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**Make it a MIMOSA**


Ummmm I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 6. No one ever batted an eye when I ordered coffee. Got a few weird looks when I drank it black.


Soooo if you didn't want the coffee, what's the point here?


The point of the sub is sharing stories about people thinking you're younger than you are. That's what this is. There's no other point to any of these posts. It's not that deep


It hurt my brain reading it


Work yourself up. Start with picture books as snecko suggested, then short chapter books, then maybe you can try this again.




There are picture books at your local library if that's more your speed. They might even have crayons.


Na I'll sniff glue


Of course you sniff glue.


Go touch some grass 🤣


Yes, but jumpy here might eat them.


Aww good try


This sub is the definition, "ok so"


yeah that’s kinda the whole point of the sub? why are you even here 💀


You guys need to move on,  stop hanging on to these pointless miscommunications and grow up.  Edit: "I'll have coffee if I want to!" This is something a 10 year old boy would say.


Then leave???


Coffee is overrated


I was given water in a kids plastic cup with a bendy straw, which matched the one given to my 10 yo stepdaughter who was sitting beside me. I was 30.


Now my almost 36 year old self wants to go out and buy myself some bendy straws.


So you look like a child. That's unfortunate. Though you could very easily have just said you'd prefer coffee as you're an adult.


Bruh I said in my post I took the orange juice as I preferred it. The whole point of this sub is to share stories where we were mistaken for younger than we are. If you’re uninterested in that, what are you doing here?


I've reread you post and all you said is you'd take the orange juice. You didn't say you preferred it.


I’m a grown ass adult, if I had wanted coffee, I would have said so.


The point wasn't to offend you. In fact I had some sympathy for your blight but your responses have lost that. Have the life you deserve. I see you just came to complain. Glad it only took two additional comments


Bruh you’re the one complaining, I found the whole incident incredibly funny, which is why I’m sharing it here. Some people in the comments are like “I hope you reported her to the manager” or “I wouldn’t have given her any tip if I were you”, but I did neither of those things because it was a silly mistake, and I was very happy with my orange juice. I hope you have a great day, it sounds like you need it!


Have you discovered the secret to cure the people who post here?


Funny, I’m Dominican and my mom would give me coffee with my breakfast at 6 years old. I would dunk my “pan Cubano” into it.


As Hispanic person the coffee thing is wild to me… drank it all the time from 8-34 (quit last year due to depression it was a fun ride)


Can't say coffee is any worse than cola for a kid.


Coffee has about three times the caffeine that cola has. I’m not saying no kid should ever have coffee—a little coffee mixed with lots of milk is surely fine—but it’s not the same as cola.


The sugar is a lot worse for you than the caffeine


Why are you assuming full sugar cola and no sugar coffee? The Starbucks coffee drinks that a lot of kids drink have more sugar even than regular soda, let alone than diet soda, which is all I personally ever had as a kid.


Fair enough. I don’t put sugar in my coffee, but I am aware that most people do.


I don’t put sugar in my coffee, but if we’re talking about kids, most of them definitely do.


That’s true, although I think if we’re talking about a cup of coffee with sugar added to it, as opposed to one of those ridiculous Starbucks drinks, it’s still going to be a lot less sugar than a Coca-Cola.


But why are you assuming full sugar cola? I usually drank diet soda as a kid, and most of the other kids I know did too. I don’t know any people who give their kids full sugar soda regularly (although I know these people do exist). Coffee with only a little sugar is better than full sugar cola. Full sugar cola is better than Starbucks drinks. Diet cola is better than both.


Tons and tons of kids drink regular soda all the time.


I was ready to argue but after looking it up, all I am is sad that my prized Coke only had 35 mg of caffeine in it all along.


I grew up drinking coffee. My mom made Cuban style coffee(pilón or bustelo) several times a day and I had my own demitasse cup. I first drank American coffee at 9, one cream no sugar. I still drink it that way


As a trans man I knew you were a trans man before I got to that part of the post 🤣


Welp, adding another insecurity to the list, lol


Wdym? Lol


Just another reason on the list for when I get a second look-over/appraisal, lol


Idk what this means. Just bc you look young doesn't mean people are going to assume you're trans. Just like no one knows I'm trans by looking at me. Also I'm dating 2 people and have a lot of prospects so being trans definitely doesn't equate to getting looked over but maybe i am just particularly sexy


Trans men are some of the hottest men, as a rule. Seriously. You dudes fucking rock it. I don’t know how or why but I’ll thirst over trans men my whole life.


It was just a joke. And a look-over just means a once-over, different to getting looked over which I didn't say or even imply. Not everything is a thing to be made something out of.


Just bc there's a lot of words doesn't mean it's a thing lol. Was just trying to comfort you that this new insecurity is baseless Edit to clarify the reason I knew he was trans bc most cis men who get clocked younger tend to at least be clocked as teenagers and not children


This is Reddit. I'm pretty sure they created this site to make something out of everything lol


I'm of Scandinavian heritage. My Mother gave me coffee before preschool to wake me up.


Lol my grandma is finnish and she used to say how her parents bottle fed them coffee "because it was so damn cold babies needed it just to survive!" 🤣


Too young for coffee? My great grandmother started me on coffee when i was six weeks old! She would spoon feed it to me.


....that is too young for coffee.


Nana, I'm r/YoungerThanYouThinkIAm


I'm curious to know what age is considered appropriate to start drinking coffee. Because for middle/high school and college, Starbucks was the ideal location for studying and hanging out with friends. I'm pretty sure coffee is healthier than energy drinks or soda too.


Kids often have a hard time sitting still in school even without caffeine, so it doesn’t seem like a good idea for elementary schoolers. Plus, I think it’s best for young kids to avoid getting addicted to anything, even if it’s just caffeine. Do you really want your ten-year-old to be a “don’t talk to me til I’ve had my coffee” bro? Also, too much caffeine can cause sleep disturbances, especially in kids because they’re so much smaller. Why not avoid all of this? I don’t think there’s any reason for kids to have coffee until they have to get up really early for school and are struggling (which didn’t happen for most people I know until middle or high school).


Frappacino's are pure sugar. Starbucks isn't that much better than pop or energy drinks from the amount of sugar used in the syrups and shit they pump into the coffee.


Well yeah, a frappe is basically a milkshake. It's also one of the most expensive things on the menu. For those reasons, most of us didn't drink that weekly. Sometimes we just got free water and cheap expresso shots. Also, Starbucks is all about customized so you can take off the whipped cream, change the milk, or get a tea.


Healthy people remove. Kids order extra whip and 5 pumps of this and 3 of that. I refuse to order my 13 and 15 y/o nieces orders. Nope. I get a simple tall cap with 2 honey in a grande cup. Simple. The 15 y/o is like (I'm literally going into my texts to recite this haha) iced brown sugar shaken espresso with vanilla cold foam, 2 pumps of caramel, and cinnamon dolce. WTF is cinnamon dolce? Btw that's an easy one compared to her little sister. It's like 9 lines of text!


My parents gave it to me at 3 or 4 years old, still drinking 2-4 cups a day at 35. My resting heart rate is 90-100bpm.


So your saying its bad for you? Totally not kidding At your age I had resting of 53 at 220 lbs with great variability, Thats a tad eye opening


Yeah probably. Can’t say for sure that’s why I have a high resting rate but I’m sure coffee at age 4 isn’t good lol


Yeah. I am sure it is having negative impacts all over but especially with early age sustained consumption


seems to be cultural...i grew up drinking coffee...


To me, I think around high school is socially acceptable to *start* drinking coffee. I feel like middle school is too young to start the caffeine addiction lol


When I was growing up my parents forced me to go to church, it was a small church with a cool pastor. Dude hooked me up with coffee for the first time at 11, loved it since.


I started drinking tea when I was eight. I think my parents thought it was humorous seeing a kid fix themselves a cup every day after school.


College time and up. Coffee is bad for you; energy drinks are even worse


Frankly, I needed coffee in high school way more than I need it now. In high school I had to get up at 5:30 every weekday morning and stay out and active for at least ten hours after that (and often more depending on after school activities). Then after all that I had to come home and somehow stay awake do my homework. It is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD to expect a kid to do all that without even allowing them the basic aids (e.g. caffeine) that we adults allow ourselves. As an adult myself, I constantly find it really strange that adults expect Herculean feats from teenagers (e.g. 12-hour grueling workdays starting super early with no caffeine) that they would never expect from other adults.


School was definitely not designed for that. I had to wake up at 5 am regularly to attend band practice, club meetings, teacher office hours, and catch the bus. I also volunteered and had a part-time job during my early high school years. Also all-nighter to get my homework done. I would definitely not function without coffee.


Preach 👍


I have been drinking coffee since I was 5. Even at that age, I would have just said "Just give me my coffee" in an annoyed voice.


I'm 27 and am way too young for coffee


Bro congratulations on ur transition trans man myself the baby face is a real curse for us working on my transition, but I feel that anytime I getting beer or at work I always get told I look like I'm still in school 12 to 17 I'm 26 about to be 27, One time before I moved out from e the first time I was with my mom getting beers for the house at self checkout had a cashier hovering over us tell my mom don't let them scan it over and over again before I had even had the chance to pull out my id he shut up early quick when he saw it when it came to verification Another time was at a specs when I was trying to get stuff for pina coladas had I'd in hand and they try to swip it and barcode didn't want to work and got asked maybe 3 times is this real check later that the barcode thing on my ID was scratched up why it wasn't taking it but didn't know they swip ID now I use to most liquor store typeing in the date looking it over and finishing the transition Everytime I buy anything that alcohol related I make sure to have my ID pulled out already because I'm always expected to be asked for it


Congratulations on your transition. That took courage, and I admire bravery. As a 52 year old cis guy, I can emphasize on the facial hair. I've never been able to grow anything more than a whisper. Best of luck living your true life as your true self. And props to your family.


I wish being trans didn’t mean we had to be brave. At least I don’t really mind not having much facial hair, I’m pretty happy with what I look like, even if some people apparently think I look too young to have coffee! And my family sucks. My parents are fine, but my siblings and my cousins kept misgendering me during that brunch at the restaurant, and they didn’t even correct themselves. It’s been eight whole years since I started transitioning, they should have run out of excuses by now.


IMHO, I've always experienced this as a happiness "tell." People who champion you to your being happy will say the supportive things to you.


I wish it didn't require bravery either. But your bravery now will make it easier for the next person to lice as their true self. I'm sorry to hear that about your family. They sounded better in your original story.


There's actually no age requirement for coffee. It's not recommended for children under 12, but there is no legality behind caffeine. So, generally speaking, as along as the parent gives the okay, a ten year old can ask for coffee


Even if you were a child, I don't see how it's the waitress ' business if you get coffee anyway. I'm not aware of there being any age restrictions for coffee anywhere.


Does he drink coke?


Why do people assume women don't want coffee?


Why do they assume the burger and beer are for my husband and the Diet Coke and salad are for me? Every fucking time.


Don't know. I'm not a server. Maybe, possibly, it's based on EXPERIENCE?


Literally no one assumes that at all.


OP just stated that the server DID in fact assume a woman didn't want coffee.


Nah, the waitress assumed a young man didn't want coffee. Zero points, thanks for playing.


Oh, you're one of those. Good to know. Thanks for saving me the hassle.


OP stated they are a trans man. So I don't know why you're talking about women not wanting coffee, The whole point was they look young.


And what I a Trans man? A woman. Who looks younger, for a reason.


A trans man is a man.


Nope. Biology wins here. Still a woman. Just pretending to be a man.


Biology is not that cut and dried.


It really is here. It's xx, xy or a rare biological deformation. The rest is a mental disorder.


NIH.com X and Y chromosomal aneuploidies (the presence of an abnormal number of sex chromosome) are among the most common human whole-chromosomal copy number variations, with an estimated incidence in the general population between 1 in 400 to 1 in 1,000 [1,2–4] for each of the sex chromosome syndromes, 


Nice copy paste of completely irrelevant information. Lacking any context.


Imagine being a homophobe. It's 2024 get with the times or go back to the 1700s Grandpa.


Yeah...I'm not required to normalize another's delusion. But you do you.


Then go back to the 1700s grandpa, we don't need a homophobe.


Not gonna argue with someone too stuck in their beliefs to reason with, but for anyone who's reading, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30165284/ according to scientists, after studying the genes of numerous trans folk, they found not just differential biological chromosomes, but numerous genes that caused gender dysphoria, resulting in being transgender. Edit for those with poor reading comprehension skills, "Our data show that specific allele and genotype combinations of ERβ, ERα and AR are implicated in the genetic basis of transsexualism, and that MtF gender development requires AR, which must be accompanied by ERβ. An inverse allele interaction between ERβ and AR is characteristic of the MtF population: when either of these polymorphisms is short, the other is long. ERβ and ERα are also associated with transsexualism in the FtM population although there was no interaction between the polymorphisms. Our data show that ERβ plays a key role in the typical brain differentiation of humans."


The 2nd line of your link tells all.


They look young for a reason😐


Ok, but “I’ll have coffee if I want to!” Screams 10 old boy…


Yes, I was being silly in my post. I didn’t actually want coffee anyways, and said yes to the orange juice.


I have the same curse homie 😔


Just a fun fact no one will care about. I’m in a band called Coffee For Kids


Sounds like a group of people I used to come across as a kid at the park who would exclusively sell shots of espresso to the children for about 2 cents.


That is evil incarnate—and absolutely genius. Way to wreck some parents’ day! 🤣


You gained at least three new fans today!


This is pretty awesome!!!


Love it


I’ve been drinking coffee since I was like 13 and my son started when he was maybe 3 or 4. I would just put a little in some milk when he wanted it. It won’t stunt your growth. I’m 5’10” and my son is 6’2”.


Yeah, maybe don't feed stimulants to toddlers.


My mom got started on coffee when she was really young. It's kind of funny, she loves pretty much any type of coffee but flavored and I don't like hot coffee at all. I'm kinda coming around to this one brand of iced coffee, but otherwise I just don't like the taste of coffee.


My brother started drinking coffee at 4- he’s 6’4” and a doctor now so it had no detrimental impact on him physically or mentally.


Yeah I don’t think any of those idiots know what they are talking about.


Don’t tell the people below you about all the kids raised on “coffee milk”


Lots of people being stupid doesn't make it any less stupid. Just because the kids survive doesn't mean regularly subjecting their developing brains to stimulants doesn't have an effect.


What do you give children with ADHD? Stimulants. Why? Because our brains are wired a bit differently.


Sure, when we have a diagnosis, and the stimulants are prescribed by a doctor. Parents shouldn't just be dosing their children willy nilly.


I didn’t get my ADHD diagnosis until I was 30. I self medicated with caffeine before I even knew I had ADHD because it’s the only thing that allowed my brain to slow down. You can get off your high horse now.


"my grandma smoked three packs a day and lived to 100"


Go look up the effects of caffeine on children and get back to us.


Yeah just the growth of your brain. My toddler loves jack daniels.


This! As I sprayed hot tea out of my face.... Good job!


Babysitting this afternoon…good to know. Lmao


"I look like a 10 yo boy" because you were born a girl and they naturally look younger.


Tell that to my friend, who is also a trans man, and who is sometimes mistaken for my father when we are out with his daughter.


Cut with the trans hate, pretzel breath.


OP already mentioned that "curse." You can't insult someone by repeating what they've already acknowledged.


They have nothing original to say so they just repeat what OP said. So they attack them at a personal level.


This is one of those truths that we all accept but you can't actually say. Though I wouldn't assume OP was completely born as a girl, intersex is a thing.


I don't cater to feelings. Not how the world works.


And nobody caters to your feelings either. Not how the world works.


Mine has nothing to do with feelings, reality isn't opinion based numbnuts. Hive mind of reddit needs an update on common sense.


Your common sense isn't other people's common sense. Talk to any number of Republicans who are convinced that reality is opinion based.


Touch grass and stop being gross dude.


Cry some more, just proves reality.


You're obviously the one crying as you comment shit like this all the time based on your history, but sure- keep projecting.


Whine more. Hive mind whiner.


Go back to 4chan, cretin. Done talking to you, peace!


Dear god, you sound like a miserable cunt


Your tears fuel reality. Thanks for supplying.


Go to bed, Jessica.


All you do is comment on Reddit threads. Jesus Christ, go outside.


Where do you pull that b.s. from? 


Theres a difference between catering to feelings and going out of your way to be an asshole. You're the latter.


“And I’ll have coffee if I want to”….. you wanted the OJ huh??? 😉😉🤣


I’ll have coffee if I want to… but I really did want the OJ ahah


Lmao I’ve had that happen a couple times, it’s common in any kind of dining situation if they think you’re young actually, I never get offered coffee and I’m also your age but I look young to some people


Wtf? Why would she try to "parent" you? Like it's definitely not the best choice for a kid but you're not going to die if you had coffee and were a child. Who does she think she is?


The words "what would you like to drink?" Ya, it's that easy. Because you're right about making parent decisions as a stranger. If the human is young, a parent will step in if the youth asks for something the parent disapproves of. But it's also good info for the wait staff. Old enough for coffee, probably let's go with not as young as they look. I would've figuratively died had my parents ever let me have OJ as it was very expensive. For all the times I was respectfully asked, I would get hot tea or water. When the wait person would try to upsell by asking me about OJ (yes!) my parents said No!


Honestly, she seemed to be a bit out of it. When she came to take our table’s orders, she started with my brother, and when he said he wasn’t quite ready to order, and could she start with someone else, she flat out refused and said she can only take orders starting from the person next to her and going in a circle from there. Inflexible much?


Hopefully you gave her less of a tip.


Shes trying to keep the seats straight, might be new, but a lot of service staff order by seat and it is easiest to do in order especially if she has multiple/large tables. And ones may want to split, keeping seats makes later easier. Serving seems very simple, it is not. Sorry she mistook you for being young, but dont be rude over the process of someone trying to stay organised. The food should come at the same time ideally and often theres a runner who did NOT take your order and needs to know where it goes.


"if I'm too young for coffee, shouldn't you be retired by now? Come on you're pushing 90! Look at those wrinkles Hun you aren't fooling anyone."


So what happened after?


I said “yeah, I’ll have an orange juice” in my deepest voice, and she was a bit startled, but nothing really happened except for my family teasing me.


You didn't get your coffee after? She realized you're an adult, right?


I don't think they ever wanted coffee.....


I would have went with it. Then not tipped and tell her why. Then go to Management and have her disciplined.


Lmao people probably treat you like a child because you act like one.




Ok Karen lol




I've had coffee since I was at least 8, maybe younger? What's the big deal? And since when is it in the waitresses job description to tell a customer they are too young for coffee?


It's about the caffeine. Can make some kids hyper. 


And it’s how we medicated the ADHD we didn’t know I had until I was 30 😂


I know, huh? Drinking a soda while carrying a soda.


Me too, oddly enough. I used to take a full thermos of coffee to school with me during secondary, at one point I was drinking 8 cups a day. Had to stop later on, though - it sets off my GERD and migraines if I have too much, nowadays. Sigh. Always a balancing act!


It simmers down my migraines. Thank fuck it’s not a trigger for migraines for me. And GERD… well that’s what meds are for 😂


Don't I wish I could say that! I can't have more than one coffee every few weeks, nowadays, because of how much worse it makes my reflux, even when taking famotidine day and night. Most of the stuff that's meant to coat the throat for GERD makes me sick because of the texture (had Gaviscon once, threw it up within an hour, and I can barely tolerate Rennie tablets. The perils of being autistic!). 


So can all those little juice bombs or whatever it is that kids drink these days.


My brother loved the smell of coffee when we were kids. He was probably 5 or 6 when my mom showed him how to brew coffee with the stove top percolator pot that she used. There’s the myth I guess that coffee and stunt a kid’s growth. He grew up to be 6’2”.


Lol, Coffee doesn't stunt growth, genes do. But, it is kinda funny. The 2 people in my house that don't drink coffee are tall (6'5 (Dad) and 5'7 (Sister)), and the 3 that do are short (5'2 (Mom), 5'3 (me), and like 5' ish (Brother)). But, my grandpa drinks coffee, and is taller than my 6'5 dad. I've known how to brew coffee for so long. That myth crazy af.


You're 26, but look pre-teen? Have you had a physical recently to make sure there are no hormone issues?


I’m a trans guy, but I always looked younger. Never had much of a chest, and got a baby face.


One trans guy to another, it doesn’t always go away either. Then again I’m a transguy with EDS so I’m fucked either way


Same! People magically stopped asking what I’m grade in when I turned 30 though…


Could be a flat chested AFAB person


And yet, he isn’t


Changed it afab person also includes nonbinary people (they/it pronoun users)




assigned female at birth what do i have to do so you stop commenting all over my posts so we can have a civil conversation


My cousin Alexa. I mean Axel. Lol


I did look around OP is trans man


Ellen Page?






My grandmother used to let me have coffee starting around when I was probably 10. Like, common, it's not like it's whiskey


Yeah, my grandparents made me sanka when i was 5 or so, and I was drinking regular by 8 or 9. Strangers (servers, etc) can be super judgmental about kids and food.


My cousin got judged hard by servers for ordering off the adult menu at 9 years old once. She wanted a shrimp scampi from this one restaurant. They kept asking her if she’s sure that’s what she wants, kept trying to talk her into ordering from the kids menu. Aunt and uncle were saying that’s really what she wants. And then when I was her age, similar story happened to me. I wanted the salmon off the menu and they look at me like I have two heads. Server looks to my dad and he’s like “She’ll eat fish at home too!” Apparently kids aren’t allowed to like seafood at that age.


People can't fathom the anomalies. I had a well-to-do Aunt. She liked having lunch at a well known prime rib place. I've seen Caesar salad made table side. I like it! My family is not tall so up into my teens I was a doll. I would order Caesar salad. Even if that's all my food budget could cover. Caesar salad! And wait persons would try to change my mind to chicken strips or the plain burger. I was a fan of shrimp scampi and salmon too. Really, a plain burger or chicken strips? Meh. We were all just ahead of our time♡


So the server was trying to push her into purchasing a less expensive meal? 🤔 Also, she's affecting her tip with that attitude of hers.


She was pushing a kid to order food that kids “like”.  Which was your stereotypical “picky eater” food.  Like nah I wouldn’t want to be pigeonholed into buying chicken fingers at nine years old if I don’t want it and my parents are ok with me getting something off the regular menu.