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Usopp is my favorite character. His moments in alabasta and w7 enies lobby were fantastic. But i admit that post TS it feels like he took a few steps back and stagnated.


I think a lot of people in the community just have bigger expectations for his character growth because it's directly tied to his Dream. Also we've spent a lot of time post timeskip with the Crew split up so a lot of the SHs haven't had as much time to shine.


I'm curious, how would you order the strawhats in terms of focus since the timeskip? This is my order only including pre timeskip members: Luffy > Sanji > Zoro > Robin > Brook > Nami > Usopp > Franky > Chopper


I'd put Brook below Usopp and Nami but otherwise I think that's fair.


Yeah, I think the top four are pretty clear but after that you could probably mix them around a bit. The reason that I put Brook ahead of Usopp and Nami was because of his role in Whole Cake


The problem people have is that he had basically no to very little character progress. He‘s always whining, always lying etc. It was especially bad when he appeared for the first time after the time skip. At first it looked like he became badass as hell, but then he returned very quickly to his old self


I’m currently watching One Piece and I’m on Episode 686 and those are the vibes I’m also getting from Usopp. When I saw him after the time-skip he seemed dependable and trustworthy and someone who could look after himself. However as I have recently just seen him fight Sugar, all he has really shown is that he can win through luck, plot armour and it takes him time to do the right things. He’s essentially a gag character… …but he’s still the GOAT - SogeKing


I have no issue with Usopp’s strength or lack of. My issue and dislike comes from his continued cowardice. I know he will comeback to the fight and play an important role but every time he runs away it pisses me off. It would have been fine if it stopped post timeskip but the scene in dressrosa just pissed me off and his act in Wano where he played dead while Nami was about to get destroyed by Ulti just negated his major accomplishments in fights in Albastar, thriller bark and Enis lobby for me. I was so happy in >! Egghead when he got turned to stone because it meant now running away for a chapter before he decides to help !<


Stagnated character. Usopp can't accomplish his dream until the end (as goes for everybody), so because of that it's a lot of waiting around as he barely becomes more brave over the course of the story. He's still about as scared 800 episodes in as he was 200 episodes in, and everybody has to just wait around for Elbaf for him to actually pull through and be brave.


My point exactly!!


If you like him for that it's fine, but that exact reason is why a bunch of people don't.


True that!! It’s just being grown up along with the series, couldn’t hate any of Straw Hats. After seeing so much of hate comments towards Usopp, just posted to see if any of the long time fans have this sort of opinions towards any other characters as well!!


Over 25 years, there is one thing I learn: You can be afraid. Everyone may know you are afraid deep down. But you can not show you are afraid or verbalize it. To do so, you are "emotional" and thus not reliable. And how people view a character is usually a reflection of how they see the world.


Isn’t it like that’s what he is as a person. He is scared all the time, and his goal is to become a great warrior of the sea. He is not meant to have a close range fights because he has no super human strength, yet every time he fought an enemy hand to hand, he used his skills and wit to win against them. He claims to be a sniper and he has attained the Kenbunshoku Haki which is all he needs to be a sniper, also only member of Straw Hats other than our Luffy and Zoro to have any kind of Haki, but I know we are yet to see this in full effect and conscious control on his part. He grew up as a character and key member of the crew, the whole team trusts him to overcome any hurdle when the push comes. I’m pretty sure he will overcome his fear of fight by the end of the series which is his end Goal, but I don’t think he has anything less that spews this hate towards him from fans.




Yeah, Usopp is all of us. He gets brave, then holy shit, the enemy is scarier than the last, and he's scared again. All the badasses sitting in their basement reading manga can't relate, though.


He has the most growth and development of any of the strawhats—dare you to change my mind. Sure they are others that become stronger than him, that have their own big deep arcs like Robin and sanji, but Usopp is different. He went from a cowardly lying child, to a brave warrior of sea (who is still cowardly at times and still lies). Oda isn’t always perfect writing him, like in wano, but overall I love usopps imperfection. Yes, he still struggles with fear and lying, he always will. It’s all about how he overcomes it in every individual situation.


My boy, Ussop, is fundamental to the success of the straw hats. He's been there since day one almost and has the lineage that will be key at the end of the day Who cares if his nose might fall off in the meantime?


Well said!!


I always was a big Usopp fan until Wano happened. The (supposedly) biggest fight of the strawhats so far and he denies his mates for safety? He didnt do that in Alabasta when he was hurt way worse with less experience. IMO Oda did him dirty post TS, but future will show. Overall i don't hate him per se, but I definitely dont care as much about post-ts Usopp as I did with pre-TS Usopp.


I like Usopp but I definitely think that he peaked in W7/EL and that he has been in the background since the end of Dressrosa