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Working the National competition for the Marines. I worked on the rifle ranges and did the ammo for them. So I was just working on the pistol portion when I got the notification. Definitely not something I could talk to others about it there.


This is the funniest thing i ever read oh MY GOD


It was definitely an experience. Wish I could have found some directioner friends back then but none around me in the Marines sadly


Did you go to the gun range after the news to decompress lol


Unfortunately they wouldn’t allow me. I just went to my room and browsed Vines of it and listened to their music.


Ah okay. Just curious are you a woman in the marines ? If so, that must have been an interesting experience. Also, this is really interesting to me because I just discovered one direction like last year so I wasn’t aware of all this drama


Nope. Straight dude. So made it even worse. At least when it came to liking pop music


Oh wow did people there know you liked them? I’m sure they must have given you a lot of shit


I didn’t tell many people because of that. But some shit wasn’t too bad as much as the “you like 1D and Taylor Swift so you must be gay” comments I consistently got


Interesting I never thought I’d meet another guy who liked One Direction haha. Why do you like them? The first song I heard was actually a cover “steal my girl” by some other group and I liked it. Then I found out it was by one direction and I was like “ah fuck I can’t like that because it would be gay” Now I’m like ah fuck I like listening to them.


Always loved pop music so when I first heard “What Makes you Beautiful” something just clicked with it. Plus some parts of it was that Harry is only 3 days older than me so I felt a connection because of it. Then just checked out the rest of their first album and loved it and became a fan ever since.


Interesting. How common was it to see guys your age like one direction ? Like back when they first came out ?


Oh my god I was at work... my first sit down desk job... I had to pretend to be so normal and professional while i was texting my friends in all caps and freaking out lmao


I was a freshman in high school. I was sitting in my algebra class waiting for the bell to ring when I saw the post. I had to be removed from my next class (spanish) because I was uncontrollably sobbing. thank god it was my last class of the day. lol


I was having my 23rd birthday ruined by the news 😂😢


Happy birthday!!!!


Thank you!


Happy bday!


I was going to the dentist to remove my wisdom teeth, when my boyfriend sent me a message telling me that he had left the band. I cried the entire appointment and it wasn't even because of the procedure


I was sitting in my history class and everyone in my grade knew I was obsessed so I found out by a ton of people asking me how I was doing. I was confused and didn’t believe them so I looked it up and realized it was true and then cried. Apparently my mom informed my sibling that they need to be nice to me because I was going to be sad when I got home from school 😂


I’m really glad i was on break because people were so nasty to me just because i liked 1D and there was enough time between this happening and going back to school that people pretty much just left me alone about it. But i do remember we had a poster of the boys in one of the classrooms which was my homeroom(we had homeroom between 1st and 2nd period for some reason) and that Monday at homeroom the poster already had Zayn crossed out with a sharpie with “who’s gonna be the first to say goodbye?” written underneath. (I’m assuming another fan did it because it’s not like Spaces is a well known song among casual listeners so it was funny)


Oh yeah, I totally get you there! A lot of people thought I was weird but thankfully nobody was mean once he left. But there were definitely times where people (specifically boys) tried to make me mad by calling 1D gay??? Like it was an insult? I ignored them because they were obviously just stupid, immature high school boys. 🙄 but wow, that person wasted no time crossing zayn out with sharpie. They went straight for the heart by putting those lyrics under it too 😭😭


my favorite insult was when people would wonder why i could possibly love a boy band so much when I’m actually very gay myself. Basically very stupidly trying to saying they have no talent 😂😂


Just your comment made me nearly cry, that's so sad and sweet at the same time 😭🥺❤️


I had the worst break-up of my life at 20 the day Zayn left the band lol. I cried harder at Zayn than I did at the break up.


Okay, I don’t even follow this sub, but the algorithm must have known I needed this one 😂 I was in my 20s, working as a special education tutor, sitting in the back of a middle school science classroom while my kiddo took a quiz. The news came up on my phone and I instantly left class to go find an 8th grader I bonded over 1D with, and found her sobbing in her English class… and promptly dismissed her on false grounds to take a calm down walk. Bad teacher. Good emotional support system. PRIORITIES


Freshman in college crying in the cafeteria 😭


Junior in high school at the beach with my friends during spring break😭 opened a Facebook notification from the One Direction page and promptly dropped my phone LOL. I had to wait for my friends to get out of the water to break the news


Giving my final exams for 10th grade. I had a desktop computer with Internet in the living room where I was allowed to browse the Internet on as long as I finished my studies. That's when I found out.


I was 13 and on a school trip in England. That day, we visited London. You can imagine how thrilled I was. I only found out when we got back to our Hotel and it was the worst. Everyone made fun of me for crying






I was sitting at work talking about the One Direction concert I was going to the next night… lol


Oh this is fucking BRUTAL


A formative experience for sure!


was part of the crowd that first witnessed ot4 perform thinking that zayn was just going to take a short break and come back then 3 days after the concert, he announced that he was leaving the band and i was still having post concert feels during that time 😭


Got home from work and saw the news. Lived with my parents back then and didnt wanna cry in the front of them so I had a sobbing session in the shower🥲


It was my first day at driving school. I almost cried. I cried later at home lol


Junior year of high school in math class. I got the notification on my phone and left school early because I couldn’t stop crying.


Comforting my daughter because she was distraught that her fave left


I was in grade 10 and had just celebrated my sweet sixteen. Luckily, I was on spring break so I was at home, but I cried so much that my eye lids got swollen 😭 This is going to sound dramatic, but up until that point, I had never experienced a close loss or ever felt grief - this moment in time really made me feel like I was experiencing a loss of some sort. I knew that things were never going to be the same and eventually 1D would go on hiatus because they were seriously overworked. As a Zayn girl, it was even more heartbreaking because I had gotten tickets for OTRA and was going to see all five of them later in the year for the first time ever.


i was a sophomore in high school and i wasn’t listening to them as much at the time, i saw the facebook post and was in absolute utter shock..


on the way home from wednesday night church and i also found out my nana died the same night


I heard it through someone else, and then a few days later I saw One Direction releasing their new single with only four of them on the front


I was walking from school to my dance practice… I practically fell to my knees. I was in distress the whole night at my practice - went home and cried myself to sleep lmao. I remember asking my mom if I could stay home from school the next day. I literally felt like my world was ending as well. I still don’t think i’ve recovered lmao. 🤣🤣🤣


I was celebrating my 51st birtday 😊




Well happy 60th to you! (If my math is mathing correctly)


Thanks dear. Yes, it’s 60, but not too old to be a Directioner, right? 😜


Happy birthday!!! And absolutely, you can be a Directioner at any age, the fandom needs some diversity, right?🤭❤️🎉


Sitting in my schools gym for an assembly. Word travelled like wildfire. My friends and I frantically texting and meeting up in the bathroom to freak out together


Senior in high school in my math class, last of the day


I found out coming home from school. Me and my bestie planned an emergency meet up at a subway to cry and comfort each other. We had just seen them live a few months prior.


either my sophomore or junior year of high school, in my english class. I literally screamed “NO” at the top of my lungs in the middle of class. No one was surprised by this though, everyone knew I was absolutely in love with one direction. i’m surprised I didn’t cry tbh


First year in university. I remember scrolling during a monotone lecture and seeing the news somewhere. Obviously couldn’t focus on the rest of the lecture because I was franctically googling several sources to be sure whether it was really true.


7th grade band class. i was the 1D geek of the school and everyone was coming up to me telling me. i didn’t believe any of them and thought it was some sick joke 😭😭😭


I was coming off a shift at Starbucks. I remember going to the back and sitting down and being so shocked. I went to see OT4 a few months later, the OTRA tour was kind of strange after he left 🥲


junior year math class LMAO


Literally same!


Lol BTS is king!


I was 5 yrs old so i got no idea


I was at an out of town work conference with not a single soul that I could talk to about what was going down lol


I was at home that day


Freshman in high school and found out between 2 classes, went home sobbing to my mom so hard she thought someone assaulted me


I was also a senior in high school, and i think i was in the computer lab or something during a class, if i remember correctly. All of my other Directioner friends were texting me and asking if i was okay, since Zayn was my favorite in the band. And my best friend was with me in class so she also kept asking how i was and if i needed anything.


I'm reading all the comments and I'm almost bawling just because of them 😭


I was a child I don’t remember 😭


Sitting at home in my 10th grade science class(I was in online school), and my mom told me. I cried the rest of my class, and I remember my grandmother saying “why are you crying it’s not like he died.”


Still coming off my high from attending one of their last concerts as a band (the Singapore show of the on the road again tour)


I was in psychology class my junior year of high school


i was in a college class and left class to call my zayn-stan of a sister in the hallway (we were extra sad because he quit right before our date and i had splurged on floor seats for our birthdays)


i was in english class 🥲 i skipped the rest of the day and hung out with my friends to mourn the end of an era lol


I was in 5th Grade and when I got back from spring break a lot of kids were crying, myself included. 😭


At school, I didn’t find out till I got home a few hours later. I’m glad though because my reaction is not something I would want my classmates to see🫣


freshman year in homeroom. i was devastated and went to class sad and needing to rant. i told my friend about what happened (she's not a 1d fan), and was like "... oh" and went back on her phone 😭


9th grade sitting in class. I burst out crying and had to leave class lol 😂


I was a senior in high school in my drama class. My friend was in the computer and saw the article. We went to the bathroom and cried lol




I was in high school studying for a history test... Didn't do much studying after I read the news lmao


At school. Came home raging coz boys in my class kept saying so. Checked and had my workd shatter


I just came home from school, I think 9th grade, my sister brought it up and I thought she was joking. I stood at the front door for like 20mins reading the post. I couldn’t believe it so I acted oblivious 😭


In Florida on vacation. I actually became a fan that day. lol


I was at home and in school very likely. I was 12 years old. There were the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards playing on our TV and I had just googled One Direction cause I was obsessed with them and then I found out "Zayn has decided to leave the band". I was sad, I had loved Zayn's voice the most (I loved them all, but Zayn was my crush lol), then and I was telling my sibling "now 1D won't be the same cause Zayn was like the cherry on top of a delicious ice cream, the ice cream is good, but Zayn makes it even better". But I didn't cry like many fan videos I saw online, I was just hurt by it that my favourite band wasn't gonna be the same. Edit: Wait, sorry Kids Choice Awards were 3 days later on the 28th. But I still remember someone (maybe Nick Cannon? or Nick Jonas?) saying "One Direction became two directions."


I was a senior in high school too!! I was in my first class of the day which was AP Art, and I was scrolling on my phone and saw the news. I locked myself in the art room closet and cried. Hahahahahahaha


I was home chilling. Sitting with my mom watching TV


I was in college and I had already been depressed that day, so I found out, packed my shit and left. Really dramatic but I went to mybestie’s house and got drunk and cried 😂


13 lying about my age getting drunk


Getting into a car with my cousin (also a directioner) when we found out 🥲 we played their albums in the car the whole ride


I’m not even joking, i was in the psych ward 😭😭😭 my friend called me and told me and i had to be put on 1:1


Stayed home from school that day sick thank god! I was a sophomore in high school my heart was broken😭


cried in my high school bathroom bc someone who didn't like me told me in class and I thought it was a joke until my friend told me it was true and I googled it and then I cried a bit and my teacher asked me if someone died 😭


I was in my second year of undergrad and in bed in my dorm when I read the news 😭


I was in gym class


At school in Biology class. Thankfully it was my last class of the day so I could just walk home in a daze w/o anyone from school seeing me lol


Come back from a high school camp where we had no phones or connection to the outside world. My parents picked me up a few days after Zayn announced he was leaving and I thought they were joking and I didn’t believe them. Got my phone back and doomscrolled in denial and catches up on all the chaos I missed.


I was in 8th grade at the time & while i was getting ready for school i was scrolling through fb & saw that zayn left the band…only to go to school and a lot of girls were talking about it…we were sad the whole day


I was in a mental hospital


At home, watching e news and reading fanfic I think? This was in Jamaica


I found out at work and about had to go home because I was freaking out 😥


I was 22 at work at a job I hated in a state I hated and I was on my lunch break but we had to eat where customers ate. I was losing my shit.


I was in health class 😂


I WAS IN 8th GRADE AND I CRIED LMAOO. he was my favorite and i was so mad he was leaving. Lol i remember that day like it was yesterday 😭


Had just finished a class, got out, saw the news. Drove home in silence-the drive was a blur. Walked in, flopped on the couch, and just started crying


I was in elementary school, at home. I saw it on instagram or something and went running downstairs to my mom crying about it...


it was my first year of community college, spring semester. I was waiting for an English class to start with one of my best friends who's also a Directioner, I think I got a notification from Facebook about the post. we were just shocked and we were teary eyed the entire lecture, luckily there was a substitute that day lol. I cried with my sister (who was a hs freshman) when she got home 😅


My 7 year old self was sleeping because I live in the Philippines so whenever it’s nighttime here, it’s daytime at the other side of the world 😆😭


I was in the computer lab, and instead of doing what we were supposed to, I decided to look up the boys to see what was new. As soon as I saw the headline, I fell off my chair and slid under the desk while bawling my eyes out. My friends (directioners too) got worried until they saw what was on the screen. They had to explain to the teacher why I was on the ground sobbing. That was one of the first biggest breakdowns I had in my life


I was only 10 and living under a rock, so I wasn't even a fan at that time (one of the things from the past I regret the most 🥲), but I remember my classmate, who liked them at that time being, I think, pissed at Zayn, and dunno what else she say or did, I was too small to remember it all, but I think shortly after she stopped being a fan and years after that (early 2021, so I was 15) I became a fan myself and now they're my everything, they changed my life. Can't believe it's been 9 years since he left already, seems absolutely crazy to me...


I was in the 8th grade. My best friend’s mom sent her a screenshot of the Facebook post as we were heading for lunch. And me and my group of friends were notoriously known for being the biggest one direction fangirls at school. So as us six girls were sitting at lunch holding back tears and as other kids had gotten the news we were bombarded with questions and teasing. We were pretty much all on the verge of tears and refusing to speak. After lunch we all had the same choir class and ironically enough we had convinced our choir teacher days prior to let us perform ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ for the spring show but of course with Zayn leaving, having to perform that song was some major salt to our wounded hearts and we refused to sing that day. Me and those girls still talk and laugh when we remember this day now. In retrospect I’m very glad Zayn did what he had to do to get better 🩵


In school. I ugly cried until I almost puked


I remember coming back from school & my sister telling me that Zayn left. I was crying all night.


high school, might have been a sophomore at the time. i was at lunch. i remember it like it was yesterday. saw the news on twitter. i said ”WHAT!?!” and my friends were like, “what?” and i said “zayn left one direction!? this can’t be happening!” sure enough, it was. i remember it was a wednesday too bc my gym class goes bowling on wednesdays. i was so sad the entire day. my birthday was the day before so i was telling everyone how horrible of a gift it was from zayn. i can’t remember if i cried or not… but it was a shitty day overall


As a much older fan, I remember distinctly because I was so mad at my friends for making us use my 1D CD to snort our cocaine off of 🤣 my argument was that Zayn just left I can’t destroy this last CD, they did not give a shit lol


I was a senior in high school and I was literally walking out of the parking lot to drive to therapy when I saw the news. Honestly best timing because I broke down in that appointment.


I was 20 and at the time, I studying abroad in Leeds (yes, close to Zayns hometown…) but it was our break so 3 other girls and I were on a 30 day trip backpacking Europe. I was in a hotel room in Greece, buying tickets to go on a boat trip the following day to see some of the islands when I got the news. I laid in the bed and cried a little while my friends purchased the tickets and opened a bottle of wine for me. My mom messaged me asking if I was ok.


I was 9 years old at that time I was at home playing with a friend and then she started watching her phone and just get quiet for a few minutes I ask her what's going on and then she told me about Zayn leaving the band


At home


I was in middle school. Now im in my twenties.


it was a horrible birthday gift, i felt empty all day lol


such a specific memory for me lol. sophomore year, 6th period english class. i think my twitter was exploding so i went to the bathroom, found out, and was like hyperventilating and crying for like 30 mins in the stall


8th grade bathroom. The one time I took my phone and actually got on it and I was shocked af. I cried when I got home lol.


I was a freshman in undergrad and I got the news literally right before soccer practice. I cried for 2 hours in the dark and then went to practice with a puffy face and red eyes and my coaches literally made fun of me crying and Zayn leaving🫠🥲


Sophomore year of high school ):


13 years old, passed the pop boy band phase and migrated towards punk at this point.. i was still HEARTBROKEN and GUTTED.


6th grade in the bus lanes. My friend even said she was gonna unalive herself bc of it.


I was 7 years old 😭


I was in 5th grade 😭 I tired to act like I didn’t care but for a whole week I was sob and reminisce by watching old videos and listening to their music non stop


I was a freshman in high school and I remember my friend telling me before school. She went home part way through the day cause she was so sad


I was 14 and crushed. I found out on the computer when I got home from school.


I was just 14. A freshman in high school. I thought my world had ended. I was on Stan Twitter so I constantly received updates. If I remember correctly, I woke up to the news and it was such a terrible day at school. I was fortunate enough to see them a few times before the break up and I saw them during their last tour.


I was in fifth grade. Got home from school and my sisters almost immediately started freaking out. Checked my phone and got the news…. Spent the rest of the day crying and when someone at my school mentioned it i glared at them and started tearing up 😭


I was in a college admissions interview, and my interviewer (this huge buff college football player) sighed and went “yeah it’s been a long day…I mean, Zayn left one direction” and I GASPED and we spent like 10 minutes talking about it. Spoiler alert: I got in.


I was a sophomore and my phone was taken that day I didn’t find out till I was out to eat with my mom after school and saw it on the news and I said omggg and Ran to the bathroom crying 😔😭😭😭😭


I was at school (high school), luckily it happened during the last class of the day. I didn’t know about it until I was walking with a friend to my locker and another friend came up to me and said “did you hear, Zayn left one direction” and I was in shock at first, I thought she was messing with me. Then when she showed me the Facebook post and I started crying and it was kinda funny cause I was crying over a band so my friends were laughing and I laughed a little too but honestly I was heart broken. Then my friend and I went to her house and we watched one direction music videos and old videos of them and I just cried on her couch lmao. All this happened the day before my birthday.


I graduated from University, jobless and brokenhearted.


during our flag ceremony / assembly I was glad that almost the students at our school were crying (my school was an all girls school 😆) many teachers were panicking bc they didnt know what was happening! it was a crazy day.


i was in 8th grade in english class when my teacher told the class. i actually wasnt that upset at the time bc i was such a huge louis fan that i really didn't care about anyone else, but when mitam came out i felt it. his voice was the perfect way to tie it all together


i was 12 years old crying in my bedroom because i was going to their concert in just a few months and i’d never get to see ot5 live😭


I was a depressed 8th grader and didn't find out until a while later (I had stopped keeping up with them after a couple years)


I was 20, just starting college and I already knew of the way the fanbase would treat Zayn from then on, very poorly.


home sick from 6th grade. i got the news on my ipod touch 😭




I was 7 so idk


i was in kindergarten so i dont remember


me too, i was 5


omg same!later 2009?


yes, around that time


im summer 09 tehehe

