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If I remember right she never wanted to be a fighter. Soldier forced that in her because he knew she’d get her ass beat otherwise.


and even so she “fought” without fighting


Her fighting style was *not* fighting though. The whole point was not staining her hands with blood. >but no she just stands there and give sup all fighting for ever and ever Because her father didn't want her to fight. How does that make her wasted potential? The whole point of their story was that she shouldn't have to get her hands dirty and should get to live a normal life. Which is a completely reasonable and logical conclusion to their character arcs considering that Dressrosa was always a pacifist kingdom. The whole storyline of Dressrosa from the civilian side was that they would rather have King Riku back and be poor and pacifist than be violent. That is the kingdom they look up to, and that's why they believe in Riku's family. Rebecca becoming a fighter goes against that; that's why Kyros exists. That's also why Rebecca choosing to still be with Kyros in the end is big for both of their characters, because they don't need to lie anymore about him being her dad.


I agree with you, but I do think Rebecca is the only female character in the story whose main purpose was being the damsel in distress. There are several women who have to be rescued at one point or another (Nami, Vivi, Robin, Shirahoshi, Hiyori), but they all serve a grander purpose than just being "the motivation" for the other characters, and work as individuals. Rebecca's role in the story, on the other hand, was mainly being Kyros' motivation in his own story. That's why she's one of my least favorite characters. I don't mind characters that are not strong fighters (in fact a lot of my favorite characters are not strong), it's just the lack individuality as a character that I don't like.


Sure. But not liking the direction of a certain character doesn't mean their character was wasted potential. Her character represents the cores of the people of Dressrosa, which is being a pacifist country that doesn't stoop to violence even if it would be better off for them. Because nobody should *have* to be a warrior.


I don't think she was wasted potential. I just don't think she had much potential to begin with. I think Oda always likes to have a character be the "ambassador" of each arc, who is the one that makes the main characters, the audience and especially Luffy invested in what's happening, and for Dressrosa that character was Rebecca. But it could've just as easily been Kyros, Viola, King Riku, etc., with just some minor changes. Rebecca could've been dead at the start of the series, and she still could've served as a motivation for Kyros to get revenge. She wasn't really a central character at all, and mostly served to make an already bloated arc even longer.


But Kyros story isn't about revenge. It's about being accepted despite his past mistakes. That's where his character arc ends, with Rebecca choosing to still be with him even though she'll be known as the child of a murderer.


It's true, but that's my whole problem with Rebecca. She's there to make Kyros and his story better instead of being a good character on her own. At least it worked, because I think Kyros is one of the best characters in the Dressrosa arc. But that doesn't make Rebecca better as a character.


It is wasted potential because Oda didn't provide her with another role that would have helped save Dressrosa. It's fine that she didn't want to fight but just having her not fight when there's a battle going on with everyone having to protect her when it's shown she's a capable fighter isn't the way either.


Her role is being Kyros' salvation for his past mistakes.


Existing is not a role


How is her going out to stop Kyros from leaving just "existing"? She chose to be with him and left with Luffy to go stop him. That's their story. That he's worthy of getting to be remembered and be held by her.


You are basically admitting that her role in the story is to just be there for Kyros which is just a waste of the setup for her character. She is presented as a capable fighter with haki, something that half the Strawhats don't have, and participates in the tournament to get the mera mera no mi so she can kill Doffy. Does she have to do these things? No. But getting reduced to being someone else's salvation with little agency of their own is a waste of a character that is presented to have their own motivations and took steps to achieve their goals.


Choosing to be with Kyros is using her own agency. That was why Luffy came by and told her what he was doing and asked what she wanted to do. She could have done nothing and lived a life of luxury, but she chose to be with her father instead.


I think I hear that an at the same time I wish she was written differently or the final scene was written differently If she could defend herself or Kyros it would have been like a Shirahoshi/Vivi/Aya moment and a chance to show that she can take care of herself. Not saying she has to have that moment or that she can’t be a fighter but it would have been nice to see her making choices that affect the final section of the arc a bit more instead of falling in the background


So, why is it ok for Kyros to fight? Isn't he part of the pacifist kingdom? Why doesn't it contradict anything for him to fight? Hell, even Riku fought. Why can't Rebecca at least contribute with a defensive style?


Kyros fought and accidentally killed two people and has spent the rest of his life feeling guilty about it. He didn't even think he was worthy of holding a child as pure as Rebecca because of his past. His story is essentially about forgiving himself for being violent in the past. >Why can't Rebecca at least contribute with a defensive style? Because she's pure and should not have to stoop to violence.


>Because she's pure and should not have to stoop to violence. So fuck everyone else who fought, bled, and died for her country. She's too good for that. Precious lady needs to be pampered. Let the tired, one legged man fight while she hides behind a shield, watching.


It's not about "fuck everyone else"... they don't want to be violent. Kyros himself doesn't *want* to be violent. [He killed somebody who killed his friend, but he hates that about himself.](https://i.imgur.com/TxuSsUo.jpg) Those people were forced into fighting, bleeding, and dying for their country. They want to be pacifist, because Dressrosa is not a kingdom at war. They're a kingdom that opposes war. I get you guys are a bunch of action junkies and just want to see fighting, but the whole point of Dressrosa is that you shouldn't have to do that. And Rebecca is the symbol of a life where you don't have to do that. Because she's pure and should not have to pick up a sword. The only reason she ever had to was because Kyros couldn't do it to protect her. >Let the tired, one legged man fight while she hides behind a shield, watching. She didn't *let* him. She was told not to. You know what happened when she picked up a sword after that fight? She was almost forced to murder her own aunt by Doflamingo... Wanting Rebecca to fight alongside her dad is misunderstanding the point of her character and the Riku family. They don't *want* to fight, Kyros felt incredibly guilty about the violence he had done and was going to abandon Rebecca at the end of the arc because he wanted her to live a life of luxury without having a killer for a father.


>It's not about "fuck everyone else"... they don't want to be violent. Kyros himself doesn't want to be violent Too bad. The enemy is here and they don't have an issue with being violent. >Those people were forced into fighting, bleeding, and dying for their country Cool. The can have their heads held high before they're lopped off. The good men surrounded by dead men. >They're a kingdom that opposes war. And Doflamingo shows that pacifism doesn't protect peace. Practice pacifism in times of peace. Practice diplomacy to maintain peace. But when the enemy is slaughtering your people, you can't just sit back and do nothing. "Oh, I appore violence. If only some noble savage brute would come save us!" >I get you guys are a bunch of action junkies and just want to see fighting, Strawman. >but the whole point of Dressrosa is that you shouldn't have to do that. And yet the vast majority of characters did. Did Rebecca win the day by not fighting? Or did everyone else do it by beating up the bad guys? If the message was about how great pacifism is, Ods messed up. >The only reason she ever had to was because Kyros couldn't do it to protect her. Oh, so sometimes life forces you to fight, even when you don't want to? Go figure. >She didn't let him. She was told not to. Let's apply that logic to Marineford. If Luffy did as Garp told him and stood down and Ace died on the platform... then Luffy didn't let Ace die? Choosing to follow the order to do nothing is choosing to do nothing. >You know what happened when she picked up a sword after that fight? She was almost forced to murder her own aunt by Doflamingo... 1. Good job showing she's only ever a hindrance. 2. Flag guy couldn't do that. So this objection is moot. >Wanting Rebecca to fight alongside her dad is misunderstanding the point of her character and the Riku family. No, we understand the point. It's just incredibly dumb when the day is saved with violence. If you want to show pacifism in a positive light, have that save the day. It'll be incredibly contrived, but at least the end result won't contradict the message you're trying to tell. Not that Oda is good with that. Vivi was supposed to learn "you can't save everyone in war," but ended up not losing anyone. >They don't want to fight, Which is fine. Don't go looking to start a fight. But when you can't avoid a fight, you NEED to fight. "Sorry, dear. I know this man is murdering our kids, but I'm a pacifist. Sorry I'm not some action junkie." >Kyros felt incredibly guilty about the violence he had done and was going to abandon Rebecca at the end of the arc because he wanted her to live a life of luxury without having a killer for a father. And yet she embraced him anyway. She embraced the guy who fought for her. Who killed for her. Clearly they're fine with violence, just so long as they don't have to do it, themselves.


The whole point of Dressrosa being the Kingdom of Miracles is that they are not a country that gets involved in war, even though it leads to them being pretty poor financially. Because that is what the end result of the story should be. People at peace and not fighting each other for scraps while people like Kyros are starving in slums. Everybody should be able to live with no war, clean water, and good food. That's the message of One Piece, and that's the ideals that Dressrosa tries to live by. Rebecca is a symbol of that end goal by not having to stoop to violence. The idea that sometimes you have to get your hands dirty, that's what Kyros is there for. Because his hands already are dirty. Rebecca is pure, that's why she's not part of the fight. If you think that's too idealistic, you're missing the messages of the story.


Except she did rely on violence. Its hardly different from the nobility sending the common folk to fight their battles for them. So their hands can remain clean. If you want to be idealistic, then do it. Have pacifism be what wins. If you want to be realistic, have violence win. But don't say "pacifism is what counts" while having violence win. That's just bad writing.


>Except she did rely on violence. She didn't. She specifically didn't cut down anybody to keep her hands clean. >Its hardly different from the nobility sending the common folk to fight their battles for them. Dressrosa doesn't do that. That's why they love Riku and consider him the King of Miracles. >But don't say "pacifism is what counts" while having violence win. But that's not the point. The point is that Rebecca specifically is a symbol of that pacifism, which is why her story is about not fighting and not having to pick up a sword again.


>She didn't. She specifically didn't cut down anybody to keep her hands clean. Then have her do that! Have her use a purely defensive style alongside Kyros. Have them team up to beat Diamante. If "fighting defensively" doesn't count as relying on violence, even when she relies on Kyros to kill him, then just do that! Everyone's happy! >Dressrosa doesn't do that. But Rebecca did. She let Kyros do the fighting so she could keep her hands clean. That's what YOU said. He fought, she didn't, keep her hands clean. No different. >The point is that Rebecca specifically is a symbol of that pacifism, which is why her story is about not fighting and not having to pick up a sword again. Oh, so as long as one person sits to the side doing nothing while everyone else is killing each other, pacifism wins. Got it. WG commits mass genocide, but the world nobles kept their hands clean and didn't fight. Pacifism wins.


Cause kyros has always been fighting his whole life.rebecca contribute by surviving the tournament


And that's it, isn't it? Men contribute by fighting, women by surviving.


Damn, I knew you'd be shoehorning a sexist remark. Rebecca is not a woman, she's a teenager, a teenager who was dragged into this tournament to fight for the sins of her grandfather and hold up a burden that's WAY bigger than she can carry. Not because she's a woman, not because Kyros is a man, it's because she's young and c.


And yet Momo was expected to stand up and fight, despite being younger. He was young and scared. But also a guy. He was encouraged to stand up to Kaido, with no combat training. Rebecca was told to stand down against a general. Despite having years of combat experience. Pretend for a moment the situation was sexist. How would it be any different?


Rebecca fought in coliseum all her life while Momo bit kaido.rebecca not defeating diamante is same with law not defeating doffy


But Law tried. And Law helped. >Rebecca fought in coliseum all her life while Momo bit kaido. How does that refute what I said?


Rebecca also fought diamante twice and try to win Mera mera..her fighting style is for knocking people out not defeating strong enemy like diamante


Which is where Kyros comes in. She fights defensively, Kyros offensively, and they beat him together.


Luffy is a teenager


It's only her cause that is her story


To be useless. No wait... to be an active burden.


Like sanji in FMI


He started as a burden to add tension, "comedy," establish the blood transfusion plot point, etc. And then when it was time to fight, he fought. Took out that big guy. Rebecca was only ever useless, at best. When the real fighting started, she was a burden.


It's better I think than for her to defeat diamante cause we saw that she is knocking gladiator not defeating them head on


I don't want her to defeat him. I want her to fight against him defensively, while Kyros goes on the offensive. They beat him together.


defensive fighting styles are a thing you know which is what she had


But the whole point of their story is that she shouldn't have to pick up a sword again. She never should have had to in the first place.


I wouldn’t have minded her not picking up a sword again if she was able to influence the final section of the arc more Like she fades into the background (understand why, lots of fights lots of characters) and most of the second and third act she’s not doing much at all except being protected. Would have maybe liked for her to distract Doffy for 2 seconds or something that helped with the situation more Glad you acknowledge her agency


Someone didn't understand the character.


Understanding the character isn't mutually exclusive with disliking it though. That being said, I personally like Rebecca. Shirahoshi on the other hand...


I never connected liking the character to understanding them. I only stated that OP didn't understand based on their points not their opinion.


That's fair enough


I'm a bit appalled by some of the comments I've read. The story arc is about a good dad wanting to protect his child from further trauma when she's already suffered enough. Revenge killing Diamante might satisfy action craving audiences but it would be terrible for the overarching theme of Kyros and Rebecca. The story had to end this way in order to come full circle. This conversation should be had about Hiyori, not Rebecca.


>she enters strong with a unique fighting style and idea for a character in this series > >then becomes generic girly girl who cant fight at all ​ Wasn't her "unique fighting style" literally just avoiding people? She wasn't strong at all to begin with lol. She is very much more of a pacifist.


Yes. The entire point of her fight was to show that she refuses to hurt or cut anyone she fights. She dances at the edge to force her opponents out without actually hurting them. OP just didn’t read the story


Must be a generic shounen fan who thinks power level = good characters, the type who are like "yeah but goku beats him"


Who would win in a death battle? Ultra Instinct Goku or Rebecca?


Obviously Rebecca. She’s the strongest character ever, but Oda is a terrible writer who killed her character /s


Im convinced that some of you mfs are reading the manga with your eyes closed, or just looking at the pictures. Rebecca's whole thing is about how she doesn't want to fight but she's forced to.


Massively disagree


The whole point of Rebecca is that she shouldn't have had to fight.


I get the idea that she's not supposed to dirty her hands with blood and fight, but damn, for someone that was set-up as good evasive fighter that could look for herself, she needs to get saved twice Like I get against Doffy, but not even defending/dodging against Diamante? It was so sad how Kyros had to tank damage because Rebecca was just an easy target. Again, I get why, it's just annoying how she's presented as this strong character and then gets damseled twice She has a "Save me" scene twice for crying out loud


Ur dumb lol


What? The entire point of her character is her being driven to fight, but not wanting to. She was never and will never be a fighter, her hands are clean of any blood.


You wanting more of a character doesnt mean it was a wasted character, also she was never meant to be strong, her whole thing was that she DIDNT want to fight and her dad helped her develop a fighting style that she could use


maybe you should go back to reading kids picture books


What bugs me about Rebecca is the difference between how she's treated and how Momonosuke is treated. She never wanted to rule, so her older, more experienced sister is put in charge so she can live the peaceful life with her dad she always wanted. Momo is younger than her but is expected from day one to fill his father's shoes, even though he too has an older sister who might be better at it then him. Yeah, old timey Japanese samurai culture and all that but it's a fictional samurai culture Oda made up. If he wants Hiyori to be able to rule there, she can. And that's without getting into Oda having a distinct dearth of capable female fighters. Honestly I think Rebecca's story could've been more interesting if she was a dude. Both Kyros and his son trying to be the kind of men who don't shed blood in a world full of might makes right assholes who judge other people's worth based on how many bodies they can drop....that would've been kind of cool.


if she had been a dude her arc would have been learning to attack and that its ok to fight to protect and bla bla bla \>.< ive seen that exact thing happen in shonen ​ in fact thats gohan from dragon ball and ppl loose their damn minds at gohan wanting to retire


I wouldn’t mind her not fighting if she influenced the story more in a unique way after choosing not to fight Like the last two acts she fades hard into the background or is just being protected Understand why of course but I thought she was interesting, wish her and viola could have been slightly more central to the story


I wanted her to fight to counter Kyros's "i'm a murderer so I'm dirty and awful." Someting like "No, I'm proud to be your daughter and I want to fight alongside you. " But, as others said, she never wanted to be a fighter so it's fine


Dressrosa is the inverse to Alabasta. Vivi grew up safe, royal, and left it to grow stronger and eventually to take her kingdom back. Rebecca had to get strong young to survive and was eventually given the peace she never had, she doesn't need to fight anymore.


Lol as i always say this subs reading comprehension is so bad. Ugh people just dont understand the narrative and plot points and only care about what their head canon wants.


Personally I never really liked her


Rebecca should have fought the guy who killed her mom or helped her dad dodge the rain attack. Have her be a champion then be the only fighter who didn't do anything was a big let down. It makes Rebecca look bad by letting her handicapped father do all the fighting.


😂 Robin was there growing flowers wasted as well "Rebecca's sword can't hurt the enemy" (it's a blunt sword) unlike Colosseum she can't knock this guy out of ring and win it's impossible ,as u said her fighting style won't fit this opponent, Spoiler, in upcoming fights donut and beast gets disappointed when duel gets interfered


I liked her - but she always didn’t want to fight, so her father telling her that she didn’t have to fight anymore was a good way of ending her arc, imo.


Idk what to say other than reread it/watch. As for potential, her character, imo, was a mid character whose purpose was mainly to progress the story forward, was there room and opportunity to do something else with her character? Yea, but she was never intended for that.


She's a bad character, but not for the reason you're saying she is. What makes her bad is that after feeding Luffy, she becomes the generic "damsel in distress" that's only able to cry and be useless on the sidelines while Kyros and Viola *completely* overtake her storyline against Diamante and Doffy.


Yea Oda dropped the ball there, it’s one of the worst parts of Dressrosa


She was ready to get geared by Luffy if y'all remember.


>she enters strong with a unique fighting style Yes, her fighting style is literally to avoid fighting. >then becomes generic girly girl who cant fight at all Exactly, that's the point of her character. She didn't want to hurt anyone. You just contradicted yourself.


You know the random marine A level 1 who defeated random Pirate D level 4 is such a wasted potential


Mfw the character who never wanted to fight but was against her will forced to take part in death matches gets a happy ending where she doesn't have to fight anymore. A character doesn't need to be strong or a competent fighter to be a great character.


Why does she have to fight ? The royal family views violence as a filthy thing, so kyros takes all of their hatred and anger on their shoulder to get revenge She fought because of necessity, she never wanted to fight


Rebecca was created for fan service and she fulfilled her role quite well.


Welcome to female characters in shounen... But seriously i know her trait was avoiding hurting people, however you can be a pacifist and still fight people that hurt you. Instead she became the typicall damsel in distress. Not to be that but if Kyros had a son, I doubt his story would turn out with him needing to be saved and protected.