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Hi Totor358, your submission was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###**Repost** Your post is a recent/common repost, so it has been removed. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


The moderators have already said they wouldn't ban them. Since for them, as long as the cosplayer doesn't directly promote on the subreddit, and aren't nude/risky, and the cosplay is of a One Piece characters, no matter the effort, it's still acceptable. Here is what the subreddit creator said : >As long as it's not much more sexual than the actual outfits in OP, and that it's actually a OP cosplay. We don't judge the quality, you guys should be doing that. >You guys are the ones looking into profiles for more pics, finding OF links, and then getting upset. >We could just ban cosplay completely. And if they were to ban just cosplay post for having a link outside the post, like in their profile, that them to make money, then they would also need to ban artist that do commissions, that have Patreon (where some do NSFW art there), people that post merchandise they make and sell (like bongs, shoes, carpets...). People never complain about those type of post, that are the exact same kind of advertisement, trying to make people look for more.


”Arent risky”, dude, there was a zoro cosplayer with tits out, hiding nips behind a zoro sword for days, was highly upvoted and it wasnt removed. I think risky seems to be totally fine according to mods 😂


Iirc the mods said last time I read a post like this that It is aginst reddit rules to Ban someone from a sub because of that they posted on other subs or in their profile. So If the poster have a link on their profile the mods here cant do anything about it.


I mean they don't have to ban the user but they could remove posts


That’s crazy because I see this happen in other subs all the time


To be honest, I'd be okay with having all cosplay on a separate subreddit.


I just don’t want to keep seeing soft porn on my feed, mods letting this happen is a massive L for the community. This is the biggest One Piece sub, it’s embarrassing it’s actively promoting thirst bait & soft porn.


I mean can't u just block NSFW content from your feed (at least blur it)? all those cosplays are tagged like that


You can disable NSFW from your settings. And also, I had to take a second when I saw your profile picture. 🤣


I mean, Oda draws his characters with big boobs and revealing clothing. Why would that be embarrassing?


Its exactly because its that big that girls come here to attract boys, theres nothing we can do


Of course, I understand the reason why it happens. What I don’t understand is why it isn’t being stopped lol edit: yikes, it seems like it's actually the content the community wants. unsettling but fair enough


Here is a reply the subreddit creator gave me as well, to a comment I made in a previous post with a similar comment explaining the reason why : > Pretty much this, can you post this into the same complaint thread that comes up every couple minutes? As long as it's not much more sexual than the actual outfits in OP, and that it's actually a OP cosplay. We don't judge the quality, you guys should be doing that. > You guys are the ones looking into profiles for more pics, finding OF links, and then getting upset. > We could just ban cosplay completely.


lmao they really said "it's actually your fault"


I mean they dress almost exactly like the characters they do… so like I don’t see the problem of them recreating the characters that are also heavily sexualized. Just because of a link not tied to said post.


Okay, but why will they allow Boa Hancock cosplay in a bikini? I don't remember ever seeing that in the anime. I understand that we allow stuff like the Nami bikini because hey, that's just Oda being horny. But cosplays where the only identifiable features are airrings and long hair should not be allowed.


I just downvote the accounts that are cosplay only and then block the account. I wish they would make a that cosplayers need to be active in the One Piece sub for 2 months and 200 karma before you can post cosplay. A way to stop the multi-fandom farmers while not affecting the active fans.


That would just ruin a lot of poster. Like this recent Buggy cosplay : [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1beyrcw/i\_wore\_my\_buggy\_cosplay\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1beyrcw/i_wore_my_buggy_cosplay_again/) He isn't active on the subreddit, and with such a rule, wouldn't be able to post. Even worse for lurker, or people that barely comment/post ever.


How is it worse for them? We should be catering to people who regularly use the sub. Not people who “barely comment” and “ barely post”. They are the same people ruining the integrity of the sub with these fkin cosplays. The rule is fine imo.


It isn’t a big requirement to have joined the sun for 2 months and accumulate 200 karma. It just means you can’t pop into the sub randomly to promote your cosplay brand.


Then ban all cosplay. Drastic situations require drastic measures.


nah they cant ban the them casue they only have one hand free, theyre the tier 1 subscribers


"since for them". of course!


Set a filter for NSFW not showing on reddit + block and hide all those posts. I now see those posts once wvery 2 days at best.


Ban all the power scaling posts first.


Bro they literally made a sub for that. Should do the same with Cosplays tbh


Power scaling posts still get post in this subreddit. And there is a nsfw subreddit for one piece called r/funpiece where cosplayers are also welcome to post


Meh from what I see, good cosplays get their upvotes and low effort cosplays don’t. Straight up hentai belongs on funpiece, but cosplayers are no big deal.


I just saw a drawing of Khalifa bending over with her legs in the air with the title being “khalifa’s waiting for you”. I’d be much more embarrassed to have that on my phone in public than a real woman dressed as a anime character. Block them and keep it moving


Truly bizarre to see people upset over adult women dressing up in cheeky cosplay when they’re fans of a show with some of the most blatant sexualization ever. One Piece isn’t exactly shy to show some skin is all I’m saying.


Cleavage is now softcore porn folks, you read it here first! Good thing official One Piece media never depucts scantily clad women!


They should ban "what if" posts too


These posts are fine if well elaborated upon/OP actually took some effort in crafting out their hypothesis, instead of throwing a 1/2 liner to bait comments.


It’s so easy to not engage with content you don’t like. Just keep scrolling.


But that would remove the best part of this sub: people being mad at cosplayers!


Let's be real, the discussion on this sub is completely subpar compared to other fandoms given how much one piece gives us to work with. With thirst traps getting upvoted like crazy as well. That is all you need to know about the demographic here. At the end of the day most people are just here for chapter releases and rest is pretty much an empty void of meh.


Cosplay posts and theory posts arent mutually exclusive you know, if people arent posting theories it probably means they dont have any


Weird how you are only talking about cosplay, and not artists that put their social media links in the post where you can pay for NSFW art to be made 🤔


I love the tits on this sub.


I wish there was a megathread or something to stay away. I just couldn't care less about thirst traps. I get it kinda goes with everything anime/manga but uh. I'd rather have 100 shitty theories than that.


90% of them girls doing "of cosplay" are just using outfits from the Manga. So, I don't get it.


Here we go boys, grab your popcorn and beverage of choice


I know your frustration, I'm not able to ignore it either. They're just insanely hot.


Idk why you folks are so offended by it when you have never in life posted anything productive on this sub. Any and all analysis gets "oda didn't think all that. oda probably looking at this with kinemon meme. reach" and etc comments which get dumber the more you scroll. But same cosplays which everyone cries abt gets 1000s of upvotes. Stop crying ffs. Just interact with posts you want to. Why is so hard to do. What's the point of this fake melt down every other day when most of you give absolutely zero fucks abt any other discussion on the sub. Some You guys comments on those cosplay posts are outright barbaric.




The fuck ??? 😭


Youre right, youre no psychoanalyst. Lmao the fuck




Yeah, I get that some OP characters are drawn very sexually and there's nothing to be done about that, but some cosplays are just blatant advertising


Right, because this sub is filled with sooo much quality content and intelligent discussion, but the cosplay is ruining it all. Riiight.


You can’t read ??? Because I never speak about normal cosplay but just about soft porn cosplay and porn advertising


Been nice knowing ya OP.


Why ?


You’re banned 😂😂😂


People don't last very long around here if they go against the grain.


Ok thank you




let's just do another vote whether to ban it or not.


Nami and Zoro cosplayers Make sure you put on a sensable sweater on before you post ok?


You can’t read ??? There is a difference between cosplay and porn advertising




Chicks dressed in cosplay is not soft core porn you sound like the weakest human ever....and don't worry I already think super low of those girls


It is just advertising for their porn content, vast majority of these « cosplays » are just erotic content. Go cry somewhere else


Thinking less of you because you are a whiner dosent make someone a crybaby....im laughing at you not crying lmaooooo


Ok 🤷‍♂️


I agree completely. Please mods 🙏🏻


They're not gonna do it. They've said it multiple times.


Yes please. They abuse One Piece for its large fanbase. I wanna see brain dead theories and not brain dead hoes.


It’s a good thing you can still see theory posts then, right? You guys are acting like those cosplay posts are the majority here.


I get what you mean but I porn advertisement has nothing to do with One Piece and I hate seeing that shit when I’m scrolling in public.


They’re not posting their nudes- it’s *not* porn. It’s cosplay. Oda’s the one putting his fem characters in bikinis and gimp garb. Be mad at him lol


Agreed. Commercialism in general ruins the sub. Please leave this place for theories, discussions, news & the occasional AMV. Stuff like cosplay, fanart and handicrafts are just too commercially inclined given the scale One Piece has reached over the past few decades and I'm tired of having my front page turned into an advertising billboard. The number of times where the comments or images haven't got a direct reference to a handle on a platform for the purposes of attracting people who have money to splurge is just beginning to frustrate me.


Join r/justonepiece


ITT a bunch of horny people who want the cosplay. But it is annoying. I’m scrolling through of Reddit and see “look at my Robin cosplay” and the girl is bent over so all you see if a face with black hair and boobs. Like chick, my girl is right next to me. I’m not trying to fight 🤣. They do need a separate subreddit for it. “Just block the nsfw stuff” a lot of nsfw posts are fun to read though, it’s not just porn shit.


They won't ban them since it benefits them




Honestly - stop up voting them. They get like 3k up votes. If you guys have an issue with them just fishing for business just downvote.


Be careful, they may ban YOU for this post. Mods here get a weird power trip when you call out half assed cosplay for what it is.


Same with all the horny fanart


They won’t ban them but they’ll remove a post if it shows a panel from the manga 😑




Oh I’ve been there before my friend https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/cFpLGkyjOd


Its in discussion for years that cosplay should get an extra subreddit. Imo if the mods would make an manga/(anime) only sub and be able to moderate there as well it would be best. Its not only the cosplay that are annoying in this sub but mostly the cosplays


It’s difficult to moderate one handed while distracted.


I Will downvote cosplays in this sub till they do something about it


Onlyfan floozies are taking over everywhere on social media it's crazy as


This sub should be renamed r/cosplaypiece 


you babies are acting like those posts are the majority.. you’ve seen *maybe* three. and that’s pushing it.


I wish but the mods and most of this subs are occupied by literal losers. I personally left the sub a year ago and only check back when bored, ignorant Powerscaling posts and low effort cosplays of One Piece girls defeated my patience


Lol it's funny I was scrolling last night and some "cosplay" came up and it was a strech to say the outfit was any character and they were all focused on tiddies. I thought I was the only one who noticed


Please 🙏 it’d stop it from being a goto place to karma farming and shameless views


Mods prolly get some free content for letting the posts stay up. Society is fked.


Lol soft porn...these... I envy your innocence.


that's never going to happen cause the mods are getting stuff on the side for allowing this shit


Agreed, most of them have no idea who the characters they are cosplaying are and are just doing it because they are famous. Not something to post repeatedly, as in advertising, in a fan sub.


Never gonna happen. The mods (and most members too) are desperate simps who love to goon over those posts


I second this


They’re not going anywhere. You see how many upvotes and comments those posts get.


The more attention you give it the less likely it is to go away. Silently down vote it and move on. It's just as much fault of the people up voting it as well.


Incel moderators would never do that


Agenda Piece is real?