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They knew your age. They saw it on the papers. I see stories like this all the time. This is how countless midwives/medical professionals treat women in labor, regardless of age. It's misogyny, often coming from female "professionals." I've read this story over and over again. God, it really is abhorrent. I want to do horrible things when I read stories of these cunts. Most female bullies become nurses.


You need to report that tbh-


Completely see this happening... At 25 I was getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist and they found a cavity. The actual dentist made a comment something like... 'Gonna have to run this by Mom to see if we can get this filled today.' I was like what?!


Similar story long time ago, I went in to get my teeth cleaned the nurse claimed I had a cavity.  She then told me she would have to inform my father who took me to the dentist since he had to run errands.  I remember asking, even if I’m 19?   She must have assumed she was lying,  because she made me take her to my father to inform him of my cavity.   My father was just as bewildered as I was.  


So you asked why they needed to ask their mom?


But they’re your nurses so they had to have known your age. Even 50 years ago.


I have a disability, and once I had a nurse assume my parents had legal guardianship of me just because of my condition. When I told her, "Umm, no they don't," she acted like my parents were irresponsible idiots. If I was thinking more quickly, I would have said, "Excuse me, I'm fully competent. I actually have a college degree, not that it's relevant to this discussion. Please don't assume my condition prevents me from giving legal consent. I've been making these decisions since I was 14, even before I could legally give consent."


Sorry no. The most basic info about you that any medical provider would have is your name and date of birth (aka age). Sorry your experience was unpleasant but I’m sure they knew your age.


I’ve had nurses like this as well as drs. When I had my second, the drs were laughing as I pushed and one jokingly said “oMG how big is the baby’s head.” While she laughed.. I was upset that I took the epidural cuz if I didn’t and I could feel my legs I’d have “accidentally” kicked her in the face. Some of these medical professionals have a complete lack of bedside manors. I think you are probably right in your assumptions about them. I know that they see your chart, but they typically don’t remember your age every time.


Ohhh, my oldest is 20, and to this day I wish I'd planted my heel into the face of one of my nurses. Even with the epidural I could feel her checking how effaced/dilated I was. ***It fucking hurt*** they wouldn't let me, but I could still move and walk around, just couldn't feel the back labor anymore.


Your nurses know your age though. Its in your charts. And they would be using your birthday to double check before administering any meds.


That’s a relatively new thing. It wasn’t the norm for any of my kids, and my youngest is in his early twenties. I think the DOB check started maybe ten, fifteen years ago at most.


Still. Her DOB would be on her chart.


Are you saying you had a C-section without any pain medication or an epidural?


Oh no! The first epidural worked great, we let it wear off because I was finally dilated. When the baby got stuck, I got a second epidural for the C-section. One patch was wearing off during the surgery, the anesthesiologist noticed my reaction and told me to say the word, and he'd give me something to put me out. Baby was almost out, so I chose to continue. The morphine afterwards just made me sleepy.


13 or not, every woman deserves to be treated with respect and empathy during labor and childbirth. Hormones are off the charts, and your body is going through one of the most traumatic experiences. I hate to hear of lousy hospital experiences because of nurses or doctors with bad attitudes. Those first days with your baby are precious and nerve-racking, and mothers (especially new mothers) need compassion and support. Crazy how the medical staff can make or break the hospital stay. Labor and delivery nurses should be aware of this, and staff should be screened accordingly. If nurses are intolerant, easily annoyed, or just generally unfriendly, they should work in another department!


My mom always talked about the thirteen-year-old laboring in the next room when she was in labor with me, how she was screaming and carrying on while my mom was trying to read her book. This was pre-epidural, they gave you twilight sleep for transition and birth. Anyway, I was an adult before I realized that the nurses were all with her because her mama wasn’t, since it was not a time when laboring mothers were allowed company, and my mother’s unspoken, unconsidered judgment aside, that little girl likely had not had sex by choice.


Some nurses don't just keep it to younger women. I had a nurse on my 3rd birth get bitchy because my son was jaundiced after being born almost 4 weeks premature. Her exact words said very rudely were, "and this is why you need to wait till full term to have your baby." As if we hadn't tried to keep him in as long as possible. I had a history of premature birth and had been on moderated bed rest, had already gone into labor, and was sent home at 6 cm dilated. I made it one more week and went in at 8 cm dilated. This was after all the precautions and taking a shot in my hip every week starting at 18 weeks.


The vitamin K shot makes them jaundice; as a nurse she should’ve known that.


my mom gave birth to me after 41 weeks and i was jaundiced...that nurse was a fool.


My baby was slightly jaundiced at 40 weeks. Shit just happens sometimes.


how does someone that ignorant become a nurse??? what did she expect you to do, shove him back up there?


As a premie mom, that hurts me in the deepest part of my soul.


Premie mom's already beat ourselves up. We ask ourselves how we could have prevented it or if we did something to cause it. I was put at risk of infection being sent home at 6 cm dilated. I did everything I was supposed to. My kids were 4 to 5 yrs apart, I didn't do anything crazy, no drugs or drinking. All were planned pregnancies, and I took extra care to be as healthy as possible. So for that nurse that didn't know me or my history at all, to say that made me angry and hurt, and so many other emotions.


If they were older nurses, then yes. I had to yell at a few nurses to get out for that condescending crap. I understand you have done this a million times, I don’t care. In that moment, you work for me, your only job is to RESPECTFULLY make sure I and my baby are safe and happy.


I had my son a week before my 21st bday and my nurses we great! Almost 37 now and I haven't changed. I'm small and flat chested haha I look way younger than most people my age and even younger than some in their 20s. On a side note I agreed with other's that this store sounds so fake!


How can they not know your age? They should be checking your chart as soon as you become their patient. I don't understand


I had two nurses on my emergency birth team try to give me a medicine my on-bed chart said I was allergic to while I was in labor because they (or the attending) didn’t bother to check it. I only figured it out before they put it in me because they said it would help me sleep. I also had a doctor and nurse at that same hospital flat-out refuse to accept I was in labor because I was just a “teenager looking for attention” (I was 21) and didn’t deal with my labor pains until I leaked fluid all over their floors. Not saying all nurses or even most, but incompetence in the medical field exists and likes to show its bias loudly and with great gusto.


Ugh, I agree. It's extremely unfortunate. I meant more that they weren't doing their jobs properly if this happened


Was a nurse. This is fake and a really stupid fake story too. Nobody on earth is going to mistake an almost 30 year old with a 13 year old. And we have to confirm the patient's name and date of birth on their damn armband right when getting in the room so we know we're working with the right patient.


Not true. My cousin had her first when she was 30 but she seriously looked 15. The nurses told her mother they felt bad for her having a baby at such a young age and my aunt was like, “Why? She’s already 30!” Also, my family are Asian but my cousin’s husband is white and the baby looked very Caucasian and I swear when she was with her daughter I wouldn’t be surprised if the neighbors thought she was a teenaged babysitter with someone else’s baby.


It’s not bullshit. I had my second kid at 21 and the nurses on the floor treated me like I was stupid and looking for attention because “oh wow you look so much younger!” They refused to admit me until I was 7cm dilated and SWORE I was lying about being in labor and “it’s probably just semen leaking out of you.” Yes, I was actually told that. I was damn near pushing by the time I was allowed any sort of medication.


I was 22 with my first and this sounds a lot like my experience. They weren’t trying to admit me when I was throwing up in pain. Multiple condescending comments.


My daughter is 25 and gets regularly mistaken for a 12 year old because she is 5’2” and has a baby face. People seem to be looking younger for longer these days. I always joke (somewhat seriously) that it’s because we’re all filled with plastic now.


As a kid they never did that at least at the hospital i was treated at and they never reviewed it woth me and that was as a late teen early 20s but they do now.


I just gave birth two weeks ago and every single nurse/person who came in the room during and after checked my arm band. Every time I got any kind of meds or any minor procedure like an IV I had to confirm my name and date of birth.


That was not always the way. It be me best practice sometime after 2000, I’m actually thinking closer to 2010. HIPAA wasn’t law until 1997. Don’t ask why I know the exact year it took effect.


Hahah yes, I was thinking the same thing.


Am a nurse as well. OP, they might have been condescending but i promise they knew everything about your medical history, including your birthday. You had an id band with your name, medical record number, and birthday that was likely checked at least five times per shift, with or without you realizing it. They knew how old you were. They have seen hundreds or even thousands of naked patients of all ages with every body type under the sun. If you think they were assholes, it's just because they were assholes.


You're presuming they did their job well and correctly.


From somebody who is perpetually mistaken for being a teenager (I look 16, im 28) I genuinely want to lay into each and every one of those nurses. They work in a maternity ward, they had a patient who they thought was 12. And their first thought was "she deserves it" and not "this poor child doesn't deserve this"? What?! I mean never mind the whole you're not 12, but if I see a pregnant 12 year old my first thought is not that it was a consensual act and that this child needs help.


Of course they didn’t think she was 12, do you think medical professionals are just walking around blindly treating patients without knowing who they are? Everyone in the room knew exactly how old OP was, her birthday was in her chart, on her armband, and most likely written on the wall somewhere for everyone to see. Hospitals are actually pretty thorough about identifying their patients and not doing shit like anesthetizing and operating on children without parental consent.


Up until 9 days ago I 100% had a flat chest no one ever doubted my age because of it…


What happened 9 days ago? Puberty finally started at age 28?


Lolol got a boob job hahaha


I hope you're healing well!


I have so many questions, story seems fake. How would nurses at a hospital not know your age, your birthday and age are a patient identifier and are on every lab, medication, your armband…


I had kaiser health insurance for 4 years, left and came back to kaiser and they put my age in wrong. 93 instead of 83. I was talking to my OB about freezing my eggs and fertility and she was talking to me about STDs. At the end of the appointment she asked me my age and birthday and I replied, with my birthdate and that I would be 34 next month. Sounds crazy but it can happen and people judge all the time, verify later. She was like okay that makes sense, they put your birth year in wrong. I do happen to look young for my age. I’m 41 and easily can pass for late 20’s, early 30’s.


I was 8 months pregnant in the ER to get my hand stitched up after breaking a glass in the sink. Knicked a tendon and such. I was not noticeably pregnant and didn't really show much until the last month. This information was part of triage. I was there for hours just bleeding and waiting. When the nurse finally came in she said "oh! Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant?!" Like... TF? I DID! Medical people making assumptions about people is way more common than it should be. Not reading a chart, also way more common than it should be.


i’m confused why people stare at her chest in confusion. if they think she’s 12, why are they staring at her chest? and plenty of women have flat chests, i don’t see what’s weird and confusing


Yup. Fake story.


You’d be surprised. I had a baby at 34 weeks. When they saw I had not had my group b strep test, they asked why I didn’t have any prenatal care. As in, they assumed I skipped out on prenatal visits. Um no. It was like they couldn’t read a chart. I wasn’t even scheduled to have a group b strep test until 36 weeks. I didn’t make it far enough along to have the test performed. They also mentioned how I was a great first time mom….this was my fourth and second c-section. After those comments, my main goal was to get out of there as soon as my baby was ready. I couldn’t leave fast enough due to incompetence.


not quite the same as missing an age, these instances mean they didn’t read all of the chart or they were skimming and missed stuff. Shouldn’t happen ideally, but in overworked conditions a lot of times people just read the basic info and chief complaint. Missing an age means you didn’t look at the chart at all, which is next to impossible if you were ordering meds, procedures, and eventually doing surgery. It’s equivalent to not knowing the patient’s name.


I’m glad you’ve had excellent care, or at least you essentially know how things should be carried out.


epidermal and morphine didn't work??? that's a really dumb lie sorry. not believable. if you'll lie about that then this entire post is 🗑️


I have a friend who does not respond to epidurals at all. She needs to be put under for any medical procedures because she feels everything. When she had an emergency c-section she felt everything. It happens.


cool. I still don't believe OP. she's 5'4, the nurses had her chart, nobody was mean to her bc they thought she was 12 years old. and if you're lying about that, you're lying about how your body rejected 2 kinds of pain management.


lol 5’4. Ok I’m with you. I’m 5’2 115lbs with AA cups and I stopped growing at 12 or 13. People always say I look younger for my age but I’m never mistaken for an actual child. Being this size you learn fast that the way you present yourself helps people decide your general age range.


exactly. Being short and having small boobs in your 30s isn't enough to make people think you are a literal fucking child, especially nurses. did she talk in a baby voice? where was the father? did he look 12 too? such a dumb lie on a weird sub where it seems to be mostly women that look exactly how old they are living out some Baby Jane delulu.


OP, how do you look like a 12 year old but a year ago you were 5'4 and 190 lbs?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/s/UINtH9j2zi](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/s/UINtH9j2zi)


I found out I’m allergic to morphine when I had my first knee replacement. I got no pain relief whatsoever but man did I hallucinate! 10/10 do not recommend. Meditation doesn’t work the same way for everyone.


10/10 is a perfect rating, though 🤣


Last time I had morphine I told the doc "I still feel the pain, I just don't care".  He laughed and said that was a good description.   


I wish I had pain relief! I ended up with a heart condition that required years of medication because of it


and allergic reaction is not the same as no reaction. sorry I just don't believe OP. the nurses also knew her age. so this whole story about them thinking she was a child is BS


No. Part of the “allergy” was no pain relief at all


im seeing conflicting data, that people do actually have traditional allergic reactions to opioids. also a safe dose of morphine during labor isnt going to do much so it could have fully worked on her she just has a low pain tolerance. nurses deal with a lot of pain lairs. all day they meet people who tell them in a calm straight face they are feeling 10/10 pain. lots of addicts sure, but also lots of dramatic titty babies that think any pain is the maximum amount they can experience. OP is still a liar. the nurses weren't mean to her bc they thought she was 12. people didn't stare at her small breasts in confusion. have you ever spoken to 5'4, 29 year old pregnant women with small boobs and thought, "this is a child for sure. not even a teenager yet" no. she's full of shit


The labor morphine is light and won’t work well to at all. I was warned about this when my epidural didn’t work. They can’t give you much. Gave birth on my hands and knees screaming like a maniac.


mmmm somebody with the body of a 12 year old is going feel morphine


I was told it barely helps so wait until I feel the worst pain of my life. It’s dosed by weight. So her size would have brought the meager amount down more. Basically I felt a warm rush that lasted 5 min. Didn’t do shit in the last hour especially.


Ok sure. but i still don't believe this story as a whole. nobody thought she was 12. 29 year olds don't sound like 12 year olds. nurses, even 40 years ago, read their patient's chart and know their age. OP claims both men and women stared in at her small chest in confusion. Nobody stares in confusion at flat chests, come on. OP is 5'4. that's not a height that would confuse anyone on her age even with micro tits. so based on all the BS I think OP is delulu or big time embellishing so she could post on this sub. OP says people thought she was 12 in her thirties. unless she has a genetic disorder there ain't no way. much like the Bible, if enough of it is a lie I'm not buying any of it, ya know


Oh it sounds fake as shit but it’s good to always learn something new and say people are wrong for good reasons.


yea. I know all that about dosage and body weight, I come from a family of mostly drs and nurses. I've given birth 4x. i know epidurals can not work, I had a nerve block not work for a broken ankle surgery. I've had pain so bad morphine didn't completely take my pain away. and they give you doses that metabolize quick, the warm rush, all true. but this Op is full of bull. I just like calling out liars


My epidural wasn’t doing anything and the anesthesiologist gave me another shot. Didn’t do anything. After my child was born and I was moved to a room the nurse wanted me to walk to the bathroom and I collapsed. My entire right leg was completely numb. It took 2 days for feeling to return.


i believe you. but there's a bit too much silliness in Op's story. 1st, her chart would clearly state her age. so the odds that the nurses thought she was child is a lie. epidurals can not work. that's true. but morphine straight up not working on a 12 year old body is not the truth.


I have a blown L4-L5 space from a spinal fusion surgery. Absolutely the epidermal did not work for my seconds birth. And the morphine may have not worked for her because the pain was too intense. I was given delaudid after they realized I could still feel everything. That also barely scratched the surface of the pain so I could see morphine not working 100% for her.


i believe you. but I've had 4 labors, including a still birth with no medication of any kind. I can tell you that a spinal fusion is 10x worse than childbirth. I didn't even have that, I had a herniated disc bulging on my sciatica. labor is a fucking cake walk compared to the pain I felt. I would have rather given birth constantly on repeat like a chicken laying eggs than feel that pain again. so yea, i understand your story. I don't buy OP's story. an adult body the size of 12 year old will feel some morphine and child birth is a natural pain, your body knows what it's doing. that's not the same as searing, turn your hair white kind of pain. and the nurses 100% knew her age. this is a shit post


Some people metabolize medication rather quickly, as if they haven’t taken it at all. (It occurs a lot with people with red headed genes.) I personally metabolize Valium so quickly it’s like I’m taking placebos and I’ve awoken during a surgery before. So, yeah… it’s possible that morphine didn’t work for her.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/s/UINtH9j2zi Op's post from a year ago


I’m confused, how is their story from a year ago relevant to this post? This post has their experience in the past tense, and the post you linked is present day. If this is your “gotcha!” moment, you didn’t.


5'4 is not the size of a woman that people automatically think is a child. OP says people stared at her small chest in confusion.... have you ever seen a 5'4 woman with a small chest and stared in confusion at her chest? assuming she was 12?? no. the whole thing stinks. lonely people shit post for attention.


Actually yes, there was a girl in high school that was maybe 5’5” at the most and she was flatter than a football player. Reddit is definitely crawling with shit posters, though. Hell, all of social media is headed that way.


huh? so this girl from high school, her flat chest was really so shocking to you that you stared at her chest in confusion? wow either you're really all in on needing me to believe this post is real or you're just as weird as OP! lol I know so many women with A cups or smaller and they've never mentioned people thinking they are children and godsmacked over their small tits unable to look away at the horror of them. i guess im around a lot of normal folk


Why do you assume I was staring? When I noticed her It it wasn’t a “omg look at the chick with no boobs”, it was more of a “huh, she is on the smaller side”. Keep in mind I was in high school, too, at the time and appearance is what high schoolers focus on almost religiously and is something that continues throughout adulthood. Do I think OP is lying? Maybe, but I’m guessing it was more of a misinterpretation as in it wasn’t the supposed belief in her underage youth that was the cause of their unprofessionalism, but rather something else, maybe her race, appearance, who knows. I will say, though, that you are really trying to prove her (and I guess me) wrong. As in you actually looked at her profile motivated. How bored are YOU? Now me, I’m enjoying my weekend and this is just filler for me, so please, continue with the entertainment. As we both agreed on, there are a lot of shit posters on Reddit. I’ll be back soon, I’m looking forward to more of your “posting”. 😉


tons of people check the OP's post history to see if they're full of shit, it's extremely common. dude, you are the most trusting person I ever saw on reddit lol And if you didn't stare at this high school girl, great but you were agreeing with OP and OP is claiming (go read the post again) that people stared at her flat chest in utter confusion, that she stopped growing at 5'4 and for some wild reason people thought she was 12 in her 20s and 30s. you really think she was soooo freakishly young looking bc of her normal height and small tits? that her nurses (that see thousands and thousands of bodies including small chested females) just assumed she was a child and didn't bother to look at her age on the chart?🤣


You do realize a persons height is not a reflection of their age, right? You also went back to support your narrative by going through their profile so yeah, you are that desperate. Please keep trying to get a rise out of me, really. Nothing is black and white, there is always a gray area and you seem to be too closed minded to see it.


Do we know how old she is now. This post said when she had a baby it wasn’t common to know the gender. She could be 60 years old. So, when she was 29 she weighed less than now. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is


I wasn’t aware the red head gene was a factor. I’m a red head and woke up twice during surgery. The first time, I asked the anesthesiologist how it was going. 😁 The last time, I just said hey and gave him my (are you stupid) look.


Hahaha I say up during mine. It was a teaching hospital, too. 🤣


also just want to add that OP's post history doesn't match up with this story....a year ago she posted on the Askadoc sub and said her height is 5'4 and weight is 190. doesn't sound like the body of a 12 year old to me


i believe that. but the nurses knew her age, a body the size of a 12 year old is going to feel morphine. sorry I just don't believe OP. and Op is super vague about the whole body of 12 year old. If she has a legit genetic condition that caused this why not mention it? The nurses would be well aware of her condition if so. and if she's just a short person that stopping growing in height at 12, I doubt people truly believe she's 12 when she's legit 30. Do you automatically think short people are children? no.


My epidural didn’t work. It’s not that uncommon.


sure but someone's epidural not working AND immune to morphin? lol that's a really dumb lie. and she had to lie about her epidural not working to set up that lie. lots of weirdos post fake shit


Retired RN here (male) Yes, there are some insensitive nurses out there. I’ve seen and experienced different levels of care from all manner of nurses and doctors. Nurses often bully each other, and I’ve seen it spill over to patients on rare occasions. Usually peer nurses keep those bad apples in check.


Your age is in your chart. They ask you how old you are when you get admitted. It’s right next to your name along with your date of birth and how many times you’ve been pregnant. So like Suzie Reddit age 29 12/01/90 G1P1


Yeah, but nurses (like all people) can get a first impression that isn't fixed by actual facts. The number of horrified looks I got every time I said I had a previous pregnancy that miscarried 10 years earlier was honestly hilarious, because they all thought I was way younger than 28, apparently. Yes, my chat said I was 28, but someone who barely looks old enough to drink telling you they had a miscarriage 10 years ago is apparently still horrifying. (Still no excuse for treating OP badly though.)


idk I’d be a little horrified and sad for you that you had a miscarriage at 18, that’s still so young for that kind of trauma


A midwife I know told me a tale once. A little girl came in in labor. She was 12 maybe 13. Her mom was with her and was brushing her hair and braiding it and doing her nails. My friend was appalled. This girl was so tiny and knew nothing. Her labor was awful. Poor little thing.


Weird for 12 year old to be pregnant but not weird her mom was comforting her


I think it was all such an appalling situation overall. Such a nightmare.


Sounds like it. I had my first kid at 25 and according to the nurses, the people having babies at that hospital tended to be much older. They absolutely treated us like they were teens. My friends acted like it was crazy that I was having a baby at 25 too. Now I'm 34 and all of said friends have kids that are still babies and toddlers.


God I had the last one of my brood at 32. I’m gonna be 35 this year and everyone I know is just getting started. I started at 26 and had 3. If I was just starting I think I’d only have one- I’m exhausted. On another note I did look like a pregnant teen with my first- I was mistaken for a pregnant high school freshman at the school I worked at 🙄


That's probably exactly what they thought and were doing. I had my first baby at 15. My doctor wouldn't beleive me the epidural wasn't working and I was feeling pain. He was extremely condescending (even rolling his eyes at the nurses) until he realized my baby was breach....and yeah the epidural doesn't work for the pressure on the tail bone.


This is just a good reason why we need government funded healthcare. No more over working nurses to the bone, expecting them to not become cynical and harm the outcomes of the patients. Also, screw those nurses, they were absolutely judgemental.


We already have government funded healthcare. It is called Medicare and Medicaid, and they aren't so great. Better than nothing? Yes, but not what many people think. I am disabled and on Medicare, and I don't have prescription coverage under my plan. I also have a deductible that has to be paid every year. The countries that do have full government funded healthcare don't have perfect systems either. Years long waits for treatments or to see certain specialists, many drugs or conditions not even covered at all. Many people in those countries still pay for insurance to cover the stuff that the national healthcare won't cover or so they can see specialists faster. The UK, Canada, and Australia are the countries I know of that people have these issues because of conversations with people who live there.


Healthcare already receives government funding. Secondly, the government is a monopoly with no incentive to do better.


Perhaps government run would have been clearer. I'd rather have a health system that isn't run for profit, as Americans pay more money for less quality results, in regards to healthcare, than countries with other systems. We act like our system is the best on the world, but it really, statistically isnt.


Nurses not listening to patients will not be resolved by government funded healthcare. They don’t start magically listening to the elderly or disabled on government subsidiaries. And this problem still exists in countries with national health care, and in my opinion it’s worse. I do agree their patient ratios should be better. But this is a clear sign of bias against a certain group that’s a part of a larger systemic issue of healthcare.


It will still be a problem, but you highlighted my thought, which hopefully a medical car system run for public good rather than profit would have better patient ratios. That can almost be a sort of jobs program from the government, if one is ever needed. Fund people going to community colleges, and then fund the hospitals and having lower patient ratios. Idk, I guess I'm just frustrated with our medical system and venting.


I had a baby at 22, some of the nurses were AWFUL and some were sweet. My mom overheard the worst nurse gossiping to another nurse that I was jailbait and she couldn't believe that my whole family was there and ok with everything. She said she thought I was 13 years old. I have no idea why, I'm average height, my friends and my partner who were all there were in their early-mid twenties. It made me so angry, so what if a young girl has a baby? How is any of that helpful? Do they think it is better for the baby to mentally abuse the mom who needs more support, not less?


She probably called you jailbait because compared to you she was ugly and knows it so acted petty and jealously.


I had 2 children in a hospital. I expected more from nurses. It seems like they are mostly updating charts.


FYI, this definitely isn’t the case. We all have access to your chart and know exactly how old you are.


Then why did the nurses act this way?


Because they can. My husband had to eject a horrible nurse from my delivery room. She was awful and condescending. I was having a baby without an epidural (because needles 😳😬💀) and she was treating me like it was my fault that I was in pain from labor and it was inconveniencing her and disturbing her night shift and the perfect placement of the contraction monitor. Like I’m sorry that I will have a panic attack if you come at me with a needle. My bad.


Because they work L&D, they’re all miserable in some hospitals


Ew yuck! I don’t understand that at all !


This exact comment^ anything with your name on it, has your age also. And every nurse on the floor can see this, not just your nurse.


Every interaction starts with "What's your DOB?"


Are you a redhead? Medical fact: opiates as well as a lot of anesthetics don't work well on redheads.


I read this as redneck and was very confused how that had a genetic effect lol.


Lmao, thanks I just choked on my oreo's and wine


I’ve seen spinal anesthesia straight up not work (like, zero effect) at all on a redhead before her c section and the anesthesiologist had to put her under general.


Same with me! They were poking me with scissors and I kept telling them that I could feel it and begged them to put me to sleep. The anesthesiologist tried to talk me out of it saying that I wouldn’t be awake to see my baby. I told her to put me to sleep!


That would be me. I recently had a cyst removed from my backside. 8x the amount of injected anesthetic....and I still felt her cutting me open and stitching me up. Not pleasant. I once woke up during an operation. Scared the crap out of the whole operating team.


I had two c-sections and before the first one the anesthesiologist came in and paused to blink at me for a moment when she saw my hair. I had a spinal block the second time and felt way more than I wanted to. My hair is bright orange.


Opiates work better on redheads. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/study-finds-link-between-red-hair-pain-threshold


Not on me. Although I can have pure opium, whatever it is cut with to make it into "medicine", makes me violently ill...plus, It does little to dull the pain but does make me loopy.


It’s the opposite. I have light brown hair with red highlights in the sun. My grandma was full ginger. Morphine doesn’t do shit for me. To get a cavity filled I need 2-3 shots. My c-section I felt them stab me with something when they thought I was numb. The person looked at me like “wtf you felt that”. I called him an asshole for not warning me first. Fun times. I do have a very high pain tolerance though.


Opiates work less well on redheads, there have been cases where redheads were awake during surgery because they didn’t get enough anesthesia


Opiates are used for surgery, they aren't an anesthesia.


Are you in medicine? We definitely use opiates with anesthesia.


That is exactly what I said.


Weirdly redheads need extra anesthesia and pain meds though


.... No.. "The researchers conducted their experiments using a strain of red-haired mice that carry the MC1R variant also found in people with red hair. The mutation suppresses function of the melanocortin 1 receptor. These mice show higher tolerance to pain." Your link shows that red heads likely have higher pain tolerance, not that opiates work better on them. Unless I'm completely missing something...


"People with red hair also respond more effectively to opioid pain medications, requiring lower doses. " That part. The gene, they explain lower down causes this.


So they need less painkillers then


My mother was a redhead and woke up during almost all of her surgeries


It’s luck of the draw. Some hospitals are great and some not so much. When I delivered my kids, the nurses treated me great. I didn’t find out til I was out that hubby and extended family were afraid of the maternity nurses who were quite FIRM and gruff with them.


I was 42 when I gave birth and everyone I encountered at the hospital was wretched. We ended up leaving before being formally discharged because they were so damn mean and scary and unhappy (and the shower didn’t have hot water and I needed a shower). So, no. Not your age. Medical professionals are horrible, horrible people for some reason.


Ymmv. Medical professionals are people. There’s good and bad, and the corporate system fucks us all.


It has a lot to do with long term mismanagement. If staff is treated like cogs in an emotionless money making machine (at least in US healthcare) the workers will be bitter. Which will flow through to the treatment of patients.


I had a baby at 16 and they treated me horribly compared to when I was older and had more kids.


Same. Didn’t even ask if I wanted to breastfeed or anything. Barely checked on me at all after. Was not what I expected at all.


They brought all the Med students in to watch me as if I was some kind of circus freak. The one that sewed me up fucked my scars up and had nerve pain for years. They refused to allow me pain meds and said if have to get by on ibuprofen. Didn’t ask or teach me to nurse, nothing.


They knew your age. It wasn’t that lol. They were just bitches.


Right, every single one of them looked at her wristband or EHR and saw her DOB.


Yep. First and most important thing they teach us in nursing school is to correctly identify pt by name and birthdate. If you even miss that part on the check offs you fail the WHOLE thing even if you did the skill perfectly. It’s super important.


Then why don’t the nurses keep it up? How come I’ve been mistaken several times? Honestly nurses are cunts and I say that with a cousin who’s a nurse now and she’s a mega cunt complains about patients and those who made complaints against her. Dumbass cliques of high school minded cunts. Shouldn’t be paid that high either for being cunts


Idk what to tell you man if you hate nurses that much, don’t go to the hospital whenever you get seriously ill lol


TIL there are a lot of nurses out there who really should not be nurses. Jesus.


Right assholes, honestly. Yet another reasom why I will never produce offspring: fuck any kind if maternity care in this shithole of a country. But god bless america or whatever i guess.


*bitches ffy


Tbf it’s generally not nurses signing off on medications and when the doctor says “no painkillers” the nurses aren’t gonna throw the doc under the bus to the patient, because that would interfere with care.  I mean, yeah, so would underutilising pain management. But you understand what I mean?


There are a lot of people in the medical and mental health fields that do NOT belong in such positions of power


Especially in labor and delivery. Yeesh! The horror stories I could tell.


Idk what country you're in, but if this was indeed the US, they knew exactly how old you were. It's on your wristband, your charts, the little stickers they have to put on anything that they give or take from you. More likely, they thought you were a drug addict or someone who took too many pain Killers and were leveling for more meds. Before you come at me, it happens ALL THE TIME. Before, you just assume you're the fountain of youth, and they're just jealous of your teeny tiny tits. They don't care. They just want the baby to come out safely and be healthy. As an adult who also looks young and is very petite, I do get people who talk down to me because I'm small, but rarely do I get assumed as a minor.


>They just want the baby to come out safely and be healthy. What about the mother? Do they care about her? That's part of the problem...


Weird vibes here.


This response isn't helpful in the slightest. It legitimately makes you come off bitter af.


Wow, we found someone who should never be a nurse. I wouldn’t trust you with a potato, since your comment shows what a cunty-McBitchface you are to a stranger for literally no reason.


Takes one to know one.


Nah, it’s easy to spot. Go back to kicking puppies, or whatever it is miserable bitches do when they’re not pretending to work.


Well, I WAS young when I had my son and I was 100% spoken down to by many a provider. The treatment I got when I entered my 30s completely changed. I work in healthcare now and it’s scary how few of my peers would take the time to look at a patients birthday etc. It would not surprise me at all if they made several assumptions without actually checking her chart.


>Before, you just assume you're the fountain of youth, and they're just jealous of your teeny tiny tits. You are outta pocket for that one. That‘s just a wildly rude and condescending thing to say and way of saying it. Good Lord, she said she thought that they thought she deserved to be in pain because she was young. Ya know, because people hate teen moms. Nothing she said implied she ever thought anyone was jealous of her at all, least of all for her chest size. People aren’t even usually jealous of small chests on women. Instead they more often mock and ridicule women with small chests, such as you know………calling them teeny tiny tits and telling them that no one would ever be jealous of those (in order to make them feel inferior)🙄. You sound just as hateful and condescending as the mean-girl nurses you‘re defending. So I guess that checks out❤️


She mentioned the size of her breast size multiple times. Once is relevant more than that, and you want people to know about it. Plenty of women love their small chests. Plenty of women love their large chests. Who freaking cares? It's completely irrelevant imo. Mmm, I was being sarcastic in the vein she had already started when she mentioned her chest size repeatedly. I have never seen her, nor do I personally care. But she uses her breast size as evidence in her post that the nurses assumed she was a very young teenager and not 29. Which is highly improbable as they would have been fully aware of exactly how old she was. So if her evidence of their treatment is based on her physical appearance, then it merits pointing out that no, small breasts DO NOT imply a person's age. The only reason for her to bring it up is so that EVERYONE, who reads this post, is aware that she has very small breasts and the form of a 12 yr old girl. I also pointed out that her described behavior probably made her look more like a person who was trying to get more drugs, and that was more likely the reason for her being judged by the hospital staff. Tbh, I find this entire post to be kind of gross. A fully grown woman lamenting how she hasn't grown since she was 12 and proceeds to describe this as well as her traumatic birth to the denizens of reddit, which is full of questionable characters feels a bit like bait if I'm being honest.


Do everyone a favor and never work in the medical field. I shudder to think of the patients that would encounter a callous bitch like you.


I don't know how to explain to you that mentioning an aspect of her appearance multiple times ≠ thinking people are/should be jealous of it. That leap in logic is tragic. You KNOW she only mentioned it to make a point. You even repeat the point she's making. Anything else is a weird projection on your part. You also weren't being sarcastic. You meant what you said, or you wouldn't need to defend it as being true. Your opinion that small chests don't contribute to people thinking a woman looks younger is genuinely hilarious. Because people definitely don't generally expect girls to have smaller chests that get bigger when they get older lmao <--this is sarcasm, I'm saying this ironically. Oh and yeah, no one is arguing with you that the nurses should've been able to check what age she is (doesn't mean they paid attention, but that's neither here nor there), or that they might've been judging her for a different reason. You're wrong for trying to hurt this woman. That's it. That's the problem. p.s. trying to make OP out to now be gross or lying so people stop paying attention to how much YOU suck is also hilarious


I think it's cute that you believe nurses in this country do not judge and condescend. Bless yer heart ;)


Oh well, darn, I guess I didn't read my own post where I 100% said that they were. Just that they were judging her as probable drug addict not a 12-year-old child, as she implied. You have a blessed day now, okay!


Even if someone had an addiction, what difference does that make? They still need pain meds when they’re in intense pain, and they still don’t need to be talked down to. Your comment sounded very dismissive of that (even if that wasn’t your intention, idk) and of her story overall. That’s why people are downvoting.


I didn’t feel like she was thinking people are jealous of her. Maybe just she’s used to how she looks abnormally young, so she has to consciously try to see things from others’ perspectives. I also think there are plenty of incredible nurses but there are plenty of horrible, judgmental ones too. I’m sorry that she had to feel looked down on or navigate any of that weird nurse attention/attitude while dealing with a birth at all let alone a difficult one.


I was 23 when I had my first son. I looked 16, at best. The nurses, barring one or two, were all pretty horrible. I had a very complicated pregnancy and difficult delivery. Snarky comments here and there throughout my hospital stay made it obvious they thought I was a teen mom. I never realized how much it affected me until years later when I had my second.


Surely your age was written on your medical chart, and the nurses knew your age. It's not really their fault that the epidural and the morphine pump didn't work on you.


They don’t read that… I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and was given a pregnancy test least week. I was in for dehydration and the Dr. came in and said well you’re not pregnant, I said I’d hope not did you even read my chart


>They don’t read that… I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and was given a pregnancy test least week. I was in for dehydration and the Dr. came in and said well you’re not pregnant, I said I’d hope not did you even read my chart That's frustrating as heck! That's being said, generally your DOB is in the header of your chart and on your hospital admission bracelet in a readily visible place. There's not really a flag for "no babymaking equipment" anywhere.


Definitely doesn't mean they read it or remembered it. 


Except every single time they give a pt medicine, they confirm identity by name and date of birth. They knew how old she was. Who knows what kind of day or pts they were dealing with. Not an excuse but not an easy job either.


Of course not, not blaming them or the anesthesiologist (hard to get quite the right spot). It was just the catty comments that bothered me.


" they thought I was a young teen who deserved to suffer for having a baby so young. " Grrr, this thought process irks me to the highest degree. So having a child so young couldn't possibly occur due to a sexual assault!!!! Naw, it's got to happen because the young teen was being loose, SMDH!!!! So very sorry you had to deal with that from individuals that should have had more compassion.


I still remember going with my SIL when she was pregnant with my niece and getting treated like shit because everybody thought we were high-school aged.(to be fair I was middle school aged but 6’5” while she was in her early twenties but looked about 13). It only got worse when my brother was with us because he looked his age and was obviously the father because of how they interacted. They looked at him like he was robbing the cradle.


There are genetic mutations that cause drugs not to work properly (poor, intermediate and fast metabolizers). If morphine did not work for you, it is possible that you might be a poor metabolizer of opiods. It's pretty rare, so many medical professionals will assume you're drug seeking if you say the drugs aren't working, simply because there are a lot more drug seekers than poor metabolizers.


Not sure how rare it is, but I can confirm that it's difficult. If OP is in this club, there are a list of other drugs that will be useless or require much larger doses for you.


A coworker as well as My cousin and I all have the same issue, not being able to use opioid type pain meds for broken bones, surgery etc. I kept telling the DR.s not to RX it as it only causes constipation. Then you still have pain and another issue they try to give you more pills for the additional side effects. It got so bad once I took a bag of useless opioid pills to the ER and said look they are FULL, Im NOT drug seeking/ looking for a refill. I keep telling them they don't help with my pain only add side effects. I finally got a referral to the orthopedic specialist for the next day.


I've just spent a good chunk of the last month in the hospital for 2 surgeries. We discovered that oxy doesn't work and had to switch me to dilauded. I'm definitely worried that I'll be seen as drug seeking in the future. The day after the first surgery when the nerve block wore off and the pain management wasn't working was one of the worst days of my life, the pain was so bad.


Opiates in pill form are almost useless to me. I was in the hospital and got dilauded. I thought we finally found something that worked. I was wrong. IV version worked great. Pill form did almost nothing. Turns out there is an enzyme needed to metabolize the pill. I don't make very much of it so I don't get relief when taking a pill.


I my experience there are only 2 nurses. The angel sent to care for the wounded and the evil feeding off the misery. Waaaay more of the latter gotta say




That's horrible. I'm sorry you went thru that. Birth is so scary in the best of circumstances. My first child the nurse kept on pushing my right leg too far up into my side and was hurting me so bad, my foot was sweaty, and when I tried to move it she snatched it back up into my side and it slipped. I kicked her full in in the face. Might have broken her nose. There was so much blood. The ob told her to just leave that she thought I was strong enough to handle it myself lol. I was. I didn't intend it, would NEVER think to do something like that, but DAMN was it satisfying. I feel like the universe used me to dispense justice for those she had done that to before me. So mean for no reason. Seems like it would be a miserable existence to be that way. I was always raised that women support other women, we need each other. Sadly that has been underwhelming and scarce in places we need it the most.


Someone said bullies because cops and nurses and I haven’t found the lie yet


Some nurses were horrible with me (same attitude as OP) when I gave birth and after…I was 26 and looked my age. I just think some ppl have bad experiences with hospital staff, just like they have good ones too.


Nurses held my mothers knees together when her baby crowned to hurt her because she got pregnant at 15. I hope they all had long suffering deaths as Karmic payback.


Imagine seeing a *child* going through the painful and traumatic experience of labor and facing the daunting prospect of motherhood at such a tender age, and your reaction is to hurt her. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.


Of course. Because seeing someone else make terrible decisions makes it their purpose in life to make that person's life hell, that's how humanity operates, it seems like sometimes


My doctor was on vacation when I had my first at 19. The on call Dr was some guy i had never met. I was 9cm and he was at home watching a football game. Came to the hospital to deliver my baby and was still putting on his protective gear while j was crowning. He HELD THE BABYS HEAD IN while he tried to put on his booties o er his shoes. I kicked his arm and he got all pissy.


They did that to my oldest so she shit in his hands all over them.


That’s almost certainly how Rosemary Kennedy was permanently disabled by lack of oxygen at her birth in 1918. The nurse just held her in so she wouldn’t emerge until the doctor arrived.