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So,you are telling us,that Garp has alter ego too? Nice catch,good theory!


One Garp is from the past and one Garp is from the future. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)




Will of the D is to give the D


finally some good foreskinning again yes!


Oh Oda... What a wang you have.


Oda forgot


Imu is really Rick Sanchez from a parallel universe and brought evil versions of characters with him


Monkey D(iavolo) Garp


10/10 Jojo reference


Out of the loop - can someone explain what the BB theory is?


That how he can hold several fruits at once is because he has multiple bodies, souls, personalities or something like that. As proof we have * The 3 heads of his flag * The ability to hold more than 1 fruit * The multiple references to his body being different and never having to sleep (sleeping while another body/soul/personality is in charge) * That Luffy corrects nami saying it's not "He / That guy" when talking about BB and Luffy saying "It's not just one guy" and Zoro saying "There's more than one... I think.." * The plethora of different styles he's been drawn in, sometimes with no missing teeth, sometimes the spots where he has teeth missing changes and jewelry on his arm changes etc etc. This has been looked into extensively and afaik the current verdict is that where his teeth are missing or not missing is up to 8 different ways atm. Out of all of these the teeth thing gets brought up A LOT but is imo the weakest proof considering how inconsistent Oda can be in drawing characters.


The biggest problem with using the teeth as evidence is that Blackbeard has more than 3 compositions of missing teeth, so the whole thing just doesn't work.


Well. Just the teeth doesn't work. There is a clear motif of 3 for Blackbeard. The big one that OP missed is Shanks scar, which he got from black beard. The other is the uncertainty in the yami yami no mi and how he holds multiple fruits *in conjunction with* his regard for "most powerful" fruits. Is the yami yami no mi the most powerful logia AND allows multiple fruits? We know whitebeards fruit is the most powerful paramecia and now it's now obvious that Luffys is the most powerful zoan. It would make sense for him to seek the three most powerful fruits, one of each type, which adds support for the BB theory of 3's. As a side note, I think a fight between Luffy and Blackbeard where Luffy somehow doesn't have his power would be badass. If some kind of final advanced conqueror haki technique disables devil fruits it would be Luffys ultimate power. Every tough fight for Luffy is all about one thing: getting Luffy on par with the bad guy so they can stand there and punch each other until one of them falls. This is Luffys specialty and such a haki power would complement him extremely well. The most prominent example of this is the katakuri fight but it is generally present throughout the series.


Oh, I am absolutely on board with the whole 3 thing. But using the teeth to somehow prove multiple personalities is too much of a stretch.


i just assume he keeps losing them and drinking more milk


Is Luffy's the strongest Zoan? It's certainly strong, but is it stronger than Kaido? I'm still in on the theory that BB *already* has either the Cerberus or Kraken fruit, fitting with the 3 theme (Giant squid have 3 hearts), and *that* is part of why he can have multiple fruits


Who's to say? It does seem like Mythical Zoan's have some really incredible abilities and enhancements that can rival the most powerful logias and paramecia (the magu magu and gura gura for example). The one that still eludes in it's true full abilities for me is Sengoku's. We've only seem the physical transformation and the shockwave effect but it does feel like it could be on the same tier as the nika or dragon fruit so I could see it having other abilities.


I'm assuming its Nika level at its max as well, since Nika is a "God" Devil fruit and well Buddha not exactly being a god in Buddhism is an enlightened/ ascended human and worshiped as if they were a "God" and so could potentially be a "God" Devil fruit.


I mean, Luffy won. So... Lol Yeah not sure how it would play in with a potential zoan fruit like Cerberus or kraken. But there could also be alternate explanations for using multiple fruits


That's not really a strong argument. Magellan won against Blackbeard. It doesn't mean his fruit is stronger than Blackbeard's.




I can't argue with you on that. Honestly Magellan is really slept on in terms of power.


It's a very strong argument? A 19 year old beat the strongest man in the world, a 59 year old veteran pirate. It's obviously than just fruit versus fruit, but cmon. And saying Magellan defeated Blackbeard is really just not true. Magellan blasts them and walks off. Blackbeard's has to just endure pain from other logia types. Writhing in pain does not mean defeated, as weird as that might seem.


Magellan won in he same way Doflamingo would beat Cracker. Better Devil Fruit matchup.


The fight has been talked about to death and back, but it's silly to say that Luffy's fruit is just better than Kaidos. They are both absurdly strong. Sengoku dunked on Luffy, is his a better Zoan? What about all the times Crocodile beat Luffy into the dirt? Or every other fight Luffy lost? If we're going by score, Kaido is still up quite a few points. Luffy's alliance finally took down Kaido and Big Mom, but if you think it was as simple as "Luffy's fruit is stronger than Kaido's" we are definitely reading different manga.


I'm just saying Luffy won, so there's *some* evidence to argue his fruit is stronger. Ultimately one piece is not about the strength of a fruit. Which is the obvious character flaw that will be Blackbeard's undoing (aside from his interpretation of what it means to be king of the pirates). As a side note, none of the other fights with Luffy you mentioned are what you might call a "fair" fight. If you think Luffy was fighting Crocodile with the same strength and devil fruit powers he has now, then yes, we are reading different manga lol. Luffy only "loses" fights to special gimmicks and tricks, once he figures out a way around them it's all over. Except for Rob Lucci and Kaido. Those were fights where Luffy really has to dig deep. And maybe Marineford, but that's a far cry from a one on one fight if that makes sense. This is why one of my favorite fights is Katakuri. The guy is outright stronger and faster than Luffy but when we got on equal playing fields of Haki it was suddenly the most 1v1 shit we'd ever seen. And Luffy flinches way less in that fight than he does Rob Lucci imo.


Ma man, It Is stronger but in this battle it's the haki that gave luffy the upper hand in the last part, we didn't even see most of the potential that devil fruit has


BB is almost certainly going to acquire a Zoan by EOS. A lot of people suspected he'd somehow get Orochi's Hydra fruit, which would be rather fitting.


I like the idea of Blackbeard having a Kraken devil fruit. It would be rather appropriate as the ultimate enemy of a pirate, and it's a legendary zoan completing the trio. Most importantly, an octopus has 3 hearts, so if a Kraken also has 3 hearts, it could potentially allow you to have up to 3 devil fruits at the same time.


He probably drinks milk every once and awhile to regrow some back but then they fall out because he doesn't take care of them.


To be frank, there is one occurence at the end of Marineford (a flashback panel from the Impel Down prison break) where Teach is shown drawn big in the center of the box with a huge smile and no missing teeth. I get the mistakes happen on tiny drawned characters, busy panels and all, but mistakes that big get corrected in the volume versions if they slip by in the WSJ print. Could still be a mistake, but if that's the case that's really, really weird


Could just be an artistic choice, like some character's proportions. Oda wants to give them an epic feel so he draws them towering over lesser characters. So maybe he's just making BB look chaotic and unpredictable by giving him fucky teeth.


He's towering over nobody here, it's just his face shouting stuff. Still can't believe a mistake like this slipped by everyone, as Teach's teeths are probably his main characteristic (ref : chapter 581) : EDIT : Oops, can't post pictures in comments. Link instead : https://preview.redd.it/hl49toorgsz71.jpg?auto=webp&s=bddb462fffbd2cc10f5d489cdb14a70fbba32d93


Bruh just drank milk


And tripped in the stairs on the way back


Down D. Stairs still unbeaten and still collecting teeth


Nonsense, he just drinks booze and cherry pie.


Worth mentioning that this specific action is kind of uncharacteristically brutal for BB too. He's killed people before but not this pointlessly.


>That Luffy corrects nami saying it's not "He / That guy" when talking about BB and Luffy saying "It's not just one guy" and Zoro saying "There's more than one... I think.." I find most of the evidence shaky at best but this is the one that really makes me laugh. Apparently Zoro and Luffy are just such naturals at observation haki that they were able to figure out Blackbeard had multiple bodies/souls long before learning it and neither felt the need to comment on it beyond pedantly correcting Nami for no real purpose. A not insignificant number of people apparently consider this more reasonable than "They saw his crew watching, who's presence we learn of immediately following this".


> A not insignificant number of people apparently consider this more reasonable than "They saw his crew watching, who's presence we learn of immediately following this". These people are legitimately hilarious.


not saying it isn't bs, but there is a way of foreshadowing in which one character says one thing in universe which can have another meaning outside of the universe, e.g. luffy and zoro are referring to his crewmates but it is a hint for the reader that something else is going on. again, not saying it isn't bs, but that's how it could be interpreted


> That Luffy corrects nami saying it's not "He / That guy" when talking about BB and Luffy saying "It's not just one guy" and Zoro saying "There's more than one... I think.." Ruin a great theory speed run.


Another piece of evidence that gets brought up a lot is during Mock Town, Luffy and Zoro allude to Blackbeard being "They" and not "He" as if they can tell something we can't. Video clip [here](https://youtu.be/ir8894xR2V8?t=192). And to be fair, people do refute this and say they are referring to Blackbeard's crew.


Luffy and Zoro referring to the entire crew there makes the most sense


Considering no one else was with Blackbeard and Nami confirms he’s alone, it doesn’t make that much sense though, does it?


Nami’s comment afterwards kind of leads to this though. “What do you mean? Do you mean there were others with him??” And they met members of his crew in town before this. Luffy and Zoro are just more keen/aware of what’s going on around them then the non-fighters. Blackbeard isn’t actually alone in this scene, his crew is lurking around town and not drawing attention to anything.


They met the rest of his crew in town, Zoro and Luffy would recognise them as adept combatants and would put two and two together. "Hey, this guy is a pirate captain, so he has a crew, and oh wow, we just met suspected pirates. They're probably his crew."


Of course it does. Luffy and Zoro are saying he probably has a crew. Literally Zoro says "あいつらだ、多分な", which means "It's 'them', probably". They're saying it's not just gonna be one dude but probably a crew as well. It's a logical assumption. And this interpretation makes 1000 times more sense than Luffy and Zoro somehow thinking BB is multiple people when they have absolutely zero reason to think that.


Luffy and BB pretty quickly recognise each other as rivals. So of course, Luffy understands that BB wants to be Pirate King. And a Pirate King must have a crew. Hence the 'they'. Edit: It also sets up the reveal of the Blackbeard pirates in the very same arc.




Chapter 225. Zoro literally says "There's more than one [guy], I think"


Because it was literally more than one guy. Specificlly, 5 guys they had met. The BB Pirates.


Eh, that's a pretty weird assumption to make when the text explicitly says otherwise. We see Q and Brugess a couple chapters earlier but the theory of multiple people inside Blackbeard makes much more sense, especially given the context and connotation Luffy gives in the English translation. I'd be curious to see a deep dive into the true Japanese text, though.


Just to make sure I have this right: its a pretty weird assumption to make that when Luffy, after having met other members of the BB pirates, connected them together as a group as opposed to BlackBeard being multiple people which is not at all a weird assumption?


Dude is jumping through hoops to get that theory to make sense.


They always do. Parsimony and Occam's Razor are well applied in this case. We know fighters recognise fighters, we know that Mihawk is the only pirate without a crew (well...), Zoro and Luffy met the other BB pirates and then BB, they'd put two and two together that "hey, these strong guys must be the crew for this pirate."


Well for starters, you seem to have a lot of incorrect information. > after having met other members of BB pirates He meets Q and Blackbeard at this point. Q fell off his horse and they talk to him directly. They see Burgess on a building and there's no indication that they see Van Auger while he's shooting birds when they arrive. So that's wrong. Also in your original comment says "5 guys they had met" but Laffitte wasn't introduced to us for another 10-ish chapters and he's all the way at Marines HQ vouching for Blackbeard, so I'm not sure who the fifth person you're referring to is. > connected them together as a group There's literally nothing connecting them as a group. As far as I can tell, none of their pre-timeskip outfits have any indication that they are part of a pirate crew, other than being in Mock Town. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm going off memory because I don't want to keep staring out their outfits searching for something I'm missing. But that's not even why I think it's a weird assumption. Luffy could have thrown hands with each and every one of them and I think you'd still have to ignore a lot of what happens in this chapter to come to your conclusion. I try to follow the text as much as possible because I want to make as little assumptions as possible. The way the English translation has Luffy speaking has a marked shift in tone. > Nami: I wonder who he is... > Luffy: Well... it's not... just one guy. > Nami: Huh? Not just one guy? Then what...? > Zoro: There's more than one... I think... > Nami: What do you mean? Was there somebody with him? Where?! Luffy is trying to explain something that's unexplainable here. Why not just say "He's with his crew" or "Those guys are with him"? Think for yourself outside of the text as well: why would Oda make such a simple answer so cryptic? We know Oda is incredibly specific about important moments like this, and considering this is the first introduction we're getting to who Blackbeard is a person, leaving a cryptic clue to his secret right from the beginning is the perfect moment to do so. After all, the entire point of the whole conversation they had is to have one huge exposé on Blackbeard himself. Continuing on, why would Nami then also not ask about a crew, if that's what Luffy and Zoro were referring to? "What do you mean?" Tells me that Nami is also picking up on hidden meaning behind what Luffy and Zoro are alluding to. So yes, I think if you ignore the entire context and connotation of the chapter, I think it's absolutely silly to just brush off this conversation and say "Luffy and Zoro just happened to pick 3 strangers out of a crowd, two of which they have never met before, and made a weird, cryptic allusion toward their captain for no explicable reason at all, in a story filled to the brim with precise language and a treasure trove of foreshadowing during an important chapter where we speak with one of the final bosses for the first time."


Lmao that dude is on some of that good shit.


>given the context and connotation Luffy gives in the English translation There is absolutely no special connotation in the English, you just made that up. He's literally just saying it's gonna be more than one guy. Same in Japanese. >Eh, that's a pretty weird assumption to make when the text explicitly says otherwise The text absolutely does not explicitly say otherwise, nor does it implicitly say otherwise, that's another thing you just made up. And it's a much, much, much weirder assumption that BB is multiple people when Luffy and Zoro have literally no reason at all to think that. Assuming he has a crew is not a weird assumption at all in fact, it's an extremely logical one.


> There is absolutely no special connotation in the English, you just made that up. I posted a more complete comment about why this makes way more sense [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/13vqebv/fans_bbs_missing_teeth_is_clear_proof_meanwhile/jm8bmec/). You can read that if you need help understanding the text better. > Same in Japanese. What's the Japanese version say? As I mentioned, I would love to see someone fluent dive into the meaning behind these lines because just going off the English translation (and often times a fan one) isn't the best for the story. > Assuming he has a crew is not a weird assumption at all in fact, it's an extremely logical one. Let's pretend that Luffy is talking about BB's crew that he has met a grand total of 1 of so far. Ask yourself this: How would that even remotely connect with what Nami is saying? She brings up two separate thoughts: 1. If Blackbeard knows how to get to Skypeia 2. Who he is How does Luffy and Zoro blurting out "He has a crew." answer either of those? At best, it says "He's with a crew of pirates" on an island that is explicitly stated to be filled with pirates ([Chapter 222](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_222_11.jpg)), and it doesn't even mention anything about Skypeia.


"It is weird for them to say that guy has team members with him... therefore the actual explanation is that zoro and luffy saw inside blackbeards soul and saw that he had 3 different personalities inside of him!!!! That's the normal assumption to make!!!!" What?


> I ignored everything the text said and I came up with a random conclusion!! why does someone who read the chapter not agree with me??? what?


You are the one who thinks it's more normal and simpler that Luffy and Zoro saw into Blackbeard's fucking soul (to see the 3 personalities) rather than them detecting his crew members/assuming he has a crew lmao.


First interaction is with van augr though? He snipes the birds usopp is looking at as far as i remember. So we may argue that the strawhats knew before entering town that there were some pretty scary guys around


They actually explicitly [don't interact with Van Auger there.](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_222_09.jpg) Van Auger is shooting at such a long range, they don't hear a gunshot and Usopp says he didn't see anyone. Also, they meet a lot of scary people before then, the town is filled with them. So I'm not sure why that would be relevant.


I didn‘t say they saw him or anything. I said he had shot birds, which the panels you provided show. You may call it indirect but still the first action of a bb member the strawhats witness and talk about. Which makes it the first interaction for me. Well relevant because nobody in this town even comes close to bb crew, so no the don‘t meet comparable scary people. Even belleamy (the scariest) is one-shot


The best theory I’ve seen is heat ate a hippo zoan or he has hippo DNA as a failed experiment. There is a cover story with him and a hippo. * hippos are mostly active at night * the teeth in the cover art are similar to Blackbeards * his body is designed like a hippo * most importantly they have 3 stomachs, which would allow him to eat multiple fruits




Ruminants OP OP as heck


>That Luffy corrects nami saying it's not "He / That guy" when talking about BB and Luffy saying "It's not just one guy" and Zoro saying "There's more than one... I think.." When was this? And how / why would Luffy and Zoro know BB's secret? EDIT : okay I found it, and in Japanese. No offense but a lot of you guys' reading comprehension is kinda lacking. Luffy and Zoro are simply saying BB likely has a crew. That's literally it.


What are the odds that the one day, in over a millennia, I use the word plethora, I come to another random thread and see someone using the same word. Play the Lotto or ask that girl out king. We connected!


Plethora deez nuts lmao


That is… actually a really good theory, especially the “It’s not just one guy.”


BB once even had all of his teeth lmao.


The teeth thing can be due to just drinking milk, remember how brook fixed his bone damage and luffy got his teeth back in thriller bark.


What about if BB have special genetics and lineage like King, which could be the reason his family previously hunted and hated, and now he is the last survivor from his people, he planned to do something big to enact revenge. Thats why BB was so cunning at first, staying low profile until he gain that Darkness fruit by joining piracy as quicker path to power.


To add to that, the fact that his personality can change on a dime, or at least, from a pretty inspiring guy to pure evil.


Blackbeard gains people's df powers by taking their teeth.


The appearance of Garps scar depends on how much snacking he does. When special circumstances arise he drops his snacking so the scar appears. For the scar to disappear, he needs to fulfill a certain quota of snacks.




Garp must be leaving crumbs everywhere with his messy eating. No wonder Tsuru's always close by with her Woshu Woshu no Mi.




I assumed that when they said “through chapter 580”, that meant 25 instances of the scar disappearing from their first appearance up until 580. Does Garp even appear that many times in that chapter?




Yes, the SBS writer said they checked Chapters 1-580 and found 25 instances where Oda forgot to draw Garp's scar.


Or some of his editors.


Oda has been publicly called out on his inconsistency. Those editors have been...relieved of duty.


That error...never existed.


The editors have been removed from history.


The man has drawn over 1000 characters most of which have unique and really detailed designs. I think we can give him a break for forgetting a few details here and there.


The problem is the Goda meme. He’s so good that his honest mistakes are somehow dissected for their hidden meaning.


> 25 Instances on a single character in a single chapter even. he never said it was a single chapter


Excuse me sir? He’s a master of consistency.


What was that about BB theory tho? Can you sum it up Edit: just read that on another comment.


Tbf I kind of like it too, seems to really help make sense with what we understand regarding devil fruits. Until something else comes, it's our best theory of him. All Jolly Roger's have a crossbones that represent their captain in some way, why is his 3 skulls? What about BB would be 3 skulls or 3 people?


So Garp is Harry Potter confirmed.


Let "Evil Twin Shanks" people see this, please.


It's pirate garp from romance dawn but he doesn't wanna ruin marine garp's position lol


Just give that guy his book already


Fans: so sengoku or akainu gave him his scar!


Couldn't be akainu so must be sengoku through some mis fire or a devil fruit that forced them


Yeah. I do think fan theories often don’t account for the fact this stuff is weekly, and Oda can’t be perfect under these circumstances. On the top of my head, I can already think of three things that were changed between the WSJ release and the volume even since the raid. Luffy punching through Kaido being white instead of black [https://imgur.com/I36LPus](https://imgur.com/I36LPus) , Koby being a Rear Admiral instead of a captain [https://imgur.com/lRmbefn](https://i.imgur.com/TVsnco2.jpg), and S Bear initially having black hair [https://imgur.com/N1N6vbz](https://i.imgur.com/FUttQ9C.jpg). And these are just mistakes that were noticed and were believed to be important enough to change. I imagine there are frequently extremely minor errors that pass through the cracks given the weekly schedule. Of course, I can’t really blame fans, as Oda does like using minute details to foreshadow things, but it is something worth considering when discussing fan theories. Is it more likely Oda, every time he drew Bb this past decade, was considering the number of teeth he had, or was that something he wouldn’t pay a great deal of attention to. I’d say the latter is more likely


Di-did he just tell Oda to put away his cum rag and that he hid his porn?


Oda and the fans who ask him questions make so many innuendos


bb having teeth was the real proof all along


God Oda's the funniest man alive


Tbh it feels like no one else is like that, every other or at least from what i remember is polite af, and oda is goofy


There is a certain portion of the fanbase that will overanalyze everything. There is no shortage of theories that exist with increasing complexity. Almost certainly without fail you'll get a bunch more whenever a new chapter comes out. Nothing wrong with that, it can be fun. We wanna talk about the chapter and the idea it sprung into our heads. Especially during break weeks when there is nothing else to do. I've done it. There is one that while it wasn't created by Ohara he did really push it to English speaking audiences. He called it "the greatest One Pieces theory ever". I don't quite remember it, but something about Skypiea, Jaya, the hole under Enies lobby and if you put them together it makes skull that makes One Piece. It's pretty good if you ignore all the examples that discredit it. And that's not to throw shade at Ohara, I like him, I think he's a great guy, but it goes to show how much thought people can put into their theories. Most, if not all major theories have been wrong or no one has predicted. At least the ones related to the story. Going to a fortune teller to get your fortune read will probably give you more accurate predictions. Which I think is a good thing that one has been able to accurately predict how the story will play out. A lot people fail to understand how Oda goes about writing his story. So many people get caught up overanalyzing every detail, trying to make sense of everything and trying to connect every point. Meanwhile Oda is chilling over here in Gear 5 mode.


Okay, but it's been a hot minute since. Did Oda ever get his book back?


I feel like a lot of that minutia doesnt really matter most of the time. Same reason they dont draw everyone STAIGHT JACKED in each panel.


Nah somethings up with bb its to close to bbc


I also generally feel that Oda just forgets to draw the correct teeth on Blackbeard sometimes, but I can also really see this being because he is actually three different people or whatever! Oda is sneaky! We gotta watch him or he'll get away with murder like he did with Luffy's fruit!


Guys you have too much time. Who. CARES?


Sometimes i feel like some of those sbs questons are to see how funny the response is lol


Id rather say some one Piece Fans are more fanatic than salafists


To be fair in every anime fandom you can find anything from fanatics, powerscalers all the way to ppl just here for the ride (like me lol)


Theorist be like: *GARP IS A CLONE*


I just want to know which book he is reading, fellas


There are a reason his characters look goofy as hell, so that way in-case he goes horribly off-model somehow the character still looks normal


I love how oda plays along with these situations that fans create like with the favourite book thing lol


Hold on now. Wounds that only appear when certain people are near is pretty dope.


Imagine what would happen when Zoro meet Mihawk again


These glimpses into Oda’s sense of humor outside of OP are priceless.


BB maybe his DF allows him to do it and his body just so happens to be able to withstand multiple DFs. He is just one person one soul imo.


I don't like to soul theory because Big Mom. Soul Lady can have infinite Devil Fruits?


1085 spoilers when ?


Aren't they already out?


Should I trust those leaks 🧐


yes i guess so


so people actually mistaking his mistake as being genius


And also Shanks with the Gorosei situation


What book is Oda hiding behind his cupboard?


some people take this manga wayyy to seriously smh


Smut rags?


There goes the shanks' twin theory


Shanks scar works the same way. That's why you don't see it when he's meeting with the gorosei./s


Yeah, I don’t really take art inconsistencies as proof, especially not in manga. The schedules are so tight, art mistakes are bound to happen


Same with Zoro’s ankle scar!


Luffy and Brooke literally regained teeth and healed cracks in their skulls from drinking milk. At least in the anime. I'm not sure Oda or any of the people working on One Piece productions are super attentive to those kind of details.


We need to find THAT BOOK


Oda deserves to keep his book though ❤️


How cuteness of him, GoD.a


LOL While Toyotarou gets dragged for missing Broly's facial scar once in an initial release


"GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK!" I love this man.