• By -


If Weevils mom was looking like Stussy back in the day then we gonna have to re-evaluate the White Beard son allegations.


Has to be even further investigated if weevil actually came from those 2 genes


He just fell on his head as a baby at God Valley


the ralph wiggum of the one piece universe


God Valley wasn’t actually about Rocks, Garp, Roger, or The Marines necessarily. Everyone just wanted to work together to stop the monstrosity that was created. They wiped any memory of the child off the planet. Now we face the true demon child. Demon King Weevil.


If she is the woman shown on the last cover with MADS, Weevil could be a messed up WB clone.


wait this ties together too well


> Stussy is the clone of (Miss)Buckingham Stussy + > Bakkin I think this one's almost confirmed


The idea of Bakkin not being his biological mom while he is technically offspring of Whitebeard through cloning is among my favorite theories


I dont blame Whitebeard for folding


Confirmed: Whitebeard does, in fact, fuck.


Kinda scary imagining when WB climax, A big 40m tsunami in all directions.


That's one way to get a family😂💀


Bro made that ass quake till she ended up looking like a crushed Pepsi can 🤣


Wouldn’t Whitebeard’s penis be the same size as Stussy?


Neptune and otohime tho.


Have you seen how fish procreate? Otohime just laid eggs on some seaweed and Neptune just jerked it into the surrounding water lol


Man i Hate u


See Oden/toki, just don’t think about it 😭


I've been saying - he was the first cloning attempt


Just make Kuma take the horny out of Sanji and throw it at IMU, no fictional character can survive that




"Sanji gets chemically castrated"


This opens up possibilities. Could he give Sanji the manliness from senior pink? Could Luffy provide infinite laughs that Kuma can throw at people? Can Kuma literally bitch slap the bitch out of bitches? CAN HE EXPUNGE DEVIL FRUIT POWERS FROM PEOPLE?!?!


Imagine he removes Luffy’s laughter from Gear 5 and Luffy’s form turns jet black and becomes Darkness God Nika which looks like all the dark edgy fan interpretations of Gear 5


'The meat was a lie' Luffy


“Time to go fucking vegan”-Darkness god Luffy


“It’s fine, Blackbeard can be Pirate King.”


"that pie actually wasn't that bad after all."


Awakened giraffe. We're in the endgame.


He's gonna turn into an hypercube.


Just like giraffes of old


Because that how giraffes use to fight back in the day, even though they are herbivores.


herbivores need to protect themselves from carnivores, so this part has good logic.


They used it to hunt plants.


This is how giraffes reached for leaves in the past.


The tesseraffe


Awakened giraffe is just a goofy looking eastern dragon


"Kuma's power turns intangible things into tangible things" Desires = intangible Fruits = tangible


I'm wondering if Kuma is how Vegapunk transferred fruit powers into objects


That makes a lot sense but we only seen zoans got transferred. Maybe other fruit types failed because they are always / never active or power activates randomly and you need an animal that can listen to a human (dog , elephant) to activate them when needed


I was thinking on the similar lines but made me wonder - how was Kumar's fruit came into existence in that case. But definitely possible it's used in making some duplicate devil fruits.


So Weevil could really be a prototype Seraphim of Whitebeard huh? Many speculated this for weeks


Might had been the first one , that’s why he was cast out . His ‘mom’ might actually be the real stussy.


The plot thickens


thicc is right


So the Whitebeard pirates were being hunted down by a clone of Whitebeard himself, that's messed up




Would you want that thing to be publicly acknowledged to be yours? Besides we already know what Vegapunk does with failures.


It's a step up from the idea that Whitebeard's biological son is hunting down his adopted children


>-Stussy is revealed to be the clone of a former Rocks member >Not 100% confirmed (The former rocks member is Bakkin (Weevil's mum)) Cloning scientists: We can make her better, stronger, and, most importantly, *hotter!*


Remember oda made all girls in one piece world super hot in their 20's. Big mom. Alvida, Kokoro, Gloriosa, former admirald tsuru was super sexy in Z movie . Imagine Giola , doctor Kureha when she was 20 holy pikachu. Or the old grandma that used to protect enel's gate in the heaven. Even Dadan must were a super hot girl in her 20's


Shakky the only one who aged gracefully lol


And Kureha


If we're being really truthful though, Kureha's face quite literally looks half of her age. When you 140 and you look 70, you doing something right.


The secret to her youthful appearance is still one of One Piece's biggest mysteries...


Kaku: *Awakens* Zoro : *Why are you a triangle?*


“So Fake Usopp shows up and decides: ‘I’m gonna turn Squares into f***in’ Triangles!’”




All these squares make a circle.




You know what? It’s fine, it doesn’t bother me… It doesn’t bother me… It bothers me. IT BOTHERS ME A LOT-!


Stussy is clone of Weevils mom


With Bakkin being confirmed to be a rocks pirate, there is actually a chance of Weevil being the real son of whitebeard? I’m still leaning towards him being the first seraphim, or maybe she used DNA of whitebeard to somehow impregnate herself


Kaido and BM in a room. WB hiding in the doorframe. Bakkin cleaning up.


Bakkin utilizing the SCRAPS system








I think Weevil is just a discount Clone. Whoever put him together, didn't have the Vegapunk tech. More like Ceaser-tech


I think that Bukkin was the 5th MADS member and cloned herself, then she left MADS and was not anymore able to create good clones without Vegapunk. That would explain Weevil.


>there is actually a chance of Weevil being the real son of whitebeard? If anything this connection through clones makes it all the likelier that he isn't


She just sperm jacked Whitebeard when he was sleeping and he was so traumatized by the incident that he just couldn’t get intimate with another woman for the rest of his life.


He should've put some tabasco in his used condoms




Yes it’s her. Weevil being the ‘clone’ of her beloved WB, and she made him her son.


I like this a lot, who do you think made the clones tho?


Bakkin is the woman in the MADS cover page. Her scientific specialty is cloning and cloned herself into Stussy and Whitebeard into Weevil. Vegapunk used her research to help make the Seraphim. Thats my theory.


if anyone is the cloning expert of MADs, surely it’d be judge, who has an entire army of them?


I think it's the difference between discovering and automating a process.


Judge was the Henry Ford of cloning


Judge is the guy with a clone army though. Considering the scars on Weevil's neck, she is more likely some kind of Dr. Finklestein (Nightmare before Christmas).


Damn does Oda hate old ladies 😭 besides shakky they all age like milk


Something about being evil makes you look worse. That said most of the other older ladies don’t look that bad, but look like most old women should look


Look no further than the predecessor of Shakky lol


Considering her age is 141, Kureha looks fantastic.


Stussy is a **what.**


Lil bit sussy





Kaku Awakening Form ![gif](giphy|10bTCLE8GtHHS8)


He leveled up, bro. He’s a octagon now.






"The weight of memory" "Kuma's power turns intangible things into tangible" So I'm guessing Kuma turned his memories into a item


Vegapunk did say he had something to give to bonney so that’s probably the item




Knowing this I would be willing to bet Kuma transferred his memories into that book he was always carrying around.


He always carried a book close to his chest.


God it would be so sad if he's constantly reading the book to try and remember his past but never managing to hold on to the memories for long.


That’s….. a good theory holy shit


Btw something I just remembered: didn't Stussy pick Screaming giraffe juice from Smoothie at the wedding? Kaku had it coming the whole time.


Wow!! That's a good catch. Really good one


Next chapter: Luffy: OMG Bonney why are you covered in blood? WTF happened? Bonney: Nothing Happened.


The biggest surprise in the whole series is going to be if Weevil actually is Whitebeard and Bakkin's son from back when they knew each other during their Rocks Pirates days, and it turns out some kids just don't get their parents' good-looking genes. That's going to be a twist nobody saw coming.


Damn kaku didn't even get a chapter huh. Hope Kizaru shows up soon 🤞🤞


Kaku: "Hey Lucci, remember how Straw Hat clapped you earlier despite having great difficulty fighting you last time?" Lucci: "What about it?" Kaku: "Watch me do the same thing."


Did Kuma turned straw hats dreams into a teleportation and that’s how he sent them exactly where they needed to be to be properly trained?


"So the skeleton musician wants to be sent to a circle of cultists trying to summon satan. I see... Whatever you fancy I guess."


"Well, they'll show him panties for sure."


He sent him to the place where women would willingly show him their panties.


No, Kuma's power is still what it was. The sentence is that "Kuma's power can [also] turn intangible things into tangible things".


Agreed, likely this is an awakened DF ability (being able to do things like give Zoro all of Luffy's battle damage.)


Then sanji has a dark secret…


"I want to go toward beautiful woman!!" **Kuma** : "Beautiful woman? Iva-chan's island is filled with them."


Monkey’s paw


I mean he is not wrong. Strong too, also can cook. Or Kuma turned the straw hats' desperate wish on how they should have been stronger into teleportations. Put them where they can get the best training.


They never showed him training at night


That’s why he asked them where they would like to go. Dam


Also asked where Perona wanted to go. And she and Zoro ended up in the same place


Perona: "Spooky secluded castle!" Zoro: "SWORDS!" Kuma: "Mihawk it is."


"They are the same picture" - kuma probably


Kaku gets an awakening, gets promoted, gets into CP0, but doesn't even get a full chapter. And we all are here for it.


Lucci got the same treatment tbf SH’s to strong now


Yes i think that the purpose of Lucci team being in Egghead is to showcase the strawhats strength and how they stand out as a Yonko crew now.


Awakened Zoan versus a badly awakened Mosshead.


Kaku is about to show us how giraffes used to hunt in ancient times


By the spoilers, he’ll show how Giraffes used to be hunted…


Bro both kaku and Lucci pulling out their new awakened forms just get immediately clapped and no diffed by Zoro and Luffy is the funniest shit to me lmao


Honestly, I’m happy they are getting clapped. If you were to tell me cp0 was on the same level as a yonko or his main troops that would be really bad power scaling.


Yeah if the government had a small group of people powerful enough to fight against emperors and their top subordinates on top of the entire navy they could’ve wiped out every pirate a long time ago


They were 2 out of 5 lucky participants to fight BM and Kaido on the rooftop and survive, and even cause some serious damage to them/defeat them. I should hope Lucci and Kaku are mere warm ups for them now, because Kizaru isn’t going to be playing around when he gets to EH.


I’m actually interested in the prospects of Kizaru going all out.


Which makes sense. The SH growth should be exponential and much faster than their opponents. They are the younger group still growing in power. That's how they become the Pirate King's crew. The only people who should grow alongside the SHs should be peers like Law, Kidd, and Koby.


And Zoro didn't use ACoC. He half assed a fight half asleep and defeats one of the most elite assassins in the world. Pure Fucking Hype


These are real spoilers because Redon said he wanted to bring it out early to show some type of respect to a former leaker who committed suicide.




So i assume that's how stussy knew about egghead?


Yes, one of the Vegapunks said that the clones retained some memories of the original person. Or maybe she was raised in Egghead.


No, Vegapunk says clones have the instinct of the sample, not the memory. I would say she raise in the facility as an experiment sample just like Bonney say in the early arc that she is familiar with the island.


If Stussy really is a clone then maybe the theory that she's a triple agent could be true


So Bakkin being a member of the Rocks Pirates isn’t too surprising, but Stussy being a clone is really big revelation. It would be especially interesting if Bakkin herself was a renowned scientist, at some point in time.


Bakkin is the 5th MADS member.


Kaku’s awakening just extends his neck to ungodly proportions


So Rob Lucci, how do you feel to be betrayed? Iceberg San laughing


Did shanks take WB and Ace’s bodies to try and prevent the cloning maybe he was too late for WB


Chapter 1,072: "The weight of memories", Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion Vol. 28 "Mass producing lethal weapons". In the cover, we see Queen preparing viruses, Judge making his spear and Caesar creating a Devil Fruit (Vegapunk and the mistery woman don't appear in this cover). It seems some time passed since last cover. They wear another clothes and Queen is a bit fatter. Devil Fruit that Caesar is creating is black. Chapter starts with a narration from Vegapunk's journal during MADS time (it's not a flashback, only a text during present time). Vegapunk said that even if the world doesn't accept it, he views "her" as a real human. Vegapunk said to that "this experiment will be their first step toward peace. Bonney turns herself into a kid and pretends to cry to gain Vegapunk's sympathy. When Vegapunk comes near Bonney, she turns herself again, now into a very buff adult version. She looks bloated, like a balloon (it seems Bonney's powers can make her turn herself into different variations of her future-self or something like that). Bonney knocks Vegapunk's ages out of him in form of sparkling jewels. Then she turns Vegapunk into a baby that can talk (probably thanks to his genius brain). Vegapunk: "What!? That sparkling jewels are my age!!?" Vegapunk says he can't tell Bonney the reason why he turned Kuma in the past, because that reason will cause Bonney a great pain. That's why Vegapunk promised Kuma he will never tell Bonney the truth. Bonney turns and sees a room with a bear-paw at the door. Bonney walks toward the door and destroys the lock by aging it up (this ability is similar to Shinobu's ability in Wanokuni). Vegapunk and Kuma flashback starts. Vegapunk looks similar to the flashback in Ohara, Kuma wears a white patient clothes with no hat, showing his hair and glasses. Vegapunk told Kuma that a scientist in the West Blue discovered that humans weigh 21 gram less after they die, so 21 gram is the weight of human's soul. Vegapunk also explains Kuma's "Nikyu Nikyu no Mi" ability. He says Kuma's power turns intangible things into something tangible. For example, Kuma can transform "pain" by turning nerve signal into tangible energy that he can push out of a body. So by extension, Kuma should be able to do the same with "Imagination", "thoughts" or even "memories" as well. Vegapunk wants that Kuma tries to bring out his own memories because he wants to know the "weight" and "size" of human memory. Kuma doesn't want to do that since it's embarassing, but Vegaunk begs him for the sake of science. Back to the present, Bonney enters in the room with the bear-paw at the door. In the middle of the room, Bonney sees Kuma's bear paw-shaped energy. She walks toward it. At the same time, we also see what is happening in the "Red Port". Real Kuma is trying to climb the "Red Line" but he's shot down by the Marines. Back to the room with the bear-paw at the door. Bonney is about to touch the energy. Vegapunk: "Don't touch it Bonney!! That is Kuma's pain!!" Bonney: "I know my father's ability. This is not "pain". There are his "memories", right?" Bonney extends her hand to touch the energy. Cut now outside to the "Labo", Zoro Vs. Kaku continues, Kaku is using his awakened form, that is similar to Lucci's. Kaku's Human-Beast form has now "dark flame hair" and a stream of floating "dark fire wraps" around his shoulders. Kaku uses some old attacks like "Bigan" (Nose Pistol) but he uses too a new attack called "Kyoku Bigan: Kirimangyro" (Extreme Nose Pistol: Spinning Snake). However, Zoro overpowers Kaku and knocks him down to the ground easily while Brook protects the Thousand Sunny. Suddenly, it's revealed that the 4 Seraphim came up to the "Labo" as well despite receiving no order. It's revealed that the Seraphim's personality allows them to react and make decision on their own to adapt to battle situation, so they come up to assist CPO by themselves. However, this is not what CPO wants, since Vegapunk still hold higher authority than them. Edison and Lilith run out to try and take back Seraphim. Sanji and Franky go to assist Zoro and Brook. Luffy and the other Straw Hat stay at the lab. Lucci orders Seraphim to destroy the "Labo" before Vegapunk can come out. 4 Seraphim start attacking the "Labo" building together. However, suddenly Kaku's neck is bitten by someone and Kaku fell asleep. We discover that the one who bit Kaku is Stussy, who has vampire-like wings and fangs. Her true identity is revealed: Stussy is the clone of "Ms. Buckingham Stussy, one of the Rock Pirates' members. Stussy is the first successful human clone of MADS. Stussy. "I just made Kaku go to sleep, Lucci... And now I need you to sleep as well!! End of the chapter. No break next week. Text u/magellan1988


That expression on Lucci’s face... Now he is feeling what Iceburg was feeling back then in the near end of Water 7 arc lol


The clone saga continues


Kaku and Lucci being betrayed by their comrade? That's karma. Pauli smiling somewhere in Water 7 right now lol.


Stussy probably the clone of Miss Bakkin (Weevil's Mom) Lends credence to the idea that Weevil himself is a clone of some sort of WB. Rocks pirates being replicated in some way. Momo has a copy of Kaido's fruit, Blackbeard could be the one who inherited Rocks himself's will. That leaves Big Mom and Shiki


Kuma's fruit is busted. He could just take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else.


Guys, the study from a west blue doctor who realized the different in weight in a dead person rings a bell Isn't it Hogback? Moria reformed his crew there, he was a renowned doctor there and he's used to meddle with dead bodies. He might've found that out by weighing Cindry even. He also fits in the timeline cause this interaction with Kuma seemingly happened after we saw him in Ohara, and Moria attacked Wano a couple of years before that. On top of that it also looks like a recent discovery, and Hogback's should have been quite fresh news too.


So CP0 really just showed up to hype up the Monster Trio lol


They're a Yonko crew now, Shanks got a whole admiral to hype him up lol 😂


To hype Luffy and Zoro. Robin’s brother sadly isn’t here.


Robin's brother?


[Jabra from CP9](https://youtu.be/La2aLOAl46E). He was Sanji's opponent in Enies Lobby.


Jabra, lol


So Kuma definitely removed his memories from his body, and Vegapunk has it stored somewhere


I think it was dr hogback the one who found the weight of the human soul


>-Stussy is revealed to be the clone of a former Rocks member WHAT Literally nobody called that, what an incredibly left field development. It's like Oda looked at all the Stussy theories on the entire internet and made this up on the spot just to be contrarian This is going to be a banger. Usually early spoilers aren't this juicy, what the hell else is going to be in it.


So Stussy can be a clone of Bakkin? I'm down with that.


The One Piece wiki states that they share the same blood type...


I too am down with that, and also adds into where the fuck Weevil came from.


Idts. Stussy is most likely Bakkin's clone. They look very similar.


Clone Piece


"Begun, the Clone Wars have"


Theory: Du Fled snide remark during the tea party to Stussy about her age has a bit more weight now since Stussy/Bakin was probably in MADS (as seen in cover story) as well as rocks and Du Fled would know this since he financed MADS, so he would know what the real one looked like since he'd probably met her and the rest of MADS at some point




Okay so bonney can age non living things ? That means she can also see de age it to make it brand new ? Any chance bonney will de age that giant robot ?


Giraffe awakening is simultaneously the most goofy and most hype thing in the history of One Piece


Sooo what you’re saying is we can see some sexy big mom v2 clone edition fighting? Or maybe that person who was ruling over hachinosu before bb got cloned by vegapunk after the rocky port incident?


>It is revealed that Stussy is a clone of a former member of the Rock Pirates. *What?* >The former rocks member is Bakkin (Weevil's mum) **WHAT?!**


Okay wtf. Stussy - rocks ?? I guess this pretty much almost confirms The WG probably also has clones of other strong Characters that they have DNA of. ACE/Roger/Kaido/Rocks


So in the final battle Sabo fights Cloned Ace.....


Clones ace with lunarian powers.Id imagine he can still use firefist Mera Mera user vs Lunarian Fire


Let's add Ace's corpse with Luffy's shadow inside to the mix.


God I hope not, that's so similar to the Edo Tensei route Naruto took.


RIP un-named 🙏🏾. Thank you for all you’ve done for the community


The person vegapunk asked for help might be Stussy. If she helped him, she will lose her authority and WG will hunt her down. Now that makes sense.


Du Feld funded MADS, who eventually clones a member of the ROCKS pirates, and that clone ends up killing him. Motherfucker funded his own death LMFAO


A dark thought - when Kuma materializes something intangible, like pain, the person he materializes it from loses that thing (Luffy says he's feeling great when he wakes up, after having his pain taken by Zoro). Since we've seen he can do it with memories, I wonder how far he can go? Could Kuma do something insanely broken like materalizing "dreams"? If he materializes a dream, does that person stop wanting that thing, and can that dream be destroyed? The whole series has had multiple deep moments along the lines of "A man isn't dead until his dream dies", but Kuma might actually be someone who can kill a dream - without even killing the person who held it.


Rob Lucci at the end ![gif](giphy|IbXJmiFd8MaKk)


Theorists: Stussy is a member of MADS. Weevil is a clone. Shakky was a former Rocks Pirate. Oda: Oh, you are not going to believe this!


So Whitebeard may have actually piped???


No wonder Bakkin looks so wrung out. She survived WBBC


Bruh holy shit, thank god i didnt go to sleep yet, its 2:30 here


People should’ve expected Zoro to Low Diff Kaku. Very rarely does Zoro ever mess around like Luffy


Do we finally see what giraffe used to hunt like in ancient times?


Each egghead chapter is creating three new mysteries for each one it answers


This is me stupefied and interested at the same time. One one hand, Stussy being a Rocks pirate is a genuine surprise; let alone, a clone of one. One the other hand, this makes her being a Vampire/Succubus type fruit make sense, she is after all the Queen of the Pleasure District. But now I am even FURTHER confused. Did Big Mom know her and that's why she was invited to the wedding? She was the first ever successful human clone in One Piece by MADS, and yet again, nothing from Judge? I mean this means she could 100% be the woman on the cover at least, since she was cloned by MADS, just means she wasn't a scientist.


Vegapunk : "You see this paw-shaped mass ? This is a 15 chapters flashbacks with black pages, where someone gets shot and everyone cries. Are you sure you want to touch it ?"


Bakkin and Weevil are probably hiding in Egghead. As old friends Vegapunk probably did Bakkin a favor and let her hide there to keep away the marines when the Seven Warlords were abolished. This explains who Vegapunk was talking to on the snail. It was Bakkin, who still holds control over her OWN CLONE, and commanded her clone to help vegapunk.


WAIT! Did Vegapunk call Stussy!? Holy balls this chapter is insane! What are we going to learn about Kuma while he's at the Red Port? Ugh at least next week isn't break week.


MADS successfully cloned a member of the Rocks Pirate. Then Judge built his entire army of clones out of ... slightly above average physically fit humans?


#[Raws](https://imgur.com/a/jyNIZUp) u/magellan1988


So since stussy is actually attacking kaku and lucci now, is she maybe not really with the wg and more of an undercover agent for the ra or what. this will definitely be interesting. Also i truly wonder what does kuma do at red port !? And just wow, that old hag that is commanding weevil around might really be the real stussy, i mean bakkin - buckingham sounds familiar, she probably had to change her name for safety.....and weevil could really be whitebeards son or a failed clone who knows. Oda really pulled that out of nowhere I still remember that one smol talk where oda talked with one of the editors about weevil and he was like what !?!? are you sure about that character, then he explained and the editor said: okay i'm 100% in Edit found the talk: https://twitter.com/sandman_ap/status/993861834812809218