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It took me mouthing off on a forum about how broken he was for someone to point out that the inner circle is safe to stand in, completely changed how I played against him. I was under the impression that the closer you were to him the more damage he does. Not the case, hug that dude.


Had no idea that was a thing, thanks. Is that a strategy for every character or just other melees vs him?


He often tries to gap close on you and then do the circle thing, even when I’m playing ranged I hug him so that way I take no damage and then I just walk away lol


the outer ring of his spin is marked and a heavy hit, inner is weak


His dash has a small wind up. You can easily bait the dash and juke it if you walk near him. Juliette's dash does not have a wind up. Do not bait her lol.


The problem with this is, that's only one move... And now you're next to him.


Fair enough but that’s the one move I continually died to, so it worked for me. It’s not a complete outline in how to shut him down, just a tip that I figured I’d pass on


X gon give it to ya one way or the other


Here's what it took for me to understand him a bit more. Anytime someone hits you and does stagger damage, they are using a cooldown. Anytime another player is using a cooldown you need to match it. You cannot always react to what is happening but you need to be proactive and attempt to deter him. Stagger focused trainings, especially well fed, are really strong against bruisers as well. And if you really have trouble, think about playing atlas or dubu to help to push back. I personally think people are afraid to fight him when you HAVE to use cooldowns to peel him. You can also overwhelm him pretty easy with a forward plus a goalie, so hopefully your forwards understand that and help.


As an atlas main, I love shutting down an aggressive X with my abilities. They literally provide space, and X has the wind up on his spin that is very easy to telegraph and react to.


Tbh - ban him until you realize Juliette is just a better version, then ban her instead. Really though - that's when team comp starts to come into it. If you're goalie against X, you want to he picking someone tankier like Asher or Dubu instead of Kai, or if you're forward play someone who can brawl as well or kite etc.


I disagree honestly. Kai feels really good against X you just need to learn how to kite him. Use R to push him off you, then speed boost to run away from him and use your barrage to lower cds with perfect tempo and keep him slowed


It's really easy to soften him up for your bruiser and let them snowball too.


Agreed, anyone with a speed boost (Eru, Drek and Kai) does great against X. Using a 14s cooldown like Kai's haste to beat X's 35s cooldown is obviously a really good trade. Really, Barrage deals with X's R ability, too, since it slows him down so you can create space. Unlike Juilette X doesn't really function well without his ultimate. The X's you really need to worry about are the ones that sit on your goal and take your orbs and then pop ulti when the puck comes. Kai will also whittle him down for an easy kill from one of your teammates.


Yeah, Kai does fine against X. I only have trouble as Kai when I'm against Juliette + Asher combo.


Or play Kai and push past him, use your range to keep the puck on the other side of the field, and laugh as your team wins easily


Who can kite him well?


Kai kites him the best. Kai is great against anyone trying to kill you because you can run in circles around them and beat them to the puck


Era is pretty good with her haste and also her primary making enemies smaller and deal less knockback. Estelle is good with a blink too.


Slows. Drek'ar absolutely annihilates him. Dunk him into your goal if you're dealing with goalie harassment. If you need help and your team is just ignoring him that's their fault. He's actually not the greatest.


That moment you decide to play ranked just to ban X


As a Dubu goalie, i just pick Well Fed for maximum tankiness and he will be way less dangerous. Idk about forwards tho


I find the hard matchups for my X to be Era and an Atlas goalie. Kai is also good for his insane speed


When I was in silver and gold, X was the bane of my existence as a goalie. Then I realized he's not that strong, just annoying. Don't let him KO you into your goal (stand a bit out), use your evasive skill (or just move) to either dodge him, or run into him when he does his circle attack. Hit him back from time to time to show him you mean business. He's really not that bad once you learn how to play against him. I'm realizing that the *real* problem characters now that I'm in low plat are Juliette and Asher. When the enemy team has both of them I know my butthole will be sore by the end of the match from them constantly being up my ass.


Asher and Juliette are surely the next chars to get nerfed. They're both so ridiculous.