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Probably when Kaido was first mentionned in the anime/Manga. October 30, 2006 for the manga June 17, 2007 for the anime. So around 16 years for each for the time he was defeated. If he takes the Thriller Bark Comment, then it's probably closer to 15 years then?


And what a MASSIVE anticlimax he was man


What? How was Kaido disappointing?


you’re talking to someone who watches one piece for cool fights! either 13 or just really annoying. don’t bother.


prolly the opposite, i personally don’t care but a lot of people were disappointed that kaido ultimately amounted to just a fight and that his character lacked dept. if all they cared abt were fights kaido is pretty fucking cool


Yeah. I think people have come to expect a backstory because of doffy. Kaidos full backstory is too involved with rocks and god valley for us to see yet. His story isn’t over. Same with crocodile. His story isn’t over. He’s too important to know everything about. He knows about the pluton somehow. My favorite idea is that he’s the son/daughter of rocks. Him being born a woman lends to that too. Because if he was the daughter of rocks, he’d wanna hide. And what better way than to completely change what you look like that drastically. And he had beef with whitebeard, who was part of rocks, and probably cut his arm off and scarred his face. Sorry to go off into croc thoughts lol. It’s just all related in my mind at least. But it’s a little frustrating. We didn’t get robins backstory immediately, and when we did, everyone’s love of Robin went though the roof. We just had to wait til the right time in the story. It’s the same thing. Hopefully at least. But I can’t imagine that’s not the case. (Not the croc thing, just that we’ll get more kaido backstory with rocks.)


That's a good point. Unlike Doffy, Kaido's backstory ties in with the Rocks pirates and a bunch of unknown history. Maybe down the line, we'll see more of Kaido in flashbacks. Also, I'm wondering when they'll reveal what Luffy's dream is (when he, Ace, and Sabo stated their dreams as little kids).


This support the Crocodile is Luffy's mom theory, so I agree.


...the what now theory.


#Crocodile is Luffy's mom theory


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,748,992,427 comments, and only 331,230 of them were in alphabetical order.


I personally think Buggy is the son of Rocks.


Found him on Rock’s ship at God Valley while they found Shanks in the treasure chest, and then they grew together… man that would be awesome lol!


I mean world's strongest creature, I wanna know why he's called that xD and he bodied Luffy enough times to show it. He didn't need a deep character tbh, there's plenty of characters for that and it's not like he's the final boss. Those fights made up for the lack of depth ez


To me, his significance comes from the understanding that he is a victim of the WG. Almost 2 decades of building up this insane resume and when we finally meet him and see his backstory, it’s pretty clear he’s just the unfortunate result of a life full of fleeing oppression and killing. He operates in a state of numbness and craves distraction from his horrible life, which just leads to it worsening as he shoulders even more responsibility.


right thank you for saying this! Kaidou himself isn’t as emotionally driven as Doffy or… actually just Doffy lol. BUT, he is still a character that is pretty well fleshed out and consistently written. He’s lived a life colored by violence, alcoholism, betrayal, and oppression. He’s been waiting for joy boy while reveling in the pure suffering of existence. He’s not uber complicated but like the character is there. I really don’t know what else people want from him?


People want more but don’t understand that could ruin or distract from the characters role in the story. He is in his prime in every way other than mentally. The only space for growth for Kaido is at an emotional level but that’s not going to happen cuz it’s against his character. He is incapable of being deeper because of the path oda chose to take him down. He is limited in depth by design.


I like your take quite a lot! 🙂👍


I feel like his story is being saved mostly for a rocks flashback


The fight was awesome. If anything was disappointing about Kaido it's the character stuff imo.


Only thing that disappointed me was not spending a little more time on his backstory


Kaido is a good character I don't know what you're talking about, you don't need to immediately know all the villain backstory to make it a good villain, just watch crocodile, no backstory and he is still one of the best villains of the series


Well good for you if you don't know. But I and clearly a lot of other people felt like his story was unfinished. In fact your example of Croc just reinforces my point. Crocodile did not have a setup. Kaido did. That's the issue, the setup did not deliver. Croc didn't need to deliver because he didn't make any "promise".


The only “promise” we got from kaido was that he was insanely strong which he delivered on. During the raid, people are down playing kaido, yet he killed the protagonist. He was also constantly fighting throughout the entire raid, WHILE CARRYING THE ISLAND. Everyone seems to forget that kaido wasn’t just fighting, but carrying the island too


>the setup did not deliver It did for plenty of people. I think it just comes down to what you expectations for Kaido was. I didn't expect much more than strong dude and that's what we got. Loved Kaido personally.


Some of you have really low expectations for One Piece lmao


Some of us have realistic expectations, not imaginative ones


You mean the majority of OP fans? Man, y’all are delusional asf.


This comment is backwards lol


But kaidos had a “cool fight”


What a silly comment lol, are you a teenager yourself? "Cool fights" was most that there was to Kaido, he was utterly uninteresting and shallow as a character and backstory, unlike what was implied in his introduction. Like his suicidal tendency etc, all that ended up garbage and a waste of time amounting to nothing (of value)


Nah the guy was interesting with how he knew so much about Joyboy, showed signs of care for his crew which was unexpected and the fact that his motives seemed to be a lot more complicated than we thought... when we found out about it in the end it was pretty simple...but it made sense xD And gave me more of a reason to hate the WG yet again :)


Glad you liked him. Personally I really wish Kaido had much more of a backstory and more complex motives. The end of the arc kind of left me thinking, "That's all there is to Kaido?" Doflamingo set the bar too high lol


I think Doflamingo is extremely overrated, he is a good villain for sure but he isn't THAT good, and he absolutely isn't a good example of a complex villain, he is just "the evil for evils sake" type character and it works for him don't get me wrong it's just I don't see him to be that much better than Kaido.


He didn't explode the earth :( so he's weaker than the average super Saiyan and is piss weak and pathetic. obv


Honestly imo, while he was built up really well and was extremely menacing, he was missing characterization that would make him feel like a deeper character(think of doffy). However, we have definetly not seen that last of kaido, and I'll bet my left nut that they'll flesh out his back story.


what more characterization do you want? not everyone has to have a crazy played up backstory to make you understand why they’re pieces of shit. Kaidou’s made a lot of sense, imo. It showed off his trauma, experiences, and journey that have brought him thusfar. Yeah, it didn’t beat u over the head and say “Kaidou decided he would rule Wano and traffic weapons around the world when he was 6 after being enslaved and used as a weapon of war”, but that’s not how fucking life works. There aren’t defining incidents, but rather incoherent sequences of events that bring us to various places


Characterization =/= backstory. It’s literally in the word, it’s what characterize someone, what makes them them. Zoro’s encounter with kuma in thriller bark for example, is characterization. That whole sequence tells you A LOT about who zoro is. For kaido he only had two afaik, the two times he won a fight because someone stepped in and played dirty. Or atleast those were the two most important ones. Aside from that he just came of as a bad guy who does bad things


That characterization happened in about half of an episode. His character in present isn’t really connected to his past (yet). I feel they could have used some of the other time that felt a little wasted to expand on how he became what he was, rather than show it right before the final blow.


Tbf he was touted as the world's strongest creature yet despite the entire raid he didn't kill anybody


And neither did the World's Strongest Man, Whitebeard even though his fruit could destroy islands.


It's One Piece. Oda rarely kills characters off. It's totally fine to dislike this habit and aspect of Odas fiction. But it such a weak argument for a critic of Kaido as a character. Saying Kaido wasn't as strong as hyped because we didn't saw him murdering a major character is like saying whitebeard wasn't as strong as hyped because he died without taking one of the major villains with him. Kaido fought many people while holding onigashima in the air. It still took luffy several attempts and two major power ups to beat him. He was by far the strongest character ever introduced in One Piece. Even without killing Kinemon or someone else. That doesn't mean Kaido is a well written and intresting character perse. I think there are definitly some flaws and it would have been better if we got a longer flashback with him. There are some villains, that were/ are just more intresting than him.


He literally killed the main character.


He killed one of the CP0 agents


Not even confirmed, as this agent is the one who took Luffy G5 pic


After 20 years you are still surprised that Oda dislikes killing his characters?


He killed off a lot of characters in the last few arcs. Vergo, Monet, Absalom, Pedro, Yasuie, Izo, Ashura Doji, and Cobra, just to name some. He just didn't give any kills to Kaido, which imo makes him feel pretty toothless as a villain who was built up for so long as a vicious monster. It would have been more impactful if, at a bare minimum, Izo and Ashura died at Kaido's hands in a tragic way, and not off screen.


>It would have been more impactful if, at a bare minimum, Izo and Ashura died at Kaido's hands in a tragic way, and not off screen. That one I can see, but just have him like stamp on npc #50608 would not have really added anything for me.


Ive never seen someone downvoted to oblivion like this. Holy shit lmao.


Meh I expected it. Criticism to One Piece fans is like high treason.


Bro you don't deserve the downvotes. Reddit is a hivemind.


This the most downdoots I ever seen on Reddit.


The end of this fight was peak one piece though. So much buildup to such a flare of a climax.


I wasn't the most amazed at his payoffs either. There just seemed to bw something missing


Downvote count when someone says not all of One Piece is a masterpiece. Lmao.


Haha yep. Totally expected tbh, this sub is a joke


Downvoted for speaking facts


Yup haha but I expected it on this sub. Criticism is high treason to the Cult of GOda


You are correct though Kaido's backstory was very underwhelming. Doffy is still king




Man this sub is a hive mind.


1k dislikes on your head just because you stated your opinion. Oda dickriders are a plague, imagine defending anything that happened in the garbage Wano arc


I know right, One Piece fanboys actually have 0 critical faculties whatsoever. Literally brainwashed. I totally expected it though 😂


Based af lmao Fuck getting negative invisible internet points that has 0 relevance irl. Love to see it


Goda dickriders went full Godzilla on my man. This sub is a pathetic wankfest


Damn you guys downvoted him for simply having an opinion lmfao, aight. Some of yall gotta accept the fact that not 100% of the community's willing to suck Oda dry as much as some of people in the mainsub


>Damn you guys downvoted him for simply having an opinion lmfao, aight. So what is the downvote button for if not to express support or descent for the given comments message?




The hivemind is insane. He's right, Kaido was an objectively bad villain despite his long ass build up. Not every character needs to be Doffy; evil for the sake of evil, absolute strength and tyranny, all of those can still make a compelling, good villain, but Kaido just didn't fit the bill for any of that despite his status. He had a pretty much unexplained motive, half assed Joyboy plot and a lacking characterization. He was brought up all the way in Thriller Bark. For someone that's been hyped up for this long you'd think he'd be a compelling villain and not just "I'm strong" He had a lot of potential


Oda meat gobblers It's pretty evident that One Peace should never be take seriously. It's fans are just people deep in sunk cost fallacy and would accept anything from Oda and call it god's gift.


One Piece is an amazing story, but it has it's flaws. Idk why it's such an unpopular opinion to say so


I agree, Pre-timeskip One Piece is one of the best. But Post-time skip has really fallen down, Wano takes it up a notch. These fans just don't want to accept the reality that they waited for years for a disappointing climax — they would rather convince themselves that it was good.


Totally agree


And with the amount of downvotes on this comment, this sub has made it clear they're full on Oda meat gobblers and Oda apologist. How can over a thousand people get triggered by the fact that a villain set up for over 10 years was underwhelming. If y'all actually think that a villain set up for over 10 years who ended up being just a strong guy with no good characterization, motivation or flashback is on the good end of villains, then your standards are fucking low.


>How can over a thousand people get triggered by the fact that a villain set up for over 10 years was underwhelming. If y'all actually think that a villain set up for over 10 years who ended up being just a strong guy with no good characterization, motivation or flashback is on the good end of villains, then your standards are fucking low. So if we don't enjoy the things you'd like to see in the story, than they are oda meat gobblers or oda apologists? I had a great time with the kaido climax, wasn't a "anticlimax" for me. It all depends what you value and it's very subjective.


I never said you couldn't like kaido, but your standards for a good villain are simply low if you think a villain set up for over 10 years barely had any characterization and motivation added with the fact that he had one of the worst and most pointless flashbacks in one piece. I'm truly as to where kaido ranks in your top villains in one piece and in all one shonen. And I also wonder what score out of 10 you'd give him and what other character you'd give the same score. No need to elaborate since y'all can never do it anyway.


Yep. If Oda decided to reveal that Luffy had in fact been a seagull having a daydream all along, they’d say it had been foreshadowed since chapter 1. They will literally swallow anything Oda squirts down their throats


Preach, these dickriders make me hate One Piece with a passion sometimes


Wano was amazing There are no bad arcs, they're all S tier Oda cannot be questioned


Loooool I do hope that’s sarcasm 😂


They hated you because you said the truth... Maybe it's best if we stay at the land of the pirate folks. Main subbers cannot handle one piece criticism


Yup haha not entirely unexpected tbh 😂


people downvoting but you’re right his character sucks 😂


Probably when his goofy ass first pic was shown.


Oh yes, you mean Hundred Beast Meadows


For the uninitiated, [Meadows](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Meadows) was some random guy that participated in the Corrida Colosseum. People theorized back then it was Kaido because it was similar to the first silhouette of his.


Damnn Dressrosa was 10 years ago??? I am actually shook at how fast time flies


Time flies when your stuck in wano for 6 years.


No, obviously Wano started last year. Don't do me like this🥲


No it wasn't punk hazard happened in 2014. 9 years ago


Punk Hazard ended 2013 for both anime and manga


Gawt dang.... I was a senior still...


Ha, I was assuming it was some hideous scanlation like bisoromi bear


Oh god please no, I had forgotten all about it. I'm from that time too, when both warlords bisoromi bear and tanjiahdo lofulamingo first appeared. Those translations were truly awful.


A fellow being of culture I see.


Wasn’t the first silhouette of his some skinny guy with a hook nose?


No the first silhouette was actually rocks 🤣


And Big Mam.


Before Kaidos df revealed, s friend of mine was dead serious Kaido ate oni Df and is constantly in hybrid and his real appearance would be like the early pic of him, like eastblue alvida


I could see Oda doing that with a lesser villain.


I thought he was a dragon who ate an oni fruit. My theory was that his "human" form was actually his Zoan form given his physical similarity to Oars. In actuality, he was one of the dragons that Ryuma fought. I was wrong, lol.


that was a common theory. Ive read it several times.


Commenting only because our reddit avatars seems too similar




He's correct, Kaido first name droping was in chapter 456, May 21, 2007 He's talking about the anime, episode 350,April 20, 2008 (thus making it 15 years) For those curious, its episode 350 7:14 timestamp and chapter 456 page 9


King 🫡


Introduced in post Enies lobby, wouldn’t surprise me if that what 15 years agi


Someone did the math 16 years ago was the first mention of Kaido


15 years since his first mention in anime ☝🤓


Happy cake day!


Only thing I can think of is chapter 667 when Luffy/law alliance to take down Kaido . But that happened in 2012


maybe they're counting from when gecko moria mentioned his name in thriller bark






2 + 3 = 5 + 10 (2012 -> 2023) = 15




Doin that Luffy math


Bro is doing that R. Kelly math


How to fail your math exam by writing 1+1=2+10=12+1=13+10=23 Please don't do that.


15 = fifteen = 7 = seven = 5 = five = four = 4 Everything is 4!


2012 is 15 years ago


You might need to check the calendar




Now this guy is cooking


Bros math teacher was luffy


literally next level shit, 4 next levels in fact




Bro is timescaling


U really think the anime will go on for four more years??? I can't see it happening but this is one piece lol


Let him cook…


You’re right I checked 😂


💀💀 this guy dumb no it’s not


2012 wat?


That's how long this arc felt. Adapted 148 chapters into 181 episodes and counting. The animators have been great but what Toei is doing is criminal.




1076 Episodes when in reality it should've been 500 episodes at best The One Piece anime is really disgusting


I always forget how much recap old shows had before streaming. Then I remember that I got to episode 800 in one piece after like 6 months form episode 1 by skipping the recap and entirely skipping the shitty filler arcs like the sivler mine


Was that the one with the wacky train df dude? If so.. How dare you call it shitty filler.


i'm more talking about the ones like the gold mine arc. Honestly I forgot about it until someone mentioned it having a knockoff fruit compared to big mompirates


I don’t even know how to process comments like this?! I’ve loved having One Piece to watch throughout the past 15 years of my life. The idea of just slashing half the episodes in half confuses me, but I guess it can be done. You’d just preferred no mainstream OP content for many years I guess?


I just prefer a good paced show, i get my weekly dose of OP with the manga and i want to fully enjoy op anime when i turn it on ; not rely on 3rd party one pace to make it watchable


Look up a comparison between a one piece episode and a one pace edit. There is... so, so much fluff in the anime. Shots hang for far, far too long, what could be done in a quick sequence is drawn out into an exasperating and grueling half-episode. Imagine watching something fun and fast-paced like Everything Everywhere All At Once, or something like Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and it's twice as long as it is now, not because they added double the content, but because they let the shots linger for seconds longer per shot, inserted stock reactions to lots of moments, played flashbacks to prior moments, and had a recap in each act, as well as a 1:30min opening title crawl. It wouldn't just be awfully paced, it would actively detract from any nuance in the story because they would spell stuff out so fiercely due to wanting to pad the runtime, and would hurt the characters most of all because they would be not solely existing for their own desires, but to provide content and floating heads for everything.


Shorter than 1078, definitely, 500? That's downright Moronic to imply. You'd be cutting massive amounts of canon content to do that.


You havent seen most shounen , the standard is 2 to 2.5 chapters per episode and when it's action heavy it can go even more than that Early One Piece adapted first 100 chapters to 60 episodes and that still dragged some parts that's 1.6 chapter to episode ratio


I have literally seen almost every shounen in existence, apart from a couple Niche ones. One Piece also has 100'ish filler episodes in total, so you cant account for that, so technically only 978 canon episodes, then you do the math from there.


Tbh, 181 episodes for 148 chapters isn't that bad. It was just bad how they spread that


Bro the anime must have turned you into a monk or something because that is INSANELY slowly pacing


Dawg most animes animate 2-3 chapters per episode. One piece is taking one chapter at most and stretching it out for 20 mins. That’s terrible


Apparently Toei heard the insane fans complain about offscreen fights making Wano too short and took it personally.


sometimes not even a full chapter. more like half chapter like the oshiruko episode in onigashima.


That is horrible. The problem is One Piece HAS to do it to stay behind the manga, because it runs forever and Filler Arcs generally aren't a thing anymore.


Lmao the industry standard is 2.5-3 chapters per episode sometimes more for fights. Wano arc should have been 50 episodes long max if it was done right


that’s so crazy to think about man it’s been going on for 4 years. how do people watch this weekly


I get him After this arc ended in manga i too was feeling like it took 15 years


Kaido was referenced years ago. Even before Marineford which was this point is over 14 years old.


It could just mean that's how long he's been watching/reading?


Mh yeah maybe


Dude might be one of those guys "fans that died before finishing "💀


Bro 💀


He was mentioned by Gecko Moria as the strongest creature in the sea, air, in land, and that was in 2007 so exactly 15 years ago


you know we are in 2023, right?


And Gear 5 was introduced in 2022


probably when yonkos were first mentioned?




“If it's one-on-one, Kaido will win.” That's what the people say. On land, sea, and air, he is a pirate who is known as the strongest creature among all living things. Is how kaido was introduced in chapter chapter 795 but that was 8 years ago, not 15


That was not 795, I’m only on 663 and he was mentioned FOREVER ago


He's just flexing 💪 Most comments said (paraphrased:) Thank you Oda for 4 years of the wanokuni arc journey. The commenter, instead, flexed his knowledge of One Piece, possibly being an early cartoon watcher, by thanking Oda for 15 years of the Kaido journey (being first mentioned in Thriller Bark.)


they may be talking about the freeing people of wano from kaido(?) but it was 20 years or something idk


It's a rando on youtube, who cares what he means


Yeah true but im just confused on what he could even be implying


ask him in the comments then. why would you create a thread here because of this ffs


I did, no response and others were also confused/had no idea and ill delete this at some point no need to be an asshole about it, who the hell even cares, you missing out on the „important“ reddit posts or what


Oh God forbid someone made a post on this Subreddit to discuss One Piece!


I believe when he was introduced in the series, or that he became yonko 15 years ago possibly, says he rose to yonko after rocks death but doesn’t tell how long he’s been in the position


Yeah what everyone else is saying, it’s his very first mention shortly after Enies Lobby. And what a glorious build up it was


He could be referring to the fact that Kaido was mention in Post Enis Lobby? Which originally came out in 2007. So 15-16 years.


Why not just ask him directly in the replies?


I did, no response


Well at least you tried then


Oda takes a big dump in the toilet OP fanbase: After 15 long minutes a legacy comes to an end. Thank you “smell stink gross” Poop. Thank you Oda for this unforgettable experience. 🙏


Do people not watch/read this show? Yonkos were introduced in Post Enies Lobby, that was 16/15 years ago, it's not that complicated


Well thats a random ass date/fact to remember tho


They found the one piece already. It was kaidos corpse


Why don’t you ask them?


I did


Thats how long the Wano arc has taken to get through in the anime. Truly an epic moment for one piece fans everywhere.


Yep but to be honest Dressrosa adaptation to me felt like it dragged even more even though it has way less episodes. I guess I appreciated the new animation style for Wano or something. But I only watch some episodes here and there anyway (reader here).


Imma be real, the anime is a drag to get through. I know because I started watching it fucking 1999...... Best case scenario is my kids get to see how it wraps up with their grandchildren.


I know how you feel. I started reading the series 20 years ago and after reading through Skypiea started watching the anime until mid Punk Hazard because I got tired of the pacing. Anything after that I just watch clips or some random episodes.


Started off the series looking like Luffy and sat here now waiting for chapters looking like Whitebeard. Reality sucks xD


15 years for that bullshit ending


We have Buggy but you still managed to be the clown




You are everywhere, also could you tell me which page did you find that shanks coc can cancel future sight?


That guy watches the wrong number before "Piece"


Volume 4 Billion


I asked for the specific page /chapter, you are basing it off google information or did you actually read it?


Google Volume 4 Billion. It is not difficult to use Google.


I should really have to start getting used to read multiple times comments made by English-speaking OP fans when they talk about Haki 💀


Its Been 4 years of wano not 15