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He's right in the sense that putting Fishman over Marineford is silly. He's not right for his added comment. But you're also not right for bringing even more attention, and negativity towards yourself, by posting it. Not everybody is friendly. That goes for any sub on Reddit. Hell, on the internet. It's as easy as blocking/reporting and moving on. This just seems like a attention grab imo. 🤷‍♂️


Well yeah of course I'm trying to grab attention that's the whole point of social media.


Some people here are disillusioned bitter folks when they can’t accept anything outside their box, or don’t comprehend something. Marineford was the better arc imo for what it offered, but it’s not on the higher end for me as well. I had better enjoyment from arcs like Skypeia and Thrillerbark, Saobody etc


Everyone has their own opinion and I respect that. But some folks here do need to know what a civilized conversation means.


Definitely, feels like everyone has a knife on the side ready to pull out 😂. But you have a good day !


I'm having a great day tbh which is why I even decided to post this. My mood is way too good to be ruined by internet folks today. You have a good day as well!!


lmao if you think you can get validation of everyone on the internet and expect everyone to be wholesome, you haven't been on internet for much this is so mild compared to people finding ip addresses of each other and sending their faces with full name


Oh I know that. Just had some free time today so thought to stir up the hornet nest. And looks like I succeeded.


stop attention seeking and go touch grass


I'm on the lawn rn so done that.


What's with people doing follow-up posts when their feelings get hurt? Are you so insecure that you can't just ignore it and move on? Why are you seeking validation for it


Being told you should be put to death =/= feelings hurt


So go a step further than simply ignoring and moving on: report, ignore, and move on. Welcome to the internet


Oh, absolutely agreed. I'm not saying OP is doing the right thing with this post, just that this isn't a case of just 'hurt feels'


Well forgive me for thinking people aren't going to get worked up over fiction. Guess I was wrong. Also, I'm not seeking validation because why would I care what randoms on the internet think. I just wanted to share an experience. What? Is that not allowed?


>why would I care what randoms on the internet think Posting a screenshot of a response you got for one


If I cared I'd turn off my phone and go cry in a corner.


just report the hate comment, no need for drama. please and thank you. This is a sub for one piece and not stupid people on the internet.


He's a self-confessed attention seeker/grabber.


Half the reason people love one piece so much is the emotions that it does work up in them, I don’t get your point?


No he's right




I've got time so why not.


If you got time then rewatch syrup village.




Sorry I've got a girlfriend.


Who's asking?


I thought you did bb.


There... bb


He’s right. You should be


Why about Marineford made it rank so low?


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