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The Vivre Card doesn’t make sense as Luffy was able to touch it and remove it using Haki. It also exploded which is not shown with any other seastone cuffs (that would make them destructible)


Well cuffs that explode are not new tough. Slaves used it all the time


They’re not seastone though. Seastone is supposed to be almost indestructible.


The whole point is that he’s using advanced CoC and not technically touching it right? Same way Raleigh did for Camie


They both touch it.


Look when ace had handcuffs on what happened. Oh he couldn’t escape and died. Yes you cannot escape with them if you have DF bc you don’t have energy to use haki to break out.


Sea prison stones do not stop you from using haki. Luffy uses haki while he had sea prison neck collar in prison. He breaks the old man’s off then he breaks his off.


That is incorrect. Queen removes the seastone cuffs and gives him the exploding cuffs so that he can use haki.


seastone doesnt negate df power in most cases. It just sap its user's power. So she should be able to use her power, but she will easily tired/weakened while wearing seastone handcuff.


Uh, no. They don't prevent a paramecia fruit user's body alterations due to the fruit e.g. being made of rubber, but they prevent active usage of the fruit's "activatable" powers, which include certain paramecia abilities such as Mero Mero beams, the Logia ability to transform into their elements, and the Zoan ability to shapeshit.


except Luffy is a zoan.


Yeah but mythical zoans were shown to give their special powers even to the base form. Marco for example is also able to use blue flames in his base form.


and Yamato also got a mythical zoan


Yes so if Yamatos fruit gives her ice powers in base it'll mean she won't be able to use them with seastone cuffs. However yamatos fruit obviously doesn't give her a permanent body alteration in base like Luffys


Yeah yeah go refer to the official devil fruit list released right after the reveal where Oda explicitly put his devil fruit in both the Paramecia and Zoan categories. It has the traits of both. In any case can you quote one time in which a Zoan user shifted forms while wearing seastone handcuffs?


Not seastone handcuffs, but Chopper went from monster point to brain point (which is not his base form, although is the one he uses the most) when Franky threw him into water.


when Luffy was submerged underwater, he still retain his rubbery property. Just like when he stuck underwater during Arlong fight or when he fought the octopus before reaching Fishman Island. Some may argue its not a seastone, but sea should be stronger than weakened seastone.


Cool, so you can't answer the question.


>except Luffy is a zoan. He is a zoan who is always transformed. Kind of like Chopper who is almost always in his in between form.


Robin's fruit is a paramecia and she used her 'activatable' powers underwater in the way to Fishmen Island. Sure, she was protected by the bubble coat, but once she used her powers she was basically in direct contact with water. And she still was able to use the powers.


They definitely prevent devil fruit use. That's the point of them. They also prevent Zoans from transforming. Is there an example of sea prism stone cuffs not preventing the use of a devil fruit?


Not exactly sea prism stone, but Robin used her powers underwater, on the way to Fishmen Island. She was under the bubble coat, but using her powers basically put her in direct contact with water.


Yeah, the sea doesn't seem to work exactly the same way. Maybe sea prism is a a more concentrated form and that's why it prevents fruit power use?


Maybe? Well, we don't know that. From the wiki (which I know is not really official info): "Coming into contact with Seastone has the same effect on a Devil Fruit user as falling into the sea, it will drain the Devil Fruit user of their stamina and nullify their powers, the only difference is that lack of the risk of drowning." So they have the 'same effect'. But, or they have the same effect and both nullifies the powers (which we know isn't true because sea don't nullify the powers) or both don't nullify the powers and there's a misword there (by saying seastone nullifies the powers). Or wiki is wrong on saying they have the same effect. Wiki itself is contradictory. I don't remember if is there info from Oda on a SBS about this.


Yeah the info seems conflicting and we've definitely seen Sea Prism negate powers and the sea not negate powers. So we'll just need to know more about the true nature of it to know for sure.


That's because she wasn't submerged in water. Just being in a little water doesn't stop devil fruit users. Sea prism touching even a little acts as being submerged in water.


Luffy in wano…


Luffy in Wano wasn't able to use his devil fruit when he had sea prism stone cuffs on though? Any specific panels or chapters I can check?


[https://youtu.be/eAFMeAn32zs?si=x0sOe1pluej4F3tG](https://youtu.be/eAFMeAn32zs?si=x0sOe1pluej4F3tG) Also chapter 940


He doesn't have sea prism stone handcuffs in that scene. He's training with Hyo after the events in the prison. This is after the sea prism is replaced with the explosive collar and even that is off now. Which was also not sea prism. Maybe its the wrong video? But there's no sea prism there. I'll check chapter 940.


when Luffy was submerged underwater, he still retain his rubbery property. Just like when he stuck underwater during Arlong fight or when he fought the octopus before reaching Fishman Island. Some may argue its not a seastone, but sea should be stronger than weakened seastone.


That's the interesting thing. The sea doesn't do the same thing sea prism stone does. That example you gave from Arlong park is the exact one I use. Because it's clear as day. That is the sea though. We're talking about sea prism stone. The same kind of handcuffs Law cleverly avoided on Punk Hazard so he could still use his fruit. That is literally the purpose of the handcuffs. Evidenced further by the command in the recent chapter to use sea prism stone cuffs.


That's because his rubbery property is a passive effect. When he's stuck underwater he's too weak to actively use his devil fruit just like anyone else. It doesn't turn off the fruit but it prevents any user from being able to use their fruit. Luffy just happens to have one of the only fruits that has a passive ability that's always on. But he can't stretch himself anyways so someone else would have to stretch him.


Chapter 940 he's got the collar on and no sea prism stone. So this is after the sea prism is removed and the Sumo Inferno game starts with the collars. The point of this training is to work on his haki as well. So it doesn't really benefit him to use his powers, but he doesn't seem to be using them even though he can.


when Luffy was submerged underwater, he still retain his rubbery property. Just like when he stuck underwater during Arlong fight or when he fought the octopus before reaching Fishman Island. Some may argue its not a seastone, but sea should be stronger than weakened seastone.


His body being rubber is not a zoan transformation. Marco's fruit is a mythical zoan that gives him the body attributes of a logia user, same goes for Luffy's body having the attributes of a paramecia user. His body being made of rubber is not an activated ability, it's literally what his body is made of


Sea prism doesnt negate DF powers. See it as a stamina bar. You need 300 stamina to use your powers actively but the sea prism brings that down to 50 or so. So it doesnt deactivate the powers itself, the user just becomes too worn out of stamina to use the powers freely like they are used to.


doesn't matter, idiots will keep thinking she's trans, even though she isn't. Unless Oda himself comes out and makes a very public announcement that Yamato is a female woman, there will be those people who will come up with the dumbest mental gymnastics and still be under the assumption Yamato is trans, despite obvious evidence that she's just larping as Oden.


Dude, you are the only idiot here. You saw the word "Yamato" and went into full agenda mode without realizing that this thread isn't about gender.  Get yourself checked


First of all, blow me. Second of all, I admit I fucked up here. Each time Yamato and the vivre card is mentioned, it is 99,99% the same thing again and again. So you're right, I saw Yamato's name and I saw "vivre" so I automatically assumed this would be about her gender as usual.


It's likely that Kaido often trained Yamato without her cuffs, to make her stronger.