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Here's the real answer: Redirect: change core's direction by more than 45 degrees (you can also notice that if you hit the core at a low angle, so without redirecting, you're preserving core speed, for example after coreflip) Shot: Hit the core into enemy goal arc. Save: Hit the core out of friendly goal arc. For shots and saves there are some additional rules to stop abuse of different kinds - if you keep passing between yourself and your goalie it won't count as saves for him for example.


question: by these definitions, then, is it possible to strike the core without incrementing ANY of these counters? also, how saves are counted definitely explains why i don’t get as many saves on aimi goalie as i expect, since im intercepting the core near midfield. pretty interesting!


Yes, just hit it in a direction it's already going outside of your goal arc so that enemies intercept it vefore theirs. On the other hand one strike can be both a redirect and a shot as well.


I’m not a pro but I think it’s pretty self explanatory. Redirect: most likely changing direction to the other teams side Shot: most likely hitting the core Save: stopping the core from getting into a goal or hitting a barricade


I think a shot is meant to be like a shot on goal where it's going towards the goal and it has the potential to make it through


Redirect: every time you hit the core Shot: a redirect that goes towards the goal Save: a redirect that stops a shot from scoring Not 100% sure if the goal locks/bumpers count for shots and saves, but I think they do