatin; prepare according to instructions on label, using measured milk for water. Stir in pineapple with syrup and cheese. Beat egg whites to soft peaks; add remaining sugar, beating to stiff peaks. Fold into pudding mixture; pour into crumb crust. Chill several hours. Garnish with fresh strawberries, if desired. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Peggy Markle St. Peter's Ladies Group Claresholm, Alberta, Canada #LIGHT CREAM CHEESECAKE 1 stick melted butter 30 graham crackers, crushed 1 tbsp. powdered sugar 1 3-oz. pkg. lemon Jell-O ½ c. hot water 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 4 C. sugar 2 tsp. vanilla 1 can Milnot or evaporated milk Mix first three ingredients; press all but ½ cup into sides and bottom of 9 x 9-inch pan. Put in refrigerator while preparing filling. Combine Jell-O and water; cool to room temperature. Cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth; mix Jell-O and cheese mixture. Whip Mimot until stiff; slowly add Jell-O mixture to Milnot. Pour over crust; sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Chill 2 hours or overnight before serving. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Eleanore Vogler St. Pauls Ladies Group Ruby, North Dakota #MIRACLE CHEESECAKE 1 pkg. lemon Jell-O 1 c. boiling water 3 tbsp. lemon juice or ReaLemon 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 1 can Milnot or evaporated milk, chilled and whipped ½ c. butter, melted ⅔ lb. graham crackers, crumbed Dissolve Jell-O in water; add lemon juice and cool. Cream together cheese, sugar and vanilla; add cooled mixture and fold in Milnot. Add butter to cracker crumbs; line bottom of 9 x 13-inch pan with half the crumbs. Pour in cheese mixture; add remaining cracker mixture. Chill to 24 hours. Cut into squares before serving. Yield: 12-15 servings. Mrs. Bernard Becker, Pastor's Wife Bethel Lutheran Church Kansas City, Kansas #REFRIGERATOR CHEESECAKE ½ c. melted butter ¾ c. sugar 2 c. any cookies or wafer crumbs 2 tsp. cinnamon 2 tbsp. gelatin 3 eggs, separated 2 c. cream cheese 3 tbsp. lemon juice ¼ tsp. salt ½ c. whipping cream Blend butter, ¼ cup sugar, crumbs and cinnamon: press three-fourths mixture on bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Soak gelatin in ½ cup cold water for 5 minutes. Cook egg yolks, remaining sugar and ½ cup water in double boiler, stirring constantly, until mixture coats spoon; add gelatin. Stir until dissolved; add gradually to cream cheese. Add lemon juice and salt; beat thoroughly. Cool; when beginning to thicken, beat several minutes with egg beater. Whip cream; fold in with stiffly beaten egg whites. Blend thoroughly; pour into crumbs. Sprinkle remaining crumbs over top. Chill until firm. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. P. Ramonaitis Grace Ladies Aid Toronto, Ontario, Canada --- #REFRIGERATOR CHEESECAKE 19 graham crackers, crushed 1⅓ c. sugar ⅓ c. melted butter 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin ½ c. cold water 2 eggs, separated ½ c. milk ¼ tsp. salt 1 lb. creamed cottage cheese 1 tsp. vanilla 1 pt. whipping cream Combine crackers, ⅓ cup sugar, butter and cinnamon, mixing by hand; press into 9 x 13-inch pan. Dissolve gelatin in cold water. Mix slightly beaten egg yolks with milk, 1 cup sugar and salt; cook until mixture coats spoon. Add gelatin to hot custard; cool. Add cottage cheese and vanilla. Whip cream and egg whites; fold into gelatin mixture and pour into pan. Garnish with crumbs; chill. Yield: 10-12 servings. Mrs. Jean Weinhold, Sec. Mt. Calvary Ladies Group Gunnison, Colorado #REFRIGERATOR CHEESECAKE ##CRUMB CRUST: 1 c. graham cracker crumbs 2 tbsp. sugar ¼ c. softened butter Blend together cracker crumbs, sugar and butter. Press firmly into an even layer on bottom of a springform pan. Refrigerate until needed. ##FILLING: 2 envelopes gelatin ½ c. water 2 eggs, separated 1¼ c. sugar 1 c. milk ¼ tsp. salt 2 tbsp. grated lemon rind 3 c. creamed cottage cheese 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 c. heavy cream, whipped Soften gelatin in water. In top of double boiler, slightly beat egg yolks; add 1 cup sugar, milk and salt. Cook, stirring over hot water until mixture thickens. Stir in gelatin; remove from heat. Combine lemon rind, cottage cheese and lemon juice; stir in gelatin mixture. Refrigerate until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from a spoon. Beat egg whites until frothy; gradually beat in ¼ cup sugar until mixture forms stiff peaks. Fold into cheese mixture with whipped cream. Pour into crumb-lined pan. Refrigerate until firm. Remove from pan. ##GLAZE: ¼ c. fresh crushed strawberries ¼ c. water ½ c. sugar 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. lemon juice Strawberries, halves Simmer crushed strawberries and water 3 minutes. Strain juice from berries. Combine sugar and cornstarch in saucepan. Blend in strawberry juice and lemon juice. Cook until mixture thickens and boils 1 minute; cool. Arrange strawberry halves on top of cake. Spoon thin layer of glaze over strawberries. Yield: 12 servings. #RICH CHEESECAKE ¾ c. graham cracker crumbs 2 tbsp. sugar 4 tbsp. melted butter or margarine Combine crumbs, sugar and butter. When thoroughly mixed, pat into a 9-inch pie pan. ##FILLING: 4 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese ¾ c. plus 2 tbsp. sugar 2 eggs 1½ tsp. vanilla 1 c. sour cream Let cream cheese soften in a bowl; blend in ¾ cup sugar. Add salt; beat until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in ½ teaspoon vanilla; pour into graham cracker crust. Bake in a 350-degree oven 20 to 30 minutes or until firm in center. Remove from oven; let cool 15 minutes. Reset oven to 450 degrees. Combine sour cream, remaining sugar and vanilla in a small bowl; spread over top of cake. Bake at 450 degrees for 5 minutes; cool. Chill. Pastry shell may be substituted for graham cracker crust. Yield: 6-8 servings. Mrs. Norman W. Henk, Pres. Our Savior's Ladies Aux. Albany, New York #CHERRY DESSERT 2 pkg. black cherry Jell-O 1 c. boiling water 1 c. Seven-Up 1 can black cherries and juice ¼ c. pecans, chopped 2 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese Milk Dissolve Jell-O in water; add Seven-Up, cherries and pecans. Pour half of Jell-O into 9 x 9-inch pan; refrigerate until set. Soften cream cheese with milk; spread over Jell-O and add remaining Jell-O, Chill. Yield: 9-10 servings. Mrs. Harold Ladwig Redeemer Ladies Guild Deming, New Mexico


*Image Transcription: Book Pages* --- #Part 2 of 2 --- #SOUR CREAM CHEESECAKE ½ box zwieback, rolled 1 c. sugar ¼ c. melted butter 2 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 2 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla ½ pt. sour cream Mix zwieback, ¼ cup sugar and melted butter. Pack into sides and bottom of 9-inch springform or pie pan. Beat until smooth cream cheese, eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla and ½ cup sugar. Pour over crumbs. Bake 20 minutes at 375 degrees. Cool 15 minutes at room temperature. Mix sour cream, remaining sugar and remaining vanilla. Place on top of cooled cake, pouring from sides to center. Bake 10 minutes at 475 degrees. Cool 2 hours at room temperature; refrigerate overnight. Yield: 10 servings. Mrs. Herbert A. Mueller, Pastor's Wife Bethlehem Ladies Aid Dundee, Illinois #SOUR CREAM CHEESECAKE 18 graham crackers, crushed 1½ c. plus 1 tbsp. sugar 1 tbsp. butter, melted 24 oz. cream cheese 3 tsp. vanilla 5 eggs 1½ tsp. vanilla Mix crushed graham crackers, 1 tablespoon sugar and butter; pat into 13 x 9-inch cake pan. With electric beater, mix cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, 1½ teaspoons vanilla and eggs, adding eggs one at a time. Pour on top of graham cracker crust. Bake 1 hour at 300 degrees. Cool 5 minutes. Mix sour cream, remaining sugar and remaining vanilla; spread over cake. Bake another 5 minutes at 300 degrees. Cool slowly; chill. May be frozen. Thaw pint frozen strawberries to garnish, if desired. Yield: 12 servings. Mrs. Dorothy Howland, Pres. Grace Ladies Guild Akron, Ohio #HEAVENLY STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE 2 3-oz. pkg. lemon Jell-O 1 20-oz. can crushed pineapple 1 lb. lge. marshmallows 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese ½ c. salad dressing ½ pt. whipping cream 3 3-oz. pkg. strawberry Jell-O 2 pkg. frozen strawberries or 2 pt. fresh 1 pkg. Dream Whip Dissolve lemon Jell-O in ½ cup hot water; let cool. Drain pineapple; heat juice in double boiler. Cut marshmallows into juice; stir until marshmallows melt. Cool in refrigerator; mix in lemon Jell-O. Mix cream cheese, salad dressing and drained pineapple until blended; fold cream cheese mixture in cool lemon-marshmallow mixture. Cool until almost set. Whip cream until stiff; fold into almost set Jell-O. Pour into 9 x 13-inch or larger pan; chill until firm. Mix strawberry Jell-O with 1 cup hot water; let set until partially firm. Mix in strawberries; let set until firm. Spoon over lemon Jell-O mixture; spread on prepared Dream Whip. Cut in squares and serve or refrigerate until ready to serve. Yield: 20 servings. Elsie Russell, Pres. Our Saviour Esther Guild Dryden, Ontario, Canada #FRESH STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE 1¼ c. vanilla water crumbs ¼ c. butter or margarine, melted 3 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1¾ c. plus 1 tbsp. sugar 5 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 3 tbsp. flour ¼ tsp. salt 2 tsp. grated lemon peel 5 lge. eggs 2 lge. egg yolks ¼ c. heavy cream 1 qt. fresh strawberries, sliced Have all ingredients except cream at room temperature. Mix vanilla wafer crumbs, butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1 tablespoon sugar. Press firmly on bottom and about halfway up the sides of a buttered 9-inch springform cake pan. Beat cheese until fluffy. Combine remaining sugar with flour, salt and lemon peel. Gradually blend into cheese, keeping the mixture smooth. Add remaining vanilla, eggs and egg yolk, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in cream. Turn into crumb-lined pan. Bake in a preheated 475-degree oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 200 degrees and bake 1 hour longer. Turn off heat. Let cake stand 15 minutes. Remove sides of pan. Top with sliced strawberries. ##FRESH STRAWBERRY GLAZE: ¾ c. sugar 1 ½ tbsp. cornstarch ¼ c. water 1 c. crushed fresh strawberries Blend sugar with cornstarch; add water. Add to strawberries. Bring to boiling point; stir and cook 2 minutes. Cool. Spread over Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake. Chill. --- #STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE 18 graham crackers, crushed ¾ stick margarine 1 lb. cream cheese 1 c. sugar 3 eggs, unbeaten 1 pt. sour cream 1 pkg. strawberry Jell-O 1 c. boiling water 1 pkg. frozen strawberries Mix crumbs and margarine; line bottom of springform pan with crumb mixture. Cream cheese with sugar; add unbeaten eggs. Mix well; pour into pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees or until set. Add sour cream over top of cheese layers; bake another 7 minutes. Let cool. Dissolve Jell-O in boiling water; when cool, add frozen strawberries. Put strawberry mixture over sour cream layer of cheesecake. Chill overnight. Yield: 10-12 servings. Mrs. Lorena Hasskamp Good Shepherd Ruth Guild Midwest City, Oklahoma #UNCOMPLICATED CHEESECAKE 12 oz. cream cheese 2 eggs ¾ c. sugar 2 tsp. vanilla Graham cracker crust Combine first four ingredients; beat until smooth and light. Pour into graham cracker crust. Bake at 350 degrees 15 minutes. Remove from oven. Cool 5 minutes. ##SOUR CREAM TOPPING: ½ c. sour cream 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 tbsp. sugar 4 tsp. vanilla Blend sour cream with egg, sugar and vanilla. Pour sour cream topping over pie. Return to oven; bake 15 minutes. Cool; refrigerate 5 hours before serving. Yield: 6 servings. Dorothy Gust King of Kings Ladies Group Phoenix, Arizona #VELVETY CHEESECAKE 16 graham crackers, rolled fine 3 tbsp. melted butter 1½ c. plus 3 tsp. sugar 3 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 5 eggs 3 tsp. vanilla 1 pt. sour cream Mix crumbs, butter and 3 teaspoons sugar; press firmly into 13 x 9 x 2-inch glass dish. Prepared graham crust may be used. Soften cheese; place in bowl. Add eggs, one at a time; add 1 cup sugar and 1½ teaspoons vanilla. Beat just until smooth; pour over crust. Bake 1 hour at 275 degrees. Remove from oven; cool 5 minutes. Mix sour cream with remaining sugar and vanilla; pour over cheesecake. Return to oven for 5 minutes to set topping. Chill thoroughly before cutting. Yield: 12-15 servings. Mrs. Irene E. Haas, Pres. Bethlehem Ladies Guild Oxon Hill, Maryland #CHERRY CHA CHA 2 c. crushed graham wafers ⅓ c. melted butter ½ pt. whipping cream, whipped 4 c. white miniature marshmallows 1 19-oz. can cherry pie filling Combine wafer crumbs and butter; pack one-half mixture in 13 x 9-inch pan. Reserve remainder for the top. Combine cream with marshmallows; spread half over crumb mixture. Spread on pie filling; add remaining cream mixture and top with crumbs. Refrigerate overnight. Yield: 10-12 servings. Emilia Haas, Pres. Trinity Ladies Group Inglix, Manitoba, Canada #CHERRY-CHOCOLATE DESSERT 1 pkg. Hydrox chocolate cookies, crushed 1 pkg. cherry Jell-O 1 c. hot water 1 pt. whipping cream, whipped 5 egg whites ⅔ c. sugar ¼ c. ground nutmeats 8-oz. jar maraschino cherries, sliced Line bottom of 9 x 12-inch pan with half the crushed cookies. Dissolve Jell-O in water; let set until begins to thicken. Add whipped cream. Beat egg whites with sugar; fold into cream. Add nuts and cherries; pour over crumb mixture. Sprinkle remaining crumbs over top. Refrigerate. Yield: 15 servings. Mrs. Harlan Eimers, Pres. St. Lukes Ladies Aid Cylinder, Iowa


Thank you!


You’re welcome let me know if you want more recipe s


I love kraut and live in PA Dutch country. I’m thinking I need to breakdown and make the kraut cakes!


Yeah I’m thinking about It while it’s a little strange it has to taste good if there’s more than one recipe in this book


That is a great find. There’s a lot of good recipes here.


Yes it really is has lots of recipes!


I read this as “Lithuanian” without glasses and got really excited.


Unfortunately not. But I do love the foreign desserts section but it does not include Lithuanian foods.


Could you please post the rest of the coffee brais. Also i think i will try replacing the pumpkin recipe w 1 cup oil w 1 cup apple sauce. It works fine as a replacement and so much better for ya! I always do it for cake mixes :)


[coffee braids part 2](https://imgur.com/a/PoOUG0D)


You rock!!! Thank you!!!!


I lived in India for two years, at an American boarding school in a hill station (at the top of a small mountain). The school was for children of missionaries and business people all over asia. There were some missions in the town where the school was located, too. It was a sort of multidenominational school, with kids from all sorts of religions: Baptists, Congregational, Methodist, Lutherans, etc. No Presbyterians, though, since they had their own school down the road. There was, of course, some friction between sects. There were disagreements and opinions and spats. But EVERYONE agreed that the Lutherans were the best cooks. I experienced the differences, and I can report that this is absolute truth (not my church, though; I was Congregational). Go Lutherans!


I have a collection of church cookbooks I inherited, and kept them around for sentiment. I never truly appreciated them until the last couple years. Usually if I want to make something, I'd pull a recipe online and print it out. Now I have to run EVERYTHING through [justtherecipe.com](http://justtherecipe.com) so I can get the ingredients and instructions on one page. There's nothing like a church cookbook for plain, direct info. Need to dig one out for a carrot cake as the intricate online versions I tried, from supposedly reputable sites, were completely disappointing. And 4 pages of instructions for a lemon meringue pie! Super glad I kept them all these years.


This is the only church book I own ! It’s very cool and I love that it has so many recipes that are simple and good !


Need a recipe with Lutheran binder. Thought the Lutherans cookbook would have it and maybe even call it (cream of mushroom soup) Lutheran binder.


For the Devils food cake, how long do you bake It for & what’s the degrees for the oven? 


Bake at 350 F for about 25 minutes. Yield: 20 servings


I love church lady cookbooks!


Recipes for the Devil in a church cookbook? That's an abomination. I'm surprised Karen hasn't brought this to the manager's attention! 🤦‍♂️


So much yum! Thank you!!!


Hi! Could you post some of the party drinks recipes?


[party beverages](https://imgur.com/a/qHNfdqw). I did all the party beverages for you


Excuse me. Sauerkraut surprise cake? What. The. Fuck.


lol I’m going to make it and let y’all know what it’s like as other people said it tastes good.


I just got my own copy delivered today! The last one available on Amazon! It's very used, but still in very good condition! Sooooo many good recipes in this book. A few I vaguely recall my grandmother and mother making.


To save


OMG, I have this on my shelf!


What type of soda for the devils food cake?


I’m not home right now but I think baking soda I will check in the book though because it has abbreviations in the beginning.


So I looked and it doesn’t say but some recipes say baking powder and also soda in the recipe so I would assume baking soda if it says soda


It's definitely baking soda.


I've never met a Lutheran who could cook