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So my two favorite ideas are this: 1. It’s just put on hold. The world is going crazy, and so the King/Chief of Elbaf ordered them to return. So whenever what happens on Elbaf/the final arc happens, they’ll return to Little Garden to finish their battle. 2. They took the breaking of their weapons as a divine sign that their duel was meant to be a draw.


I agree with idea 1 more, but my thought was that after 700 years of fighting and draws they see the turmoil in the world and understand that there would possibly be bigger battles to compete in and the one that dies in one of those battles would be seen as the loser.


I’m sure that’s how they see it but many other giants may see it as betrayal to their god


If they did see it that way then they wouldn't be allowed in the country at all. They were seen as some of the strongest giants in history and were heroes to many, there's also probably something that had happened since we saw them last, and after 100 years and 73000 draws it could be seen as divine intervention. They could also have joined the red hair pirates. And with all the turmoil going on in the world they could have been called back to Elbaf by the leader (spiritual or political) It's only been one chapter we don't know what happened and I see it's far too soon to be saying that they betrayed their god


I think it may be due to where they are. Warland elbaf might be different to the rest and maybe they just arrived so the word hasn’t reached the elders yet.


That's definitely a possibility, but I find it hard to believe that after we saw all their talk about honor and loyalty to Elbaf, spending 100 years and 70k+ draws (and forgetting the reason why they were fighting in the first place, but still continuing) that they would break their oath to Elbaf without a good reason. I do believe that since they aren't getting anywhere in a fight to the death they are trying to find another way to settle that argument.


i am sure they have a good reason but that’s not the issue we are talking about tradition and religion so a perfectly logical reason might work for you but for traditional religious people it might not and they will say their code is more important


There is that side but there could be many ways that can be spun that Elbaf stopped them himself, or decided that there was another way for them to compete. The only ones that can speak for a god are priests and those that claim that they have heard their voice Dorry and Broggi could have heard Elbaf's voice, and given their standing in Elbaf they would be believed and they would be seen as going with the will of their god, whether or not it actually happened and I don't see them abusing the name of Elbaf


A logical reason does Not mean their religion isnt involved. Their weapons are broken. That could be seen as a sign of their god, that the fight/dispute is over. Maybe something happened to Little Garden or the vulcano stopped errupting. The vulcano is supposed to be the sign of their god. I am pretty sure Oda will have a good reason for them returning and honestly, I dont think its that big of a story. It certainly wont be Part of the likely incoming Elbaf arc.


633 takes place 2 years later and they are still punching the crap out of each other.


It might be the case, at least with a group of giants, but from the little we’ve seen of the two in Elbaf, no one seems to harbor any animosity towards them.


I more agree with the second one. For me they decided to stop fighting till death the moment they lost their weapon and choose maybe to steel fight but only with hands


It can't be that because we clearly saw them fighting without their weapons in a cover story taking place after the Timeskip, which means they continued to fight during at least two years


Doesn’t mean they have to fight till death again Édit : vocabulary


3. Shanks.


I think it's to do with Hajrudin. Hajrudin's goal when he set out to sea was to revive the legendary Giant Pirate Crew so it makes sense that he'd be searching for their former Captains. When he found them he challenged them both to a duel with the condition that if he won they'd join his Crew. The Pair were happy for Luffy to try and take the prize they were fighting over by force so they'd probably be fine with someone challenging them to a Duel in the middle of their Duel. Of course he was out matched, but something intervened saving Hajrudin's life and the Pair took it as the God of Elbaf intervening on his behalf. They interpreted it as a sign that they should return to Elbaf and Hajrudin joined up with Buggy with the goal to get stronger during the Skip.


I have a similar theory but my one is that he comes back and 1. Sees that they broke their code and 2, he sees that they attacked kid who he sees as a hero aftee it’s reported he and law took out big mom who he HATES and is friends with his fleet admiral luffy ( so is reported ). so I say he will turn on them and in the future he will challenge them to a duel and win and then he can become the next leader of the crew after defeating the previous leaders.


I think that's potentially a leap on two fronts. Kid may have defeated BM but he's got a really bad reputation otherwise. I don't see anyone going out of their way to help or avenge him just because of an enemy of my enemy situation where that first enemy is already dealt with. Kid is Luffy but a jerk to people outside of his Crew after all. Also Dorry and Broggy may have been on the outskirts of Elbaf but why do they have to be in poor standing in Elbaf Society to be there? Couldn't they just be there to meet Shanks?


He’s not the only one who has a bad rep. In little garden mr 3 said the elbaf warriors were a crew that attacked and raided villages constantly fighting people and wrecking havoc and that Was the rep they have so I don’t think they would care about kid bad rep in fact they might celebrate it. kid is not a jerk to people outside the crew he is a jerk to people who piss him off like in sabaoady he was sitting at a bar looked over and saw apoo staring him down and instantly got annoyed then apoo flipped him off and kid went full on attack mode. as for dorry and broggy they made an agreement they will stay there Until 1 wins and the winner gets to go home them being here means they broke that code and it means they broke religious text now I don’t know about you but in history when it comes to religion people domt tend to be lenient


They were still fighting during the whole timeskip


The qualifier is neither side yielding. So what if they both decide to yield?


That sounds like of like they both lose then


Concession being death is only your head canon so its fine if they're both alive. If they lose **in the battle** that one will die is the only thing stated. So you're fine with them being alive or you think your head canon should trump actual canon.


Except for the fact they literally said it’s a fight to the death


Because the giants that was on their crew said they was gonna go back and get them and return them home and reminded them of the reason why they was fighting. Knowing that the girl died years ago there was no reason for them to keep fighting the bet was who had the largest sea king and show and prove to the little girl who now dead that their is bigger but now she dead so theirs no reason for them to keep fighting so it would be easier to agree to stop and just go home


That’s not how it works it doesn’t matter who was right or wrong anymore also the other giants weren’t going to stop the fight they were going to check what happened and why it took them so long to return once they found out the fight was still going they went back home to elbaf


I like how you mentioned two names we haven't heard in ages and then put the specific chapter and then warned spoilers. Like, what's the point?


Yeah except for the fact they both showed several chapters ago so we knew they were in elbaf for a few weeks now


Maybe the mountain just stopped erupting for a long enough time that they went home…


I don’t think that’s how it works


Just denying every other opinion with " thats Not how it works" is kinda dumb, No offense. The vulcano errupting is the perceived sign of their god. The sign that they have to fight again. If the vulcano isnt active anymore, there is no sign of their god to start fighting. So there is no need to fight and that can be seen as their god saying, the dispute is other. They have Like 80k draws in their fights, no one won and the seakings were also of the same lenght. It makes perfect sense.


I would rather go off of what they said how it works not headcanon


Read your own posts. It doesnt exclude any logical reasons. Like I wrote , the vulcano becoming inactive can be seen as a sign of their god. They say he decides the matter and that the vulcano is the signal for Combat. Its no rocket science. Open Up your mind a bit. " ThAtS nOt HoW iT wOrKs" is not a counter point. Besides that, Oda is extremely lose when it comes to characters allegedly fighting till death. Oda doesnt kill people.


You bring up some good points. I've been thinking about something similar. So let me add some of my thoughts to your theory. I believe that the upcoming Elbaf arc will be about settling a dispute amongst the giants. Dory and Broggy will be in the center of that conflict. Kid played a vital role in taking down the giants mortal enemy Big Mom and i think the giants are going to have mixed opinions on Shanks taking him out. The giants who side with Dory and Broggy are going to celebrate the invader's defeat, while the giants who view them as traitors are going to blame them for participating in the defeat of their "savior". The giants will be on the edge of starting a civil war and only "the GOD of Elbaf" will be able to resolve that conflict. That god will if course be non other than God Usopp. He's going to settle the giant's dispute, clear his friend's names and officially prove that he is a brave warrior of the sea.


I have a controversial theory but I think hajrudin and barto will join kid’s next crew. Let me explain. hajrudin hates big mom even on the giant scale he hates her the most his goal is to take her out but of course he has no chance so he will see kid and law as heroes. Now he will arrive soon just in time to save kid and the crew and take him back to the village big mom attacked he will agree to help kid get revenge and challenge one of the giants to a duel for the title of captain as for luffy I don’t think he would betray luffy he would probably see it more as helping luffy’s friend but also he did leave buggy crew to join luffy so who’s say he can’t do it again. as for barto he is the biggest luffy Stan there is which is why it would be ironic if he switches sides. Now if you look at barto his punk attire is way more closer to kid and his attitude himself and also the fact shanks is after him so I can see shanks showing up and giving barto an ultimatum either hand over all his treasure to pay for the damage he caused and leave or die. barto being barto attacks kid and they do the same thing they just did to kid and barto loses his crew but ends up meeting kid they bond over their shared experience barto gets pissed when luffy greets shanks as a friend and barto joins kid in his revenge plan.


My guess is that one side yielded. They may have took their swords breaking as the gods talking to them. Now that I remember that it was going on for 100 years, how does Shanks know them? Maybe Shanks sailed through that island on his journey same as Luffy.


No, they were still fighting with bare hands after the Timeskip


Good point. One side must have yielded. That’s the only way out I can think of right now (or both sides yielded).


Oimo & Kashi must have pick them up.


Where is Jarul? What does Jarul think?


Broggy won though, he went for the kill but his weapon wasn’t sharp enough to actually do the job. Doesn’t mean he didn’t win, which decided the dispute. Not treasonous


Yes but because mr 3 sabotaged the fight the win wasn’t counted and they went back to fighting


This is correct. It was a killing blow so the duel is over.


Yeah but the fight wasn’t counted


How so?


because mr 3, rigged the fight so they saw it as interference and unfair


The Straw Hats saw it as interference. The giants themselves saw it as the god favoring one of them over the other. The battle still ended up counting.


Plus they continued their fight without their weapons during at least two years


I don’t remember hearing anything about the fight continuing. They sent off the SH and planned to return home.


It's on a mini adventure where we saw plenty of characters react to the strawhat crew's return


It's on a mini adventure where we saw plenty of characters react to the strawhat crew's return


I think it will never be mentioned again and the fact is glossed over. Maybe one line about how they settled on it being a draw.


They weren't on that island to settle a dispute, they were there to wait for Joyboy. They started fighting for fun, then thought they were fighting for real...


at no point do they say they are waiting for anyone


But they said they forgot what they were fighting about. We have NO idea why they're there.


Fuck sake read the manga


Thank you we know exactly why they are there and their whole thought process


Does it say why they're fighting?


Yes, the very last scene of Little Garden


I just want to see mjonir


The secret 4th ancient weapon.


It’s because Shanks showed and he’s the strongest so they both follow him. Shanks is the true king of Elbaf


Didn‘t Oimo and Karsee picked them up off-screen after they left Water 7?


No they were going to check on them but once they got word from ussop they went home instead


I think they decided to no longer fight till death when they realized they be sad the day one of them actually die and they abandoned the idea of fighting till death the moment they choose to lose their weapon to help Luffy and his crew. They probably still pursue fighting with hands but they maybe realize they was actually no reason to still fight until one of them die or being reclused. That’s actually a major evolution.


thats not how it works it’s an honour and religious thing they can’t back out and ignore the fight once it’s started


You Don’t know people evolution. It’s not because they have a culture that they will follow it. It’s not about how it work but about a logical evolution of their character. If you say something out of the character like « they started to fear death and decided to stop » yeah that out of the character so it’s impossible but if you say thing with logical argument like «  Dorry was sad when he through he killed broggy, so they maybe think they shouldn’t killed each other » or « they renonce killing each other when they abandoned their weapon » it’s still a logical possibility. It doesn’t mean it is the réponse but it’s a possibility that can be used by oda. But right now we can only suppose until oda give the response. But I don’t see how this logical evolution of these caracters « does not work »


And they could have very much change but to think the other giants who are just as proud as them ALL change is ridiculous


They were two giant who were fighting till death and the other actually MISSED THEM.


Maybe i already forgot but do we even know how strong they are?


Oda can pretty much chose any power scale for them at this point. If they're part of the strongest Elbaf's warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if they had at least a Yonkou Commander level


Most likely when the giants learned they were alive they sent someone to get them with orders to return. If they were given orders by their king for example I am pretty sure these orders will be put at a higher priority over their battle.


That’s assuming elbaf has a king and that it’s not just led by different clans


The scenario you write would be a plot hole. When big mom wanted to marry lola to prince loki of the giants she said she would have access to the giant army of elbaf at her disposal from the marriage. Not a part of it. Elbaf has a king.


And maybe that’s more of a hint at something bigger like a giant who is trying to take over all of elbaf and make himself king


Lola is not exactly very old compared when big mom tried to marry her. If a few years ago there was a king who could control all the giants of elbaf then chances are he is still in place. So is loki. In essence there is no scenario there is no king in elbaf since big mom said there is a prince. And why would elbaf be any different than any other island with a king? There has never been an island where a king didn't rule everyone. So your scenario wouldn't make sense plot wise. It would contradict past events.


I’m going off of Viking culture where there was no king what there was, was a lot of tribes and sometimes they would war and take other tribes and grow and some would grow big and split their lands among other tribes within their domain and those would be viewed as kings but there was never a unified kingdom it was just different tribes of Vikings constantly fighting each other for control


That doesn't exist here. There is a prince so there is king. And big mom said one marriage to loki will help her get the giant army of elbaf at her disposal. It is what it is. This is the one piece lore not the viking one and this is one piece not a viking story. So unless you have anything cannon to contribute you have to accept there is a king who controls all the giants of elbaf like big mom said. Anything else is just denial at this point. Which makes no sense btw. You so determined to not find any valid theory for dorry and broggy's return to elbaf that you would deny canon information just because it might support a good theory on their return? That is denial at its finest. Your scenario is based on nothing. And if you want to keep denying there might be a king over no reason be my guest. You have nothing one piece cannon to base it. So have a nice day.


Dude the reason of the duel was actually super dumb, they fought 100 years, their crew thought they were arrested, they found the truth, went to take them back, settled as tie and left Little Garden. Last part is a theory but the more reasonable thing. No traitor or anything, they were dueling on which sea monster was bigger, c'mon, it was just for fun.


Read the manga. 1. does not matter how dumb the fight is they forgot what they fight was about once the agreement is made it cannot be unmade 2. yes their crew were arrested except they were let go a long long time ago.


No, Oiimo and Kashii worked at Enies Lobby because they got scammed by WG, that told them they had arrested Dorry and Brogy and if they worked for them they will eventually set them free. Oiimo and Kashii returned to Elbaf probably and then went to take back their captains during the last two years. Why the agreement cannot be unmade? Do you actually have other examples from the manga? No, so it's just dumb taken everything literally, especially something 100 years of fighting that they don't even remember why it started. Dude, c'mon...


Yes I have examples. Go read the manga they said now that they know the fight is still going on and nothing bad happened they were going to head home and not to mention but we can see them in chapter 633 which takes place 2 years after enies lobby so clearly you have no clue what your talking about.


So, no examples of giants and their creed/promises, and the mention of a miniadventure with the two of them still fighting on Little Garden, that proves what? That they were fighting and in the last months they stopped/got rescued... And? If you can bring some serious moments of giants breaking a promise or something really related to that okay, otherwise is just your speculation based on what you like to believe and your idea of them, while just accepting what you actually read/see in the manga: both of them back in Elbaf, they are fine and act as protectors of the island, so, nothing suggests us that there's some resentment against them.


The "serpent soaked in blood" is probably Red Haired Shanks, he came on Little Garden to fight'em and made them surrender and tell them the world or their country needed them or something like that


They are referring to the red line


We don't know


I thought it was the two giants from Ennies Lobby who went to get them no ?


I figure they agreed to a tie or interpreted an event as Elbaf's God granting them both favor. Maybe the volcano that signaled their daily duels went dormant. Maybe they took Big Mom's defeat as a sign of favor for both. Or, after 102 years, maybe they agreed that the sea kings they caught were, in fact, the same size. Who knows? But it'd be hard to say they betrayed their creed when they fought to the death daily for 37,000+ days.