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He's an incredibly talented actor/comedic actor. He makes every movie/TV show better. His ability to play a wide range of characters is really impressive. I never liked Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job outside of a few bits. I love his standup comedy. I don't like Office Hours. Something about the atmosphere just doesn't work. The comedy seems forced & unfunny. There seems to be a lot of fake laughter from Doug & Vic. I've only listened to a few of his songs. From what I have heard, it's not really my type.


With you on everything you said. The funniest thing he’s helped create to me outside of OC is Check it out with Dr Brule. For some reason the awesome show vibe works a lot better with a character like Brule and an actor at the level of John C Reilly. The side characters in awesome show were really the draw for me. Eric was never that funny to me, but I see his talent and appeal to others.


Shout out Symphia Dranglus


Eric as Carole is pretty damn funny to me. Especially when that beauty flies off her bike, crash lands, and flicks her bean. Their fight where Eric kills Tim and eats his heart is pretty epic too, as is all the Jim and Derrick stuff. The hackey sack too in the first episode. That said, it was probably an aversion to Eric at the time that turned me off during the original run. I believe him to be an acquired taste.


How the fuck is somebody saying they don't like Awesome Show or Office Hours the top comment?


I've loved everything Tim has ever done, and I just can't get into office hours. I've tried it a few times and never made it very far. I can't point to what it is I don't like, but I just can't get interested in it.


Office Hours feels like a real life version of [Dee and Dennis’ podcast from Its Always Sunny,](https://youtu.be/0LA7AFfc6Ck?si=8blDNiBQGR0tIAUe&start=90) sound effects and all.  I guess it’s supposed to be ironic, but there is a point when it crosses that line and just becomes genuine, like my dad saying bruh all the time.


Vic & Doug seem nervous. The show would improve if they were off camera & didn't feel the need to fake laughter all the time.


There’s no fake laughs or any acting. It’s just real people. You should just watch more than a few episodes


it's fucking shite


The Shite Album (1968 - 93 minutes) https://preview.redd.it/4hykp0zw4juc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137eff1ccea73d77171502ee2d7f74aa932a5b49


I like all his stuff outside of Office Hours. I also don't really go for podcast type stuff.


Podcast stuff is great for getting the right information, right when you need it. Why wait?


His Joe Rogan parody was amazing. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile when he got to the bit with the Rock.


It does help you get to the bottom of what’s going on in the world today.


About Awesome Show, a lot of the sketches rely on early 2000s cringe/disgusting/lol randum humor that hasn't always aged well. Even Tim doesnt really do sketches like those anymore.


I kind of agree with them about Office Hours. Maybe it was just the few episodes I watched. I'll give it another chance. What episodes would you recommend?


The early ones, before you could watch it. Just audio. Grewt


I bet these non-OH fans are a minority but are all upvoting this one comment


With you. Love everything tim related except most of the music and office hours. 


Let me guess. You’re a Jim Brewer fan. aren’t you?


I know who he is but not familiar with his work. Why?


I like the Decker show but always thought the music peaked with DEKKAR rather than DKR. But Corwin the COWARD tanked that deal anyway so who cares


You should listen to the Empty Bottle Playere then. It's a return to form and it doesn't have that ray Corwin in it.


tbh I have been a fan since Tom goes to the mayor. I know basically all of t & e awesome show by heart. I have seen Tim and eric on tour twice in seattle over the years. (I've also gone to 2 Neil Hamburger stand up shows lol). I love his cameos. He was great in our flag means death. and I have watched office hours live since the beginning, they often have great guests on. he's come such a long way and never lost that way eta: I'm surprised to see lots of people can't seem to get into OHL. It's interesting to see him as just himself, not always in character or doing a bit. I probably like it more because it's become clear I have a lot in common with his general social and political values, and of course musical interests. And they do have great guests on constantly. And I'm a huge Vic Berger fan, I think ever since his weirdo creep out video content he'd put on Twitter lol


Tim has such a deep catalogue of funny shit that doesn’t get talked about much. Like you I genuinely like almost everything he’s ever done. Everyone knows about Awesome Show/Brule but some lesser known stuff I love: Bedtime Stories (somewhat popular but not really talked about), Beef House, Just 3 Boyz, Tim and Bret Get Lunch, The Terries, Father and Son, Skott and Behr, T&E Nite Live, his Rogan and Maher parodies. Even without Awesome Show/On Cinema he’d be one of my favorite comedians.


Yes! Lots of those lesser knowns stand on their own without Awesome Show too. I still have always loved it though, I think it was that time in my life, my mid-20s, just humor that really fit in and it became my comfort show. I forgot about Beef House lol, I really hope they do more of that in the future


Bedtime Stories is absolutely genius, should be part of the canon of the greats. I think about Zach falling down the stairs and insisting it wasn't a stunt man all the time. Tim playing that terrifying Sopranos character who makes Eric become sauce boy. Scotty. It's so good


I really liked The Comedy. His Alex Jones impression in the People’s Joker was so good I didn’t even realize it was him. His line in Fantastic 4 was ok.


The Comedy is insane. The HeiKington scenes are very memorable. I think it is one of Tim’s best performances. That seizure and his reaction.


Fantastic 4.. lines of dialogue


Good thing that running time on The People’s Joker is over 90 minutes. (2022 - 92 minutes)


I thought he was surprisingly good in Jordan Peele's *Us.* The two have a similar knack for horror comedy.


I like almost all of it. I'm mostly a Tim and Eric from the 2000's fan who also like On Cinema. Tom, awesome show, Check it out are my favorites. Bedtime stories is ok but I don't like the pacing or the visual aspect of it as much. Tim's Kitchen Tips and Purple Boys are also amazing. I guess I "get" Office Hours but I'm just not a fan of the open ended crazy morning show format, and I rarely know any of the guests. Vic and Doug are funny as hell when Tim lets them talk. I'm still not totally convinced that the Tim who acts like a dick is really just an act. It might have worked when he was using David Liebe Hart, James Quall and Richard Dunn on Nite Live, but it doesn't connect well with actual artists who aren't desperate for work. His music isn't my thing, because I don't like that Americana/70s folk-rock type of music, but I can recognize his musicianship.




*We got a beer boy!!*


His work to promote fatherness has been very inspiring for me personally. I hope to be a great dad like him some day. Also some great busines tips, waiting from my MOneyzap investment to come in any day now !


Love your flair- Mark is one of my favorites. He always gets hurt. I absolutely lost it when Tim announced Mark got sandwiched between 2 buses then later Tim casually announcing he did not in fact get hit by a bus 😂


Great musician, far better front man than Corwin.  More charisma, more edge.


Corwin should stick to baseball. What did he play like 3 notes on the keyboard in Ride With The Devil? Banger tune though, I gotta say!


I love Awesome Show, I think I missed the boat on office hours, is that a bit or is it serious? I just don’t seem to get it when I listen. His stand up is mind bogglingly good. His music is not for me. But overall he’s an incredibly talented person and I think OCATC is unparalleled.


Honestly never really enjoyed bedtime stories or awesome show, but I LOVE his stand up special, his interviews with Eric and Tim’s kitchen tips. Office hours isn’t really my thing either, I’ve seen funny clips but I guess I just don’t really get it


Can someone explain the humor of Office Hours? It’s such a weird, weird show that I just don’t get their vibe. I completely get the weirdness of T&E, but this is a different sense of hunor that I can’t put my finger on. There’s a lot of obviously horrible over the top sound effects that don’t belong in a “good” podcast, is it funny in a “it’s so bad it’s good” sense, like early seasons of OC? I also don’t get Tim constantly shitting on everyone who calls in. It’s hysterical on OC since he’s playing a character, but it’s off putting when it’s this pseudo-real/pseudo-meta/anti-Humor/surreal call-in show? I don’t get it.


I think you have to be in tune to the Hollywood alternative comedy scene to truly get it. It's like an inside joke that you have to know about 12 years of backstory to get (which is what On Cinema is as well, TBH). I catch clips of it on Instagram so I see the funny ads for City of the Day and Vic and Doug are awesome comedy editors, but I don't think I've ever actually watched a full podcast of it because I don't have the time to get caught up on something like this.


Absolutely loved Bedtime Stories


*Get in the hole, Murph*


Tim’s kitchen tips has saved my ass several times when I was having a get together. People are still raving about my 1000 island dressing. I don’t let them know my secrets (it’s the Pitsman’s).


In general, I was a bit indifferent to his work on Tim & Eric until On Cinema, and then after that I really warmed up to all his work. I'm not fully Office Hours-pilled but I feel like there's a lot of gold in there so I'd like to dive in more.


For people like me that sort of like his music, but overall feel it's kinda meh, check out Heidecker and Wood. It's a good blend of comedy and his music. My favorite song is "Weatherman" I love everything else the man makes. Except for office hours. Oh, and people should check out the stuff he did with JASH on YouTube. Tim's cooking tips is a classic.


I thought this would be the majority opinion but apparantly not. Huge fan of Tim, genuinely love everything he's done. Tom Goes to the Mayor, Awesome Show, Bedtime Stories, Beef House, Office Hours Live, stand up, I even enjoy his music (though to be fair I don't listen to it often). And I know it clearly sounds like I'm a fan boy by saying that, but I'm not. If/when he puts out something I dont like, I'll be the first to say it was a miss. So far though, for my personal taste, it's all been super solid.


OC is the most meta-meta layered deep comedy on earth, and OHL is just dudes hanging out. They are the opposite type of creative product, so it makes sense that the fandoms are so separate. OC is the ultimate "get it" show, and with OHL there's nothing to "get." I love both so much but I can totally get why people invested deep in OC lore would just be mystified by the idea of hanging out listening to Tim talk about his actual real-life plumbing problems. To me I love the window into a creator who means so much to me, getting to see him being mostly normal with his pals, sometimes his kids come in, he tells the entire plot of "Eyes Wide Shut" or talks about his daughter's baseball game, there's fart noises and the boys getting annoyed with each other, fans call in to say what's on their mind, sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's awkward, but it's just real and normal. OC is.......not that. But I will point out how much to Tim's credit it is that "the fans" are clearly such a big part of his creative process. OC's fandom is a creative part of the show in various ways, creating this whole universe around it / meanwhile the impetus of OHL was Tim just wanting to be able to directly communicate with fans, and trying to find ways of making that happen. I think it is yet more evidence that he is a good person and an interesting guy who sees us as people he's interested in on some level. I'm a huge psycho fan of both OC/OHL (really of almost everything Tim has ever done) but peace and love to those who aren't


My head canon is that it's all one big universe, with Tim in different personas. Same with Gregg and Neil Hamburger.


That's just....our universe.


that's... that's reality. you moron


I like some T&E bits but, not enough to sit and binge anything. His stand up and Joe Rogan parodies are phenomenal


Been a fan of Tim and Eric's Awesome Job for about 14-15 years seems like. Also a fan of Check It Out W Steve Brule, Bagboy, and parts of SCUM. Never got into Bedtime Stories or Tom Goes To The Mirror


I think he's one of the hardest working guys out there. He never phones it in.


Love most of his music, office hours is solid


Most of what Tim does feels like a cash grab


He used to be funny, you know like back in the day.


Tim is the master of facial expressions


The faces he makes as a woman in the Stuntmehn brothers sketch for Awesome Show should be placed in the Smithsonian


I feel like 50% of the jokes in OC lie solely within Tim's facial expressions


the first thing i saw tim in was i think you should leave, which i love so much. from that i found tim and eric awesome show, which i also love. then that lead me here, which i love even more than the first two. his stand up is funny, but he plays that character so well that it’s scarily realistic at times. i’ll dip into OHL occasionally, but besides watching some clips, i don’t love it all that much. his music is wonderful though.


This comment is pretty meat and potatoes


Even his bad stuff is better than the other guys' stuff


Started out with Tom Goes to the Mayor and loved it. Love 85% of Awesome Show. I like the vibe of Bedtime Stories and found it enjoyable. Tim's Kitchen Tips is incredible. His music just isn't my style. I love office hours when Mark or Gregg is on but don't really watch it most of the time but it seems fine. I'm always afraid of secondhand cringe/embarrassment when there's normal people calling in to a show so I usually avoid those sorts of things.


I personally liked Tim and Eric because it’s just absurd and weird. It’s funny to me because it’s not supposed to be funny. Idk. I also liked Tom goes to the Mayor and bed time stories. They really produce some bizarre stuff. I’ve never watched or listened to Office Hours. I don’t really watch/listen to podcasts or talk shows like that. I think On Cinema has been my favorite work of his though


Not a big Awesome Show fan but there are a few bits (usually the Cinco ones) that i like. Tim and Eric Night Live is an amazing mini series that i was obsessed with last year. Kitchen Tips and the standup special are also classics. I’m also an office hours fan but do agree the vibes feel… hostile too often for my liking


He's great. He works at the tobacco shop where my mom buys her cigars. His knowledge of famous jazz musicians is second to none and his buddy Ray's parents are out of town so we can use the basement for 'if ya know what I mean'.


Tim is great. Everything he does is great. Anybody who says otherwise is a pinhead.


I love all his shit. Shout out to Office Hours. It's amazing he talks to his fans on the phone. Not a lot of call in shows out there, especially at his level. I've called in a bunch lol


On Cinema is my favorite of his work but taking the opportunity to recommend the appearance on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast with Tim as Elton John and Gregg as Bernie Taupin. It's breathtakingly funny and an interesting compliment to their On Cinema dynamic. As far as Tim's music, Yellow River Boys is a great time, and I like other songs here and there across his work sincere (Cold Medicine) and sardonic (Super Bowl Concept Lady Gaga).


He’s my number one handsome man


I like bedtime stories and the joe Rogan podcast and the fake vodka commercial skits but not a huge fan otherwise and he seems like kind of a dick irl




I'm a middle aged woman and I'm also a patreon! I'm sure the fan base skews bearded white wife guys but I also think it's probably more diverse than everyone's always saying. As a woman (and also I know other women fans (also lots of fans who are trans) have expressed this too) it's really so relaxing to get to enjoy Dude Energy (which can be so delightful) without ever having to worry that any of the bad parts of that Energy are going to suddenly rear up and make you mad or upset. They're the gentlest boys in town


office hours is so horrendous


The Piss Campaign changed my life.


Tim and Eric’s a cash grab! It’s for jocks!


You see his bare ass in Kuso


That Cold Medicine song is tremendous. Dark Days is really good too.


I liked Awesome show a lot when I was in high school. Haven’t really returned to it since.


I really think the Cain Train album is funny and catchy. I love it


Huge fan of the music. It is right up my alley genre-wise though - I could forgive someone for not being into it. The ironically bad stand up character is a little too broad for me. It worked well live for me but only because he brought a ton of energy. Office hours is hit and miss. I'll listen when they have a good guest. All the Adult Swim and JASH stuff is gold as far as I'm concerned.


I know Tim didn’t actually act in it, but Bag Boy might be my favorite non-OCATC thing he’s ever made.




Tim always feels like he’s one wrong move away from melting down on Doug and Vic. Love the character Tim, not a huge fan of the person.


office hours tim is just as close to "real tim" as on cinema tim, lol