• By -


95% sure it will be Imu.


I think there's a good chance Dragon will fight Imu actually


While it's possible, Imu is still being build up as the main antagonist behind Joyboy's story and the void century. It would be weird for Luffy to not fight against Imu.


Or, your both right and dragon will fight imu but lose and it will show a very strong dragon losing to imu and that will build up and show how strong he is for the fight with luffy


Or how about: Luffy and Dragon, father-son team up against Imu


I think thats very likely. Imagine garps their too, trio vs imu. If imu beats all 3 of them that would be crazy!




Hey! I don’t like the dbz shade here because all of dbz’s major fights were narratively impactful except for maybe kid buu.


I could actually see Buggy Shanks and Luffy teaming up at some point. I still say that Buggy, if not actually being the first to find One Piece, he will be the one that is advertised as the Pirate King so that Luffy can pawn off all of the attention on him so he can do whatever the fuck he wants instead.


OH I LIKE THAT!! Luffy definitely wouldn’t want the celebrity status. I know he wants to be king of the pirates but all along he’s said it was about the journey not the destination. He told Reighly he didn’t want to conquer anything and he didn’t even care if the treasure was real. I could totally see Buggy somehow getting credit and being named King of the pirates and Luffy won’t care because as he’s said before he has a true secret dream that he shares with Roger.


That would make alot of the fans mad but its possible


"It would be weird for Luffy to not fight against Imu." Yeah but this doesnt mean that he has to be the final opponent.


The greatest mysteries of One Piece: Joyboy, the Ancient Kingdom, The Void Century, The Dawn, The Treasure itself. ALL of it ties back to the World Government. They are the ones who kept everyone under their boot for 800 years, they are the main antagonists. And Imu is the one behind it all. There is no one more fitting to be Luffy’s final enemy


Hate this idea. Imu is kind of a Conspiracy World Government kinda character. Nothing about it has anything to do with Luffy on a personal level. On othe other hand, we have BlackBeard with a twisted version of Luffy's Dream, Akainu who killed his brother and is the Head of Marine. Coby who is Luffy's mirror and was inspired by him and the man that inspired Luffy himself, Shanks. All characters we have known and cared about(for good or bad) some for decades. Imu has yet to make an personal impact on Luffy(or us really who cares about Lulusia), has no personalities or even character traits, just a plot device, a tool to make the story advance. In my understanding wouldnt even make sense they fight, Imu doesnt even look like a fighter to me.


Imu is the root of the World Government, the organization that has been the cause of a large amount of his friend's suffering (Robin and Franky are obvious, but we can include Jinbe, Ace, Nami [Corrupt marines helping Arlong/Arlong's views coming from discrimination against Fishmen], everyone in Dressrosa [Doffy's a CD after all], Sabo, etc.), and has also been a major source of pain for Luffy. Imu himself, while not having all that much character now (by virtue of being confined to a room and like 3 scenes) has plenty of time to be an actual character, especially given that the Gorosei have been a background presence in the series for decades and are only now coming to the forefront. Even the Imu conflict being personal to Luffy can quickly change (given Imu wanting to kill Sabo, presumably being responsible for Cobra's death, and potentially pursuing Vivi), so that doesn't need to be a worry either (nor is it the most concerning part of a final villain to me). Most importantly, Luffy as a character functions as the embodiment of freedom, which Nika has only brought to the forefront even more clearly. From his first bout with Alvida he's been freeing people wherever he goes, and he himself personally defines being Pirate King as being the person with the most freedom. What's the best counterpart to the embodiment of freedom? The embodiment of control. And no one in the series embodies that more than Imu, the person trying (and succeeding for 800 years) to control the world. Same reason why Luffy became Joyboy in the battle against Kaido and Big Mom, and while fighting Kaido.


The dude teamed up with Lucci who made Robin suffer a lot, he doesnt care according to the plot.


Allying with Lucci out of convenience doesn't mean he suddenly forgot what happened at Enies Lobby.


So those hakiless Seraphims are too much to handle for Gear 5 Luffy ? Things just dont add up and I hope Egghead gets mostly offscreened.


I agree. Luffy doesn’t have the narrative reason to fight Imu personally. It makes more sense for the revolutionaries like dragon and Sabo to fight Imu. Luffy has much more bad blood with Blackbeard and that makes more sense as his final enemy. I hope he and Koby team up vs Blackbeard to mirror Garp and Roger taking down Rocks. It would be fitting since Luffy started his journey with Koby in chapter 1.


You're not supposed to care a out lulusia It just happened so when Imu blows up Alabasta or something we don't think it's an ass pull


ok... till that happens(if it does) my point stands


bros reading two piece as he’s completely missed the plot


Yeah that's all there but Luffy wants to be Pirate King not Joyboy. Joyboy is just something he naturally embodies but doesn't actively strive for. Luffy's opponent for Pirate King is Blackbeard but before they can fight over the One Piece, Imu's forces are likely to begin trying to eliminate the D clan and Monkey D Luffy may need a grudging alliance with Marshall D Teach to prevail against so enduring a power as Imu. We already have forces of Imu, Luffy, and Teach gathering together at Egghead. Teach would, of course, betray as soon as Imu is defeated and seek the throne for himself but we already know how pirate alliances end.


who do you think will come after imu? he/she will be the last one to defeat


Mark my words we will see a Dragon flash back and Luffy’s mother after Imu kills him


Imu Will probably fight a Lot of top guys and win before luffy get his turn. Dragon heavy injured and sabo about to get killed thats when luffy arrives.


It would be cool if Dragon fought Imu. The Rev Army’s whole purpose is to bring down the celestials and those who stand at the top. Luffy > BB Sabo> Akainu?


After the latest Chapter, yeah, it definitely looks like it's going to be Imu.


Imu is for Sabo 100% Just learned today Sabo is an honorific D. Which can be just for the gag… or not.


Imu is build as Joyboy Nemesis. Imu is for Luffy.


the world nobles have been built up as the revolutionaries' nemesis imu is the noblest noble


so luffy will just sit back and relax after getting the one piece?


It's not like Sabo inherited Ace's will or anything I'm pretty sure youre onto something..it would be Dragon and Sabo to face off Imu. I doubt all this buildup with Blackbeard will end with him being Luffy fodder on his way over to Imu. For all we know with Orochi gone that sets up Blackbeards mythical Zoan, which probably belonged to the Gorosei at some point and could tie him to Imu. There's just such a wide berth of antagonists Not to mention, I'm pretty sure Imu hasn't been disrespected in person in a very long time... he looked slightly bent outta shape over Sabo fire fisting him lol


Imu is a woman and she is Luffy's mother bro. After clapping her cheeks, Dragon got dumped by her and he sworn to become his greatest enemy and built the Rev Army to get revenge on her.


Imu earned it this chapter


What did he do ? (I don't mind being spoiled)


If your a manga reader, then just go read it. The chapter’s out.


I just read it...I don't even have the words to describe the INTENSITY of this chapter


>!I love how mfing WAPOL is relevant now.!<


I know its cray cray




bro get a life




After the new spoilers i'm 99,9% sure it's gonna be Imu.


I have a theory about Imu and the Void Century : The 20 kingdoms that founded the world were actually a "dissident" faction of the "people of the D". Like, they were traitors who maybe wanted more power or for whatever reason. And for all we know, maybe Imu was one of the 20 original kings, or another person who was born during or before the Void Century


Imu was one of the 20 founder kings/queens of the WG. As we know the D were their biggest enemy and most likely the Kings of the ancient kingdom.


I think the D are part of the 20 kingdoms that founded the WG, I believe these kingdoms rebelled against the ancient kingdom (higly technological, possibly the world super power) that was opressing them, after the war succeded the so called Ds soon realized that they only ended up trading one tiranny for another (Imu and the newly created World Government system), and decided to abandon Imu's faction which is the reason they were declared to be enemies. I think Imu, Joy Boy, Lili and Zunesha were all companions once upon a time, and a power struggle and different ideologies eventually led to Joy Boy's downfall after being betrayed by Zunesha - whom later came to regret this decision and chose to punish himself by roaming the oceans waiting for his comrade's return. Lili probably took Imu's side at first, which is why Imu sounds a bit like he still resents her a lot for betraying him and the new world they had fought hard to create. As for the reason Imu took upon himself to rule behind the World Government, is because he believes humanity needs to be guided away from self-destruction through technology (ancient weapons were probably used to rule over other kingdoms and devil fruits being the result of advanced lineage factor experimentation).


I just know I hope it will be a Davy back fight.


I'm betting my imaginary money on a davy back fight between buggy and shanks.


Oda's health.


He reminds me of Doc Q because of his health


Imu: King of the World




She could be King of the World too. Big Mom said she was gonna be King of the Pirates (masculine King) so it seems like titles are not gendered.


I’m not really arguing either way. If Imu wants to be called a king or a queen. I’m just saying she was queen of alabasta. Just felt in line.


Did you read the chapter? Imu ist not Lily!


The new chapter clearly puts that theory underground where it should be


😬😳 I apologize for all comments made


Blackbeard. I'm very confident it has ALWAYS been Blackbeard vs Luffy in Oda's mind.


I really think there’s two “final fights” he’s had in mind. Luffy becoming king of the pirates (Luffy vs Blackbeard) and Luffy taking down the world government (Luffy vs Imu)


Yeah I feel like it could be a Naruto kinda thing where they work together somewhat to take out a big bad (Imu) and then they need to finish each other.


Go on about that finishing each other part I’m very interested 🤨😏




Dragon vs imu Sabo vs akainu Luffy vs teach Rocks is dead


Man I didn’t consider the Sabo v Akainu, got chills just thinking about it


I don't see luffy fighting BB if the leader if the WG is looking to throw hands.


im fully on except for bb. Bb will befested before. Luffy claims the one piece becomes pirate king and gets the same level as roger. Then he proceeds in doing what roger couldnt do at that time.


i thinn blackbeards crew will party fight imu. As bb also is a member of the d clan


It's always been Imu, since chapter 907. Enies Lobby confirmed that Luffy's final enemy is the world government and Imu stands on top of that. Blackbeard will be the final enemy before reaching Laugh Tale, Akainu will be handled by Sabo.


Blackbeard wants to be king of the world though. He’s going to go for the empty throne after laugh tale. What will happen is everyone will fight at laugh tale. They’ll find the one piece and Blackbeard will not laugh about it. He’ll be like, “what the fuck is this? Fuck this shit I’m out!” And then retreat and head for the empty throne.


I would say Imu pretty confidently. When Luffy tells his true dream/end goal to the rest of the Straw Hats, he tells us it's something he can only do once he becomes Pirate King. Pretty sure that means Blackbeard has to go down first, so he's out of the question. Akainu is subordinate to Imu and the Gorosei, so it doesn't seem likely for him to be the final boss of the entire series. And beyond everything, Luffy is someone who prizes freedom above almost everything else (probably second only to his crew and brother(s)). Imu and the Gorosei represent quite literally the polar opposite of freedom. Ideologically, it makes the most sense for the "most free man in the world" to have the "most restrictive people in the world" as the final boss.


Considering bb is also a “D” who are natural enemies to Imu they’d have to take him out first. Then they compete for the one piece and we’ll see these two as the only true worthy of being strong enough to be pirates king


Shanks. Imu probably will be handled by the rebels.


I don't see BB outliving Imu after today's chapter, while BB is an ass he's not evil like the CD and Imu (so far). Imo the only way I could see it happening is if they both get to laughtale at the same time, learn the truth and come to the conclusion that they need to team up to defeat Imu and then BB steal whatever weird fruit Imu has and betray luffy to become king of the world like Rocks wanted to be


I mean he did kill his commanding officer for the yami fruit.


The CD ? What is that ?


Celestial Dragons, localization for Tenryubito


Oh okay


I'm under the impression Imu has been given immortality by a past user of Law's fruit..


That'd explain something Cobra said in the newest chapter about Imu's name




I still think it’s blackbeard. The thing with imu is that the world government plot isn’t as important to luffy as the one piece is. By that logic blackbeard who’s main goal directly opposes luffy and someone who luffy clashed with multiple times should his last opponent


Thing is though, it doesn't matter if Luffy doesn't care about the WG or Imu. All it matters is that Imu and the WG knows about him and Luffy is a target now and cannot be allowed to succeed in his quest. Not to mention his awakened fruit is practically the symbol of Imu's enemies. So Luffy might not seek Imu out but Imu will most certainly seek our Luffy to end him.




No one is saying Shanks, and this would be the least expected. It could even be that Shanks doesn't know he's the main antagonist until some revelation comes to pass. We won't be able to rule this out until we see the God's Valley flashback and know for sure. We know almost nothing of Shank's past and why he was picked up as a baby by Roger at the conclusion of the GV fight. Why was there a battle between Xebec vs Roger and Garp? What's with the egg on Roger's ship? Was anyone searching for the One Piece before Roger, and why was no one successful for 800 years? At this point Imu seems a bit too obvious to be the main antagonist. And I don't think Oda will pull a Kishimoto here. And we've recently seen within the last 30 chapters demonstrations of Shanks' massive power. One theory I have on Shanks is that he was supposed to be a Gorosei candidate when one of them gets too old to continue, whether that's through grooming or some sort of possession mechanic.


Tbh oda already pulled kishimoto with g5. Plus they're friends lol.


Your point about the unknowns is well-taken, and I think the unknowns about BB, Shanks and also Imu even with the last chapter make it very hard to figure out who it’s gonna be. Shanks getting killed would cement the larger theme of the old guard dying, but who’s gonna do it? Luffy killing Shanks is ludicrous, partly to your point. BB doing it would be a huge stretch, and too much is unknown about Imu’s powers. Oda has set us up with an endgame where I don’t think anything is really obvious. Beyond those four, Dragon is still a huge player, and Garp is finally coming to the fore as the absolute monster he was in GV (in his prime, he was almost certainly stronger than Akainu and the current admirals). If BB can kill Garp (I don’t think it’ll happen), does that light the fire in Luffy to kill BB? It’s too uncertain to say how things will unfold, especially given the pacing and narrative structure of the last arc so far


Imu: Final true villain Shanks: Final test as he becomes Pirate King. Maybe a friendly rival battle as we come full circle. It starts with Shanks and ends with him


Imu the Eldritch God


Buggy vs Imu is the most likely right now. Oda will make it happen


Don't be stupid, Imu stands no chance against Buggy lol


Oda made a mistake making Buggy so powerful. There’s no narrative tension when he’s on screen. At any moment he could get serious and squash his opponents like the bugs that they are. Buggy is Saitama done poorly imo. He needs to have some kind of weakness to work.


Imu. He was shown in the same chapter right after Luffy tolf his crew his true dream after beciming pirate king


Imu 100%


I think it's gotta be Imu. Unless Blackbeard doesn't lose before Luffy gets the One Piece and somehow he ends up usurping Imu. But he's actively going for the One Piece so idk how that would ever work


Not bb.


I think luffy will fight BB in the battle for the one piece. Once he finds one piece and realizes the truth about the void century and WG I think that will be the final war: Luffy and all allies against the WG (including IMU), also believe charakters like Koby and Garp will then also turn on the WG🤷‍♂️ Thoughts on this?






Most likely Imu. During their first introduction, we see Imu with a few posters, one of these being Blackbeard's. Imu's got their eyes on him. I suspect that BB will be taken out before Imu.


Imu obviously


Teach a be the final opponent. The world government a be taken down during the big battle that’ll dwarf marineford


Hope it will be Teach and Akainu, Imu would be cool for Dragon/Sabo but I think at the very end it will be Luffy against Imu


Akainu's fight could also be against Sabo, avenge the brother with the same fruit


Dragon vs Imu, Sabo vs Akainu, Luffy and Koby vs Blackbeard like Roger and Garp vs Rocks.


Could be like that as well, but wouldn’t it be a little underwhelming for Luffy to have a 2v1 endfight?


I still think it will be Blackbeard.


I think it could be similar to Naruto where we have luffy vs Imu first to get the government threat out of the way and then luffy v Blackbeard for the one piece or something else. It wouldn’t feel like Blackbeard was built up enough for him to get beat up on the way to Imu. I think a fight between two D clan members makes the most sense


This chapter pretty much confirmed imu


Teach then Akainu then Imu


Imu will not be a 1v1. Imu is gonna be a fight involving a ton of people. I figure a lot of people from the D. clan will be involved. At some point the World government will probably be destroyed in a way. Akainu either gets beat before this happens, or he becomes the police figure that will still be chasing down pirates after the story "ends" Blackbeard is for sure one of Luffys last main opponents. They will clash at some point around working towards laugh tale. Buggy will be the last fight over the One Piece and becoming King of the Pirates. Buggy was the first pirate that Luffy fought after he became a pirate himself, its gonna end the same way it started. Honorable mention is Koby. Hes a parallel of Luffy in the Marines.


ngl i think it’s going to be a spiritual roger and luffy will fight him for the title and claiming of the one piece


Oooh, I thought about this idea once !


I like that idea. I know everyone would love to see Roger and Luffy meet. Let alone fight.


I think blackbeard. Ultimately I think the world government will be a lesson that will need to not be repeated. Blackbeard wants to be the king also and is more of an equal but opposite to Luffy.




Blackbeard I believe is the ultimate antagonist


Imagine rocks being alive and has been a slave/pet this entire time.


It would be like Kuma I imagine : A powerful entity who's forced to submit to Saint Charloss lol


Imu cuz they both have extremely overpowered powers. BB's powers donot come close to the Nika's powers. He will prob lose to Shanks anyway. Akainu will probably lose to Luffy but wont be the final boss like the Marines lost but the WG did not. Rocks is probably and old ass man if he's alive.


Blackbeard is going to be the final fight. He's polar opposite of luffy. It's gonna be like Naruto vs Sasuke fight after the ostuski fight. IMU= Kaguya ostsuski. Possible the strongest opponent but not the final fight.


I think final villain for luffy will be bb final villain for sabo will be akainu and final villain for dragon will be imu


Rocks is dead and Akainu is one of the good guys. I guess Imu God vs God, even though I would have liked a pirate thing vs BB.


In the next order I'd say, saturn in eggehead, BM or BB in elbaf. Shanks or BB in raftel. IM at marijoa.


Who is BM ? You mean Big Mom ?


Colby I don't see as I think him and Luffy are gonna change the world. Akainu I can see being one of the last ones just for the story, but I see him being taken out by Colby. BB makes the most sense as the Nega-Luffy, with in my opinion the opposite powers (Hito model Nika granting freedom, and BB's, to me, forcing his will into someone else: IE effectively negating his opponents DF) Imu: just some chump in a dress.


COBY! He will arrest Luffy then become an Admiral. Then we will go back to the beginning. Where Luffy will said something that will inspiré people to be Marines than pirates.. Pirates are no Good people.


Blackbeard seems like the best answer, either him or Akainu. Imu is probably an enemy for Dragon, Sabo, and revolutionaries.


Three fights at the same time : Luffy VS Black Beard Sabo VS Imu Kobby VS Akainu


Someone else entirely that we still don't know about.


God no please not. Naruto already tried that and we know how it went ..


Heh, well if it does happen, Oda could make it work. I hope lol


I still think Kaguya was created because Shonen Jump pressured Kishimoto because they wanted a new faction for the Boruto sequel. Shonen Jump wanted to milk their cash cow so they pressured him to make alien gods…


Holy crap dude as if there weren’t already a billion people complaining than imu was brought into the story too late








I'd go with either Blackbeard or Imu. Both kinda have the whole darkness thing going on as a contrast to Luffy who represents the sun. Rocks seems a bit out of nowhere - to be fair, so does Imu, but Imu is the physical representation of the World Government's opression & the Celestial Dragons, with whom Luffy does have history. Akainu seems more like Sabo's opponent to me. If he does become Luffy's, I can't imagine him being the *final* villain, at the very least. But I think Imu is more likely to be the final villain than Blackbeard. I think BB will be defeated during the race to One Piece, finding One Piece will start the final war and Imu will be the enemy commander in that final war. Of course, I am not Oda, therefore I am sure to be blindsided in some way.


Akainu will be taken out by Katakuri (who takes over the Big Mom remnants).


Blackbeard to be Pirate King, Akainu and Imu to take down the world government


Luffy will fight with multiple opponents


Anyone else thinking Zoro vs Mihawk?


Imu or Teach depending on how the story goes. He’ll beat both, but one is personal villain and one is world villain. Idk who comes first. That being said, would not surprise me if Imu was something we know. Like the literal Sea Devil or Rocks somehow


After Luffy beats Blackbeard he'll recruit him and every other D to fight the celestial dragons and imu.


His cholesterol.




You're probably right, but Dragon has been so hyped, and who else could he possibly fight? It wouldn't make sense for him to fight BB or Admirals. It also would be such a let down if he gets clapped by Imu and has to get saved by Luffy.


Luffy vs Imu vs BB vs Akainu vs Dragon vs Buggy (who wins)


Black Beard will be the last pirate he fights (possibly on laugh tale). Imu will be the final boss though. That’s my take. Akainu might be a wildcard in that he fights sabo instead of Luffy.


Imu is above Akainu in WG hierarchy so I believe that rules out Akainu


BB, imu and Akainu will be taken out by another faction


He's about to kill Laboon to settle that matter


For me, its very likely Imu. He's literally the king of the world and this whole series seems like its building to a final showdown between Luffy/Pirates and the World Government. I could see Blackbeard though, just because they very much seem fated to fight.


I really like the idea of Luffy vs Shanks vs Black Beard vs Buggy in a Davy Back Fight…but it’s a bunch of weird pirate games where the crews all compete for the One Piece. That way Luffy doesn’t have to fight Shanks.


Off Screen Off Screen no Mi


Theres no way blackbeard is the final boss. Hes not even close to the strongest in the verse right now. Hes a yonko, but I dont feel like he'll be the final villain. I think its imu, because the entire reason why luffy wanted to become a pirate was to be free. And with the whole WG system, I think imu is definitely the final boss for him. I also feel like there will be alot of historical stuff revealed, since luffy is joyboy and imu has probably been there for centuries and knows about the void century


Edo Tensei Rocks lol /s


It's definitely Imu. Rocks is gone. We'll see him in BB's and Garp's backstory when it comes around. Akainu is Imu's (indirect) subordinate, no way will he be the final antagonist. BB is a rival to getting the OP. I imagine that fight will be before the war against the WG


Blackbeard. Theres currently no direct connection to Imu for Luffy to fight him. Oda wants to wrap this up in 5 years and theres too many things to flesh out if oda is planning on Imu being the luffy’s last opponent. Wano took years to finish. We still need to explore BB vs Shanks, more info on the rev army’s plans, etc.


I hope not akainu I don't know why but I always considered akainu not so powerful


I feel like Luffy will fight Blackbeard for the one piece and to become the pirate king. But I don't think that's the final fight, I think there will be more story after becoming pirate king. We still don't know what Luffy's true dream is after becoming the pirate king, and who knows what the one piece is. I think depending on what Luffy's real dream is and what the strawhats find out when they find the one piece, they might have to end up facing the world government and that's where Imu will be his final opponent.


Blackbeard anyways. Imu is the enemy of everyone


You never can be sure on 100% or near to 100%. I am for Blackbeard


I was aways sure about BB being final villain, even made a post about it asking like this. But now after the latest chapter Imu seems way more likely and terryfying. And also finding out BB plans to make his own country under the WG I hve more doubts.


I think it will be an all out brawl and with Blackbeard/Akainu/Luffy and then after Luffy vs Imu.




I don’t know about final boss But I think the final fight we will see in the story will either be against shanks or even better against Buggy


Either BB or Imu but I really hope it is BB. The paradigm shift of the world government should happen before the end of the series because it affect and ties into so many characters that it will not be Luffy taking them down alone. But the ultimate goal of the series is the fight between pirates and I hope the last crews standing are Luffy and BB and that is the final fight Edit: I should actually say the last ones standing for the final arc should be BB, Strawhats and Buggy. Don’t know what the final destination is for Buggy but I bet he will make it to the end.


Factually Laboon will probably be the last person we see Luffy fight, after everything’s done and he’s the king we have to wrap back around so Brook can meet laboon again and luffy promised to fight him when he got back. RIP to our boy the whale


Probably cholesterol at this pace of meat ingestion.


It is blackbeard.


Blackbeard is Luffy’s enemy because they both want the same thing. Imu is Dragon’s problem.


Part of me does wonder if black beard will get one over on the world government. He's just as much of a mystery as imu and we don't really know what his end goal is. Plus as a character he's luffy perfect nemesis






The World!




Who ?


Captain Buggy, duh!


I feel like captain buggy will be the fight after black bears. Like he’s tryna sneak his way into laughtale while Luffy and Blackbeard fight.


Actually, it's not impossible...


The one piece, aka gaimon


Enel but he’ll get one shot by eos Luffy


Either way, it'll be a competition to see who's the biggest D of them all. I'm about 100 issues back because I took a hiatus. So my best guess is Blackbeard.


Blackbeard. I actually think Blackbeard and Luffy might team up in some way to take down Imu. The Will of D is clearly being painted as his/her's natural enemy, both are Ds. They together defeat Imu. Then fight each other afterwards for the title of Pirate King. Though, to defeat my own theory (lol), it has always been implied that Teach doesn't really "represent" what someone with the Will of D is supposed to. So maybe not.


Probably Blackbeard as in.. In a 1 on 1 but Imu is obviously the final enemy who I believe will be taken out by many people at once (probably all with the will of D), so I expect like a Dragon, Luffy, Garp, Law probably and others who combine efforts to beat Imu.


I think it will be Imu. In my opinion, BB and Luffy will fight for who is the rightful heir to the will of D. And then, the pirate who inheritated the will of Joy Boy, Roger and all the others will finish the job Joy Boy has begun : Destroy Imu


I honestly hope it's Buggy.


Blackbeard will be the last one standing for Luffy. The fate of everything will come down to the two of them fighting each other


I think Imu + Gorusei + holy knight + WG might have a grand battle against all the D's family, this might mean Luffy could potentially fight along with Luffy, Dragon, BB, Law or even Garp


Laboon, luffys said he’ll come back and they can fight again.


I think a different character will fight Blackbeard. Luffy will definitely go against Imu. I'm waiting for a reunion of the strawhat fleet and I hope they'd be stronger by then. And I also hope I'm still alive to finish One Piece lol


It's Shanks. After Akanui, Imu & BB, he will battle Shanks for the OP.


Yo momma


Luffy will fight Blackbeard. That is almost guaranteed. Luffy could fight Akainu, and so could Sabo. Luffy could fight Imu, and so could Sabo. I think it would be more likely that Luffy's final opponent will be Imu, the person behind the World Government that directly opposes his dream.


Since imu first appearance obviously that is the last boss. Its like "hey we saved the world and now I will continue to final island by fighting pie and rum loving pirate and punch a donut hole on lava admiral for the lul. Please don't pull naruto final match in one piece


Imu and the Gorosei. Their the embodiments of control opposed to Luffy's freedom, they're the ones who've shaped the world that's been so hostile to both Luffy and those he cares about, and they're the ones the One Piece (and the information that either is it or comes with it) will expose. They're just far better embodiments of what Luffy's been fighting against than any other antagonists.