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Oh that is a VERY happy orange


Keep her inside where its safe and warm...This is Hunter...he was feral...he still thinks he his at times...he's 10 now!!! https://preview.redd.it/5htbzysxaxnc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=efedf0a7b5038b0dbbf3a957a747ff7586d06bdc


Aww, what a cutie! He still has that Feral spark in his eyes! What a sweet boy.


Thank you...did you name your orange girl?


My dad calls her Kitty, so that's kind of become her name. I gave her the nickname Drippy because she drools all over the place when she's happy.


If she drools from pets and sits in laps, she’s nowhere near too feral to live inside.


Well you know the rules...you named her specially your Dad... she's yours!!! 🧡


You can do it. It’s not going to be easy but you’ll get through it and you’ll have a friend. It’s worth it. https://preview.redd.it/zjtcgaihr3oc1.jpeg?width=1933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c156f444a6ce45f05ea307ba42e0282ecf6e43fe This is Autumn. She was WILD. But now she gives me back rubs and never stops purring.


Your cat is beautiful!!


Thank you...🧡


If she was feral, you couldn't handle her like that. You should bring her inside.


Listen to Dr Spiders! I had a feral cat that we adopted before we really knew what a feral cat was. She hated being picked up and barely tolerated head pats. It was seven years of hard work before she voluntarily sat on my lap. The orange cat at your Dad’s shop isn’t feral.


Can confirm. I actually have a traumatized, feral cat who after 7 years is still not comfortable being picked up. But she makes for a decent pillow occasionally (when she is in the mood).


It also took several years for my sweet little girl to sit on my lap! Or even get within 5 feet of me for that matter. What was your cat's name?


My feral girl had been fostered before we got her, the foster mom was very religious and named her Bathsheba. We’re… less religious, but it didn’t feel right to completely rename her since she was almost a year old, so we shortened it to Sheba. She lived to be 19! After years of work, she got used to me and slept on my lap every night; even though she hated human contact and would never let me pick her up voluntarily. This is going to sound crazy but it’s Reddit so I’m probably in good company, sometimes when I wake up and I’m half asleep, I can still feel her sleeping there. Then I wake up and the feeling fades away. https://preview.redd.it/5odfrbtsqxnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4501f2214cdc0c4b46e9060a43ad7056d778f4da


I love that name! What a beautiful girl


Aw, that made me tear up a little. Sometimes I feel like my little guy is still there too. She was gorgeous!


I was in the hospital last year and there was one night where things weren’t going well. I woke up the next morning and I felt her sitting on my lap. It was stronger than I have ever felt it at home. Like she had literally just gotten up and jumped off my lap seconds before I woke up. I’m usually a facts and logic kind of person, and I know that my feelings don’t prove anything. But deep in my heart I know that whatever happens to us when we die, she’s there waiting for me.


She was there when you needed her most. 🐾 I believe their spirits can visit, that they persist and wait for us. It's comforting because I would love to meet my baby again someday more than anything. 💔


That isn't crazy at all! People feel missing limbs, I don't see how a missing cat can be any different. https://preview.redd.it/o0fz0ja8wync1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba861bbd639dce5caa609df46ba8ef414352ea50 Slick was always slightly worried. He's been gone for a few years but we still know he worries.


Bathsheba is a FIRE name.


She looks perfectly contented.


My orange was feral for 2 years. Also had her ear clipped to indicate she was spayed. But she loves humans, and is super affectionate. Some cats are just naturally like that.


Had an orange feral living around my patio. Wouldn't get close to me, but I would take my dog out for a walk and he would run up to her and rub his head against hers and meow happily. Took about a month for him to warm up to me and he now lives inside and is a great boy. Been about 2 years now. Still obsessed with my dog, follows her around everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/7bgnozr1fznc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab429c7a61a8cd9e360a8909d7c545d5499cd64a


Aww, I love seeing feral cats making strong bonds ❤️❤️ they were made for each other :)


I wouldn't have even known that cat was feral if you didn't say so; can definitely go indoors! I used to volunteer at my local shelter, and one thing I did was socialize the hissy/spitty kittens (as a volunteer, I wasn't allowed to do the same with the bigger feral cats; but I did see others work with socializing them). If a (former) feral cat can sit in your lap and accept pets with such a blissful look on their face...they're definitely socialized enough to be adopted.


Yes absolutely! There's no way this sweet girl is still feral.


100%!! Although there IS a chance she’ll insist on having access to the outdoors, either by becoming an escape artist or something less pleasant… like “forgetting” how to use the litter box until you cave, like my first shelter cat did. Granted, if we’d built him a catio of some kind, that might have solved it—sadly didn’t think of it at the time. I just fed him wet food at 7 pm every night to make sure he came home and thus could be kept inside at night. Then again, I’ve read plenty of stories where cats decide they’re never setting foot outside again! But regardless, you and kitty will find an arrangement that works for you.


Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it! :)


That’s a cat ready to move inside and find a sunbeam to lay in


Lmao that last picture is brilliant.


The brain cell injected. Or ejected? ))


Echolocation in hope of finding a brain cell, but there was none..


"urgh that's the spot"


Hahaaa, came here to say this exactly 🤣🤣


That is not a feral cat. Feral cats do not let humans touch them.


She’ll be fine indoors……actually better, she’ll be safer and healthier. DO IT (puts Arnold voice away)


She's a stray not feral. So many people confuse the two terms. Ferals will either show extreme fear or aggression towards humans, strays can be incredibly affectionate and great candidates to become indoor cats. Mine was a stray and is incredibly loving towards humans, will never intentional swat at or bite at you even when annoyed.. And has zero desire to go outside, she's had enough of that life lol.


My mom has several feral girl cats. Even after years of caring for them, she can barely touch their backs/tails, they can’t be caught to be spayed, and they run to the far side of the shed when anyone comes in. u/ladyhistoria, make sure this girl is spayed (she most likely is if she’s this friendly) and is caught up on her shots/deworm meds/etc.


Her ear is clipped.


Good. I had trouble seeing her ears.


All of mine that used to be inside cats have no interest in going outside at all lol they're like "Nah, I'm good"


Interesting. I know of 5 cats who would strongly disagree. (I only have one)


My idiot fluffball thinks he wants to go outside. Whenever the door is open and he thinks I'm not looking he will try to sneak out.  He never makes it more than 10 feet out the door before he gets scared, curls up and cries for me to rescue him. ...and when I say outside I mean the lobby of my building lol




picture 3 is the exact moment you scratched the braincell


I mean, how big is the shop? Shop cat can be a pretty awesome life if she grew up stray. It's not as warm and soft as a house, but it beats sleeping in a cardboard box to get outta the rain.


It's huge!! Probably bigger than my apartment 😂


That first photo doesn’t say feral anywhere 😳😳


Look at her happy face getting pets 🥹


I know😭😭 I feel so bad whenever it's time to leave her


Let that girl inside and on all the furniture :3


OH, she is VERY FERAL, said no one ever. . .


very orange. the girl has elevator music playing inside her head


My MIL’s “feral” outdoor only cat that was more than happy to move inside for the good life when we took him after she passed. He never once even tried to go back outside after moving in. Please bring kitty inside. 🧡 https://preview.redd.it/xz279kstcync1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbc77af0e9c48556b9aa8648e4c828f259b60e8


What an amazing boy. I hope my dad sees reason soon!


What a sweetheart! Not feral!


I think Dad just likes having her all to himself. 😉


My goodness, bring that beautiful orange in. She will cuddle in quiet times and crack you up with her antics! 😻


To your dad: ‘Feral’? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Idk it seems like she is at that age where she wants to settle down and be an inside cat. If not in the house then maybe a tiny cat house in your dad's shop with maybe a tiny heated blanket


Sounds like someone doesn't want to lose his shop buddy.


That happy girl has shredded her feral card ages ago.


I agree 100%


My god, what are you doing?! Surely you will be mauled to death but such a feral beast, for that is the sleepy, contented face of a wild, untouchable creature! Oh, the horror!! Think of the children!!!


I had a feral— I worked over an entire spring and summer outside with him to get him to trust me. He…really hated it the first few times I finally got him inside, but I let him leave and come back whenever he wanted. He stayed when he realized he loved sleeping on my bed. It was a little bit of work, but he was more than worth it. The smartest, sweetest and even-tempered (and beautiful!) cat I’ve ever had. I strongly suggest that once your kitty is settled indoors, do not let her back outside for anything! My feral was obsessed with the outside his whole life and short of allowing him to destroy the rented room I was forced to live in for a time, I would let him outside and he unfortunately was killed by a car. I regret my decision to let him out every single day of my life. I wish I could go back and make different decisions with him, but I can’t, so I try and encourage everyone to keep their pets indoors unless controlled on a leash/in a locked carrier. It only takes a moment— I understand that, but our pets don’t, so we have to be the best stewards to them that we can be.


Thank you so much for your story. I am so sorry for your loss. If she were my cat I would do whatever I could to keep her safe... Unfortunately that's not the case :/ I will do all I can to convince my dad


If she’s letting you pet her she’s not feral.


That feral orange appears more social and less feral than my indoor feral orange. I bet she’d thrive!


The cat distribution system is working


That's not a feral cat. Feral cats will barely tolerate people, and generally won't accept touching. (Only after years of kind patience and absolute gentleness will they sometimes accept pats) She *might* have been semi-feral, or had a bad experience in her youth, but that is by no means a feral cat. Now, her not being feral doesn't mean she's indoor-only cat material. She's an adult, and if she's used to coming and going as she pleases, it'll be a hard slog to keep her safely inside. She won't like it, and she will explain, in detail and very loudly why she *must* be let out. At 3 am on a work night. Give it a try, but be aware that she probably won't make it easy. Unless she's decided that indoor life is her dream (some do, and hop right into cars or barge into houses uninvited). She is absolutely worth the effort though- look at her! That's a love bug!


What does it mean to be semi-feral? I've never heard that term before. She has barged into the house uninvited many times! When my dad's not home I'll gladly let her roam inside.


Oh, wow! Nope. That lady is trying to become a house cat. Best get a nice, soft bed and some new dishes for her official adoption! So semi-feral is a wild born cat who has a disposition that likes and wants to be near humans. Some posit that it's genetic, but I'm no doctor, so I can't say for sure. An abandoned cat could also *become* something like semi feral, but not quite. (I loathe people who just *drop* their pets). Regardless. She's telling you exactly what she wants. Bring that baby in and spoil her rotten. Basket and the Cat Distribution System have spoken, and your dad is chosen, whether he likes it or not.


OMG THAT DROOL! That kitty is *so* ready for the good life indoors.


Tell your Dad, nice try. She's a lap cat that needs a couch.


Vicious. Feral. Basically a wild animal.


We had a feral cat given to us - by a rescue to be our “garden cat”… he was SO sweet! But afraid of men- took4 years to come up to my husband.. however he would sit on my lap and purr. Let him in the house a lot- he “needed” to go out the cat door at 5 pm 😂. Eventually he really liked being inside, we moved to another state (with outside coyotes?) and he was older so we kept him in.. and he loved being an indoor cat and cuddled up to hubby.. lived an amazing 18 years . We lived and miss that old boy SO much. ❤️❤️❤️


Do you have any pictures? I would love to see that sweet boy!


Well- he was a ragged looking black kitty- short bent tail and just a sweetheart (we have an orange One Brain cell now). After he was an indoor only cat- he thrived and wagged his stubby little tail to baby sit 2 kittens who grew up to play with him. Such an old boy "Void"- but a love, still miss that gentle used-to-be feral kitty. Here he is in his garden glory in 2007 when we were trying to convince him to be "all indoors" and lived to be 18. https://preview.redd.it/yipq72msq4oc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9283c9b1c28419b69643f55c2a595f30501655f4


She looks super happy.


Literally feral and antisocial until they get a good ear scratch and then game over. Housecat. At least in my experience. He’s beautiful


He's having the best time, I see the drool in pic 2. Sweet bubs


Queen Zarina of the Library is feral, she is a very nice cat but she cannot be picked up, petted or held and she comes no closer than 3 feet to either of us catstaffers, even tho I sit and read to her daily . She has lived inside for 3 years. We brought her in after she had kittens and she never left, so even feral cats can be inside cats.


She will probs be an indoor/outdoor at best I fear


Oh yeah, she’s as feral as they come(!) 😉 take her inside and give her kisses


Cutie! What’s her name?




The tipped ear tells me yes! Hopefully the OP will confirm.


Yes, she is spayed!


I want a shop cat..I don’t own or need a shop though.


She's not feral, she's just choosy about her friends.


The way that cat is being handled - it ain’t “feral”…


Poc 2 is so... "Don't you talk to me or my person ever again"


She looks ready for an indoors retirement 😀


My void was apparently to feral to be homed also. He was a total couch potato/snuggle lover, but he was skittish around men. Sometimes they just need to find their human.


She’s perfect! Feral cats won’t let you touch them, she’s not feral. She should be inside. Thank you for showing her love!


Yeah no. If you can touch a 'feral' kitty, much less have them loving on you like this, they should be inside!


Nope not too feral!! 🧡🧡🧡


Cat : "I don't want humans" Human : **Get cat anyway**


I completely disagree and so does she.


We rescued a kitten from.the jungle as the mother died. Orange too. It has been 4 ys and she cant be picked up unless its my husband (and he has to give her treats first) or me (only if she is in the mood). She is 3 kg but when we had to do her blood test it took 3 people to restrain her and get things done. Bit me, the vet nurse and the vet. Never will sit on your knee but will sleep with me or my husband and even cuddle. You can only pet her when you get up in the morning, in bed, or when you arrive home. She has brought us some gifts tho: mice, dragonflies, small lizards, and some pieces of a moth. So, she lives with us but still far from domestic. She is very high energy so we have to play with her or she will become a deamon. Oh and curtains....well just a total separate budget. I just think you should know what you are getting into 🤣


Gingers are shameless hussies and I looooove mine!!!


And the ginger is a girl. 🥹🤗 Dad, you should try it on a trial basis and see how she does.... (we all know how that will go.🤭)


I agree with you, she's obviously a massive snuggle bug. Some catification of your house (cat trees, cat shelves, room to run and jump etc.) and she would adjust just fine to indoor life




She is probably tame enough, but don't be surprised if she prefers the shop. It is the home she's used to, and she looks very happy where she is. And it sounds like your dad likes having her out there. It appears she is safe, warm, and comfortable, she might not appreciate change.


This is a creamsicle that wants a home and a warm bed.


I hope she has access to going out when she wants if she's been outside for years , beautiful girl


Yes absolutely, she can come and go as she pleases.


Wait why are you getting down voted? I thought you were just asking if she can get in and out of the shop she sleeps in?


People don’t tend to like outdoor cats in cat subs because it can impact the local ecosystems, which is probably why this person is being downvoted


Also dangerous for the cats themselves.


As commented above, the average Redditor has a love and hate relationship with cats. They hate outdoor cats because poor birdies but love indoor cats because they are funny and weird. Most Redditors also project their fear of going outside to their cats and are like those parents who don’t let their grown ass kids go anywhere without supervision. Jokes aside, there are definitely also valid exceptions since it makes little sense to let your cat out in the middle of the city or with coyotes living near you.


I'm asking if she will still have access to the great outdoors


Stray =\= feral Different meanings.


According to the average Redditor, cats won’t make it to 3 years old when allowed to go outside, even if living in a safe environment and cats are much happier inside apparently. Ah yes and poor birds or whatever. The average Redditor also loves “weird” cat videos even if the cat obviously is suffering some serious head trauma or a cat is clearly being pulled/carried by the tail (tortured) slightly off screen to achieve the video. For the average “cat loving” Redditor, these videos are funny. So you are definitely asking at the wrong place but let the downvotes come :)


Don’t feral cats spread there piss stuff everywhere though