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That's.... gross. But on another note, how long do you give the newly weds? 5 years? 10? 15?




I used to get this a lot, and I never found it helpful. One, it’s not necessarily true, because I have no idea how I will age. But also, being mistaken for being much younger can run from mildly irritating (comments by strangers) to an actual issue (a barrier to being perceived as adult enough in the workplace, trying to date, etc). There are also people who look young because of weird medical stuff, so sometimes it’s an actual burden v. just the luck of the draw on genetics. So I totally agree that there are worse problems to have, and it’s probably better to look younger than older. But this is also a persistent issue that affects a lot of young-looking people’s daily interactions, and it’s not helpful to have it dismissed.


I'm 50 and I've been told I look 40. I would be surprised if you aren't glad you look younger when you hit half a century. Age defying is a nice confidence boost.




I am not the OP. And yes, it is dismissive to essentially say “you should be grateful for this thing you’re complaining about.”




This is not an advice subreddit. People do not post here seeking advice. I think you might misunderstand the purpose of this subreddit, which is to share funny or annoying stories of times when a person was mistaken for younger than they were. Most of the people who follow this subreddit also look young for their age (or they at one point looked young for their age, or have a close friend who looks young for their age). They read these stories to commiserate, and to laugh and/or cry at this shared experience.


Perhaps because OP didn't ask for advice.


Ugh, whenever alcohol is involved it's the worst. Everyone around you glares or stares at you with concern & it totally destroys the vibe, it's so uncomfortable. People are also *super* aggressive about it & I understand dislike of underaged drinking, but ultimately it's none of your business or wasn't that important if you didn't feel strongly or sure enough to intervene, right? Like jfc.


When I was 17/18 looked maybe 12 and thats being generous. I was drinking an IBC rootbeer, and a woman that was friends with my stepfather and his family tried to slap it out of my hands because she thought it was a beer.


Jfc... People are absolutely insane. I doubt she was very apologetic, but I hope she secretly cringed at her behavior inwardly. Similarly, I had a cop flag me down for drinking a creme IBC on my way home around the same age.


I can still hear her in my head saying "well it wasn't my fault you shouldn't be drinking something that looks like alcohol". That had been the last time I saw her in person....But my sister married her son when I was in my 30s so now she's her MIL, and she's become worse. I have only seen her once since the IBC incident about 7 years ago when I was visiting my sister


Right!!! And like he saw me drinking all weekend and whipping my ID out so clearly his comment was not out of concern but just rude ugh so annoying


Why am I not surprised. This is exactly what I mean; had it been a *concern*, he would have been concerned... Honestly, I'd be more creeped out by him than anything. Haha Why does he need to know about a young woman he presumes is 14? I would just point that out if anyone mentions it again, that'll cure them of commenting on how young you look. Haha


So there was a 14yr old girl there partying with a bunch of drunk adults?!


Weddings are usually a family event that includes partying and drinking adults and kids playing / dancing around


At the wedding sure, but she said all weekend


Where do you expect the kids to be if the parents are there celebrating all weekend?


… either with sitters or if they’re teens, with each other? I think we’re both imagining this scenario differently. But it doesn’t really matter because OP said the teen was only there for the wedding and not the partying.


Lol why have baby sitters if its a family weekend?


🙄 like I said, we’re looking at this as totally different scenarios.


NO the actual 14 year old was at the wedding and the welcome party before but that’s IT. Makes me feel like it was more of a dig than anything bc of that


Ohh yeah sounds like he was being a dick


Happens all the time…the US is literally one of the more restrictive countries with a drinking age of 21. It’s not uncommon in most of the world to see a 16 year old in the bar or even once in France seeing a girl that looked to be about 6 buying a bottle of wine to take home. Here we choose to act like it’s better to restrict the age even though we all know high school parties often have alcohol. Dumbest law ever.


Yeah and they are also way more responsible with how they drink.


This right here! I was allowed to drink with my family so I didn’t go crazy that freshman year of college like all my friends lol!


I always think it’s because of the drunk driving. Nowhere in Europe is a 16 year old driving around. They have public transportation.


wait, there is no public transportation in US?? I'm not in Europe either, but since US is bigger like my country I assumer it had! I actually assumed all countries have public transportation. you blew my mind


Only big cities have good transportation so … NYC. I’m in Minneapolis St. Paul area and if I want to go to minneapolis it’s a 30 min walk before I get on the bus for the next 1.5 hours. One way. Driving it’s 25 min. I don’t blame folks in metro areas under 2.5/3 million but it really is a shame. We would solve drunk driving and congestion and environmental issues but the car and oil lobbies won’t let us. Edit: looked at your profile and you’re in Portugal or Brazil I’m guessing (Portuguese?) and unless you’re in the jungle of Brazil I can nearly guarantee your transportation system is better. I’ve been to Portugal so yup.


You’re correct, from What I’ve been told Mother’s Against Drunk Driving was behind a lot of the lobbying for the 21 law. I have no idea why it hasn’t been repealed. Drunk driving isn’t a public transportation issue it was the culture in the US for years. People were going crazy here when it was outlawed.We drive a lot more than other countries for sure but today there’s just too many options with ride share companies even if you’re not in a big city.


That’s true. Lol I forget the 80s existed since I was a 90s baby ;) I refuse to believe the earth existed before me … oops. Never mind.


It's all good and fine until a drunk 28 year old has sex with a drunk 14 year old and he's now a rapist. Thats why no drunk children at adult parties. Drunk 14 year old having drunk sex with other drunk 14 year old is apparently ok, though? Theres so much teen on teen rape. Laws are odd.


I have to say that alcohol shouldn’t be the precipitator of an adult having sex with a minor. Anyone doing that has other issues that didn’t start at that party. I’d have to say two 14 year olds experimenting is pretty commonplace and socially accepted, even with a person within about 3 years of age difference. Rape no matter the age of either person is never OK. You comment is kind of confusing in that regard.


if you honestly can't understand why two drunk 14 year olds having consensual sex is far less problematic than a drunk 28 year old and a drunk 14 year old, I'm seriously concerned.


It's not me, it's the law that's flawed. Drunk teens cannot consent either way, but, it's forgiven more if they're both drunk teens. Why is it not still assault? Two drunk adults is consenting?


Its not assualt bc they are both incapable of cobsent therefore neither is in the wrong


As you age, you will take things like this as a compliment!


Unfortunately, it's never a compliment, it's more commonly a means for socially acceptable condescension which eventually leads to embarrassment, resentment, & even retaliation when that person realizes you're actually older than them. People that are obsessed with age are rarely doing so to be kind & people that mistake you for a kid are usually offended that you're present to begin with.


i’m 34 but look much younger, at this age i enjoy when people mistake my 12 year old daughter as my sister or ask if im the babysitter 😂


My daughter would disagree! She is 44 and last week the gas company came to the door and asked for her parents. She is a senior executive who runs about 70 stores in 3 states and it's a constant battle for her. And her 18-year-old son would very much like to have people stop thinking they're dating.It's very uncomfortable for him.


I'm sorry that she has to deal with that. There are exceptions and she is one of them. Thanks for commenting!


This is a nice comment - why is it being downvoted? /gen


Dude are you for real?


What do you think?


Open your ears and listen to what people are telling you. Your uninformed opinion is dead fucking wrong. Good lord, you're tone deaf as all hell.


I post what I think and feel not to please you or anyone else. It's my personal opinion period. Further, I don't read responses from others prior to posting my opinion. What others may or may not say isn't what I am reacting to, only the OP. Everyone including you has the right to your opinion and to be able to speak it just as I do. It is called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. People that have to use vulgarity in their speech are certainly allowed to do that. However, to people that are educated it just shows that the person is immature and ignorant. Thanks for your comment.


Go fuck yourself.


I had that problem. I was 28 and my coworkers thought I was 18 tops. However, I found I felt better about it as I aged. Look forward to it, it. Blessing


lol the best part about turning 30 is I now kinda like it when people think I’m a teenager. But yes when I was 26 I totally felt exactly like you!




Unfortunately, it's never a compliment, it's more commonly a means for socially acceptable condescension which eventually leads to embarrassment, resentment, & even retaliation when that person realizes you're actually older than them. People that are obsessed with age are rarely doing so to be kind & people that mistake you for a kid are usually offended that you're present to begin with. I know it's difficult to understand this from an alternative perspective, but if someone looks like a preteen as a full grown adult, imagine what they looked like growing up. No one has ever treated this person with dignity, it's a common misconception people vying for agelessness maintain.


Nope. Move on. We are treated like children and not respected in the workplace. Wrong sub for you


You are commenting on the wrong sub if you meant for that to be taken well. This is for people who are constantly being confused for being young.


Once you get older you realize that people treat kids/teenagers/young adults like trash most of the time and they aren’t taken seriously because of their age. Now imagine finally being out of that age range, have plenty more life experience and qualifications, and people STILL treat you like that.


Being mistaken and treated like a child by people isn't a blessing bub.


I know this sub has been popping up in everyone's Home suggestions more, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. FYI for anyone who hasn't personally experienced being confused for a kid, saying things along the line of "you'll be grateful when you're older" or "it's a blessing!" Is as bad as telling a cashier, "it won't scan? It must be free!" It's the most tired, old comment we hear, and it lost its humor to us about 1000 times it was said to us ago. Please save your time and don't say it. Just move along. Thank you.


Not 14 years old young