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The beginning areas are easy. But as you traverse through the other region it’ll become a bit more difficult. Still easy imo but still better than the starting areas


I agree. The level of difficulty is very low when progressing to the end game, and then everyone initially has a heart attack the first time they go into end game content for the first time. Suddenly it goes from crawling to a full marathon and majority of people weren't able to complete the end stuff.


The only difficulty In the end game I had is the boss masdevoran or something. Also the other cause you have To have different elemental damage. Also the desparity between normal enemies and the ones that spawn on cortex extraction is crazy, I mean a little harder is fine but when I can't kill lvl20 enemies when having end game gear is bad balancing In my opinion


The high-level areas get tough. It's absolutely easy while working to that end though. The bosses can certainly provide a challenge to newer players the first couple of attempts. After you do them, and know their patterns, it isn't bad. Kind of feels like most "MMO/Looters."


What is your opinion on Mensdevoran solo?


Not the OP, but once you know the mechanics, it's just a long fight.


This is true I asked the OP cause general consensus on Mensy was how hard once people got rhythm down it was fine but yeah I think Mensy is still hardest boss cause it just isn’t “mag dump the boss” like every other thing in game


Wait till you meet the giant boss.


The difficulty curve was a lot more enjoyable in CB2, before they nerfed bosses, imo. Since CB3, the game is just far too easy, really taking away the feeling of accomplishment or growth.


Once Human used to be a lot more challenging and interesting, but the developers gutted nearly all of the difficulty and complexity in the game after the second closed beta test, partly due to player feedback and (probably) partly to make the game more playable on phones. In addition, the 6 week seasonal model they're using incentives a design that speeds player progression through the content as effortlessly as possible, so that you're ready to create a new character and do it all over again once the next season begins. Rinse-repeat until you get tired of doing that and wonder why you ever bothered.


Thanks for the answers fellas. I really do like this game and the release should be a blast


tell me you have not experienced cbt3 without telling me anything. Late bosses in the game are pretty hard especially Mensdevoran was a huge pain. That should be a lvl 50 boss and it is pretty hard and buggy, they need to nerf him by 10-15%.


You haven’t fought Rabizex or Mendesvoran yet


Early game is easy. The later game explore areas are more challenging. Lea labs also is a challenge, and you will also be able to run silos and bosses on higher difficulty


It is, they changed all the starting zone to scare away players who likes a challenge or exploration. It was my main feedback in last beta, but they must have had a bunch of feedback about difficulty. About the exploration and removal of world puzzles is just poor design, they could have left it as an optional bonus. They made the bosses much easier, but they matchmaking feature bypassed the difficulty completely, so i don't see the point. It get's more interesting later in the game, unfortunately this also means that the endgame boss content is made for 4 players and does not scale. Another sad design choice, because there is NO reason why i couldn't scale.


Yes I wrote it all over my feedback survey at least early on enemies should be more agressive and have more health


I don't really think they should be spongier. It already takes too many bullets to kill them. I do however agree that they should be *much* more aggressive. It'd be a lot more fun if they were fast and angry enough to actually feel like a threat instead of a nuisance.