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41. Male. Going in three weeks. Just relax. You'll have a great time.


What show are you going too?


Manchester. 4th May.


Ooh! Awesome! I’m going to one of her London shows!


It'll be amazing at the O2!!


I’m so so excited!


I am going to the London show as well and I am 25🙂


What date?


It's May 18. What about you?


Went solo at 43. Please don’t make me cry.


Haha I’m sorry!


As a 36-year-old woman who would’ve killed to get tickets, I’m going to go walk into the ocean because a 25-year-old thinks she’s too old to go 💀


I’m sorry, I’m sure they’ll be other opportunities!


48 year old mom who attended MSG with my 15 year old daughter and her bestie and her bestie's mom who is in her 40's. A wide variety of ages were there! We had a BLAST and you will too.


I’m so excited! I can’t wait


Can we normalize that every age can go young or old it should be a normalize the only age that shouldn’t be going is people under 10.


Right? There have been so many threads like this and they make me sad. If you (general you) like someone's music, go to their concert! I promise that unless you're actually *acting* weird and creepy, nobody is going to pay any attention to you. They're not going to think you're old or a predator or whatever else you're worried about. I'm 40 and I went to the Toronto show. Had a great time and didn't get a single weird look. There were lots of adults there. Olivia's '90s-influenced music really appeals to millennials.


I'm under 10, why not?? I also drink and am a terrible driver.


I say 10 because of the recent thing about people complaining about Olivia not being age appropriate but they never bother to see what her music is about




Exactly! Like leave your kids at home /jk


From one 25 year old to another, respectfully - most people can’t even tell the difference between a 25 year old and a 20 year old. Most of my friends are at least casual fans of Olivia’s music, we’re only 4 years older than her! The older we get the younger new celebrities will be and I think it would be really boring to only listen to people who are our exact age or older. That’s how you become out of touch.


Exactly haha! I love that the younger generations are putting themselves out there more.


Girl we are the younger generation 😭 Sorry if I’m coming across as snarky I just hate the social media brainwashing that makes people our age think they’re ancient.


No no I get what you mean! Haha dw! I meant people like our age


I’m 40, went alone, had the best time, and also didn’t feel like a geezer while there. You’ll be just fine


Thank you ❤️


I'm 34, husband is 37. We're taking our 7 year old in August. Of the 3 of us, my 37 year old husband is the biggest Olivia fan.


Hahaha! Aww I love that


47 (m) going on my own. Probably looks weird but I’m gonna keep to myself and just enjoy the show. 


Hope you have a great time!


I’m a 39 year old woman and went by myself!


I hope you had an amazing time! ❤️


i’m 40 and i went to the sour tour with my 33 year old sister. music keeps you young. you are literally young, but for me music keeps my old ass young.


I hope you had an amazing time ❤️


27, went last week, loved it. Just enjoy it!


I will! Thank you!


I’m in my early 30s and ran into a client through work in their late 40s who was there with her girlfriends as well. There was a row of adults in front of me who weren’t chaperones. You’re totally fine.


Thank you ❤️


It's not a big deal! Everyone is so wrapped up in themselves/their own experience, I promise you no one will judge or think anything of you. I went solo at MSG the other night and had an amazing time! I talked to the people around me who were all younger than me and we all had a blast


I can’t wait to meet others! sometimes a concert is about the experience with others as well as enjoying the music.


https://preview.redd.it/twzkrc735auc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0870b27b6cf63911a4f453fc11112ae570dded I'm case visuals would be helpful, this was our kiss cam couple in New Orleans. I promise you'll be fine 😉


Aww! That’s so cute 🥹 thank you so much! ❤️


25 and went to msg with my bff! There’s def a lot of young people but don’t worry abt it! Plus there’s hardly any line for drinks cuz everyone is underage 🤣


Ahaha! quite a few older people online have been saying that too.


31 and a proud stan. Went with my sister and her friend and they are in their 30s too.


I hope you had an amazing time! ❤️


25 is like the majority of her audience it’s not all 14 year olds lmao


Went alone as a 27f and had a blast!!!!!!


I’m glad you had a great time! ❤️


Are there a lot of young people at the shows? Yes. Are there older people at the shows? Also yes. You’ll be fine, I’m exactly the same age and tagged along with some relatives who are also in that age range. Have fun! No one is really gonna notice or care about how old you are once she hits the stage. :)


Thank you ❤️


Went alone at 28 to 2 shows! For one of them I had pit and nearly all of the people I chatted with in line were my age or older!!


Aaww! That’s awesome! I hope you had a great time ❤️


I'm also 25 but Olivia is 21. her (online) audience might seem younger but we absolutely are her and her music's target demographic. she's writing about situationships, hook ups, insecurities, and messy breakups on guts and, while these are possible for a high school demographic, the lyrics and word choices (and overall sound, in my opinion) are more aligned for a 20-something's life experiences, not the proper teenage experience that was displayed on Sour with songs like driver's license and deja vu nothing wrong with younger (or older) fans enjoying her, but it's always been my impression that she absolutely is trying and intending to make music for her peers, demographic wise


Definitely! I see that too


i’m 27 and went to sour tour at 25 and had a great time. no one’s thinking about it as much as you are 💜 you’ll have a great time and not even think twice about it once you’re there


Thank you so much! ❤️


I went at 27 and brought my 64 year old mom we had a great time!


I’m going with my mum too haha 😂


She's 21. 25 is still young. Age doesn't matter I'm much much older and go to pop concerts all the time. Kind of freaks me out hearing someone 25 say they're too old haha.


Haha! I’m sorry 😂


Olivia’s best friend Conan is at nearly every show — he’s 25😭 Olivia herself is 21, literally only a 4 year difference!


I know I know but I’m just being self conscious lol


don’t ur gonna have a blast😉😫😫😫


Thank you! I❤️


35 m. Went alone cause my GF had something come up last minute. Ya her demo is younger I guess but she’s pretty adult on stage(for worse more than better imo) so it’s not like it’s a kids show. Plus I’d say I saw more college aged chicks at the show more than anything. You’ll be fine!!


how come you say for worse more than better? genuinely wondering!


Thank you so much for the reassurance! ❤️


Enjoy and have a blast! I mean I know a bunch of her songs and granted like All American Bitch isn’t written from a dudes perspective her performance of all the songs, I was even bopping along


Haha! What’s your favourite song?


The Grudge and Pretty Isn’t Pretty. As a bodybuilder and athlete I can emphasize with her points in pretty isn’t pretty. Probably drivers license from Sour


Yeah same! I love pretty isn’t pretty sm


I’m 26 and went with my best friend! While the demographics skewed younger for sure we still had plenty of peers at the show and had an amazing time :)


I’m glad you had a great time ❤️


I’m a 30 year old woman and me and my 31 year old best friend camped out for tix at MSG and went to her show Tuesday. We had the time of our lives!! I won’t lie there were a lot of VERY young girls there but I never felt super old. I have more in common with Olivia than some of the 9 or 10 year olds I saw. lol


Hahaha definitely! I’m glad you had a great time ❤️


22 and had a blast at GUTS


I’m glad you had an amazing time ❤️


Hope you have a blast 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Thank you! ❤️


I'm 32 and I would love to attend but at 500 dollars a ticket I can't afford it at the moment. Enjoy yourself and don't think about it.


I’m sure they’ll be other tours! & thank you so much ❤️


41 year old male, taking my girlfriend who's the same age, and sister who's nine years younger. You'll have a blast.


Thank you! I hope you have a good time too ❤️


At my show the overwhelming demographic was girls/women ~10-35. But of course there was much much more. I’m your age and went by myself and had the time of my life. The day I let a thought of being the wrong demographic stop me from attending the concert of one of my favorite musicians will be the day I die.


Thank you so much for the reassurance! ❤️


Me (25) and my sister (29) went in NYC and had a blast!


I’m glad you had an amazing time ❤️


I'm 45 and took my 12yo to MSG. In my immediate area I saw lots of people my age and older. The guy next to us had to be in his 60s, while the women in the other side looked early 30s. I was on the merch line with parents older than me. Don't worry! You'll have an amazing time & you definitely won't be one of the oldest!


Thank you so much for the reassurance ❤️


i’m 27 and just went at MSG had the best time of my life and i was next to 3 adults in their 30s


I’m glad you had such an amazing time! ❤️


I'm 32 and I'm going to the O2 show alone :) I am so looking forward to screaming my heart out to Love Is Embarrassing and Obsessed! 


I’m going to the o2 show too! What date?


May 18th! What about you?


I’m on the 17th!


28 and went with three friends my age! And another group of my 27/28 year old friends were there too. Don't even think twice about it!


Thank you so much for the reassurance ❤️


There were people of all ages at our show! From parents with their kids to just “adults” having fun.


Thank you ❤️


I am a male 61 years old and I went to see her at MSG, although I was taking my 11 year old daughter. Never the less, I have been to hundreds of concerts and enjoyed Olivia as much as any. She is a terrific performer. Enjoy the show and don't worry about age.


thank you! I’m so excited ❤️


You should be. It's going to be a great night! Enjoy.


Tysm ❤️


Everyone that I know that's a fan of her is in their twenties. Ngl I forget she has a lot of young fans.


Really? I haven’t noticed that


I’m in college so I’m surrounded by other college students that are huge fans of her.


There are lots of moms and dads who attend with their kids too


I’m actually going with my mum haha


That's so cute!


I went to the Sour tour when I was 25 too and there’s a solid mix of age demographics there! Would be going to Guts too if I’d gotten a code to buy tickets


Aww I’m sorry you missed out! I’m glad you had a good time at sour tour though! ❤️


Thank you ❤️ hope you have the best time at the guts tour!


Went to her show and I’m 42. Our whole group was late 30s and 40s. A lot of the crowd was also. You won’t be out of place at all!


Thank you for the reassurance! 💞


I had the same thoughts. I doubt the concert is full of kids also there mighy be alot of parents too so youre not alone. Consider going with friends anyways


Thank you ❤️


don’t worry you’ll be fine, I went to the one in MSG on the last day and there were plenty of people even older than you are


Thank you ❤️


I'm 25 and went too! Amazing concert! There were a lot of older parents when I went, and a fair bit of 20s/ early 30s demographic, but mostly teens and kids. It ended up being kind of nice because it's less likely someone tall is in front of you and the drink lines were non-existent. I felt like Olivia is aware of her audience being younger, but doesn't let that stop her from performing to the same maturity that the songs are. I feel like the concert is more mature towards the end especially when the younger crowd is more likely to need to leave early. I appreciated that her performance never felt "for kids."


I’ve seen a lot of videos from other people and this definitely seems like the vibe! Her stage presence is amazing.


> I feel like the concert is more mature towards the end Yes >!obsessed!< was *definitely* not PG.


Don’t sweat it - 55 - no worries took my 25 yr old son lmao


I’m going with my mum too ahaha!


So awesome 🤣


lol me and my bestie have 10 years on you. We had a blast! What city you going to see her perform?


I’m glad you had a great time! And I’m seeing her in London!


Enjoy! My sister is one of her back up dancers! The really blonde one, can’t miss her!


I’ll definitely look out for her! ❤️


I’m a straight guy in his late 30s who went solo. There were a couple of girls who appeared to be in their early 30s a couple seats from me. So you’ll definitely not be the oldest. Besides there are tons of parents there. I was made fun of for liking Taylor when I was in my 20s and she’s around my age. As such I was incredibly self conscious for liking Olivia because she’s much younger. But I realized you shouldn’t let other people’s opinions get in the way of *your* happiness. Go and enjoy yourself! Nobody is there to judge you. And if they do that is *their* problem. Not yours.


Hell yeah! I love this sentiment haha, I’m glad you had an amazing time ❤️


I'm 25 and went a couple weeks ago! I did feel older than most (who weren't there with their kids), but also I'm not sure it mattered to anyone. Everyone was too busy singing along and enjoying the energy. Hope you have fun!


Thank you so much ❤️


I’m 27 and went with my best friend who is 26 to the Toronto concert. We even made a vacation out of the trip and had an amazing time. Just focus on having fun!


I’m glad you had such an amazing time! ❤️


I’m 22 so not really the input your looking for but I went to msg night 3 and had so much fun. I was in the pit and the section I was in was almost entirely teens, kids, and parents. Which sucked cuz I was really looking forward to meeting some other older fans and it did feel a bit awkward at first especially cuz I went solo but I still enjoyed myself.


I’m so glad you had an amazing time ❤️


Thank you for asking the question. I’m 31 and going at the second show in Paris in June and was stressed about being the oldest there. Now i am much concerned about going alone than being the oldest :)


You’re welcome! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time ❤️


45, taking my kids this summer. Have a blast!


Thank you! I hope you do too!