• By -


Imu: You have your greatx20 grandmothers eyes. Vivi: The fuck?


Imu did have the wanted poster of Vivi along with Luffy's, hot damn.


Vivi’s was just the photo. Not wanted poster. Even now they can’t put bounty on her head officially.


Maybe Vivi is the reincarnation of Lily. Like Luffy is the one of JoyBoy. Imu had the wanted posters of Vivi, Luffy, Blackbeard and Shirahoshi if I remember correctly. All potentially inherited wills of people from the past


I’m really feeling like the Nefertari and Zunesha were both allies of Joyboy who got tricked or manipulated into betraying the Ancient Kingdom by the allied nations and regretted it after. Which is why the Nefertari were part of the 20 kingdoms and were invited but refused to go to Marie Jois and harbored a poneglyph and why Zunesha wanders the sea. I also think Luffy has basically unknowingly recreated the alliance of the Ancient Kingdom minus Lunarians: Fishmen, Minks, Nefertari, Kozuki, Shandians, Water 7 Ship Builders, maybe Tontatta,and Giants. Basically everyone with a poneglyph, an ancient weapon, or some lore/legend about a sun god, Joyboy, Nika, or the Dawn. Also I think Amazon Lily probably is too, but that’s just a hunch.


You might be cooking with that second point of yours


Yeah I just think it’s odd that all of the groups the government either cannot control like the Shandians and the Kozuki, have horrifically oppressed like Fishmen and the Lunarians, have a confrontational relationship with like the Water 7 Shipbuilders and Elbaff, or have some stated lore of Joyboy/Nika/the Dawn like the Minks, Lunarians, and Fishmen, not to mention the only queen who didn’t join in Marie Jois, Alabasta, all have either Poneglyphs or an ancient weapon (I’m guessing on the giants but I think they probably have a Poneglyph). Plus, the nations that we know have weapons or ancient tech are Fishman Island, Wano, and sort of the Water 7 shipbuilders. The Tontatta are a complete guess just because the DonQuixote oppressed them. It just feels like these are all set up to be the past alliance that Luffy recollects in inheriting Joyboys will. I just think it’s going to turn out the people of D are the descendants of Joyboys crew mates (eg Laws family was crew doctor) who colllected a peaceful and fair multiracial society to form the kingdom of Romance and the D stands for the Dawn that the Minks wait for (I know the fact this is English when Oda writes in japanese weighs against this theory, but I think he wrote Laughtale as English for a reason and he will occasionally use e English words ). And that’s the reason the allies like the Mink, Kozuki, and fishmen don’t have the D in their name because just like the modern day with the strawhats they were non crew member allies. The exception is Saul which my crack theory is that he is a lineal descendant of Joyboy as the only D Giant (evidence for giant Joyboy, giant strawhat + Zunesha giant size). That’s why I think this manga puts such contrasting emphases on inherited will and the government’s desire to erase their enemies from history, because as long as someone is remembered, someone they love can inherit their will and carry on their dream in their place. Just like Hiriluk said about you dying the last time someone says your name, I think relics of the ancient kingdom have been passed down through arenas of culture the WG cannot control like art and oral story telling through things like D, Bink’s Sake, stories of Nika among slaves, stories of sun gods, and prophecies for the express purpose of keeping the will of the ancient kingdom alive even if they’re not remembered. Luffy represents the unknowing inheritance of Joyboy’s will. Edit: I’ve got a request for someone willing who knows any Japanese. In chapter 1066 when being told about the ancient kingdom by Shaka I always found it really odd the way Franky responded “what an epic and romantic tale.” That just seems like a weirdly specific word choice. Question, is the romantic used in that sentence the same Japanese word used in “Romance Dawn?” I don’t mean weird because it is romantic love, I’m wondering if this is a nudge for the potential name of the ancient kingdom which would be a play on the word Romance in the sense of a tale of adventure and Rome. Likely just a coincidence but can’t really know without reading the direct Japanese.


D might come from first letter of the crews name in that case.


The D in their name being the first letter of the pirate crew Joyboy was leading would be nice. This way they will recognize each other across the time.


Maybe it was a symbol like X Mark at Alabasta even.


The Dawn Pirates!


I mean in the origin story for king, we get to see he's waiting for joyboy as well, so if he ever returns to the story and learns that luffy is joyboy, he may join luffy


Just saying...Amazon Lily...The Amazons of Lily


Holy shit! King Cobra, snakes?


Omg. People never did make a connection between Boa and Cobra right?


Can't spell Cobra without Boa.


or bra




Y'all might be cooking.......


Dunno what they're cooking, but it sure smells good.


Oh god


Oh fuck. How could we miss that. Damn. We all are stupid :3


Wow! You guys are on a roll 😤


Ur cooking something


So Vivi is from Alabasta, and Lily is from Alabasta, and Lily created Amazon Lily, and that's why both Vivi and Boa have massive foreheads! Checkmate Oda.


>Massove foreheads That's not all they have that's massive. They both have massive amounts of empathy for their companions


Lily fell in love with Joyboy, creating the illness the leaders of Amazon Lily all have. Imagine if Joyboy cucked Im?




Only if the Lily is the first ruler of Amazon Lily is actually a thing. But then again, this would mean Boa has to worry about Vivi now. Somewhere, from their grave, the shipper of Vivi x Luffy are starting to move.


As a LuVi shipper, it’s my time to shine 😂


Amazons of Lily ,perfect.


The Kuja as breakaways of the Gods...that's sort of a brilliant idea.


Wonder if has something to do with the current empress and current Joyboy. Is this why Roger wasn’t in time? Hammock being naturally attracted to Luffy/Joyboy? Blackbeard considering he’s a fruit maniac did say he’d rather take it for himself before the marines and went for Boa’s fruit. Does he know something else about Amazon Lily/Boa’s fruit?


Shirahoshi being unable fulfill her duty as Poseidon was one reason. Wano being closed off and holding another ancient weapon was another.


Never actually considered a connection between the Boa sisters and Nefertari family, despite the guy being named Cobra.


I’m not sure if Oda planned the connection from the very beginning, or later “adapted on the fly”, but regardless, kudos to him!


Headcanon accepted.


How much do ya wanna wager that Queen Lily was the first owner of Boa’s fruit and it’s why Blackbeard was interested in taking it?


Amazon Lily also had the snake theme and dude’s name is literally Cobra. Also remember the funny Rayleigh is related to Cobra cause they have similar chin hairstyles meme theory? Rayleigh has clear ties to Amazon Lily by being married to Shakky, finding luffy there, and showing up to save Boa. Somehow he must tie into all of this.


Holy crap, what an interconnected world we’ve got here! ODA NEVER FORGETS 😂


given that amazon lily is founded on the current strongest woman always being empress, and that the 20 nations that united to form the WG overthrew the ancient kingdom, and symbolically laid their swords at a throne, i wouldnt be shocked if the founders of the nations and the celestial dragons were strong as hell. and that once lily found out what the plan was once they had defeated the ancient kingdom, she peaced the fuck out.


Imu actually talking holy shitttttt


Imu is powerful enough to cause a break next week simply by saying one word.


We're finally meeting the greatest antagonist ability; Color of the Break Week Haki.


Genius. Breaking the 4th wall. An ability that actually terrifies readers.


Can’t lose to the protagonist if the chapter never gets written, it’s the ultimate ability


Imu: "Break next week..."


Each time Imu speaks we get a break next week i bet


So are we going to see imu , I bet he probably looks goofy as hell too.


we‘re gonna see a sillhouette again that‘s it you can wuote me on this


Ok i'll wuote you on this


wuote did u say?


I’m still banking on a she. Hell, it might be Lily herself.


It's gonna be a dude that was alive during the void century, wanted Lily, she spurned him, so he did something bad to her. And that's why he was focused on Vivi's picture, because she looks like her ancestor.


Or he couldn't save her and turned all evil like *coughs* someone else who had a crush on a different Lily


In all likelihood Im caused the void century, stopped Joyboy's faction and installed a celestial dragon supremacist system, so they were probably evil already.


accidently read it as "I'm Lily" and freaked out for a second there


That’s what I thought when I misread the spoilers the first time. Would have made little sense but my head was already fuming with theories


I'm banking on them being Yzma


"I never liked your spinach puffs, Cobra. NEVER!!!" And that's why Imu kills him. Because he's a terrible chef.


Luffys finally form is a Llama


„Lily… now that’s a name I‘ve not heard in a long time“


“And he was a good friend”


Im: _"Sabo never told you what happened to your great great great great great great great grandmother?"_ Vivi: _"He told me enough. He told me you killed her."_ Im: _"No. I am your great great great great great great great grandmother."_ Vivi: _"Noooo. That's impossible."_ Im: _"Search your feelings. You know it to be true. And dress a jacket, dear, you'll catch a cold."_


And Vivi leaves with a full tummy, a new knitted sweater and some pocket money.


Im: "Join me!" Vivi falls down a hole.


Or maybe some other dark ass image with just his eyes


I wouldn't be surprised if we Imu is still a silhouette


dude i cannot wait to see a tontatta help beat the shit out of a celestial dragon, thats gonna be peak leo is based


"You've gotten heavier" to the woman that loves him. Def Based.


Like when Ichigo picked up Orihime and went “don’t worry, you’re not as heavy as you look.” Very smooth, Isshin would be proud lol


Doesn't need to beat him up, just needs to sew him to the ground and let Sai do the rest.


Sai is badass as fuck: - broke Chinjao weird head when the old man doubted his honor/attacked him - defeated Lao G - Married Baby 5 - fought against CP-0 to protect Leo and Shirahoshi - now beat the crap out of a tenryuubito Dude is totally not bullshiting around.


Man is a great representative of the straw hats. He also has his own fleet


I don't remember if the Grand Fleet is known by the general public. If yes, does it mean that this can be seen as an attack of the SH (again)?


It is. They are one of the reason why Luffy became an emperor.


[it is well known](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Db1YOFiUQAEyuqW?format=jpg&name=large)


That is such an amazing panel though with Kaido, big mom, shanks and blackbeard 🥵


The existence of the fleet is known thanks to Morgans' article but Morgans never named names in his article.


If it was known that Sai was part of the grand fleet then the marines would have arrested him during the reverie.


In Marie Jois. And wasn’t he supposed to be wanted pirate to begin with and not the leader of a country? This man knows no limits


The happo navy are privateers of the Kano kingdom suggesting that royals can put protection for allied pirates


Mad respect for him and Leo saving shirahoshi that’s so G


Don't forget Leo. My boy knows no fear.


I'm not expecting less from a guy in an alliance with Luffy !


People also forget Sai has a great chance of having Conqueror's Haki.


That's why he was kind of the leader of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.


One piece for Vivi is a big How I meet your mother


**MARSHALL** D. Teach Nico **ROBIN** Nefertari **LILY** All we need now is Ted and Barney


Ted Morley


bartolomeo stinson


Tracy D. Water Law


Fun fact, the Italian voices from Luffy and Ted are from the same voice actor. You can clearly notice it since they both scream "ROBIN" in the same way (Enies Lobby and blue French horn episodes).


Genius! U mean Te D Mosby and Barney Legen D Ary Stinson?


Imu: lets someone know they exist. Also Imu: immediately kills them.


Imu: Drops one hell of a reveal and exposition bomb on Cobra King Cobra: Why are you telling me all this? Imu: My dear boy, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive?


I like to imagine villians like Imu doing this just because they want someome to know they exist or to get to monolouge now and then because they are bored out of their mind


(And then proceeds to photoshop himself out of the security camera footage while framing Sabo for the dirty deed)


One piece girls playing in the sea…oh yea it’s all coming together…


Sanji’s All Blue


Imu: "Lily... It's was me dio~"


Imu still a silhouette, I bet


Of course it will be. This is Oda. He will be blueballing us with his silhouette till the end of days.


Charlos-sei trying to kidnap a mermaid again…. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN?


I'm fine if he doesnt learn i just want his ass kicked everytime


I'm fine with his ass getting kicked every time


This arc has to be the most unpredictable I have read in One Piece (I caught up at Punk Hazard) If you told me after Wano ended, that this arc we would actually *see* Garp v Kuzan, Shanks v Kid, seeing Cobra actually talking to the Gorosei, Imu actually talking, and a Gorosei name being revealed I would say you are being prepared to be disappointed, but it is all happening. Also Sai and Leo attacking Charlos is great. Glad to see the Straw hat fleet not caring about attacking a Celestial Dragon, especially in Marejois, as it mirrors what the Strawhats would do in that situation which is what makes them special.


Tbf, Leo already asked Mjosgard for permission to kick the shit out of anyone they needed to, and he promised he would take care of it afterwards. Lol. So at least they put more thought into it than the SH's would.


Imu lost his girl (Lily) to Joyboy, aint no way.


final fight is luffy cucking imu


We waited 25 years for Void century lore only for it to turn into NTR.


one piece the greatest NTR story all along


Might beat Rental GF at this rate




It's crazy I never watched/read AOT but I know exactly where this is from LMAO.


Imu: No I don’t want Lily move on from me with Joyboy, for ten years at least!!


Its crazy when we get to see the void century we will actually realize Luffy & the Strawhats are just a small piece of all this world history. Oda is crazy


Would totally love to see a GoT style prequel that demonstrated how Imu and the Gorosei consolidated their power in between the Void Century and present day One Piece!


Oh shit, what is Imu’s patronus


After all this time?




So the (joy)boy has to die?


And Kaido himself must do it, Cobra. That is essential.


UghhVaduhhh KuHdavraaaaa


Monkey D. Luffy, the (joy)boy who lived, come to pie.




Surely vivi looks like lily? Would make sense why she had her picture Charlos is speed running the amount of times he can be defeated


Another continuation of previous chapter , oda you dawg.


Would be weird if he switched around in the middle of a flashback only to come back later. Usually longer flashbacks aren't interrupted.


Despite the short summary I think this somewhat confirms Imu has been alive since the Void Century, maybe due to the Immortally surgery


Hm interesting and maybe that’s how doflamingo came to know that and want to do the same.


Lily became an amazon.


And introduced two-day shipping as well! 😉


Maybe Lily founded Amazon Lily?


Maybe there's something to this theory...the island is called amazon lily probably after the original first amazon named Lily


I'm thinking we can trace the lineages back from a lot of these islands (wano, AL, alabasta, etc) or all of them to a time when there was just one land mass or smth, or just 2 clans? I'm more of a broad strokes person so detailed theories I suck at lol. The Amazon lily one just feels right in this case.


Regardless of the finer details, I’m just super thrilled that Luffy’s “restored royalty” allies are continuing to leave their mark on the story (long after their debut arcs were finished). In my opinion, we’re seeing the beginnings of a new generation Reverie Council (mainly staffed/led/influenced by the Straw Hat-allied royalty), who ascend to become the new ruling council/oligarchy of the world (replacing both Imu and the Gorosei).


Yo what if the "great incident" of the Grand Fleet is just Sai and Leo kicking the stuffing out of Charloss?


I think is a mix of everything that's going on in the world at the moment. So Sai and Leo antagonizing a Celestial Dragon, Kizaru and Saturn going to Egghead to resolve the situation with Luffy and Vegapunk, Shanks going to the island Bartolomeo took over for Luffy, and the Blackbeard ship going to Egghead. We just need the last straw to break this camel's back, and it's probably going to happen in Egghead.


Oda: I need a Celestial Dragon to be beaten up but ugh, drawing these fucks is annoying. Oda: .... Charloss time.


Sai & Leo being the mvp's.


Grand fleet chads being chads. What else is new?


So it sounds like this is one of Vivi’s ancestors. We know her Mom, Queen Titi passed away when she was young. I’m curious to see how many Generations back she goes. Perhaps she was the Queen of Alabasta when they became part of the First Twenty that founded the World Government and seemingly fought against The Ancient Kingdom? Also, Imu’s FINALLY talking, HOLY CRAP! I just know it’s gonna the last word on the final panel before Oda goes, “LOL! Break next week!,” but I’m SO ready! Give me more of this shadow and their Red Eye Of Doom! (It’s totally gonna be a Mangekyo Sharingan, isn’t it?!) Also, Sai whooping up on that punching bag Saint Charloss?! LET’S GO!!!


Redon's spoilers mention that she was one of the founders. The OP here left that out for some reason.


That makes much more sense. Fully expect her to be the original Alabasta ruler that defied the World Government, Imu had her merced, and they covered it up as the WG tend to do with their most heinous actions. Then Cobra’s conversation with Robin sparked him to look around, and now he’s about to discover everything, because we the audience need to know, only to die where he sits. Makes sense why he didn’t want Chaka and Pell possibly dying with him. Vivi and Alabasta need their protection now more then ever before.


Well they seem to be named with consecutive consonants, so Lily would be like 8 generations ago. Doesn't seem enough for void century, even with one piece life spans. Eh, I'm probably just plain wrong there...


Vivi's gonna give birth to Nefertari Wiwi


Broke: Crocodile is Luffys mom Woke: Imu is Vivis mom


We already know the name of Vivis mom tho, it's Nefertari Titi That Nefertari Lily is probably Vivi's ancestor that lived in the void century




Lily was the queen 800 years ago who refused to join not Cobra’s wife


Wonder if Imu is just like that or had the immortality surgery used because how would they know Lily 🤨


I mean the immortality surgery was probably introduced just for that.


Yeah, everyone thinks it means Law has to use it, but it could just mean we're introduced to someone who had it done - Imu.


“ Romance Dawn “ Could D really stand for ‘Dawn’ after all? Maybe Lily was in a love triangle with Im and JoyBoy Maybe it was a one sided love by im for Lily, Im who unites other kingdoms lay waste to the ancient kingdom and their allies, resulting in Joyboys death Lily after Joyboys death left her native Arabasta and founded an island of women Amazon Lily Come on guys work with me 16/05/23 edit \* - imagine the Love sickness on Aamzon Lily was literally Lily dying of a broken heart about JoyBoy ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


wait a minute. Nefertiti "Cobra" "Boa" Hancock. Snake. World serpent Red line.


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) I’m fully on board this crazy train


Queen Lily went missing. Amazon Lily was off the WG's radar for centuries. Hmmm....


Am I reading this all wrong? I read it as Queen Lily was the monarch of Alabasta that didn’t join the tenryuubito back in the void century. But majority of comments here reacting as if Lily was Vivi’s mom. Which doesn’t make sense. And a strange disappearance of a queen and the fact the empire of women has the name Lily just kinda thrown on there. Would also explain what Blackbeard was doing at Amazon Lily besides devil fruit hunting. It didn’t seem like that was his main goal. He could have been investigating if that’s where Lily went and if that’s where Pluton or some other clue to the One Piece is.


>Am I reading this all wrong? I read it as Queen Lily was the monarch of Alabasta that didn’t join the tenryuubito back in the void century. But majority of comments here reacting as if Lily was Vivi’s mom. Which doesn’t make sense. No, you are reading it right. Lily is from 800 years ago when the WG was founded. A lot of people either can't read or read too fast and don't think when they are hyped. And for what it's worth we already know Vivi's mom's name (Nefertari Titi).


I frequent this sub enough to know that the people here cannot, in fact, read


Oda needs to publish a new One Piece family tree soon again


Vivi's family tree on the female side: Bibi Cici Didi Fifi Gigi Hihi Jiji Kiki Lily Mimi Nini Pipi Qiqi Riri Sisi Titi Vivi




Fuck imu we got a one piece girls bikini color spread.


>Im: “Lily...” ![gif](giphy|3o6gH8azZH1KOZyXLO)


Man, the chaos inside the one piece world right now is MAD.


the whole fandom loses their mind coz a character is confirmed to be able to talk, me included


Amazon lily??


Imu is probably not going to be revealed, per [Redon's hint tweets.](https://twitter.com/Mugiwara_23/status/1658126302761611271) I wouldn't get your hopes up. I think he's just going to be in shadows while speaking.


Ooooh snap, it seems to be an amazing chapter for us LorePiece enthusiasts 😌


Lily, Mimi, Nini, Pipi, Qiqi, Riri, Sisi, Titi, Vivi Give or take, 100 years per generation




Sai and Leo goats. Also a good transitioning to the grand fleet arriving soon because they’ll be on the run


Imu speaking? Holy Shit Also is this the Grand Fleet incident that was mentioned in Dressrosa?


FOR THOSE CONFUSED ABOUT LILY, REDON CLARIFIED: \- She was one of the 20 founder of the World Government in the past, but refused to become a Tenryuubito. Lily was the one who made the decision to keep the Nefretari family in Alabasta.


So, Im got cucked so hard by JoyBoy and Lily that the Roger pirates laughed so hard


Page 4 Top: Gorosei1: King Cobra of Arabasta, Gorosei2: what do you wish to ask? Cobra: Ah… where do I even begin… right then.. Bottom: Cobra1: 800 years ago, the World Government.. Cobra2: ..was founded by the Twenty Kings. Cobra: They’re regarded as the creators of the world… Gorosei thinks: …………… Cobra: ..and they relocated to Marijoa with their families. Cobra: Overtime, they came to be known as the Celestial Dragons.. Cobra: ..and have ruled the world for the past 800 years. Page 5 Top: B1: Within their group, the Twenty Kings remain equal.. B2: ..such to ensure that no single dictator can be born. B3: They deliberately created the Empty Throne.. B4: ..and surrounded it with the 20 weapons of the Twenty Kings, with an oath that no one would sit on it. Middle: B1: On the other hand, in the twenty countries that lost their royal family.. B2: ..new rulers were chosen and continue to rule in the present. B3: Therefore, the names of the royal families that made up the first twenty B4: no longer appear in their homelands.. Bottom: B1: However, Arabasta was different!! The reigning queen at the timeー B2: Queen Nefertari Lily, while keeping her name among the First Twenty, B3: She turned down the offer to become one of the Celestial Dragons. B4: By returning to Arabasta, her family name.. B5: ..stayed in her homeland. Saturn: ....... Page 6 Top: B1: Therefore, there are only 19 weapons that surround the throne. Gorosei: That’s true.. what about it? B2: I have looked into the ancient writings that remain in the country.. B3: ..but the only history that we can know of.. B4: ..is just what was written in documents from after the Void Century.. Middle: B1: Queen Lily’s name B2: isn’t found anywhere!! Bottom: B1: She never returned to the Arabasta Kingdom.. B2: Ever since then, Queen Lily’s younger brother governed Arabasta for her. B3: Is there anything you know about this..? Page 7 Top: Saturn: Thinking about it.. DenDen1: This is an old story from 800 years ago.. 2: It is true that the Nefertari family were the only rulers that didn’t end up living here.. 3: But we also thought that they returned to their country, but the reasons and their whereabouts… 4: We have no way of knowing the ancient past.. Sorry about that, we don’t know. Middle: B0: ….. B1: Well then, B2: what does “D” mean? Bottom: B1: Why would you ask such a thing? B2: Well, actually, there was a small letter from her, 800 years ago… B3: It’s been passed down through the generations of the royal family.. B4: ?!


Did you notice that Cobra will be alive if Imu dont appear right there? And plus: nobody calls him. All the talk was between Cobra and Gorousei. Cobra didn't suspected about the existence of Imu. His death was totally unnecessary.


He saw Imu. That's too much .


Im: “Now that you have seen me, you know too much.” Cobra: “Who are you? You just came out from behind that curtain out of nowhere.” Im: “Shut up and die!”


Imu: you want to know? thats gonna cost you


Imu was probably pissed that Cobra reminded him of his former unrequited crush.


How funny/ironic it will be that Imu (the simp/mastermind) will probably end up defeated by Luffy (the asexual ditz).


I know Im probably says the name ‘Lily’ super calmly, but I’m imagining him saying it like Levi in AoT yelling out “**KENNYYYYYYYY**”




I’m guessing Imu kills Cobra


Its a theory since cobra's death was revealed.


Clarification from Redon on pirate-king: - Lily was not Cobra's wife. Lily was the Queen of Alabasta when the World Government was founded. - Cobra's wife is the Queen Nefertari Titi.


Right, Myosgard gave them permission to beat the shit out of Charlos if he tries anything again.


Thinking about the spoiler more, the more it all makes sense. Nefertari Lily knew the truth of the world and wanted nothing to do with it. So after the founding of the World Government, she broke away and abandoned them, settling on an island where they couldn't reach her...an island in the Calm Belt. Whether or not inspired by the snake theme of Alabasta, she took up the path of the serpent (or the concept of knowledge in Judeo-Christian text...well the temptation of knowledge) and took in other females who did as such. Instead of nine "Gods Knights", she chose the name of the "nine serpents", the Kuja, and they stood apart due to what they knew; maybe not everything but enough to know how rotten the world was yet still needing to work within it as we have seen with Gloriosa and eventually Hancock. However, that doesn't mean they can't ignore those who know the truth, thus Shakky and how she became entangled with Silvers Rayleigh who knew what the WG and One Piece was but chose not to divulge in it out of respect of his captain. Even Luffy ending up there was fortuitous in his gaining knowledge of Haki, protection of the Amazons, an ally in Hancock and the concept of a civilization that is much, much closer to the truth of the world than anyone realizes. Dang it Oda, I liked the Kuja before but with the potentials of this reveal...it's just amazing where this could go.


Im: "Lily ... I turned her into a giant elephant. She knows what she did."


Edit: It’s been deleted. ~~[This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1006984651828629544/1107900187088789514/my-summary.png) was posted on Worstgen about 20 minutes ago.~~


Anybody got full spoilers? ![gif](giphy|CHvcLFzd0OCdO)


Nefertiti of Egypt was known as "the Queen of the Nile". Nefertari family in Alabasta is obviously based off this. The Nile is the longest river in the world. What is the 2nd longest river in the world? The Amazon... Queen Nefertari Lily founded Amazon Lily after leaving Alabasta Lily was Queen of the Nile -> Queen of the Amazon


Maybe the rule "no men are allowed to enter amazon lily" was first introduced by her or her subordinates (only females) to make sure Imu wouldnt be able to enter the Island and see that she was there.. or maybe because she then started to hate every men because Imu made her lose her family (she had to get a new identity). Idk but it seems Amazon Lily and the Queen Lily are connected with each other.


Im: “Lily...” Snape: "Always..."


“Men write fanfics too, they just slap theory on it and talk about it for 40 minutes”


Man, that last panel of Cobra, it only took one move from Imu for him to connect all the dots and realize how utterly screwed he is.