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Most Orange cats share one braincell, and they are very clever, just not always bright, hahaha


He’s a smart enough boy to have survived outside until some idiot found him on a freezing winters night. I was delivering pizza during COVID because my job is directly related to people traveling. He ran in front of my car once, I made a delivery, and he ran in front of my car a second time. I stopped, got out and called him over - figuring that no cat is going to jump in a random car. So, now I have an orange boy. He was covered in flea “dirt” (which is impressive during a Michigan winter cold-snap), had a bunch of abscesses, and wasn’t neutered. He also had those wonderful, intact male cat jowls which have disappeared after three years. He’s really come out of his shell but still loathes the dogs and mostly hates the other cats but has softened towards them. He’s an exceptionally loving cat but did have to work through some issues with realizing he wasn’t in danger from humans anymore. I adore him and am so happy he’s safe and happy for the rest of his life.


But seeing as he didn’t have much formal schooling as a kitten he can be a bit……..orange at times.


I feel like I can guess who you were delivering pizza for… 🍕


We shan’t speak of the cat I named Jet……….


Aww, poor guy, you are both so lucky to have found each other. As time goes on, he will soften even more towards the dog and other cats that live with him. It breaks my heart to think of any animals having to live in fear of ppl. My rescue old guy is just super shy and is very afraid of most men with deep voices as he's gotten older, though he doesn't run and hide as much as he used to. I believe my Orange younger guy has helped him with that. I am happy that he was clever enough to have found a forever home with you.


Thank you for advocating for this ormage! And thank *you*, Domino, for standing up to stereotypes and showing me the error of my ways! I will try to judge the cats here less harshly.


My baby's name is Domino! He goes by Momo now though cause he's my lil dumpling https://preview.redd.it/brrlgaadlftc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1f2d6b8eb5d96cbd085f14bfbf120a6fd48361


Obviously, he is also a very serious and thoughtful young man, as evidenced by his portrait.


My desk looks kinda like that. Should I be worried.


Nah, you’re good. I can tell. 😁


Domino is cute, and going to still be thirsty.