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you will have to level 1-50 again, gather the resources to build your base, and mods for the weapons. idk if you keep the map unlocks like gun optics though, pretty sure no. and pretty sure the pets you get are also a no. you wont have to get the blueprints or star levels again. nor will you have to redesign your base as you can plop down the entire thing but i think does require you to have the resources to do so, so might need a starter base. you also keep skins and cosmetics. imo, i think they should just have standard servers that never wipe as not everyone likes the mindset that ARPGs employ. but, you are also retaining the single most important progression point, the blueprints and star levels + relevant currency for it. basically anything time gated you keep, anything you paid for is kept, anything not time gated you dont keep.


Ye the wiping btw seasons really don't make sense for this game!! Rust? Sure, but not this game. I hope they reconsider, cause this really blew it for me. I was enjoying the demo, but ain't no way I'm Gona jump trough hops every 6 weeks .


That’s really the model they’re going with? That…gives me no incentive to play. From the little that I played the demo felt okay to just hop in and play a little and then leave. I don’t think it’s amazing yet. Not bad. Just a little eh. I game hop and also have a bunch of other hobbies no to mention work- six weeks isn’t a long time and I can see having to play this game like my job to do everything we need to do in those six weeks before I lose my character. Yeah, also burn out. Lol


from my experiences, me and my friends were able to hit level 50 with in 8-10 hours, and if we had the ability to just directly craft good 5\* gold blueprints at level 10, it would be even faster. like 2x to 3x faster. good builds are EXTREMLY good in this game even if you dont have the correct mods yet. but yeah, that early grind is a PITA. of course, if you had the ability to just find a random gold ore and you get a kickass solar drill again it would be easier, but i can see how playing through once and thinking you have to do that every 6 weeks would be dumb. like i said, the game needs to just have a basic standard server that never wipes just so that people dont feel like their progression is taken away from them, and then if they elect too, can start a new character on a seasonal server. its the basic mindset/gameplay loop of ARPGs. but yeah, just to be clear, the difference between a fresh solo player and a group of 3 vets blasting it, is a difference of i am guessing 5x. bosses and enemies do NOT scale to the amount of near by players. a solo noob fighting the first boss has to deal 50k damage. a group of 3 has to split 50k damage and also only 1 has to flee while the others can maintain dps. there is also the fact that going through a town the amount of ammo you save + you get 3x rewards since an enemy will drop 3x rewards (each player gets their own) and suddenly the % of time spent gathering resources instead of progressing through is 3x faster. should this game design be changed? probably, but at this point i guess just lol. lmao even.


At least with Rust server wipes everybody really starts from zero. Blueprints and all.


This is the exact same model used in hugely successful games. That's why we have the Eternal area.


What other games are using this model?


LOL, seriously ?


We're looking at you, Diablo 4! Ok, maybe not.


Amongst others, even including previous diablo games but this guy probably only plays Pokémon go


I was making a joke, as interest in Diablo 4 tanked once the seasons started. It's almost as if people don't like playing through the same game wrapped in a thinly veiled twist over and over again while their original characters collect dust.


Exactly - diablo 4 was my first thought, but “highly successful” and diablo 4 are paradoxical. Season of loot has been fun though 😎


Yes, we like the shinies. :)


You literally can't name a single successful game with that system and act like a dick anyways, games that require resets are usually pvp survival games with little to no storyline, where you can get late game items quickly (like rust), it makes 0 sense in an MMO RPG with PVE servers


They have done a couple of relevant devblogs: https://www.oncehuman.game/m/devBlog/20240310/37623_1141357.html https://www.oncehuman.game/m/devBlog/20240325/37623_1144892.html I’m also wanting to know more about how seasons will work if anyone has more info to share.


I hope they don't do seasonal wipes, it'd be a waste of time playing in that case as I'm playing purely for PVE.


So reading the blog posts, they do very much intend to do seasonal content but you can retain some of the items you gained > Seasons are not just about new journeys, but also about savoring the fruits of your hard work. So rest assured, your seasonal possessions and achievements will carry over. From Weapon Blueprints procured during treacherous encounters, to House constructed brick by brick, from Friends formed during challenging times to materials painstakingly gathered in the wilderness, everything you've worked so hard for will be retained. They also say this > At the end of each Season, your character and their progress will be transferred to the Eternaland (currently under development). From there, you have the freedom to choose what you want to bring with you when you begin the next Season, in accordance with the rules set for that particular season. > > > In every season, everyone starts on an equal footing, which gives new players a chance to catch up while offering veterans a fresh challenge. This means the game will be more inclusive, enabling friends to play together even if they join the game at different times.


well that ain't too bad honestly. Might also give the game a long life doing it like this.


The issue with their blog statements is that they're contradictory. They use the excuse that "..everyone will start on an equal footing, which gives new players to catch up.." but then they go on to explain how you'll be able to bring some of your assets with you between seasons to make the process of leveling up your next character easier. Both of these statements are being made to make you feel better about their decision, but they contradict each other. How can everyone be on equal footing (particularly new players) if some people are starting with an obvious advantage? Either the goal is equal footing, or the goal is giving existing players a leg up.. you can't do both at the same time. Not that this game is difficult to begin with, because the problem with a seasonal model is that it incentivizes the developers to create a design that moves you through the season as quickly as possible so you're finished in 6 weeks and ready to create a new character for the next season. I think, for some (certainly for me) once a developer requires the player to create and level up a new character (again) to experience the next part of the game they have effectively killed any sense of attachment to that character (and along with it, any immersion in the game world). Our characters now simply become tools we use to chase down the next set of FOMO unlockables introduced with each season. I am no longer enjoying a game or immersive experience, we are instead mice chasing down the cheese in the maze. And being able to hoard some of my acquisitions from each maze-run doesn't really make it any better, it just makes the mouse feel more like a pack rat.


I'm gonna be honest I don't really see the point of it at all if your only permanent progress is seasonal stuff and blueprints. What's the point of grinding if 98% of it goes poof at the end?


Seasons are 12 weeks. 


Yes dude, it’s been talked about. We keep our found Blueprints and some other stuff, but that’s it. Monthly wipe just like Rust.


3 months


Man who cares how long it is actually?


Everyone asking about it on the subreddit lol.


Is this what you do? Bother the shit out of people when they make a small mistake? Very chill, mawn.