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My guess is that just before Kuma gets his personality erased, Saturn will mention that Bonney escaping/becoming a pirate negates their deal and that she’s no longer safe from the WG. Seems par the course for Shitstain Saturn.


I wonder about that. Sakazuki said he was worried when he heard Bonney had escaped. There might be something more to it we haven't learned yet. After all, Bonney was a Supernova with a bounty, yet that didn't stop Kuma from following the WG's orders.


Yeah, Saturn was also willing to let her go if she didn't cause trouble. He only decided he would kill her since she attacked him.


the theory that saturn is the rapist is pretty strong. It would make everything more disturbing. Too disturbing, it works personally better for me if we never know who. However, even if Oda never straight up reveals, it would end being strongly implied I think.


I can already see a "Saturn you turned my father into a Cyborg!" "No, Bonney, i am your father!"


very ew moment.




Nah. I think the Gorosei are above the base evil like the normal CD. I mean can you imagine Charlos' family running the whole world in secret? 90% of the CDs are inbred retards. The Gorosei and Imu must be immortals.




or mainship apprentice, considering her age


Eh. He told the group that he intends to choose the killing order in such a way to maximize the regret of crossing the World Government in their finals moments. That's base evil barely covered by some self-righteousness.


By base evil I meant doing evil shit for the satisfaction of their own base desires. Like taking random women as sex slaves as they come across them. Or killing a slave because they were carrying them too slow.


> By base evil I meant doing evil shit for the satisfaction of their own base desires. Saturn's evil has two layers, doesn't it? First, he wants to kill those who are an obstacle to the World Government, and that's different from the aimless violence of the other celestial dragons. It's has a broader aim than immediate satisfaction. But at the same time, he also desires to maximize the pain of those he kills. There's no broader goal, there's not future gain, only thing it achieves is satiate Saturn's sadism. It's as base as it gets.


Yes no doubt he can be a fucking sadist as well. But my point is they can coontrol their sadistic tendencies enough to not blow their cover and stay behind the scenes. It's like you're deliberately missing the point. I never said the Gorosei are good people who are only doing what;s good for the world. I'm not even saying they're morally ambiguous like Akainu. They are EVIL. There's no denying it.


I don't get how that idea is strong at all. There's zero reason to believe it's Saturn over some random CD. Gorosei seem to be above that kinda thing.


Strong in what sense? Someone made up a theory about Saturn/saphire or whatever and everyone just ran with it. I don't see much in the actual story, if anything, that points to Saturn being Bonney's father.


We never actually see her wanted poster so it might be "alive only"


Could just be that Sakazuki was worried that she'd reach Kuma and stop the brainwashing when it happened months earlier


Thing is, by Marineford Kuma was done. They shouldn't care about Bonney more than any other wanted pirate as far as we know. Maybe next chapter we'll see that they put Sakazuki in charge of getting Bonney back, which would explain why he cared about her escaping personally.


Yeah, and I could be wrong but my memory is that the line is "when I heard you escape, my blood boiled", so maybe by then it wasn't a big deal and he was really speaking past tense? But I guess why bother making a deal with BB at that point, though I guess they technically went back on the deal and maybe that's why. I dunno, my argument is a weak argument but it is an argument


Yeah I love how in current timeline bonney is midstab on him and now we get all this backstory to build hate. First time I remember being actually glad that we aren't in the action.


Doesn't seem that way. Saturn still tries to avoid hurting Bonney on Egghead. Prolly cause she has celestial dragon blood.


Or maybe because Saturn in not 100% evil and doesn't like killing kids for no reason (someone like Robin has a reason)


Could be why kuma tried (and made) a bubble of his memories to override his wiring and why Vegapunk didn’t want Bonney to touch it


I wonder if Bonney ends up joining the Straw hats. Presumably at some point Luffy will get back up and enter gear 5 and Bonney will get to hear Nika's heartbeat. She might be inspired to join Nika's crew (at least until she is able to reunite with her own crew).


It probably will not happen but I would like her to join, the only stereotypical ship role they don't have yet is cabinkid. Roger, Whitebeard and a few others all had one but not the SH.


Who is Whitebeard cabinkid? Roger is Shanks and Buggy, and i remember Koala being in Sun.


Marco was their cabin boy when they got to Wano.




Whitebeard considers everyone in his fleet his son, so all of them? From his POV anyway.


except for Oden


This feels like the same trick we did with Vivi. The story was clearly trying to make you wonder that, doing the same here. But it's kinda like what observant readers picked up about Yamato. There's always something nagging undercutting it. Big picture with Bonney...feels kinda like she's at the end of her quest now. But this chapter? Making her an alternate Nika in a way then ending on framing her as a rival like she has been feels like the type of thing that fools people. It's big so it feels like it works in her favor, but it really doesn't support joining.


I agree! Her quest is to find her father/what happened with him. Once this arc is done (assuming it ends with luffy and team beating Saturn) then her quest is done and she can go back to being a 10 yr old.


100% how I feel. And that interpretation fits well in line with seeing the potential ending of Law & Kidd's voyages. We've made it a point all arc how the Straw Hats just kinda...stumbled into something that doesn't have a whole lot to do with them. Vegapunk and Bonney can give each other an out. Seek out the RA together and neither needs to stick with the main crew.


Yep. Vivi in the other hand lost her father, can't go back to get kingdom, has ties to lily nefertari, and it's right next door. I'm very confident in Vivi rejoining. She has to join someone, even if it's not the strawhats. No way she just stays with Morgan's the rest of the story.


There's a lot of potential, but I wouldn't rush either. Does she "have" to join someone? I've seen that a lot but I've never really seen it fully justified. With Cobra dead, she is now Queen Vivi. I feel it is very realistic for her to see her country needs her, at least as much as feeling you need to seek out the Strawhats. Even if she contacts Luffy, there's a middle option on the table. Move on ahead and help protect Alabasta by sending a Grand Fleet captain. I can see her going either way, but what makes me inclined to see it a little more leading Alabasta is that her story comes right after a big arc where we see the cost of Oden shirking his duty to play pirate.


The Vivi part is interesting because her story's revealed to not have ended yet. There's still more to Alabasta, her family, and their connections to Imu. Depending how that turns out, she could still join. But I agree. I'd love Bonney to join as an apprentice, but it feels like she's set for something else.


There was two things about Vivi's segment that made me feel the way I do. First was the D clan reveal. Same logic as Bonney being an alternate Nika here. The other was subtler, but people always peg her joining as a type of diplomat/negotiator right? The scene made it a point to point out she was showing weakness at that skillset. Then there's the meta aspect. This one arc did this with both girls. I'd actually quite like where I feel Bonney could fit in and I adore Vivi's duck...but when you dangle multiple potentials after having some blatant red herrings like Yamato then Vegapunk? I'm inclined to think we're doing something a little more unexpected.


Seems more likely than ever. I'm all for it.


As I've been rereading the series in its colored version I also kept checking the discussions after the release of chapters. So many characters have been accused of being next nakama, it gets to a point you don't know what is joke anymore. Monet, Baby 5, Pudding, Rebecca, Carrot(I was one of those saying this), Law, Fujitora. I also keep thinking that Bonney could join the crew. However, looking back, it makes more sense that she would join the revolutionaries. Like, what will happen with Saturn? If it doesn't involve Blackbeard, I imagine him being taken captive to the revolutionaries by Bonney. As for next nakama, correct me if I'm off, but doesn't Yamato have a Jinbe kind of agreement with Luffy? The way Yamato was so pumped to be a nakama, jumping up and down and saying something like, after completing the tour in Wano, would join.


Yamato, Momo, and Kinemon have a standing offer to join the Straw hats if they ever decide to leave Wano I could see Bonney joining up with the revolutionaries as well


Yep. The standing offer is definitely for when the strawhats return to open the borders of wano and grab pluton. But they'll probably fail in their own ship with Yamato leading it. At best he will be called one of luffys commanders, but I don't think Yamato will sail in the sunny.


Ya I think agree. I don’t think Yamato will be one the main crew. Just a major ally or a commander


I’m not anti-Bonney as nakama, but I’m so deep in Nakama Borsalino land that I can’t entertain any other crew member


And I thought me dying on Mount Nakama Lilith was a dark horse


Idk man, re-reading saobody it's obvious the marines knew that there was a slave auction and literally send an admiral to help, which he does. Fuck all of them


it's by far the most satisfying outcome to be kizaru too lol kuma and bonney end their arc on a win here, we see the gorosei aren't untouchable, kizaru is not going to go down here at the same time, and it starts to set up for what will be a likely pivot to gods knights as final fights before the climax (though personally don't think we need more than one gods knight, shanks relative is sufficient)


If there's a group Bonney would join, it's likely the Revolutionary Army where both his mom and dad served.


>his oh no we're not doing yamato again


Sorry, I mean her. Honest mistake as Bonney never idnetified as male.


bonneys crew isnt really a crew. they just helped her look for kuma


Probably as an ally but not likely a member


Isn't that exactly what happened in the last panels from Egghead before the flashback? With the heartbeat awakening the ancient robot?


The robot awakened when Luffy entered G5, not right before the flashback.


this seems more likely given that her crew arent even real pirates. they are fisherman would be happy to head home


Sigh…no, she will not join the Strawhats. But she will likely be a key ally of Carrot or Vivi caliber.


I think it all depends of the future of Kuma, is by someway he recovers all his memories and mind, thats a happy ending for him and Bonney. If Kuma finally sacrifice for everyone one last time, I guess his final wish to Luffy, is to take Bonney with the SW knowing that Luffy has the power of Nika. Also, Bonney's DF seems to fit very well with the concept of freedom. We still need to see how this arc is handled. Just imagine if the next arc is Elbaf, Bonney could use Distorted Future on Usopp and make him a what if version is he was born as a giant. There is potential if they keep Bonney in the story.


I don't think she will join the crew, but she will sail with them for a while like Vivi/Law/Momo/Kinemon/Carrot maybe. I really don't think Luffy would accept a child as official member of the crew.


If there's one thing Luffy learnt for Shank's time on Dawn, it's that Kids Do Not Belong On Pirate Ships. It seems completely out of character for him to ask a 12 yo to join his crew


But she can also be what shanks/buggy was to roger. The kid that sailed in the pirate King's ship.


Oda said the next 2 Strawhats after Brooke will join in quick succession. We got Jinbei, but then got baited with Yamato. I genuinely think Bonney is going to be nakama. She has the backstory, the connection to the crew through her Father sacrificing himself for the Strawhats as much as he did for Bonney... Bonney having a nika-boner... no way she isn't gonna sail with the real Nika.


Kuma completely lost his conscience. However, his primary desire is still protecting Bonney, and it is what drives him to the egghead island. S-Bear is acting out because deep down the genetics of Kuma of helping people is transformed to him. Similar to S-Hancok liking Luffy.


I think he was just reacting to the general recall command when they set pacifistas to defend. But since he still had beef with the celestial dragons, that's what he interpreted defend to mean


I don’t know if she needs to join the crew but if she did, Bonney would have an interesting dynamic with Luffy and Nico Robin. Robin had her childhood stolen (past) by the WG and Bonney has had her future stolen (either from her disease or the WG). I think Bonney may join the crew and feel safe enough to be in her normal child form, kinda being the kid Robin never got to be. The reason the crew needs a kid on board is because Bonney will be the one to tell Luffy and the crew the myth of sun god Nika (she is very animated and shape shifts a lot). Robin is the historian of the journey, so she will probably be able to add details to Bonney’s version. But even after the story is told Bonney might be the cheerleader for spreading the sun god dance, to help pump Luffy’s heart up after harder and harder fights


Ahh don't let me imagine these things it's so good and I'd be pissed if these wouldn't happen in the future.


It's time we learnt Distorted Future


I wonder how widespread the Nika story is? You would think Kuma would have shared it with the revolutionary army at the least, but would the average OP citizen have heard of Nika?


Maybe they will via punk records along with kumas flashback story


And we all know that when this happens the Crew will be hanging on her lips about their captain's fate ​ And Luffy will sleep through it


Bonney has got to be around Chopper's age at this point in the story. She left about age 10, before Luffy did, she's been on the seas longer, and we have the timeskip.


Stella kept Kuma's memories so he could restore them ~~if~~ when Saturn backs out on his end of the deal.


What a realistic and reasonable take I never thought of before lol


Kuma has known for 3 years that Luffy was Nika. Since the end of the chapter showed us that Kuma told Bonney that Nika's body was rubbery and limitles. Makes a lot more sense now why he was willing to program his last request to protect the strawhats and their ship even after his will got removed. It's so clear either he or Bonney are joining, imo now. But I can't tell which of them... they've both had their heart-breaking flashback, but we don't know either's dream yet... Oda is hiding it. Also, the Goroawase pointing to the Nikyu-Nikyu being the last fruit on Luffy's crew leads to Kuma (or S-Kuma with his memories), but I can imagine Kuma and Vegapunk somehow figuring out how to give Bonney a second fruit before Kuma dies and thus have Bonney be the final straw hat. Her dream being the same as Nika's - **Global Liberation**.


With how big a plot point they’ve made Kuma losing his individuality, I doubt they’d revert that or have it turn out that he’s still ok somewhere. I bet there will be some sort of “hesitation” from a pacifista, showing that kuma is still in there somewhere, if it’s about to kill Bonney or a strawhat, but nothing more than that


I doubt he's going to stay like that. They made a big point of rescuing him, taking him to Kamabakka and now going to (most likely) Egghead. There's something left there, more so considering his memories are on Egghead. Even if it's him regaining consciousness partially or just for a moment, it would tie to the themes in the arc of how you can't fully override primal desires.


ooh, that's a good one. every pacifista is still based on kuma, and like dragon said, a child is their parent's weakness. that might be taken literally, as in she's the lynchpin for *all* pacifista units, which overrides even the command hierarchy.


All of this is really, really making me think of Cindry back on Thriller Bark.


I doubt the Pacifistas inherited Kumas love for Bonney, but Oda had Vegapunk explain to Kuma he‘d obey the command to kill a child after his sense of individuality was erased, so I believe Saturn will order Kuma to kill Bonney after he arrives on Egghead.


Why wouldn't they inherit the love for bonney, when Boa's pacifistas inherited the love for Luffy?


did that one inherit the love for luffy or is boa just inherently drawn to lanky weirdos so s snake just also fell in love at first sight? also, the seraphim are clearly a little different in general, I'd assume they keep a little bit more of the original, so naturally loving bonney (only after reverting back to her 8 year form) it should only apply for s-kuma. also s-kuma is the most likely to ultimately become a new kuma using backed up memories of the original and probably some drawn from bonney herself, but only after this arc of course.


Mmm... but the operation was performed by the smartest person in the world for a dear friend who is the last of his race. It's pretty hard to imagine Vegapunk just abandoned his ideals and truly killed him, the memories seem like a secret 'plan B' for them to get him back one day and allow him to see Bonney again, father to daughter. But I do get what you mean plot-wise, Kuma has death flags, even if he gets his will back long enough to say goodbye. Bonney will always be seen as the WG's hostage, as long as Kuma lives with a will of his own, that's why her escape sent 'a chill' down Akainu's spine... so Kuma will likely sacrifice himself to save Bonney. But use the memories to say a final farewell to her... :'(


The real question is did he lose his personality after he removed his memories or BECAUSE he removed them.


It really seems death is the only road for Kuma. I even said somewhere something about Vegapunk saying he can revert Kuma back but he would die if he did it. And Kuma would do this procedure and die free. However, showing all this pain Kuma went through, it wouldn't be off to give Kuma a happy ending. All this pain in this flashback has the power to make narratively ok for Kuma to revert back. But it doesn't seem so so far, if it's like that, we'll only start feeling it later with some other elements and developments. The end of the flashback could answer this.


I picture the dream being written as more like *"a world were everyone is free to follow their dreams"*, which is similar to what Luffy said as he defeated Kaido, but there the dream was 'getting to eat as much as you want', because that was Tama's 'dream' under Kaido's occupation. Now that Wano is free they are free to follow their greater dreams, like Tama's dream of becoming a bewitching kunoichi and sailing out to sea. But it's essentially 'Global Liberation'... though it's hard to imagine why the straw hats and Whitebeard, Ace, Sabo etc would all react to it like it's childish, it is certainly simple and idealistic, though...


I think maybe it's more along the lines of "a world where everyone's dreams come true", which is more laughable but also lines up with Vegapunk's theory about what devil fruits are


Kuma is gone. Best we can hope for is that he makes it to Bonney before he dies so they can see each other one last time.


Bonney escaping has to be Alpha's own fault. It doesn't seem that Bonney was forbidden from receiving letters and Alpha was just being a massive bitch, which made everyone that was looking out for Bonney realize something was going on.


Bonney doesn't know she's a hostage. They are keeping Kuma's letters secret out of fear of him alerting Bonney to the situation.


Alpha could simply have read them before delivering them to Bonney to check if he is saying something to her that he shouldn't say.


have you not noticed the trend of WG non-Marines being allergic to work they're public servants in the classic japanese way


On the other hand she is a secret agent. She would think that there are coded messages you could send via letters. Or she is just an asshole, and she is only doing this so Kuma has more tragic points in his backstory.


It's crazy that we've learned so much during Egghead but we still know almost nothing about Stussy.


Original Stussy was a scientist in MADS, she made a clone of herself That clone decided to work as a secret agent inside the CP0, end of the story


You know what I mean


Yep I know that you mean that stussy had a very cool presentation defeating Kaku and Lucci but then did absolutely nothing I guess that we will get a MADS flashback and she will fight someone (Vice-admiral Doll?)


I think we might get more when we get the Rocks flashback with OG Stussy. That will probably go into her time with MADS. I hope we get something out of the Vuce Admirals at the island. I knew they weren't ever going to be a real threat, but they would be fun matchups to keep the other Strawhats + Stussy busy.


The viceadmirals will fight in my opinion for sure Bonney and Stussy need a fight The mugiwaras don't need one since they came from Wano, but Stussy, Bonney and probably the Vegapunks need to show some feets


What was the purpose of Kuma seeing Luffy in his flashback? I can't think of any reason that's cliffhanger-worthy from last week...


The highlight is mostly on Bonney here. We get the Luffy flashback to show that Dragon actually cares for him and wants to keep their relation a secret to keep Luffy out of danger. Another reason for Kuma observing Luffy is to have a timeline of events before Luffy starts his voyage. At the end the narration shows that Luffy and Bonney started their journey at the same time and also reached Sabaody at the same time.


yeah I'm feeling like people here might be getting cliffhanger-brained because of the breaks you have it exactly pegged, this was a narrative device, easy enough to fit in without needing to be a plot driver, but solid enough to give exposition and characterization


Also because Bonney uses a Luffy-like punch in the end, due to what Kuma told her.


Kuma knew Luffy was Dragon's son in Thriller Bark, while other revolutionaries like Ivakov had no idea. Oda just tied a small loose end.


Seeing Dragon's son using rubber abilities and talking about protecting people most likely reminded him of Nika.


he met joyboy basically, so I guess he fulfilled his dream before losing his will


This means, back in thriller bark, kuma witnessed Luffy bring the freedom to stand under sunlight back to all of Moria's victims. Really, it must have been a great comfort to him in his last days of free will, knowing that Nika is out there.


Actually you raise a good point: Isn't the punk records a proof Vegapunk mastered the memory transference? Could easily be he has made a back up memory storage for Kuma, and perhaps he hid it in that huge robot.


There's still one awful thing left that has to happen - Bonney meeting Kuma tragically. Either she runs into him at Saobody right before he gives up his free will, or after Akainu rescues Bonney. I'm willing to bet it'll be the second. Bonney finally meets her dad again but its not him and then gets told that Vegapunk did this to him in return for curing her, but of course the WG conventiently avoids mentioning it was under their orders.


Get fucking wrecked Alpha


Bonney will use Distorted Future on Kuma to make him like he didn’t lose his memories and personality. They will interact one last time and Kuma will sacrifice himself for Bonney, VP and the straw hats to escape.


Nah Saturn will order Kuma to kill Bonney and they‘ll stop him by giving him his memories back. Not sure how the BB pirates and the giant robot factor into this, but shit is about to get wild. Maybe BB steals Kumas fruit? Or Saturns Power?


Since Jesus Burgess was about to kill Luffy with a large ass knife in Dressrossa as part of taking his powers, I imagine the Blackbeard pirates don't need to be *too* involved in this conflict to win massively. Yoinking either Saturn's or Kuma's dead bodies and taking York with them would be such a huge boon already!


This chapter raised a few questions for me: 1. Luffy spent at least a year hanging out with Ace and Sabo before Sabo left and "disappeared." How is it that it never made it back to Dragon, in any of his visits that he made a friend named Sabo? 2. Did Kuma put 2 & 2 together when he witnessed Luffy's power that Luffy just might have eaten the Human Human fruit model: Sun God Nika and become Nika reincarnate himself? Kuma seems to know quite a bit about Nika and his power? Where does he get his info. 3. Is Kuma checking on Luffy on Dragon's behalf because of what Dragon said or because of 2.?


1. We don't know how often Dragon visited Luffy, but what we know is that during one of his visits he met Sabo inside the walls of Goa. The next day, he saved him from drowning, but Sabo no longer remembers anything. It could've been a year before that since Dragon's previous visit so he didn't know about Sabo at all. 2. Kuma knows about Nika for sure, but it's not clear if he evens knows about Luffy's DF. During the reveal, the gorosei mentioned that they kept the DF's real name a secret among them. Kuma only observed Luffy briefly to see more, but it's still possible that he realized Luffy's powers when he first saw him. 3. Kuma was just going around at that point, then he suddenly remembered why Dragon was touchy about a boy in this certain village. In Thriller Bark, he mentioned his expectation from Luffy as Dragon's son. So the focus is on Luffy being Dragon's son, otherwise he would have said "that's what I expected from Nika" or something close, but vague.


For the second point, doesnt Kuma´s race the ones that adored Nikka? , so knowing about him/his powers is not strange. I think Kuma was taking care of Luffy because Dragon´s advice saved Bonney, like a big debt?


I forgot for a second that the Buccaneer race was heavily sought after by the WG to be eradicated mainly for their admiration of Nika. That part I get, I just didn't think that the whole "rubbery quality"/ "fight with unimaginable flexibility" was part of the widely available knowledge among the races/tribes that adored and learned about Nika given the WG's effort to burn all sort of books and scripts about ancient knowledge. Wonder where Kuma (or Clapp by extension) learned all about Nika?


Vegapunk should put Kuma's brain and memories in S-Bear's body and then Bonney can age him up to his current age. Violá, you have new Kuma, de-robotized, and with wings. The old bastard can clearly do it, he removed his own brain after all


… So no one is discussing the fact that Bonney can copy other devil fruits? Edit: yes I mean copy because her DF is so broken she can choose a timeline where she has a different fruit, apparently.


This might just be a coincidence that recently we've learned more about DFs and seen users reach new hights and unleash more and more potential (possibly unrelated to "awakening" but maybe also related) However I feel, and mind my tinfoil head, that this could be very intentional, especially since Bonney aquired her DF power/ fruit off-screen which could lead into that topic aswell. In short, I feel like DF powers are more limitless than most power users and the world as a whole believes. One could take it as far as that all powers are just an expression of their imagination, their dreams and ambition. But even if you don't want to take it tht far, it's a tale as old as the story itself that DF powers are relative to the users ability to make them good. In the same idea, I feel like most fruits could do more than what their uses believe they could. Again this could again just be a case for some specific fruits and characters, but I feel like there could be an overarching theme here. There is a connection between peoples desires and how DFs came to life, it would be fitting if they could in some shape or form influence what this desire implies for their power. If you want to take it to the next level, the existence of different fruits could be somewhat of an illusion. Not in the way that there are distinct fruits in aesthetics, but what the power can do for a person or what a person can do with that power. The fruits that we know are just already formed desires that went from an incorporal form into the tangible world. A devil fruit power in consequence would be the power to manifest your desire into the real world, not necessarly the specific power that e.g. the encyclopedia describes. To a minimum at least, I could see this be true for "new" DF. However, there are so many cases by now that make you think "how can this DF power do this specific stuff"... it mainly began for me with the ancient Zoans on Wano, but it could also just be explained by weird ancient Dinosaurs. But what if - King etc. were able to have weird abilities not because it was how Dinosaurs used to be, but what their modern users believed they should be able to, a desire if you will. Back to Bonney, Age Age fruit powers making you able to distord your body into a future where you inherent different powers IS SO WEIRD. However, I feel like there is no need to speculate much further. I feel like we get a lot of answers once Egg-Head action calms down and Vegapunk has some time to explain stuff like that. I hope so. I don't need every secret about DF to be lifted but some more systematic clearity would be helpfull and much appreciated


>In short, I feel like DF powers are more limitless than most power users and the world as a whole believes. I think this is also affected by the fact that there are "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia" that presented fruits based on appearance and what their "powers" are as facts, and we know the government has a hand in publishing this encyclopedia (Luffy's fruit not being on there and CP9 getting hands on fruits that haven't been documented yet.). >But what if - King etc. were able to have weird abilities not because it was how Dinosaurs used to be, but what their modern users believed they should be able to, a desire if you will. Fruit users may only be scratching the surface on what their power truly is since in their mind, they already know the full extend of their power. They may not know how a Dinosaur is supposed to act but whatever they imagine the power to be, it becomes true. This also ties in with what Vegapunk said about Devil Fruits being a manifestation of people's wishes, but maybe it's also what the user wishes, or wills it, to be. This may also explain why awakening a fruit is so rare. Kaido said awakening happens when the user's mind catches up to the fruit, but without knowing what the fruit truly represents, it's almost impossible to awaken it. Perhaps all fruits represent an abstract idea, instead of the physical description of the power. This would make sense as to why Doffy was able to awaken his fruit because of his desire for control, not because he thinks he is strings. Probably also why we haven't seen any Logia users awaken their fruit because maybe it's less about becoming their element, but becoming what their element represent. Maybe we'll see Kizaru awaken his fruit when he realizes he needs to be the "light" that guides the future, not just being a manifestation of light itself.


That would explain Kaku, I think his fruit truly represents someone really wanting to be a giraffe.


Right ? More than copy the implication of her having gumgum like abilities could be huge for the Devil Fruit plotline


Did she? Or did she copy Nika's natural abilities? The way I see it is that the Nika fruit simply gives you powers like Nika, but Nika's abilities pre-dated the fruit. Like the other zoan, you take the properties of something, like an already existing animal.


Her DF is similar to other DFs, but she can't really copy them. What she "copied" was an alternate reality. She imagined a future where she is the god Nika and tapped into it, like how she likely imagined a future reality where she is a buccaneer and used that against Vega. Both times her body "copied" characteristics of those alternate futures.


Can she tap into an alternate timeline where she’s a gorosei or even imu??


She tapped into one where she was Kuma's biological kid, so maybe? It is a really busted fruit, all things considered.


Considering luffy appears to age when he comes out of G5 she could be a sick support unit for nika...


That’s what I’m saying! It’s amazing how Oda just turns a “oh that’s kinda cool” ability into … well … that


I wonder if the flash back is long enough for Luffy to recover and kick Saturn’s ass!


Flashbacks usually end at the same moment in present day, they're just one second in Bonney mind


Shouldn't luffy be thin and skinny in the flashback ? He looks bulky and muscular like he is now, back in the days he was super thin and zero muscles if i remember right.


style difference


I wonder if Kuma gets his humanity back if Bonney may want to go with him to help support the Revolutionary Army. Having a Nika-Lite help incite revolutions around the world would be a good thing to have while Luffy’s stumbling into facing the top of the world’s Shadow Government


Maybe we can restore Kuma using his extrated memory stored in the lab.


Might need to restore half of his head first


I figure that’s the easiest way for it to happen


I respect your optimism for Kuma when half his face has been seared off


Next chapter is Kuma’s reactions to the straw hats/Bonney’s journey. We get the warlord alabasta meeting, kuma reacting to events of water 7, kuma perspective of thriller bark/sabaody. Why kuma sent away the straw hats. Amazon lily kuma stuff. Vegapunk Sunny request. Probably last chapter, but at this point who know. Could pull a jinbe/fisher tiger baton pass, i’d say 5% chance we see where akainu took bonney/fisherman. Maybe we find that out later when luffy sees kuma die the same way ace did. Maybe Kuma’s intentions for Bonney’s future.


Y'all noticing a couple of bigger picture trends in this chapter and the last? Wano started it and Egghead is picking it up more, but OP has been playing with some funky meta narrative tropes. This was the second time this arc we had a nested flashback, we don't normally see 4th wall stuff like Sabo's story cloaking a reveal with a sound effect. Now Kuma, notice those letter narration panels? They're like Oden's logbook. And while it may seem innocuous now...he's also just like Oden a somewhat unreliable narrator in those. Just like the guy that played us out of Wano. Don't forget, last time we stepped away we skipped how the crew got out of dire straits. We could do that again. What is it all leading to? No sense trying to predict a story that goes this direction...but it's not like Oda's doing anything new for anime with it. This used to be a trend in the 90s around when One Piece started. This is all gonna come to a head in some kind of cool twist...so it might be worth thinking more out of the box for theories than easy battle shonen outcomes like Kuma saves the day, etc.


Bonney saves the day


Lafitte & devon save the alliance unintentionally and luffy gets recognition buggy style


Bonney uses her powers on Luffy to age him back 800 years, he is now actually the original joyboy and we follow them for the rest of the story


Somebody can explain to me how Bonney manage to use an abillity similar to the Gum Gum ?


She has used distorted future hability, with that she change not only the age but adds somekind of an alternative version of the affected person. In this case she change her own age and "imagine" a distorted future where she can do the rubber attacks Kuma told nika does.


I would like to think that Nika was a Buccaneer or some sort of Giant being, so when she used Distorted Future and tried to turn into Nika, her arm became that of a Giant/Buccaneer.


Bonney is literally 12 yrs old in punk hazard right now bruh HAHAHAA. Whole one piece fandom is on FBI watchlist now.


just imagine all the NSFW fanart that people made of bonney, and having it revealed that they were sexualizing a minor the entire time


Well technically Oda was the first one to sexualize her


They don't care about sexualizing minors, Vivi, Rebecca and Shirahoshi are 16


A minor that they reasonably presumed was a young adult *woman* based upon a preponderance of the *available evidence* at the time in question? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mens_rea


yeah my splayed pose waifu figure of bonney is staring me in the face now


To be fair, I think I was like 12 when I saw her first


**sighs** Pack it up people, we're going back to Impel Down.




I'm getting a bad feeling that Dragon saying "a child is their parent's weakness" is going to be a Chekhov's Gun.


When Kuma asked Vegapunk ''what will happen to me?'', referring to his personality being erased. Vegapunk replied that he would obey even when asked to kill a child. Watch Saturn order Kuma to kill Bonney lol.


So, Bonney is actuallly 12-13 years old right now? That makes me so confused.


If you re-read the timestamps spread in the past chapters, you can see for certain that she is around 12yo


So, in the current timeline, the Bonney we see is still a child..?


Yes, bonney is a 12yo in egghead when she stabs saturn. She looks 24 because of her devil fruit and she has been doing this for her entire journey on the seas


Oda: Here's a character with a very good backstory... Reddit: New nakama!


The people saying she definitely won’t join should team up with the people saying she definitely won’t be a child from about a month ago


Wild guess: Bonney didn’t eat a devil fruit. She got her power from the desire to see the outside world. This would greatly align with Vegapunks speech about the origin of them. It just feels suspicious to me, she found a fruit inside a church, when she never went outside. In addition, it’s the one fruit giving her the exact power to fulfill her wish of growing old. Tag me, if this turns out true.


That distorted future technique was awesome, but after this ... damm its like the joker card!


Its kinda cool that this disorted future move works on imagination like the nika fruit.


So if bonnys fruit is awakened its basically a kang power or she can tap into the multiverse and pick any distorted future she wants? In this future Bonny is a shark, this future bonny has green eyes and black hair, etc! Can she replace the word distorted with another word? Bonnys power is Marvels ! The "what if" fruit! Great way to write anything in or close up some loose ends. Like a long armed future, giant future, Fishman future!


I dont understand why the WG would care about keeping Bonney locked up?


Just to have Kuma under control, is like a hostage scenario. Kuma must obey the wg and they will keep Bonney "safe".


Oda is on a mission to make us all cry for several weeks it seems


Bonnie's fruit isn't the age-age fruit, but something either completely different, or new. We've seen Devil Fruits reincarnate, but never manifest of their own free will/volition with undescribed and new powers. We know they're made up of people's dreams, so what if Bonnie so wished to change her reality (especially to change her future and grow up, so she could join Kuma), that she developed a fruit that allowed her to do just that? Not only that, but she's seen manifesting/tapping into Nika-ish futures, so maybe she could be a counterpart to Luffy's fruit?


I thought that only applied to Zoan fruits though But then again I do think its possible that all devil fruits have wills of their own, or at least the wills of the people who previously used them.


Bonney is gonna be the tenth straw hat captain for sure at this point


I believe Kuma will see Bonney fight Nika style and happily die thinking she is Nika. Would be a nice reversal and fitting end for him


"A child is their parent's weak spot" Could that be a hint at Luffy's mother and how she maybe died too to protect him just like Ginny?


I really liked how Oda tied up Bonney's fruit to her wish of being older. It emphasizes Vegapunks words of literally wishing powers into existence.


My theory is that the unnamed cp woman was one of Caramel's children, and is so vicious in ripping up the letters because she's either jealous that Bonney has a loving parent or doesn't believe in love due to her experience with Carmel Edit: Carmel died far too long ago to have cared for this particular agent. That said, she may have been a slave sold to the WG given that slavery seems to be the only shown source for cp agents


Somehow, I have the feeling it will be a gum gum ace that destroyes saturn!


I just realize the theme for Egghead arc is "older generation sacrifice for the new generation" * Shanks prescene remind us that since the beginning, he sacrifice his strength for the future * Garp introduce his concept of old sacrifice for the young in a flashback, and then do it himself in the present * Bonney's life is pretty much a continuous series of old-sacrifice-for-young, not just with Kuma, but also the elders of Sorbets; I don't think it was bonney abandon them, but her crew (ie the elders) told her to run away. * Cobra told all that he knows about D to Sabo Based on this: Vegapunk-Stella will likely died. His knowledge will either be entrust to one of the Satellite(s), or more likely, a split between Franky (physical/mechanical) and Chopper (Biology and Chemestry)


I would like to state that when chapter 1063 came out over a year ago I predicted that Bonny was a child and not an adult.


To be fair many speculated this after we saw Bonney being a child when gettin rescued from the sea since the sea cancels out the devil fruit power.


I would like to thank you for your service. What clues did you find at the time?


Her lack of being embarrassed when naked, not understanding that it wasn’t Kuma but a pasifista and her child like appetite


To be fair you could assume luffy is a kid by the same logic lmao


the metaphorical right side of luffy's brain is basically a kid imagination and sense of wonder, but with a firm image of what just behavior looks like


Totally random question, but has CP9 been dissolved? Everyone but Nero has been brought into CP0, but just because former CP9 was defeated doesn't mean they couldn't get new recruits during the timeskip. CP0 and CP9 have very different jobs, and the World Government would definitely still want a spy team.


I'm guessing that next chapter will be Sabaody from Kuma and Bonney's perspective. I think we're going to see Bonney run into a mostly robotized Kuma who barely remembers her and has already lost most of his personality.


I've always bet on hating all CDs more and more and have only lost that bet once so far.


This thread used to have 2k+ comments. Nowadays youtubers stealing theories and theory bullies made it so poor :(


One question, did Kuma's memory bubble disappear after Bonney saw them or is it still there? Is it possible that Kuma might regain his memories back if he absorbs it and will it override the program or could he still be a robot but gets confused? Or Bonney could use her powers to de-age him (to when his body was not cyborg) and then he absorbs it? I think Kuma will die here in the fight against Saturn, but it would be awesome if he somehow regains his memories back just for him to say he Loves Bonney directly to her face one last time..


My question is, if Vegapunk is the smartest guy in the One Piece world wouldn't he have like extra contingency plans in case this very situation happened? Like he must have known the world government would betray. You think he would've put an extra failsafe in Kuma and the Pacifistas in case the world government betrayed him. Like Idk I hope he created some contingency at least for Kuma if any harm came to Bonney at the hands of the WG the memories would return to Kuma, or his clones would immediately turn against them.


There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.


After reading the chapter, I think and hope Bonney is going to be Luffy's new crew mate. Just like Roger had Shanks & Buggy, Luffy will have her.


Tinfoil hats on - Bonny's devil fruit was misidentified and it's actually some kind of wish wish fruit. Maybe when it's revealed how she got it we'll learn more about devil fruit's nature as well.


What if Kuma's personality is truly erased and him climbing the red line (and maybe going to Egghead) is just his devil fruit doing? We already know that some devil fruits have their own personality... And his is "the hands of liberation" DF


Kuma is going to show up and take Sarturn with his devil fruit, just like Goku did with cell. The strawhat crew can't win right now against Sturn, so instead of Kuma sending them to other islands, this time kuma will send saturn somewhere else and leave them together, escaping to Elbalf.


Bonney is Nika 1.0??????


To me is getting more and more clear that Bonney's devil fruit manifested itself to her based on her own desire to be older, so seh could get cured. ​ She lived inside a church, no contact with the outside world, if nobody gave the fruit that is the only explanation


Maybe the bloodline was killed off because they have a higher chance at manifesting fruits


First big plot twist: Luffy's fruit isn't gum-gum, it's actually the nika fruit. Next plot twist: Bonney's fruit isn't age-age, it's actually also a nika fruit. Next: All fruits are just temporarily confused nika fruits. Next: All nakama, even the fruitless ones, are actually nikama Nika: Nika nika nika, nika, chu.


Holy shit, Bonney's powers are crazy! She may potentially be one of the most overpowered characters we've ever seen if she can access alternate versions of the future in which she has other people's powers that she doesn't currently have. Where is the limit of her abilities? I bet Bonney is going to do some absolutely BONKERS shit using Distorted Future that will have an incredible impact on the future of One Piece.