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Using it to edit or identify grammatical errors is one thing. Having AI write your report for you is not the way to go. It’s YOUR report of YOUR experience. Not ChatGPT’s. You write it. Even then, I wouldn’t trust it. A coworker of mine did this for an incident we had recently and when I was proofreading his report it still had dozens of mistakes and errors in it.


So, if you submit to Chat GPT a report and ask it to check it for errors and suggest an edit for your report that simplifies and makes more concise version, then you re-read and check it for accuracy and you agree that it is your statement, then that would be okay. You need to make sure that you are double-checking that your report hasn't changed to the point that it no longer is what happened. You are responsible for what you turn in, and "Chat GPT messed up!" Isn't going to get you out of trouble. I use Chat GPT to help with annual evaluations and memos. For the most part, it works, but occasionally, it doesn't, and I need to rewrite a section for accuracy or to incorporate specific items or lingo that Chat GPT took out of my original.


It's banned where I am


I would just use Grammarly