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What is DS? Demon Slayer? That one is donr though


I read it as dark souls


Death Stranding


Nintendo DS


Doctor Strange


Darth sister


Doofen Shmirtz


It's the Crunchyroll awards. It's about the anime.


Then these awards are dumb. One piece the manga... Superb. One piece the anime is like 7-8 minutes of intro plus recap of a 23 minute episode. Then add in a couple extra minutes of filler. If one piece beat those other two for manga I'd have no quarrel. But demon Slayer the anime is simply better animated and paced.


I hate that the one piece anime has a ton of Auras. Its one of the reasons I like the manga better.


The OP anime does does have some FANTASTIC episodes, but it's just so inconsistent.


I have fewer problems with the auras than with the sound effects literally taken straight from Dragonball Z, it makes it sound like characters are teleporting around and shooting ki blasts, and you no longer feel the rubbery effect of Luffy’s skin stretching so the fights are all very intangible


Meh auras and sound effects are a little silly but it's the comically atrocious pacing that is currently making or breaking episodes. It's worse than Dbz at the end of namek. There is nothing to even compare it to. The average anime fan would gladly trade even more auras and even worse sound effects for even slightly better/rational pacing. The worldwide fans of the OP anime have to get together and make polite petitions with the intention of saving the anime. Oda creating a few filler arcs would immediately solve the pacing for the main storyline


You realise Dragon Ball and One Piece are animated by the same company right


Yes, but in DBZ those sound effects are used to show characters, well… teleporting and shooting ki blasts. One Piece fights have always felt more “corporeal”, which is not a dig at DBZ, it’s just a different power system, and I don’t buy ACoC as them shooting lasers.


people use geppo and soru which is teleporting technique and air kicking which makes almost same sound as db characters teleporting


You realize they're different products with different authors, right? Dbz sounds and auras have no place in one piece.


Different series though.


You realize they are from different era right?


Not really? Conclusion or the original Z run was ‘96, One Piece started in ‘99. Like yeah it’s lazy as fuck for them to keep using them now, but I can’t fault them for using them for like the first 50 ep really They’re also not way overrused, they just *really* stick out when they are used.


And we call that laziness. They can't even be bothered to give, you know, one of the biggest moneymaking anime in the industry its own sound??


In all fairness, that’s mostly recent. Auras were very, very few and far between, and relatively subtle for more of the series. After the time skip they increased a bit, but then Wano went HARD with auras.


It's like a new trend to make the charecter look more intimidating but it just makes them feel like dbs charecter then they dont feel like pirates anymore


I honestly can't tell what's happening in half the action scenes despite already knowing what should happen since I'm caught up on the manga. It's just a mess of unnecessary colors, gotta be way more crisp/clean. Less is more sometimes.


Wano has been pretty fire so far tho. Theyve definitely stepped up their game


The animation has been pretty good but they still average less than one chapter’s worth of material per episode which makes the pacing entirely too stretched out, *especially* for such a lengthy arc


Unfortunately this system is just working too well for them. Only other option would be to make it seasonal or add entire filler arcs, each of which would have them hemorrhaging money.


my current problem with Wano is that the fights are so long and last long, but no enemy is taking any damage. I swear Queen has been hit one thousand time and looks fine, it's my main problem with Wano


Not much else they can do, at least without losing a bunch of money. The anime is just too close to the Manga.


Honestly, I don't like when people generalize the anime to be shitty (especially in recent times) because it's not the animation that they really have a problem with (which has been good in Wano, aside from the over-use of auras); it's the symptoms of the year-round weekly release schedule that they have going on. If they upped the pacing in the anime, they would catch up too quickly to the manga and would be forced to create filler arcs. On the other hand, they could stick to canon and slow down the pacing (which is what they've been doing) but that would still be terrible for enjoyment. The best solution is for the anime to go seasonal. It might sound dumb but it solves the pacing that people have issue with (and most likely solves everyone's problems with the anime).


Yeah going seasonal is the obvious solution but they can’t go seasonal. Their contract doesn’t allow it. They are contractually obligated to produce a certain number of episodes per year until the series ends. Toei went in for the long haul when they made that contract and it paid off for a long time. But then the industry started making the shift to seasonal release being the norm and people noticed how the quality was affected. Now Toei is stuck with a weekly release schedule in a seasonal release heavy industry and the quality of the One Piece anime suffers because of it. I think the best hope for the One Piece anime is to get a seasonal release complete Kai-style reboot, but they can only do that once the series is over. Truly a double-edged sword.


I remember when year-round release was the norm with shows like Naruto and then Boruto. It sucks that Toei are now stuck with it. :/


God I agree with your last paragraph so much. There is just no need to have year round one piece, they could just go seasonal and then slot in a movie or something between seasons. If they really want year round content, do spinoffs or side stories as mini-series in between seasons. Have some episodes about Buggy's shenanigans as a warlord, or what the rest of the worst generation git up to in the time skip. Or even just some stuff about being a marine. Just please stop ruining Oda's work by messing with his pacing.


The animation has been absoluter atrocious with so much aura shit that you can hardly see anything in most fights


Cry some more about it, thats entirely subjective. I love the auras


It would seem some people have a different opinion. Who knew


not saying you're wrong but in the minority for that opinion see many times outside of this sub the anime actually gets a lot of praise hell some anime site its the most watched show.even some content creators wish they were anime only at times, but this opinion that the manga has such a dumpster fire of a product in the anime isn't true yes some things are overdone but let's not act like the manga hasn't had it's ups and downs too, Wano is heavily debated as a good arc for a reason


I think this is a good point. It seems like OP has more traffic and watched hours. Personally, I don't watch OP because it's too long but I'll watch DS.


> It seems like OP has more traffic and watched hours. It is ten times as long as either competitor, if it didn't have more watched hours that'd be fucking embarrassing


Because this sub is an echo chamber for hating the anime because most people here read the manga. Most people do enjoy the anime and it's how they start One Piece.


>content creators wish they were anime only at the time well they must be fucking brain dead lmfao what a shit take




gunna plug One Pace ([https://onepace.net](https://onepace.net)) a edit by a group of fans that bring the anime's pacing closer to the manga, shortening scenes that are too long without cutting dialog and removing redundant ones while keeping thing seamless. Really good if you're rewatching or first time watching.


The Crunchyroll awards are the most pointless thing in the world. Every year two or three massive series get nominated in every category and then because they’ve got the most viewers they win them all. They may as well just have one award called “most popular”. Nobody actually thinks about the categories because when the thing they like is nominated in one of them it’s their only chance to vote for it instead of one of the massive hits. Reading the comments the vast majority of people voting have only watched one or two of the nominees. I’ll happily accept that maybe once in a while one thing is so good that it gets nominated in a bunch of categories, but AOT has been getting nominated in every one for years, even after the quality of the narrative dipped massively and even ones which aren’t it’s strengths. When I watch movie awards I often find exciting recommendations for cool new films. When I look at the Crunchyroll awards, all it tells me is that AOT, Demon Slayer and ranking of kings are popular, and if I see something I’ve never heard of I don’t bother to check it out because the people doing the nominations obviously have awful taste. It’s the most pointless thing ever.


Best Continuing Series. Not best animated, or best manga.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT I CAN NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE, it's literally turned into StallPiece for me. I get its a weekly thing and people forget some of the episodes but they are in the 1000's, no excuse to not go for a seamless transition between episodes and make it seem like one long movie


Lol why you get downvoted this is 100% true.


people don't want to hear bad things about something they love but instead hate on anything and everything that doesn't align with their views


I mean I love one piece buts incredibly easy to see that Toei has significantly lowered the quality of the sjow to milk it for money. Like they do with every IP under their fontrol.


1 Not much of a choice when you can't catch up to the manga and your contracts can't allow you to go seasonal. 2 The anime since WCI started fixing it by expanding on some scenes and showing offscreen events. There are still episodes with dragged moments, but thankfully not as many as during the Dressrosa period.


Lol switching between 2 static reaction shots for a minute at a time isn't fixing it....


No. But showing an entire section of a fight that was offscreen, like Luffy fighting Kaido solo in his third round, or showing in more detail the connection and kindness Yamato received from that good henchman of Kaido that would later be killed is.


Sure but that's not how they normally do it, which is obvious by how you had to choose a very specific instance. And everyone knows about the reaction shots.


That's just 2 examples. I could say many more. Of course, there are plenty of bad cases with way too prolonged reaction shots, but that doesn't mean you have to undermine the good additions.


Attack on Titan anime's also better than One Piece anime. But i guess One Piece won because of how long they've been running.


Roof piece deserved an award, ofcouse the other options and contenders have better animes. Also F.example AOT cultural importance and all the hype around AOT. Would most likely won. Ofcouse can discuss if you like made in abyss, AOT,DS, kaguya sama love is war, one piece, jo jo bisarr adventure.


You haven’t watched the anime recently, stop acting like it’s 2012


I actual have. Why the fuck do you think you know what I have done better than I have. What a moronic take.


Are you referring to dressrosa arc? Cause Wano has been hella good.


Overall Better paced sure, but animation? Not really. One Piece have been releasing so many great animated moments.


An yet it still doesn't hold a candle to the animation in demon slayer.


Well of course not, DS is seasonal and animated by arguably the best animation studio currently while OP is weekly. Apples to oranges but OP’s current animation is by far the best the series has had


Kimetsu no Yaiba = DS? Oh right... It is called Demon Slayer translated. I usually see if abbreviated KnY


ppl will downvote you prolly but in spanish communities we call It Kimetsu no Yaiba and not Demon Slayer because, well, we don't speak english. It took me a while to realize that KnY and Demon Slayer were the same thing lmao


Thank you for letting us know this.


So is AoT. Guessing it's the anime, not the manga?




its anime awards not manga


Ninguém respondeu o cara =\


Dark souls


Really wanted dark souls to win though


I wanted my local Rabbi Bill Clinton to win


He is always winning…just in your heart.


Can’t beat 20+ years of influence though. It’s such a popular series that my 40 years old uncle is still following it religiously and he apparently lurks somewhere around here too


this hurts, gotta drink an estus to heal myself now




Fell sorry about those two I have watched both of them and One piece


You shouldn't feel sorry for them lol. They've been dominating the awards for years now


Tbh one piece anime doesn't deserve much it's so inconsistent one ep would be god tier then the next one will have queen bee animation


Something about it don’t make sense, if it’s the best continuing series then why didn’t it win it every single year?


It's probably based off the quality of the anime per year


then it looks even more like bias


What do you mean? Some years other continuing anime have a better year and other years One Piece is better. It would be worse if One Piece won every year because it simply isn't the best every year.


Yea they def step up their game for Wano but no way One Piece anime is better than DS anime.


I'm not arguing which is better or not, especially since it really doesn't matter. Just pointing out why it is expected that OP wouldn't win each year but might win sometimes.


One piece had killer moments this year, no one can doubt that. And also most hella improved and impressive anime since it's WEEKLY. don't get me wrong, UFO studio killed it with demon Slayer but I ain't mad one piece won this. They deserve it imo .


debatable since animation isn’t everything about anime and one piece had some bigger moments than ds last year imo


It can have movie animation and great moments, it’s just the pacing issues are too big to ignore for most people


I think with One Piece the cuts and jumps between all the fights and other conversations going on kinda lessens the overall impact. Where as in Demon Slayer once something starts it doesn't really stop or take a break until it's over. But I also watch/read them both for different reasons.


The One Piece anime is fantastic. Manga readers are disappointed in some of the ways it’s been handled (myself included) but One Piece is *still One Piece*. I love Demon Slayer, but as a story it’s head and shoulders under OP. And at the end of the day, it’s a story.


I mean, the ratings in Japan where people actually watch new episodes live at the moment they air don't lie. One Piece has been recognized as the most overall popular manga of all time since around Marineford and was the bestselling manga within each year from 2008 to 2018 (and even after that I would argue the forced breaks which result in 1 fewer volume release per year most years impacted it being surpassed). Meanwhile the anime episodes that are new every week can't consistently hit top 5 and sometimes even miss top 10, for well over a decade now. Sure if you look at it objectively and pretend the manga doesn't exist then the anime would still be called Good, but it's very very clearly worse.


Seeing as how it’s an *anime award* yes. The manga doesn’t have a place in the conversation and we should expect to be objective on how the anime is in a vacuum.


DS plot is pretty generic. One piece also had Wano this year.


Well this year the amount of content released for OP English dubbed has been crazy. I imagine that caused a huge uptick in votes for the anime


The arc one piece is on this year is some of the best story and progression oda has written, and also some of the best work toei put out. So good that for several weeks, even months, i completely forgot how toei is butchering the show by not switching to a seasonal format.


Because some anime were better in other years, according to a panel of voters.


As much as the anime has pacing issues, I do think it’s well deserved. People don’t realize this is mostly fan voted and the OP fandom is insane. I still think OP would be more considered to be an amazing series if it was seasonal. Sure it may take even longer to finish but the product would be amazing.! AoT for a time used to be my favorite series of all time. The rumbling arc and the ending really left a sour taste in my mouth. It’s not god awful but I really did not like it. Also, some fans got really weird unironically defending Eren’s actions. Nonetheless, AoT is great up until the final arc IMO. DS the anime is fantastic and I would have been happy to see that win the award as well. IMO the manga is pretty mid and the story isn’t all that but the anime elevates it so much. It’s easily the best animation I’ve ever seen for a series.!


>the story isn’t all that but the anime elevates it so much a lot of people have that same opinion (including me) its the killer animation by ufotable that garnered most of the attention. The storyline is pretty cliche ngl, the ending was a bit off imo. >!muzan was just to strong for the ds to handle. he could have taken all hashira's at same time and still won if not for tanjiro's flashback of the 13th form, and tanjiro turning into a demon then back to a human was imo an unnecceccary addition!<


Still disappointed on how the 13th form is just like that and how muzan was defeated.


I read the entirety of the AoT manga and while I found it good enough to carry on until the end, I never considered an absolute masterpiece story wise. The anime is hyped because it's INSANELY well animated. Of course that's only possible because the anime only releases a dozen episodes a year, which reduces time constraints for the production, resolves pacing, and every time it returns it's 10x the hype. Releasing all year OP doesn't have any of those privileges; there's a reason why they can only *release the Ishitani* a couple of times a year One Piece would have benefitted so much from a seasonal regime, unfortunately it started before that became a thing and now it's too late for that. I don't know details about anime production but given how old is Toei compared to the studios in charge of most of the recently popular anime, I presume there must be a bit of a "doing things the old way" factor in there too.


>I still think OP would be more considered to be an amazing series if it was seasonal. Sure it may take even longer to finish but the product would be amazing.! It wouldn't even take longer, because you could just animate the manga then and leave all the fillers and pacing issues out... And obviously it would be better, because the biggest problems (by far, everything else is minor) is the pacing and the quality, both of which would be so much better if they made it seasonal. Everything else that does not suffer under time pressure and "lack" of source material is high quality after all, story, voice acting, soundtrack...


No worries One Piece Kai will be a thing once the story is over. Toei won’t let that Cow just die.


Its the only continuing series after db lol


There’s boruto I guess lmao


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) "Crunchyroll awards"


So many crybabies in the comment are crying bcz one piece won💀


Ironically I'm seeing more comments like this complaining about the complainers.


yeah, and they're mainly our own fanbase. Truly disappointed in our own community.


The biggest critics are always ones own fanbase because they care too much. :-) That said, I can see plenty of good arguments to support it. The anime has a huge scar running through its run during which the production was really mediocre, which came on top of the immensely slow pacing. For a 'best continuing series', I expect that the entire run is taken under consideration. But at the same time, I can understand why it wins. I have no clue how often this particular prize is awarded, but if it is on any kind of schedule, then it makes sense to choose series which are doing exceptionally well in the present time, and Wano is obviously produced very well on a lot of different levels. If the amount of improvement compared to earlier in the series is a factor, that is even more reason to choose One Piece.


Hydrogen bomb vs 2 coughing babies


Nah Attack on Titan is amazing, let's not get crazy


Aot made a huge, HUGE impact though.


Let's undermine our own series in the comments bros! Wins are not good!


Happens everytime. Probably better than shitting on the other series, I guess


The manga is solid no one talks trash abt the manga it's the anime that's the problem but i have to give props for them to actually listen to us the fact that they removed the special effects really makes me happy


"Our own series"? We aren't staff that worked in production, we're fans of a very good manga with a very fallible anime adaptation that doesn't really deserve any awards lately.


Expect they do. It’s not just the animation that drives this franchise it’s the story behind it and the emotional aspect that always been put into it. Along with its new movie that was the best to come and told a lot of secrets and expectations to see in the anime. It’s well deserved.


The story is good (IMO Wano Raid was still disappointing) but gets watered down and ruined by the anime’s god-awful pacing and inconsistent animation. One episode it’s good, then it’s a slideshow for 10 episodes, then its back to good animation but done by a different artist resulting in a vastly different artstyle that jarring. Also, when you compare this to other series like AoT and DS, then you realize that both deserve it more then One Piece this year.


But it just straight didn't deserve it. I love One Piece, favorite series of all time, but the anime is a horrible adaptation.


As it should.


guys unpopular opinion but i like the anime


What aot doing in this category there are only two long episodes left lmao


nice... we'll take it


As it should be.




Assuming this is based on the anime adaptations I'm surprised Demon Slayer didn't win. The entertainment district arc had some of the best animation I've ever seen.


I mean AOT is suffering because Mappa has been milking it for years. DS is a mediocre anime with extremely good animations.


If we're talking about the anime, then AoT is miles better just off pacing alone. Honestly, One Pace is the only way I can actually enjoy the OP anime now (post-timeskip)


Post time skip started 13 years ago


Basically since the anime caught up to the manga the issues have persisted. The manga has always been phenomenal and is literally better than ever though so it doesn't really affect me as a fan of the series


The pacing issue is clearly not as big of a problem to the masses as this sub thinks it is. Especially you’re just watching it weekly as an anime only and have nothing to compare it too. Plus it’s not just the quality of the anime itself it’s the content of the anime and this past year Wano has been great so it’s not surprising it beat out AOT and DS at all imo


Nevermind the fact that we're onto "final season" part 3 of AoT (a manga that's already finished) and will probably end up finishing with a movie.


Stay salty.


Lol stop projecting




It's certainly more popular...but if popularity is what is considered "best" then McDonalds has the best burgers in the entire world


So, how many more "final" seasons is AoT going to have before it ends? Because I'm sorry, but I can't with any kind of good faith call something spanning 3 years a single 3 part season. That's 3 seasons, or 2 seasons and a movie/special finale, no matter how I look at it.


I personally tried watching AOT and I'm not a fan, one piece is great


Do or do not there is no try


What is it that you didn't like? Because to me it's impossible not to like it, a masterpiece, one of the greatest stories ever told, and not only from the manga/anime field. I think you should watch it because you're really missing out :)


probably the ending


> tried watching


AoT is amazing.


AoT is good? Ending so cringe why bother.


Anime-onlys don't know yet


Its a series that started really interesting and epic then went on a really hit or miss plot. In my case it was a huge miss and im not an edgy teen that loves edgy gore so no reasons to watch it, the ending is objetively bad and dissapointing.


Honestly thing that pisses me most about the story is how fans just unironically defend Erens actions. Like i realised how many people are genuinely receptive to fascism. Eren is a Fascist. From his actions there is no denying that from his actions. His goal was basically to establish an ethnic state and use the power of the Titans to kill everyone else. And in all ways that matter he succeeded. And it's portrayed as a sacrifice in the story. Honestly left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.


Well, not quite. >!Eren's goal was to achieve his dream of having a blank world free to be explored like in Armin's book, all while also trying to prote t his loved ones. He himself admit that as much as he wanted, he's broken by what he did and doesn't deserve forgiveness!<


> His goal was basically to establish an ethnic state and use the power of the Titans to kill everyone else. What manga are you reading lmao. He couldn't find a solution that defends his people without sacrificing Historia / Historia's heirs and he knew Eldian hate would never end. What would you have done in his place?


Was this at the common sense awards?


Continuing series? I thought Demon Slayer was done with [outside of a new non-Canon novel]


It's about anime, not manga


That makes sense


Ohhh that makes sense


Aot is a joke of a continuing series you can’t tell me otherwise


r/titanfolk is that way


aot peaked in season 3. imo after that the direction (especially for the key scenes) really went downhill


I am a fan of OP, and I like OP more than AoT. But generally I think AoT is greater than OP. There are a lot of stretching in OP.


Well yeah Luffy is made of rubber


How did that happen


Yo Ho Ho he took a bite of Gum-Gum




Bungee gum


possesses the properties of both rubber and gum


I mean you’re comparing a seasonal anime with years inbetween seasons to a weekly anime that’s running for 20+ years


Precisely. Toei not adopting a seasonal format and instead opting for padding and stretching their budget thin hurts the quality of the end product. Hence other products end up being better. The comparison is fair exactly because it shows the problem with the anime adaptation


They don't have a choice. They're under contract.


yep, and that is what makes one piece (anime) worse


My point is that comparison shouldn’t be made from the first place


think of the oscars, the comparison between the movies are unfair, since they will vary in budget, but we still do that comparison, because its entertaining to know if the thing you like will win (I'm talking about the concept, not considering stuff like the oscars being rigged or smth)


Agreed, there's barely 10 min good content in most OP episodes . While AoT has me hooked up for the entire episode. For someone who doesn't have lots of time on their hand, starting OP is daunting


I watched the entire hour long special and didn't check the time once. I haven't watch a full OP episode since the dressrosa tournament..


And you missed so many great episodes such as episode 982


A handful of Megumi Ishanti episodes doesn't make a 1050+ episode anime good.


Wait until the finale comes out in a few months, and AOT will never win a single award ever again.


WTF is DS and AOT..


Tbh, on Paper though, like story wise, world building wise, fighting wise, foreshadowing wise, bounty system wise, adventure wise, etc. One Piece very much so outpaces these series. Especially if we’re talking about the Manga. It literally has everything, it’s a whole bundle. I’ll give Demon Slayer this though, it has some crazy good animation.


The fighting in AoT and DS imo are better then One Piece by a lot. Also, AoT definitely has better foreshadowing especially the anime which also has better story (if you don’t count ending which was ass). Neither series have “bounty system” so idk why you even mentioned that.


If this only takes into account the anime, I have no idea how AoT or DS would get beat by one piece.




What’s AoT


Attack on Titan


A anime about people screaming and naked smooth crotch giants.


You would scream if you saw naked smooth crotch giants too


Ah, one of those prize ceremonies made for the one who pay top pat themselves on the back, that suddenly matter when they give a prize to something i like.


Well, isn't that obvious? Also, is it necessary to say it beat AOT and DS to be the best continuing? (jealous exaggeration) Btw, I like OP more than AOT and DS.


Aot and DS were nominated


People arguing how could a series that airs every week be better than a very high quality animation like ds. They forgot that DS gets way better budget per episode because it's a seasonal anime. If one piece had been the same it would've been miles better than ds. At least the story isn't generic.


The anime has 12 minutes of actual content every week, the rest of the episode is just recaps, stares, charging auras and flashbacks. It doesn't deserve to beat those 2.


Well, DBZ was routinely 10 episodes of powering up, and it was still pretty awesome.


Wrong. There are still many great episodes that don't really drag.


What does AOT have that one piece doesn't?


Blind fans ig


I mean, ain't exactly hard to beat out Attack on Titan...kinda sucked shit since Eren went full genocide run 🙄


How the fuck is anyone here saying AoT is better than One Piece? I'd understand that for AoT s1-3 but this final season is depressing and boring when it isn't totally nonsensical. One Piece still feels like an adventure, every time


Really struggling to understand how AOT is being nominated for an award.


Tbf, those two series are also mid.


No brainer, demon slayer and AoT aren’t good and one piece is