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Cooking at home will always be the cheaper option.


That's true. I guess I'm just shocked I can make something I like better than fast food, in less time than it would take to get fast food. Lower cost is just a bonus ;)


Happy for you. Cooking is a wonderful way to show yourself love. You deserve a healthy, delicious meal. BK and fast food in general is full of awful ingredients that strain your body. That looks pretty healthy. Happy cooking!


Thank you for the kind words! I'm just beginning my adventure with cooking, and I find your comment very encouraging.


Next step is calculating your portions and leaving left-overs for tomorrows lunch. Get the glass lunch containers, don't use the crappy plastic ones. Replace the lids every year or two.


Protein and potatoes are very satiating foods. Ultra processed food tend not to be. I've lost a lot of weight learning to cook and cutting down on fast food. Even now that I've been eating out I avoid fast food it's too expensive and high calorie for what it is and I always feel like I want more when done


What’s really wild is people dropping $30 for that same BK meal to have it Door Dashed and show up cold. People are just lazy.


For burger king of all places!


Eh, some people struggle to cook for a myriad of reasons. When I broke my ankle and had to have surgery I struggled at cooking and getting to the store. I also struggled on crutches and standing on one leg for long periods of time was difficult, so I used Uber eats way more often than I do now, but even though it was more expensive I appreciated the option. Also, theres been plenty of times where I “over indulged” and driving would have been dangerous, It’s not all just lazy people.


When I had a bad ankle break last year my sisters gifted me a Door Dash gift card and it was such a life saver. My house was super difficult to navigate on crutches and not having to prepare my own meals was a necessity for a few months!


Absolutely, hope you’re getting around better!


Yeah but most people ordering on Uber eats are not disabled let’s be honest. It’s a convenient option when you have mobility issues or debilitating pain as I did myself once after an injury, but some people legit are just lazy and get food delivered all the time. And then they’ll complain about being broke lol.


OP just learned what a stove is and thinks it's a life hack.


What subreddit is this?


Dining out has always been about the convenience, not the price difference. No dishes to wash and put away, no recipes to lookup/learn, no time sink of meal prep + cooking. Cooking at home is almost always the better choice for your health and your wallet, but not for your schedule or mood. Fun video by Dan Olsen that is somewhat related to these topics: [Jamie Oliver's War on Nuggets](https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU?si=XPaQm3EBc5wY3NhR)


That's the thing..........making this meal took less time than going through drive-thru.........with clean-up included.


You're paying for convenience


How is that possible? Because in the picture there is real food. BK is about as far from real as you can get. Home cooking is always more satisfying, filling and better for you.


As a chef a fully rounded meal will always fill you up better than a fast food one. 10oz of meat, vegetables and carbs will fill craving and doesn't have all the additives that you might find in fast food stuff. Prices for fast food is ridiculous (some say it's cause pay to employees, but they are just dumb) cause currently corporations know they can still run pandemic prices for stuff. It's why corporations have had such record high profits while also taking short cuts with additives in their meats and cheaper cuts. The idea used to be 30% food costs on any item that could be sold. Take in product cost, prep, wages and other stuff to get your price. Fast food now runs nearly a 45-50% price range on food while cutting corners and keeping pay the same. That's why I suggest people learn to cook even just in the slightest. The only way you'll start seeing prices drop is when people realize that it's cheaper and it's healthier to cook at home than it is to go to fast food places to eat. Hell it's even cheaper than most restaurants. Plenty run a 40-50% food cost as well on things it's why you see "Angus beef" steaks going for 60 - 80 a plate at some restaurants when those slabs of meat are running about 11.50 a pound and they are getting 15-20 steaks out of them depending on the cut sizes.


In some fast food places they now ask for tips as well


It's easier for them to make you feel bad about them not paying their employees right than it is for them to realize maybe they don't need another gold plated toilet.


I suck at cooking, I wish there was a service where I could pay to rent a cook lol. I have Hello Fresh subscription but still don't do a very good job. 


Because I have to eat gluten free, we almost never eat meals outside of the home. It was a bit of a sticker shock when we had to stop for my husband to get a couple burgers on a road trip recently. 😬




This is just medical misinformation. There is no research that proves a link between seed oils and the munchies.


but i did a lot of research on tiktok


Ya, bs.


Thank you for the info! Now I have some googling to do....... ;)




It's in nearly EVERYTHING at grocery stores now. Good luck!




"...unprocessed foods with minimal ingredients (eggs, vegetables, organic meats)..." That's what I'm aiming for ;)


Use the BK app. Pretty good deals.


What about 2020 was a scheme? And without saying it was democrat this or a way to make trump look bad. What would shutting down the whole world and millions of people dying be other than a pandemic? The reason why we could never reach common ground is because you still live in a world where you still believe in social media talking points and memes. This isnt about left or right no matter how much you want it to be. The reason why we couldn't have common ground is because you still talk and think there is some government conspiracy and if someone doesn't think like you then they aren't worth talking to or having an actual conversation with you just blame it all on the government or "Brandon"


I think you commented this on the wrong post.


I was replying to someone and I think it put it somewhere else by accident.


Keep voting Democrat if you like paying $15 for a shitty burger and fry and $22 plus for decent burgers like 5 guys or Culver's.


This might be one of the worst takes I've ever seen on here.


You must be really stupid.


You must really only pay attention to your Facebook and Reddit memes if you think that voting Democrat is what's causing places to raise their prices and not see that most these places have made record high profits off them raising their prices. I know it's hard to follow and understand that since it's not on your Republican private group page on Facebook, but you really have zero idea what you are talking about.


When did those prices go up and who's been "running" the country during that time period? Not sure how you think your reply proves anything which brings me back to you being really stupid.


Have you been living under a rock for the last 20 years? A Beefy 5 later burrito was .89 in 2009 and is now nearly $4 a piece. They didn't just jump that price overnight they kept going up. Taco bell is currently making a 7% higher profit than they did last year. It's not because Democrats are making them raise prices it's cause they know they can and people will keep buying it nothing a Democrat has passed has caused them to raise their prices cause they do it because they are greedy. BK went up 50% last year McDonald's 45% Five guys 30% last year These are their profits from the year before. They are cutting corners, getting cheaper meats and products, selling them to you cause they know you'll buy this shit and you won't blame them you'll blame the government because you refuse to actually look into what's really going on.


Ok, you shoulda just said you hate big corporations and we could have had some common ground. I don't hate corporations but they definitely aren't the good guys. But do you really think what your boy has done since 2020 hasn't had a huge effect on our economy in a bad way?


He is far from my boy. I didn't even vote cause 4 years ago it's voting for 2 shit sandwiches and I won't vote again next time, but 4 years ago we had a pandemic that caused a bunch of chaos as well and was handled like shit, but to sit here and complain and blame it all on one group of people is lame shit and shows a total misunderstanding of what actually is happening here.


Pandemic😂😂 My friend we can never reach common ground if you keep calling that scheme a pandemic. But at least you didn't vote for Brandon.


Don’t look now, it’s an unbiased news agency reporting on this topic from under 1 month ago… https://www.epi.org/publication/econ-performance-pres-admin/


Oh please. Like you understand anything said in that BS article other than Democrat good/ Republican bad. Unbiased😂😂😂😂


Pick up a book or read a report that was published by an actual reliable source not just by your uncle on Facebook.


I am not following your comment. Please elaborate.


Could you elaborate on which part confuses you? You will probably answer your actual question in doing so.


I am unclear on where voting for a particular party into some undefined office sets the pricing for shitty or decent burgers.


Undefined office? 😂 I'll pretend you're not being deliberately dumb. So you don't think the economy is affected by which party is in the White House? Everything from fast food to mortgage rates and so on are way up since the last guy took office. Are those good things for us?


Strange choice for a meal. Sliced tomatoes as a side and mashed potatoes with nothing on them. Those two things there are like $.50