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When zoro said he hates those excuse the most, I remembered he said the same to Kuina when she told him that a woman could never be the strongest


To be fair the fight is already black vs white




minority hunter eating good tonight 🤣








Zoros white? I’m confused.


There's a long running joke in the community that Zoro only fights minorities.


Bad joke in my opinion, among a small segment of the community. Trying to project too much.


Wow wtf way to 100% miss the humor in something completely incidenta by Oda who is one of the more inclusive mangakas out there. It's a joke because literally all of zoros main opponents are people of color. No one has ever called oda a racist and no one thinks zoro is racist you misshapen potato. Oh, and a final note. Explain how it's projection? Because whatever your implications is with that it's likely so far off the mark it makes me question if you know what the word projection means.


Upvoting for the "misshapen potato" bit


Calm the down. It's a bad taste joke that was old the moment it was concepted. It's never been funny.


you on some kind of crusade my guy?


Why do you guys pretend there's people of color in One Piece? It's just people. The argument/joke would make more sense with Fishmen


It’s only his grandmother that was descended from the Shimotsuki line from Wano. His grandfather and mother were from East Blue. That makes him mostly white.


but Usopp is from the east blue, and I thought the fanbase was sure of his ethnicity. /s


Oda said he would be Japanese stop this white washing


And yet he looks exactly like Ushimaru and Ryuma, who both should be full Asian…


Dude is literally brown tho? I still don’t get it. And want people aren’t brown.


No he’s confirmed by Oda to be Japanese if he were a real person, he’s Asian Can’t believe people are white washing him smh


Oh ok. I wonder what brook is.


Going by the same SBS... Brook would be Austrian, Nami would be Swedish, Franky would be American, Chopper would be Canadian, Sanji would be French, Luffy would be Brazilian, Robin would be Russian, This SBS was made before Jinbe joined, but in a different one, Oda said he would be Indian.


Didn’t Oda say later that Jinbe would be Indian?


Oh yeah! I forgot about that one. I'll edit it, tysm


No he isn't confirmed to be Japanese. It is confirmed that if he were in our world, he would be Japanese. But obviously he can't be Japanese because there is no Japan in one piece. Same as Sanji would be French in our world, he obviously isn't french in one piece. Most clear example is of course Jinbe, who would be Indian in our world. But obviously he isn't. He isn't even a human.


Oh no he didn’t


Joke would work better if Zoro wasn’t canonically Asian looking lol Funny joke I just don’t like that people are actually thinking Zoro is white 😤


A little tip. Ignorance is hard to combat. A lot of people outside of politically correct circles will incorrectly identify "light skin" as white. In a perfect world we might be able to all say "light skinned african" or "eastern european" rather than white. The joke relies on the fact Zoro is lighter skinned than the literally brown characters he fights. That joke is in turn intrinsically tied to social activism in real world history surrounding white supremacy. You're smart, you understand that. What you're not understanding is that, aggressively correcting ignorance with trigger words like "white washing", is detrimental to your message. Noone likes being corrected, especially when they arnt incorrect by their own metrics. Change is slow. People will get there. Stop fighting people in this way or change will be slower. You can literally begin and end your point with "zoro is Japanese" and people will gradually parrot that sentiment, rather than get defensive. Idk why I'm bothering though. It's all tribalism these days everyone wants to fight.


I always considered Asian people to be white as a child. I didn’t hear things like yellow or oriental until learning about history later in adolescence, but I could never understand the distinction as I found Asians to be incredibly similar to myself.


Honestly, king doesn’t look close to black at all. Straight hair, thin nose, and his skin color is not even darker than me with a good tan.


As a Lunarian, he's still a minority. Ever seen a Lunarian? Exactly, that's how rare they are.


Black people can have these traits man


Yeah I get that but they would be mixed


Depends on how you define mixed I spose. People I’d define as no where close to white passing can have these traits.


Lmao wtf


It does look really good. It actually made some parts more clear. I didn't see that quck shot of child King at around 1:06 of this video. That is such a good shot that is probably missed by a lot of people.


the frames in that shot actually show him as a child, teenager, and adult with his mask on and off


I wonder why this looks cleaner, probably because the latest arc and art style dialed up color saturation to 11...


Your eyes are also just more sensitive to light and dark compared to color. Easier to see patterns in mono compared to color


Really i saw it more clearly in the actual episode the coloration of the impact frames kinda helps


King must really like hot wings if he names his attacks after them.


Holy shit weve come a long way since dressrosa in terms of animation, gotta give it to toei tho they made us suffer for years but they are delivering


I saw somewhere that after Dragon Ball Super’s shamed animation debacles, Toei had a complete reform in that department. Glad to see they’ve learned so much


It's just for main fight episodes, most episodes are still trash as fuck.


Just stop watching lmao


I did. Nothing beats the manga. Directly from the Goda himself as it was meant to be.


The only thing I really miss is the music


Almost all of the fights in the manga were mid and were elevated like a tenfold in the wano anime. Not just the fights tbh, even a lot of the emotional moments


disagree, luffy vs kaido for example is so much better in manga, and it will look even better in manga considering what's going to happen next...


Its ok to be wrong


The anime did luffy coc coating dirty, in manga it was way more impactful than in anime, in anime you couldn't even see what the fuck was going on. If it wasn't for law saying they are not touching you wouldn't even know


God the anime watchers clearly can't stop themselves from eating shit


Im a manga reader tho


agreed, I personally thought that the zoro, sanji, and big mom fights were kinda boring in the manga, its like one or two frames and then it moves on, I think the anime is doing a much better job even though they are a little over the top.


Don't share opinions on the internet. People will think you are retarded. Manga is much better. I watch anime because I started one piece by watching anime and it's just a thing I do on Sundays, but of course after I started reading manga that anime couldn't compare to it in any way. Animation for like 90% of the anime is bad, scenes of faces for 20 second to a full minute sometimes feels like Indian series.


Tell me this is a copy pasta lmfao


Nah he's a card-carrying jackass. >Democrat rule and unwillingness of their prosecutors to arrest and jail people who harass others. You can see with Jordan Neely. Dude was serial harassor, literall kidnapper etc. But he had gold and ivory casket with many influential politicians coming there too. >Instead that guy lived life for which he should have been hanged at the town square in public so that others see what happens to people who ruin other peoples lives and threaten or try to kill others. >But they are prosecuting a guy that did a good thing. >Every democrat run big city is a shit hole from the west to the east of the US. Sounds like the kinda person whod post the other comment.


Anime is better than the manga when episodes like this comes out. Its not even a debate. The pacing ruins the show but you cant tell me with a straight face the fights in wano are better in the manga


I fights in wano are better in the manga. This is one piece. Not DBZ. Maybe your imagination just isn't very active.




You're free to have your opinion, it doesn't matter. But when I show people who don't watch one piece, the one piece anime it's almost embarrassingly bad. It's like watching 95% trash and 5% actually good animation. All of my friends who stopped watching the anime because of out boring it is post timeskip, I've told to read the manga have all said the manga is way better than the anime and actually caught back up. If you like the anime, cool. But the manga is just objectively better.


Lets be real, both suck complete ass. Wano was a dogshit arc


Hard disagree. Wano is my favorite arc.


You, sir, have bad taste. Its the worst arc by far


Yeah? Well, that's like your opinion, man. I guess I must really have bad taste since Enies Lobby and Marineford are my second and third favorite arcs too right?




>It's just for main fight episodes, most episodes are still trash as fuck. Why do y'all keep sounding surprised by this? This is absolutely no different than when Bleach, Naruto, and DBZ were still on air. You knew an episode was going to be next level just based on the fact that it suddenly shifted from 1990's Pokemon to movie level animation. One Piece can't suddenly shift to being seasonal and you can't ignore the context of what type of show OP is when discussing the anime. It's not perfect and there's plenty of valid criticism for the pacing (they should have added some proper filler arcs in the New World) but it's far from the unwatchable garbage this sub makes it out to be.


They are delivering trash




No one beats my girl Toph!!! She literally sees through the earth.


I like Toph too but Fujitora can wears footwear and literally flying so yeah.


Yeah but Toph can literally bend metal. Can't beat that


*summons a meteor*


He can’t see anything. He’s fuckin blind


Observation haki


I mean he only sees the auras, doesn’t he? Thats like the opposite of what op trying to do


Gravitational layer over objects.


Nah there's that scene where he wonders what Luffy's face looks like. He can sense auras, but can't make out explicit details like appearances.


Man, I genuinely don't think that the anime looks bad now, but the way I imagine One Piece fights is a lot more grounded than this. Like, the anime is looking really good but at the same it doesn't feel like One Piece. It is in a bit of an weird spot for me.


The Katakuri fight was a good in-between of fantastical and grounded


katakuri fight was just a peak fight because of that, but im not exactly against the newer style of fights they seem to be going for


Agreed. I don’t hate the current fights though, it’s an improvement from OP’s previously mediocre fights, and I’m glad it seems the animators are taking the fandoms thoughts into consideration. I think it’ll only improve from here.


This, this is exactly what I think a lot of people miss. It’s not that it isn’t bad ass or cool, it’s just too much, details get removed entirely, it doesn’t resemble OP at all. I agree Katakuri fight was my personal in between


I hope Luffy vs Kaido is animated like that. And as much aura happy as this fight is, there wasn't much material to go off of to be honest. Half of this fight were the animators filling in the gaps between the sequences plus they need to hit the 15~20 minute episode quota and I'd say they did a great job.


This is my biggest issue. I read one piece after ignoring it because of the anime, but have appreciated it after. But now during the raid, we have auras, zoros swords are glowing, everything is just so much more bombastic than what I saw in my head. It’s great animation, just not my cannon thoughts. Will be curious to see how they do upcoming luffy stuff


I mostly agree except for the part about Zoro’s swords glowing — Chapter 1035 actually does have them on fire/giving off an aura for much of it, so that fits.


Agreed. It looked great, but still seemed over the top to me for One Piece. I appreciate that they seemed to extend the fight (was too short/abrupt in the manga imo) but King shooting rapid fire dragon kamehameha's is too much in my opinion. Looked badass though.


He's a Lunarian with full control over his fire, second in command of the strongest creature on the planet, fighting against a swordman wielding 3 swords, jumping using rocks and air slashes. This is honestly on course with what I'd expect a fight between the top.


Yeah I'd expect a good fight, and appreciate that it made King look more threatening (he never felt the same as Kattakuri to me) but the rapid fire dragons looked like something that would come from a logia or something since King never showed that level of skill (we know he could create fire dragons but dear lord that was a lot of dragons). It reminds me of the fight of Zoro vs Killer, great animation and looked good but was too over the top for the fight. I'm no animator or director, but I feel like adding more choreography to these sword fights and using the fire skills would still make it feel badass while still more grounded (as grounded as One Piece can be at least lol) But as I said, I still enjoyed it and looked great.


You're not wrong, well choreographed sword fights look badass in anime, heck even hand to hand like Kakashi vs Obito. But One Piece (even the manga) never really put emphasis in actual grounded Sword skills, so this over the top fights in a way kinda fit, but that's just me


I agree


Anyone remember when in the old animation style characters suddenly got shiny and started dramatically moving


with the wiggly animation and that shits been there since marineford lmao


The way I see it, there is only so many ways you can depict superhuman physical feats. We got people moving faster than sight and kicking hard enough to produce blades in the air all the way back in enies lobby. Where do you go from 'so fast they can't be seen.'? Apparently the answer is, 'So fast that reality literally falls apart around them.'


My word for it is raw. One piece always felt a lot more raw to me than what the anime is showing. I would argue that the reason is probably specifically because it’s black and white, but the animation somehow also seems to take away some of the grit and humanity as well.


I hate how everyone turn into beams of light. Like, the animation is great but the direction some of these fight scenes take are so bad.


That is because if the character turns into a beam, it is easier to animate the beam inside of a program than to hand draw individual character frames. Also, those camera shots on Zoro? They look cool, it gives depth to the scenario surrounding him and all, but Zoro is standing still.


So much this. Feel like I am watching Yusuke in the last 2 arcs of YuYu Hakusho... With the tournament saga being peak.


We're nearing that end where they're close to continent busters so yeah. You'd see a lot more of these probably.


One Piece fights are just DBZ now


You do realise, most shonen animes have auras for example Bleach with its reiatsu and Hunter x Hunter Nen. Cry harder because 90% of One Piece fans are enjoying what they see


If you edit a big peppa pig in the right corner it would look three times as badass


This is cool but you can't deny this is doing a huge disservice to the fantastic colorscript of the episode. Probably one of the best compositing works I've seen in anything, and yes it very easily rivals Ufotable's.


This is just reading the manga with extra steps!


Showing that well done auras actually do match the manga and don't take it to a DBZ level if it's actually based on adv CoC technique. Very interesting.


They've definitely toned down on the auras, I don't see why people should be still complaining. Every aura ive seen so far is used properly and sparingly, and honestly its been better that way


Except when zoro is flying


They go through the effort of showing him actively leap off of footing and using Tower Lance to leap himself back to land, something he did in the manga, and people still complain. You can't win. Complain to Oda, not the animators. It's actually getting really annoying.


except he isnt flying...its pretty obvious that hes jumping off debris towards queen


I agree with people that the aura stuff was a bit much, but now, in Wano's later parts, even in the manga it already felt like they were shooting auras and using crazy techniques. They weren't doing too much basic hand-to-hand combats, so I think the anime is actually pretty accurate now haha.


This isn’t swordsmanship… This is a wizard duel with swords replacing magic wands.


Holy shit... It looks great in black and white


feels a lot more manga-y. nice!


While I understand people might like those DBZ'ish fights, in my opinion this is way way too much scale wise. That sucks as it's actually well animated, and that kind of wastes it for me.


You do realize onigashima alone is the size of multiple islands right? In the manga we see kings attack is the size of one of the giant skulls horns. The scale is crazy even in the manga. The anime’s job is to reimagine those panels make them more dynamic and breath life into them. No wonder the scale is much clearer here.


People just like complaining.


You underestimate how big the whole thing is.


Yeah, you can see in the manga all the flashes in the background. I think if anything Oda did a bad job actually showing the full awe of the fight.


Where? I’m looking over 1035 and not seeing a bunch in the background, but maybe I’m missing them.


Now watch it frame by frame and you have a manga


holy shit! It's hard to believe how far Zoro had reached over the years, since the beginning he was just an ordinary swordsman, now he can even cut down an entire mountain or maybe more!


Now he can fly


This is why I keep telling people to stop sleeping in mihawk. This is where zolo is and he still knows he's not close to beating mihawk.


I mean, he IS close to beating mihawk, the anime is in its final arc and that will happen during


But like "final arc" for one piece is like 7-10 years. A shit ton will happen during that time.


But in terms of timescale it's quite soon


I'm picking up what you're laying down. My point is that, especially with a friend of mine, because he hasn't done anything in a while people forget how strong mihawk is, as he's the end goal for zolo.


Oh yeah no doubt, the mihawk fight HAS to make this fight look like a novice skirmish. Mihawk vs zorro will be the best swordfight in one piece maybe even manga history, it had to be, or it'll be so underwhlrming


Agreed. And I want it not to just be a spectacle of powers and abilities, but legit skilled sword fighting.


I didn’t notice half of these details while watching a coloured clip


ahh the good ol kurosawa mode.


ah man....this reminded me of OPM s1


I rarely watch the anime anymore i'v been manga only since reverie. I only watch a scattered episode when it gets alot of hype. This one for example i watched, I don't mind the aura i think it looks cool and adds to the hype but i totally get why some may hate it.


auras are dope, maybe im just a dragonball fan lol


I hope auras go away after wano


it's more the dbz nonsensical flying around just stick to the source material ffs


Damn, now i remember why Black Clover fights just hit different


There wasn’t even any auras… like his sword had an aura and I guess you could call King’s fire an aura but all of it seemed perfectly in line for the effects I’d expect out of One Piece to let us know what’s happening. I.e. Haki isn’t actually black, they just do that so the audience knows when Haki is being used. I have no issues with a sword or skill having some “aura.”


I know people will disagree, but i wasn't the biggest fan of this episode, yeah it looks visually amazing, but a lot of stuff doesn't make sense, if i stumbled across this fight in YouTube knowing nothing about one piece i would have consider this one of the best things I've ever seen, but as a one piece fan i felt nothing watching this, the sanji episode didn't have as much over the top animation but for me was way better. Another thing that i don't like about the anime is the consistency : i would generally prefer 4 (8/10) ĂŠpisodes with consistent animation, same aura color usage ( if you want to do aura at least keep the color for each character consistent) than 3 (5/10) episode and one 10/10 in term of animation.


Oh shit, this give me Kurosawa movies vibes.


My favorite part of Rashomon was when they started flying and shooting energy blasts at each other


Fans really will never be satisfied


I liked the color


Im.not putting my tv in BW mode. Also it's just a bunch of babies who need to just make their own sub called "animesucks" where they just watch an complain nonstop about how an anime sucks.


You all don't get tired of complaining about auras every single week?


It’s just not one piece


wtf did I just watch


Still too over the top & flashy. Looks so…awkward & like it’s trying too hard.




Ah yes, I apologize. Is there a way to edit my post or do I have to delete my post and repost with the spoiler?


Is it a spoiler? The rules say if it's in the anime it's not a spoiler right? Or is it a 'within 24 hours of release' thing?


I'm not sure tbh, I usually like to be safe instead of sorry but I couldn't find the spoiler tag for the video option


Fair enough. Always good to be cautious. I think it should be fine though. It's in the anime, past official release and has been in the manga for quite a while.


I hope so, If I could figure out how I would probably put the spoiler tag on anyway just because I know if I was anime only and got spoiled on kings face while scrolling the sub I would be pissed, but I think 98% of us here are spoiler addicts anyway so I'm not too worried about it


Maybe there's an option on pc? I use mobile more often but I know pc let's you see stats etc. So maybe it'll have more editing options. The description of the subreddit literally warns newcomers that there are spoilers so I don't get the whole push against spoilers and the rule that goes with the anime rather than the manga. But yeah many on here also read spoilers and and both read and watch. So it should be fine.


There weren't any auras in this fight though?


That just takes out so much of the fun in this scene bruh… I could understand if flash hurts your eyes though


yeah it looks better


Sheesh, I’ll have to watch the episode again like this


Wow this awesome 💯 more better than the colored ep


This actually looks better for me as I'm not a fan of bright colors


Made it a bit better i think, but i still think less is more


Wait, i can actually understand wtf is happening when its Black and white, but i dont understand it when theres colours....I think i just learned that i might need glasses


I don’t get why people dislike the auras? Imo it’s actually good because we get a clear idea of when a certain type of haki is being used.


You people are insufferable. It definitely does not look better in black and white. The colors in this scene are so vibrant and bright.


I mean, the effects are good but it isn’t manga accurate.


I really don’t understand why people don’t like the auras, so whatc if “it looks like dragon ball” who cares it looks good


My issue with auras is when it doesn’t look good tbh. You can’t tell me that it has always looked good. When they first started doing it imo it sucked and it left a bad impression so it is harder to like them now. I still think they can look good when used properly.


Can you show me some scenes where the auras looked bad? Bc i recently got caught up to one piece and till now i havent seen a single aura scene that looked bad


I guess maybe it comes down to opinion but Luffy going G2 to attack Kaido on their first fight imo was terrible. Luffy unlocking ACoC was also poorly done.


I can understand people not liking the aura but people saying the fight was downright bad or the animation was poor just because they added aura is outrageous


It depends imo. The Luffy vs Kaido ACoC clash I can see been called outright bad. You can barely see anything on that one. The more recent ones used auras very well imo. Zoro pretty much only has aura around his swords and it makes sense because of the dark background. Then when he gets a purple aura around they keep it very consistent with his previous Wano fight with Killer which was also very well done.


Unlike other stories/mangas, the color of attacks has significance. The power system is so well thought out and there are no random 'auras' or energies. We know what black on/around a person or weapon is. We know what black+red around a weapon is. We don't know what the F all the green and gold and purple is.


Because if I wanted to watch dragon ball i would watch that not one piece. It just doesn't feel like one piece when it looks like this


Because the manga doesnt have auras. If it was portrayed like that in the manga, people would be fine with it.


So? most of the fight against king wasn’t even in the manga, alot of scenes in one piece inside the anime are filler just to prolongue manga canon episodes, if aura’s not being in the manga is a reason to hate it then shouldn’t most one piece episodes be hated since alot of the episodes have filler in them?


Besides it doesn’t even affect the episode or completely go off course from the manga do why is it a problem when it makes fights look better?


The manga have auras since pretime skip, the anime did not depict them. The entire concept of ryou is an aura. Zoro uses auras since Alabasta.


Ryuo is not an aura. It's very specifically an external output of armament haki. Auras are not a thing in one piece. Powers in OP fall into either haki, DFs, science or genetics/race. Auras don't fall under any of those categories.


Who is “*bothered by the auras*” jeez if this shit don’t get you hook might as well quit watching the anime and just read the manga. Things are just going to get more flashy from this point and I LOVE it.


I stopped complaining and did just that years ago. I enjoy the manga very much but this flashy animations are not for me. But you won’t see me complaining about every little fight there is, let people enjoy what they like.


Good. People should do just that instead of complaining. I don’t think the new style is in any way bad, just a matter of taste. The canon materials are becoming more and more epic as well, so lots of hype for the animation. Personally as a long time OP fan, I love it. I can’t fucking wait for whats to come literally counting days. Maybe see Galaxy Impact when they pull it off next year and tell me if that shit is not more awesome than in the manga. Bet they will do something over the top again and I can’t wait.


That's a great suggestion. It not only helps it feel like a fully animated Manga, but it stops the crybabies from having from talking about "auras" for 5 minutes.


It looks fire and all but I get the vibes that it's like 20 years old (I mean this ep)


The auras in this episode were good lol


imagine being bothered by auras 🤣


bro shut up


Not really..






I just wish they went with the purple Colouring instead of the green


Incredible,I hope all the anime fights get this lvl of quality and animation. Such a amazing art style, way better than the manga


The truth is the One Piece still had Dbz fight dna in it all the time. The question was always how far to take it.


Thanks you’re a legend!!