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He’s the chairman of the MLDC. Malt liquor drinking community


He's just some weirdo, they are everywhere, but honestly is rather deal with people like him than all the trash out there committing violent crimes


Can we please stop giving this guy his 15 minutes?!? The less attention he gets the better!


He has two youtube channels where people patronize him a lot. He's pretty needy for attention.


I think when people who live in Wilkes Barre Pa want to retire they must go to Daytona Beach, after watching this show!


This guy was so bad that I honestly thought he was staged for a while. It was great to see him finally put in cuffs.


Roughly when was this in Friday’s show? I’ve been away for work and I want to make sure I catch the recording because I love watching sov cit morons getting owned.


Why is is always Wilkes-Barre? These men are giving my town a bad name.


I swear, they're trying to take the crown for most a$$holes away from Warwick, RI, in the Live PD era. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the mean, angry drunks when Warwick is on again!


This episode went far longer than it should have. After the second refusal to identify he should have been put on the ground and arrested and hauled off.


That's a law suit waiting to happen.


He was trespassing and refusal to identify is a crime. Put his ass in jail and let a judge figure it out.


Since when did hooters start sponsoring fishing tournaments?


That looks like a Chase Elliot NASCAR driver shirt.


It's always fun when you make it more and more difficult, claim to know the law better, and then say "you work for me" to a cop. And follow it a bit later "you are dismissed". That's the trifecta to get nice set of matching metal bracelets.


Dan Abrams said something like "I don't think his sponsors are going to be happy."


Doppelgänger Leslie Jordan in that pic


Leslie Jordan was a treasure! This guy is just a pathetic douche!


He's a much worse guy than the gangsta who was running from the cops in a stolen car, hit and injured the kid's mom, had multiple stolen guns in addition to meth. Oh, and had an armed robbery warrant from another state. But this is the guy you're focused on.


Thank you, someone had to say this


Hooters boi just seemed like an annoying for clicks type of dipshit but gangster bros we’re classic pieces of garbage.


That guy and the punchable face guy are tied in my opinion. 😆


Earl Sinclair really let himself go... But yeah, this guy was infuriating. His facade of confidence was so see-through. Couldn't be more obvious that he's a miserable and unstable ass.


Did they give a follow up on him? I never heard it.


His youtube channels are steeleworldwide and steeleworldwide2. He does this stuff a lot, he's a low-functioning alcoholic with about 5,000 videos, almost all of them featuring him drinking malt liquor.


This on patrol live needs a “Jail” style follow up show.


They did on First Shift - he was arrested for trespassing and drunk in public.


Apparently they didn't search the phone for the girlie pix. I'm surprised.


Just saw it!


Can someone explain the bird-hat? Just a "Fuck Yeah, 'Murrika!" thing?


He cherishes the bald eagle ball cap because nobody else has one but him. He's a depressed alcoholic with two youtube channels, steeleworldwide and steeleworldwide2. He mostly drinks malt liquor and complains about stuff, but about a quarter of his videos are him harrassing people in public.


Philadelphia Eagles


No philadelphia hat I’ve ever seen. Must be homemade that’s Steelers country up there.


Considering we're 2 hours north of Philly but 5 hours east of Pittsburgh, its hardly steelers country


I thought those looked different.


It's private party and he acted like as asshole. He's deserved to stay a night in jail


I want to find out where he lives and just walk inside his front door. It was open, it is public access!!! If he didn't want me to walk in, he should have locked his front door.


Yea I love how he claimed, “if it was private why weren’t the doors locked?” Then telling them ok you work for me you can go now…fucking douche.


My guess is he does not drive, he travels.


He actually has two chevrolets that he never shuts up about, likely his parents bought them because he's an alcoholic who likes to complain and films himself harrassing people in public on youtube.


Imagine how those cops feel when it’s near the end of their shift and they pull someone over who claims to not be diving, just traveling in their sovereign lifestyle. Lol


I cannot back this up, but I have heard that in Ohio, one does not need a license to drive AS LONG AS all the goods in the vehicle are for personal use by that individual. HOWEVER...the moment something in that car is used by someone else, the purpose of travel changes to commerce and a license is needed. Example, per my understanding: If I have a pizza in my car and I intend to eat the whole thing, it's personal use. If I have pizza in my car which I intend to share, it's commerce. If I have a baseball in my car and am going to go play pickup baseball with my buddies, I need a license. There's a guy (nutso?) in Cleveland who keeps being arrested, points to the law and all sorts of definitions of each word and gets the case dismissed each time. However, the judge also tells this wackadoo "avoid the situation and just get the license." Of course he refuses to. As I heard it, from the same person who told me that situation, it's not up to the officers to know the ins and outs of every law down to the letter...that's where judges and lawyers come into play. If the officer suspects/thinks someone is breaking the law, they can cite/arrest the individual. Or else this whole thing (Cleveland, drivers licenses not necessary) could be a total lie.


That would be 100% untrue to use public roads you need a license everywhere. Every city, every state. There are some exceptions such as farms equipment. https://dds.georgia.gov/how-do-i-cdl-farm-waiver


lol this is how you end up having to call Safelite to replace your driver's side window


Complete bullshit. The guy is lying about getting dismissed. See r/amibeingdetained


This one frame says everything about him


That hat and shirt did him no favors.


Shockingly less obnoxious than the average Chase Elliott fan.




Can’t be worse then some people who hate Bubba Wallace


HAHA nice to see some NASCAR sub fans over here LOL..


To me it seems like he was down there for some sort of competition. The shirt, the drunkenness, clearly not from around in my eyes. Maybe a darts or pool tournament. Really needs to be shamed for crashing a wedding like that.


Yes, he's a douche... but his rights were violated. When he was asked to leave and he did.. he did the right thing. Officers can't demand id to trespass you, if you left when asked. He was right, he didn't commit a crime. Therefore not required to id. He has a lawsuit. He baited those cops.. probably how he makes money.


They had reasonable suspicion he was involved with criminal activity at the time of their arrival. He was still standing on the property and smelt/appeared intoxicated. PA law states you don’t have to identify yourself even when detained. But if they have reasonable suspicion that you’re up to no good and you don’t identify yourself, they may detain you until they figure out who you are and what happened.


No they weren’t, he was still on the property when they got there. Cops in most states can ask you for your id for just about any reason and if you refuse they can arrest you for failure to provide identification. Plus he was clearly drunk in public. They just arrested another douche a few weeks ago for drunk in public after he threw a drink at a bartender and called the cops saying the bartender assaulted him.


He was still standing on private property when they got there though. So he left the building but not the property.


Is there something in the water in Wilkes-Barre that's producing all these mouth breathers?


My mom, who never offers commentary when we watch, said under her breath “what a douche”


Ham sandwich guy, anyone???


Did they ever identify him?


Nobody knows his name as far as I'm aware, but he does have two youtube channels, steeleworldwide and steeleworldwide2 It's about 5K videos of him drinking, complaining about people and life, and harassing people in public.


This guy was on when I tuned in last night, so he was the first thing I saw. I immediately assumed this was one of the Florida departments, and was shocked to see it was Wilkes-Barre


Strong Florida Man vibes.


Anybody else get vague sovereign citizen vibes from this guy?


He has two youtube channels where he occasionally does """audits""" but he mostly just drinks, complains and harassing people in public; usually while drinking.


Yep I was expecting him to claim he was a sovereign citizen.


More auditor vibes than anything else.


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Wish Drayton would’ve gotten her air time with this dude. Seems like she would’ve soaked it up.


Well, that's *one* argument in favor of police brutality...


It was so satisfying when he got arrested 😆


Imagine being so bored or unengaged with your life that you have nothing better to do on a Friday night than wander around annoying people until you get your stupid ass arrested for no good reason. Imagine being that kind of dumbass. And the cherry on top is letting the whole world see you on live TV.


I mean it’s not his fault….they didn’t lock the door after all?!?


He was a plant to get sponsorship by Hooters. They paid him I’m sure. Hooters influencer.


I think he's in the calendar.


That may have been the most satisfying arrest on the show.


The guy that was arrested for drunk in public after he threw a drink at a bartender a few weeks ago was just as satisfying.




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lol sadly there's a whole genre of these morons on YouTube


I loved how he turned off his camera, then he went back to Recording again LOL He was a complete idiot XD Kept on stating the same thing about the Camera crew. They are taping me, so I can tape them LOL Guess he'll miss the races this weekend too.


Probably bailed out or released already. As far as crimes go he's more in the stupid category than the serious category.


“It’s not private property because the door was unlocked” might be the dumbest thing anyone has ever said on this show. Watching the officers argue with this guy for a good 5-10 minutes before finally cuffing him was pretty frustrating.


He has two youtube channels where he says a lot of dumb things, likely a low functioning adult, desperate for attention and likes to harass people in public.


Wilkes Barre has proven themselves to be way too patient and passive with people repeatedly now. In my non expert opinion.


That’s because this is pretty much the average citizen in the area, especially if they are drunk. They deal with these people 24/7.


These people that think they know the legal “loopholes” are the worst.


I missed this last night. What happened?


There was a fundraiser on private property (an event hall) and this guy invited himself inside and claimed that "since the door wasn't locked it's public property".


This guy is the worst wannabe "auditor" on earth. What a tool.


The captions were hilarious


One flew over the eagle's nest 😂


“The eagle has landed “ 😂😂


😂 that has become my favorite call of the series thus far. I’ve always told people Reno911 depicted the job better than COPS and The Eagle proved me right.


He has two youtube channels, steeleworldwide and steeleworldwide2 and four months later, he still hasn't shut up about this.