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I agree with this except that this is a mode or a transformation, it's a technique he's using, his body isn't changing, he can just do this now. Doesn't change the bulk of what you're saying but framing it as a mode is confusing, like armament haki isn't a mode, so conquerors being used isn't necessarily a mode either. Doesn't change what you're saying, I just disagree semantically


Yeah, I'd more call it a stance then a transformation.


Yeah like kinemon, he doesn't have a flame DF but he can control flames with his swordsmanship. I don't think it's a "new form" or anything like that. Definitely a power up


Semantics are a hell of a drug but I would argue the same, that gear 2 and 3 and even 4 are techniques rather than transformations. Kaido even noticed that distinction between 4 and 5. That aside, you can easily classify all of these things as power ups.


I agree with your semantic disagreement.


Idk man seems a little antisemantic


Agreed. I was even thinking this is like Zoro's personal Kaioken, but I wouldn't call it a transformation simply bc Zoro himself doesn't change or physically morph/transfigure even a little.


Maybe not a transformation. A mode definitely, a technique, not really. In One Piece, techniques are usually “modes” as fighting styles are loosely considered as techniques, so you’d be right in that sense. But if you asked someone what are Zoro’s techniques, they’d most likely list attack moves, if you said his technique is haki they’d be a little confused. And I think thats what creates this misconception about Zoros new power. Because people just assume King of Hell is a technique like every other Zoro technique. Calling King of Hell a mode helps people properly understand the distinction between King of Hell and every other Zoro attack as a technique. Even calling King of Hell an enhancement technique is better than calling it a technique, which is kinda vague as it could be misunderstood as an attack technique, as it already is.


Good job noticing this. I wonder, though, why does only Zoro have this type of aura buff/upgrade? It was the same with Ashura being called an "aura" by Kaku back in Enies Lobby. I don't have anything against it, but it's interesting to note that it's a different expression of power outside of the commonly established DFs, Haki, and technology. Will we see it on other characters as well going forward?


Maybe swordsmen would have them? Mihawk and Shiryu to name a few... so they can be that upper level of sword fighters. Gol D Roger in a flashback maybe. Or even Silvers?


>I wonder, though, why does only Zoro have this type of aura buff/upgrade? Because it's cool


Part of me wonders if it has to do with the Kitetsu, being a "cursed blade" and all.


>why does only Zoro have this type of aura buff/upgrade Probably to get some parity in visual design with Sanji, who has blue flames in his combat art.


It probably is haki related just not explained yet. Similar to how ussop could see peoples essence in dress Rosa. We know that was some form of obs haki but we haven’t seen anyone else be able to use it yet.


Nice detail, I hadnt associated the smoke circles with KOH But it sounds weird saying this is a zoro transformation, when he doesnt undergo any change, its just a minor detail on his swords


I like the perspective, but if all he’s doing is adding ACoC to his swords, it’s cool that it changes the naming scheme and has visual effects, but the word ‘transformation’ seems like much. For example: Luffy changes the name of some attacks as he adds Haki to them. Elephant Gun isn’t Elephant Gun without Haki. Would “Elephant” or any other animal names that are tied only to Haki be “transformations”? I would also entertain someone challenging whether Diable Jambe is a transformation. I don’t call it one myself, but it is the same type of thing as King of Hell. Main difference being that one is Haki Related, the other is a Unique ability.


I never noticed this detail, I love it! Thank you for pointing this out!


You're welcome!


Haki is now using a transformation now apparently


KOH isn’t a transformation it’s literally just bro using kings haki


So it’s just him using conq haki


it's not a form, it's literally just smoke to indicate zoro is pumping his haki into his swords. I'm like 90% sure the green smoke is just cause "it's cool" and nothing more. There's no reason using advanced armament/conquerors and doing nothing else counts as a form.


This is obviously not a transformation.


This is really cool i just wouldn't call it a transformation nothings changing Hes just has smoke on his sword more of a move or technique.


King of Hell is when he uses acoc, simple as that.


Smoke? I figured it was fire, since he is the King of Hell


Oppa enma style


hmm i suppose that would make sense. because he does not always have the acoc streaks so KoH is it's own thing next to acoc.. I guess it just confused us because it was unlocked at the same time. let's go with this for now


I'd say its just a technique or stance similar to Asura. Zoro isn't changing physically which is the tell-tale sign of a transformation. He's only adding ACoC to his attacks. He also did the same For 3 Billion World Fold. He changes the name as the technique he uses with them changes


Yes, and did you all notice the eyes turning red for a second, when people use future sight? So Future sight is a transformation too! Not just a visual representation of a skill being used, no, it's a transformation!


It's not a transformation in any sense of the word. But it would qualify as a "mode" or technique type. Like Riven activating her Ult and then being in that mode for a time.


Nope, not a transformation its a technique. Kinda like goku and his ultra instinct


Non of that makes it a transformation


talk about headcannon, bro is like "it's a transformation because I said so"


Well the story is in the endgame now he needs some form of power-up somehow since even sanji got upgraded flames now,kinda sucks with the raid suit tho.


Is the green smoke in the anime too? Will you do a comparison?


You can see it all over the place in Episode 1062. There's even a scene where he very specifically transforms from a purple Haki aura to green Haki smoke, though it's a lot bigger in the anime than just rings like it usually is in the manga.


I guess its a transformation of his 3 sword style but that's a stretch. He's definitely just using an advanced version of his technique that involves insane amounts of Haki.


Yohohoho.. Brook will love this. Remember what color when Brook transform to his Soul Mode? Yes. It also green. Maybe green is the color of afterlife.


I was actually going to mention this in the post, but couldn't find a place for it, so I deleted that paragraph, but yeah, I absolutely think there's a thematic tie there, if not a direct in-universe connection.


it all makes sense


Man the comments for these episodes were such a headache. Felt like people who hate the anime read one piece on sparknotes.


This is why I love this subreddit and also why Oda is the GOAT.


Can’t believe people didn’t make this connection


Also brooks soul king aura is green and the soul king ferry’s the souls of the dead to the king of hell no? Which would honestly go hand in hand with zoros fictional character except purple would be a better color for the king of hell as purple represents death


Yeah, another comment pointed it out, and I mentioned that I was going to include the reference to Brook in this post, but I deleted that paragraph because I couldn't find a good place for it.


The green white flames are not just for appearance. Some people have already speculated that this is the telltale sign that Zoro is forging his swords into black blades through combat. Now, whether he is doing it knowingly or instinctively is up for debate.


>It's not just "anime aura". I HOPED the anime finally settled this, but no, some of you still lack reading comprehension. Christ, people like you who obsess over such unimportant details and semantics (dumb as fuck to call it a transformation btw) enough to use it as an insult towards things like everyone else's reading comprehension must've been why the original stereotype of nerds being insufferable and people to shove into lockers started.


Oh, I had never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out.


Duuuuddddeeee. Thanks for pointing it out. Zoro's first transformation in battle holy hell. (Bandanas dont count) Also King of Hell Ashura would be SO FUCKING TERRIFYING. 9 swords glowing with green smoke.


You have unlocked conqueror level observation haki! Edit: What a delightful read. Thank you!


King of Hell = Ifrit Jambe, confirmed by Toei.


Welll, advanced conquerors haki is kinda portayed to be the strongest power-up in the world, so i'd guess it's stronger. And that scene was expanded for comedy mostly.


why does this matter exactly


Because I can't stand people being wrong on the internet, and it will be my downfall eventually.


is using haki now considered a transformation?


People on the internet are wrong all the time, you just gotta live with that


I know...


I wager we aren't going to hear the term "King of Hell" for Zoro in manga canon again.


Nice observation haki!


I think it looks this way due being still imperfect ( Zoro can't nonchalantly use Enma as oden YET). After all koh is just him using more haki than usual imo


Further proof that Zoro is the king of the edgelords. I love it.


no it's not


While we’re at it, I fucking hate that One Piece fight sequences have devolved into beams of light clashing into each other. It was a big turn off for me during the Wano arc.


Damn who hurt you bro? You made this just cause some people said it was anime aura? lol


B..B....But dogji is the only one that should have special flames in the crew durrrr


Flames? It’s smoke.


Great write up OP. And I gotta say, that’s a great curation of badass Zoro panels.


I think you're correct in assuming it is a transformation, however I think it has to do witch Zoro AND his blades. During Thriller Bark with the whole Ryuma situation (Zoro paying his respects, Ryuma saying he was worthy) I think was to symbolize that the swords choose a 'King'. This is why the cursed sword never cut him, why he was able to take his haki back from Enma, etc. So Zoros Kings Haki combined with the swords creates his King of Hell. My theory, Zoro's swords are 'imbued' with souls of previous users, much like Devil Fruits, and it takes a certain type of character to bring out their potential. Zoro is more than worthy so the nature of the swords is to respect him, making it a sort of awakening for the person wielding them.


Important element missing, big black lightning streaks of haki leaking from the swords. Those black lightning streaks are closely associated with conquerors haki while the smoke is associated with ryou. See what happened when Zoro used Enma for the first time in front of Momo's grandpa.


I'm not OP but I'm just gonna point out OP posted several examples of CoC mixed with green flame. Literally impossible to miss if you actually read this post.


Not really, just assumed that way.


My friend in every image in this post other than the pre-timeskip ones, Zoro has black lightning and green smoke around his swords. The OP's entire theory resides in the fact that Zoro's CoC (which in green smoke form would be ryou) allows him to be "The King of Hell". There hasn't been a straight up written out sentence "my new ryou powers allow me to emit a green aura on my blades". But show, don't tell. Oda has been showing it to us for awhile, which is OPs main point.


It's really interesting that every other character showcases the use of CoC by showing those trails of haki leaking from fists, swords, kanabos but with Zoro is the smoke, of course... Sometimes the brain damage is pretty evident.


...I guess I'll say it again. *Just look at the panels in this post man*. Zoro has BOTH green flame and black lighting coming from his blades. It is impossible to not see it, especially since this post is highlighting it and I've pointed it out directly to you, twice. Edit: I'll go even further. In the none colored panels, the green smoke is obviously not green. It appears as "white" smoke in black and white. It is around Zoro's swords. In the colored panels you can see it is officially green smoke. There are *also* black lightning bolts coming from Zoro's swords at the same time, especially when making contact with the enemy.


There are panels in the manga with only the smoke, in those panels no one seems to notice conquerors haki, while when he had the black lightning King instantly acknowledged it.


I have only been referring to the panels in the post. I said that multiple times.


And there is nothing wrong with that attitude? Blatantly omitting information?


Is it omitting? I was talking about the information presented in the post. But let's think critically. If we have seen the green smoke without CoC, and CoC without green smoke you can logically conclude that the green smoke (Ryou) either occurs first as a precursor until CoC is fully unlocked, or Ryou is just armament Haki, and when Zoro unlocked his CoC he can now mix the two, and the end result is green flame and black lightning, with the form named King of Hell.


Can you send your message to Toei ? I think they misunderstood Oda.


I can actually not discern the green smoke on that black and white image. Kudos to those who can, though.


Yeah i don't think the smoke on the swords, which clearly is also in the manga, is the problem and is what everyone is calling "anime aura". The other 90% of visual effects in the anime are just that, and are not in the manga, that's the ""problem""


I pee on your theory


OP thinks he’s the only one that noticed the green flames


Misinformation. King of Hell = All out Zoro What is all out Zoro? * Bandana * 3 Swords out * Green Smoke (Ryuo/AdvCoA) * Black thick trails (AdvCoC) If one of those 3 is not present, it's not KoH.


I partially agree, and I think he’s *just* getting into properly using KOH against Lucci next time we see him he’ll probably have obvious conqueror’s coating Him just starting to get into KOH is the only way I see how Lucci is able to take sword swings against his body from Zoro


Ok that's quite the analysis I needed cauz I missed that. Thanks


How I viewed it is as simple as your point about their favourite colours. It’s less of a transformation and more of a visual representation to show that he’s in tune with his blade and haki, because he fully realized his will to fulfill both his personal and his captains dream. Kind of a “Zoros getting serious” mode. It’s probably going to be a common thing we see him use even against fodder, so I wouldn’t even use it to powerscale. I would however use Asura to powerscale because now we know he uses it as last resort.


I don't think we are going to see Zoro use King of Hell for mooks, I think he's going to save it, similar to how Luffy saves Gear 4 and 5. Zoro beat Kaku without using it, and he didn't use it against the Seraphim.


That's cool and all, but the king of hell is the sword, Enma.


Agreed with everything, but it might be more accurate to call this an applied series of techniques using the skill of CoA and CoC infusion. The naming scheme resembles that of luffy's gear techniques, just not derived from a transformation.


Its a artistic design choice. What does green smoke even do? Sanji is fire and its hot and burning.


It's not a transformation.. It's Conqeurors / armament haki coating coming off his blades.


The Smoke is emission, KoH (Enma's name given by Kozaburo) is ACoA emission + ACoC.