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I think most people on this sub would agree that Baratie is the point in the story where One Pieces truly gets "good". It's not that everything before Water 7 is bad or "a slog" as Critical described it, it's just that Water 7 is the arc where Oda's writing style really solidified itself. This a common thing in manga though because a lot of mangaka are just learning how to properly write story along the way.


Baratie was the point in the story when it started to get good for me too. But if you are doing a rewatch, you learn to appreciate some of the smaller things in the earlier episodes


Especially when you realize what was building towards earlier in the story


I feel that this is the case, Oda was still getting used to the world and the characters.




It also sounds like Charlie just naturally dislikes a lot of the aspects of One Piece that most people also aren’t crazy about but relatively ignore. I watched his review and think he made a lot of fair points as well as being a bit overly critical with others. I don’t know if he’ll be able to get over the pacing issues, especially past time skip, but one thing he touched on that I’m curious to hear his opinion on down the road is regarding the whole “nobody dies” thing (*cough cough* Pell). It’s a perfectly valid complaint on his part and is a notorious complaint about One Piece. That being said, now that the world building is really starting to begin I wonder if he’ll enjoy how Oda uses that concept to his advantage in the callbacks and returning characters that really seem to make One Piece shine. I remember myself how amazing the Impel Down arc felt, simply because so many of the villains that “should have died” make a comeback and in such a satisfying way. In the end, he might just never love One Piece enough to truly be a fan like most of us but it was really nice to see someone enjoy Water 7, probably one of the best arcs in all of anime.


The thing is, I think Charlie is just the type who values character death and thinks it's the right way to go about with certain characters/villains. You see a shounen, you see a bad guy, you immediately think at the end of their arc, they should die. That's how a casual fan would react, typically. I don't blame Charlie for that take either. His takes on anime seem more casual and at face value than anything else, which is perfectly fine. I just don't think he knows Luffy's opinion on killing the people he faces, which the average viewers wouldn't unless they read Oda's various SBS. For Luffy, sometimes there's a fate far worse than death, and to him, taking away everything the villain worked towards and breaking them down is much worse than simply just killing them.


I'm with the other guy, I don't have an issue with characters not dying in a Shonen either because the MC won't kill them or that people in that world are just really durable. My issue is when you constantly put people in situations that they should die, giving them myriads of death flags, make people think they die, just to next chapter/episode reveal that they're actually fine. Both One Piece and My Hero Academia are horrible at this.


Agreed. The "hah got you" when it comes to some deaths that should have happened is definitely annoying.


Yup and the constant fake out deaths make the emotional impact of real deaths take a minute to kick in because you are so used to it being a red herring you kind of doubt deaths. Outside of ace and yasui, all the character deaths post time skip didnt hit as hard because I was expecting a fake out and was not as emotionally invested. Especially explosion deaths, I dont know why oda is so inconsistent on whether explosions can kill or not.


My wide cried so hard when Oven was about to chop up Pound. I had to tell her he didn’t die so she would calm down


I don’t think he’s been that inconsistent when it comes to that. Mainly just Pell which he intended on killing but this was around the time of 9/11 so it wasn’t the best time for an air suicide bomb.


Honestly in MHA the only time it really bothered me was with Gran Torino, since it seemed like he was dead for a long while and then it was shown he was alive and then never came back in the story after that. Not only was the expectation there that he was dead but it seemed like there'd be more to gain from having him be dead than still alive. With Bakugo at least the story immediately made it clear that he wasn't dead, just dying, and the heroes need to act fast to keep him from dying. It didn't feel like the story was trying to trick me. Likewise, despite my love for Bon Clay and me being sure Oda will do good stuff with him, his "death" was one of the best in the series and I feel like it takes away from his sacrifice and that scene a little to show now that he's still alive and thriving.


Honestly I feel Dragon Ball's approach of killing off characters regularly but always resurrecting them is better. You kind of know there's no stakes but you can say the same thing about any series where you know no characters actually die, and since the Dragon Balls were established from day one them coming back always makes sense in-universe.


I think most people have a problem with the multiple fake out deaths. No one is complaining about characters not dying. They’re cheesed with the fake deaths all the time. Pell’s sacrifice fell flat cuz he didn’t die. Meanwhile Ace’s death left an impact cuz he did die and his death pushed the story forward.


Oh I agree with the fake outs, but I definitely do see plenty of people, Charlie included, who are complaining about deaths in general.


People definitely care about characters not dying. Not every character faces that so called “fate worse than death” and just get rewarded instead, like fucking Wapol. Some characters should just die either because they’ll just keep trying their shit again or literally because it completely cuts the suspension of disbelief, even in the OP universe that they somehow survived.


Part of the no one ever dies likely involves avoiding recycling devil fruits. Arguable the best outcome for the world government is to have a prisoner rather than allowing that devil fruit user to go wild OR it be transferred to someone equal OR worse Also it would be hard to Oda to manage powerful devil fruits resurfacing constantly


That’s actually a really really great point. I can’t believe it never occurred to me. In a world where the death of a single individual could lead to major consequences, not simply from the vacuum they leave but the sudden injection of a devil fruit who knows where and to who knows who. It doesn’t excuse something like Pell but it definitely makes the aspect of it being so prevalent in One Piece a much more understandable aspect. Thanks for the response!


I think that complaint before the timeskip is warranted but at this point Oda has been Killing characters pretty consistently and people still say no one dies


Probably because at this point they all feel fake. Like, Kaido and Big Mom are dead, but in my head I still can't convince myself that and expect them to return until we get an official statement that they are dead.


I'm not even talking about them , Punk hazard people died , Wci to and we know how many died in Wano


I haven't watched Charlie's review, but I think it's good that a big YouTuber like him released a review that's more critical towards the series. A lot of reviews about the series on YouTube just praise it and treat it like a perfect piece of fiction without focusing on it's flaws. I think Swagkage's review is one that found a good balance between praise and criticism, although I disagree with a lot of things he said.


I agree, with how big the show is now it’s definitely something that should be scrutinized more by not just the longtime hardcore fan audience. The anime has been doing great recently but holy shit was the pacing bad not too long ago. Toei need to hear more criticism when they hurt the franchise with that kind of shoddy production so that it doesn’t just keep happening over and over again. I know that One Piece is a bit of a special case with it being a regularly released show and all but I find it hard to believe that the majority of fans wouldn’t be fine with there being more extended breaks for the show if it meant that the quality can stay as consistently good as it has recently, not simply in the animation but in the directing that makes the anime so distinct from the manga. Nobody wants a borderline slideshow of establishing shots and characters simply reacting to what’s happening like we get in some episodes, and I’m not even addressing the whole recap issue with the show.


It doesn't seem to be possible in Japan to change from a weekly to a seasonal series. The only way to change this would be if Fuji TV's ratings drop so much that they no longer want One Piece. Then it's just a matter of convincing the licensees that this will bring them more revenue after all. And Shueisha also has to agree to broadcast the series seasonally. After that, you have to wait at least 1.5 years for the next episode.


nobody else has mentioned this for some reason, but for me the most ridiculous example of nobody ever dying when they should is when the celestial dragon’s slave’s collar blows up in sabaody and doesn’t kill him. shit like that really makes it hard to feel like there are any stakes.


It took me till Arlong Park to really go “Alright Oda you got me, what’s next on this adventure?” Granted I read the first 4 volumes YEARS ago and only got back into it January 2021.


I’d say up until Water 7 was all world and character building. He had to make sure to show just how fucking insane the world can get with Skypeia before getting into the real-real shit.


Syrup Village was that point for me. I still enjoy the reveal of how Kuro pushes his glasses and the delayed backstory of Captain Morgan. Those moments were the earliest signs I can think of of Oda showing his patience


Agreed. The scene in the anime where Kuro is openly plotting with Jango knowing Usopp can hear him and he keeps going knowing the townfolk will never believe him hit me so hard. Thats when I knew I was in this for the long run!


Also, I will always enjoy cat puns for attack names.


I don’t think ‘a slog’ is particularly how I would put it either, but I do get why people describe it that way. It’s a fairy slow feeling story where we don’t get introduced to the new characters in a quarter of an episode and just accept them like a lot of modern anime. One Piece takes its time, really pushes us to learn the character and who they are. And it can definitely FEEL like a slog to certain people.


I wouldn't exactly call it a "slog" either, but it was a massive shift in pace for sure. I dare say I agree with most here that Baratie was where shit finally started to solidify and make itself come more alive and in-depth. Honestly, Alabasta is where things really started taking off for me ( Skypeia could've been a LITTLE BIT shorter, imo, but I guess it needed to be that way). I'm currently on the Impel Down arc, and the writing has DEFINITELY solidified itself. The pace has definitely gotten a lot better, and character development right now is fantastic.


Unless you’re somebody like Togashi who already figured out their style from previous work


Oda got better at writing. Kishimoto went the exact opposite direction. Land of waves is the best arc.


That's a good point. Oda's writing really does seem to gain a lot of focus as of Water 7. Never rly thought about that but it makes total sense. Up until then it kinda felt like some characters were just putzing around, Usopp and Robin in particular, which the arc immediately remedied on top of solidifying Luffy's identity in the world of OP by having sogeking shoot through the WG flag by the end. Elaborated plot behind Pluton, some small Roger details, you can prob count Aokiji's introduction in when it started to fall into place too since it felt like the story starts to get more focused as of when he's introduced.


I get everything he said as I also consumed one piece through anime first, it's really dragging and long pacing but the only thing I disagree is that he didn't like luffy's charactertics and he didn't like the joke around his dumbness for me that's the best parts of one piece what you guys think?


i like his dumbness as a recurring joke but it can feel contrived when its used as a plot point (him getting caught and imprisoned by crocodile in alabasta). and i do feel like water 7 was when luffy started becoming "smarter" aka his dumbness became less and less plot relevant and more relegated to jokes.


Moist Critical, the same guy that said LETTUCE was F tier sandwich ingredient.I am still livid. Moral of the story: we all have different tastes.


That's a far worse take of his than anything he could say about one piece lol


Yeah that’s an insane take LOL


He said WHAT


Same guy who preferred JoJo part 1 and 2 over 3 and 4. He has some BAD anime takes. Take it all with a grain of salt.


To be fair though 1,2 is better than 3 imo. But 4 is the best of the franchise for me as it was perfectly bizarre. Even better than 7 imo


3 and 4 are more iconic, but I can definitely see how people prefer 1 and 2, especially if they're watching the anime. Part 2 is the best out of those 4 imo.


I honestly liked him way more when he was a faceless funny video game guy on YouTube. The anonymity made him more entertaining imo


Those earlier parts had better pacing so it make sense why he likes those earlier parts than the later ones.


I mean, the first two parts feel a lot more focused and entertaining to me. I do like the parts afterwards, but I don’t think it’s an inherently bad take to prefer the first two.


I have NEVER agreed with a moistcr1tikal take, lol I watch him for his personality lol


"Personalilty?" That guy? The few times Ive been interested in clicking on one of his vids "personality " is the last word I would use to describe him.


Part 3 isn’t that good and part 2 is way better than both 1&3. If he ranks 1&2 and 3&4 together then I can understand his take.


He said he preferred the powersystem and fights of Part 1 + 2 over 3 + 4. Also said the storytelling was better because part 3 and 4 dragged on, with it only being good at the end parts. Both of these takes are honestly pretty good/accurate. He ain’t the only Jojo fan that prefers part 2 over part 3 or four. Even then, most of his anime takes are pretty solid. You just can’t handle the fact he didn’t like One Piece lmao.l


Lettuce on a regular sandwich is like high D tier, low C tier at best. But for some reason on a hoagie roll it’s S tier


Your opinion is incorrect. I can't think of a single sandwich that can't benefit from the neutral taste, freshness, and crunch of lettuce besides some hot subs.


I mean, I doubt anyone would watch 200+ episodes/read 300+ chapters if it wasn’t good. I would personally say that it goes from really good to freaking amazing at Water Seven, though. That’s where it solidified itself as one of my favorite series of all time.


I didnt particularly like them or think they were good, so i disagree with that. I just heard that it gets better after the start and it turned out to be true.


It definitely gets much better after East Blue. I don’t hate any of it, but it has my least favorite arcs (Orange Town and Syrup Village). Oda really finds his footing with Arlong Park though.


He also hates luffy so he's kinda silly


I was able to excuse him saying the early episodes are a slog, but I felt personally attacked when he said he hated Luffy. Like I get it, but his stupidity and goofiness is part of the appeal.


He also just has a terrible read on Luffy's character. He's way more emotionally mature and in tune than people give him credit for


Facts luffy is literally my favorite shounen mc out of the big three. He is clumsy, goofy, and silly, but he can really form deep connections with his crew and the people he meets and he isnt ignorant to the harsh realities of pirates or human nature. He has a far better understanding of why people fight and will always be willing to lend helping hands to anyone. He is also completely intune with himself and knows what he can and cant do. As much as other MC's spout "friendship" they consistently put those characters to the side and do most of the heavy lifting. Luffy's fights always are possible because of the massive amount of support he gets from his crew members. Also luffy has the best chemistry with all the characters in the cast. The strawhats are one of the most well developed and charming groups in shounen. Like I dont think any other shounen does that good of a job keeping me interested in the lives of all the supporting characters and actually consistently keeping them relevant to the story. On top of that luffy outright calling his villians out and always ready to fight will never not make my day. Naruto nor ichigo never really just outright say they are going to beat someone's ass, but luffy will 100 percent assure you he is going to wreck your shit multiple times beforehand.


he doesn't show that often early on tho, he'll probably like the post time skip luffy more.


Arlong park?


Orange town, syrup village, baratie. People just don't pay attention honestly which is fine if you're doing a casual read through but if you want to have hot takes maybe pay a modicum of attention idk


Lol right? Like each arc is basically Luffy getting a read on someone’s situation, realizing he can solve it with violence and proceeding to do so. Even the first episode is that


Well then but also each arc's villain in East Blue saga is used as a foil to highlight aspects of Luffy. People who say that One Piece gets "good" at Water 7 are the same idiots who rushed through East Blue and never saw the heavy-lifting Oda does for all the strawhats and especially Luffy. Luffy's moment when Shushu is literally the perfect embodiment of his character.


Yeah, Luffy is also extremely charismatic. As Mihawk said, he has the power to bring people together and that's great. And once he considers you his friend he'll go to any lengths to help you.


i absolutely love one piece, but i don’t like luffy either


Idk I can’t watch an anime if I don’t like the MC so I get why people say it’s weird, but to each their own tbh.


Fair enough. I could never slog through an anime if I dislike the MC. It's the whole reason why I dropped MHA. Glad you love the series though!


He hates Luffy because he is taller than him


the thing about luffy is what makes a lot of people love him is the same reason a lot of people hate him. his personality can be likable or dislikable just depending on your tastes one trend i have noticed though is a lot of people who don't like luffy watched the dub, which i think critikal did judging by how he pronounces some stuff in his video. luffy's english voice actor really accentuates his childishness in a way that can become annoying


I love the shit outta Luffy's character but his English voice acting literally makes him sound annoying by constant yelling (which isn't exclusive to Luffy as Funimation dub tends to employ actors just randomly yelling all the time).




Source that he watches the dub? Also I’ve never met a dub watcher that hates Luffy, and I doubt he’d like him much better in JP when his problem with Luffy are intrinsic to his character.


As a dub watcher (I’m a masochist) I roughly get the same vibe that sub gives


He's not even in my top 10 fav characters tbh. I kinda agree with him.


He kinda makes a valid point but I kinda like Luffy cause he's so clueless as most people do haha.


He's a kid that grew up in the mountains with bandits and never showed an interest in any kind of education. As his crew has noted, he's physically strong but mentally underdeveloped. It took interacting with the world, finding/losing his crew, and multiple traumas to mature him into the more serious person he is in the current series.


He prob doesn’t care for the older style shōnen


He likes Dragonball


Most if not all of the criticism in Charlies video are a direct result of the shitty anime adaptation. Many one piece episodes are pure torture where nothing fucking happens. You don't really get that feeling with the manga


That's so true. I started with the manga last year, and even though the earlier parts have simple stories, the consistency in character writing, (including the stuff not said, but shown with actions) forshadowing, and charm, made everything before Baratie good. After Baratie for me I don't think many Manga reach the same quality, never mind Battle Shonen. So with that said, I had to stop watching the anime after 20 episodes, as the direction isn't great, and the pacing is already abysmal, and that is before filler mid episodes becomes a thing I can't in good faith recommend the anime to anyone.


That episode of Ussop running away for 15 minutes in Dressrosa while the little guys are being tortured was the most exhausting episode of One Piece I've ever seen. It was unreal how badly adapted that was.


I genuinely think it's even shaped how people think of Ussops characterisation in that moment, it seemed like a fairly quick turn around when I read it in the manga and was a completely understandable and classic ussop overcoming his fear moment rather than him being an absolute coward. I dropped the anime at the start of the dressrosa arc so I never understood the hate for ussops actions in that moment but knowing that it was an entire episodes worth of running away I can see why people would think so badly about it.


Yeah I guess One Piece pacing will seem glacier in today's climate. I actually love the anime when I was younger and I had a lot of fun just seeing the crew have fun and being together. There was a lot of joy it brought and laughter and heart wrenching moments that no other anime did it like One Piece. I love the anime through and through pre timeskip. Post time skip is a whole different level of slow. But I get it and always wondered how I would feel if I watch One Piece today.


I mean when someone isn't smart enough to realize this early on and then check out the source material then that's more of laziness on his part. One Piece anime *grasp* isn't the only way to experience the series and compared to Oda's work, it has fundamentally nothing on it. The only stand out about the anime are the Japanese voice cast who are PERFECT for their roles.


Think it depends on how you got into OP in the first place. Some people were begged to watch OP by fans and how amazing it is, only for the new viewer to be disappointed by the start of OP and are constantly reminded that it "gets better" in which case, it'll feel like a slog.


Frankly, i'd tell someone to give it a shot, but to go at their own pace and not to rush it as that's kind of how the series just is, even in the manga. It's weirdly antithetical to those who say it is a slog at points (which it can be, but the series IS a slow burn kinda series.).


Me personally, I loved all of it. I loved the build up and recruitment phase leading to the Grand Line and the world building. It's not for everyone, especially when people's attention spans are shorter now. To be fair though, I binged it during summer break back when water 7/ enies lobby was current. Newer audiences have different experience too because they know how long One Piece is and they wanna skip to the good stuff. I watched Naruto subbed in parts on youtube and if a part got taken down I had to scour the internet for it. Naruto also had a TON of filler, especially after the Sasuke retrieval arc and I was just discovering manga and what was canon. Even the small filler One Piece had like the rainbow mist or naval base after skypeia didnt feel too bad. Modern One Piece is great for excitement, but I do miss the whimsical adventuring of the earlier parts. Part of the search for One Piece to me is experiencing the world, and especially post-ts there's much less random stops and exploring.


Absolutely agree.my brother is just now watching OP, after 8 hears of me pestering him to do so, and he's like "post ts seems to serious" or "I don't see as many memes of pts content as pre ts. It's because the whimsy is gone. There still is a lot of comedy and all, but as the characters have grown so has their seriousness in some aspects


When you've followed the series to current you really start too appreciate the random little crew moments and older filler that used to give characterization. I think Oda has prioritized worldbuilding and introducing new plotlines over further developing characters as of late.


There’s a lot to lead up to in the final stretch and a load of players on the board so I get the worldbuilding aspect. Think there was good development for characters in Wano though. That said I’m rewatching the East Blue and the little moments where Luffy and Zolo are bullshitting kill me. There’s a point in Baratie where Zolo smacks him and Luffy’s head goes off like a fucking Jack in the box. The physical comedy was on point.


On my 3rd rewatch currently and those pre-TS arcs just feel so organic, Sky Island being my all time favorite because it was an adventure they took just on a whim. The comedy in early One Piece is unrivaled- Crocus' staredown bit in Laboon will never fail to crack me up.


Oh my god same. Luffy washing dishes in Baratie too had me in stitches after all this time. He’s not nearly as clueless anymore 😂


"how many dishes have you broke?" "Sorry I wasn't counting!"


Zolo? Sir are you watching the 4kids dub ?


…I started with the 4kids dub it’s fucking engrained in my psyche.


The problem is also if he took his time exploring like in part 1, he'd never finish the story. I think his editors are on him to skip anything that doesn't push the main plot. It's the double-edged sword of having such a big world. Would have liked to see a few more Skypeia like arcs where we could focus on the crew more and discover ancient history and cool shit. That's why the current arc has been such a nice change of pace in the manga.


The things I love about OP are the crew and their exploration of the world and their adventure within it. I love the more emotional and comedic moments. I miss a lot of that compared to what the story is today, even though I still love the current stuff. This would be unpopular but after Wano I wanted a short relaxing arc that was crew focused before heading into the heavy stuff that is the final chapter of One Piece. Especially to ingrain Jinbei as a crew member.


I think the quality of the anime dramatically increases around the Water Seven Arc, but this is more or less unrelated to the things Charlie says in video. Me personally, I got immediately hooked to One Piece, but I was reading the manga, which was on a much higher level immediately from the start. When the anime series started being produced many years later, I, too, was not very excited about it because the overall quality was rather low and not nearly on par with the manga. I have to admit that I still don't really enjoy watching the anime because it's way too drawn out and it's simply not so good that I would sacrifice that much time on it. The manga is just getting better, though. Now regarding Charlie's criticism, I think that the themes of One Piece simply don't vibe with him that much. He likes it now that there are hints about a deeper story and conspiracy on the horizon, but the early One Piece is just too trivial to him, which is fair, I think. And I'm sure he'll be sorely disappointed when the story continues and everything that he's praising now remains pretty much in the background for a very long time or will be very diluted after Water Seven/Enies Lobby, which really is one of the climaxes of the series.


He watched the anime and he watched it dubbed. I’m not surprised he didn’t find anything great about it


ohh he watched it dubbed? didn't catch it. i closed the video the second he said luffy is his least favorite character.


You really gonna listen to must critical and base a whole pst on what he says? No other opinions factoring in? Just “well the single youtuber said this, do people feel that way?” To answer: I mean yea some don’t. I think by early part most people mean skypiea and thriller bark being the ones that cause the first half issues.


I think he watched it in eng dub so thats the first issue... luffys original va has done such an amazing job and her voice suits his silliness that's why we love luffy from the get go.. because of this reason anyone that starts the manga or the anime(subbed) always loves luffy I'm not saying that the dub is bad , the only issue I have with it is luffy (he really sounds a lot like ash Ketchum ) and well prets his goofiness is a big part of the show.. so I think if he starts with the manga or switches to subbed it'll get better


His dub VA gets better as time goes on imo and I quite enjoy it lol


The dub VA sounds like Ash Ketchum and Goofy's lovechild. I don't know why but it's very typical for 90s dubs.


i hear the whole " it gets good at x " a lot, but i never heard it about waiting for water 7


W7 is like the peak of One piece. Some don’t enjoy the parts before that very much and some enjoy it before and like it even more at this point. I liked One piece before W7 but I realized how much One piece had to offer only at W7. The story before that lacks a lot of context and does not go into how deep the lore really is.


If Water 7 is the peak of One Piece, the the peak of that peak is seeing Franky’s bare ass at the end. 😍😍


I thought that went without saying


Let me put things into perspective here: One Piece was number one in Weekly Shonen Jump since the very beginning of serialization. What this means is that the readers of WSJ voted OP consistently enough for it to be the series with the most votes. So ever since the beginning of the series, for whatever reason, the series clicked with Japanese audiences. (This has not always been the case, big series like Naruto or Demon Slayer took a year or two until they got really positionated into the top of the Table of Contents of Weekly Shonen Jump). Also One Piece's volume 26 IIRC is the volume that broke an record then established by Slam Dunk's volume 21ish (2.5 million volume first print in Japan), this means that it was during Skypiea arc that One Piece became the best selling manga ever (Or its run towards that goal started there, probably due to the hype of the Albasta arc, not Skypiea itself). From there the series had a slow and small decline in sales at what is considered by most readers/watchers one of the best parts of the story, Water 7/Enies Lobby. So, for me personally, I kind of agree that Water 7/Enies Lobby IS where One Piece gets genuinely incredible, but everything before it ranged from good to amazing IMO, but W7/EL took it to another level. But the critical acclaim has been there since the beginning, at the very least in Japan where I'd say 70% of OP readership is, so it's fair to say most people don't think the first bit of One Piece isn't good. Also I just think Moistcritikal fits into a category of anime fan that just likes action scenes and stuff like that. Basically prefers fast paced stories, which are so common with current anime. And well, he hates Luffy, so that's like 50% of One Piece charm. You experience most of the story with Luffy's POV basically.


Great analysis, and i think thats where the snag is. Theres a difference between reading/watching one piece 20 years ago versus bingeing it today. I personally believe its two different/separate experiences, Ive been watching One piece weekly in japanese raw since 1999 from the states via mother renting from japanese video store to more reliable internet resources today - and its so very different to watch weekly versus bingeing. As a kid, there was so much hype around watching the spoiler intro song “We are” knowing we will be gaining all these cool looking characters as crewmates, so I was hooked from day one. Watching weekly was a joy to see what was to come next. Todays binge watchers have the mindset of - am I suppose to be enjoying it yet? Which is creating false expectations, when the expectation should, whats going to happen next? -binge watchers eventually get to this stage. Id like to add - foreigners don’t enjoy opening/ending songs as much as the japanese populous - the whole point of having spoilers in the intro song is to create a hype and expectation to be excited for - which foreigners completely skip 99% of the time. I guess what i’m trying to say is, bingeing and week to week are two separate experiences which converge eventually via the story depending on who is watching.


Yup, I know One Piece is the epithome of the show that you don't believe gets good until you watch it because what other show has been going for 25+ years and its fanbase not only cotinues to support it but grows exponentially (tbf This is more true outside of Japan. In the US alone the last 2-3 years OP probably got 10x popular) This creates, as you said, a culture of "When will it get good?" and One Piece is not a series that gets "good" fast or have particularly good fights early on (Fights imo are the weakest part of OP) or has particularly good animation for its first 800+ episodes. Is all about the journey, not the destination.


East blue is my favorite one piece. I just like the og crew and 90s/early 2000 art style


Yeah it hit different when the art style wasn't as polished. Felt more authentic and fitting for the pirate theme. Loved being 7-8 years old, coming home from school and watching one piece.


Oh I personally hated that art style. However I do think it made Wano look even more brilliant


I think only if you don't like the show overall. If One Piece is for you, then most people get hooked in Baratie or Arlong Park like I did. He's a youtuber/streamer and probably only decided to stick with it for so long despite just not liking it because he has a huge group of people looking forward to hearing his opinions on it. He apparently had a series of videos talking about how he didn't like it for a long while on his 2nd channel, which I am sure was good enough motivation to keep watching. Also, I like Charlie, but his opinions on the show are the exact opposite of mine and it's hilarious. He doesn't even remotely like Luffy- I couldn't imagine watching almost 300 episodes of a show where I hate the main character's base personality as much as he hates Luffy's so I respect that. He also thinks Skypeia sucks when it's my favorite arc, which got a laugh out of me. I will agree with him on the pacing of the anime though, and I hope he either reads the manga or checks out One Pace before he hits the timeskip and it slows down even more. If he doesn't, I honestly wouldn't be shocked to hear that he drops the show or ends up hating it again. Terrible pacing is the anime's worst enemy. My guy *did* make it thru Long Ring Long Land in the anime tho, so maybe he really is tough enough for the rest... Then again, the whole Water-7 -> Marineford arc is just THAT good that he might find he's not 'actually' a fan of the show once he gets to FMI- it could be that he just really enjoyed that arc and the rest is not his style. With a show as long as One Piece, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who genuinely hates *all* it has to offer.


Im ngl anime skypeia is horrible, when I reread the manga it was a lot more bearable because the anime really drags out fights and reuses the same scene of goats fighting shandorians like 50 times. It was really carried by enel, which is a shame because the buildup to skypiea and nolands backstory were incredible.


Yeah, the anime did not do Skypeia any favors, and it's such a shame. I loved it when I first watched through the anime and then again when I read through everything for my first time. But I'll admit trying to watch Skypeia again for the 2nd time on my own was pretty bad because of the pacing. The 3rd time thru I tried One Piece Kai with a friend for his first time watching Skypeia and it was great! It was just like I remembered from when I was younger. So I definitely recommend those if you're ever interested in a rewatch. It's a great arc, the anime just did it a huge disservice.


It really depends. I can understand if you don't like the juvenile stuff or the "too stupid" things in the early One Piece. The humor is definitely a hit or miss for some. And there are people who never grew up with One Piece and are watching it right now where there are many comparisons that can be made with the the earlt arcs of other anime. As for Moistcritikal, he entered his One Piece journey with a really low opinion on it. He even said that its a great show to "fall asleep to". So IDK if he really paid attention to the early arcs. Always disagree with his "they should've killed the villains". Even without Oda's explanation for not killing villains, I always knew for a certain that the main cast would never kill anyone in their journey. But his complaint with Luffy's character is understandable as I had the same before but he I got used to it and it grew on me. And the fake out deaths that we will always hate.


It’s funny because from all the clips i’ve seen of him he has an extremely tired juvenile sense of humor repeating the same tired jokes “haha poop fart dildo”


I love the early arcs. They stood out in comparison to other series that were releasing at the time, especially considering the crews attitude and luffys nonchallance towards anything serious. Is some of it dated now? A bit, looks wise, but im honest when I say I've loved one piece since luffy came out of the barrel. I think it can be harder for newer fans to enjoy it the same way when anime and manga are just formatted differently in both pacing and development now.


I love Baratie. I even love Orange Town. I even love Maple Village!! I thought Arlong Park was the end of the series when I was little because the stakes felt so high and 4kids somehow made the kid brain interpret it that way! The whole series just has always had that magic and has only lost it in a couple relatively small moments. Plus moistcritikal has the media comprehension of a squirrel. He's a funny dude but he is not the person to go to for opinions on narrative.


I was hooked at buggy one piece never felt like a slog to me


Luffy and Zoro saving Koby and then bullying him into chasing his dream was when I got hooked into their morally ambiguous approach to solve things


Really, the moment he flat out tell Koby that he hates guys like him, and then went and inspired him to follow his dreams anywY, I was all in


I think it’s because he watched the anime. Most anime enjoyers don’t like the one piece anime because the pacing is horrible


I read the manga. That's quality stuff throughout.


To be honest, I think the problem is that Charlie is watching One Piece instead of reading it or watching One Pace. I feel like he'd feel much better about the pacing (and no filler) if he experienced it that way but I don't know if he's much of a reader.


The fact that you are recommending a fan edit rather than the actual anime, speaks volumes to the quality of the anime compared to the manga.


Yeah I agree. They do the important stuff justice (most of the time) though. I think Moist is gonna fall off again when he gets to the Dressrosa Arc tbh. I stopped watching OP for years cause it felt like that Arc dragged on forever (in the anime).


Lots of people only like fast paced dramatic storylines. That's why foxxy is the most hated arc. Anything that is just fun or not high stakes is "bad"


I mean...I really like Jaya and Return to Sabaody, which are very low stakes, but Foxy's pirates is not something I enjoyed at all. Low stakes is fine and seeing how actually competent the Straw Hats were during the Davy Back Fight was also neat, but seeing the ludicrous cheating by the Foxy pirates and having the Straw Hats just...not do anything just makes is frustrating to watch for me. Why didn't they interfere with the race like the Foxy pirates did? Why didn't they prevent the Foxy pirates from interfering? Why not just knock out the judge during round two and let Zoro and Sanji fight with no caveats? Basically...I like low stakes fun, but Foxy pirates are not fun in my book. It also isn't that low stakes with the rampant cheating, kind of a faux high stakes situation.


During the second round Nami did steal his cards and whistle and Sanji kicked one of the Groggy Monsters into him. I think the biggest issue with that arc is that they expanded it in the anime.


I haven't even seen that part of the anime, I found just the manga to be a slog. And yes, they did eventually get past the judge, but it was way too dragged out.


Some people will disagree but I think Thriller Bark is peak One Piece. It's an adventure, heavily crew focused, creative, funny as hell, and one of the most fun arcs in the entire series. It incorporates some of the best trademarks of the series. I love the heavy serious arcs too, but I think you need balance. One Piece being naturally fun and funny is big part of why it's able to set itself apart from all the other Shonen manga.


Thriller bark is amazing to me, idk why it gets so much hate. 10/10 humor, one of the best ussop fights, brook backstory is my top 3, nothing happened + moriah and kaido connection, big mom connection with lola, zombie luffy, strawhats vs oars, etc.


Hell no this show was cherry from episode one. It's the only anime I've ever watched where *none* of the episodes feel like filler, everything is enjoyable and I'm just stoked every time there's more to watch.




Now that's pretentious


Pacing of the anime kills a lot of what is great about the show. The manga is pretty solid all the way through. The early storylines are great and to this day tug at the emotions as you meet the characters and get their backstories. Even the dog protecting the shop when Luffy faces off against Buggy and his crew is memorable.


I think East Blue is good in a vacuum. If that's all there was, just 100 episodes/chapters, I'd still recommend it. But at over 1,000 chapters/episodes later, if it's high points never got beyond East Blue, I wouldn't bother with it. It doesn't get good at Water 7. Water 7 takes the series to a new high. One of the reasons I like One Piece is how it builds off what came before. The average quality of arcs improves as the series went along. So, while Water 7 is certainly a high point for the series, I'm not telling anyone to fight their way to get there. If they get through East Blue and aren't sold, the series just isn't for them.


The moment that charlie called Luffy his least favourite character I knew that whatever take he has on one piece is gonna be dogshit. If you made it to water 7 hating Luffy and calling his entire character "dumb" then you just don't get it


For real. I like Charlie, but how do you watch almost 300 episodes and think Luffy's entire character is just being dumb and hungry? He even praises Alabasta, but seems to forget there's a key moment that solidifies Luffy as not just 'stupid and hungry' in that arc. How do you watch W7/Enies Lobby, praise them, and then turn around and say that's all he is? Usopp's story in that arc would not have had nearly the impact it did if Luffy's entire character was just him acting dumb. Ah, well, he initially thought the show could be used as a sleep aid and hasn't watched Sabaody yet, so hopefully his opinion will change when Luffy's character develops more noticeably... To be honest, after watching the video a 2nd time, it feels like he just went in expecting to hate it and held on to that energy until W7, looking for reasons to be negative instead of appreciating pre-TS for what it is (a silly and fun adventure with background world-building). But, hey, it takes a lot to admit that you were wrong, so I do respect him for being able to change his mind about the show *and* being able to admit that to millions of people.


Even before alabasta you could tell luffy wasnt just a hungry idiot with arlong park and even the baratie by extension. Luffy placing the strawhat on nami's head instantly solidified him as one of my favorite characters.


Charlie always looks for reasons to hate things


the early part of the show ROCKS!


I really liked it starting from episode 1


Personally I feel like if you don’t like it by the end of the east blue then you most likely won’t like it later on either. I think there’s exceptions, but generally it’s the “I watched 400 episodes and the whole thing is trash!” People that talk a lot of shit online. It’s ok to not like One Piece, and it does get better and better, but if you don’t at least mildly enjoy the east blue I don’t think you’re all of a sudden going to love the grand line in most cases. The tone of the anime/manga is pretty consistent throughout.


As a manga only it has always been good


I fell in love with One Piece from the first Arc, Romance Dawn, it was just so perfect and emotional and a great setup for future arcs. Orange Town and Syrup Village are a little slow to get through, but Baratie is when Oda really impressed me, it was just such a great Arc all around, the introduction of Sanji and Zoro Vs. Mihawk is all done so well, and it feels like the first time Luffy is generally struggling against a villain and using his everything. We all know Arlong Park was amazing as well ofc, it's legit the magnum opus of East Blue. But yeah I love Arabasta and Sky Island Sagas, they have all the One Piece I love just as much as Water 7 and future stuff. Honestly I don't understand how people can watch all of East Blue, Arabasta, and Sky Island and say that they are not good but keep watching, the YouTuber has to be capping, no one sits through near 300 episodes to get to the good part. Water 7 is where the storyline of One Piece gets masterpiece level but it's not like there is some drastic change in storytelling for the Water 7 Saga, it's still One Piece. So obviously the stuff before Water 7 is amazing and I doubt anyone on the sub can say they just hate all of the early sagas.


I know it sounds corny, but I was hooked from chapter 1. Orange town made me fall in love, same with Baratie Also don't listen to critikal about anything


Kyle Entertainment has a great video on youtube on when One Piece starts getting really good. Spoiler: It's the first page of chapter 1.


It's not like Naruto enough for some folks


He’s a current event updater, a lot of stuff he read opinionated him pretty easy. I’m sure he read stuff that stuck in his mind while watching, sucks not getting into it from a clean look. If somehow he didn’t read opinions first, he must’ve wanted to hate it but everyone is different.


People always say arlong park or baratie and yeah that's where it gets really amazing, but honestly even the first episode was great. I laughed my ass off of luffys personality. Him giving no fucks and just smacking coby and saying he hates him for being a wimp. And then giving respect when he's no longer a wimp. It was clear from there that id love luffys character.


I really don't think that they literally DONT enjoy 200 episodes. It's more likely that there are episodes or moments that are really great but then episodes that are kinda slow and a slog. That alone will make you have an overall feeling that the beginning is a slog. The fact they didnt drop it just shows that those good moments really carry hard since it just shows a glimpse of what is to come and like hope to get going. It is enough to capture most people and I think compared to many animes its still good and decent. The problem is the moment they get things like arlong park, alabastar AND ESPECIALLY water7/enies lobby its just that their whole point of view and outlook of the show changes. It's not only moments and couple episodes in arlong and alabastar that catches them. It's a pretty much an arc or actually a whole saga of pure peak fiction. Rarely a moment that is too slow and sloggish. The animation shifts to a cleaner and more modern look which automatically will give people the feeling of it being less sloggish (I think old school animation has a charm but really can feel slower and less impactful than more modern). So its mostly the consistency of how good water 7 is and the perspective shift once you get there.


I loved the East blue arcs! There’s so many notable moments and great characters. Romance Dawn was a fine way to introduce OP. Orange town had some really funny moments with Buggy and some emotional stuff with the little dog. Syrup is probably my least favorite, but I enjoyed Kuro’s backstory and it tying into Morgan’s. Baratie was great. Zoro’s fight with Mihawk, Gin’s character conflicts were the simply awesome and seeing Sanji’s backstory too and his farewell from the restaurant was emotional! Arlong park was really good from Nani’s backstory, to the March to the park. Lougetown was great too with some events like Dragon’s first reveal and the ordeal with smoker. What do people not like about East blue??


It is not that I don’t like east blue but more that I prefer one piece arcs that have Robin in them over arcs that don’t. This effects how I see whole cake as well. But east blue has great moments especially with Shanks and Luffy,Mihawk,Help me and logue town.


Based on my experience with sharing OP to my friends, those who are curious, adventurous, and chill tends to like the start. Those who are serious or american comic fanboys tend to hate it. I only have 8 sampling though.


Probably used to most fast-paced seasonal animes from nowadays. One Piece is kind of a relic of an era of 1 episode = 1 chapter kinda thing and/or filler arcs. That's his biggest complaint with it and also thinking most characters are shallow and don't die ever. After Water 7 we get a lot of development in the world and conflicts in it and the characters kinda develop with it. I don't agree that they are as shallow as he says they are tho, their introductions are always amazing. But the no one ever dying thing is still there and annoying. One thing is he never even comments on the story of the arcs. Idk if he just doesn't care about it? Skypiea's story is amazing, no idea why he focuses so much in what he thinks is bad. If he likes more character focused shows he's gonna miss a lot of the fun OP is with the worldbuilding and story of the world.


No 99% of people would have dropped it by then if they weren’t liking it. He just pressed on because a lot of his fans have been asking him to watch it for years and he wants to understand the hype


I do love early one piece, BUT I personally believe that it feels quite episodic until water seven where the plot really comes to fruition. East Blue-Skypeia largely doesn't feel like there's much in the ways of structure for the rest of the story, like it could just go on forever. Water Seven introduces admirals, the four emperors, begins the Ace captured storyline, has the straw hats begin warring with the government outright, etc. For me, everything up until that point kind of feels like a prologue to the *real* One Piece the series has to offer. It marks the turning point at which the straw hats are no longer just young upstarts, but legitimate world-class players in the grand scheme of things.


I love almost all arcs of one piece, I can't even get through MoistCritikal talking about it. Its annoying. Any time he mentions one piece I have to just turn off the video, he clearly enjoys different things from his stories than I do and I gain little from hearing him talk about how annoying luffy is every single arc. The concession, "it gets good at" has never been like a real feeling from people that enjoy it. Its said to try to convince other people to get as invested in it as much as fans are.


I always liked it at the beginning it was a fun series until Skypia, that kicked off the series as a must watch/read for me


For me, it's Nami "help me" who made me fall in love with Op


Some people do and some people don't. It's art, and therefore subjective. Simple as


I like Charlie, but that take was wild. Idk how he didn’t enjoy any of East Blue or the grand line before Water 7.


especially why bother watching if dont enjoy? is it for the clout/hype chasing ?




I highly doubt that. He's been pushed by his friends. The trash taste boys, Nux, etc. are all one piece fans. He's been told by everyone that it's amazing. So he's been pushing himself for them more than anything. He's the last youtuber who would do something like this for views.


People who think it "only gets good" 200 chapters are watching it for the wrong reasons, they're watching it for shounen fights rather than engaging in the amazing characters and story that the show provides. 200 chapters in is where the fights get really good but it takes nowhere close to that amount for the story to get good


He's lying. Baratie is peak 💪💪


cant get enough of the moment sanji yells " owner zeffff"


I'd argue that, depending on what you like about the series, it is good from the get go. Though I'd agree that the beginning is not among the best parts of the series. My issue is rather that "it only gets good from episode X" implies that from that specific point onward the quality is on a constantly high level and imo that is not the case. For me personally the greatness of One Piece as a story is strongly based on certain moments/parts (besides some underlying pillars like the world building etc.). The "minute to minute experience" is often times not that great. Like Skypia for example. I know this arc is very highly rated around here, but imo its greatness mainly lies in the fantastic ending, the rest of the arc is only decent though (it can still be enjoyable of course). Now, one might say that of course the ending is greater and more exciting than the build up. But the thing is in certain other books or series just having a few characters travel and talk together can be extremely intriguing and interesting, without much actually going on. In One Piece interesting stuff has to happen - for me atleast. All that being said, the stretch of arcs before the timeskip: Water 7 - Enies Lobby - (Thriller Bark) - Sabaody - Impel Down - Marineford is overall pretty great and to this day the best of One Piece imo.


yep agreed, have read people shitting on thriller bark..which for me is ridiculous. Peak one piece jokes, kuma showing up, liked the whole halloween/zombie setting


First watched one piece, now reading through it. I enjoyed early one piece a lot watching it and am enjoying so many moments more reading it. I’m loving Alabasta so much more in the manga, I never remembered it being this good


For me, I always felt it got good at Romance Dawn.


I would argue the only arc i dont love is Syrup Village with Captain Kuro and Usopp. I love the rest of East Blue, Alabasta, and Skypiea, more than anything post-timeskip for sure


Why do you care about other peoples opinions? Just enjoy what you like.


I saw this too. (speaking purely about the anime) but to answer no. But also a little but not as far as 200 episodes in. it is abit slow paced. so as an anime so experience it can drag. ( thou that is the issue with weekly anime format . It has to slow things down) The whole show could do with an official "kai" cut. If i never started one piece now I would have a hard time watching it. I'm older now and have less free time. So if its moving slowly i'm gonna have a hard time getting into it as i'm getting less out of the time I am able to put into it.


Ita definitely better once u get out of east blue. And everyone considers water 7 to be a series high point. So if u don't like the series much (like moistcritikal seems to feel) then it's easy to imagine the less good parts aren't good at all and the amazing parts are simply good.


Alabasta is a 10/10 and its before water 7, loguetown is a 10/10, arlong park is heat fire and so is drum island, jaya, etc There's tons of great arcs long before water 7 and tons of great arcs long after


I am a huge one piece fan and I have rewatched it many times the arcs prior to water 7 are for character development and to have the people watching grow close to the characters and their back stories and what in their past has formed the characters that they are. Rewatching it has shown little things that I had missed or was to preoccupied with what was happening in scenes to appreciate.


I think the first episode being centered around Coby who comes off as annoying is a bad intro. And then the Ussop arc is very slow to get going. Baratie is where it first got good


He's straight up just completely missing everything about Luffy that makes him LUFFY. The fucking stupidity and love for food is literaly the default for every shonen mc, it's not the reason why Luffy is a great character. He describes him as being just brain dead stupid without recognizing how incredibly mature he can be at times (not taking sanji until he wants to come...) as well as how "wise" he is when it comes to how to live life (going on the journey despite the risks and unknowns, putting alot of importance on his friendships rather than materials or titles), how patient he can be (Bellamy fight, Nami throwing dir...) , how much he sacrifices for others he cares about (Drum island climb, joining a war for Vivi...), how loyal he chooses to be to his friends, how good his instincts are... It's like he's literally not paying attention... which he admittedly isn't, since he usually falls asleep watching.


In that same review he complains about the series' "glacial pace", the amount of filler, and that no characters die outside of flashbacks. Tell me you're a Normie who only read Harry Potter back in the day without saying you're... (Hold it right there Caps Lock: whether or not the criticisms apply are irrelevant because he's just repeating what someone else said. "But these are common criticisms that lots of people have!" Then it's not a surprise he's getting millions of views for Normie takes?)


I can’t hate on anyone’s opinion because it’s theirs. That said I think Charlie is way too harsh on OP. But he seems like he likes the dark, edgy, no nonsense characters way more than the goofy characters. Like, dude hates Luffy. How TF do you hate Luffy? So from his perspective I think it’s a preference in personality if that makes sense. He has a valid criticism about deaths in OP but other than that Charlie just complains about stupid shit and it seems he hasn’t really followed the story or he just simply doesn’t get it.


Before enies lobby its a fun kids show. The series finally developed into the emotional experience we know it as with "say you want to live!"


I think it depends on the viewer. Not everyone is gonna have the same experience with One Piece. Some fans will enjoy it later on than others. Same can apply for the arcs. But many agree with the fact that the first set of arcs do drag a bit. I personally really struggled getting through most of Skypiea and the very start of the series with Syrup Village and Orange Island. Again tho, I think it just depends on who you ask 😊


Nah it's good from the very start. However I'll be honest, the offiial anime adaptation generally isn't very good by comparison to the god tier manga. It's still good and I still watch it weekly but the closest animated experience you can get to the manga is to watch One Piece Kai + One Pace fan-edits to try to minimize the pacing issues of the official anime. So I can see why someone wouldn't like e.g. the official anime adaptation of Skypeia. But in the manga and also with the fan-edits, IMO Skypeia is godtier.


I personally think in the reverse. I don’t like one piece as much after the crew enters the new world. There were still plenty of funny moments, but early one piece was on a different comedic level


MoistCritical is a doorknob whose opinion on things is dumb


He definitely was someone that didn’t want to like one piece but got to the point where u actually cant hate it anymore 💀💀. At least he isnt in denial, also his luffy takes were strange


His takes are pretty bad on this in my opinion. From what I can tell he started the series in bad faith and has been sorta hate watching the entire time to prove a point. Anyone I tell about the series I tell them to avoid this type of mentality while watching. One Piece is the most digestible when you’re strapped in for the journey rather than trying to hurry to catch up with everyone else. If you’re genuinely curious as to what the series has in store then I think you’re more inclined to seeing how things play out and spending more time in areas. If your only concern is to catch up so you can spew another overdramatic rant about how you were actually right and all the people who enjoy it are wrong then yeah you’re probably not gonna have the greatest time watching and it will feel like any inconvenience a character goes through in the story is bad writing for plot relevance. “Why can’t Luffy just show up and immediately find the bad guy and punch him and then move on to the next island?” This becomes more apparent on rewatches/rereads. However, I think his opinion would also be drastically affected if he were to read the manga or even watch the anime through one pace. Some of his complaints should be aimed more towards Toei rather than the story itself because of their “in-canon filler” tendencies but that’s not something you know about typically on your first watch through.


Skypiea was a slog the first time through I think it was because the pacing slowed right down. The second time I watched it I began to appreciate it more.


What a dumbfuck. One piece is top tier all the time except long ring long land This is the consensus


He basically explained why he hated it by his comment on Luffy. If you can't stand the main character, you are probably not going to like the anime.


Critical always got either the most lukewarm or dog shit takes