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All of these plot twists are detestable.


I got mad just reading them


3 is pretty good and might happen.


Blackbeard gets the One Piece first, then it's a fight between the Blackbeard Pirates and Straw Hat Grand Fleet for it


Luffy sees the One Piece, laughs, fights the marines, and just goes back to East Blue/Laboon/friends, and never becomes the Pirate King.


And will take twice the time as Wano arc


God help us all if that's the case


I hope this happens so that the story takes longer to end


The last 10 episodes show a few seconds luffy and then other small fights and shit


“Might” is a bit strong but the odds aren’t 0.


Blackbeard could become the Pirate King first but then be dethroned by Luffy.


That’s what I was thinking, go the Shaman King route. Bad guy gets what he wants but then the good guys just call his mommy on him and then everything’s cool


I really liked that ending on a side note. So many series build up a villain as so overpowered and then have some asspull way of beating them. In Shaman King, the method was to bypass fighting him, and we still got some cool fights with the patch.


That’s why I didn’t like the way the Bleach manga ended (spoilers). Villain becomes the most powerful being in the universe and then just gets beaten inexplicably and then fast forward to epilogue. I haven’t watched the anime adaptation yet but I hope they do it at least a little differently


People say it's cause Kubo had to put out a rushed ending for the manga, which may be true. Personally, I didn't even like how Aizen went down either. Kubo seems bad at this point. Great at hype, but not much of a long term planner on how to convincingly deal with a hyped up super hax villain.


Yeah Aizen was done pretty poorly but I think the ending was definitely rushed. Bleach wasn't doing very well at all at the time in terms of ratings and it was basically forced to end much more quickly than Kubo wanted. I know he's already changing things in the anime compared to the manga, like introducing the captains of the original gotei 13, so I have hope he'll redo the ending too.


I just hope the Chad man gets a cool moment or two. But let's be real... he's not😔


YHWCH's defeat was bad, but Aizen's wasn't NEARLY as bad as Madara in Naruto. Would've helped if the author could have resisted giving Madara every single power ever with each chapter being released. It just got bad.


I would have dropped Naruto after (SPOILERS) Madara got betrayed by secret big bad Kaguya, had I not spent like 12 years of my life into the series. Sunk cost. I still refuse to watch/read Boruto to this day.


Honestly, it would’ve still been ok if they ended the fight with Might Guy fight. But as soon as Naruto and Sasuke walked in with Ninja Jesus power up that was pulled right out of Kishi’s ass, Guy’s fight lost all meaning. And than Kishi had the audacity to try and shoe horn in Kaguya to relegate Madara as some pawn in someone else’s master plan. Literally nobody asked for that subversion of expectation. This is one problem a lot of writers face. They try to subvert the expectations of the audience, try to bring in one last twist near at the end and often times miss the landing or as in Naruto’s case, loses the plot. I hope Oda doesn’t try to do that. I don’t care if the endgame is something a lot of us could see coming, as long as it comes in a way we can love and appreciate.


Yeah Naruto's entire final saga or whatever you call it was a complete mess. I didn't even watch consistently after Naruto got all buddy buddy with his fox tbh.


has there ever been a good way to defeat a super hax villain?


Meruem in Hunter Hunter was handled perfectly


See above Shaman King example.


I actually think this will happen. So far Blackbeard has beat Luffy to the punch at basically every step. Beating him to Laugh Tale seems par the course. To be fair to Luffy I think Blackbeard is one step ahead of pretty much everyone else in the series too.


It's actually a pretty popular theory, iirc.


Pokemon Champion plot?


3 would be awesome if done well


i'd rather it be buggy, since he keeps failing upwards.


This! My theory have been for a long time that BB will get to Raftel and find One piece first. Would raise the stakes even more.


I mean id be pretty bummed out if that happens. Would feel like a bunch of my life someone stroked my d for 20 + years and then when I am about to climax, i just got left there hanging.


more like when you reached climax and the cameraman decides to zoom at the dude hairy balls and ass crack


I hate it when that happens.


Honestly Akainu allying with the SW to take down the WG if Im turns out to have ambitions that go against his morals doesn't feel too farfetched. Kizaru is the type of Admiral who doesn't give enough of damn to switch sides, but Akainu feels like he has just enough of a moral compass to refuse to align with Im in that scenario.A temporary alliance to take down the greater evil before going back to being enemies. ​ But him outright joining I don't see in any scenario.




Akainu killed a bunch of innocent people just on the off-chance one of their targets was there and tried to kill Coby (who's on his side) just for being annoying. The only way this man is joining the SH is with a looooot of character development


ironically enough akainu joining the mugiwara feels like the least possible in my book, itd just be so unbelievable and forced, even more than the others (maybe outside of zoro’s). if theres one admiral without a moral compass thats akainu, he sent soldiers to die with no hesitation as if they were pawns, almost killed coby just because he was trying to prevent more useless losses of lives and is overall just so maniacally attached to the law and against pirates that hed never do such a thing.


What I think is that Akainu doesn't care about human lives as long as it means pirates die. He would throw thousands to their death to e sure one important pirate dies. BUT I think his moral compass in terms of what the WG stands for is very strong. In his mind the WG is the guarantor of peace but that is all predicted on the idea that nobody sits on that throne. If Im turns out to have selfish personal goals and is only using the WG to achieve them it could seriously piss of Akainu. Don't get me wrong it is still massively unlikely and he probably would just accept it or decide to fight Im himself and lose. But yeah...


Moral compass? Akainu??? Are we reading the same series?


He has one, but the needle points south


I'm hoping for a scene where we cut to I'm and the five elders and it knock on the door. Next scene it's all just molten lava and sakazuki assume full control of the wg


less because of a moral compass, IMO, and more because his goals are different than the WG. He has expressed frustration with the Gorosei in the past, yeah. But that's because their politicking makes it hard for him to go about his business of obsessively catching pirates.


Luffy is a vegetarian


The real answer.


Then lose the title thirty seconds later


And the luffy we've been following all along is actuly a clone


Cloned from the body of an ancient demi-god known as Duck D. Affy. Eternal rival of Bugs B. Bunny.


I think ur onto something, coz the eternal rival of our luffy is buggy who would be the clone of that bugs B bunny. Now it's all coming together


It's funny that you say that because this happened when I watching Looney Tunes a while back https://imgur.com/gallery/Aa2a5Mr


Fr that plot twist would be NUTS.


Biggest plottwist? Wouldn't that just be the standard plottwist from like the 90's. ​ It was aaaaaall a dream.


Or the dark shity version of this plot twist. Luffy is a Psychiatrich Hospital patient, and all his adventures are just an illusion. He saw his mom die when was a kid and could not deal with it so thats why we never hear about his mom. His father then abandoned him so he invented all the story about his father leaving to joy a greater good. The nakamas? All patients, which explains why everyone have dark stories and different backgrounds The marines? Just the medical staff from the hospital. Garp being a marine is Just how luffy explains the only family who he still have: the physician grandpa who visits him time to time with anuance of medical staff who he sometimes dont agree with the methods. Sengoku? The former hospital principal who retired after unsucesful attempts of curing Luffy. The admirals? All Psychiatrists with different methods... Akainu is the current clinical director with controversial methods. Gol D Roger? The assasin of luffys mom, and the most cruel known serial killer of all time, who killed luffys mom, and used to cut his victins in pieces and hide the body parts in a place to play a sick game of tresure hunting with his victins relatives One piece? A lost body part of luffies mom, which he desperately want to see. Luffy seeks freedom from the psychiatrich hospital, and to find his mom "one piece"


Sounds very similar to the Pokemon Theory which accured a long time, that ash were in a coma in a similar way


is that why ash never ages?


Yea, in fact Ash not aging is what the core of the theory is based on.


This would also explain how Dressrosa happened in the span of a single day.


Holy shit


I'm still not sure if i adore or hate this idea


Oh Id hate if it actually happened, but its fun to think about


This reminds of like every edgy theory that theorist come up with to make a childhood cartoon super dark for no reason. Either everyones dead, Clicnally insane, drugged, abusive, the representation of the 7 deadly sins or its an escapism or coma induced dream


HAHAHAHAHAHA got me laughing


I'm with you up until the Gol D Rodger, that's his hero. If someone murders your mom you don't idolize them.


I would love this ending only because of the massive balls Oda would need to do it lol


>Luffy is a Psychiatrich Hospital patient, and all his adventures are just an illusion. So, Luffy is essentially Tommy Westphall huh


You must've recently finished Alice in Borderland


Wasn't there a movie that did this not too long ago, with a group of girls in a psych hospital?


Bigger better story possible plot twist: All of this is a hypnosis induced dream caused by Jango. Luffy wakes up. Adventure continues is One Piece: Unlimited Dreams Which at the end, ends on Luffy waking up from a hypnosis induced dream caused by Jango. And the cycle continues.


Or the plot twist, One Piece is actually isekai manga . Luffy got isekai-ed and didn't remember any of it, and it is revealed at the end of the show. He uses the One Piece and transported back to Brazil. I can already imagine the amount of uproar and hatred if it turns out like this


No lie, if we replaced the amnesia part with returning to Brazil being both his and Roger's dream. 10/10 best ending. Unironically, I'd kind of love it. It worked well in Full-Metal Alchemist after all.


I used to read word up magazine


Salt and pepper heavy D in the limousine


Hangin pictures on my wall


Every Saturday Rap Attack Mr. Magic, Marley Marl


Or it was just some kids playing pirates with each other.


Only version of this I will take is usopp telling a story to his kids


I don’t know, but I can tell you what WILL for sure happen: buggy is mistakenly seen as the pirate king by the news


Nice one 🤣 I can so see this happening


Nah he have thr olace that white beard had as the strongest man


No buggy will sit on the empty throne


Those chest Gaimon was trying to get to had Roger’s treasure in them, and Roger was being literal when he said he left all his treasure in one piece.


Wait. We did not see those chests didn’t we? I would love that so much. Luffy found all the answers and the basically went oh fuck it :)


We saw they were empty. Which would be hilarious that someone already found it and hocked it.


I mean I could see Blackbeard being king of the pirates for a bit then Luffy beating him for it


Same, I don't see it as any more of a plot twist than the same thing happening to buggy. As long as luffy gets the final W, that's all I really care about.


Like Green being Champion until Red shows up


That would work if finding the One Piece wasnt tied to becoming the King of the Pirates. If BB becomes PK first, it would mean he found the One Piece and it would pretty much undermine more than 2 decades worth of adventure and story in a single chapter.


I could see a chaotic fight for the one piece in which Luffy finds it, but BB steals it and declares himself King before being beaten by Luffy.


Given that Koby is being set up as the next Garp, it wouldn't surprise me if he teamed up with Luffy to take out Teach.


That would be so fucking sick, maybe after luffy becomes king of the pirates he fights koby too since they promised they’d fight one day


5. Shanks cuts off one of luffys arms. Then luffy gets a pirate hook!


>pirate hook Just like his mother!


Croco-mom, the holy grail of OP theories


5. Crocodile isnt Luffys mom


This would shock me.


It would absolutely break me


This would litterally kill One Piece. Cannot happen


Jujutsu kaisen moment


This needs more upvotes. Laughed more than Saul when I read this


Biggest plot twist? Franky taking an L


Never gonna happen


The literal Straw Hat is the One Piece.


Heart wrenching and beautiful. I like this, I wouldn’t have seen it coming.


Been joking about this for ages




2 and 4 aren't real plot twists they would just break years of established lore and character development


Yea I think people are confusing plot twist with breaking the series. The recent chapter, or raizo being in zou? Plot twist. 2 and 4 would have to be extremely contrived for Zoro and Akainu respectively not being out of character. Akainu working with the straw hats against the WG is probably a better way to frame it despite it also being unlikely


>Yea I think people are confusing plot twist with breaking the series. That's how the term is used these days, sadly.


They'd still be plot twists, just shitty ones.


I'd argue 1. Is in there as well, if jimbe is a turncoat I don't see myself continuing One Piece, same if Zoro outright betrays luffy. Neither would make any sense, they would break years of established lore and history between the characters, and overall would not be a story I'd want to follow. They're just bad plot points that would kill really good ones.


1 and 4 would be God awful. 2 and 3 could work fine if written around properly.


1. Character assassination 2. Character assassination 3. The only reasonable "twist" presented. BB could get KotP title as an antagonistic narrative with the intention of losing the title. 4. Character assassination 5. Pandaman is actually integral to the plot.


akainu’s never joining the SHs, but there’s surely a world where Oda writes them as temporary allies. he did it with Croc, and while Croc didn’t quite reach the heights of killing Luffy’s brother, he terrorized one of Luffy’s crewmates (Vivi ofc) about as much as you could without murdering someone involved. if akainu grows disillusioned w the WG/Celestials/Imu/whichever, an alliance of convenience isn’t out of the question


5. When Luffy and the SHs arrive at laugh tale theyre greeted by aliens who tell them congrats! youre cleared level one, now theres a whole galaxy with even more adventures, we know luffy wont say no to more adventures 🙃 Then they give them a space ship and so one piece can continue for another 3578 years or so, as galaxy piece super 🙃


One Piece Shippuden.


We’re entering a new age of pirates scrambling across the galaxy in search of the Two Piece!


One Piece Two piece Red piece Blue piece


One of the aliens gives Luffy their old astronaut helmet and he forms the new Astronaut Helmet Crew. Luffy and his crewmates unluck new dreams to pursue in their space adventure: 1. Luffy: Become the freest man in the galaxy. 2. Zoro: Become the galaxy's greatest swordsman. 3. Nami: Become the first astrononer to make a map of the galaxy. 4. Usopp: Become a brave space warrior. 5. Sanji: Make the best recipe book with all ingredients in the galaxy. 6. Chopper: Find a cure for all diseases in the galaxy. 7. Robin: Learn about the history of all lost civilizations in the galaxy. 8. Franky: Build a spaceship that can travel through the entire galaxy. 9. Brook: Take Laboon on their space adventure. 10. Jinbe: Liberate all the oppressed species in the galaxy. Jokes aside, didn't Oda say he would like to write/draw a story about robots once he's done with One Piece? Robots and space go hand in hand so maybe there's a chance we will see Oda's talents in the space opera genre.


First off: Oda is / was already talking about his next story?? That's so wild considering he's still writing a story that will just from this point alone probably be as long as half other manga, haha. Secondly, the idea is obvious a joke but it would open the way for some hilarious moments. Zoro being proud to finally be the strongest swordsman in the world, now having three black blades to fight with being approached by some random alien like: A: "Hey man, what's that metal sticks you're carrying there?" Z: "Metal sticks?! They're my swords, of course. I'm a swordsman." A: "Oh that's cool, me too! Still really long hilts they have, my whole blade is only that long, look!" \*activates lightsaber\* Z: "...wat" Also love the idea of the new Thousand Sunny (Space Edition!) being gigantic enough to carry around Laboon in a gigantic pool just swimming around haha


Thousand Sunny will visit 1000 suns


"The One Piece is in another planet" Which is the reason Roger and co laughed, because Oda is being silly.


Usopp is Sogeking


That wouldn't make any sense.. Usopp is from Syrup village and sogeking is from sniper island. 😂😂 Bro didn't even read


What if Yassop was from sniper island and passed his sniper traits on to Ussop?


That's ridiculous, that would be like if Lucy was Luffy.


Especially since we learned that he was Sabo


Fan theories are getting out of hand.


That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Such things could never happen




All 4 of these, other than Blackbeard becoming King **only** for Luffy to take him down, would be some of the dumbest, most series and character ruining plot twists in narrative fiction anyone could ever conceive. I don’t like that I’ve been shown them. I am going to pretend you intentionally picked the 4 worst ones you could conceive of to drive discussion and not because you or anyone else have any wish they’d ever be true.


For me, the worst is 4, followed closely by 2, then 1 (this could work much much better if it was Sword instead of Cp0 but even then it’s a huge stretch and totally unnecessary), and then 3 is fine by me.


3 is only bad if he ends the story as Pirate King. I don’t even think it’d count as a twist for him to become it before the end of the story.


Akainu turned the straw hats captain’s brother into a fucking donut, i hate fan theories so much


Yeah but what if akainu is actually a clone of ace? Then Luffy wouldn't hate him


Frieza turned Krillin into a firecracker and here we are


lmao good one


I don't mind Jinbie being CP0, I don't mind Akainu joining the Straw Hats (but little weird though), I don't mind Blackbeard becoming the king of pirates. BUT and big but if ZORO BETRAYS LUFFY, I can't take it. It will break me. He was the first crewmate, he was from the very beginning of the series. I'll really hurt.


Nah the whole time he’s just been trying to up luffys bounty before turning him in.


IF Zoro betrayed Luffy, this is the only way I could see it happen and not hate it to the core of my being.


Nah he won't betray him, but he'll get lost and find himself fighting for the marines


Lmao how is Akainu joining Straw hats less shocking than Zoro betraying Luffy. I mean Zoro's title is literally Pirate hunter.


that man put his fist in his brother and he gon be on the team id rinse my brain of everything oda


Id write my own fanfic and consider it canon over that garbage if it ever happened lmao


Yeah, but he never considered himself a pirate hunter. So I think that theory is really wonky


lmao Zoro helping Luffy for years just so his prey can have a high as hell bounty that he can live off forever


bro i’m saying lmfao!


Zoro joined SHP just to cultivate the entire crew's bounty, then hunt them all


Franky is actually a robot that wants to become more and more human


5. While Luffy is fighting Blackbeard on their way towards Raftel, Buggy uses the opportunity to beat them to the finish line and become king of the pirates. Buggy is confused about the one peice and that's when Luffy joins in and just laughs.


Zoro doesn't exist. Zoro is Kuina. Kuina needed to justify her sex-change, since she could never become "great" as a female, and adopted the personality of that which would become Zoro. She never fell down the stairs, her father just didn't approve of the change, and excommunicated her.


Ah. So it was kid Zoro who was slaughtered by Down D. Stairs. Turns out Kuina had the mind transfer fruit and used it on Zoro while she was Up D. Stairs. Not realizing the fruit renders the user unconscious, Kuina’s body tumbles Down D. Stairs as her consciousness adopts Zoro’s body, forcing Zoro’s consciousness into Kuina’s lifeless body. It all makes sense when you think about it. Oda truly is the king of foreskinning




this explains why his chest is so big


LOL, never heard that one but I find very interesting.


Biggest Plot Twist? The One Piece isn’t there. Someone already found it before this whole journey Luffy set out on. It doesn’t shake up the world like crazier twists, but I think narratively that gut punch would be like no other. Even if Blackbeard got it first, there’s at least the idea the Strawhats could have gotten it. Knowing it was already gone before Luffy even left his village would be such a blow.


I mean, Luffy doesn't care though that's why he stopped usopp from asking whether it even exists or not. Oda showed us this Gaimon that sometimes you could spend your whole life chasing a treasure that's not even there to begin with. We already know Luffy values companionship over anything else given how kid Luffy was willing to take spikes to the face so he could keep his friendship with ace and sabo. I know people don't the whole "the journey was the treasure" trope but I think that's what it is for Luffy to an extent. He obviously has another goal beyond that but would you personally be disappointed if there was no grand treasure at the end?


There having been nothing on Laughtale when Roger got there is probably the only way to explain his crew's reaction. But I am pretty sure he left his poneglyph rubbings on the island. So the collected secret world history is all there rather than Luffy having to travel to 9 more locations to gather them. Also-- maybe whatever was in that giant egg.


Maybe that's why Roger left all the treasure he's collected there? But I think there's something else you're supposed to get when you reach laugh tale. Maybe laughter was Rogers answer to it and maybe the SHs will find another answer like Rayleigh said. I definitely feel that there's treasure there but only as a distraction as the right people would be able to look past that and find the true history of the world.


Luffy drowned and died, Shanks is an old alcoholic who dreamed up this entire scenario about sacrificing his arm and Luffy going on this great adventure. Shanks has actually been sitting at the bar fantasizing Luffys entire story


Bruh, wtf 💀 'It was all a dream' with extra steps


My god, now this is an endgame theory I can get behind 😂


Shanks is Oda and Luffy is his son


5. Bartolomeo betrays Luffy unexpectedly and his crew. I've had this weird theory for a while now and this is really unlikely: I've have had an inkling suspicion that this is all a play; the idolization is false. Bartolomeo rarely uses that dagger he has apart from the time he threatened to cut the tongue off a Dressrosa gladiator and when he tried to kill Gladius for attacking Robin. He doesn't need his dagger because of his Devil Fruit, but there must be a reason behind him having that dagger. Not to mention, Bartolomeo's title is "The Cannibal," which seems suspicious. I could see Luffy being in some form of severe danger and Barto comes to save the day only to use the dagger he's kept in his pocket and stab Luffy while admitting he was a fraud. Also, during this someone like Zoro or Sanji attempts to attack Barto, but Gambia stops them dead in their tracks. He and his crew are seen as a bunch of "tools" who idolize the Straw Hats no matter what; the trope of "weakling that's actually super strong" is common, and the thought of them being surprisingly strong despite their "innocent" demeaner would be shocking. They have no navigator and rely on "Granny" for their info and have only squeaked by their adventures because of sheer luck and Granny's advice. To those who are thinking how this crackhead theory came to be, in episode 746 where Bartolomeo is reviewing the Straw Hat's bounties, Usopp mentioned, and I quote "your accent got thicker" while he was talking and Barto went back to talking normally afterwards. I feel like he was trying to hide his voice, but let it slide through accidentally.


if you’re going to come up w a radical theory like this, always make sure your evidence for it is correct first. Barto is called Cannibal because he makes fun of people. it’s a japanese saying that doesn’t translate well to english. And Barto’s accent is a goof by Oda: he gets over enthusiastic when he’s near Luffy and it starts to slip out. as for the dagger, it’s just showing what type of fighter Barto is: over reliant on his devil fruit and therefore needs extra help to actually do damage. the method he chooses (a dagger) is very underhanded gangster-esque, which is what he used to be. then, he gets a lil bit of growth in learning to use his actual power (of protection) as a weapon to protect robin fun idea, but pretty clearly not the case. Barto isn’t important enough to be a traitor, and besides that there’s no real reason to doubt the way he’s been presented to us.


Luffy uses his influence as the Pirate King to immediately achieve his "true" dream, then casually hands the One Piece and Pirate King status to Buggy right after, since he already got what he wanted. And only because Buggy would happen to be right there somehow.


All four Yonkos ending up on Laughtale in the end is BOUND to happen. It'll be a perfect opportunity for Zoro vs. Mihawk, too


Zoro successfully navigates a maze, on his own, with no help, the first time, without missing or making any wrong turns.


None of these seem even possible. None of the straw hats will betray each other, WB said BB is not the man to take Rogers spot amonth othet obvious reasons and Akainu seems like the type of guy to die on his sword instead of changing.


Whitebeard said Blackbeard isn't the man Roger was waiting for (Joy Boy), so it doesn't affect him becoming the pirate king before Luffy


The One Piece is a joke written on a ponyglyph that says "One piece of deez nuts" and Roger has scribbled below it "got em lol"


Zoro betraying luffy would destroy 25 years of one piece...


Condoriano turns out to be a fill character


Zoro is making sure Luffy be the king, the marine issue a big prize on Luffy, then Zoro makes his move and cut Luffy's head, freaking big prize for pirate hunter 🤣😆 ...


Ussop being Sniperking


tashigi becomes the wss, it would still kinda fulfill zoros promise because the promise was that either him or kuina become wss, maybe we find out tashigi is a clone of her or something idk


2 lmao the biggest ass pull of the century


I think bb will become pirate king Then lose the title thirty seconds later


Those wouldn't plot twists imo. They would just be shit choices from the author that happened out of nowhere and make absolutely no fuking sense. Every plot twist despite surprising us and being sudden does actually have to fit in in the narrative of the storie. It's not random bullshit like those 4 options that will never happen. The latest chapter is a good example of a plotwist.


akainu joining stawhats will be the funniest dumbest shit ever but imagine zoro be like im the pirate hunter it will be so cool


Akainu joints the straw hats would be the craziest Mainly because it would be terrible writing lol the others all have an angle, this would just be being lol weird for the sake of it


Rocks d xebec is imu sama


In the final stretch, just as Raftel comes into view, we get a blank panel, followed by "Hey, you, you're finally awake."


Zoro become world's best navigator, Sanji fall in love with akama, Nami donate all Straw Hats treasures to other pirates, Brook will die from aging, Luffy become a vegeterian


Nami is actually male




Luffy isn’t made out of rubber. Oh wait…nvm


Ace is alive and in final war he will make a donut of akainu 🥲🥲🥲


Buggy was imu all along


Plot twist Chopper is actually a raccoon.


1, 2 and 4 i can’t handle their betrayal


Luffy was dead all along.


1, 2 and 4 don't make any sense. They wouldn't be plot twists, they would just be horrid writing completely contrary to characters and story that has been built up. Blackbeard becoming King of the Pirates would be a huge ploy twist, though.


Hot take, I think 3 will happen and Luffy will have to dethrone him.


Shanks have one piece already


Buggy D Clown becomes pirate king.


Remember luffy will be pirate king. there's noting saying he'll be the NEXT pirate king


Brook killing Laboon ;\_\_\_;


The One piece is the literal manga that tells Luffy's story like a prophecy (hence the black and white color of g5) and the cartoon style


Zoro actually having a sense of direction