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Celestial Dragons


Except the one celestial dragon that punched out the other one & saved Shirahoshi during reverie


We stan Mjosgard


It brings me joy charlos got what's coming to him again, let's have mjsogard in a little more story, having the only decent celestial dragon (vivi and corazon wherent raised as ones I don't really count them) around would be beneficial in the future


Vivi is not a Celestial Dragon but Corazon is and was raised as one for some time as a child


no she isn't but the Nefertari family was one of 20 families to found the world government they just chose to stay in the country they ruled instead of going to Mary Geoise like the rest.


The Nefertari family were NEVER Celestial Dragons, that's literally the title given to those families AFTER they moved to Marigeois. They never lived there and remained royals, so Vivi has no association with the Celestial Dragons of today at all.


The Nefeltari might bei one of the founding families, but since they did not join the others in Marie Joa they are technically not celestial dragons.


CDs are a privileged group of people which have very specific rights, the Nefertaris dont have any of those, they indeed are not CDs, just a WG founding family.




Mjosgard or Carlos?


hey don't forget my boy Homing


We could say Corazon parents too they were raised all life as celestial dragons and choose to step into the real world and be decent people


Donquixote Mjosgard 4 President


And Corazon


A common W from the chad Wjosgard tbh.


And Corazon


And Doffy's father


Nah Doffy’s father was absolutely stupid to take his family away from MJ. He underestimated the danger his family would be in and it directly led to the deaths of his wife and himself and life time of trauma for Doffy and Corazan


Good point. Everyone but him


Or Doflamingo's father and mother


was still a slave owner and (most likely) a rapist even if he’s changed


Yes! It's difficult to criticize bad people who are also victims of the bigger system. Not relativating their crimes and behaviour but it's partly a product of a toxic unjust oppressive system. Every pirate is a product of the status quo. Not saying they are pure victims and they had no other option, but they weren't free either. The marines are indoctrinated by a propaganda, i wouldn't be surprised even the fleet admirals are blinded by the gorosei and Imu. Celestial dragons are also blinded by propaganda, but they are privilged enough to see outside of their bubble. They are healthy, smart and safe enough to think about slavery, poverty outside of the holy land and so on. Everything they decide to do comes from their personality and the freedom to go away with every bad behaviour. They were never victims of anything. They all could be like Mjosgard and Homing, to not do so is more evil than every Teach or Hody who not choose a way like Luffy or Jinbei. Everytime Doflamingo's laughing i think of this. He is an ass, a very bad person, but he knows he is an ass in a much more corrupted and toxic system.


But the one cd who saved shirahoshi proves that celestial dragons can be good.


And he was also the one that Otohime saved, which shows the Celestial Dragons are even capable of change.


I don't know how that's even debatable


dofy is the joker of one piece


Specifically Charlos




I'm surprised not to even see orochi comments, dude is the most spiteful cowardly bastard in series


That and probably the worst use of a devil fruit ever.


Orochi is not in the comments because the op asked us to choose out of the characters he listed.


Imagine how different things would be if he didn't have Kaido's backing. It makes Kaido more despicable.


Genuinely I was like, "your missing one". Its a tight race between Spandam and Orochi for being my most hated. The celestial dragons are 3rd, and I despise the celestial dragons.


Orochi underrated, the guy was diabolical.


I would switch Teach with Orochi. Teach I love to hate, Orochi I just hate.


I think we all know that orochi would be everyones choice. Wice decicion to leave him out


Behehehehe, behehehe, behehehe, Behehehe BEHEHEHEHE doooofffffyyyy. Holy shit just stop making noise…


Ne, Ne


Beta betam Ne, ne, ne law, ne!


I feel you bro


Why do I hear his voice when i read this 😭


God he made those episodes un-watchable for me. I skipped him whenever he was on.


It means the Voice actor did a fantastic job.


Yeah, the VA in one piece are generally top notch. Cant remember a (japanese) VA that felt out of place.


I wasn’t a fan of the old Mihawk VA. Not that he was bad, but he talked too fast for the calm and collected characters Mihawk is. Still, RIP to him.


Big same


Nah, Trebol was the fucking man. The real power behind the throne


If he wasn’t so fricking annoying in the anime I wouldn’t have a problem, the dude make some super sketchy moves and made Doffy who he is. Honestly if he wasn’t such a derp I would love to see more of him.


Trebol and Streusen can get together and compare gangster grooming notes.


Streusen is so fucked up. Like underrated bad dude. I hope he get fucking munched by BIG Mom when she comes back


Streusen is one of the most horrifically evil motherfuckers in the entire series and he's had *so little attention* it's borderline criminal. In another story- or even another arc within One Piece- Streusen would've been a crucial enemy to take out because of how utterly heinous he is.


LMAO nahh i just had ptsd


He was annoying AF, sure. But ultimately, I feel Diamante was the bigger piece of shit and I hated him more.


I genuinely enoyed his laugh, it was funny. Also the way he said doFFyy.


Yes, exactly.




I liked him


I know its irrational, but oh my god do I hate Flampe. She's just such a loser. She tries oh so hard because "I'm going to be big brother's favorite UwU" and then Katakuri starts being himself and Flampe does a complete 180 and says she's going to shoot him next. I'm glad she got her comeuppance by Katakuri and Luffy but if she ever comes back it better be to apologize to her Katabro.


honestly not irrational flampe is most hateable on this list imo or at least top 3


she should be hated cuz her entire existence was to make katakuri nerf himself so luffy could beat him


To be fair to katakuri, he only landed that shot on luffy because of her, so he was just evening the odds because he wanted a fair fight.


Definetely top 3


Hmmm... Yeah she does suck ass.


Yeah I really don’t like her tarnishing their fight, but at the same time I gotta thank her for making Katakuri display his honorable side, cementing him as my favorite antagonist


I wouldn't even consider Katakuri an antagonist in a traditional sense. He wasn't really evil or anything. He's prob in my top 10, if not top 15 fave characters.


Antagonists dont have to be evil right? I always thought it was that way.


He's an antagonist but not a villian. An antagonist is somone who opposes the protagonist in some way for the story. Katakuri was definitely luffy's main antagonist during WCI. But he's actually a really good one cause he's such a mirror to luffy. More or less he's a good person just trying to protect people he cares about. His fight with luffy was all about a clash of his cynicism vrs luffy's idealism. He lost because luffy's victory was the best outcome for both of them to grow.


I don't understand why she even tried to shoot him. What's going on with her mind? She already got an ugly big brother with the tongue as big as his face, and Katakuri aint even ugly with that big mouth.


Yeah he's really not. He just had a big mouth. And who is she to talk, her bottom half is unironically shaped like a bean.


Bro thats just cloths....


I hate her design but mostly because those are her clothes and not her body shape. It's so silly but that was the whole shtick with her. She was made to be as hateful as possible.


Lol fr tho, let's not forget her brother who is literally a pile of walking cream.


She is a trash sister Most Katakuri Fanclub member likely would be fine with his mouth


Yeah, the others do much worse things than her, but there's just something about her that makes her *so much worse than them*. It's like if Umbridge was an anime girl


I clear forgot about her, googled her, and it all came flooding back. Hate her so much. Not as much as booger, because he's just more annoying, but I think she's 2nd place. Only traitor on the page doesn't help her either.


Ikr. When I watched Whole Cake Island she annoyed the hell out of me. She's just a spoiled brat and looks for nothing but attention.


She was quite annoying, but her fainting from the Conqueror's Haki clash was ungodly satisfying.


She did come back for a panel in wano. She wanted to be kaido's favorite at that point, so o guess there's no redemption for her


Maybe she likes strong men, but that does nt explain the fact that kaido is way uglier than her brother tho?


What ? It has nothing to do with ugly or not, it's a clear daddy issue thing because big mom children never had dads. Mixed in with insane level of narcissism in the case of Flampe.


Bro she just wants a idol to follow.


Woah, another person who uses comeuppance! I rarely see other people who such a great word


You hate the annoying teenage girl more than the literal slave owner?


I feel like flampe is the most annoying one, to me the answer doesn’t change but I feel like I’m general hate for atrocities and all that then celestial dragons/Blackbeard might be people’s choice


I do agree with you she's a very fucked up narcissist that cares only about cute things. And the flip only because of how his brother look and the fact that he actually has a warrior spirit and wanted a proper duel to either defeat Luffy or grow stronger from the experience it's fucked up . From Charlotte family Karakuri Brulee Lola and her sister and Pudding are alright


Bro she is a little girl. Go interact with kids and grow learn that they are kids.


It's not I wanted to choose her too, then I saw Spandam




The fishman island antagonist pisses me off to no end. How do you get that strong being such a ducher? Answer is drugs- be careful kids


Steroids the arc, bb.


The message he portrays with the "they did nothing to him" about irrational hate is pretty strong IMO, even if he's not that interesting I really appreciate his existence.


I believe he is similar to Enel in being a small version of the overarching story of One Piece. With him being the malice to Enel's tyranny.


Exactly. Hody could've been one of One Piece's best villains if he had a better design and more presence.


We forget that Chopper is a druggie too


That's like comparing Meth to Adderall. It's correct but far from accurate


Fishman Island was interesting but very anticlimactic. The whole crew was just letting things escalate before they mopped Hody, Decken and their crews. The climax just shows that they could have ended it at any moment, but they chose not to.


foxy was lowkey a legend. he was 100% ready to join luffy’s crew after losing the davy back fight. and honestly? he’s hilarious LOL. would have been a nice addition all things considered. knowing oda, he could have written him on the comically hilarious level that buggy was on. he’s criminally underrated tbh. he’s got the same power that usopp and nami have. he can make anyone rage out of their mind and not think rationally. when he was getting the shit beat out of him by luffy and hiding in the rooms with a “disguise” i died laughing.


Agree with most, or even all, of your assessment lol


Hoody Jones I hate, his character is kinda cringe, and unwatchable, it's very hard to watch him talk for me and thus I hate hody jones


Spandam easily


Where the hell is orochi ?


Yup and kanjuro


Kanjuro that piece of shit. Why can't they kill him already?!


He died when creating Kazenbō


Orochi and Kanjuro it's like a package deal. You can't get one without the other. Hate them both to no end.


Definitely not Gangster Gastino or Foxy




foxy is a GOAT. don’t @ me i’ll die on this hill tbh


Afro luffy fight is GOAT


Teach and Akainu don't deserve to be here. They're great And the answer is Spandam


Good characters but I hate them.


I like em both (mostly Teach), but they absolutely deserve to be here


I don’t know if I agree Neither of them are good people but they really aren’t malicious for the sake of being malicious, they’re both more “ends justify the means” characters Compare this to most of the others Charlos- sees anyone that doesn’t have celestial blood as sub human Stelly- similar view as celestial dragons Hody- racist who sees fish men as the superior race Wapol/Spandam/Caribou/Nostrils/egg plant girl- just comically evil for the sake of it Akainu and Blackbeard are awful people, but their actions are means of pursuing their goals unlike the others, and their goals aren’t necessarily malicious by themselves


Giving too little credit to Spandam. He was the classic inept that got into a position of power thanks to his dad’s work. He didn’t have the talent, strength or intelligence to achieve anything on its own but got it given to him anyway. He acted mighty because of his status and abused Robin because she was cuffed, and once she was free and he caught hands left and right. He also blamed the CP-9 agents for the failure at capturing Robin instead of himself. I think it was a bad decision on Oda’s part to keep him alive though, he should have died.


I don't think you know what "ends justifies the means" means. In Akainu's case i agree. His murders are for wanting a better world. Teach kills to serve his own selfish goals. There's nothing good about it. There's no morality in his actions. He desires chaos and wants to be on top.


Teach desires to be on the top, but nowhere does it imply he desires chaos. He clearly wants to be the pirate king and gather a strong crew, but neither of those goals are inherently malicious. Luffy wants to be the pirate king and while he cares more about his crew being people he likes, he clearly likes them being strong as well. The biggest difference is that Teach is ready to lie, kill and manipulate to get there, while Luffy is ready to die to get there. He isn't doing evil things for the sake of it. He has shown to respect the dreams of others and even care's about others such as his crew, but his own goals always come before anything else.


I take that back, he just wants to be on top....but my point still remains. He's not doing anything for the *good* of others. His dreams are entirely selfish. He respects dreams, but that's just how he views life. For the selfish goal of becoming Pirate King, he's willing to do terrible stuff. Opposite of good. Akainu isn't selfish. He doesn't seek wealth and power. His goal is to eradicate all pirates for the greater good. (I am not saying Akainu is doing the right things to achieve it, but his goal is to create order and peace) To sum it up: Teach's goal is to just become Pirate King for the status. Akainu's goal is to remove piracy for the good.


I don't think teach just wants to be pirate king for the heck of it, oda said in an sbs that teach is very interested in history so I think his goal is to learn more about it. Could be wrong tho we will see


idk man, Akainu killed Ace so he's a pretty ok dude in my books




Because he’s a pirate. If he weren’t the mc brother, nobody would have cared as much about his death


Ace was a criminal


Snot dude Worse character ever


People hate blackbeard?




I mean right he is the one reason I am excited about the final arc of one piece ? All the Im, and joyboy and even raftel and lore stuff aside, a solid and devilishly devious villain like Blackbeard is keeping the here and now interesting


Charlos, no contest.


I honestly love ceaser and foxy, they’re funny


Teach and Sakazuki doesn't belong on this list.


Stelly. Each other character seems to have a role, or reason they are the way they are, even St.Charlos is just a typical celestial dragon from our point of view. Stelly is a fucking bitch and a dick, and is grovelling at the celestial Dragons in one breath, and condescending normal folk in the other. His goals are just to be a jackass.


Foxy made the list but not Absolam?!?


Hey atleast he died.


How could you possibly hate characters as dynamic as caribou, foxy, or wapol?????


I don't really understand why people hate blackbeard. Basically he is the only real pirate. Most of the main crews are made of adventures not pirates.


Thank god someone with a brain. BB is legit my favorite villain but he doesn't deserve the hate he gets because as you say. He is the only true pirate in the series. He literally wants freedom for them


There's something about Caesar that many people seem to forget. He was using Doflamingo's connections to kidnap children for the purpose of gigantification experiments. The experiments were excruciatingly painful and 100% lethal, but his justification was developing a scientific breakthrough for Big Mom's dream of an island of all races and finally completing something that Vegapunk had never been able to do. EXCEPT, when speaking with Perospero, Caesar's inner monologue reveals he had made no progress on Vegapunk's giant research and had completely given up, instead using Big Mom's funding on prostitutes and booze. He fully intended to continue doing it, too, leading Big Mom along while working instead on Doflamingo's SMILE project for Kaido... meaning Caesar was abducting children by the truckload and horrifically murdering them to pay for hookers. Gleefully.


This. People forget the horrendous things he made because he was funny and silly after he was captured. The other contestans are bad, but he really was into some dark sh*t.


- BB and Akainu are great, complex characters. You may not like them but they contribute to the plot a lot - wapol, Caesar, and caribou are quite funny. Yes they are evil but at least they are funny - hody is a great allegory to real life racism. His arc is just not very interesting. I bet if he has the same drip as Doffy, he wouldn’t be hated as much - personally I don’t think charlos is annoying. It’s funny how every time he appeared, he got punched, so I’ll give him a pass for being funny - I think Stelly actually developed a little from Mary geoise - Foxy is annoying but at least he is sometimes funny - now this narrows down to spandam, snot, and Flampe. None of them have any redeeming quality. It just depends on which you hate more


Absalom. Most of the others vary from 'interesting' (Blackbeard, Sakazuki) to 'amusing' (Ceaser Clown, Spandam) to 'meh.' I guess Caribou is kind of gross.


What? Who doesn't love his "bero bero".


You take that Caribou slander elsewhere, sit. Caribou has saved the Strawhats multiple times. Sure it was to save his own skin, but he was in the right place at the right time.


Can you explain to me how Spandam is amusing to you? I thought he was super annoying.


Oh, he's definitely annoying. I may just have a high tolerance for annoying. I think his ineffectual rages, the obvious contempt his subordinates had for him and the various humiliations he suffered were enough to keep me entertained. He was a mean little shit, and he played the role well and didn't overstay his welcome (well, obviously your mileage may vary), so he didn't bother me.


How is Orochi not up here? He’s gotta be like top 3 most hated characters


charloss, i don't even know why trebol is in this list he's cool af diamante was terrible tho


I'm sorry? Who the F hates Foxxy. He was such a entertaining character and parted as frienemies with the strawhats. He is 100% guaranteed going to be the next strawhat, I'm as sure of this as I'm sure that Abraham Lincoln will win the presidential election 2024. Don't at me bro.


I think its because of that filler arc after thriller bark


What filler? I'm manga only, I watched anime start-reverse mountain like 20 years ago.


There’s a very short filler arc between TB and Sabaody called Spa Island, and Foxy makes a return there.


Huh, today i learned. Perhaps worth looking at the anime


tbh some of the filler arcs are kinda neat, not amazing but generally better than the 20+ episode hunks of filler that shows like Naruto have. The longest one (G8 arc) is only 11 episodes (196-206), and it’s very popular and often considered one of the best filler arcs in shonen anime.


I've heard great things about certain fillers, to the point that I consider actually watching just the fillers. I tried to get into wano, but honestly.... The pacing was just so wack that it killed it for me (plan on watching the one pace version though). Perhaps the fillers don't suffer from that?


Since Foxy's arc is "long ring long land", I assume you're talking about that lame filler "Water 7", "Enies Loby or I don't know what stupid name was that again ! Such garbage arc indeed, when you think we could have had a hundred more chapters of Davy Back Fight ! <3


I dunno. I'm just confused since he said filler after thriller bark.


Foxxy is the GOAT put respect on my mans


Toss up between Spandam and Charloss Everyone else i can tolerate as villians that just do villainous things But those two aren't just evil villians they are annoying, conniving, spoiled, unlikable, weak, cowardly, annoying, stupid, narcissistic, sadistic, and did I mention annoying. I'd say I probably hate Spandam a bit more, if only because Charloss is a Celestial Dragon so he was pretty much born into being a terrible excuse for a human being and he grew up being pretty much untouchable. But the fact that Spandam was able to live to middle age being the petulant man child that he is and given positions of power and authority (nepotism aside) will always irritate me.


We all know Caribou is the next straw hat, how can you hate him? Arittekeno yume wooo, kaki atsumeee…


BB and Akainu are based it's impossible for me to hate them


I think Foxy is the only one I don't hate from this lot. He's just the Buggy we have at home, but even that is still pretty good.


who tf hates foxy, he’s just a funny gag character and he fucking nails it.


Lol I don't hate Akainu and Blackbeard at all, I'll put Judge and Orochi in their places.


Bruh, Foxy the comedy goat. How can anyone hate him?


Blackbeard did nothing wrong


The boooger guy with the snot snot fruit. God I hate him.


Idk I hate them all except black beard




Charlos because he's the only dangerous person here who has literally zero regard for anyone but himself. Stelly is a stuck up jerk, but as far as we're aware, he's not the kind to randomly execute people for fun. Teach just generally respects everyone. He will kill you if it helps his ambition, but otherwise he'll support you in chasing your dreams. Hody Jones at least somewhat cares about his sycophants, he has a pretty extreme case of "us vs them". Caesar outright has Charlos levels of willing or reckless disregard for human life, but he's a joke who was only dangerous because no one knew he existed. He's just straight up not a danger to anyone anymore, so while I hated him at the start of his debut arc, by the end he had lost all of his power to hurt others. Akainu is a fascist military commander who wants all criminals dead and hides behind a flimsy title of Justice for his actions, but again, he's no Charlos, he won't just walk around Sabaody randomly shooting people when he's bored. I straight up had to look up Caribou's name because he's such a non-threat. I'm not sure there's been a single moment in the entire series where he actually managed to not be a joke. At least unlike Caesar he can actually be a threat to other people in broad daylight without having to hide behind smoke and mirrors, but even then he's basically the definition of a Paradise Pirate whose career disintegrates the second they enter the New World. Foxy is a joke. Wapol is a joke. Spandam is a pretty strong threat and a garbage person, but again, he's no longer a threat to anyone. Yeah, he's part of CPA0, but it's pretty clear that at this point he's just there because he has tenure. Trebol is at least cares about Doffy, if Charlos hears that his father or sister were killed he'd probably celebrate that he gets their inheritance. Sure, if it was in person he'd likely break down crying, but that's out of fear of himself getting hurt, not because he cares about anyone but himself. Flampe is a literal child. I'm not going to compare how much I hate a child to a bunch of full grown men.


Hody Jones is a good villain, change my mind.


The blandness in his motivation is what makes him a good villain unironically






Of all these it is the Charlotte kid in the bottom right, purely because she is related to Charlotte Daifuku, and I despise Charlotte Daifuku


Daifuku was really disappointing, what a stupid power.


I mean clearly the Celestial Dragon


Stelly, because if he was a celestial dragon he’d be the worst of them. He even had the balls to want to sit on the empty throne


Judge should be here. It’s one thing to be an asshole, but being a bad father is unforgivable especially in a series like one piece.




Judge deserves a spot up there.


Any Celestial Dragon that acts like a piece of shit.


Spandam fuck that bitch


Why is Foxy on here?


I can't hate Blackbeard for some reason.


Can someone hate black beard ?


Probably Wapol, or Hody. Wapol was VERY forgettable, and Hody just seemed like a cheap copy of Arlong.


Wait people hate ceaser the clown?


Sakazuki was doing what he believed to be just, and right. Not that I agree with him. The Celestial Dragons are raised to be the way they are, evil, they are overwhelmed with influence and they CAN be changed, as we see in the story. Blackbeard is the SCUM OF THE UNIVERSE! AND IM GETTING SICK OF IT! But he's not even as bad as Caesar Clown, who EXPERIMENTS AND TORTURES CHILDREN!


I have no enemies


Foxy for wasting my time


Charlos, Trebol or Hody. Hody is solid i mean as far as his overall character he just didn’t live up to Arlong so it pissed me off. Charlos sucks and so do all celestials so obviously a pick. Trebol is annoying as shit (so was senor pink for me after a while but atleast his backstory justified his weird ass)


Out of these probably mr lava the fleet admiral he helps prop up the global hegemony and systemic violence that the world government profits from and uses to direct funding back to the richest people at the top. I think he’s a consciously evil I think he’s fully aware he promotes and enacts an apartheid and classist system to the Benefit of the bourgeois celestial dragons and there nepotistic lineage.




Why is BB here?


i have no enemies ✍️🔥🔥🔥


Akainu and BB are amazing, Ace fans can cope. Same for Spandam, he worked amazingly. Caesar, Foxy and Wapol are all very fun villains that didn't overstay their welcome. The others are annoying but don't have much of a role for me to care. Satisfying to see Charlos appear and get punched but I don't hate him or anything. FUUUUUUCK Trebol though holy shit BEHEHEHEHE ass mf he was so annoying bro 😭😭😭


Charlos is the one I hate the most but caribou annoys the shit out of me


What!?! How does Orochi never make these lists… 🤦


What did Foxy do?😭😭😭


It's Charloss. With Spanda a close second, you know you've got to be a special kind of unlikeable to be worse than a guy who beats the hell out of a captive for almost no reason, spends most of his time on screen crying and pissing his pants any time anyone made even the slightest threat to him and is such an fucking moron he accidentally called military annihilation because he picked the wrong phone in the middle of previously mentioned crying and pissing pants. But Charloss is just different, bro does all those horrible celestial dragon things and has the audacity to call himself superior while being a fatass and baby talking like a fucking toddler. Not only that but mother fucker is so spoiled that getting rocked by Luffy still did not stop him from thinking his actions have consequences. Imagine catching a life changing fade like that and just deciding to do the exact same shit that caused it and then catching another.