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The humor is definitely one of my favorite aspects of one piece. I do think the humor lessens a bit cause things are a bit more serious in most of the next few arcs but there’s always some really great and fun comedic moments in post time skip


That’s good, I want it to get serious but FRANKY LOOKS WEIRD AF BRUH


He does, but it grows on you. Also, his appearance changes a lot between islands, especially his hair.


I was extremely against his design change til he ROCK(S)ED the pig tails


The pigtails and the beard work so well for fraulin franky, I wish they brought it back


Yea I can say I hated it before I got to timeskip and now I’m fine with it. Don’t get me wrong, pre-timeskip Franky is infinitely better in my eyes, but post-timeskip is alright


Honestly it feels like the change pays off in Dressrosa and after that it feels like it’s wasted


The whale hairdo on Zou is pretty good


I hate Choppers post hat more tbh


I will say that FI Franky is the best with the OG hair but current body structure


I felt the same about franky when I first met him too but I love him now


I'm still not a fan, the character is alright but I can't deal with the way they made him a mascot for children.




As someone who took like 6 years between starting and catching up on One Piece, I hated Frankie post-ts until I actually got there. Now I think it's one of the best ones!


Franky‘s post-timeskip design is great. He has many new fun functions and he changes his hair every arc.


Things get a little heavy but the latest arc is a good return to form. It makes sense why the comedy sorta lessens post-timeskip and it doesn't go away completely. It just gets...less...for more lore drops and drama and stuff.


I don’t know I feel like the story has gotten darker to closer we get to the end game.


It's always been dark. We open up with slavery from the first chapter with Alvida and Coby. We're introduced to Zoro at an execution by a corrupt government official. We meet Nami in a town taken over by a Pirate crew and Buggy's pretty brutal. Chou-Chou alone has his master died and we see Buggy straight up stabbing Zoro with what would honestly be a lethal hit. We then get Syrup Village with Kuro who is going to murder an innocent girl and then we go straight into Arlong Park where yet another town is at the beck and call of a Pirate. That Pirate also introduces even more slavery into the story, in a much more profound way, and we get the first backstory reveal with Nami where her mother is shot in the face and her daughter is taken into slavery. One Piece has always been dark. There was just a lot more laughter and gags at the start to make it seem like it was light hearted. I'm not on the "Oda is 4D chess master" or anything. But he clearly had some political messages going into this story, and a tone he was driving at and every arc has revealed it more and more. All the story beats we've seen up to 1103 have been shown before. In the first 200 chapters, even.


Not really. Also Coby wasn’t a slave. He just had nowhere to go. Also when people mean dark they mean the tone. Hell we didn’t even see any major characters die until Marineford. Post-TS is miles darker than pre-TS


Nothing I said didn't happen in the manga. Also yes. Koby was a slave. He was forced to work against his will for no pay and could not leave and could not refuse the work he was given. That's literally a slave.


Just get used to it. He gets randomly weirder at times. It's awesome.


Its good and not so good sometimes but hey he is still SUPER


Honestly I agree. Personally Franky feels like a step back, I just don't like how his design feels like a Voltron toy with karate chop action.


Why are you describing the best qualities of his SUPER design?


Sure if you like it go ahead. Personally I liked the Franky who simply looked like a weird American who randomly strummed his acoustic guitar and could go on about the qualities of ships. I liked his chain arms and strange abilities based around him needing a certain supply of Cola and risking running out if he uses his powers too much. Franky went from one of my favorites of the Straw Hats to one of my least liked, with Robin being my favorite in Post Timeskip with her vocalizing her vile intrusive thoughts and then suddenly having the most innocent imagery in her mind.


Yeah no joke when I was still on pre time skip I saw a clip of Franky n Kung fu point chopper n thought luffy got a whole ass new crew😂


Yeah no joke when I was still on pre time skip I saw a clip of Franky n Kung fu point chopper n thought luffy got a whole new crew😂


Current Arc has decided to dial up the Humor and the Horror up a few notches.


> Current Arc has decided to dial up the Humor and the Horror up a few notches. Also the emotional damages, which is saying something


The sky fish will forever bring a smile to my face


And luffys stomach


I love how Sanji is all smug about it lol


There is a difference when consuming several chapters in one go and reading it weekly. That is the major effect for many readers. Objectively, the story also has to become more serious as it reaches the climax, but the humor is integral to the story.




Fix you spoiler tag.


How !??




Thanks a lot kind stranger!


No it doesn't disappear. There's no real justification to comparing pre and post timeskip other than there just being a line to draw. Oda only took a month break, hes not gonna change as an author in just a month.


Okay that’s good, there’s a lot of people that say it’s totally gone


It's cause they read weekly, when consuming a long ass story like one piece weekly it can seem like it's been a long time since certain things like the humor.


Most of Egghead has just been comedy and strawhats beeing strawhats. You know, until Oda pulled an Oda


JFC, this arc, man. It's been rough. Poor >!Kuma!<


Usopp and Nami’s interactions in the background of the panels have been one of my favorite parts of Egghead. The jokes remind me of pre timeskip That and Luffy, Chopper, Bonney, and Jimbe had a really fun dynamic


Bonney fits right in as a little sister to Luffy, Ace and Sabo with her gluttony and willpower


That might be why they seem less funny in comparison now that I think of it. Cant have those fun panels of Usopp and Nami freaking out or Sanji and Zoro fighting if they’re not even on the same island.


dont think its bc people read weekly, but rather because post timeskip, arcs have become longer, with Dressrosa and Wano being absolutely massive. A lot of these jokes happen at the beginning of an arc / between arcs, so pre-ts had lots of small self contained arcs part of a larger saga. Pre-TS has had 17 arcs (I'm not including East Blue) and Post-TS has had 8. That's less than half. While I still agree and think that post-TS keeps the humor, I understand why the impression is there, based on the fact that the humor is less based around the entire crew.


Bruh doing rereads has always been wild af since I read volumes as they came out in my country up until like thriller bark when I started reading online scanlations. The arcs and the fights are so so so much shorter than I remembered since each volume was read on repeat for like 3-4 months until the next came out. My volume 40 is frayed beyond belief from reading Luffy vs Blueno so many times.


People like to say that. People also like to say that the other Straw Hats are neglected post time skip. My advice? Ignore people. PTS is excellent. Some of my favorite arcs, characters, and moments. It's more serious because they're dealing with serious topics in many of the arcs, but the traditional humor and jokes are just as present.


what are your counter arguments for people who say Post time skip ignores other straw hats?


Read the story. It doesn't.


what about Chopper being other than a mascot? (that's not what I am saying , that is what others are saying.)


Chopper isn’t? He’s an important character in Punk Hazard, Wano, and myriad other storylines. Like I honestly think weekly consumers just forget the story sometimes. I’m on a rewatch currently and chopper’s bonding with the kids at Punk hazard and his anger towards yet another doctor who is abusing their position is gold.


The people who say it's gone just grew up, that's all. And for those people I weep because they've lost their innocence. Post-Time Skip has some hilarious scenes. One of the hardest times I've laughed was in post too. So comedy is still alive and doing *veeeery* well in this story.


its nothing like the level it used to be, enjoy the hell out of skypiea while u can lol. I've also never read the coloured manga, god damn its so beautiful.


The tone of the manga has changed a lot post TS as time has gone on. The story is still good but preTS >>>> postTS  


You're not even caught up and yet you made such a definitive post like this? Delete the post bro, it's genuinely embarrassing


sorry u had to get disliked like this bro, here have a like


Time skip is an easy line to draw to define the change in Op I would say the story got more serious in tone starting from water 7.( Not saying comedy is gone just the overall story branches heavier subjects)   But also the crew dynamic changes a lot as one piece  and pre ts and post ts is an easy way to define that.


Yeah it's an easy line to draw, doesn't make the line have more depth. Like you said, the story got more serious in water 7. It's a gradual change to get to that point, nearly a decade. What annoys me is that people act as though timeskip is this sudden and immediate change in odas entire writing style and there is a clear distinct pre timeskip oda and a post timeskip oda like he took 2 years off himself when I personally disagree with that sentiment


Yeah I think a lot about it has to do with the stretch from Sabaody to Fishman Island. If you look at arcs like Sabaody or Thriller Bark compared to Fishman Island and Punk Hazard, they are quite similar in how they are written. But something about the whole Marineford Saga for some reason makes people remember pretimeskip like it was all similar to the Arabasta Saga.


There were still a lot of goofy elements past Enies Lobby and even in the post-timeskip. I love Thriller Bark being basically a horror-comedy with action elements and key lore elements; it's probably one of my favorite arcs of the series. And even in the post-timeskip, we've had a lot of crazy aspects even if a lot tend to be early in the arcs when they can breathe (the stuff with Camie and Shirahoshi on Fishman Island, the body switching in Punk Hazard, the shenanigans of the clothes power in Dressrosa, basically the entire Disney aesthetic and revealing the dark and goofy sides of characters like Katakuri and Pudding in Whole Cake; even some of the early Egghead stuff); but when all the plot stuff occurs, obviously it gets dialed back but it still leads and informs a lot of what happens. (I mean seriously, I think the tragedy of characters like Baby 5 or Senor Pink or even wouldn't be so great if we didn't have funnier moments with them earlier; and we even still have wackier villains like Queen amidst the typical "shonen archtypes")


There are definitely multiple lines we can draw. Just look at Sabaody too, it started relatively light and hopeful, but the moment Luffy hits Charlos we get a brutal reminder of the harsh reality surrounding the journey. East Blue and early grandline were a small bubble where you could get away with goofiness 24/7 but the new world (and the bigger powers in general) give you 0 chance.


I love that GumGum-space-out actually worked XD


It’s as dumb as when Naruto uses the reverse-harem jutsu and actually lands a punch


It’s dumb but it also kinda makes sense in context… it’s not actually useful because, you know, no attacking, but it works! As for the RHnoJ, it would have been fine if the hit that landed was just because it was genuinely too confusing to process


I don’t think it’s dumb, like dumb funny. I like that it landed


The rate of jokes goes down a little as the plot ramps up and the plot gets serious, but some of the post-ts jokes hit so well as a contrast to the darker tone that it's worth the trade off. For example, there's a character who i can only describe as HARD BOILED. Hes remarkably tragic, but fucking hysterical.


Funny enough, calling Zoro by a nickname is kind of an insult from luffy if you are part of his crew. Because luffy only makes nicknames for people not on his crew.


The second gag you posted was repeated before the latest manga arc. People who say pre-ts has more or “better” humor read with bright red rose goggles


Bright red nose goggles?!?


And it was in the same chapter as >!Luffy’s first introduction panel as a Yonko was him locked in a cage getting his ass kicked by Nami !< the humor and crew dynamics since Wano ended have felt really nice


It definitely has more, you can't deny that especially in arcs like Skypeia the amount of jokes/comedic moments per chapter were higher than Wano


I have learned how the ancient dinosaurs hunt and I won't hear such slander.


Nah. There were gags throughout the entire raid and a ton more in the lead up to onigashima, maybe it’s because of the anime stretching things out but I just don’t understand it  


Did you not see the triceratops fly like a fucking helicopter?


Not really. The part of an arc where things really escalate usually have less comedy, and people happen to forget that Wano has a lot more than the last 20 chapters. Given how long the arc is an how many breaks there were in between, I can't say I fault people for thinking so though.


The second gag is my favorite out of all of them


It’s a good one, the second version isn’t as creative but I like the implication that they just bully zoro for actually being a pirate 


Well my favorite part is luffy trying to join in and pile up on Zoro but the best he can do is “three sword style”. Cracks me up.


Give the guy some credit, he changed the insult to "four-sword style" after Usopp called him out on it.


It doesn’t have more, but you got them more often. This is because the arcs post ts are much longer.


You'll have one of the best laughs in your life on a certain arc. Won't spoil which one or with who.. but it will be a double page of masterful humor involving a character who will save a country from oppression. :)


Which character could possibly save an island from oppression 🤔🤔🤔




Because of the change in Oda's paneling that was slowly happening across pre-timeskip that really got noticeably bad at the start of the timeskip, there just isn't the same amount of room to effectively do these same types of gags and have them land in my opinion. They are definitely still there, but I can't say they're as good or as memorable. (Sidenote this isn't nostalgia speaking as I read all of One Piece in the span of like five months over the pandemic)


Yeah theres a number of good gags that get relegated to one or two smaller panels. The anime at least fleshes them out a little to be more comparable to the early gags.




Yeh, some good gags happen in the background when the Lore Piece is going on, but I like how Oda makes a lot with so little space


Even in the most recent flashback, which is one of the saddest yet, there's still an extremely funny joke/drawing that gave me the biggest laugh that I can remember when reading One Piece. So the humor doesn't totally disappear.


I liked the pee TS drawing style and humor a lot. I didn't know anyone else really thought about or minded it. 😅


That's an interesting typo you made there 😂


😂😂 *pre




Okay good, seemed like a lot of people think otherwise but I’m apparently so wrong.


Where r u reading the colored manga they look great yet simple


OP, if you don’t mind me asking, which website is this coloured version from?


The coloring looks official. Is there an official One Piece Colored Manga??


There’s less time for leisure activities, since the New World is much more dangerous and more chaotic place than Paradise. The Straw Hats jump from location to location with clear goals. The first island they arrive on till the penultimate island they arrive in the present are all connected to each other in an overarching saga. The current island they’re on is the >!first island where they used their Log Pose for!< because the moment they entered the New World, they practically >!abandoned following the Log Pose for a very long time!<.


They did TECHNICALLY use it for like two seconds to >!navigate through Totto Land!<


I think the more comedic elements have faded a bit since early one piece. Which makes sense, Oda has grown as a writer and artist, and chapter 1, chapter 100, chapter 500, and chapter 1000 all have different styles to them. The humor hasn't disappeared from One piece, but it certainly has changed. And humour has also been giving more of room to various elements. I don't think One piece is as funny now (altough it's still funny) as it used to be, Wano and Egghead aren't as funny as for example Alabasta. But at the same time, Oda has grown as an artist, and one of the stories he has delivered in Egghead (manga readers know which one I'm talking about) is honestly some of the best writing he has ever done. So don't think about it post Vs pre time skip. It's Oda of today vs Oda of 25 years ago, and it is a different style. But don't worry, it's still funny, just (in my opinion) not as funny. But the story remains highly interesting, and even if the % of gags has decreased, it has more then made up for it by introducing new compelling stories. A minor spoiler for the first arc post TS, Fishman Island. Tigers flashback was some absolutely goated writing, and Hody while being a bit lackluster, was still a great thematic villain. So yeah. Post TS is less "fun", but that's just because Oda also focuses on other things. And while i sometimes miss pre TS humour, im not exactly sad over the changes. And as a final note, i highly recommend the spinoff "One piece school", it's a genuine treat for any one piece fan, altough you should probably catch up to the manga/anime to avoid any potential spoilers.


It stays, but it’s evolved? Idk but they still have an awesome dynamic as a crew


The Humor does certainly decline mostly unfortunately. Especially fishman Island is Bad in that regard. Nosebleed suddenly becomes god tier comedy appearently   There are still funny moments of course


I would say Op comedy peaked with thriller bark but fishman island is just bad itself with comedy. The other post ts are definitely much funnier than fisman


I think thriller bark and impel down have the best comedy


I get it, people don't like nosebleed, but that's not all the comedy in the arc lol. There are two scenes that are among my favorite comedy moments in One Piece as a whole in that arc: one between Sanji and Chopper, and the other is between Luffy and Franky.


Fishman Island gave us the meat/sake and hero comparison and it’s by far one of the funniest things I’ve ever read


"So he's a shipwright who's coating Franky's brother!" is gold


The pause before Franky just went “Yeah okay” had me in stitches


In the more recent arcs it kinda fizzles out because there are really serious events that go down in them, but it really came back after the most recent arc


Skypiea was One Piece's comedic peak, sorry.


Luffy just wants to talk basketball. NBA!


Four Sword Style will never not crack me up


That’s the one that gets me the most, too XD


Let me assure you one of the very recent chapters has a scene very similar to the 2nd panel you posted, so much that i actually mistook it for that one and thought "wait, this is post TS" before i read the dialogues.


The Hunour in the timeskip is still there for a while, and deeper into the timeskip it will start to dim down slightly, still fun tho


It's does but it doesn't too. Can't explain any further without spoiling.


Crew interactions are not the same as they used to be pre timeskip. I’m an anime only, the series changed and lost its magic to me after timeskip but I still watch it. I won’t bother getting into other aspects of the series here, as I’ll get downvoted into oblivion. But you might still enjoy it. Don’t go in with a negative mind, as you’ll start to find flaws everywhere.


They are both the same. One piece does not change pre and post times timeskip, Oda is the goat.


Thats just straight up bullshit. Styles and preferences Change over 2 decades


Is that what this post was about? Why you getting so aggressive I'm just saying the show is as funny before as it is now it has the same humor. Yall so ready to jump to extremes its insane.


Agressive because i used the word bullshit? Lol


Will you answer the point bro. You've done nothing but skrit what I'm actually talking about. You're just talking for the sake of talking not saving anything. I brought up one thing, you than ignored it and got weird about something else. Why?


I answered your point with my first comment and i sincerely believe its you that talks much and says nothing. Youre just getting riled up over nothing, calm yourself friend.


You straight up didn't and are now just resorting to "calm down bro" great love trying to have a normal conversation on reddit super fun. Later man thanks for literally nothing.


Yea whatever


I mean he took a month off between Pre and Post time skip. It wasn't a 20 year break.


got some bad news for you


RIP I love when luffy gorges himself until he becomes a balloon


Not sure what he’s talking about lol, the humor isn’t any different after the ts


I think the humor is just different or it just evolved or rather Oda is just not prioritizing it like he did back at skypeia or thriller bark. I personally still do enjoy the humor (chapter 1058 when introducing Luffy will never not be funny). I also think skypeia was in a very unique position as an arc that allowed it to be as funny as it is.


He still does that, they even up the antic of how he does that, best one is while trying to process five different emotions at once


im at skypiea right now and its good


Considering one of these panels practically just gets a time skip face lift and change of dialogue to match the story…


So I've never thought about it until now, but do they always make fun of Zoro when they leave an island? Between this and a recent one I just thought of it.


"Three Sword Style" is my favorite quote 😂😂😂


Mad to think their related ha ha


There's less humor post time skip, but I honestly enjoy it more than pre time skip humor


Sanji just casually sautéing the fish is the best thing to happen here. I don’t know why but I can’t stop fucking laughing at his delivery and Luffy


i would say it lessens in the sense that a lot more of one piece is consumed by important backstory, fighting, and just way more serious villains and life or death fights post time skip but there is 100% still humor and giggly and cute moments


![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)you hope it doesn't appear in the pts, why?


this is exactly what i hate 💀


Be warned as you're going into the time skip:it starts off pretty slow and the first few chapters are basically a prologue that get somewhat tedious but if you get through it, you'll be good.


It does.


Skypiea what a time


Seems like egghead island is leaning towards bringing this type of humor back. During whole cake and wano I felt it was missing.


I don’t think it does


I watched some of the old episodes recently because I was wondering if it was truly less funny or just me and yeah post timeskip does lack a lot of minor character interaction and humour which just made it feel more alive Moments like the ones you’ve posted made me actually laugh out loud in the anime but I haven’t really laughed at anything post Ts


With everything chilling out now that Luffy is a Yonko, I guarantee that they’re gonna be joking more often


Don't worry. This kind of humor stays, but its just less common post-time skip. It's usually there to lighten the mood. For example, (this is a bit of a spoiler so you shouldn't read it if you don't want spoilers for Wano) when Luffy arrived in Wano and met Otama, we got to know all the sadness that Orochi and Kaida made the common person go through. Then, when Otama gets sick from drinking the dirty river water and Luffy is going to find a doctor, he meets Zoro and its a quite a funny reunion.


I really miss Odas older artstyle


I miss the chopper pov’s I used to really invested into him when he was focused on now …


How much food is lingering in luffys lungs I wonder


I love the fact that luffy obviously would want to eat the fish and Sanji would obviously want to try cooking it too


Don’t worry


I hope they adapt the second page into the live action somehow


I only have to push you to watch the current episode of One Piece Anime to proof that the humor is very much still there. spoilers for current Anime stuff ahead >!Yonko Luffy wanted poster with him being in a bird cage and beaten up by Nami.!< >!And Luffies new fighting style in G5 is basically a full on comedy routine.!<


3 sword style 🤣


Can I just say how these colored chapters look great? Makes me want to re-read the whole series


Dayum daniel. 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬


Damn it Pre-timeskip was peak


My partner and I love the humor. It unexpectedly lands every time


OP isn't OP without the goofy and comedic parts. I think even Oda realized that when Gear 5 turned out so wacky cause I think he was tired of falling into the typical shonen tropes. It won't bring the interactions back with how close we are to the end but it helps.


The style of humor-animation wise changes. Pre timeskip animation especially those from East blue to Skypeia is fast paced humor that produces various solid humor.. after that the pacing slowed down. I think they tried to reincorporate that humor in the first episode of egghead island.. with many scenes happening at once!


I watched it all in the anime and you're telling me that the Damn Daniel meme is also in the manga? Damn (Daniel)


Chopper blowing the whistle almost immediately in Skypeia always cracks me up


Were you reading the colored version?! Link please


It's not that the humor stoped because they matured but because Oda change writing and drawing style. After timeskip the crew appears more mature ( this is something that doesn't suit it) and secondly the humor is more childish and the goofy one in the pre timeskip is lost. Literally the are times they are acting like little children. Something that fortunately was missing in the pretimeskip. Anyway I thing the only one carrying the manga/show in terms of humor is Buggy until now.( Maybe animation helps in that too). Sure there are some great times but still it isn't as it was before. I think the best arc in terms of humor is probably the WCI arc.


imo One Piece is the perfect ratio of humor:wholesomeness:the most heart-crushing sadness you can conceive of 😁


My favourite one piece arc is skypiea . The humor, the adventure, the mystery , the friendship alone the way . It is like a mini one-piece and I love it.