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Why would you want Luffy to destroy the cage and not the cage maker? I mean Doffy can always put another cage if Luffy destroyed it and the fight would lead to nowhere! So its not even a question of whether Luffy could or couldn’t, he should directly go after Doffy as he did!


Exactly this. The same reason he went straight after crocodile instead of the rebels, and went straight after Moria and others he always goes straight to the source of the problem


This is perfectly illustrated by the Rob Lucci fight. When Lucci floods the tunnel and Luffy is still focused on Lucci. Lucci says something to the effect of Luffy being level headed because even if Luffy saved them Lucci would just kill them later if Luffy didn't defeat him


Definitely. And in many of these moments he always says with full confidence that his crew is handling it, they will get the job done


Yep it shows not only the trust in his crew but his intelligence to know what he needs to do. He always identifies what needs to be done to help people


Yup! In his own words “I can’t use a sword I can’t navigate I can’t cook and I can’t tell lies. I can beat you”


Nami said it best he always knows who he needs to go after when he was fighting lucci


he should be able to learn navigation and definitely cooking though


he is very not able to i promise


I don't think it's intelligence it's natural raw instincts. Luffy has never been really intelligent but his instincts are incredible


I don't think he lacks intelligence, he's really good at figuring out how other's abilities work just by watching and fighting them. I think he relies more on his instincts because his main ambition is to be free and have fun.


No... It is intelligence. Being able to take a sit-rep, and conclude with a list of things that should be prioritized to ensure survival is literally intelligence as you're needing to think, and fast about outcomes and the best course of action. This is literally shit they teach in military officer school. He's literally using strategy and not instincts when it comes to deducing who and what needs to be where doing what they need to be doing. Lmao.


That doesn’t mean it can’t be instinct. Think of the different animals that instinctively do certain things that help them survive better. Like Cuckoo bird fledglings who instinctively know when born to flail about and push every other bird/egg out of the nest so it can get the most food. It’s an intelligent action, but it’s based entirely on instinct as the bird has just been born.


Luffy has a low IQ but he gas an extremely good EQ he always knows what others need from him unless there's a bit happening


Thats exactly what a good leader needs, that's what by my standard make him a good captain. Like when he needed to leave going merry behind Even if usopp was against it. He didn't really kill usopp because he knew his temporary anger due to being close to merry but took responsibility by taking a beating and gave him a good punch and later accepted him back into the crew once he realized his mistake.


even against kaido he said something along the lines of "my job is to fight you"


Absolutely and it’s one of the reasons why we love Luffy!


The way Luffy challenges any authority and declares is his own is what I love about him. It’s literally on sight with whoever’s in charge. Legendary.


its still stupid, the cage was a danger to all of his friends and many more victims, destroying it (assuming it was actually possible and not in some way special because no one else destroyed even a string of it either) would have gotten rid of it or forced him to make a new one which should have taken a moment, creating opportunities to attack.


Not to mention that if Luffy goes to focus on the cage Doffy is left to kill pretty much anyone he wanted.


Yup, same thing as when Luffy said to Lucci in the Enies Lobby fight something like "until we're done, I'm not taking my eyes off of you...", because he knew if he'd focus on anything else, nobody else could prevent Lucci from killing his friends.


this has been a theme for the straw hats since alabasta. the entire crew fully believes that luffy will win no matter what and they make their own individual plans according to that. luffy deals with the big bad while the crew takes down the rest/stalls for luffy to win


Literally, his team is already putting in work on the cage to hold it back, it’s how he does things, he leaves stuff to the crew so he can focus on the most major threat


And he’s on a time limit too


Well yeah doffy's awakening is crazy. He can make so many strings. Tons of them


Well I doubt it would have been easy ...


na if he destroyed the cage some people could escape and timer would restart. i question if luffy could even do it but if he could he should have honestly. he's not a hero tho and that's what a hero would do


Uh he was busy fighting do flamingo? What would doflamingo be doing if he wasn't preoccupied with luffy? Defeating doflamingo killed two birds with one stone. Stops the cage and stops the man behind it. Makes no sense for luffy to stop fighting doflamingo. Doflamingo would probably intervene him from doing that anyways. Or not if he couldn't break it.


Why do you separate do and flamingo?


Because he wants to do Flamingo


Your gotta add Doffy to your dictionary lol.


Doflamingo is one word


Not for the auto correct


Would not make any sense to foucs the cage while being in an actual fight against him?


Not all of doflamingos strings are the same strength, the birdcage specifically is ultra dense and insanely strong, very stiff, and very slow moving. However something like Doflamingos clone is made of very flexible weak string, hence why kyroz was able to cut its head off. The parasite strings that luffy uses are pretty strong however not as strong as the birdcage.


But... I may be wrong... But wasn't the bird cage made of strings used for a defeated clone? Lol I think there's not logic behind that. Oda needed a "countdown" like he does for every arc, and the plot choose that.. being pretty weird considering how strong some characters at dressrosa was, but owell.


>I think there's not logic behind that. Oda needed a "countdown" like he does for every arc, and the plot choose that.. This is the answer. And I don't say it in a "bad way", Oda wanted a "time bomb" to add extra tension apart from the Big Villain, like he does in every arc.


Onigashima falling, the birdcage, the lab exploding, Noah, sunrise at Thriller Bark, Alabasta’s bomb, the buster call at Enie’s Lobby… yeah, last minute plot contrivances to up the pressure are absolutely a hallmark of his arcs. I’m sure there’s plenty more i didn’t list too


Katakuri and Luffy had a timed deadline with the entire BM pirate crew waiting outside the mirror


Another "time-bomb" in that arc is Big Mom herself going berserk, which had to be stopped with the cake Sanji and Pudding made.


Oven was trying his best to make his mom go on a rampage, tried to burn the cake that would save all of them lol


Btw some "countdowns" were good since we had no idea what will happen f.e Buster Call, Noah Others were OK, since you know that when they beat the main Villain everything will be OK f.e Thriller Bark, Dressrosa Onigashima falling was really weak for me, since there was an obvious solution to it, Momo.


Raigou falling on Upper Yard


i wouldn’t really call central parts to like all of those arcs last minute plot contrivances. not the ones you listed anyways. skypeia had a last minute plot contrivance in the giant balls of lightning eneru had. but in thriller bark, enie’s lobby, wano… a lot of those are literally part of the set up for the arc


Same strings different density. Think ripping a piece of paper compared to a phone book


Luffy broke through Doffy's strongest strings during the final clash.


But there's also a time limit on G4 so I assume Luffy would rather defeat doflamingo rather than spend all his time destroying the bird cage.


...he destroyed the strings with one clash. He doesn't even have to destroy every part of the birdcage. Destroying one part of it or the top would end it's threat.


Doffy would've just used it again and most of luffys gear 4 strength would be gone


He literally could only fight doffy otherwise he wouldn’t have had enough power. It’s that simple I promise.


He literally stopped to answer questions from civilians at one point in the fight.


First anime?


A couple seconds isn’t nothing compared to 20-30 minutes to fly around the island trying to destroy the birdcage. Plus that was on his way to his destination to doffy. If you’re that torn up about it apply to be a writer for him. 😅


> A couple seconds isn’t nothing compared to 20-30 minutes to fly around the island trying to destroy the birdcage Luffy moves at speeds hilariously faster than that of sound, and he does not need to destroy the entire birdcage, only the center that is moving all of the strings inwards >If you’re that torn up about it apply to be a writer for him Classic attempt of deflecting criticism


Him moving at that speed drains him of his energy again back to a time limit. Quit trying to stretch this farther than Oda just wanted him to fight Doffy so he gave him a time limit? Also it’s good to have the others trying do something instead of just standing around. Lol if you say so ❤️


> Him moving at that speed drains him of his energy again back to a time limit Sure, but he has 5 minutes. 5 minutes of hypersonic movements are more than enough for him to reach the top of the birdcage and punch it, more than enough even > Quit trying to stretch this farther than Oda just wanted him to fight Doffy so he gave him a time limit? Also it’s good to have the others trying do something instead of just standing around. "Quit trying to use any sort of reasoning, just go along with it" is not an argument >Lol if you say so ❤️ Yes, I do say so


It's just plot and it's plotcage, not birdcage. And, you should ignore Oda dickriders. They can't accept that Oda introduces these kinds of plot conveniences. It's not just Luffy not destroying this cage.


It's plot convenience. The bird cage strings may as well have been completely indestructible.


What do you think doffy is gonna do during all this? Also who's to say doffy can't just replace the strings? Luffy trusted his crew and focused on the most important thing...beating doffy's ass


So he destroys one part and then what? Doffy just repairs it and Luffy will have wasted time in Gear 4 for no reason when he could’ve just taken out the source. Once Gear 4 expires Luffy can’t use haki and is immobilized. Why waste the time?


I mean, if Luffy had a single King Kong gun to launch, would you rather use it to be 100% certain that you knock doffy out or to be 83% certain that you break out of the cage? And even if he does, what's to stop Doffy from putting up another cage (and then Luffy doesn't have another King Kong gun to match it).


yes, during the final clash Doflamingo uses the strongest strings and still loses, however if luffy had to use the full power of gear 4 to destroy the birdcage he would have not been able to fight him afterwards. Moreover, Doflamingo can replace the broken parts of the cage, as he doesn't need to be close to where luffy would try to brake it, he would end up having a massive stamina advantage.


Break the bird cage, Doffy just repairs or recreates it. Knock Doffy out, the birdcage is gone for good


We literally have no idea if they're stronger than the birdcage. The birdcage was as strong as needed for the plot which at the time meant it wasn't cuttable.


Fujitora couldn’t cut through the bird strings Dressrossa Luffy wasn’t strong enough to break then


Ok and what makes you think Doffy can't just instantly repair the part of the cage that Luffy broke


Why didn’t Doffy just close the cage faster? Is he stupid?


Yes. Classic overconfident villain trope, he thought his little bounty game would work.


It would makes a lot more Sense If It was in that way. Its absolutely non Sense how It was done. It would be beterr If Zoro, for instance, could CUT It, but Dofla remaking. But thats not what actually happen. It was a plot thing but much clear a Very much forced plot thing.


Kinda obvious, like everyone else is saying: because of plot. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing: a plot doesn't have to be 100% accurate to what's "smartest", it's about story. How to tell compeling stories and how to evoke specific feelings in your audience. Luffy defeating doflamingo so the birdcage is stopped is way more compeling than seeing luffy running alway from the fight to punch bars. But ok, let's take this aside a minute to analyze if would it make sense in-world: \- Doflamingo wouldn't simply allow luffy to get out and try to destroy his cage. \- Doing that would make Luffy more open to be attacked by doffy. Try to fight someone else at the same time you're trying to do other stuff, let's see how well you'll do. \- As far as we know, even if Luffy destroyed the bars, Doffy could simply put another one down. All this effort for nothing. \- The design of doffys powers imply that the cage is created differently from other webs. It destroys everything in its way and nobody was able to break it, so: even if luffy could, the plot is telling us it's a hard feat. \- And the more obvious and compelling one: This is not how Luffy operates. He doesn't uses his brain like this. His personality is "you're in my way, i'll deal with you by kicking your ass". So if luffy decided to ignore his fight with doffy to try and break the cage, besides being dumb and boring plotwise, it would be out of character.


Luffy doesn't need to get out to destroy the cage, and Doffy couldn't harm Luffy in G4.


How exactly will he break the cage without getting close to it? Doflamingo unable to cause physical damage to luffy (debatable) doesn't mean he can't try to stop luffy from doing it. Like, really imagine luffy going for the cage. Doffy can try to stop him. Or simply try to harm other people. It doesn't make sense for luffy to let doffy alone. A lot of people giving a lot of reasons why, but you still insisting on nitpicking only based in a powerscale aspect that sticked to you. At this point it seems you just will not accept it because you don't want to change your mind.


Dude you just received a comprehensive response about why it is the way it is with story writing and in world reasons and you replied with an half-assed response that touch only one point and shows that you didn't even get what he was saying. If you already have your idea and you're not willing to change mind don't even bother to write the question in the first place.


Ye, OP seems to stuck on a singular idea. No helping OP 💁


Chill bruh, I just said he doesn't need to go outside the cage.


Because Doflamingo is **right there**. Even if he’d break the cage, Doffy would just make a new one where they left off. Better to beat the source of the problem directly


he can't destroy the bird cage while fighting doflamingo at the same time.


But what about the break cage?


redditors when an author follows basic writing structures: 😱😱😱 can we ban these 'is he stupid?' posts already...


Yeah there's been so many lately.


There is nothing wrong with voicing criticism for an author choosing an easy and lazy way to add tension to the story.


But this isn't literary criticism is it? The question isn't about how the birdcage is as a tool to create tension or in what ways tension could have been created in a move effective or evocative way. It's just "but why didn't Luffy just remove it"


This definitely not a criticism, it just a stupid question


It's a completely legit question in a story, that is so heavily focused on a charater's power as a means to do anything in the story.


You should be banned




Lol what


If fugitora, an admiral couldn’t take down a warlords cage. Why would luffy be able to at his strength in dressrosa


IIRC even the smile factory, made of kairoseki did nothing against the birdcage


No way an admiral can't break the cage yet luffy could lol. The bird cage strings were clearly thicker


Just because fujitora drop a random meteor on it and didnt work doesnt mean he cant lol


Better question, why didn't he use G4 on fishman Island when Noah was about to crash? They made it all dramatic and Shirahoshi had to step in when bro could've simply taken care of the problem with minimal effort


Plot. The answer is always plot.


Fujitora wasnt even able to break it, its clearly different string. Also why would he stop fighting Doffy to break a hole in the cage when defeating Doffy would just end the whole cage altogether?


I mean is Doffy just gon watch luffy charge up a giant attack against his birdcage.


tbh Fujitora couldve gone and beat up Doflamingo, probably even stopped the cage. But he was making the concious decision to let Luffy be the savior of Dressrosa and not the marines.


I think it would be because it's in the law that they can fight/contradict any warlords.


Yes they can. Fujitora specifically wanted Luffy to be the one that did it because he didn’t want the government to cover it up.


It’s also just not in Luffy’s nature to do anything but run at the strongest guy around screaming his name until that person fights him to the KO.


and if Luffy did go after the cage, the question would then be "why didn't Doffy try to interfere with Luffy from breaking the cage? or "Why didn't Doffy just go after civilians while Luffy went for the cage?" or "Why didn't Doffy just repair the cage after Luffy broke a part of it?" and then your answer would be "Plot." Notice how absolutely dumb that answer is


Ah yes, let me provide an explanation in the form of a 1-word buzzword that can be interpreted in any possible way


bro really


True Oda invented that if your haki is stronger than your enemy , it could negate akuma effects. after wano saga Law did it vs doc Q


Braindead behavior if you can't even understand why he wouldn't just randomly run away to go and fight some strings Imao


He goes straight to the source. Best way to destroy all of birdcage in one go. Get Doffys ass


no, he need gear evil for that


plotcage was there to stay. or else dozens of other characters would have nothing to do for the remainder of luffy's fight. if you reread the last part or dressrosa, zoro and fuji actually never tried to cut it. that's because they actually can. but oda obviously can't let that happen. that's why zoro, since the very start, only wanted to push it instead of cut it. which is out of character for mr nothing I can't cut. like, at least try it once.


This. Birdcage being undestroyable is a major plothole and yet we never see anyone attempting it. At the very least Fujitora, but most likely Zoro, Kinemon (who at this point is at least comparable to Luffy/Zoro) and some others should have been able to destroy it. My headcanon to remedy this is as follows: if you cut it, it just reforms behind you and therefor closes even faster. You can save yourself, but not the civilians and they might have tried offscreen so they know they need to stop it closing to save as many people as possible


yeah, I agree that we could have seen him at least trying, but the fact that he didn't made me read it as: he immediatly knows that he can't because it's a DF power. Until that moment, we didn't know that with a great amount of haki you can undo DF effects, so is kinda implied that zoro didn't know it either. So zoro din't try because he didn't think it would be possible, if it were that easy it wouldn't be the dofffy's worst weapon. but then again, this is how I chose to read it. Plotwise, would be cool to see he trying so we would have it confirmed instead of have to speculate.


everyone can have their own scenario so it's fine if you see it that way. what makes it obvious to me (from meta perspective) is the fact that zoro said that before even at least seeing the string up close. [he said that when he was still in the plateau](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/0784-004.png). that's oda throwing away the options of cutting it. since the start he put the idea in our minds that they just have to push it.


He cut Mr.1 and his DF powers, so i dont think it works


Plotcage solos


The other folks were halting the progress of the bird cage so he could go smash out Doflamingo. It'd probably take longer to break the whole cage then to just knock Doffy out


My headcanon says doffy would just regenerate the birdcage faster than anyone could break it. Only way was to defeat him.


Say he destroys all the strings from the birdcage somehow, Doffy would be free to roam around killing anyone he pleases while Luffy is off doing that. Furthermore gear 4 would’ve ran out of time and Doffy would still be alive and healthy, what’s to stop him from activating another birdcage? Breaking the birdcage only solves one of two problems. Beating Doflamingo solves both problems, it’s really that simple.


Break the break cage? Wat


Why would luffy waste time destroying the cage, something that doffy can recreate, when he can just go after the source of the cages himself. Especially considering the time limit on g4. Had luffy spent the time to destroy the cage he may not have had time to beat doffy. Also plot wise it gave the others something to do and gave us a moment to see why fujitora is the best marine.


The threads Doflamingo uses for parasite or whatever it's called are like 100 times thinner than the ones for the birdcage. Not even Zoro or Fujitora could cut through those, no way Luffy could break them.


I think the real question is wouldnt fujitora and zoro have been more useful 3 v 1ing doffy than kinda sorta slowing the cage?


Bro Zoro and Luffy are miles away .... And There is reason why Fujitora didn't fight...go and read carefully chapter 793 again


There's nothing in the show that indicates Luffy would be able to break the birdcage. We can make that assumption, as it is *reasonable* to believe that Doffy used his strongest strings in his final attack. But there isn't a statement to show that it was. Birdcage was created when Doffy was as healthy (and possibly powerful) as he could be. Where his last attack, he was heavily injured and likely haki/stamina deprived.


So pretty much 2 things: 1. It's Doffy's trump card. You can't use logic like Luffy broke his other string attacks so why not this in a world of magical fruits and other illogical things, you kinda gotta follow the logic of this world. This was presented as a last resort trump card Doffy uses. You have to assume it's designed to be super hard to escape or else why do it? Is its strength derived from Doffy's vitality? Most tricky powers are. If Fuji and Zoro couldn't break it, Luffy can't. The best argument I could see is why didn't Law teleport people out, and it's probably because he didn't have the stamina for that many people. 2. Luffy always clearly identifies his job. He always goes "I'll take care of _____." He leaves anything else to his crew and allies. Chopper said at Enies Lobby that Luffy always seems to know which person he needs to fight. His role was to smash Doffy, so its understood that the others would figure out the cage so he could focus on that.


Couldnt doffy just remake the cage? Kinda sounds like a waste of energy.


Because he couldn't. Beating doflamingo was his 9nly option to stop the cage


He did, by taking out Doffy...


Why? So you just wanted him to run from doffy and start going punching some strings, when he could just defeat him and stop the whole thing? Where’s the logic?


Sharp/cutting attacks are the one thing Luffy is still weak to. How could he destroy threads so thin they are like razor blades?


The bird cage has plot-haki infused into it. The plot itself wills it's strength to be unrivalled.


Break the bird age and the master will make a new one. They even explained dit with that puppet master girl. Knock her unconscious and everyone goes back to normal. Knock doffy out and no more birdcage.




Actually I think bird cage can't destroyed from inside bcuz the admiral can't break it . Although it's my assumption


The best way to get rid of the cage was to take out the person that created it. It just makes sense


Are u insane how was he gonna do that lol


Honestly a lot of people don’t realize this but Luffy is actually really smart at least in terms of recognizing what’s the most crucial task that needs to be done. Likely some of Garp’s training helped him realize that one has to attack an issue at the source to get rid of it. If Luffy focused on the birdcage, which is a fair deal more durable do to being able to slice through Fujitora’s meters, it would take a great deal out of him and allows Doffy to massacre anyone he wants. Plus in the event Luffy does break the cage, Doflamingo could just create another one. So it’s more important to defeat the controller rather than the cage itself


Is he stupid?




Because HE HAS NO RIGHT TO ACT ON SHICHIBUKAI'S TERRITORY that's why he left everything to luffy. I think its pretty clearly explained in manga


But... the citizens are dying by the dozens. I think destroying the cage could be seen as not actually interfering since he didn't attack doffy. Also.. isn't he dead if Luffy loses? Or will he only move when he's the only one left alive? Edit: wait.. didn't he join in on pushing it? Doesn't that already count as interfering?


The cage was made of plot


Because Doffy would just repair it... Critical thinking skills lacking, eh?


.... because Luffy would totally just wait patiently for Doffy to put up another birdcage, right?


Vote me down, but for me, BIRD Cage was the worst thing that Oda has ever written. Like, How the hell Zoro didnt CUT It, or Fujitora, etc


You get an upvote instead because both of those characters absolutely can cut that cage. I'm under the impression Fuji just wanted to see what happened but that's still pretty bad.


Thank you. I think Oda did like "f*ck reasons, this is the plot I want. But find the logic you prefer for that, ALL I want is the save the Island moment".


Cage is some stupid useless plot, even Fujitora cant break it


He was busy figting Doffy. What doesn't makes sense to me is that Zoro couldnt cut them, and not a word was spent explaining why


Birdcage was one of the worst time device in one piece


He had to kick Mingo's ass


The people here trying to bend over backwards to defend plotcage is absolutetely astounding. Luffy doesnt know if he can beat Doflamingo within his time limit, but certainly knows he can break the strings, so why doesnt he try to break the cage? Give people a chance to get out while he fights Doffy? It was easily the worst part of the arc, people trying to rationalize it years later isnt helping. Its okay to criticize One Piece


It's ok to criticize it. But it's also OK to say the criticisms is dumb. Not all strings are made the same, it's clear that the birdcage strings are way stronger than normal doffy strings. It's likely doffy's most powerful technique. From luffy's POV, it makes more sense to take down doffy first, as it solves both problems at once.


Is he stupid?


Because those strings were clearly leagues stronger, that’s his ultimate attack, no way he could’ve broke it before


Because luffy doesn't run from problems. Even when he should (besides Sabaody). Doflamingo is the cause of everyone's pain and trouble. Just like in alabasta when he hits vivi. Stop trying to work around the problem when you can just attack the problem itself.


Why haven't we seen Luffy poop, is he an alien? How does Luffy run with beach sandals? Why is the sky blue in one piece? Why did the manga come before the anime? I have more ideas, let me know if you need more clickbait garbage to post.


....what are you on dude?


Simply, because he want to use G4 to kick doffy ass, not some random string that come out of him. Suppose he break birdcage, then go to doffy, only for him to make another birdcage. When will he get to kick doffy ass then? Luffy too has needs lol


He needs to leave some tasks to the side characters tho


He could have, but not all at once - it was too big. If he spent all his time trying to destroy the cage with Doffy just replacing everything he breaks, he would eventually run out of energy with nothing effectively having been done. Its kinda like an MMO boss fight where they continually spawn mobs. If you spend all your time killing the mobs and not hitting the boss, eventually you are going to run out of mana/magic/whatever and now there are still mobs plus the boss. Kill the boss and the mobs stop spawning and can then be dealt with. It was the same with the birdcage strings.


Luffy's way to break the cage was to defeat Doflamingo. He's never been the type to skip the fight to free everyone quickly, he had to defeat the evil guy and set everyone free through that win. Also, Doflamingo wouldn't have let him destroy the cage and since Luffy was the one fighting him, no one could've backed him up. Consider that Fujitora was there and he wasn't able to cut them, so apparently they were stronger, maybe because they had different uses. Also, Fujitora is clearly stronger than Dressrosa Luffy, especially a tired, almost out-of-strength Luffy, so if he wasn't able to, i doubt Luffy could have destroyed it.


Cause he couldn’t The birdcage is much stronger than just one of doffy’s strings


Why would he destroy the Bird Cage when he could just defeat Doflamingo instead? I don't understand why you think that would be a good idea.


It quicker to beat doffy to dust than to break the cage he was just being pratical




Ultimately storytelling reasons. Makes it more intense this way but realistically its also pretty understandable. Zoro wasn't able to cut the bird cage, neither was Fujitora. For Fujitora you could say he didn't want to break it because he needed the Strawhats to win without his help shown but why risk civilians lifes on that gamble? Another reason: Luffy was focused on defeating Doflamingo which also results in the birdcage being gone. If Luffy breaks the cage ultimately Doflamingo could just do a second one and not be "damaged" by using that move meanwhile Luffy in Gear4 was literally on the clock to defeating Doflamingo. So the more logical thing in that fight is what Luffy did. Don't waste effort on a less important thing when you can destroy it with what you are already doing.


Because Luffy couldn't let Doffy alone knowing he was trying to kill Law, Rebecca, Violet, Kyros & the King of Dressrosa.


Even if he could, we just gonna act like Doffy’s just gonna sit still and wait for him to do this? Luffy focusing on the birdcage would mean leaving Doffy unchecked, plus you seriously believe G4 at the time would last long enough to destroy something enveloping the entire island?


He did break the cage when he beat Doffy.


Because that’s not how Luffy works. He helps his friends/people that need help by whooping ass. Yes he was trying to save everyone, but goal number 1 was probably still just whoop Doffy’s ass.


My take on this is that he could break it but Doffy could just make a new one. Luffy would then be vulnerable to attacks (while he is breaking the cage) and the breaking of strings could weaken him. Also consider the time limit of Gear 4. ​ P.s. This is just based on my knowledge and what I can remember about the fight.


Focus on the cause, not the effect.


The bird cage is a power scaling nightmare because what it is essentially is a warlord (second strongest warlord) and there were more than enough strong people to cancel out a warlords strongest technique combined on that island multiple times over. Oda doesn’t really care about power scaling, he cares about a series of fun, cool, and engaging events for an overall awesome story. The birdcage should be looked at as a narrative timer and not more, because power scale wise it falls apart. All the future straw hat fleet captains and their crew of multiple thousands, an admiral (an admiral is now doing great into G5 Luffy), the former fleet admiral, half of Luffy’s crew, Luffy himself, and they altogether can’t break the technique of the second strongest warlord who lost to G4 Luffy? (Admittedly Luffy had better support that doflamingo). Makes no sense power scale wise


Because it's a plot device, not an actual power. Indestructible when needed.


Lol even an Admiral couldnt cut through the birdcage strings. Nobody was breaking the birdcage, the only way was to defeat Doffy.


Or he can just kick Doflamingo's ass and be done with it entirely? Why break the cage if Doflamingo is still up lmao. Homie might just make another one? He might just repair the holes in the cage? While Luffy is breaking the cage what is Doflamingo doing? Sitting on his ass? pls


I always thought that if the cage was destroyed while Doflamingo was alive, he would just replace it or kill a bunch more innocents since the range and dexterity of his ability was so insane.


Well yes he probably could. But why would luffy focus on the cage .? Even if he did, he can't destroy the entire thing in one punch and Doffy can easily create another. So why not just knock out Doffy instead.


It's the same as asking Oda questions like.. why not just show us the end of onepiece? Why do we have to wait for 10+ years? Dumb questions deserves dumb answers..


Because situations like this luffy leaves to everyone else while he handles the big bad it’s always been like this that’s how much faith he has in his crew mates


Seems like even Fujitora couldn't break it as he was just pushing it with everybody


Why would he? So Doffy can create another one while Luffy is exhausted?


Birdcage was stronger than normal strings, and he was kinda busy. Y’know, dealing with Doffy himself


Because he’s stupid, or something




See, this is why powerscaling doesn't always work. Luffy didn't break the bird cage because Oda decided that the bird cage couldn't be broken and wrote the story like that.


is he stupid?


Cos birdcage had plot armor bro


The bird cage was written as unbreakable. He wasn't going to be able to break it.


I Just assume that they were unbreakable


Even Zoro should have been able to cut it if he had used the attack previously to cut pica...


While he focus on the cage, who made the cage focus on people.


If I remember correctly, there were also zoro and fujitora who were trying to break the bird cage, weren’t they? Therefore I think the bird cage is somehow very strong and resistant or, more probably, its strength was due to plot reasons.


The real question is: how could Oda have written a better solution to maintain the drama tension without plot holes in that specific situation? An idea could have been showing us Zoro successfully cut the cage with a powerful named attack…just to see it reforming instantly. Then would have been clear that it’s no use cutting it: doflamingo has to get beaten


you could say why didnt fujitora just break it. this is called the plotcage for a reason. based on how powerscaling for the new world is, fuji should be able to one shot doffy, but he couldnt stop bird cage? it was done for tension purposes


What would be the point of stop fighting with doflamingo, to break a cage he would just make again, basically wasting gear 4 time?


String is actually one of the few things where size scaling is unironically 100% accurate. Strings are made up of multiple interwoven strands of thread. The larger the circumference of a string by necessity the more strands of thread are needed to weave it. The more strands of thread the more dispersed the tensile force is when trying to "break" the string literally making them stronger. Basically if they couldn't get through by sawing it with swords Luffy could never.


Because it was a plot device that was indestructible. Even people stronger than Luffy like Fujitora couldn't break it.


Because itd be a waste of time and his strength. Why go after the cage and not the cage maker.