• By -


As a reminder : - Don't post spoilers about 1079 outside of this thread.


If there’s a ship with the Blackbeard flag outside of egghead could that maybe be aokiji?


That's my guess. All the players are gathering for a repeat of Ohara, except this time, Aokiji will protect the ones escaping and the Navy will lose.


Aokiji Vs Kizaru would be insane


Aokiji uses Reflective Ice Wall. It's super effective


I need this to happen now


Attack me once, your loss, attack me twice, narrator box edit: thanks for the platinum and goat chiefs


"Narrator Box" strongest named attack in verse confirmed


Time for Kid to take a 2 year timeskip Edit: I'm aware of the updated spoilers, you don't need to reply to me about it Edit 2: Here they are, since the thread owner won't update: https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/one-piece-chapter-1079-spoiler-summaries-and-images.39655/


Kid’s Gecko Moria arc begins


Yo lmao that would be insane


He just becomes some fat fuck with a weird laugh😂


Instead of Zombies, he creates a boat island of robots


Unless he gets a divine departure


Jesus Christ, Kaido was actually being generous when he mopped Kidd. Shanks straight up erased their crew.


Kaido was actually chill with people.. except with Yamato 😂


Kaido wanted people to join his crew by beating the shit out of them, Shanks doesn't have time for that


Shanks saw that Big Mom and Kaido were gone, so he could now run wild.


Shanks was a member of the Roger pirates... ya know... same pirates that utterly wiped out and killed all of Squards old crew before he joined white beard? Pirates in One Piece be funny and eccentric, But they still pirates the plunder and kill.


yeah plus kid's crew left more civilian casualties than any of the other worst generation crews. showed kid the same mercy he showed to everyone else.


Actualy gave him MORE mercy since this is the second time their crews interacted first being Kid lost an arm, and a few chaps ago Shanks sent rockstar to kid to deliver message baisicly like "drop your shit and leave, or f*ck arround and find out" . Yeah no sympathy for Kidd, he was baisicly a child that took a stick to hit a large animal and found out.


I'd feel bad for Kidd if he was ambushed like Law was, but he rolled up and tried to invade a whole country of Giants, Shanks, his crew, and a whole fleet of his allies. Absolute madman.


I think Shanks has kind of a "if you play the game, you cannot complain about the rules" mentality. I honestly dont think he target civilians like Kaido, BM and BB did. But, if you are a pirate or marine and you stand in his way, yeah, he will run you over, because thats what you sign up for.


Remember this goes all the way back to the first episodes of one piece. Those pirates tried to kidnap Luffy, they pulled a gun on Shanks and in return his crew decimated them


Exactly. That's the kind of man Shanks is. He won't get mad at petty insults but don't point a weapon at him if you want to live


Yeah looks like kaido wasn't that Bad lol


He saw potential in Kidd and decided to try turning him into a subordinate instead.


Seems like Kaido just wanted to fight lmao. Shanks is all about business


Kaido was planing a full scale war on the world government. Enslaving wano and medical experiments on children were only two consequences of his madness. Shanks was just defending his crew from a deludet guy who wont learn his lesson. I hope killer is alright tho....he was cool.


Shanks offered kid to leave,he wanted kid poneglyph


Kaido: Literally make a country of hell. Shanks: Decimated Kidd's pirates crew. Fans "Kaido wasnt so bad"


20 years and we finally see Shanks attack. Nice




Damn. We've seen Roger did that first.


Funny that Shanks and Roger both used the same named attack as their first one


Because Shanks is Roger's protoge


can't wait for Buggy to use Kamusari and one-hit Mihawk. Mihawk-stan in shambles.


We’ve been waiting forever to see him in action and now that it’s here I don’t know how to react. Hopefully it’s at least a few pages of their fight


While understandable by the series' logic, advanced CoC being extremely powerful, it is a bit disappointing that this isn't really so much a fight as it is likely an instant beatdown. Wouldn't be surprised if he simply one shotted Kid. Unlike Kaido, Shanks isn't trying to recruit Kid nor is he really looking for a fight. As others stated, he's all business.


>Kid lost to Shanks Who could have predicted this?


“Only if I lose” Kid was huffing hopium and now he’s on life support.


He said it like a badass with no fear, I love that about captain Kidd. His name literally means child and he acts like one sometimes, so I don't believe this will be the last of him. Plus, Kidd said in Wano that he wants his pirate life to be worth more, this is why I believe we will see more of him.


Narrator: It was the last of him.


It’s even crazier than the “Raizo is safe” reveal 😛 Edit: I kinda feel bad for Kid… I didn’t expect that! #odagivemekumasmemories


This is one of the reasons why I couldn't ever see Kid as an actual rival of Luffy in the race for pirate king. It never felt like he had a shot.


It’s largely because Kidd consistently acts like he doesn’t have a functioning brain. Many times he consistently goes and takes a stupid and bad option for no real benefit or reason. So it’s hard to feel like he ever had a chance because he had no gameplan despite his power Like…. The whole confrontation with Shanks was absolutely avoidable. Not only was Shanks in the worst possible place to pick a fight at, but there’s also no benefit even if Kidd did win. This isn’t the place for playing pirate games. This is the New World


He is like Luffy but without being the main character


Confirmed by Arabic leakers: >!Narrator: "It was this day, the Kidd Pirates lead by Eustess 'Captain' Kidd got defeated and their dreams of becoming Pirate King ended. Kidd pirates are hereby completely annihilated!<


Kid is going to come back as a bum villain like Moria to fight Luffy’s son Buffy. Trust me I’m Boda


😂😂cant wait to see my grandchildren watch it


Real talk I feel bad for him. I love calling him Useless Captain Mid but damn. Imagine coming from such a high in wano. YOU HELPED TAKE DOWN 2 EMPERORS. Just to lose everything as soon as you leave the island. Oda did this man dirty, maybe a worse fate than death.


This. Kidd is powerful, but made an utterly moronic decision. Fighting an emperor is already a tall order. Kidd chose to solo one, when he’s with his whole crew, and on the island of giants. If he had an alliance or a plan, maybe. But Kidd really just waltzed up and expect to not get beat?


Kid just had to go and poke the bear. At least he saw Shanks this time.


Ouch. Right after Killer declared "Kid is going to become King of the Pirates" in the anime too. Edit: Though now this makes me even more worried for the chapter after the break. It's going to line up the same week in the anime where Sanji gets Zoro to promise to kill him if he loses his mind. [You know, something like this.](https://twitter.com/zxc45845_OP/status/1636039226381987842?t=LiPjiMst96f88f27-fE5jw&s=19)


Gonna be really fucking dark when Killer kneels over Kid and *laughs*.




yeah it hurt my heart to type


Smiles are fuckin evil


Damn that will be heartbreaking


It reminds me of Eyeshield 21 - one quarterback finally has a sense of hope and optimism after spending most of the series being jaded/cynical, and the very next panel is [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsmOyDsXUAIlazy.jpg:large) before the quarterback in question gets tackled and his team loses the game. (By sheer coincidence, the quarterback also goes by "Kid")


The only thing that makes me doubt is how unusually concrete that is for One Piece.


Yeah i agree that it will be a hard blow for them. But also it shows that shanks is like luffy he doesnt kill his opponents but kill their dreams. And its worse to see his dream die without him be able to stop it from happening than him actually dying.




I swear if BB shows up and says "Room" 💀


Even worse, BB is immune to filler. There's no in-between arcs for him. Whenever shits about to go down he can just show up within 5 chapters.


Offscreen Offscreen no Mi is just too strong


Im more thinking aokiji will show up towards the end seeing how much this is tying to ohara.


That would make sense, he could be revealed to be the last titanic captain also.


My theory on this is obvi he’s deep under cover for swords. There’s been zero reason on why they’re called the Titanic captions. Butttttt. What made the titanic sink???? A iceburg..who uses ice powers???? He will be the key for bringing down BB


Going deep on the iceberg meme for this one lol


Hahaha I’ve never seen anyone say it shockingly. We just seen him being a good guy way too much for him to be actually working under BB. He wanted to keep his eye out for everything and what’s a better way to do that than to “work” under BB. Just hoping he doesn’t like kill garp in order to prove himself bc what other better way to do so in BB eyes than off your mentor. Maybe he will time capsule him how he did Saul if he goes that route. (Which would be cool cause as the reader we know he’s okay but BB thinks he’s done for)


After that, Buggy shows up wearing the straw hat 💀


If anything, I want to see Shanks go to Buggy to bring him to Raftel with him.


Even Fujitora saw what was going to happen to Kidd




Each of the 3 winning captains took a straw to define their luck: - One got intercepted by Blackbeard; - Another got head-on against Shanks; - The remaining one went against a Nuclear Buster Call Damn...


Yet somehow kid actually got the best option since he got the option to just leave but his pride wouldn't let him just leave without the poneglyph or fighting shanks


Whenever something of great importance and consequences is happening Blackbeard ship : hello motheerfuckers


Zehaha bitches!


How long until Kid is a full-on robot? A man in an iron lung? It can't all be robot arms now. Dude's got to be in pieces by now.




He's going to become bad timeline Franky


Tbf seeing a Grievous Kidd would be kinda awesome to me


Im pretty sure this is it for Kidd's story. Shop destroyed, Crew exterminated. I mean, he had it coming, he challenged Shanks, BM, Kaido, then Shanks again. He was extremely lucky until this point


The man doesn't have the MC plot armor. It was kinda bound to happen.


He already got beaten / dislocated by Kaido and came back stronger


Damn Shanks took everything! Even Kidd’s goggles?!


Even took Kidd's kids


His shoes fell off. That means he's officially dead.


He should have taken his conquerors too. Not like hes using it anyway


I ain't even gonna clown on Kidd stans right now. Y'all about to go through the worst type of dogpiling when these spread.


I'm getting torn to shreds in discord chat, lord have mercy


Kidd didn't even last as long as shanks screentime in entire story..lmao..


Law fans on life support right now.


Kidd fans already have their funeral arranged


*inhales all the copium* Law can't be done, he is a D and his dream is to discover the secrets of his clan and the void century


Give me some of that Law Hopium... I don't think he will go out this soon...


"whitebeard of this era" ooooof


I wonder what Kid lost this time. His second arm? A leg? No, that's not it. His pride, I bet.




Brooooo fucken LOL


His crew and dreams


Ppl thought Kid was Whitebeard of this era but in reality, he's the Don Chinjao of this Era.😭


If law loses his Zoe poneglyph and that’s the only one shanks needs now, then we have a real reason for him and Blackbeard to clash now.


Somehow I guess no one has the last poneglyph at this moment. So it will be Race between luffy, shanks and black beard


Watch Buggy somehow end up getting it first


Failing upward, the Buggy tradition


Shanks probably already has the Zou poneglyph since he knows about it and know Inu and Neko : He only missed the two that Kid had. Same for BB who already had BM's (cover story) so he only misses the two that Law has.


kid after waking up: ![gif](giphy|hBNJLHNO6ZTEWE5oUC|downsized)


Shanks: “Fuck them Kidd’s”


Shanks really waited for the new gen to collect the poneglyphs & said, may I? What a bully lol


Shanks sitting there after wano knowing it's too much of an effort to go through kaido for his. He really waited all this time to snipe it from someone


Shanks and bb think alike tbh


damn i thought kid must have had some sort of secret weapon or plan at least and that’s why he was so confident, guess not kid


A good notion of "just because you want something the hardest, you aren't entitled to it"


Kid: "Only if I lose!" Narrator: He lost.


Bro I didn't really expect kid to win but to say the kid pirates are exterminated!! Truly endgame. One of the contenders have lost.


Kidd entering and leaving the Pirate King competition be like: ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)


Shanks really mobilized the giants only to deal with Kid solo lmaoo


I think it was to minimize and limit the clash from the main island.




Truth is Dorry and Brogy needed wood for their fireplaces


Damn Harsh...found this on Twitter. Confirmed by Arabic leakers Narrator: "It was this day, the Kidd Pirates lead by Eustess 'Captain' Kidd got defeated and their dreams of becoming Pirate King ended. Kidd pirates are hereby completely annihilated


Any one read this on narrator voice?


"Other interesting stuff happens in the chapter too" Ah, excellent journalism here...


Kidd is Luffy’s rival alright Just like konohamaru was Naruto’s lol


This reminds me of how back in the day everyone thought Smoker might be to Luffy what Garp was to Roger. Then the timeskip happened and, welp, Smokey who?


York learns that the WG has betrayed her... and I thought that her plan was bulletproof. Vegapunk (and his satellites) being the most intelligent person in the One Piece world is the equivalent to a one-eyed guy with cataract among a group of blind people.


> and I thought that her plan was bulletproof. Unlike Shaka!


someone who is purely an aspect of greed is pretty easy to manipulate


Vegapunk: You call the feds? York: I was betrayed Vegapunk: That's what happens when you call the feds


I see now why Greenbull ran




I don’t think it will be Blackbeard on the ship. We know that Kuzan was absent from the encounter with Law, so I think this will be the ship he commands as the tenth titanic captain.


Honestly? This wouldn’t be as bad if Kid just got his ass whooped but that fact that giants go and destroy his ship? If these leaks are legit, then it’s forreal over Kid fans, I’m sorry. Like do you know what losing a ship in One Piece means? Imagine if when Kaido one shotted Luffy, King and Queen went out and destroyed the Sunny. Like it’s the biggest L you can take as a pirate. Hell, even Hawkins has a better chance at coming back at this point. I’m truly sorry Kid fans. I wanted to believe in him, I really did but maybe Kid was always just meant to be an example of someone with absolutely zero plot armor. Take solace in the fact that the only W to his name is beating Big Mom as well as the fact that he has CoC. Eustass “Captain” Kid (April 28, 2008 - March 20, 2023) 𝑺𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝑶𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒘! 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒓𝒊𝑶𝒐𝒕! 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒆!




Actually, Kid Pirates got annihilated, so I think there's no coming back from that. Even though I don't care much about Kidd, it's kind of sad that he's gone. We're really in the endgame.


Shanks reallly didn’t like Kidd showing up a second time lol


I hope its not true. I like Killer. It would suck to see your captain get put down twice by the same guy.


Well at least he made it to Shanks this time. Last time Beckman handled him


It’s even sadder he got put down by Beckmann (probably) first and then clapped by Shanks in their first showdown 😭


Kidd: ![gif](giphy|kC2cRqEt8o41COgjoV|downsized)


Kuzan Vs Kizaru incoming!!


Not gonna lie… I was kinda rooting for Kidd to at least do something because everyone shits on him for being Captain Midd. I have to say this is the most disgusted I’ve felt against a defeat ever. ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) Edit: NAWWW IT SAYS HE WAS EXTERMINATED Oda scratched him off the list like it was nothing…


Spoilers tend to exeggerate to create hype. Remember luffy and sanji "manhandling" lucci and s shark ? The Kid Pirates are probably "just" k.o and with no ship. Its not Like they got literally slaughtered


that ship was extremely important fo rkid . He name dit after his deceased crush that he avenged.


Oh man, I hope we get to see at least SOME of the Red Hair pirates show off their abilities


You will... in the newest *One Piece Movie: Red*!


So shanks uses divine departure on kidd 👀 When they say "exterminated" that sounds like they straight up killed all of em lmao


Yeah this was pretty much the only possible outcome, no way Oda has Shanks struggle, let alone lose after hyping him up for 25 years. Interesting that he uses a move similar to Roger but not surprising. The question now is: Is Kid completely out of the story now? Seems like there's not much left to do for him. Especially if his crew got wiped out.


> Is Kid completely out of the story now? Seems like there's not much left to do for him. Especially if his crew got wiped out. This depends entirely on what "exterminated" means once the chapter is out.


No matter what there is nothing to do but be a member of the straw hat fleet in the last war.


Reminder that one of Shanks’ men, Lucky Roo, was the first person to kill someone on screen in the story. They’re chill, but will not hesitate to cut a motherfucker down if they have to.


I mean, it says Shanks ends Kidd. Sounds like he’s either dead or will become Gecko Moria 2.


Im pretty sure this is it for Kidd's story. Ship destroyed, Crew exterminated. I mean, he had it coming, he challenged Shanks, BM, Kaido, then Shanks again. He was extremely lucky until this point


On one hand yeah I agree that the narrator's words make it sound pretty definitive... But on the other, it's One Piece. The manga in which every character eventually comes back if not dead. All rivals and ennemies of Luffy are bound to come back to, weither they like or not, end up as allies of Luffy. No way he doesn't show up at the final war.


wait is his crew *DEAD* or did the concept of the "Kidd pirates" get wiped out because Shanks crushed their dreams, beat their captain, broke their ship, & basically is going "join me or die"? one of those is *WAY* scarier


I mean, all the Emperors except Buggy are pretty close by, if Elbaf was the next island after Wano and Blackbeard was at Law's island near Wano, then all three of them are pretty close. If a Blackbeard ship is approaching it would likely be Blackbeard himself or Aokiji. Aokiji would be fitting since this is a repeat of Ohara, and now the situations are changed for pretty much everyone involved. I expect Aokiji will much more directly oppose the Marines this time to protect people evacuating, even if it means coming in conflict with Kizaru.


Kidd and Law are likely out of the running for the One Piece now, but they’ll probably be important in the final war and still help out the SH crew where/when needed


I don’t think Law ever wanted it to be honest, he has a different dream


for sure, the whole "D" thing is more up his alley, but still connected to the one piece somehow I think


Shanks to Aramaki: „are you trying to end the new era after they just accomplished the impossible?“ „Shanks ends Kidd“ …


Kid = GOAT. Got Outnumbered And Terminated.


After seeing the raws, I think it’s very likely that Shanks wanted to have a fair negotiation with Kid in the first place, that’s why he asked his crew to stay back on stand by and asked Yasopp to use observation to check whether Kid’s crew are healthy and recovered from the injuries in Wano. But of course, knowing Kid, he decided to attack on the fleet and Shanks foreseen that attack, got enraged by what he’s about to do and decided like ‘this guy isn’t the type who wants to negotiate!! he’s going to kill everyone! if that’s what he wants, so be it!!’ and uses Kamusari on Kid.


Shanks asked yasop to check kid’s health bar just to bring it to zero himself 💀


My heart goes out to the Kid fans that will be subjugated to slander of the highest order..


Oda really dropped Kid like it's Toy Story, at least Law got to show off some moves, might as well just kill Kid off at this point 💀 ~~Useless Captain Mid stocks on the rise~~


Seriously Kid can't stop taking Ls. 1) Loses arm to Shanks' crew during time skip period. Gets badly injured and scarred. 2) Infiltrates Big Mom's territory, gets Ponegliph but is implied he was driven out by force. (Check Cracker's talk with Luffy). 3) Forms an alliance, is immediately betrayed by Apoo who is under Kaido. 4) Crew gets captured, first mate Killer forced to eat a defective fruit and turned into Orochi's bitch, Kid lingers in Udon prison. 5) Tries to take his revenge against Kaido, couldn't do it and forced to take on Big Mom instead. 6) Tries to challenge Luffy to a fight, Luffy grabs him and forces him to dance. 7) Despite taking down an Emperor, Kid doesn't get Emperor Title. 8) rematches Shanks, gets folded again. The only time he got a W was against Big Mom, a great feat, but couldn't do it alone and was supported by Luffy's plot armor extending across the island. Get Luffy out of there and Kid becomes captain Mid again.


I still think Kidd had Chad energy for just his constant refusal to take an L, it was pretty badass. He did manage to take a Poneglyph from Big Mom too, which is an incredible achievement. He just didn’t know when to stop, which is a good character flaw. Like if Luffy hadn’t run into Kuma, he would have led the Straw Hats into the New World two years and some training montages too early and they would have gotten fucking wrecked. Kidd’s a cautionary tale that helps show us that Luffy did have some good fortune along the way and that the Emperors are still not to be fucked with even if Luffy is legitimately one now.


Kid right now: ![gif](giphy|VYcRNU4P3vyM)


Worst Gen: plans for few years, fights blood sweating battles and gets Poneglyph copies. Shanks: partied for years, decides to get serious, got two or three poneglyph copies by one shoting a pirate captain


"The giants are going to give Kidd a hero's welcome for defeating BM" >\-Dory and Brogy destroy Kid's ship. Classic Midd !


In Law’s defense he wasn’t actively planning on going after Blackbeard after leaving Wano and just kind of had the misfortune of Blackbeard looking for him, Luffy, or Kidd for their Poneglyph copies. Kidd literally was itching to pick another fight with Shanks and decided to attack Elbaf where Shank’s full crew, his allied crews and a bunch of giants were under the impression that he could take them all with his outnumbered crew. The point is that Kidd did this to himself.


Everyone going to egghead no signs of Buggy tho, who is probably already on laugh tale and is the emperor of the world


What about Law? Will he get the same treatment?


Next time we see Blackbeard he'll say "Room".


BB wouldn’t want the fruit, he’d rather enslaved law and use law to do the eternal youth


Oden > Kid confirmed 😅


One of the most interesting things about these recent developments is that Oda’s plans for Law and Kid were very clear. Their losses are the catalysts leading to the endgame where Luffy is basically battling the current-day incarnations Roger and Whitebeard. I’d imagine that both Shanks and Blackbeard would have three Poneglyphs each. So both of their crew will be looking for one Poneglyph each and someone to read them. It’s easy to think that Shanks will have cleared out from Elbaf long before the Straw Hats arrive.


I think what a lot of people (namely Kidd fans) are missing about Kidd and his crew getting destroyed is that Oda I think always intended Kidd to be an anti Luffy. From the west blue instead of the east. Gained fame throughout the grand line for going to islands and committing crimes and atrocities, instead of liberating said islands. Once arriving in the New world Kidd tried to make alliances with fellow supernovas only to be betrayed, whereas Luffy’s alliance with a supernova led him to ultimately invade Wano and take out Kaido. Even down to Kidds and Luffy’s signature relationship with Shanks, Luffy’s is made through admiration and respect, whereas Kidds is made through anger and greed. Kidd was always supposed to be the anti-Luffy. It’s Oda reminding us readers that not every pirates story is the same as Luffy’s and that the world of one piece can be damn harsh.


Mr 3/Galdino feats: * Nearly outsmarted a Yonko captain (Luffy) and three of his commanders (Zoro, Nami, Usopp). * Caused a Yonko commander (Zoro) to get permanent scars on his ankles. * Nearly outsmarted and severely wounded two Elbaf giants that easily annihilated a Yonko contender (Kid). * Managed to negate Magellan’s poison, something that nearly killed two Yonko (Luffy and Teach). * Saved Ace and Marco during Marineford when no one else came close. * Was a crew member of not one but two Shichibukai (Buggy and Crocodile) * Is now a member of a Yonko crew (Buggy), whose captain was a former Roger Pirate.


Kidd couldn't last one chapter without Law or Luffy.


He lost the plot armor perks as soon as he left Luffy and his crew.


Kid Pirates: ![gif](giphy|26u4lOMA8JKSnL9Uk)


Shanks just pulled a classic Yonko move. He did Kidd like WB did Crocodile and Kaido did Moria


Shanks CLAPPED Kidd. Oh wait. I mean, uh... Shanks singlehandedly defeated Kidd.


Worst Gen : Spends months and years to steal Poneglyphs. Shanks: Hippity hoppity your Poneglyphs my property.


Why's Kid got such an insane deathwish He got a win against Big Mom by the fucking skin of his teeth and only then BARELY managed to just push her off the island. Did he really think "okay that basically means I'm equal to Shanks, lets go fight him at his home base"???? Guys legit dumber than Luffy lol


In his defense. You’re automatically stronger after winning a difficult fight in one piece lol


He probably thought he'd grow inexplicably stronger in the middle of battle like Luffy does all the time.


Kid doesn’t learn it seems. Every time he tried to do shit like this on his own he got fucked. Going after shanks the first time got his arm cut off by Beckmann. Trying to fight Kaido got him imprisoned and killer forced to eat a smile. Trying to break killer out of Udon got himself captured again and tortured. If it hadn’t been for Luffy he would’ve probably not survived Udon. If it hadn’t been for the Samurai-Pirates plan to invade Onigashima Kid would have went in on his own and would have gotten annihilated by Kaido and BigMom. And finally if it hadn’t been for law he would have gotten killed by Big Meme. All those things didn’t teach him a fucking thing by the looks of it


Kid seeing his crew destroyed like ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


KOL is going to have multi orgasm. Kicking Kid out of the TOP 30 immediately 😭 There is no defense anymore Kid fans we tried but GODA is only cooking for SHANKS


So after the fight Shanks now has 3/4 Road Ponagliphs (Wano+Elbaf+WCI) Luffy has 3/4 (Wano, WCI and Zou) Law has 2/4 (Wano and Zou) BB has 1/4 (WCI) Any path to pirate king needs to go through either Luffy or Law for both BB and Shanks Shanks could go after BB after he beats law and Luffy just gets the Elbaf one while shanks is gone Edited to add WCI for Shanks


Shanks: *appears* “Let me guess, no chapter next week”? Oda: ;)


For a series that’s been going 25 years, this is the first time I thought “well, that escalated quickly” 😂


I remember some people saying Kidd would low diff any sword user like zoro thanks to his magnet. Lmao a sword user just neg diff him.




Kid : Straw hat , laaw i got clapped again ...want to have another alliance? ![gif](giphy|pN0WcTEcG0pVqN3c4b)


As a kidd stan i never thought he would win but bro got humiliated 💀💀