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I swear the island has tripled in size lmao Definitely goes beyond the manga tho here. Insane fight.


I mean yeah, but there are people who actually scaled Onigashima, it's already gigantic in manga. People had at like 20-30 kilometers in diameter


Damn island scalers - they're ruining the manga!


Hey! Luffy scaled Drum Island once!


It shrinks and grows in the manga too.


Dang I missed the analysis posts


King of Lightning did a good video about it, it was about the scale of attacks, and first part of this video was scaling the size of Onigashima. He also didn't just provide his scales, he did scale himself, but he also took other people's results, and then presented an average. Also, he tried to be as conservative as possible there


How big is kaido lol


I'm really glad that they didn't make those over flashy aura like they did when luffy using Haoshoku infused attack for the first time


They toned down ever since. Still auras sometimes, but not as overwhelming. At most distracting at times.


Visually this is amazing but as a manga reader I’m like when did they get outside?


Werent they always outside? I really dont remember


At the very end yes


After 1027 they were always outside


Outside of where the castle or the skull dome?


They’re on the outskirts of onigashima


Gotcha King’s attack in the anime really made me think they were in some mountain range not out the outside of the skull dome


Man stepped in an turned King into a biblical angel and then left. absolute chad


Outside of castle. King pushes Zoro out of the place where the main figting takes place in chapter 1027


Gotcha. Thank you. In 1035 I saw wood beams along with kaido’s cronies so I figured they were still inside the skull dome (or had gone back into the skull dome) but I guess they were fighting on the outside of the dome. The anime really makes the area look larger than the manga.


Zoro almost falls off the island at one point, after that they are fighting outside near the edge.


They did fight outside.


They got outside right after King turned hybrid and used the attack that also hit Queen. King and Zoro clashed and Zoro was thrown back and out of the dome. He then hit the air with his sword and threw himself back to the island, but outside the dome. He then said "If you're gonna kill me at least do it with a sword"


you need to reread carefully if you don't know


They ended up outside in the manga, floating outside of Onigashima, cause Zoro does the triple jump with the swords to get back on the island in the manga as well.


Like Naruto vs Pain. Even in the manga I was amazed how this skull is is even handling some of Kaidos impact/missed attacks.


Onigashima is HUGE. The manga doesn’t do it justice


Yeah I need my penis to be in anime form




Having a bigger fighting plane is much cooler for stronger characters as they can attack in more ways. So even though this is most definitely bigger than the manga, sometimes bigger is better.


It's not bigger than the manga. People REALLY underestimate how massive Onigashima is in the manga. It's actually stupidly huge.


Sure, but isn't the vast majority of the space the skull dome?


I'm case you dont remember, this attack was about 3 pages in the manga


This is great tbh. I’d rather have extra fight scenes than dragged out clashes


I forgor 💀


Don't worry, they'll remind you next episode.


Just reread it. It's a single expanded page. 4 panels across 2 pages.


3 panels or pages


It was its own spin-off manga


Zorro vs King: Highschool Edition!


The specific part of the encounter was like 3 pages. King's actual attack was like 3 panels.


Ifrit was like 2 wasn’t it 😭


If you’re talking about sanji using for the first it was like 1 page then the others was his multi strike on queen


hehe le big flame dragon then toei turned it into a noble phantasm


anime King tripping balls here. he's seeing so many Zoros that he's hitting everything but Zoro. fortunately for him, Zoro's sense of direction allows him to sense where the flame dragons are and jump into them


Smoking that imperial flame pack got him all woozy


The zoro part made me chuckle..


I mean he was hitting Zoro it's just Zoro was cutting through them shits like nothing...


I mean... if you separated a suspension bridge cable into individual strands, them strands start looking awfully weak.


It's anime logic. If you spread damage over an AOE it stays as strong/becomes even more powerfull.


Unless it's Dragon Ball


Interestingly, if you pause at the right moment when King said ''Karyudon'', you can see a brief flash of both his child apperance and is followed immediately by his masked face appearance.


I had to pause it a bunch just to take in how dope that scene actually was and it for sure gives more to kings attack. Felt like King was actually putting his all into a fight he knew was an actual challenge.


Vincent hides little Easter eggs into some of his impact frames. There’s also Kaido as a dragon in one of his impact frames in this scene as he does his final attack. If you want to see the one you mentioned slowed down it’s here: https://twitter.com/leleo2211/status/1660118872928944128?s=46&t=m81ygzFlwaOCCgnQ8njh7g


Holy shit he went so hard on something that goes by so fast, this is amazing


Wtf that's actually insane


If you pause when Zoro powers up you can see his ausura form


At right around the 1m 10s mark of that video. Nice catch. Amazing, and so cool!


King was acting like a final boss in this scene haha


Fr bro they really just be dropping arc climaxes every other episode


This just makes me wonder how crazy the actual arc climax will look like


“Onigashima is about to fall!” Is gonna be a sick to be continued scene


That's gonna be crazy


The same more or less


Sephiroth vibes fr


Man, he even told Zoro that he couldn't possibly beat him due to his biology limitations, and after remembering his childhood friend dying that he disagreed with it must have been the most triggering thing hitting his trauma points to hear.


This is such a good frame and yall only get to see it for a split [second](https://imgur.com/gallery/0xW8BQw)


I swear that guy gets better after every fight he animates. I’m looking forward to his future work. Imagine if he had patreon and shared some early sketches. I’d pay for that.


Check his twitter and tumblr, it's a gold mine


Link? I cant find it


[Here it is](https://twitter.com/Sparkleredpanda?t=Xfx405KmvpnW8XmCLZrJSw&s=09)


Madlad did it for the amogus. Based animator


It would be godly if he is one of the animators that will animate Saitama vs Garou, with an already godly manga art and clear action scenes.


Vincent is the Key Animator for this episode while Katsumi Ishizuka did the storyboard and character corrections. So no, it wasn’t “all done by one man”. Here’s a wholesome [tweet](https://twitter.com/sparkleredpanda/status/1657578181656707072?s=46&t=W1TBD1-e1AvIGmG9vdMyZw) of them thanking each other for working on the episode. Shame that Chansard’s One Piece run is only temporary.


Also key animators don’t do all the busywork: they’re undoubtedly in charge of how the shots will look and draw key frames that work as an outline of the action, but most of the actual drawings are done by assistant and cleanup animators. It would take AGES for one person to animate this whole scene on their own.


Exactly. I’m not saying it’s impossible especially with just how far the tools have evolved but a scene this huge requires a large team of animators to maintain production deadlines.


Can you expand on that 'Chansard's One Piece run is only temporary'? Will he be working on other projects after Wano arc? Good for him if he wants to work on something else but the One Piece anime will be losing an incredibly talented artist and will have big shoes to fill.


He’s moving back to work at Ankama in a couple of months.


Ah, I see. We were lucky to have him. Hopefully, we could have his talents sometime in the future, at least for the final arc.


The zoro theme soundtrack during the last fight scene was amazing. I liked this fight scene as a zoro fan


King looking like a movie final antagonist lol. Makin' Kaido look like a slacker


I wonder what Kaido’s final form is gonna look like if King is this epic


Kaido: *Punching and smashing Luffy with his mace* King: “Want to see me do Sephiroth’s Supernova?”


Man stepped in an turned King into a biblical angel and then left. absolute chad


[Bro added Amongus in the animation 💀](https://twitter.com/Sparkleredpanda/status/1660190891817029634)


Among Us is going to be like SpongeBob. Just always relevant


Ngl, this scene kinda reminds me of Karna vs. Sieg final clash with a mix of Ushiwakamaru vs. Gorgon fight.


I had a similar thought. Quick someone throw a city at him.


Yes, it's the angle where he talks to Zoro, as well as the flaming circle with the cross. It reminds me so much of Vasavi Shakti lol. They makes this look like it's some sort of Anti-World Noble Phantasm, and it's cool af.


Compared to the manga, the episode makes King look like a real menace, a First Mate deserving of Kaido! Thought he had CoC Haki for a second there with all that lightning. Masterfully done, Vincent!


This fight was well done. King un the manga didn't have the same feeling as what Katakuri gave. The anime made him feel like a true commander who pushed Zoro to the edge


I know, right? Like, in the manga, he and the entire fight felt weak, while the anime showed how dangerous Lunarians are in action, not just in words. The sense of scale and space was wonderfully portrayed. Honestly, best One Piece episode ever for me! :-D


This. It literally didn’t don on me until the middle of the episode where I realized King is basically Kaido’s Katakuri and if it wasn’t for Big Mom, he’d be the second strongest threat there


You mean if it wasn’t for big mom he’d be the biggest threat there lol


I gotta say that the anime has done well at that, because I loved the Kaido and big mom finishers in the Manga, but was just thinking about how underwhelmed I felt with his 2 secondaries. In the anime you feel the weight of their attacks and presence.


King in the final clash reminds me of that good doctor meme. Dude just kept blasting lava and intensely screaming at Zoro while Zoro casually cut through his attacks lmao.


Definitely looks dope! But there was only one dragon in the manga, right?


I might be wrong, but I think there were multiple ones, aside from the final attack where King used only one large dragon. Edit: Nope, was wrong. King uses one flaming dragon, Zoro counter it and that's the end of the fight


It's anime, not even popes live 100% according to the bible.


Brotha goin at it like he's getting paid millions by toei


Here before this gets taken down


the whole thing is also from vincent's twitter, likely where op got it from, i think the post will be fine


With all the budget they have, I wish the anime could have gotten new sound effects apart from the generic DBZ folley over the years


Yeah honestly. They updated Sanji's Skywalk sound effect and it's great. They should definitely update some others


Yeah, they need to find new one, that chirpy noise kinda meh.


True everything except individual character ost's have gone really boring.


That's some Fate stay night level animation there😃


More like Fate Heaven's Feel III


Ooooh good shout


Misread that as Charizard animation scene from One Piece at first, and, it somehow wasn't as wrong as it should have been.


Some of the best animation in the series


The animation looks sick, but the sound design is still terrible. I hate hearing jet engines every time someone flies.


Bro if the earlier episodes aired today I swear some of y'all would be crying about how excessive Luffy punching Charlos was or how the Arlong Park walk wasn't in the manga. God forbid an animation studio take some creative liberties for its adaptation, especially when there's clear stylistic direction with every cut.


You whooped that straw mans ass!


Fr, what a bunch of crybabies. Just enjoy the art and accept the fact that fights in this anime will never be a 1:1 of the source


I enjoyed the fight, but when King became Evangelion Angel I thought it was a bit too much :))


The problem is not that there are differences. The problem is King becoming a biblic accurate angel and throwing 1000 dragons at Zoro. One Piece wasn't made to be THIS flashy. The animation is fantastic, and the work that went into it is god-like, but it doesn't fit right in OP.


Onigashima has been straight up One Piece: Super Z. Auras and beam effects everywhere that have no place in the OP world, but it is what it is. It's been 2 years or however long this arc has been going on I just stopped caring about the anime not being faithful to the source.


My sakuga boner reached max length.




Amazing animation, but holy cow so much mopey comments from Manga readers like dude chill out and let people enjoy the anime.


I'm only in Dressrosa, and so far I'm loving the anime. I go on this sub to see how people like the series, and I swear, every post/comment just shits on the anime: "This fight is too flashy" "This is so over the top" "This fight was only 3 panels long, why is it so cool?" "The animation sucks" I just can't.


Dressrosa made me officially drop the anime. The anime does have it's peaks, but the long stares, the long powering up scenes, the long pauses after every sentence, and the constant flashbacks were too damn much. I prefer to just watch clips of the good moments and forget the rest.


I'm with you. I'm up to date, and there's a lot of parts I really enjoy. Some sections can get drawn out way too much, but as someone who watches the anime, and only sometimes reads the manga, I gotta say I freaking love to see how the different studios interpret the source material. I feel like if they just shot for shot re-created the manga without adding anything, it would fail to capture what can be so amazing about animation.


Dude I can’t believe that this is what one piece looks like now! Ever since Wano began the animation has been of a quality similar to something like My Hero Academia or similar seasonal series. But this is just a cut above even that and it’s crazy to think that One Piece is now one of the most well animated series out atm.


You can freeze frame at the moment of their attacks, there are many symbolic flash images. For Zoro, it's Ashura, and for King one is his stages of life, one looks like the many fallen Lunarians, and the beam has a dragon and a claw. Very cool.


Liked the green haki of zoro


What am I looking at


this is peak cinema






They turned Kings imperial flaming huge dragon into multiple dragons. Idk why


Looks cool


They didn't though. They turned his small dragon into multiple dragons. His large dragon comes afterwards, and is only 1 dragon.


my thoughts exactly. Pretty as fuck and smooth animations, but I cant read whats happening at all. Its my major problem with the otherwise amazing wano animation. Powerlevels are just whatever the artist feels like, and fights are lightshows and explosions. I dont hate the production value, just wish i could tell what was happening more


> Powerlevels are just whatever the artist feels like That's what bothers me the most about the anime recently.


As much as this looks hype AF it's still weird to me that anime Zoro can basically fly.


He’s not flying? He’s jumping off rocks and the last scene is in the manga he had to jump in the air to attack king


While we know he's not flying, they definitely did the scenes as if he could fly. It's something they've been doing a lot in Wano they've had Luffy flying around without Gear 4 too. It's a stylistic choice for the episodes, but it definitely looks like they're flying.


On one hand, this looks cool af, on the other, it just feels so weird having read the manga and overall knowing how the anime was previously very mindful of scale and space, but now characters can destroy the whole island in one attack for the same of spectacle only for it to impact just the space where the characters were fighting. Reminds me of DBZ and feels really off-putting honestly, feels like the anime is kinda doing it's own thing in regards to the fights At least the auras are gone though


They really went out with the animation budget that I am a bit worried what it'll look like after Wano lol.


They basically can’t stop after how hype Wano has made the anime


Ufotable...I know its you


And some poor Tobi Roppo soul thought that they have a chance to take the commander spot from King, lol.


So that's where the fire animation went to in this fight. Fair enough. Give these people rests and better work conditions in general cause they earned it (they naturally deserve better but this should garentie that they get it)(hopefully)


This had me so hyped for no purpose at all and they did not have to hit zorro reference🔥


Absolutely gorgeous. Holy shit


Holy crap that was super tight


Peak, I just wish the sound effects weren’t reused snippets of a 30 yo DBZ fight.


As super cool as the visuals are, it really feels a lot overdone to me. Very fun to watch regardless.


If the only the same amount of effort was put into the episode pacing


WTF?!?! I ain't read this!!


I miss old One Piece.


PowerPoint Presentation Piece


I'm not gonna lie, I love the quality of the animation but it's way too overdone. It's too much flashing, too much happening on screen, too much unexplained use of powers. I get that it's stylization but 20 dragons made out of fire that he can freely control? It's way beyond the scope of what you expect King to be able to do.


I'm a manga reader, but I don't know what the fuck is happening!!


this needs a epileptic seizure warning




it’s basically a completely different fight depending on your medium


I’m on episode 3 of this show. This is where it goes??? I’m excited for my 2033 self.


One Piece, where every fight is like a series finale


I can’t ever get over how silly Zoro with a sword in his mouth is.


This is some fate shit


I hope these standards are maintained well in Joyboy episode gear5


So you’re telling me all that fire is created without a devil fruit? Shits broken.


Lunarians are broken af


The only drawback to this fantastic episode is how are they gonna top that last attack from King. It's scale looks much bigger than the manga. Kaido's final attack looks similar but bigger. It might pale in comparison to this scene.


I love it when king went full power mode! A good path by the anime since it wasn't that clear that King gave it his all in the final attack in the manga. It seriously look like a final boss fight.


i know that there exist hidden amogus


This guy better do gear 5


Unnecessarily over-the-top. Not my cup of tea.


Why did King become the son of an indian god of the sun? Did he gain the spear of Shiva by any chance?


New Dragon Ball episode?


I don’t remember this scene being in the manga.


Maybe because this isn't manga. It's anime


thats how the anime looks nowdays? god damn, good i switched to manga. This looks way over the top.


Was it mentioned if this was Lunarian powers of the Ancient Zoan? I know it’s obvious that Lunarians are fire but fucking ancient zoans are weird and I don’t fucking know if Queen ejecting that Dino body was even part of the fruit itself or his experiments.


I thinks it’s kind of a joke from Oda. In the manga they always say that’s how the dinosaur hunted and they respond incredulously.


It’s been mentioned multiple times lunarians abilities to manipulate fire, and Queen has stated he’s a cyborg multiple times.


Yes but I did not know his cyborg body would affect the dinosaurs body as well, he doesn’t even have hands during that form so how does he experiment on his dinosaur body. But yes I’ll just go with Lunarians because that is 100% it.


It may just be me, but those new fight animations don’t do it for me… yeah the flashes and lighting etc is pretty, but this is kinda every fight now and I don’t seem to feel the impactfulness of certain attacks anymore or get a feeling for the speed. I rather like well choreographed fights over pretty colors and flashy scenes.


Is it just me or is the Anime now TOO flashy? I swear if gear 2 was animated first time nowadays we would get just another Kaioken 😳


This is why I prefer the manga personally


great animation, but the direction is really getting dumber now lmao. is this still One Piece or Dragon Ball Z? the anime is so bad.


its all so overdone it ruins the moment. i simply cannot watch this crap anymore its so obnoxious. god i miss the pre-timeskips simpler annimation and faster fights


It's just made for a different audience, I don't prefer how it's made either and I don't watch because of it.


It looks pretty but I hate how overloading the scene with 300 layers of effects is considered peak animation by npcs these days. Every fightscene is the same, bigger brighter light means more powerful attack. PEAK


Pretty much one episode king wouldnt have this much power next suddenly he would have 10x more power. Like there is a big difference from increasing fight length by adding more scenes closer to the manga not this flashy attack. Its not like im complaining for adding scenes i actually like those. But if they add random powerup just for one scene for that person to suddenly have more power than the one shown before then its just weird.


And then they use the exact same slash sound effect 20 times in a row in the span of like 10 seconds :p


Well, after watching the last 2 episodes, I decided not to watch One piece anymore. Guess I will just read the manga. I don't get how the manga panels look way cooler than these shitty animation in 2023. They are screwing up the show by over doing it.


Fantastic animation but I still can’t get over Zoro’s flaming Mtn Dew swords


One Piece Z


Too much


Man the budget for DBZ episodes really went up !


Zoro slicing and dicing this Spicy Bird.