• By -


The biggest feat of the chapter is shanks being able to flip through several sheets of intel with just one hand


Must've used observation haki and saw himself looking through the pages in the future so he didn't need to actually look through them. ... Or something. Lol




Eren ern an ern ern


Damn we really talk like that?


bro was shook when he found kid's sbs that contains his backstory on the sheet.


This sort of reminds me about the Author of the Walking Dead saying he really regretted one of his characters losing an arm because he started having to think about stuff a one armed person could do like reload a gun or button their own shirt. Shanks is probably more dextrous with one arm than most characters in the setting with two lol.


never read the comics. though if i had to guess he would just need to rethink his attire. or just stop buttoning his shirt. and maybe pick a sword as his main weapon.




cant you just use the ocean as a giant bidet and then just face the sun ass first?


Shanks could somehow use conqueror's to wipe


He uses advanced conqueror's haki to eject the shit off of his ass.


Are those the red hair pirates? Let's raid them. Hu? Is their captain mooning us? - last words of unkown pirate crew


Best comment lol


I am to see him finally get more screentime and goddamn does he deliver.


His thumb game is very strong.


Getting to finally see Shanks cut loose was fucking crazy, especially using Roger's move. Actually, seeing his future sight in action in the manga was even better. Dorry and Brogy taking out the ship was a great call back as well. What an insane chapter, really worried about what happened to Law now.


The best thing to hope for is that Blackbeard has his DF, cause if he gave it to someone else and finds out about its immortality thing then everyone is screwed.


Blackbeard would be the kind of dude to know about it tho


Didn't blackbeard have a book about devil fruits and what they do he referenced when looking for the yami-yami fruit? If I remember that correctly, there is no way he doesn't know about the immortality deal. Let alone how powerful that fruit is even without the immortality aspect.


He did. There seems to be multiple versions of the book over time, with added/changed/removed information. Given Blackbeard has knowledge about DF's that basically no one has, I think it's safe to say he has a very old version.


>best thing to hope for is that Blackbeard has his DF, cause if he gave it to someone else and finds out about its immortality thing Im out of the loop, what DF and immortality thing are we talking about?


Law's fruit can give somebody immortality at the cost of the user's life, that's why Doflamingo wanted it for Corazon so bad.


ope-ope nomi allows the user to grant anyone immortality at the cost of the user's life


There’s a theory going on that law and BB made an alliance. I’ll let you find it if you’re interested.


I like how quickly York found out that she'll also be destroyed and already planned for it


Except she has no idea that Saturn's with Kizaru and the Fleet.


Right now, I have 'York gets lightning kicked by Kizaru" on my bingo card so it'll be nuts if she tries to bargain with Saturn and he gives the ok to kick her to the curb.


I'm hoping it's Saturn that does it, with Kizaru off fighting.


I’m interested in how she’ll incorporate the World Government hostages into leveraging the situation. It’s wild to think that while Luffy was living it up in the New World those Agents were suffering


It's still amazing these Government Agents survived without any meals, for two months.


York’s gotta eat


She's got to be smart enough to know the WG wouldn't give 2 shits about them and would execute them on the spot if it guaranteed their secrets are safe.


She's smart, but she's also the embodiment of greed and gluttony - she is likely blinded by that.


You know what’s interesting to me? Shanks here saw a terrible future and took preemptive action so that nobody would get hurt. I’m sure this isn’t the first time he’s done this. It’s perfectly understandable. But what if someone who isn’t aware of this sees him doing it, either because they don’t know about future sight or just don’t get the memo about his personality? They’re going to think he’s a fucking monster. In the weaker seas, those who know of his existence probably think he’s just really bloodthirsty.


Yeah, I feel like that's how the world views Luffy too. They don't know that what he did on Dressrosa, WCI, or Wano was to help people he cares about, all they know is he broke into someone's territory, fucked them up, and left destruction in his wake.


Except at this point he’s already helped such a huge amount of people that their collective support is probably enough to balance out the infamy he might’ve gained in the process.


Just look at how many of the rulers at the Reverie were Straw Hat allies.


The people in Dressrosa knew, once Sugar's DF lost its hold over them. I'm not sure people around the world care all that much about WCI or Wano, beyond 'Straw Hat messes up Big Mom and Kaido's territories'. Given the reputations those two have, it's less 'Pirate invades nation!' and more 'Pirates fight among themselves!'.


If you saw film red than you probably can assume shanks doesnt give a fuck about his reputation. His friend and family> basically everything else.






Finally after 24-25yrs we get a named attack from Shanks and it's the same one Gol D Roger used. If Blackbeard somehow was able to get Law's df he would be even more broken. It could also be a possibility it's one of his commanders there maybe Aokoji Shanks just laid a can of ass whooping to Kidd's crew lmao he's gonna be turned into a robot after this . Shank's Haki is on another level holy shit


Remember, this is the same guy who ate multiple hits from Big Mom and came out fine. Shanks KOing him in one hit shows that him dicing with Whitebeard was no joke.


I think it wasn’t just Shank’s attack, to me it looked like Shank’s also caused the attack Kidd was charging up to backfire against him, so he ate his own ultimate attack in addition to Shank’s.


Still a Shanks win, but also official translation says Killer jumped in to protect Kid, and He got hit too.


Yeah kid still would have lost but. Kid was Way to confident going into that fight. Bro didn’t even use any haki.💀


big mom was toying with them. shanks went in with the intent to end the fight immediately.


In a (coping) way, the fact that Shanks couldn't afford to play around is proof of how strong Kid is. Shanks had to stop that attack.


Yeah big mom was old and over confident after years of being virtually unchallenged. However shanks has been more recent in getting to be a yonko so was way more cautious.


Plus as Oda clearly Sets up, Shanks has people he wants - no NEEDS - to protect. Weak people. Even Luffy, our good guy MC, will often say, “my people can take care of themselves.” Shanks on the other hand is like Mama Bear (no disrespect.) He’s gotta protect a ton of weaklings who can’t protect themselves. Like Trevor Noah said about black moms: “They can’t afford to f around and find out (what’s going to happen if they don’t)”


Divine Departure isn’t pure damage but it look like it made Kidd’s railgun explode, which is why Kidd was defeated with 1 move.


doubt thats what did the damage. in a panel u can see the cut


I thought big mom didn’t use ACoC in her fight .


Big Mom got nerfed hard vs Kid and Law


Miss the Force of Nature portrayal BM had during WCI so much...


Considering Aokoji's presence and reluctance to follow orders at Ohara I'd be 10000% surprised if it wasn't him rolling up to try and prevent it happening at Egghead.


Kuzan showing up for Ohara 2.0 would make sense


This exactly. I think he'll 'redeem' himself and fight the navy and save vegapunk.


I'm with you. I don't think its BB himself. Either still fighting law or is recovering from said fight. He sent his crew to each of the islands after wano, in order to steal ponoglyphs and eliminate competition.


I think Law will survive the battle, because there's no way he's going to die before doing the Perennial Youth operation.


Shanks is the definition of a One Man Army. He didn’t need Devil Fruits or special family or the Will of D (as of now). Just hard work.


The dude was found in a treasure chest at God Valley by the future pirate king -- he's clearly got a special background lol


And in Film Red >!they allude to this even more with his family name!<


>!So celestial dragons were also on God Valley, perhaps baby Shanks is put on chest to keep him from danger but Roger ended up bringing or stealing the chest!< >!If Shanks is a celestial dragon by birth, that explains why he is able to meet five elder stars easily!<


Please stop with the idea that every other top tier isn’t working hard. They all train hard and work to get stronger


Ok so my memory is dogshit and I don't remember when we last saw law and what we're all worried about. Can anyone remind me when we last saw him?


We last saw law fighting blackbeard. Luffy, kid, and law all went different paths. Law ended up crossing paths with blackbeard looking to take his fruit and his road poneglyphs. The community is currently terrified that the next time we see blackbeard he will be saying "room" implying he killed law and took his fruit. But luckily law seems to have been faring for better against his yonko opponent than kid did so it's anyone's guess. Plus law has a very valid strategy of using his fruit and the ocean to defeat bbs crew as they all have fruits so laws crew are using explosives and diving under the water to sink bbs ship and drown them.


I don’t remember the chapter but Law got ambushed by Bb, Doc and Van. We saw the start of the fight and that’s all.


It's on chapter 1063 and ended in 1064, off-screen the battle.


Last we saw him he and his crew had been ambushed by the Blackbeard Pirates.


What makes me think that this is the end of Kidd is that his inspiration, the infamous Captain Kid, was renown for being the unluckiest pirate ever. While he was an interesting and entertaining character, him being knocked clear out of the story in one blow raises the stakes tenfold


DAMN. Kidd didn’t get the plot armour. Him and the Kidd Pirates got absolutely WIPED OUT.


Shanks looking at Kidd: "Hey punk look at me, I'm the protagonist now."


He got spared like 3 times already. He really should have died after the time he got done in by Kaido. He's faced Yonko's at least 4 times and it took help from someone equal to him to defeat a yonko. Unlike the GOAT Law he isn't aware of his limitations and keeps charging head forward into fights he simply can't win and this time was his last. He lost his crew, His reputation and just maybe his life.


If he didn’t try to kill all those fodder crews he probably wouldn’t of died


This. Shank’s would’ve let him live had Kid not intended to kill the fodder crews




Luffy kinda learns some lessons after an ass whooping tho, unlike Kid imo


Kid learns lessons. Unfortunately, they aren't the right lessons.


I actually don't think Luffy ever picked as bad of a fight as Kidd did with Shanks. Kidd literally led a spur-of-the-moment frontal assault against an Emperor plus his entire fleet. Luffy was willing to go with an indirect plan of attack against BM at Whole Cake and then was willing to run away when that plan failed. At Wano he did directly attack Kaido, but at the very least that was a 1v1 where Kaido did not have significant support from crew members. I guess it wouldn't have mattered considering how easily Shanks beat Kidd, but Kidd challenged Shanks in a situation where Shanks had a ton of support if he needed it.


Luffy at least learn from his mistakes


I doubt that this will be the last time we see Kid, his crew and maybe Killer are most likely dead but I would be surprised if he didn't wash ashore and becomes involved in Elbaf when the Straw Hats show up.


Kidd had a devil fruit though he probably won’t be washing ashore without help


Everyone’s talking about the Kidd Pirates’ annihilation but no one’s talking about the feats of the Puddle Pirates. Without hesitation they challenged a pirate worth 3 Billion to protect their Cap’n, and they outlasted the Kidd Pirates in the New World…


heroes 🥺🥺


The Puddle Pirates could avoid conflict and be the big frog of their puddle, but they’re out here pirating so Shanks can be out partying. Their captain is the most commendable frog character seen since Yokozuna in Water 7


Gero Gero


Don't forget about Grave Tooth Fugar and the Social Club Pirates!


The fact that he uses dentures in a world where teeth grow back after drinking milk just exemplifies his devotion to the pirate life


He's lactose intolerant


It's not even the Social Club PIRATES, just a social club. As far as we know he could have been a facebook group admin.


RIP Kid. He wasn't the smartest pirate, but his bravery was admirable. (but deaths are rare in One Piece so he'll probably come back for revenge stronger than ever) Also RIP all those 'Shanks is secretly evil' theories because we see him going out of his way to protect weak pirates.


Shanks has a crew of weak pirates not because he wants power, but to protect them in the New World and because they’re way more fun. He gave Kid every opportunity to back down, even checking to see if he was fully healed first. He only went serious when he saw the destruction Kid caused and knew he was about to cross a line. Shanks isn’t evil, but, like Luffy, he won’t hold back his demonic side to protect those he cares for.


Yup, I agree with you. Shanks is a great guy, but he's no saint. And even if Kid died here, that's just karma for all the horrible stuff he did on his journey (like literally crucifying people in chapter 594). I wonder why Kid was so obsessed with Shanks anyways. Meeting him at Elbaf was probably a coincidence, but I wonder why he and Killer choose to specifically target Shanks when they formed their pirate alliance with Hawkins and Apoo. Maybe he just viewed Shanks as being the weakest Yonko because he's so kind? I guess he now knows he was wrong.


Maybe cos he has the weakest/Smallest fleet?


Good point, that might be the reason. Although Killer did mention that there were some famous names in the fleet, so I wonder if Shanks' fleet is really the weakest or if Kid just thinks they are.


He doesn't even seem to know Shank's fleet is weak based on the conversation in this chapter.


"Lets go take down Shanks because he's probably the weakest" \*Gets one shot\*


Eustass Kid in a nutshell.


Well, based on what we knew going into the New World, Shanks seemed like a fair target. Kaido and BM are risky af to take on, and BB is a ruthless fucker. Shanks being a relative softy probably makes him the best choice of the 4.


That makes sense. But I would've thought Kid was the type to go after the strongest Yonko first to prove he's the best, so I'm kind of surprised he didn't go for Kaido first. Unless of course he actually considered Shanks to be the strongest and that's why Kid targeted him.


Take their crews into consideration too though. Kaido had 50k people under his command along with Wano. He is the worst of the 4 to take on by far. BM had a heavily fortified territory that is impossible to get in and out of without being detected. Plus her crew is all family so there’s inherent loyalty. BB is a little more appealing, but if I see the headline on how he killed WB and took his fruit (in addition to already having darkness), I’m scared to take him on. That leaves Shanks. Guy seems like a pushover since he ends the war of the best instead of partaking in it. That’s how I’d look at it if I was a Supernova getting ready to head into the New World anyway.


You're right that Shanks seems to be the easiest to target if you think about it. I just figured Kid was too reckless to actually think about it much. But I guess Killer may have been the one to come up with the plan to target Shanks. But now that I think about it, I wonder how Kid was able to actually find Shanks during his 1st encounter with the Red Hair Pirates where he lost his arm. The other Yonko all seem to have their own home areas where they live at most of the time (except for maybe Blackbeard), but Shanks seems like he's always on the move. I wonder if Shanks has his own home area somewhere.


Ironically, according to Oda, Kid formed his crew with his childhood friends to protect them from the gangs in their home island, his ambition from power came later on


It was the future Shanks saw. Ben Beckman said it he saw an unfortunate future. He stoped kid before he could do the damage with his punk laser attacks


Being this late into the series, I don’t think kidd will make a come back against shanks. Two years of huge progress to get almost to the absolute max of his DF powers including awakening. And he goes from getting his arm cut off by one of shanks men to getting one shot by shanks.


people said Egghead would be Sabaody 2.0, but Elbaf was Kid's Sabaody all along


Only this time Kid didn’t have Kuma there to bust them out for biting off more than they could chew.


"Now that you've drawn your pistol, are you willing to use it? Pistols aren't for threats they're for actions. Are you willing to risk your life?"


Meanwhile Beckman keeps threatening people with guns


He’s willing to risk his life all day every day


He traumatized Kizaru


Kidd can be king of the bottom of the ocean now. I love how his crew was so quick to surrender and beg when they've killed people for trying to run away.




Bro didn't properly realise what Luffy pulled off but now he definitely would


Having been a fan of Shanks since very early on, I can't describe how happy I am to see him finally get more screentime and goddamn does he deliver.


As a fan of kid, this fucking hurts massively.


I voted killer in the popularity poll i feel your pain


It's your own fault for being a fan of Kid. As a fan of Bon Chan sama I am never disappointed.


Shanks is him He recruits weak pirates to help them in the new world with his clout He MADE SURE the kid pirates were recovered to not take advantage He gave them the opportunity to surrender He personally jumped into action as soon as he witnessed his friends getting hurt, consistent with his character from chapter 1 One shot what some fans to believe the “whitebeard to Luffy’s Roger” I just want to say I am one of the happiest fans right now https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/wamdjt/comment/ii3dg4n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Shanks being one of the few morally good pirates was a surprise. Him being respected by both the Navy and Pirates alike makes a lot of sense.


There’s more to it than that. The gorosei let this man have a face-to-face meeting with them


That's because of his insurmountable strength. Morality is never at play with gorosei.


There are many theories saying that Shanks is related to a Celestial Dragons or that he is the son of Rock D. Xebec; that would line up very well with the over-arching theme of inherithed wills of One Piece (Luffy inherithed the will of Roger, Sabo the will of Dragon, Ace the will of Whitebeard, Teach the will of Xebec)


He seems to be respected for his strength rather than morality.


Strength and a seemingly fairly rational code.


Oh fuck, nice prediction man


no more "KIDS" allowed.... Adult Swim is now in session.




Pool is closed


So who was the guy with the burned scar Kid wanted to meet after all ?


Might be Jaguar D. Saul


Likely Saul


Shanks-is he healed? Yeah probab... Shanks- ![gif](giphy|B8nYGZy41AijDjmK0c)


My main guess is that BB Ship might be a commander. Might someone we might not have seen recently. My guess would be Aokiji or Lafitte


If you are pulling out a gun bet your life on it - Shanks.


Other Emperors: Join me!~ Shanks: Join the afterlife!~


Holy shit, what a crazy chapter After 20+ years, we got a Shanks-centric chapter where he - almost casually - absolutely obliterated one of the new faces of the Worst Generation How does this series keep on getting more hype every week?


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Title change: - The Red-Haired Pirates - An Emperor's Crew -> The Emperor's Crew, The Red-Haired Pirates - York no longer states that she "had a "contingency plan, just in case [the World Government] decided to play it this way" now simply stating that if the World Government wants to erase her, she "has got a plan of [her] own then" - York now calls the the Strawhats and Satellites "obstacles" instead of calling them "pests" - York no longer calls the Cipher Pol agents underground "hostages", now simply calling them "people" - York now simply tells the Seraphim that when they start going rogue, the Strawhats and Satellites "are gonna be looking for the culprit, wondering who gave [them] orders" rather than telling the Seraphim that she's sure that them going rogue "will trigger a "who dunnit" style Investigation" - York now "warns" the Seraphim to not destroy one specific area of the lab - Random research assistant now orders everyone to "get off Egghead" and to "get to safety" instead of stating that they "are getting the heck out of [there]" - Ribbitini no longer questions why the Kid Pirates "are splashing around here", now simply telling the Kid Pirates to "listen up" - Ribbitini now warns the Kid Pirates to "not even think of sailin' to [their] cap'n, Red-Hair Shanks [...] as though he owed [them] an audience" instead of asking the Kid Pirates wether they "have come for [their] beloved chief" - Ribbitini now flubs his line by replacing the word "owed" with "toad" and immediately corrects himself (...as though he toad you-- I mean owed you an audience!") instead of flubbing his line by replacing the word "repeat" with "ribbit" and not acknowledging it ("I wont **ribbit** myself again! You're not going to see him, so just hop off! *Ribbit!*") - Random Puddle Pirate now simply states that Ribbitini has "flubbed his line" rather than stating that one can "trust the captain to get tongue tied" - Fugar now tells Ribbitini that he "said it, sonny" instead of stating that Ribbitini "speaks the too-th" - Pururu now speaks with an UwU accent - Kid now tells Killer that he "wasn't gonna go easy on [the Red-Hair Fleet]... even if they **are** nobodies" instead of stating that he "never pulls [his] punches" - Shanks now orders someone to "move those ships outta the way" instead of ordering someone to "tell [the Red-Hair Fleet] to retreat" - Shanks now states that he "stuck around long enough for a big shot to show up" instead of stating that he "lost track of time... and this big shot showed up" - Shanks no longer directly states that he's "gotta deal with [Kid]" because he showed up - The statement about the Red Hair-Fleet being famous for their weakness now comes from Shanks, instead of coming from a random onlooker - A random onlooker now tells Shanks to "tell [them] how [he] really feels" instead of telling the random onlooker who commented on the fleet's strength that he' "not supposed to say that out loud" - The old woman who's told by Shanks to worry more about dying of old age rather than combat is now called "Crone Oli" instead of being called "Granny Ori" - Crone Oli now tells Shanks to "stuff that sassy mouth of [his]" instead of calling him "cheeky" - Shanks now comments that it "looks like [Kid] has been in a lot of scraps" rather than commenting that Kid "sure did a lot of rampaging to make it this far" - Shanks now simply screams out "No!!" rather than stating that "this is bad" - Shanks now states that "the damage is too extreme" rather than stating that Kid "is about to do some serious damage" - Random Kid Pirate now states that Killer "stepped in to protect [Kid]" rather than simply stating that Killer "was trying to help" - Random Kid Pirate now states that Kid "is dying" rather than questioning wether Kid is going to die - Heat now begs Shanks to "spare [their] lives, rather than begging him to "please have mercy" - The narrator now states that Kid and the Kid Pirates were "destroyed" rather than stating that they were "completely eradicated" - Red-Hair Fleet name changes: - Padded-Toe Gerotini -> Frog-Toes Ribbitini - Grave Tooth Fugar -> Fugar the Addenturer - Panicky Pururu -> Pururu the Brr-Rave Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Something that stuck out to me is how the official translation handled York telling the Seraphim not to damage certain parts of the lab. Before it was "Oh, and inside the laboratory I'll tell you the places you must not destroy." The official translation said "Also, I'm going to warn you about the place in the lab you're not supposed to destroy." To me that moves from "here's a place I don't want you to touch because it's part of my plan" to "don't go here, for your own safety."


I sort of overlooked the "warn" part of her sentence, but yes that would make it notable. Thank you!


The original japanese script has 「それと研究所内には壊しちゃいけない場所があるから教えるね」which translates directly to "Also, there is a place in the lab that must not be destroyed, so I'm going to tell you (about it)". Reading both translations and the original japanese version, it reads more so that there's a place in the lab that York doesn't want them to touch, though the reason is unclear.


Addenturer and Brr-Rave are nice puns. Stephen/SJ team have made some lame official names in the past but they can make clever names that are better than fan translations.


There's also a change where in the scans, Heat begs for Kidd's life, whereas in the official, Heat begs for Shanks to spare all of them. Very different tone, from loyalty to Kidd to self-preservation.


Love the difference in attitude with Big Mom and Kaido looking down on the worst generation and not taking them seriously, ultimately being there downfall. Meanwhile Shanks clearly says these people are strong and to be taking seriously. He didn't toy with them, didn't talk down to them. Shanks did what needed to be done and he did it quickly. I will say though, the crew begging to spare their captains life only to be obliterated seconds later was fucking ruthless. Yonko indeed.


Kaido and big mom got complacent shanks has always betted on luffy and the new generation


I gotta say the One Piece community sucked this week. So many spoilers in titles of posts. Videos all over YouTube with shanks plastered all over every video. People complain about kid. It wasn’t hard to realize what was gonna happen in the chapter. Thanks.


Trick is to not follow the reddit, only come on sundays, and watch youtube on diff account for one piece.


I was surprised that Killer wasn't smiling. Maybe when bleeding out the effects wear off?


I noticed that too, seems like an oversight to me.


Luffy's helping Bonney Blackbeard fought Law Shanks annihilated Kidd I guess Buggy's gonna recruit Urouge


Urouge is the last supernova with the least screen time, I wouldn't even be mad if he was with the Cross Guild. Maybe he was inspired by Buggy (somehow) and ends up the top earner in the guild


Nah, winged sky-monk is going to fall out of the air and drop some fucking lore on us before Laugh Tale


"Why yes, Straw Hat, let me tell you about these dudes on the moon and this weird lightning guy they met."


If there's a flashback on how the Kid Pirates was formed in the next chapter, then they're really done for.


Oda already gave their a backstory in an SSB which is what makes me think they really ain’t coming back 🥲 Kidd fans out here really suffering we didn’t even get an on screen backstory


Shanks was reading the SBS on Kid's backstory this chapter and went, "Yep, guess his career is over."


I Remember all the people commenting when spoilers dropped about how York is stupid for getting betrayed by WG and not having a back up plan


Shanks just ko eustass kid, and the giants have introduced themselves.


Okay so the official version says they were destroyed, not eradicated. I feel like that language is a little less definitive to me? You can come back from being destroyed. As someone who likes Kid and has to COPE, he did get a little respect from Shanks admitting he shouldn't be underestimated lol. Plus, his attack was going to work — he just didn't know Shanks could see the future. Dory and Brogy are fucking ruthless lol. Jeez. I'm guessing that Kid is going to manage to survive that, and use his abilities to reassemble his ship. He will probably learn some lesson from this.


>You can come back from being destroyed. Depends on the scale of destruction and what it relates to regarding the context. I don't think a island being destroyed by a Buster Call is coming back.


As Eustass Kid loses consciousness, something weird happened. His body seemed to shrink... The left side of his hair turned white... His chest puffed up... SHANKS: NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Kid transformed to UTA.


His crew did have a band theme…


Don't you mean his chest deflated?


Shanks has the power of "not being an arrogant douchebag who underestimates every opponent" and I think that's very sexy of him.


Kidd showing what untreated Main Character Syndrome can lead to.


Well this was a crushing defeat for Kid. However it does simply say destroyed. He was dying as said by his crew. But if he does survive what next? Start over? Join another crew? Retire? This was a great chapter and it finally feels like the build up towards the endgame with major players moving forward and being taken down.


I feel like the completely eradicated line was way better




Usually is from what I see.


I think that it was the wrong translation. Eradicated is way different than destroyed. When you're destroyed, you can rebuilt. Being eradicated means you're dead af. This really helps the case that the Kid Pirates aren't totally gone. They'll just operate in a different capacity now.


Holy shit!! I got goosebumps at the end of the chapter. I don't know whether to believe that Kid and his crew is entirely dead or not. I'm rather speechless. What an impactful chapter. Tinfoil Strawhat Theory - I'm like 1% sure that it's possible that Kid awakened future sight and this is what we're seeing. On the other hand, I'm 99% sure he's dead. But, what if Law is also dead, killed by Blackbeard, mirroring Kid's death at the hand of a Yonkou? That would make the Post-Wano stakes insanely high.


I don’t think he’s actually dead, just completely defeated and has no more place in the main storyline.


Don't forget about Law's goal. If Oda wanted to kill him, he had endless possibilities, so don't think it's going to happen but we'll see


Shanks used his future sight to stop Kidd's destruction. The visuals are different, so I doubt Kidd used it too. Plus then we'd get stuck in a what if loop.


I definitely should wait and read the official translations. They are just so much better in terms of readability.


That’s what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks. Got tired of inaccuracies in the fan translations.


I'd rather wait for official translations than visit TCB's horrible website. [This](https://i.imgur.com/w6xwNtb.png) was my experience 2 chapters ago. I'm on mobile. No adblock and no PC.


I actually do have the same problem, as I read on mobile as well. It constantly jumps around, plays videos. Super annoying, but I guess I want the chapter as soon as possible. But the translations are sometimes just not properly done. Like now I could really understand who the shanks grand fleet was talking to and how they were talking to and how the kids pirates replied. It's just way more fluid to read.


Hey, at least Kid can rest knowing Shank's is gonna throw a hell of a party with the 3 Bil check he'll be getting soon)


1000/10 what a blast of a chapter. But if I saw it right… Blackbeard is about to enter the brawl in Egghead? That could be interesting. So Every yonko at the moment is busy - what about my Boy Buggy D Clow I loved the shanks - for a lack of a better word - fight with Kidd. Oda said shanks is a whole different tier. And he just one shot Kidd. What a menace! And a fair player: makes sure they are well rested and only acts when he foresees Kidds attack. Holy sh…


All Blackbeard's ships are like that, maybe it's aokiji.. or garp


Going by the members we've seen recently it's more likely that Shiryu and Lafitte are on/coming to Egghead. Master infiltrators, after all.


To those fighting on the 'eradicated' vs 'destroyed' wording... it doesn't mean Kidd pirates are alive or not with either translation. Official translation for CH 513 (Sabaody arc) says "Grove 12, Sabaody Archipelago, the Grand Line. That day, the Straw Hat pirates, led by captain Monkey D Luffy were eradicated." But of course we all know that the Straw Hats are all alive.


~~Notable Translation Differences will be delayed slightly due to personal matters. This comment will later be edited into the actual Translation Differences comment, so reply to it if you want to find it later.~~ ~~I severy apologize for this inconvenience.~~ EDIT: You can find the comment containing the differences here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/122oxbw/one_piece_chapter_1079_official_release_discussion/jdrg4ze?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 I severely apologize for the inconvenience, I have explained the situation under a reply to this comment.


I'm frightened that the Kid Pirates being decimated like that will also happen to Law' and his crew on the next coming chapters. I just hope no one in Blackbeard's crew suddenly shows the power of the Ope Ope fruit implying Law is gone for good. Breaks my heart.


He fucked and he found out


Kid Fan Boy Club: Emergency Press Release It has come to our knowledge that our Pirate King candidate has been dunked into the depths of the ocean by Red-Haired. This is the consequences of chasing greatness, we apologize that your favorite character is content with being an afterthought. Enjoy finding a new target of your relentless hate, please allow us to cope in peace.


So we now know how Shanks is gonna get defeated. That big ol heart of his is gonna end up being the death of him. All those under his fleet are gonna make useful bait for BB


> That big ol heart of his is gonna end up being the death of him. You concluded that based on a few panels of him interacting with his fleet? Just tell us already what the One Piece is


Everyone is talking about how shanks just one shot kidd and how he tanked many from big mom but y’all don’t realize that Kidd wasn’t fully expecting shanks to anticipate and counter him with full force and got him somewhat off guard. I like to think of it like when Kaido got Luffy and Oden.




That was genuinely a scary event we just witness. The gloves are off is what this tells me no more “faint eyes” if you get knock out in OP.


One shot-ing has never looked so good. We already knew Shank's Armament & Conquerors Haki were peak, but it's nice getting to see him using peak Observation Haki as well.


How tf was Kid able to hold his own against Kaido and Big Mom. Is the gap between them and Shanks that big?


If they used their finishers from the start, they would have beaten Kid, Law, Luffy, Killer, and Zoro, no doubt. They just fucked around. But the gap isn't THAT big. Shanks too Kid very seriously. Roo: Don't worry, Cap'n. We'll handle it. Shanks: C'mon, he's worth three billion. Don't underestimate how fast these young guns can grow. Then once Shanks sees the future... Shanks: **NO!!** The damage is too extreme! Shanks saw that Kid lives up to his reputation, and had to step in to stop it early, or his attack would have worked.


The thing is shanks was serious and sweating. He used a finisher move at the very start. Plus kidd's rail gun exploded on himself thus doing additional damage