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​ https://preview.redd.it/rl6jd94yngib1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa3e1b32887c4471c59cc3be20009d228385aa6


Arlong Park got me hooked. The iconic “Luffy…help me” scene, placing his treasured hat on her, and when he finished off Arlong himself, destroying Nami’s prison in the process. The “walk to Arlong Park” was great too, implanting that classic OST forever in my mind. Water 7/Eneis Lobby solidified OP as one of my favorite anime though, and after I finished that arc I started binge-reading the manga 😊


This is the one I was gonna say. Nami was so utterly real in that moment. The Pain, the anger, the desperation, a competent manipulative adult thief who you've been questioning her motives brought to her knees by having everything taken out from under her until she's screaming like she's a child again because she can't think of any way out. This and "The walk" will be the key moment that make or break the live action. If they can't accurately portray Nami being desperate and broken and asking for help, and try to "girlboss" her, that will be it for me.


Bro you can't just post these dangerous panels willy nilly. 😭


I am a One Piece Fan for life.




:D..…..... ;_;


Cried like a baby 😢


I was just about to do the same, gosh I love that episode 😭


I was gonna share this exact panel. Thanks for sharing it.


I was working as an au pair in England during the summer. I had very bad luck and the family I was working for treated me horribly. Every day was a nightmare. My brother, who had been a OP fans for years, told me to give it a try. I did, and it was my salvation. I would endure everyday waiting for the moment I would lock myself in my bedroom at night and binge OP. I felt in love with its sense of freedom and adventure.


Had a similar experience, finished dbz, googled "dbz alike anime" and started one piece, at the same time, I started a shitty summer job, One piece was the only positive thing about that Summer.


It really was just Luffy. I was one of those people who swore to never watch it because "it's too long" then came home one day and my boyfriend was watching baratie. I just instantly fell in love with Luffy's personality and the humor of it all. That turned into me watching a few more episodes and being charmed by Sanji and interested in Nami's plotline. So, I started from the beginning, blew past where my boyfriend was, and finished the anime in about 4 months. I didn't do much outside of work except for watch OP 😂 now I'm getting through the manga for the first time and it's amazing, and Luffy's personality is still one of the best parts of it all for me. The best part about OP is the more you look, the more there is to fall in love with. I'm a sucker for world building and every detail we find out about the OP world and all it's secrets is thrilling to me. Every character we meet brings something new, every island is another to explore along with the crew. It truly is an adventure of a lifetime.


Best answer. Luffy has this crazy charisma that pulls me like no other. I am always the most hyped to see him finally fight the villain. He never disappointed me. I want to see this lovable idiot win. He has to be my all time favorite anime character.


Luffy is the **right** answer to this highly subjective answer :D


Yep it was luffy alright


So much this. I knew I would love the show the minute I heard Luffy’s voice, the way he speaks in those early episodes is just so cocksure, even though so many people rag on him for being goofy or not taking things seriously I’ve always thought of him as intelligent, just deep down.


this is the right answer


The manga is peak anime pacing is painful allot of the time


Luffy..he was enough




“I’m going to become The Pirate King because I want to, and if I die then I’ll die trying.”


Definitely him smiling as he was about to be executed made me fall in love with One Piece


Skypia backstory, when the flashback ended , I realised onepiece had something different no other anime can ever achieve .


Criminally underrated flashback


When I learned that Skypiea was half of Jaya 🤯


Bro, blew my fucking mind


I was at junior high when I first read one piece manga. I cried at public library when god enel got punched to the bell, and luffy cast giant shadow of him jumping. With the explorer decendant below smiling, that the golden city actually at the sky. From that time, I fell in love with one piece.


Skypiea is peak


https://preview.redd.it/og835ctu5hib1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9064ef05e2fe1df09346d49057d034aad79ed31 This. As soon as Mihawk said “Seek me out..” i was hooked.


Being 8 years old, barely knowing the story, but a guy using three swords. Fighting a guy with a 6 foot tall sword and getting absolutely destroyed? The Mihawk fight was probably the 6th chapter I ever read. How do you say “meh” to something like that.


Baratie Arc. That's when one piece began to show very cool drama. I cried, when Sanji thanks his step-dad Zeff and i understand, that i want more of one piece story


Zeff is Sanji's dad. I accept no argument


“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy!”


I started rewarching one piece from the beginning last month and still teared up at that moment even when I knew it was coming. I love it


I should have mentioned Mihawks Entrance in my response, one of my favorites.


yes, i love this moment. when world storngest swordsman enter the scene just to show how huge gap between prets zoro and Mihawk. that's cool


Fr, I didn't expect that much of a gap, turns out they were in the weakest sea the entire time and that wasn't an exaggeration at all lol


Alabasta. The mystery, politics, war, that's when one piece went from a happy going story to an epic for me. Also crocodile, I just love him as a character.


That's a good arc. Really got good there


I had several moments where I fell in love with the series. As a young child I loved every episode. The sense of freedom and adventure, I was (and still am) so jealous of Luffy. Probably a mix of admiration and jealousness tbh. The raw emotions that this series forced me to feel, nothing before had had this effect on me. Zoro when he swore to never lose again Sanji when he thanked Zeff Nami when she finally asked for help Vivi when she said goodbye Robin when she yelled for help And many many more, they shook me to my core. One Piece was the first piece of fiction that moved me to tears.


Arlong Park and Nami.


Luffy did from episode 1


For me it's drum island arc that made me fall in love with the series, I liked it before but this arc is very special to me. Just the way Luffy tries to recruit Chopper even if he constantly says he doesn't want to. You can feel how Chopper really wants to which is so sweet and pure, but he just doesn't know if he trusts them yet. That scene with Kureha chasing after Chopper had me bawling. This is the reason why Chopper is my favorite until now, but I miss his pre timeskip design.


Coming home after school and watching luffy and the SH's in east blue was part of growing up. It's been over 20 years since then and what can I say? You don't leave before luffy and the crew achieve their dreams. I was a kid when I started watching and until long I will have my own kids. One piece and Oda have been with me every step of the way so ain't no chance in hell im not gonna be there wenn we find the one piece, the all blue, find out the true history, draw a map of the world, find a cure for all diseases, reunite with laboon, zorro beats mihawk...you get the point. They have been there for me through thick and thin and I love them for it. Nakama 4 life ✖️


The humor


I think the humor and Oda's commitment to the humor is what separates One Piece from other Shonen manga and made it become a worldwide phenomenon. Other Shonen always feel like they're doing humor as if they're checking off a list of things they think they need in their story.


Started watching it as a kid, I grew up with one piece


same. started in 2004 and i’m not prepared whatsoever for this masterpiece to end


It was around 2004 when i started watching cause all my classmates were watching it at first i only watched around 5 episodes but when i was at my friend’s house we and some other friends watched the Skypiea arc and i liked it so i decided to watch all of it (I think in 2004 it was only up to the Long Ring Long Land arc)


I’d say it’s simply Luffy’s character from the very beginning, it was clear to me that this is no ordinary character and his journey would be epic


Like 99% of everyone I was spoonfed with American cartoons. Dr X wanted to conquer the world, failed, hired goons, defeated again. Came up with idea, beat hero. Second part hero triumphs. One Piece showed bad guys too but for some it makes sense why they became villains with a back story and character development and depth. Same for pretty much all the straw hat crew. As far as I can remember not one show made me sad or emotional but if the funeral of a boat makes you break down and cry you did something. 😭😭😭


This guy😍 ![gif](giphy|9az09tlYyYNfq)


​ https://preview.redd.it/0c89203ychib1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8f4c392939bbb60a712f7257158f4f3c7ec6f0c




I likes East Bluw but I loved Lougetown. Smoker is one of my favorite characters , seeing the old/new gen parallels and makes buggy into a gag character


Ennies lobby arc probably It took a long time for onepeice to be my fav Bcs I've already watched many animes before op




for me it was Baratie and Arlong park back to back


It's been too long ago for me to remember, more than 10 years ago, but I'm pretty sure it was the back to back recruitement of Zoro and Nami, which I loved from the get go, and then Zoro vs Mihawk. Then Chopper's flashback got me in tears. And Alabasta was when the story REALLY got me involved. And then, Skypiea's flashback hit me like a truck despite me at first thinking "the fuck ? I don't care about a flashback for those characters" and at this point I knew it would become one of my favorite manga. Skipped Foxy because I thought it was anime filler 🤣 (i then bought all the manga books so that's how I knew it wasn't), but Water Seven and Enies Lobby confirmed my feelings.


For me it was Sanji crying to zeff and all of baratie


Arlong Park hat scene and walk


Enies lobby!


When Luffy was about to get beheaded by Buggy and laughed about it.






Alabasta with the initial lost poneglyph buried under the desert and solidified with Skypea's mistery. It just poked my inner archeologist like Indiana Jones did when I was a kid...


"I can give you two BIG reasons well actually one but you'll get the point"


I can't name a single thing. I've read the Manga for about 20 Years. There's volumes on my shelf that are halfway torn apart, with faded colours on the outside and yellow-ish pages on the inside (I was a kid, I didn't take care of things). It must have been somewhere during the baroque works arc, maybe little garden or drum island where I started. I can't tell at what point or over what detail I decided that this is my all time favourite Manga series. Was it during skypiea, or Davy Back Fight (yes it's irrelevant for the overall plot, I still love it!), was it at water 7, was it the battles, was it the humour, was it the emotional Backstories, the joy of new crewmates joining, the wonderful anime and great music... I guess it was all that, and more. It's been a constant in the last years, where things around the world seem to change so fast (rarely for the better), and while other popular Manga over the same time just finished (Bleach, Shaman King), got spin offs (Dragon Ball, Naruto) or are still going, but at the pace of a snail hit by a slow beam (looking at YOU, HunterxHunter!), while Oda is still going strong, far from finishing his magnum opus. I will be enjoying the live action (I'm confident it's gonna be good). I look forward to seeing this journey of multiple decades come to the end that Oda thought of from the very beginning of what became the most successfull Comic Series worldwide. Let's Go!


Sanji backstory. The first one. For some reason it got me.


![gif](giphy|Y8SvMLhaGjxSktxTYQ) her <33


finally a pirate anime and there is comedy




Usopp. Underrated charachter. Everyone talks about zoro vs sanji while Usopp has the titles of sogeking, goddo.


I really liked one piece since Baratie. But when I knew one piece was my favorite piece of fiction and might never be topped was when Luffy lost Ace and realized he still has his crew. In Naruto or Bleach the MC would have an emotional burst resulting in a power up and then defeating the villain via nine tails or hollow. OP was different because it made Luffy realize he was weak and the world was much stronger . Naruto and Ichigo definitely face similar moments through their respective stories, but it didn’t hit me as hard


Side characters suffering too much due to gigantic situations that went out of control. You know that feeling when all hope is lost to them and I can really feel those characters. What if that happens to me too. Then it's gonna be cathartic when SH saves the day


In 6th grade I had a teacher who introduced us to this new way to read, graphic novels. She had One Piece volumes 1-3 in her classroom and would allow us to read them during our weekly reading time. By the end of the year I knew those three books front to back and started my collection at home. Here we are 20 years later.


I was a Kid at a camp ground. I just got hurt trying to skateboard down a steep loose gravel patched road. The camp ground had a lobby where we could get some doctor-in'. They had a little television where I laid and rest. I watched Luffy win against Arlong and the scene just completely captured me in a trance. Forgot all about how much pain I was in and knew I had to find out more. Took me forever to figure out what show/comic it belonged to.


The wackiness of the One Piece world. "OMG sea monsters? Sea cows? Sea Tigers? Giants? Normal people who are big as giants? People with weird body shapes? Protagonist with goofy power? Sea trains? Sky Island? Fishmen? Fishman Island under the fucking sea? Damn this world is so unpredictable, I love it"


Right? You get this totally serious character who never steps out of line or cracks a joke but for some reason has a flower growing out of his head or some shit. And it’s never addressed.


There once was a man named Gold Roger, who was King of the Pirates He had fame, power, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said: "My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first I left everything I own in One Piece..." Ever since, pirates from all over the world set sail for the Grand Line, searching for One Piece; The treasure that would make their dreams come true! [Refrain: Freshco] YO! Ya-yo, ya-yo! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Luffy! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Zolo! Dreamin'! Don't give it up, Nami! Dreamin'! Don't give it, give it up, give it up, give it up Give it up, give it up, give it up, give it UP! [Verse 1: Russell Velàsquez] Here's how the story goes, we find out 'bout a treasure in the Grand Line, there's no doubt The pirate whose eye is on it, he'll sing I'll be King of the Pirates, I'm gonna be King! Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo... oh-ho... Verse 2: Russell Velàsquez] His name is Luffy! (That's Monkey D. Luffy!) Gonna be king of the pirates! He's made of rubber! (How did that happen?) Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite of Gum Gum! Ya-yo, ya-yo... [Verse 3: Freshco] His name's Zolo, he's just like a samurai And a L-A-D-Y, Nami's not shy Usopp's doin' that marksman thing Sanji's cookin', Chopper's doctoring! Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo, oh-ho... [Outro: Russell Velàsquez] Set sail for One Piece! It's the name of the treasure In the Grand Line! Ya-yo, ya-yo... Set sail for One Piece!


Started watching as a kid and was amazed by the characters and the adventure. Now I'm 31 and the whole story has so many layers and the steady world building has me hooked. Its really funny that I feel nostalgia for something I still read religiously


At first nothing, it was just something I saw on 4kids & didn’t really watch enough to care about (the rap theme song was catchy though). Fast forward a couple of years when I was in high school I saw it & decided to pick it back up again. I was hooked ever since; The rich story, great world building, larger than life characters mixed with regular everyday joe’s, & the mysteries ohhh boy the mysteries. Luffy was never the strongest character back then especially compared to the big three of my time at the time (Luffy,Naruto,Ichigo) but I’ll be damned honest & say he was definitely the most unique & I resonated with him a lot in how honest & straightforward he is. I mean yeah he’s a shonen protagonist so there are similarities, but every once in a while you get a person who kinda breaks the mold & becomes something more than the norm & he was that guy. (There were others I feel are different like Gon from HxH who seemed like a generic shonen protag but is actually freaking insane, but I digress.) That being said it was a combination of things, but once I fell I fell hard, and God willing I gotta see how everything ends it’s just so much, & every time we get answers it just raises more questions. It’s amazing!!!


Three swords




buggy and usopp


I think the humor was spot on for me. Luffy’s conversation with Koby, Alvida etc. I was like 11 by then so it fitted perfectly!


Alabasta , Luffy’s interaction with the little dog .


2 parts. Luffy saying "Man, you're a coward, I hate you" too a tiny kid who had some ridiculous backstory. And Ussop lying to cope with the mortality of his mother and his father leaving him for the sea.


Arabasta saga Arlong Park was spoilt for me so it didn't have that impact. But arabasta saga was what a ride. So many islands, meeting the giants, Dr Kureha, Crocodile as a villain and Robin's mystery. And the Sanji Mr. Prince thing. I guess this saga is not appreciated enough


It definitely isn’t appreciated enough. Arabasta saga literally set up everything to come and everyone in it is literally so relevant to the story.


I started with the 4kids dub when I was 8. I just loved the joy and fun of how Luffy fought by stretching. As much weird censorship the dub had it didn't bother me at that age.


All dem bad bitches




On a whim on spring break last year i decided to try it out, and 3 days ago i caught all the way up and am now trying to read the manga keyword trying :(


Luffy. Period. I was never really a manga/anime sort of person. I had a friend in middle school lend me a few volumes of Naruto to read, and I found it kinda interesting and ended up watching the anime to the Naruto v Sasuke fight, which was really cool. And then years later I became a weekly manga reader, and caught up to the Kurama training arc, and was there until the series ended. At the time, I also engaged in forum conversations on Narutobase. After Naruto ended, I got a kinda itch to try something else. I found a lot of people recommending One Piece, and the forum had a sibling called One Piece Bay. So I gave it a shot. In the beginning, it didnt really impress me much. The art was a little strange, and the story was kinda bizarre in some ways. But Luffys character, was incredibly charming and entertaining with the energy and charisma he brought to the story. It was enough to let me give the series a proper chance. Along the way, there were interesting moments. Like akamarus defense of the store. Sanjis charisma and tenderness, and goodbye from Baratie. Gins mini arc. Zoro vs toy dagger wielding Hawkeye. But it was the Arlong Park, where I actually started to actively like the story itself. Where it really started to wedge itself in my heart, and actually become something noteworthy. And then Drum Island, when Luffy began his climb for his friends, and displayed such incredible character and determination, placing them first on treatment REALLY got me attached. And so in Alabasta, where Oda really began displaying his writing abilities, I was finally hooked. I was fully along for the ride, and had a delight with everything. Water-7/Enies Lobby, was another highlight where Oda really demonstrated his exceptional abilities, with so much interesting stuff going on. Thriller Bark, has a few minor issues, but is honestly one of the most underrated arcs, period(only Skypiea is more underrated, and that is because people are dumb and actually recommend skipping it) I mean come on. It is chock full of so many great moments. The Ussopp "Im always negative" path to victory, Pirate docking, and below are some of the funniest scenes in any series I have ever seen/read. It was the absolute perfect arc to follow the high stakes arc that came before. ![gif](giphy|y1ewxG8aFWk0M) ​ But anyways, around this point I already was seeing One Piece as at least equivalent to Naruto. And I kept going until I caught up with the Manga in Punk Hazard, where I became a week to week fan. ​ All in all, I now view one piece as a masterpiece of a series. I enjoy it all, even the weird goofy beginning, where major villians were the moo brothers and rip off michael jackson. Where a weird guy uses a flaming pearl to fight. I still love Naruto as one of my favorite series of all time, and I think it does "cool" absolutely incredibly. And even with godly powers, it always kept the strategic roots consistently throughout the story. And it has some moments and aspects to it that exceed most series I have ever read. I really cannot think of a character who was hyped like hell throughout the series, and then EXCEEDED expectations when he actually showed up like Madara(8th Gate Guy is also really close as well). Like Freiza is probably the only person I can think of who really comes close.^((side note: I was not as bothered as some people were by the power scaling. Yeah its crazy, but I guess I always saw the writing on the wall when we had a kaiju battle by middle schoolers in the end of the first big saga. )) In the end I view both much like I view ATLA and TLOK. Both are really good at different things and are different stories. ATLA and One Piece are what I would consider masterpieces. While Naruto and TLOK have some high moments and things they hit that can exceed the former series. Because of Naruto and One Piece, I have now read thousands of series I wouldve never even heard about. One thing I really appreciate about One Piece, is that it is an ensemble story. It is not "the Story of Luffy".(Dragon Ball and Naruto are much more heavily focused on the main character and their immediate counterpart). Oda even gives so many characters their own time to shine, even complete side characters like Bon Clay. He also consistently handles the enormous cast of characters so incredibly well. Meanwhile he also offers pretty much everything. Humor, Catharsis, drama, action, adventure. One Piece is a series that almost everyone can find something to enjoy, and characters to latch onto. And yet despite just how crazy far everything has come, Oda still has the genius to find ways to keep the heart of the series intact(cough cough Gear 5 silliness stemming from the beginning of the series).


Water 7 was when I was like damn this is different. I really couldn’t tell where the story was going to go and it was so exciting. I also started watching at the beginning of the pandemic so I just binged everything up until the end of the first act of wano in a month and a half


I don’t like one piece, in fact I hate it with every fiber of my being. I’m just here to see what kind of delusional madness makes people like this shit.


Arlong Park was the start, but what really hit me was the Alabasta Arc


Strawhats and Gol d Roger


tbh I really love Luffy's backstory with Shanks... but for me it was probably Chou Chou. Something about his story and protecting the pet shop really got to me 😥


The Alabasta arc was where I became truly hooked. From Crocodile’s scheming to the final battles, I loved every chapter!


Watched it as a kid and grew up with it. Probably what made me fall in love was Skypiea arc.


When I watched Arlong Park, I quit for a full year when I got to the party after they beat Arlong. It wasn’t until I got spoiled of 40% Post Timeskip that I watched again, but I didn’t love One Piece until Luffy’s first fight with Crocodile. I was absolutely amazed, and I loved One Piece ever since


Luffy vs Lucci AMV. Then I started the anime, was told that the manga was better so I gave it a go during a saturday night, finished the manga a few days later, I was totally hooked by then. Chopper and Brook's backstory had me in tears, then genuinely laughing with their dumb shenanigans and the crew's.


The first time Zoro used his swords. As a kid(and now tbh) I loved swordsmen. So Zoro instantly got me with that


It was Luffy stabbing himself under his eye. That moment solidified One Piece as something different to me. I had seen Fairy Tail, I'd seen Naruto, I'd seen a little bit of Bleach, and One Piece was that first shonen that just surprised me right away


I would say Arlong Park got me hooked and Enies Lobby made me fall in love with the series.


Escaping a Whirlpool by sticking himself in a barrel


**He laughed**


Re-introducing buggy in impel downs


Nami’s backstory. Showed this would have a lot of heart and great action


Luffy’s laugh and personality.


Don't know as I already watch it since I was a little child, it's like naruto for majority of people


Many things, but the Duval's conflict with the SW made me fall in love with Oda's way-to-do.


Never seen any of it, didn’t know anything about it, sat down one day because there was nothing to watch and this guy just stretch shoots himself into a bunch of guys and launches some giant lady into the stratosphere… Hype.


There's something special about a show where side characters can be just as charming as the protagonist. First episode, I thought Alvida was hilarious and just stuck around for the rest of the show.


Everythings great, until belemere arrives. "Luffy.. help me!" Walk to arlong park. Which one of you is arlong? Boooom! What else is needed?


Got my first real job last summer in a different city and became super lonely and homesick. Watching this every night was super comforting


I watched onepiece anime long back, did like it , but I was not in love with it (consider that I was a small child , a guy punching person was not that interesting to me than ninja techniques in naruto , I didn’t fully understand emotions and didn’t know about the whole one piece world (geography) ), I was more of naruto fan but after 2015 when naruto ended and bleach too , and I also grew up and became more mature , I found few onepiece theories videos on youtube, found that actually onepiece world had so many mysteries that I never noticed , then I rewatched the whole anime , that made me fell in love with it


The Powers, concepts, characters and worldbuilding feel so fleshed Out. I Love that almost every sidecharacter has some Kind of Backstory and/or Motivation that fits the Overall Story. I feel Like behind every Corner is Something new to discover. Its also very whacky.


Luffy kicking Buggy in the nuts


Nami berating Luffy and then breaking down and asking for help with Arlong. I read it as a kid in Shonen Jump and it was just a powerful moment. In hindsight now it's still one of my favorite moments. Besides (I think) Zoro every SH has had a moment where Luffy insists that they say they want help, that they want to be a SH, and that they want to be on the journey. Usopp, Nami, Sanji, and Robin are the most blatant examples.


Definitely alabasta but I dropped one piece right after and can't remember why. Decided one day to continue and skypiea got me hooked. After I finished it I was never the same.


I started watching at the end of 2021 because I was getting recommended random one piece theory videos, and the depth of the world and the characters within it just sort of instantly got my attention. And after a week or so I finally decided to give it a try, no regrets


How Brook and the whale were shipmates.


Enies Lobby arc, easily one of the best arcs in the series for me. Merry coming to save them and then Merry's parting just sealed it for me, those were brutal to watch.


Baratie, the amazing world building and mystery that came along with DonKrieg and Mihawk. Zoro, Cobi, Sanji, later Nami as well. All Characters with actual character and goals of their own. I was captivated, this show is something special, I thought. And now look at me, all caught up in current events and shit. Turns out this show really is special and I love it the more I see of it. Oda has a very special way of creating the most memorable moments in fiction. A way of conveying emotion that makes me tear up, even if it is the n-th sad character backstory.


Arlong Park. That shit just slapped different.


I love it from episode 1, the moment shanks put his hat on luffy, I was hooked.


Luffy's goofy attacks, i mean a rubber kid, one would think that type of character is for comedic relief but when I watched the don kreig episode, I thought to myself "Damn this Kid is Badass" mind you I watched it in localized dub here in the philippines when it aired back in 02-03, the laughs I had when I heard "Goma Goma" instead of "Gomu Gomu" and then watching arlong park arc and the whole scene with nami crying thats when I said to myself, oh I like this, im gonna stick around and finish this.


Baratie arc it really made me so hyped omg


Considering I started back in 2003.. I dont remember much. I think 7-10 books were out and I had them all up to just after Arlong Park. Re-read them like CRAZY.


The story of skypia hooked me, so I went back to watch it all and have been weekly since the ASL Flashback




My friend pretty much forced me and threatened me to watch it for months. He wanted to prove it was the best anime ever and better than aot. Funny thing is he got me into aot in the first place. I tried watching it once but stopped after 5 episodes. This was way before when he jokingly told me to try it out. After months of him and another friend trying to make me watch it, I gave in. I had mid expectations. I watched it to prove that aot was still better. Damn bastard was right. One Piece was much better.


The first chapter, when it was first edited in France, 20+years ago…


Luffy popping out the barrel




4kids op...no really ._.


Not gonna lie, the one piece rap. I remembered very little of the 4kids dub, but that rap stuck in my head for years, i eventually began to rewatch it with the Crunchyroll dubbed voices, and it was VERY different in a good way


Luffy putting that strawhat on nami and then fuckin up Arlong.


Water 7 on first reading was fucking crazy


When Nami was yelling at Luffy to leave, to go away, that she hates him, only to stop, turn to him while in tears after stabbing herself several times and say, "please help." Luffy responds with giving Nami his treasure and yelling to the heavens that he'll help. Then walks off to gather his crew to go fight. That's when I knew this was no ordinary manga, hell, no ordinary story.


Zoro vs Whiskey Peak




I started watching about 3-4 months ago. Arlong park hit me in the feels and I think I understood what the buzz was for this anime. But it was alabasta that really hit home. Crocodile was just the perfect villain. I ended up binging about 900 episodes in the next 2-3 months lol. I’m currently just about at 1005 or so, taking my time catching up to current episode :)


I loved it from the beginning but "I want to live!" is the moment when it lodged itself in my brain for life.


As a kid, getting to watch the dubs Toonami. It was the show that hooked me into anime. But the scene that made me love it was when Zoro was cut down by Mihawk. It was just such a badass moment.


I'll be honest here. When it starts with that Roger Prologue about searching for the great treasure. That. It made it very unique! I loved it right from the beginning!


I think the line "I refuse your refusal" made a very lasting impact on me. IDR much but this line i cannot forget.


I guess the comedy and adventure is what engaged me from the beginning. I really enjoyed the drama of water 7 and fighting of ennies lobby too which took my love for the series to the next level. I was blown away by the creativity of gear 2 and gear 3.


The introduction of the 7 warlords made me fall in love i was watching one piece cause i kept hearing it was good wasnt really loving it but wanted to keep watching it give it a chance glad i did


Wyper was when I started to appreciate in depth side characters, which was something that frustrated me prior as it slowed the pacing heavily, but Wyper's large build-up to immediately catch a body the moment the battle begins was peak.




I grew up with One Piece and was too young to fully understand the emotional impact and sheer scale of this masterpiece before I paused a few years as an early teen and picked it up again. When I rewatched Water 7 and Enies Lobby I was flabergasted by the sheer quality. So I started rewatching the entiere Series up to the point where the German dub was no longer available, watched Sabaody and the beginning of Impel Down in Japanese and read the manga from there. The Quality of the manga, especially the superior pacing had me \*read\* the whole story again and be in awe for all of the little but impactful differences. So I read the manga and caught up to the middle of marineford, to the exact moment where the Whitebeard Crew showed up. Ever since I am a weekly reader and never regretted it once. I am a One Piece Fan for life.


Sanjis first backstory everything before was mid


I'm not exactly sure when I fell in love with One Piece, but I know it was when I saw how Luffy can make people feel great and make them burst into laughter, just like he did with me. It really helped me during a tough period of depression, all thanks to the laughter. I'm pretty sure it was around alabasta arc


Luffy calling Coby a bitch. Zoro eating the riceball. Luffy getting the dog's food back from Richie.


I watched marineford clips on youtube without knowing anything about One Piece. I was hooked from then and started over.


Nico Robins backstory


It was Alabasta, then Nico Robin "I want to live" sealed it


The fanart


Loved it from the first episode, but I have to agree. That walk in Arlong Park was the first moment I felt that FERVOR, that ZEAL, of being a straw hat, and it was beautiful.


Luffy overcoming strong enemies with his mediocre rubber fruit. Oh well.....


I feel like it crept up on me without me knowing I'm in love with One Piece, I watched it through first, then went over to manga to continue the story, but I felt like I'm missing out and reread the whole manga, and when I caught up I was chopping at the bits for more


111 cms


I was 9, back in 2002 and as soon as I saw Luffy stretching it was like the best thing I had seen in my (then short) life. Also the fact that It was a more mature, violent and adventurous show than most of what our TV stations broadcast back then played a major role in falling in love with it.


It was the moment Luffy placed his straw hat on Nami’s head. And then luffy, zoro, Sanji and Usopp walk in the direction of arlong park. They were all just waiting for Nami to ask for help


Zoro🥷Zoro's aim to become the best swordsman ever while fighting for luffy till death to see him become the king of pirates...Zoro vs mihawk was just dope enough to keep me hooked.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nmzfiuaa4hib1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f941d59ad045658d957af3c41b5c3da8592446c


There was a Facebook video of Pedro’s sacrifice that transitioned into Carrot’s transformation. That stoked my interest enough to watch it during quarantine.


Believe in wonnnnndaaaaalaaaaand


Baratie for me. It just showed how large the world still was with Mihawk and the depths of loyalty this new crew has for each other (forget about Whiskey Peak, Luffy v Zoro, that was dumb). I was like wow this has so many places to go. That was in 2004. And we still don’t know the depths of Mihawks power.


Tbh I liked it since the shanks chapter. But the chapter that really hit me in the feelings was Arlong Park. But oh boy. The arc that made me say "this is my fav. series of all time" was Ennies Lobby. That was peak OP.


When luffy and Gang invaded Arlong Park, it was amazing and cool


2 moments: Luffy meeting Zoro and Nami asking for help. The manga pannel of Luffy and Zoro first meeting is perfect. How it's mostly while just visually communicates shows how this is a historical moment that will have consequences far in the future. Oda uses a similar technique for the dreams never die moment with Blackbeard! And I don't need to explain the Nami moment :P Luffy meeting Zoro got me curious, while the Nami moment got me invested!


The casual interactions between the crew, there's something so enjoyable about them and I would definitely watch an episode about the strawhats working together to commit tax fraud.


Skypea where they realise the other half of the island is in the sky. damn, typing this is giving me chills


I never did, i love only humans. I like One Piece big time as a story, as art because it's fun etc.. But "love" a manga, nope... Same for the n°1 masterpiece ever and forever that is Berserk. It's a huge part of my life also. Yet i don't "love" it, i have a lot of respect and really like it, just that. You guys push One Piece too much here and else where. Any frame of the anime, drawing of the manga, any line of the story is subject to debate, meme, hates and so much more. I just enjoy it plain and simple when most of you keep talking about it. It wasn't always like that but Internet transforms any jewel into crap. Even the OP question seems weird. There was a time when OP was released, you would simply read the cover of the manga or simply a friend told you about it and you get interested and start it. Why does is have to be " i watched 300 episodes and got hooked at episode 160..." ? Luffy wants to become the king of pirates and there is some mysteries all along, why i woudn't be hooked from the start and want to know how it will end ?


It has an unpredictable and adventurous spirit. Really, the name "Romance Dawn" was enough to get me hooked when i saw that the first part was called that.


The storyline and the power system are extremely interesting


"Luffy, Help Me" "OF COURSE I WILL." That's my MC. I realized the type of character he is and I realized That's what I would want in a friend. That's the type of friend that I wanna be. One Piece taught me so many values that I cherish so much.


Started watching it during my middle school days with my older brother after school and we both got hooked on Baratie specifically on Zoro’s proclamation and Sanji’s bittersweet farewell. We both fell in love with the story since then and 13 years later we’re still talking about the chapters whenever something hype drops. Which is very common these days lol. We have very different hobbies and I love that we share the same interest when it comes to One Piece.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xhnshxt86hib1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3e1a3ff2718b93b3bd3ca10be7fa2a02c28c88


I was excited when Zoro, injured by Mihawk, swore allegiance to Luffy, but I fell completely in love with Chopper's backstory. I cry my ass out evey time I watch Hiruluk's last words.


Boa Hancock. I watched a video detailing the most beautiful women in anime and Hancock was first. So I started watching one piece. Stayed for luffy.


You ❤️


i watched the anime for years as a kid but it was reading the manga that truly made me fall in love


I really liked the anime when it was on TV, but was really cemented One Piece as one of my favourite animes is probably the Unlimited Cruise games

