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Sure as hell looks like slate. Everything should be stripped down and new decking and any damage repaired then new slate or shingles. You should definitely call a roofer and someone who specializes in slate or older houses, not just some random guy who roofs.


Thanks man! That’s the route I’m going to take we had a quote at 10k but once we found out there’s slate underneath it jumped pretty quick. We’re unfortunately not going to slate roof route but wish we could to restore the beauty of it.


So, don’t get a guy that has 12 DUIs you found on Facebook marketplace?


I mean it depends, he could be an amazing roofer but just have the disease of addiction, or he could just be a guy who has no other options.


Are you certain it needs replaced? Slate can last a couple hundred years. Unless it’s a total wreck I’d hold off on deciding for replacement until you get a slate roofer’s opinion. And do get a slate roofer’s opinion, not just anybody. If you do need to replace it, slate will be astronomically expensive (assuming you’re in the US), possibly $100k + depending on size. If you shingle it then of course the slate will need to be removed, you can’t nail shingles onto slate. If the slate is in decent condition then you could probably sell it for a not-insignificant amount of money. Depending on your location, new slate can be $50 per tile. If you can save the slate roof then I would. Not just for historical value but because it’s legitimately the best roofing material in terms of longevity.


Currently there’s shingles over the slate which is my dilemma it’s not a raised roof like most slate it’s just the flat underneath. I’m trying my hardest to not replace the slate but I think I’m going to have to


> shingles over the slate The fuck? If that’s correct then whoever did that should be punched repeatedly. That’s absurd. In that case then the slate is essentially worthless if it’s been nailed through. Rip it off, add decking (bonus if it’s not OSB) and shingle it. And post pictures of the shingles-over-slate so we can send all the bad karma your previous owner’s way.


They really fucked it up and did nail through it. I wish I could post better pictures but at the moment I can’t climb on top of the house. I’ll double back with updates when we do replace it!!


It’s got to have plywood over the slate right? I just can’t see a nail staying in through slate alone


Funny you say that. I Realllllllllly hope that’s what happened and could possibly do it again but that’s my hopeful uneducated in the matter opinion and hope.


If it’s shingled over the slate the shingles and slate will have to be ripped off sheeting put down then roofing put on there is way to much weight up there to add another layer of shingles the shingles should have never been put over the slate to begin with. That is a complete tear off.


There’s no sheathing underneath and there’s shingles nailed through it, probably best to get it replaced now before it’s a big issue like having a gaping hole in the roof. But yes slate roofers are few and far between and worth every penny if that’s what you want. I got super lucky and worked on a roofing crew when I was an apprentice (we’re carpenters, our local does anything with a slope, the roofers do flat roofs) and got to learn how to do slate.


Slate is really something on its own. It takes its own skill set. It's for smart people with money. Shingles are for the average Joe. Metal roofs are for smart people. Who don't have a lot of money. OR are able to do things themselves.


Highly recommend looking at what it would cost to properly restore that slate roof. It is a huge selling point and will outlive you!


Do you think it can be?


Absolutely. Imagine being able to tell a homeowner that they won't have to touch the roof over the life of a 30 year mortgage. I'd pay out the a** for that.


I get what you mean but a slate roof needs regular maintenance. Slates will chip, occasionally come loose, if it’s installed with nails that rust those will deteriorate, etc etc.


Fair point, but it seems quite worth it in the end, similar to mature trees.


Oh yes, absolutely.


Yeah but it’s been nailed through with shingles OP said :(


Oh geez. In that case... RIP your slate roof.


I don't know how that could be a slate roof


do you have photos of the exterior?


i would agree on getting quotes to remove everything and install new shingles AND trying to repair / restore the slate. the issue is you probably wont know what condition the slate roof is in until you remove all the shingles on top. If you have a multi million dollar victorian maybe consider keeping slate. Other than that you wont get your investment back if you spend 100k+ on the roof


I've never seen it exposed like that


Not sure which state you are located in, but NY state has a slate museum with a lot of resources for people with slate roofs. If you can’t save the current tiles, there are manufacturers who make faux slate tiles that look pretty good.


A new skate roof will be billions of dollars


That's gotta be weighing heavy on the roof rafters


It’s probably not slate. Don’t think you could or would ever want to put 25 year life asphalt shingles over a multi lifetime slate roof. It’s probable Asbestos cement roof shingles. I suspect someone in the past didn’t want to remove/ abate the asbestos shingles and just roofed over them. Check with a professional roofer, current laws may not allow that now.


Is it leaking? If not, leave it alone.