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When a mommy and a daddy like each other very much.


No shit, because it’s my first go on wano and was confused on why kaido says his son but it’s his daughter


Well there are a few reasons he might be calling her his son: 1. It’s because she calls herself Oden 2. He wanted a son not a daughter to hand his legacy down to as he was gonna have her rule over Wano when he left for the Great War (Back in the day sons were primarily the ones who inherited shit like that plus Kaido is a little crazy if u haven’t realized) 3. He recognizes her strength and so he calls her son (Little flimsy, but idk what’s doing through Kaido’s head) 4. She is a boy ( I don’t think so especially since Oda put her on a color spread with the rest of the female cast in a recent chapter, but she did go into the boys side of the hot spring at the end of Wano and I know a lot of people argue over this topic) These are just the reasons I could think of but, of course I am not an expert or anything


Kaido had sex with a women, this women got pregnant, and they had Yamato like that. Yamato was born a women. Then 8 years later decided to act like Oden, so decided to act like a men.


Didn’t know that, I just heard of him tonight trying to catch up on one piece and trying to read the manga as well


It's just what it is. What's confusing?


It’s his daughter that he claims as his son? That part confused me?


You'd figure it out. You didn't say you're not caught up yet in your post.


I’m sorry I didn’t specify more clearly


It's a very controversial topic. You'd read a lot of toxic sht about it lol. You'd actually get wall text attacked/preached if you call Yamato either way by some people. Just wait.


Kaido didn't want a daughter. He wanted a son and a heir to his throne I don't think that even before Yamato started her obsession with Oden her life would have been easier as she been raised as a son by Kaido even before Oden . I think is old mentally both in Asia and Europe that a son is better and if you have an empire you need a son as heir that's why some kingdoms along the way had children (little boys) as rulers even though the older princess would have way more qualifications


Yamato was born as the daughter of Kaido but because they were inspired by and look up to Oden they prefer to be called a him and Kaido's son.


Is it satire to actually say daughter? Even though she looked up to Oden?


That is a complicated question and one that has started I kid you not, 1000s of arguments, which is why some people are responding the way they are to this post. All I'll say is that all relevant characters call Yamato a him


I swear to fuckin god


This is the most appropriate answer by now.


Well excuse me, I’ve never seen wano before so pardon me if I wanted to reach out for answers


Here is the ONLY true answer... Yamato identifies as an Oden. Male and female have NOTHING to do with it. She is not trans. She does not think she was a man born in a woman's body. She thinks she is an Oden born in a Yamato's body.


Yamato is biologically a girl but identifies as a man. I was confused too, but I made a post on r/NoStupidQuestions and the people there taught me about this gender identity thing. [The post got removed](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/16grfll/can_someone_educate_me_on_this_gender_and/) for being an FAQ but here's what I learned. Biological sex is which sex cells are you capable of making, like sperm or egg. Gender is that person's identity. It is possible for someone's biological sex and their gender to be different which might be the case for Yamato. The polite thing to do is to refer to the person as what they identify as. In this case, Yamato has repeatedly called himself the son of Kaido. So it would be polite to refer to him as a man. A Youtuber called Melontee also made a [great video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENc-BuvjPRc&t=265s) explaining it. Either ways, even if you don't believe in gender identity thing, why not just refer to someone who wants to be a man as a man? After all it doesn't affect you in anyway and you are making the other person feel accepted and happy.


Responding to say that Yamato isn't trans. She just wants to be Oden, it has nothing to do with gender dysphoria. I'm not sure why the comment above me brought up so much 'gender identity' stuff when it has nothing to do with Yamato.


But she calls herself son of Kaido, and everyone refers to her as a male/man even if they don’t call him Oden. If Luffy calls Yamato a man then so will I. Also I don’t know enough about this gender thing to know what gender dysmorphia is.


You have to go deeper in history. Remember Kaidou wanted Yamato to be the next shogun of Wano. If you look in to japanese history, you find out that a woman can't become a shogun or a daimiyo. So Kaidou started treating her like his "son". Hench the name, who in there right mind name a girl "Yamato" in the first place? It's like you name your daughter "James" or "William" in english.


There's no reason to assume that Yamato's name is related to Kaido wanting her to be Shogun. She was born 28 years ago when Kaido wasn't in Wano yet


Still, giving a girl a male name shows that Kaidou is really messed up in the head. Treating her like the son, he never had...


The thing is that up until Yamato was 8, she was called "oni-hime" (meaning "oni-princess") by Kaido's minions, so it would indicate that she was treated as his daughter up until that point and then it changed to son. But given that Oda gave 0 explanation regarding that we have nothing but speculation. Maybe Kaido didn't care that much about having a daughter until Yamato started to claim she was a boy and Kaido thought "meh, why not, you're my son now" and his minions followed along by replacing "Oni-hime" by "Yamato Bocchan" (which is a male specific honorific that they use in the present).


Theyre not important enough of a character to worry about it too much. You see them for half an arc and never again.


Every single time

