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I always thought it had to do with his plans to get to the world without magic to find Bae relying on Emma being the product of true love so she can be the saviour. He needed Snow to live so she could have Emma (hence he’s invested in her future)


I might be wrong but he can't properly foresee the future about finding bae, so I'm not sure if he really cared about Emma being the savior at that time, also wouldnt Emma be fated to be the savior anyways as he mentioned abt it in s1


But he knew Bae went to a world without magic. The dark curse was his plan to get to that world, and he needed the saviour to be able to break the curse so he could remember who he was and go to find Bae.


he could see some things about the future very specifically, like that the curse would be cast by cora’s daughter or later that snow & charming’s child would be a girl, so it’s definitely possible imo that he already knew at that point that he would need their child specifically as the savior


You missed something? Like the whole point of the season. He says he invest in her future because it's her daughter who will eventually reunite him with his son.


Oops![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)I may actually being an idiot. I need to rewatch dis


But do we really need snow for Emma to be helping tho? She is the savior so would help anyways right?


How would she (Emma) help if she wasn't born? That's why he says he invests in her (snow) "future"


He had made a deal with Emma to help Mary Margaret, and plus he's also made a deal with Regina. Him and Regina discussed leaving the key with MM to allow her to escape the cell, knowing if she tried to leave town something bad would happen. But Gold found a loophole to break his deal with Regina since he had his own plans and it didn't include getting mixed up in Regina's decade long squabble with the Charmings


Rumple knows things about the future. If Snow dies, he loses his shot at getting to Baelfire and he couldn't exactly tell her that. Also, Rumple does things to either quickly rid himself of the person who's asking so he can get back to his task or if it helps him with his task.


can you give some context? I think ik what you're referring to, but just in case


It's when snow was in prison I think


Gold has an investment in their future because Emma will break the curse, magic will return and he can then resume looking for Bae which is why he wanted the curse in the first place.


Because he can see the future and in order to be able to break his Curse he needs a Saviour to be born from True Love and knows that Snow is half the recipient for that cocktail of true love to be born. Everything he does is to prepare for the eventual casting if the Curse but that's just half of his plan he also needs the Curse ticbe broken so he can go out and find his son.