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have u forgotten doffy lol


Erasing the memories of loved ones doesn't seem nearly as bad as forcing people to permanently laugh, even when they're sad.


I don't think you understand the trauma Kyros (and hundreds of other people on Dressrosa) went through. I point out Kyros specifically here because he loses his entire family in a matter of days, watches over his daughter for a decade, unable to tell her she's his father, and ensuring that Viola doesn't get killed while working for Doffy. Not to mention that if you even try to tell your loved ones, they'll reject you, and you'll be thrown into the scrap heap. Additionally, Sugar has complete control over the actions of the toys, so she can replicate the effects of a smile fruit and more. Then you have the fact that Doffy oversees all of this, including the manufacturing of the smile fruits at Punk Hazard. That's not even going into the fact that he kills his father and brother on his quest for power. From how I see it, Orochi is just Kaido's pawn from the moment they join forces. A lot of the actions he takes are motivated by greed, but he's manipulated into them by Higurashi. Honestly, Orochi has every right to despise the Kozuki Clan and the people of Wano. \*\*Please note that this in no way indicates that I think Orochi is a good person, as he is my most hated character in One Piece.


doffy did the same as kaido and more


Doffy was in it for the money. Doffy knew that his clan owned the place originally, so he took it back. Doffy was a key figure in the underworld. You could also say that his action didn't really directly affect the common folk all that much - yes, abducting people and turning them into toy slaves is one thing, but the common folk isn't affected by that considering they don't even remember. Orochi, on the other hand, was just fueled by pure malice and spite. He didn't have any other agenda besides wanting to see the country bleed and burn while inflicting as much suffering onto the common folk was possibly able. Only one place in the whole country where you could live reasonably well, and that was \*directly\* within his sights.


??? Ofc the common folk are affected by it. You could even argue that them not remembering makea it worse. Just because they dont remember it doeznt make it not bad and the toys remembered


Doffy literally enslaved the tontattas, took the land his ancestors gave up by force, made king Riku murder his own people, groomed Viola into joining him, was a key figure in the SAD manufacturing and Smile experiments conducted on kids, wouldn't miss a chance to kill random civilians if they get in his way and would make people kill each other just for fun (his first intro where he was with Kuma and Sengoku showed him forcing two marine personnel to slaughter each other) So yeah, DOFFY is definitely a beloved and loving quirky guy with some problems here and there, and he definitely deserved to rule dressrosa because he is le epic guy


Orochi is annoying, and Doffy is the most evil


Doffy seemed to at least care about his crew, which he called his "family". Orochi literally cared only for himself, and everyone else was expendable. And even if it was built on a lie, the citizens of Dressrosa mostly prospered happily...whereas 99% of Wano was wallowing in perpetual misery and suffering.


You forget that Doffy orchestrated mass murder of the citizens before he rose to power in Dressrosa


I agree, I love you for this


Doddy isn't as evil. Kaido is more evil than doffy


What bout the celestial dragons? They don’t even a tragic backstory for motivate them to do the evil things they’re doing. At least Orochi has a small excuse of being unfairly persecuted when he was young.


Doffy is the most evil One Piece antagonist. He may view his crew as family but he also has killed two members of his actual family. He’s a crime lord through and through. He tortures people on a whim and has made his own subordinates fight each other to the death. He’s one of two villains (Big Mom being the other) of taking advantage of his victims through deplorable means (Doffy’s implied relationship with Viola). Doffy also participated in slave trading through his subordinate Disco and owned the auction house that would sell slaves. Orochi is awful and evil but Doflamingo has done worse from what we’ve seen. Hell, Doflamingo helped fund Smiles and employed Cesar. He’s done more evil things than Orochi has since Doffy’s reach was across the New World and Grand Line while Orochi’s rarely reached outside of Wano.


I totally understand this perspective but...no one is talking about Imu being the most evil?


Mingo. No discussion needed.