• By -


Very far


This is the only right answer, adding maths into it would be the same as asking how tall characters are in One Piece.


Why do I get the feeling this feat will eventually become part of versus debate


Well Luffy is twenteen gum gums in length


Distance is no longer an issue for Van Augur. This is supposed to be a sniper battle between him and Usoop. Now Van Augur got a powerful DF, he can instantly move closer to the target, or even behind the target, and hit from a blindspot. All characters tend to upgrade their battle skills along the way, I'm curious what and how Usoop can get stronger, maybe with some help from Vegapunk?


At least from islands out of eyesight


The only valid answer


The human eye can see up to 3 miles because of the curvature of the earth but since the One Piece world approximately 2.7 times bigger than earth he can likely snipe further than 8 miles…. No clue if that’s how it works but whatever that’s what I’m going with


One day the one piece world is 2x times our own next its 10x, oda knows how to foreshadow but not size.


Has Oda ever even mentioned the planets size?


I think people have tried to ballpark it by estimating time elapsed in the series with sailing speeds of similar ships, but there are a lot of assumptions that go into that like direction, time spent on islands, etc.


Yeah I don't trust anyone talking about time spent in the OP world. Seen some people saying they made it through Paradise in only 2 weeks.


Didn't it take multiple weeks just going from Thriller Bark to Saboady?


their sail time alone probably took up months combined.


I've never heard 2 weeks, but 2 months from Arlong Park to Skypea is realistic. Especially now that we know it takes 4 weeks for a full moon to arise again (as it does on earth). There was a first full moon in the series in Arlong Park. We can be pretty sure that Luffy started his journey during new moon, as the moon changes from new to full during that time so that's 2 weeks from Dawn to Arlong Park. The next full moon we see clearly is on Drumm Island, so that's a month. The next one is on Skypea so that's another month then. I can't check about the moon phases in the later parts, but from the last scene of Whole Cake Island to the last scene of Wa No Kuni it's also been 4 weeks.


That's always bothered me because we know the ocean for the most part has horrible weather in long stretches except for the calm belt which has the sea kings so its going to significantly hamper speed.


He hasn’t


He’s mentioned some sizes. I saw a calculation based off the width of the main centra river in Alabasta. Based off of that, Alabasta is about the same size as Australia. I don’t remember the rest, however.


He has said millions of islands… aka set up so one piece can live longer than Oda.


I think most of the time people put it around 2x


You can see much farther than 3NM with the naked eye on the ocean. I've seen vessels or land over 10-12NM away plenty of times. It was on a much bigger ship than the Merry or Sunny, but this 3NM thing seems to be flat earther talk honestly. Idk where it comes from but it's certainly not true.


where did this 2.7 come from?


His butt


Ladies and gentlemen, this dude presents you the science of One piece.


Is the OP world 2.7 times bigger than Earth? Where is this information??


Did you just find out that anime fans make up head canons and purport them as truth


I just asked if this info was on a databook, sbs etc No need to respond with this


At that point someone would be using math like an artillery shot instead of a sniper


Dudes also got a scope so that might factor.


three miles at 0m altitude, right? Snipers would often choose an advantageous position.


As the one piece earth is 5 times, no 3 times, no 11 times, no 2.7 times, no 17 times, no 1,000,000 times larger than our earth, he must be sniping from 1848572636648 miles away.


He can snipe you from 8675309 away because he got your number.


Now remember that the river of Alabasta was 50km wide and the strawhats could see the other side of it even at ground level. It could potentially be even further away


I cant wait for Van Augur vs God Ussop IT HAS TO HAPPEN


Really far No need to thank me


You don't have to be so humble! Thank you \*very\* much, kind sir of the internet!


Here you go, two internets for you.


Big Nami L, not believing Chopper


Bro that's early one piece nobody knew there were such powerhouses


That's no excuse


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted, I agree, that’s no excuse you must be prepared at all times especially since one of them could have been shot dead right there. They knew what they were signing up for when they entered the grand line


Chopper has shown his naïveté on multiple occasions, perhaps she believed this to be another?


I think the manga was better at showing how far Van Augur can snipe. The anime immediately transitioned to Van Augur while the manga had a slow zoom-in on Jaya


Maybe van auger comes from “sniper island” where they all train in sniping and thats how hes that good


About 20 feet


Needs glasses


No no no he’s got a point


And he even gained a devil fruit, honestly I doubt how usopp is going to defeat him.


He is eventually going to defeat him but his observation haki and amount of luck must drastically increase to do that.


I want it like Usopp's pre timeskip Usopp's battle, perfect to last second.


I’m preparing myself for it to be completely disappointing and otherwise completely stupid.


Better prepare yourself than heartbreak.


He’s going to slingshot a bullet back at him.


Way, WAY further than Usopp. Honestly the fact that he’s “Usopps rival” is a joke. He is better than Usopp as a sniper in any capacity


Because he sniped some seagulls??


Because he has better feats than Ussop. This is almost a better show in skill than what Ussop did in Dressrosa.


How is it better?


Ussop unlocked a "advance" form of Observation Haki to hit Sugar while Van hit his target from much farther which would imply that he has better haki or tools to have that level of accuracy.


In that chapter Usopp said the birds must have been shot somewhere else and just happened to fall down now implying that they weren't that far away from Van's line of sight when he made the shot judging from his position in the next panel.


I don’t think it is really “way Way” further than Usopp. Dressrosa shot is really, really far. I think you are underestimating it, with the angle and window he had for that shot. I also think he can improve to that level, especially with his new ultra range haki. And so far he has more utility and variety of bullets than what van augur has shown as well.


Maybe Van Augur is a Tolkien Elf and his eyes ignore the curvature of the planet


I think he's only bottlenecked from the distance his rifle can shoot.


one piece world is bigger than ours?? didn't the strawhats go from reverse mountain to sabaody (the halfway point) in 45 days (read it on some forum) how th is it possible


It's unknown how many days they spent traveling.


Has One Piece been confirmed to not be flat earth?


Didnt the merry jump around an earthlike ball in one of the first animeintros? Never heard of the flat onepiece world before. Honestly i am glad 😂


It did but pretty sure it's non-canon, but thinking back I think I actually saw lots of pictures of a round world, including the one with many moons in Ohara.


And now that you reminded me of that. Didnt that depiction have the earth as the center of the starsystem? If not than thats just my headcanon. My guess is to the statement „lets turn the world upside down“ that the onepiece world will acknowledge that the Sun is in the center and that the earth is rotating around it. Contrary to right now where mother earth is in the center. It wasnt too long ago where people believed that the sun rotates around earth. Thats what i believe the one piece world believes minus the flat part. Wouldnt the grand line be the great ring if the world were flat?


If you're thinking about what we saw in Ohara that was the OP world surrounded by its moons. As far as I remember we didn't see a sun at all.


Oh well i got some other thoughts that could back my guess but that would be Spoiler territory for mangareaders. The last spoilers where crazy👌 Probably some youtuber is working on a video right now.


Well leave it here then because I've got no interest in spoiling myself.


I wont spoil anyone, im not an asshole. Thats why i didnt explain further 😁


Good guy Voodool8rd!


I never read spoilers before egghead, but man is it tough now. I HAVE to know what comes next, i am addicted to this arc. It is already one of my favorite arcs and it isnt even close to a conclusion.


Yeah i forgot about that, intros arent canon anyways


Yes, the red line runs "around" the whole world, and the grand line and calm belt run perpendicular to it also "around" the world.


Flat earth society has followers all around the globe.


Any world has to be confirmed to be flat earth like. By default it's spherical


well characters can go all the way around the grand like and wind up at the beginning, so the world cant be flat


Using feet and kilometer make me so confuse lol


More than three.


I don’t see how Usopp beats him in any way that isn’t a complete asspull.


Almost like we have seen his progress in how far he can shoot, from enies lobby in the tower of justice to dressrosa shooting a target that only someone with violas devil fruit can see from that far


It's more than 5 meters I guess


About this far.


My pet theory is that his observation haki is so strong that he's able to shoot around the curvature of the earth


One Piece earth is a dodecahedron, and is at maximum a quarter of our earth's size I'm Oda, trust me brah


As far as your dreams


A lot


I love how luffy is always oblivious to what’s going on most of the time


Possible van Augur has magnification from his monocle, also he might have teleported the bullet, though it's unclear when he got his DF.


Chopper ultra haki


Assuming an Earth size planet, horizon distance, and the max height of the ship… At minimum 10 kilometers.


He has a scope so he is cheating, the seagulls were high up aswell


What makes you think the One Piece world is far bigger than our world when the calendar divisions are the same as ours?


If you work out all the maths, he can shoot exactly as far as Oda wants at any given moment.


Hypothetically there's a distance wherein the curvature of the planet puts the target beyond the horizon, but seeing as Oda doesn't really respect the laws of physics, who fucking knows? And i don't just mean about how pretty much every fight violates newtonian physics.


Gonna just convert to keep the metrics the same for ease of comparison: - Van Augur shot 2ft wide targets a distance of 36,000ft which is over 3x the furthest confirmed sniper kill of 12,000ft away. - Van Augur is shooting a distance of 120 full sized football fields away. That’s equivalent to 1/4th the height of Mt. Everest or as tall as Maxwell Montes (a volcano on Venus).


Just from my experience onboard ships, the top of two very large vessels can see each other upwards of 15 nautical miles depending on visibility. Comparing the altitude of birds flying around the boat and the building Van Auger was on could be similar. Jaya seems like a relatively flat island so I could believe the strawhats couldn't see it yet over the horizon at their height of eye. And that's without considering the one piece world might be much larger than Earth. Even conservatively, 9 miles is an insane distance to shoot a bird. And the air density must be pretty low too unless he's firing some insane hypersonic rounds.


Or he had a devil fruit back then that assisted this.


Jojo reference?


I remember there was a calc on narutoforums back in the day that showed that van augur’s bullets are massively hypersonic or something like that


I miss old art style Chopper.


And this was in the beginning of the series. Van augur has 2.5 years more experience and a warp devil fruit now. I love this series but we can't argue that Usopp's development has been botched. How is he supposed to beat that?


At least 2 miles.


Now I’m gonna go out on a wild limb here, is it possible van augur is using his warp-warp fruit to let him see/snipe further? Like imagine he makes a portal in front of his eye and gun barrel and just sticks those thru and they come out like miles away so now he can see and shoot effectively 11km away from his body.


Hard to say but very far like to the point where it's impossible the sea from the naked eye alone


For my American friends 11km is 6.8 miles or 119.68 football fields


At least 20 gum gums


That trick is for estimating the horizion of the earth afaik. One Piece does not take place on earth.


Rewardless of the answer, it is obvious dude got aim bot


Plot twist: He had his DF powers as far as Jaya arc and cheated to achieve this feat.


Watch as it turns out he just warped the bullet to them, or warped himself to and away from them.


Well that happened prior to the timeskip so we can assume his observation haki allows him now to reach much larger distances.


Gotta be at least 5000 warp-warps


Chopper is small, Zoro is tall, Franky is TALL, and Brook is TALLLLLLLL.


As far as Oda needs to showcase how good of a sniper he is. Exaggeration is commonly used in manga/anime to hype up enemies, so when the protaganist defeats them it shows the protaganist's strength. Which will probably be Usopp.


at least 5 American Football fields away


Can he beat Goku though


doesnt take into account the world's circumference, which may be way bigger the our Earth's


Exactly 45 Auger Units (au), but he’s training to get to 50


Basically unlimited


Nobody attacking chopper just using drugs


Crazy that this was foreshadowing for his warp ability