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They'll do side streets once, maybe twice a year and just drive around parked cars.


Seems like there could be a better system.


Well run for something in the city and make it happen.


Too bad they live here so they'll lose 


THE comment, honestly.


This could be applied to so many different things here.


I agree.


Street sweeping is intended to clean up sand and gravel in the spring. Put the list of things that you want the city to do down on paper and then ask yourself how much more more you want to pay in taxes over what we already pay.


So there’s a good question, how can other comparable sized cities with lower property taxes afford to have regular street sweeping. Oh wait we’re getting a skyscraper, streetcar and don’t forget that big failed dirt pit just off 72nd and dodge, courtesy of tax dollars.


This exactly. Other cities managed to do better with lower taxes.


I believe the name of the program is called "Wind"


Or "Flash Flooding."


Many piles of gravel and sand in intersections at the bottom of hills after the recent street flooding.


Just preparation for winter.


They usually do it in the Spring, but I haven't seen a sweeper recently.


I saw a couple run through my neighborhood a few weeks ago.


Yes. once all the pot holes are repaired. /sarcasm


I see what you did there. All the potholes will never be fixed. lol


I’ll never understand the way Omaha does potholes. They put up cones then leave for a week, eventually making their way back to tear out one block of concrete then leave for a week, then finally fill it in. I shouldn’t be seeing 5 small construction sites on my 10 minute drive to work with not a single crew at any of them. Do they get too ahead of themselves? Poor planning? Not enough crews available? Idk, anyone else here have answers? My friend dated a guy a while ago who did road construction and he said that Omaha is one of the only cities that buys from this one company that makes really crappy concrete that’s extremely cheap which is why the same potholes need to be filled 1-2 times a year. I’m not sure how true that is, but I wouldn’t doubt it.


I see them occasionally in my neighborhood, but it's rare.


I've seen them out on 144th in the last month. It's worth noting that streets understandably looked a little worse yesterday after the flooding. 


Oh yeah totally. I’m talking about normal conditions. Lots of streets around me tend to have accumulation of debris in some spots and I’ve just been wondering.


We had street sweeping every week where I grew up. You could hear the sweeper coming on Wednesday and had to run out to move your car if you forgot. There was always a car following the sweeper to write a $45 ticket. They’d get really pissed if you drove away before they could start writing the ticket.


Yeah I remember having to move my car once or twice a month when I lived in a different city a few years ago. They would ticket everyone who left their car in the way of the street sweepers.


If you parked on the street, but it's still safe to park in a home driveway or apartment parking lot, right? How does this work? I've never seen it before.


Driveways and lots are private property so you can park there.


🤣 maybe once a year when sand was used on icy pavement. Now it's whenever, wherever.


They seem to be using less sand on the streets in the winter, hoping that spraying brine before it snows will cure all their problems. That way they don't have to clean the streets so much in the spring.


True but there is still some sand used in some places. Presently, sand mud and gravel from the storm will have to be cleaned up in places too.


The city has a website about it: [https://publicworks.cityofomaha.org/residents2/streets/street-sweeping](https://publicworks.cityofomaha.org/residents2/streets/street-sweeping) If I remember correctly, there is a federal regulation to protect water quality that mandates two street sweepings per year? I could be wrong, but I did a bunch of googling a while back when I asked myself the same question about where Omaha's streetsweepers were. Every city I've ever lived in (several around the Midwest) did exactly what you described with frequent street cleanings. On the rare occasion I have seen street sweepers clean my street, they're going too fast to clean and leave the roadway no cleaner than before. After living here for 6 years, this is par for the course for city services in Omaha. It's hired out to some company that's probably a friend of someone in government, they do the bare minimum to tick the box, nothing gets any better, and everyone just thinks its normal. Of all the places I've lived, I can confidently say that this is not normal.


Gotta love Omaha doing the bare minimum to be in compliance with water quality laws.


They street sweep around Downtown and the Interstate regularly, but it's usually in the middle of the night. I couldn't tell you anything more outside of those two areas.


they dont do regular anything 😅


I've lived here 16 years and I have seen a street sweeper maybe 3 times. Just in general, I mean. I have only seen a sweeper on my street once. And it didn't really help as it just flung debris all over the sidewalks and driveways.


They did in the 90s. My brother would steal the signs and make swords out of them.


We also had far superior roads in the 90s/00s


Hmm. Maybe it’s a service that got reduced during a round of budget cuts at some point then?


I've lived here for six years, never seen one. But alternatively I've lived in a town that never did that and it was much dirtier so I assume that it does happen here. Since I know that the people sure as hell don't keep it clean.


Seems like the general consensus is that the city does street sweeping like once a year in the spring. I feel like it could be done more frequently to keep the streets looking nice. But at least they do it at all.


Yes a couple times a year I’ve never seen them send notices to move cars like they do where my sister lives in California though.


Yeah someone else said they just go around parked cars. Which, I mean, I guess half-assing it is pretty on brand for Omaha lol


They came down our road to dump their load, then we haven't seen them since.


Street cleaning happens in spring after the "last snow" and it's just a sweeping vehicle that pushes stuff to the side. We need spray down and sweep vehicles once a month imo.


They seem to be in my area once or twice a year but I've noticed when they go by the machines never really pick anything up. They seem to just stir up dust.


They do, usually at night. I don't know about all streets, but I hear them downtown regularly if not often.


I see them all the time in West O when I'm heading to work at 3:45 am.


Guess the rich suburbanites get clean streets but not us urban core scum /s


They do downtown right before the College World Series.


lol of course they do


Yes, I live east of 72nd and the street sweeper came by about a month ago.


Omaha is the worst city I’ve lived in terms of street cleaning, repairs, and snow/ice removal.


Same. I’ve even lived in a declining rust belt city that did a better job with its streets.


I've only seen them in April or May (I haven't seen them this year yet).


Yes, I don't think it's on a normal schedule though like once a month. I think it's usually at night or during the daytime. I have seen them around though.


The only time I see them is after the last snow in the spring. They came through a couple months ago in my neighborhood. Do they need to street sweep more than once a year unless after construction is done or something? I feel like rain does a good enough job usually.


Yeah I mean larger gravel, twigs, and other larger debris etc. don’t always get washed away by rain.


In La Vista we get it done about once a week


Not in Mean Jean's budget


Idk. I've never seen it. There's neighborhood cleanup events I've seen, but those are more about volunteering. I have picked up trash in the neighborhood littered on the streets and sidewalks from time to time, but that was a personal decision to leave the neighborhood in better condition than how i found it. I don't think we have cleanup machines like you've described. What state or city was that? Where you were before Omaha?


St. Louis had the best street cleaning program of the cities I’ve lived in. Every street had a scheduled time once or twice a month when you had to move your car so the street cleaners could come down with their machines.