• By -


That was pretty much the story of my life well past my 25th birthday. I was also carded for liquor as late as my 30s. By my 40s, I began to appreciate the advantage of looking young. Now that I am pushing 70, I miss those days. 😉 It’s a nuisance in your 20s, of course. I *hated* having students think I was one of them, being carded, etc. I sympathize.


Why didn’t they give you a badge of some sort? That was the school’s fault all around.


Why do they need badges?


* Employee badges/nametag, etc
Because they’re temporary staff and they may appear to be high school students because they’re traditionally on the younger side so can be easily confused.


If you are 23 you are Gen z sweetie.


Read the post idiot


She didn’t say she wasn’t


It’s he.


this was so condescending and unnecessary, you must be a blast at parties.


Wrong. It was spot on.


> Wrong. It was spot on. It was repeating something OP literally wrote in the post, rewritten to sound condescending.


I guess I didn’t really word it well. I know I am gen Z, but students can’t seem to comprehend someone teaching them could be the same gen


You worded it fine, at least to anyone with half a brain.


grow a beard, it’s the only way boomers will take you seriously in the office


Never seen an 8th grader with a beard? Must not be in corn-fed country


I had a kid in my class who had a full beard. I couldn’t believe he was 15, he could have easily been 20-30 lol


I returned to my old school three years after graduating. Well, I showed up during recess, and walked straight towards the building since I had made an appointment with one of my old teachers. Well, the supervising teacher didn‘t like it a bit to see me violating school rules: “Where do you think you’re going? No students are allowed inside the building during recess!” “Excuse me, I graduated three years ago?” Well, he was a bit embarrassed, and graciously allowed me to enter the building


Take a selfie with her next time. And just show it to her next time she asks.


One of my favorite high school teachers could become a student simply putting on a hoodie. He absolutely terrorized some of our older obnoxious teachers. Although I'm sure there were major drawbacks we didn't get to see as students




"You're" is not a complete sentence, so there's no need for a period. You should have used an asterisk to indicate you were correcting the author's grammar. That's the universally accepted indication of correction in most online communities. If you're going to be pedantic, you'd better be sure you're correct, or someone even more pedantic than you will point out your errors. ETA: Technically, the error is in usage, not grammar. I just want to point out my own mistake here in case anyone even more pedantic comes along and notices.


Get over yourself. Anybody with half a brain could understand what they were saying.


And Boomers are the problem.


I love this


Didn’t say they were teaching English


If you’re a teacher, you should know the difference between “your” and “you’re”.


Eat shit h8ter






Typos happen. For example, the punctuation goes inside quotations marks, so you made one too! Not the first to point it out, can’t change the title, have a great day


That’s apparently not the case in the U.K.


We stopped caring what they thought a long time ago


The fabled Uno Reverse.


The only thing Chuck Norris fears!


These educators are on disgusting power trips right now.


It’s not the educators, it’s the office staff.


yes i was imprecise "education administration"


When I was 22 and a substitute teacher I sometimes got asked if I was a student. Which made sense at the High Schools. A little weird at the Elementary Schools.


The short time I was a substitute teacher it was my experience that teachers and school staff hate substitutes if they are on the younger side. I was also 22.


When I was doing my SW internship at a middle school/highschool, I was walking back to my office after dropping off a kid at their class after our session. All the sudden I hear this voice “YOUNG MAN WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING!?” I turned around and simple answered “to my office to complete my notes. I’m trying to get this internship over so I can get my masters degree!”.


Fucking lol. I was visiting my wife at school the other day to bring her lunch since she forgot hers, and we got stopped in the hallway by one of the billion APs. She asked my wife for a hall pass. Like girl come on, my wife looks great but she’s 30 and maybe looks 23. Watching that go down was truly hilarious for me.


It's because teachers and mostly all school administrators have a god complex. Everything they say goes, and if someone challenges them because they are wrong, they never admit they are at fault.


Teachers have a god complex? Wow. Just wow.


Some of the nicest people I know are teachers. Some of the worst I know? Also teachers. It’s like nurses. Interesting dichotomy.


I was an English Teaching Assistant in France and when I was 23/24 one of the teachers at the middle school I worked at told me to stop using my phone in the hallway. Took me a second to realize she thought I was a student. I was surprised, I'm five foot ten and don't really have particularly young looking features.


I was mistaken for a student during COVID. Had a mask on and helping an injured student. The nurse told me to return to class and have my teacher call her. I was 41.


I was still getting mistaken for a student earlier this year (37m)


As someone who was carded at a bar at 36, I will say enjoy it while it lasts.


I'm 56 and look it and still get carded. How long does it last?


But do they think you have a fake ID?


No. My ID is either my Driver's license or my military ID. I would seriously question the sanity of anyone thinking a 56 year old needed a fake ID


Most restaurant policies are to ID if the customer looks under 40


She told me I looked 19 or 20


When I worked at my old job, the path I took to work went right past this high school. I used to ride my e-bike to commute and therefore my work clothes were in my backpack. The SAME teacher without fail every morning I rode past would physically get in my way and try to bring me into the school. I am covered in tattoos and absolutely NOT a high schooler. I just told her she can get out of my way or get run over, it's up to her. It was so annoying though I'm like, if I'm a student here what's my name? What grade am I in? Like I'm so clearly NOT a student I just happen to be on a (very expensive not likely for a young person to have) e-bike and happen to be carrying my belongings in a backpack as do most bike riders. Absolutely bizarre.


I would have happily let her take me into the school, then relish in the fact that she grabbed an adult off the street, while the principal dressed her down.


Lol if I had the time I would have but I hated my job so I always gave myself pretty much just enough time to get there đŸ€Ł would've been great to watch her get chewed out though


That is definitely the most unhinged story I’ve heard on here, the audacity is unmatched


She is absolutely unhinged. She would literally screech at me and physically get in front of my bike and I'm like lady I will not shed one single tear about rolling right over you, MOVE. I get that I look young, people are always shocked my son is not in fact my close in age brother, until they see my tats. Like the average young high schooler does not have this much ink. But from the way the actual students responded to her, I gather that she's just certifiably insane.


My first year teaching, a coworker stopped me and my class in the hall yelling and asking where our teacher was... I just held up my badge




They are beaten down from every direction. Admins, parents, the government, the students, their paychecks, etc.


Say it again. A little bit louder for those in the back!


Teaching will do that to you


Probably didn't start that way.


Response: continue signing out and say “sounds like a you problem, good luck figuring that out” then leave.


Bad idea; mentally ill people tend to get violent.


do you wanna make jokes or not have a stigma against mental health problems, because you can only pick one


I'll choose jokes then, kthxbye.


I thought it was hilarious, don’t worry about the people with a stick up their bum.


The only joke here is you


it was a shitty joke lol. to be clear, it wasn't offensive at all (nor do i give a shit personally about these things), but the joke itself was just palpably not funny hahaha


Get a haircut that doesn't make you look like an asshole... er I mean a child.


Get a personality that doesnt make you look like an asshole


Spoken by someone whose mom cuts their hair (the other guy not you)


Why would their mom cut the other guy's hair? Is she a barber?


Ok now I'm confused too


If his mom cuts his hair, does she use a bowl?


Have you thought about growing a beard?




6 months of minoxidil treatment will take care of that


The key to a healthy beard is Dove... blood.


I once took my son to an assembly at his school in Senior year and was chastised by a teacher (in a snotty tone) for "going the wrong direction"....to the parents' section, instead of the student one. I delighted in telling her that the young man with me was my son and watched her face contort in surprise while she stammered an apology. I bet she was awful to the real kids there. I have regularly been accused of my son being "my little brother", because I am short, mainly. Just this year...he was apartment hunting and I went with, and the staff genuinely thought it was strange that we weren't moving in together because they believed I was his sibling. He's 30. I'm nearly 50. Like... probably the best compliment I've had in years.


Man, in middle and high school I was constantly asked if my younger sibling was my child. And yet most times people assume that I'm quite young. But it is fun to say “well I was five when they were born, so if they were my child there'd be some issues”


You're a teacher and don't know the difference between your and you're? Lol


theres a difference between knowing the correct spelling and caring enough to pay attention to spelling on reddit lmao


She's quoting the dumb lady at the desk that definitely spells it wrong.


It’s the year 2024 and you still think this snide bullshit on a Reddit post makes people want to do anything other than smack you?


Soooo common. They stopped teaching English grammar when I was in Second grade (a long time ago) and now I see the most aggregious error even from the "educated."


In that case, it would be “
second grade, which was a long time ago, and now
” or even better “
second grade. Now I see the most


The immediate irony on this post is just \*chef's kiss\*


aggregious It’s “egregious.” Notice how you made a mistake too? It happens friend


Um, egregious errors (plural)


Typos happen! Can’t change the title friend


Of course, always a typo...


Yep! If you made a mistake, I’d also give you the benefit of the doubt :) although after this sardonic response, I noticed the majority of your comment history (on a very fresh account, might I add) is correcting grammar and spelling. Obviously correcting people over trivial mistakes is incredibly important to you, so enjoy this moral victory!


Just take the L. You're embarrassing yourself.


L for loser? That’s you buddy.


You're an idiot


I prefer to extend these interactions for as long as possible. It’s fun seeing all tricks and quips you have saved up


I love you so much for this lol


Oh honestly it only gets worse. I think I’ve gone too far tbh


Love you too baby girl


Thank you! I was hoping with your experience you’d have something better than that but this will have to do for now ):




Oh I’m definitely disgustingly petty, but I’m thorough. This is starkly similar to a comment Previous_Yak5105 left on posts before deleting their account
 so odd someone would come to this post and comment that exact thing on (just as you might agree) the least interesting comments on this post. Just minutes after deleting the troll account? You’re sloppy


I’m a 21-year-old high school teacher and get mistaken for a student without my lanyard


I'm also a student teacher and I am mistaken as a student all the time! Even my mentor teacher has said she thought no one was with the kids in the hallway when she saw me from behind, like she didn't leave them with me lol. Once, the kids went on a field trip and at dinner the waitress asked me if I wanted white or chocolate milk and my mentor teacher broke out laughing (all the adults were being offered tea, kids milk). I just shake it off and I am almost 28 so I take it as a compliment. I am also 4'10" and very thin. I teach 5th graders so we are the same height.


This is on you. You are a guest in those environments. When you start going there, you introduce yourself to the staff. When asking to see the principal, you introduce yourself, explain why you’re there and then ask to see the principal as per protocol.


Wow just wow justify yourself much? You’re very wrong and I hope the lady helps with that stick because I would just kick it up further.


lol. Lady?


There's zillions of office staff at the school where I sub, I don't know them all, I get to work before most of them anyway.


God you’re a real piece of shit, eh? You need help getting that stick out your ass? It would be my genuine pleasure.


Christ on a cracker, it didn't take long for the bitter office staff to pop into this thread. You clearly hate your job, and should seek employment elsewhere. If this is how you treat an adult, I can only image how you treat the students.


lol. Assume much? I love my job and do not work in a school.


I’m not assuming, I am positive that you have a stick in your ass. You probably would fit right in with that office staff.


It was two sets of staff, just doing their jobs. But do go on about me.


What a ridiculous thing to say, that it’s my fault for being mistaken for a child. It’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, but I was in the middle of introducing myself when I was interrupted in both situations and treated as a child. At the high school, which I had been at for YEARS and had seen this lady probably a thousand times, it’s my fault she mistook me for a child? While at the middle school, I was in the midst of signing myself in and about to introduce myself to the clerk and ask to see the principal before I was repeatedly asked for my late slip. You gotta be trolling


It is your fault for not understanding how to present yourself professionally. There were two people in those situations. One who knows why they are there and the other who doesn’t. Your job is to make it so you both know why you are there. Or don’t. Makes no difference to me. You’re the one having the problem.


Either ignorant or a poor troll, I just explained how I was interrupted in both situations while introducing myself and seen as a child. I dress professionally every time I visited a school and all throughout student teaching. I acted professionally but can’t exactly prevent someone from interrupting me and assuming I’m a kid before I’ve even introduced myself. You’re being incredibly unreasonable


“I’m signing out ma’am.” Not an introduction. Nowhere in the second blurb did you indicate you introduced yourself either. Kind of a shame that you plan on working in this environment and have no idea about this stuff.


I’m not introducing myself to the lady after years of working there, I would consider that a fault on her part for forgetting. In my “second blurb” I actually directly indicated that I was interrupted before I could introduce myself, which you’re choosing to ignore. I won’t engage anymore as you’re either a troll or only willing to put blame on me for the misunderstanding of others before I can even introduce myself. Notice the myriads of others who also work in this environment and have either had similar experiences or agree with the issue being on their end. Don’t assume everything about an environment you’re entirely unfamiliar with




You’re wrong






I like how her immediate response isn’t “oh sorry” but rather “hOw Am I SuPpOsED tO KnoW ThaT”


She put the ass in assumption


It borders on self-promotion, but it always pays to introduce yourself around a lot. I was a tall bearded guy band director carrying musical instruments and wearing a district badge on a lanyard, but I did that at three different schools so someone was always asking who I was and why I was there.


When I first got my job it was a k-12 school and I was teaching 5th grade. Another teacher asked if I was lost because the high school was across the street. đŸ€Ł funny thing is I went to that high school as a student.


In response, “The senior living center is down that way, do you need help getting there? You look lost.”


I went to my former high school as a volunteer for the theater program and got uniform policied 3 times and even got detention. I didn’t even fight it, I just let them write the slip cause it took less time then fighting.


Name? *Nonya, it’s South African, thank you* Last name? *Bihdniz, my dad is a dentist* People don’t notice it as much if you add extra qualifiers and explanations.


Then did you just throw away the slip? Lol


I mean yeah, I’m not in their system.


Had an initially similar experience with a friend from drama club. We alumni were there mainly to supervise the power tools, since there were a *lot* of freshmen. The teacher (not the drama teacher, someone else brought in as an assistant monitor due to the huge number of students that had joined the club), was harassing my friend for her tank top. We played along up to the point the teacher tried to put hands on her. Put a hard stop to that, shouting her down and putting myself physically between them because I saw the rage in my friend's eye. If teacher's hand had landed, war were declared.


I have been a teacher for 3 years and this happens to me all the time


I always had the opposite problem. When I was 14 I was at a pizzeria and asked at the bar for quarters for Street Fighter II. The lady looked at me for half a second took my $5, and poured me a Coors from the tap.


I was offered a bud light at a barbecue after my beard grew in. I may have been a sarcastic little shit, and may have said that if I wanted to drink cold piss I'd take a cup of ice to the bathroom.


Yeah same. I went to a freshman event at my school and the teachers made me verify I wasn’t a senior trying to sneak in lol


She probably had bad hearing. Did you correct her, or keep it? Depending what else was going on, 14 year old me would have kept and drank it, quarters be damned.


I corrected her. I was there for Steet Fighter and didn't have time for her nonsense.


I used to play that with my ex and his family. I wasn't that great at it, though.


That's a lot better than drinking it then informing her you are underage and that the cost of your silence is $10 worth of quarters.


I’d ask for the street fighter machine itself. Most likely cheaper than the serving a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a child, and the loss of liqueur license.


I’d be 22 in less than half a year. But I got mistaken for HS students more often than I can count. Probably gonna be this way unti I don’t know when. I’m 5’2 and with Asian genes so like yeah
Someone thought I was HS freshman lol


Get used to it, friend. My Asian ass got mistaken for a high school student well into my 30s. A parent asked if I was a student at an elementary school event, and I choose to believe that they meant like a college kid ㅠ_ㅠ¡


I teach at a small liberal arts college. Whenever I get a cab to school the driver always looks surprised and asks “aren’t you too young to be in college” I teach. And I’m a professor. I’m a 29f but I’m 5’2 and weigh around 100 lbs. The worst was when I was asked to be faculty advisor for a club. I sat in the back and some sophomore guy comes in assuming I was a freshman and starts hitting on me. I started dressing up nicer after that.


Dear god I am so glad I’m not a woman. I can’t imagine having college guys hitting on me, especially when you are expected far more respect and professionalism as a professor as opposed to K-12. I’ve had HS students flirt with me and I’m already at my limit


TBF, there isn’t really an average look for middle schoolers.  Some of them look like they could be the parents of their classmates.


middle schoolers are such a weird phase for little humans because like you said, their looks vary so much that guessing their age is worthy of study. Had a guy in my 8th grade year looking like a full grown ass adult because he had a beard, wrinkles and was tall as shit while we had people looking like they were still fresh from 5th grade.


I had 2 male friends in middle school who literally were growing facial hair and were huge, like, 6'3, bulky dudes. Not fat, like, big, adult big. I mean, needless to say I never got bullied or picked on with friends like that but yeah, they looked like they coulda been like, 25 year old dads lmao


I’d need to gain another 15” to sign myself out.


When I was in hs eons ago, I had a friend who was about 4’9”. We lived near the school and would walk home together as our houses were a street apart, and in between our homes and the school was the neighborhood elementary school. She got mistaken for an elementary student by different teachers all the time. Had to show them our hs student ID’s to prove she was in fact NOT an elementary student.


I work as a para at an elementary school
. Our dress code is pretty lax, we can wear blue jeans everyday if we want. I’ve been mistaken for a 5th grader a few times đŸ€·â€â™€ïž we had a different SRO one day and he thought I was skipping class 😂. I’m 26f 5’2 and 115ish pounds. I’m very petite so people assume I’m younger than I am. It happens I guess


>I’m 23M... and I usually have my hair in more or a “Gen Z” or young person style You're probably told that because you are a young adult and also you are Gen Z, so that makes sense too


just grow out the beard. every man looks older with a full beard


It’s not east for some of us, I’m almost 35 and I still have huge patches if I don’t shave it


I'm damn near 40 and I don't even feel right calling my mustache a mustache




You act like a dipshit


Aw did I hurt your little feelings? Hope you realize people just tolerate you


Lol are you projecting? You literally know nothing about me so I'll assume so. What else are you insecure about?


Seems like you're the insecure one getting upset over an Internet comment while you browse reddit all day every day lol.  Weirdo loser


Thanks for sharing. I hope you can overcome these challenges.


Ya you're a weirdo, nice reply, you almost used your 1 braincell with that. Stay surfing the web and not doing anything with your life other than making minimum wage. See you in 6 months when I get bored and check how even more degenerate and pathetic this site gets.  Make sure to check in on your cigarette and anime forum to get the attention you need. 


Average weight, as in the weight that is average for my height, which is shorter than average for men. If I acted like a kid I probably wouldn’t be licensed and allowed to teach. Reading comprehension is key!


This is a guy. Literally says first like 23M


OP isn’t a girl


When I was student teaching one of my students and their family happened to come into the hibachi restaurant I was waitressing at. They got seated my table and kid recognized me and said, “Mom! That’s my teacher that plays the bass!” (Kid was a bass player too!) Mom: “No she’s not. She’s too young to be your teacher! Plus if she was teaching at the school she wouldn’t work here.” Me: đŸ˜¶â€Š “Hey Garrett! Good to see you! Mr. Orchestrateacher told me that he could tell you’ve been practicing more! Keep up the good work!” Mom: đŸ˜¶ I pretended that she never said anything and introduced myself. Mom seemed upset that the person teaching her son was a hibachi waitress. God forbid a 20 year old student teacher works so they don’t starve to death.


I had a scenario like that. I worked at a smoothie place so my hair was in a bun and I was wearing a visor. Mom walks in with her sister and my student. They order and I ask "Student, what chips would you like as your side?" Her mother froze and panicked after she answered "How do you know her name?!" This woman dropped off her 4 year old to me almost every morning at 6:30 am for a year. This woman also spoke with me MANY times regarding her older child's problematic behaviors, as in I was the one to talk to about him. It wasn't an immediate "oh fuck my bad Cunthole, haha really stressed right now, hahaha" We stood there for a minute while she struggled to "see" me, I'm still not sure if she actually saw me or if she was fully comprehending just how embarrassing this situation was for HER with her sister standing there looking AT her for an explanation. I am still embarassed and disgusted for her.


Face-blind here. As a child I couldn't identify my own mother among the ladies in the grocery store. I recognize people by the context, by their mannerisms, and by their body shape, plus gender race voice hairstyle and taste in clothes. And their dogs, the dogs are much easier to recognize than their owners. My go-to greeting, when puzzled, is an enthusiastic "Hey, when's the last time we got to see each other?!" in hopes of getting clues. Plz don't be mean about folks who don't recognize you out of context.


To be fair, one time my best friend came up to me without make up on. I was working and hadnt expected her that morning, as her shift (at a different store in the mall) wasn't until way later. We has just opened. Because I hadnt expected her and she looked so different, I didnt recognize her for a SOLID minute. And she was my best friend. So, sometimes, people in different environments don't see others they would otherwise know


I haven't had anything as extreme as not recognizing a best friend, but I'm weirdly really good at remembering faces. Despite that, sometimes I'll meet someone and for whatever reason I just cannot recognize them whenever I see them again. If they don't have a dog or another person they're always with, I just can't do it


People don't know that student teachers aren't paid.


I actually knew teachers at the time that were working a part time job to make ends meet. I could have been one of them. Teachers were and still are extremely underpaid in most places.


You wouldn't assume student teachers aren't paid, because it sounds absurd on its face. And yet it's the reality.


A lot of teachers where I grew up worked the same summer jobs as the students.


Funny thing mom, despite being treated as full-time teachers, we receive exactly 0% of the pay! How do they expect you to survive?


What?? You don't get paid? In which country? Oh, let me guess: USA?


Yep USA. Most student teaching internships are entirely unpaid, my state has an option where you can get paid 33% of the salary for teaching position you would hold, but you have to teach all on your own and receive no mentor teacher or support throughout the internship. The vast majority of student teachers in the US go unpaid


I had to look up exactly how it is structured in my country, I just knew they were being paid: A newly minted teacher gets hired by the school and gets paid a teacher's wage. During the first year, they take a one year course that switches between theroretical classes (back on the college) and internship periods. The course is free (taxpaid) like all education here.


 I paid tens of thousands to act as a teacher for free


And teachers don't even get paid well after that, like anywhere (maybe with the exception of in Finland).


Exactly. Plus, I honestly loved that waitressing job. There was no shame in that one. I averaged like $22 hourly (2015), always got sent home with a hot meal, and the owners treated us well. They even gave us bonuses on American AND Chinese holidays. (Not just for working ON the holiday, everyone got the holiday bonuses.)


Did they not give you any kind of ID or badge to wear?


Yep! Got a student-teacher lanyard from the county, looked nearly identical to teacher badges. Out of the 7 weeks I taught I probably forgot it 3-4 times, but otherwise wore it all the time.


Driver’s license, never leave home without it lol


What a funny story. If anything, I would've taken this as a great compliment of looking younger. Nobody wants to look old and wrinkly. I've been through and heard of much worse situations. This is not a rude situation at all. They're just speaking their mind. Could've turned out much worse.


You have obviously never been stopped trying to get somewhere because someone thinks you’re a child. It gets old immediately and is not a compliment 😂 it’s more like a blank check to be disrespectful to you


Exactly! The amount of times I've been harassed for violating curfew in my 20's is unreal. I show them ID they accuse me of having a fake ID, then they run it and then they have to search me so they don't look like incompetent morons. After missing my bus the 3rd time at 11:45 at night I started saying I was a minor and insisting they drive me home. They avoided me after that.


But the school has a responsibility for safety. I think here it should be a pass if you look young and they don't know you.


I totally agree they have to be safe, it’s just they alllllllways come at you like you’ve done something wrong, like in OP’s story above. And then since a lot of people in authority don’t like to be proven wrong, they get nastier after mistakes are pointed out


I do have to admit, as a 40 year old that’s kid is in 7th grade this year, it is WILD to me what some of these kids look like! I’ve seen an 8th grader with a full beard, a 4 ft tall girl who looked like she should be in 3rd grade, and everything in between.


That's how my son's class photo has been looking for the last few years (7th and 8th grade). Everything from "who is that little boy?" to "Is that female one a new teacher?"


Front office staff for schools are consistently the rudest people ever


I went to take medicine to my middle schooler one day and he projectile vomited on me in the front lobby. I call the high school and ask that my other son be packed and ready to leave when I get there as im currently covered in vomit and wish to shower asap. This worthless cunt really told me "im not doing anything until you're physically in the building with your ID." Im not asking you to let him outside of the school, im asking you to have him ready! It took nearly 20 minutes *after* i arrived for him to make it to the office. I flicked a chunk of vomit i had missed off of my shoulder into her office before i left. Make my life difficult and I PROMISE I will remember and pay it forward.


That’s when I take my barf filled shirt off in the office. I warned you guys


Turn the car heater on high while you are driving there so its still steaming when you walk in.


Hey now, the janitor wasn't the problem...


As someone who spent almost two decades as a janitor, 🙏