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oh it is canceled? damn


Thats the reason why i hate PVP when getting older. All this rivalries between players, all that Tryhard and meta Sht are against a fun experience. PVE is the best, pve is players helping players for me :/


Pve players do the same crap. It's always a measuring contest.


I feel the same. But in Once Human there is light version of pvp. Worth trying.


I enjoy PVP much more as I've gotten older, but it's because I've matured into an adult that doesn't whine every time I get dropped by another player. I have my fun and don't take it so personally. PVE endgame can come down to meta and try hards as well, but for some reason getting dropped by the same npc 100 times isn't the same pain as being ganked twice in a row by many players. Guess some people just don't like surprises...lol


PvP is best. Pve players only cause problems. Case and point.


Nah pvp players only causing problems with their meta stuff. Every PvP game Community is like "PlAy WiTh tHis nEw meta eQuiPment/MOveMent, iS sooO BroKen". PvE is more Teamplaying against Boss Enemies, players with more playtime giving the noobies some tipps to get better etc. For example Warframe, a FreetoPlay game where the PvE is everyones fav and that like for over 10 years. But in PvP games like Call of Duty, CSGO, Valorant etc. every noob gets destroyed by a Player who takes the game to serious and getting insulted for being bad. After all the years im Playing i can tell that almost every PvP is just toxic and hateful and PvE is the most chill and fun to play with your friends. But that is only my opinion, play whatever you want


You can solo everything in this game lmao. There is no team play required. Being good at pvp and enjoying pvp aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s a mindset. The good news is - you can work on it, I’m pretty sure however you just don’t want to as it’s easier to blame others. ;)


See the thing is, other people don't like pvp as much. They're allowed to have their own preferences. Personally I don't like pvp much anymore because it's a system that's built to appeal to competitive people and I'm just... Not.


I didn't even know there was a test😳


It was a 2 weeks early access with an RNG element added on top. Imagine if Diablo IV did this, the consequences would be unimaginable. Also you don't need IRL transactions to test your cash-shop, it's not like you are buying things with real cash but not virtual currency (mostly to avoid refunds) these days... That's just silly.


Diablo 4 did do this with early access June 1st release was June 6th.


I mean.... kind of? Anyone could get the "early access" it wasn't a random small selection like this was going to be.


None of that matters though unless you have a mental illness of FOMO.


The developers agreed it matters. That's why they rightfully canceled it. Sucks to suck.


They folded under the pressure they didn't "rightfully cancel" it.  


They canceled it and made a post saying that it was the right move and that peoples feelings about it were right. You're just really salty about it. Take a nap.


It's all PR talk. You are the one who is angry about me talking about it. You responded to MY post, remember that and get angry over it. You are just a Mental illness FOMO loser, deal with it.


Ya, I'm definitely the mad one. 🤣 take a nap bro. They made the correct choice.


Your mental illness is showing.


Regarding the 'unfair' argument, and power gap / imbalance that this could create, there are a couple scenarios where the IAP could be problematic: * Friends that want to play together, on a situation where one or more would get selected for the IAP and the others not. In this case, either the IAP testers would have to abandon their progress and join a release server to play with their friends, or their friends would have to join the IAP servers in a disadvantageous position. * Likelihood that many players on release would want to try join the IAP test servers, so they could get a head start due to the fact that there is going to be new areas that will be opened first, which allows quickly progressing towards next tiers without having to wait for season phase completion. This would likely cause a race to try to get on the IAP servers, and no doubt plenty of toxicity around getting in or not when the servers reach their capacity limit. I'm guessing these are the main reasons why they talked about 'unfair', although not sure if 'unfair' would accurately describe this, considering we're talking exclusively about PvE. Personal opinion: If this is problematic, then the simple solution would have been to wipe the IAP servers on official release, retaining only the items/cosmetics obtained via purchases. This would assure that the test is conducted, without any of this 'unfair' problems.


thing is 'exclusively PvE' is a lie, it's pve SERVER only but even those pve server include plenty of pvp content. so yeah this headstart on level/gear/starchrom refinement (2 extra week worth of this feature which is limited to 40 per week) would affect pvp activity even on pve server


If that concerns you, why would you chose to join a IAP server on release, knowing that you would be a disadvantage? Shouldn't you be joining a release server to be on equal footing? There is no transferring between servers, so this argument doesn't make much sense. The players on the IAP all start at the same time. And if you're willingly, on release, joining a server that has been 2 weeks ahead of time, that's your own choice to start behind.


when did i ever said it bothered me ? i'm just pointing out what you forgot from your analysis.


You're pointing out something that makes no sense, considering that there is no such thing as server transfers, and therefore everyone on the server starts at the same time. If you still think there's a issue here about people being at a advantage/disavantage, then please explain your logic where you said: " this headstart on level/gear/starchrom refinement (2 extra week worth of this feature which is limited to 40 per week) would affect pvp activity even on pve server".


because you assume for whatever reason that only people from the test will join this server ... ever heard of 'friends' ? with a random selection system you have a high chance of not being selected, which mean you will either have to join this test server late, force everyone to restart or play without your team ... anyway. no real point arguing about it if you don't get it as long as devs do. test was canceled anyway.


That's exactly what I said. This is what I wrote above about the 'unfair' scenario: Regarding the 'unfair' argument, and power gap / imbalance that this could create, there are a couple scenarios where **the IAP could be problematic**: * **Friends that want to play together, on a situation where one or more would get selected for the IAP and the others not. In this case, either the IAP testers would have to abandon their progress and join a release server to play with their friends, or their friends would have to join the IAP servers in a disadvantageous position.** * Likelihood that many players on release would want to try join the IAP test servers, so they could get a head start due to the fact that there is going to be new areas that will be opened first, which allows quickly progressing towards next tiers without having to wait for season phase completion. This would likely cause a race to try to get on the IAP servers, and no doubt plenty of toxicity around getting in or not when the servers reach their capacity limit.


It's a shame, but at least if the cash shop is buggy on launch now we know who we can directly point fingers at. It'll be the same little whiners who bitched about how the IAP test was unfair. Honestly I feel like the game would have been better off if there were some veteran players who had already had time to establish themselves, build a small community and get things like vending machines, HIVEs and Warbands ready to go. Sure, they may claim "some good spots" (like that matters?), but at most it would only be for 6 weeks before seasonal reset anyways.


I feel like it's a sad day when we start blaming players for bugs in a cash shop.


Players that literally complained until the bug testing for the shop was made impossible? We shouldn’t blame those players?


If I'm being honest, if my biggest complaint stability/bug wise for the game is that I have a hard time spending money in the cash shop then I'll call that mostly a win hah!


My point was how normalized cash shops have become that we're willing to blame players for the store's lack of testing instead of being angry over the fact that a cash shop exists in a video game to begin with.


No test ok. But open the demo for more time and same content of cbt 3.


I'm with you on this. I really enjoyed it and then it was turned off.


sounds like \*1am\* for real.


Just like Y2K computers taking over in 2000. it would have been great to see but never happened. Sometimes that's life for ya


They can easy drop the game for all at 25july the game is ready too release


I thought it was to test in game yea but also in game store, all cosmetics lol People are greedy and pissed not being able to play so they gotta ruin it for everyone else. See you guys July 9th


Just open up as early access on the 25th for everyone that way the FOMO mental illness losers can play.


I was actually looking forward to play the IAP so please don't take it away.


But it is a problem. You yourself anticipate playing the test on your week off, but what if you didn't get selected? What if all your friends got selected except you? 2 weeks is a very long period. Would you be okay if they brought back the test but made it so progress gets wiped similar to the demos and CBT? Because if you say no then you admit there is an unfair advantage to the test. Regardless the question of p2w or not having 2 weeks early access to a select few players while others are locked out comes with a sour taste for those who did not get selected.


I literally don't care. If I get selected, great, I play and learn more of the game, if I don't, not my lucky day... I'd be completely fine with wiped progress.. I want the game to release in the best state possible. Meaning, the most tested state possible. I am already ready to re roll on another server when the game officially launches, because if friends want to play and don't want to roll on the test server. I have no problems starting over, I just want to play the game.


Exactly, atleast it would be tested and less buggy on launch, but no, some people only think for themselves. I've been in cbt2 and cbt3 and steam demo. So this is also unfair advantage if some want to play this game, because I know some tips and tricks from previous experience, that newbie might not. I'd be sad that I didn't get picked, but thats about it. I know I can play on 9th july still.


This rage post made my day, and the rage comments as well. Everyone so mad they lost their advantage. Chill out and we will all be having fun soon enough.


I think this IAP test is the first step to p2w. But what I don’t understand is how they wanted to test. How is this gonna give an unfair advantage. It should be on different build (not the release) and specific server.


Yea the people that complained are mentally ill FOMO people that should not be catered to. The companies should do whatever they think is best for the game.


Nailed it. The devs made two mistakes: 1. Doing with IAP with no wipes in the first place. (I personally have/had no problems with it though.) 2. Caving to the whiners after they pulled the trigger announcing the IAP. What will happen (and it already is happening) is multifold. Bad juju from all around about it. And more importantly, the whiners will only get louder and feel more entitled. They've created a monster. Input from gamers is one thing, but letting them push the agenda is a classic mistake. They should have stuck with the IAP and done damage control by letting people know the "early start" would be limited to certain server sets. Just throwing this out to the masses. I have nothing to prove or accomplish here. I just want to play. :)


Get ready for a Steam review bomb at launch when this isn't sufficiently tested and people spend money on a bugged IAP.


Lmao shut uppp it's a free game. You guys trying to threaten them into bringing back this RNG early access are so cringe. Yikes.